IHfc. litt: OMAHA. SAl UKUAt. UClUbtK I'JZl. 17 CUrs fiei Mvtrtlsit litis J a lis imuI a wee I UMi I A 40 r- Ua M . I Mowgiix , IM I'M ! Say I s&Mtwiu dot It .r 111 pes MfeMrll ., N 4 UUI for lM lka m ! tta. ' niw oiiae u Ik Iwil m ta4ef la Alt t4HfftaMiil tPaf I I-' .! 4 4in t.n l i CONY ACT BATrS ON sd aon4 si ib r4loii ifT? rrCB....Jl an rar... H. turn, -1 , a..., ti, v.n.i fiiufrg .. it a-eil -t want ah ttctiviij r t-uoe ... -ATLANTIC lM 1 KB BEE lll tuA t ,epee.alkl fat tvor Iba M naft Inwiiva of 4nimiii ,)r.4 ft tun lUs ts .-, CllWI.Vfl MOin) r0 WANT APS rM,iM K.ntioa 11 , A, (, burning kiltie,. ... M F. M. usdy M.lln. , M. Haliwdsy P yUNERALNOTICEl THE MVVKiTaL of it.ry LiadnM? h riled aru. will ka hM 'lay t 4 p. an. fiunt llrwr fsa.ral Home, 11th and K Ma., !, M. Adam i.ffiileling, America Leglos bavibf Chat al Ih .rate. llyil,jjr eamalery, UA1KKTT Mrt KeU A.. aged It yer. w i.iaw or in ui u.org t, .it, tll-l Ortobar I a, runofel Mrticaa PaturJar at I II p. m. Irnnt tt hni, 1191 lllon.y Mfe-t. Prised Invited. Intaruieul prospect Hill, prtviit. CARD OP THANKS' W K wi.h S thank our many frl.nda aa'l neighbor ..-nii ia.ar'a laarbara, tia link anl Miaa ft) a ana III pupil of th lurrett . hovl of 1'nun. ril lllufla am) th M. It. A. Hi.w No. 4, and th rmnMni of lnupln il.it.flm.Hl t I .... k . 11' 1 1. 1 ... ... ," Ixautlful flow-r anil kitidnria ahown diirln lh (train f tiarar .n n . nvnmiD, Miaa Iran 'i ri . r mi nam .r, VK wlah la that'll our ninny (rl'ii.l a 11 4 nilhiiur fur lhlr klmlna and arm railiy ahoaa a aad also fur th but t.ful floral olfarln all an tlurina th altknaM an4 'laath nf our blv4 fathar nr hiuhanil. (Klanad) Mr, flxirta Tiirnar anil lliltilra. CKMETERIES. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. An Ma! Mr Hon north of rlt llmlta and rrt of nrnr with mllr or niacauam paramanl IZft teria, P-r-INttual rara Nat aprrtte,! for profit, nrm-a 4:1 and No. ctt Umna. Cltjr offir. l:o Brandal Thinlr. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F.J. STACK & CO., Soccoaaor la frk A ralronor OMAHA'B BK8T. XTOAMBULANCFK 1 ninr-toirq ana rurnam, Hulse & Riecen riONKKR rCXERAI. MnECTOF.9. Kornirrlr at 701 a nth 81., r.ava mod la f.!4 Cumin: Ja. ijm. "HEAFEY & HEAFEY"" VndartnXfia od Embalmrr. 'JQ" IjUit.. - Off ic ; 1 1 Parnam. FLORISTS. lee Larmon yypjarv:;, bAI IT WITH KLIlWKRS rHM HEUA ewHOIA. 1411 PARNAM NTRKKT JHN BATH. I(i Famam Jrkon l0. I Handaraon If.H Karnam Jarkimn liil BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Rlrlrm. John and Jeanatta Morrlauy, 432" Lko itrrot, hay. f'harlo and TliWn Lampert, ilO Claris trait, bar. Joaerb and Kathcrlne Bodnar, 1014 Ecw.iril trcet, toy. John and Anna Mulcahy, bopItHi, boy. John and r'alll Jurconnon, 5711 South Tw-nty-tevimth tret, boy. Palldul aud Mary Frtnco, lUSVi Pa cific atrwt, hoy. Oultrpp ard Maria Oaeta, 1301 South -flUth MmV alrj. . .1 - . OMno Tid I'armtla VacantI, 1141 North tii ontrenth tret. boy. Tny-elrhth atrer t. Rlrl. Ca'1 and Jeaaie Surlard, 4213 Cumi.ig t'ct. Iwy. 1 ayiil 1A Tvln 3l)nit PanlfEA a.rant. girl. I'arry and Leona Swanaon, hospital, lrt. - Frank and Vlaata Tavlib, C0I2 South Nineteenth atrect, boy. Death. ' Lmter Mulligan, 7, 3818 Spauldins 'tract. John Wesley Mass, t, SC1J Emmet ' tree:. ' Kliubeth Ellen McCIanaban, S3, 1313 North Fortieth afreet. Lewica Ile,,s, 3440 Vlntoa etreet. '. lienry Orh, 3. hocpltal. Oliver C. Madtson, , 1618 take street. David J. Tyndall, jr., 1", hospital. Fred Abltrren. 40, hoapltal. Ardena Mllllgan, Infant, S.31 1'aclflc ' itreet. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persona were Issued per mit to wed: Uernard Freed. S4, Omalia, ' aftd Haiel 1 Luven, 19. Omaha. Jam Mollvenn. S3, St. Paul, Minn., and Viola Harris, Zl,. Nielsvlllo, Wis. Edward Dlngr, S4, Odebolt. la., and E.x'her Anderson, 21. Odebolt, la. Uert Loomer, 33. Klron, Ia and Edna C. Burkwall. 84. Klron, la. Fred ft. Mundlln. 43. Omaha, and An lelln Zirl. 43, Cleveland. O. - John P. Bowling. 33, Omaha, anil Grace ' Wagner, IS, Omaha. Henry C. Bellman. 47, Dcs Moines, la., and Lena M. Portman. 87. Denver, Colo. LOST. FOUND"AND REWARDi. , REWARD 40 for return of ult case ( and contents, taken from Ford tour ( ' Inc car mat f T, if. C. A. on October 10. No nueetlon asked. Georg Bar- neil, wunon, hid. VOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet ear tele ' phon Tylar 8. Wo are analou to re- ator loat rtlc!e to rightful owner. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS BT. RT ' COMPAMT - 135 REWARD for fur neckpiece lost be . twaen Twenty -second and Twenty- fourth atreeta on Coming. 2200 Cum- (ng. Douglas 4643. PARTT taking gray- and black tiger Mrlped cat from vicinity of Ml, ft. :' Marys Ave. la known. Return and avoid trouble. LOST Roll of blueprint; plea return to Eve-ett a Dodds, 71S Biandela The atr Blilj?. " 1 LOST A sealskin collar, trimmed in gray squirrel. Call Kenwood 1837. Reward. LOST Fur neckpiece, between Howard -d Harney on Kith St DO 7413. dayn. LOST St. Bernard, light brown, female. tteo-ar,!. VI 0K49. - PERSONAL. VOLT noses, disfiguring scar, pox pi tm wrinkles, muady complexion, sagginc cheeks, moth patches, deep lines, pore, dlscloratlons and all other disfiguring blemishes aad assymetriea removed paln-i -: Plastic and Cosmetlo Surgeon. -Uslna; : the Woodbury system, and the only on j in tbls territory using the New D Ca , Mgnao system for removal of acars and burns, etc., without "cutting" or "fill ing." Thirteen year in Denver. Write Bailey Institute, Suite 334, 235, 13 Kmptr Bululding. Denver. Colo. All communication treated with atrlcteat confidence. 1UK SALVATION Army Industrial bom olleit your old clothing, furniture, magailne. W collect W durtrtbut. Phon Dougla 41JS and our wagon will call Call aad Inaptet our oew noma, me-nn-ju podge a FOR SALE THE LOVfi OF A HOME LESS WAIF. PRICK REASONABLE. WRITE BOXX-Sl. Omaha Bee. BATT1B Putnian. Nvbon rort Shoo. t Krhch Block. A" lift RENT HOOVER vamom. tl p Har 1071. ELECTRIC baths. Swed. maea. WE. 291 1 MASSAGE trtatment. 3I Neville Block. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9.49. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9549.- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating.- ACCORDION. aide, kotla. unburt. box V Heating, covered button, all laj and tyle: hmstltcblng. pleat edging, yo , let cat work, button bo , pranaata. Ideal Buttoa and Pleating Cav. Ml Brown Blk. Jackaon 1911 2IKB. Pleating Betton Co.. llii Farnam ' St, Id noor. Douglas MT9. : Contractus a-Painting. BRICK., plaattror aad cats.nl. new and I work. 1. Nan. Walout 46i;. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dnrtnf AcxMaruat. KEKP'Si' foai a-l fiH.i aa tuf chllra. wr atba-t. aul.k raxiltk P. . Ull H' m. ait Ta. Jf a) . ' 1 JVe.-rlne .hw M l;aala. 1414 firnin, fwif la tl til 14.4 alalia ! k all 'rli tanrm KtitAi lrianr I4 tut. :t) aUIUISJ tlt tWMUo m. a r. tin DtnlUttt. HiSHriV-AII klaJa 4ati "f1 dm t it. a Mtfrmanr t rtbla lnrllr !! Pat.. Hal re. rU4rn l-il irtlitaa4. I'M ine4'. Mll'tt" '' W" Ifxallait H and CAllfarata. T rtaraay or frea.i.. air Cunuaf lrt r.r At'aniM t. DftKtiVM. ltKI.tAM.lt I'atrrilv buraatt. KHa K. fciK.. JA tt WiM. K BH Hit nrtrfn4ant ateil rntraau. 14 Ntvlll ttikAtl. tll wiiht. Wat. K t J AalH AI.I.AN. HI NavtlT Blk rvi4nr arur4 la all aa Altanll IU Drmnvakinf. rt'R", aulta, 4rMr rVo4J4, ll4. 11. mi, rAI'IHk' and ihllJr.n awln. Mar, ml Kodak FiAlshtac. ril.Mal ilvondi prtniln and nlrlii(. I writ for prka TO bnia iui riovata Rt. KNI.ARCIRVIKNTB. ll i-olor!n, dr.lopih, prlntln. Kaa Htudlo, lit N.vtll Hit Pitent Anorneri. PATENT ATTORNEYS J W XARTIK. patfit a'tr. I'M td M lcllnout AnnounccmentL diamonds PvrT,.,:r,b,priS:. a bay back al amall profil. OB'fJi JtWKI.RT CO. 401 N. lth uoof la 4. UAZmi Bl.AUtS harpn.t. bind, lie duubla da, 4io uo. Mall oro.r o lirllrd umaha H.aro Co.. Q W Hiw. UMAIIA I'llloar Co., frather ranovated anil made up lu new tlcklni. 1107 I'umliiK. Jnrknon 1441. KiHJbHB Canftellanury Hiora. S4lb and Karnam HI.. Jarkaon III! I'l l, draaa and tudc for rent. John rVldman. N. llb Bt. Jackaon HJI. NF.W and rebuilt letrlr apparatua. UeBrnn Elwtrle. Ill 8. llth Bt., nmna. UXPRKsa trunk hauling Fhou Atlantic 4I. Ul'KN-AIll laundry. Uuaranlwd. Hr. if. BP.ITT Priming Co. Kilt B?dg. ' FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods; OAK dining room ault conalailng of round caienalon tablv. aix chair with leather hacka and a.ata. aervlng table; a ln rocking rhnlr and two oil lirater. nearly new Edward Updlka, ill! Far. nam ft.. Omaha. Nli. RI.KCTRIt! waahlnir marhln. uanT a A Umoiiatralor; good na new; leaa than half prlrr; can -b M-rii at pmah Van Ac Slora. Co.. 11th and Leavenworth, I,( 4 1 ri.l or Phone llKgblad A Co., ItO. l73l.aSuniy HA. in.n. KOI, ID walnut d'raaar. Call WB 21. HARD coal a'uve. Her. UMi. P'anoa n1 Musical Instruments KOR KKAI, phonograph karaain. three new atandard 10-Inch rocorda, 11.00. be th RIAI.TO MITRIC RHOP 1414 IM'IKILAS STREET. OEO. A. SMITH Dealer in druma.iylo phonea. etc.; Inatmi'tiona. rinalrlng; S7l Pavenport St Phnn Hnrnv 29i7. REAL PIAXO BARdAIN. J. A V. FH'n.r Piauu. etoellent con dition. Walnut rear. !7u. ItlALTO Mt:WC CHOP 14 1 DOi;OI,A8 STREET. V IOI. INS. bow atrlnc and reoalrln at lowent prtrra Mtthw Btudla 40 nnnriaa b:r. oro Hvdna AT jni TRADE your uaed piano on a new player piano. Balance a low a 119.00 per month. A. Hoar Co.. 1113 DongUa, JOHN TAFF eaxophon hon repairing and aupnlle. lot iwian; Blilg. D. HITS. Coth-'nn and Furs. buy your fur dl'ect from maker., aava 75 to 5Q per eeBL , COATS. WRAPS. CAPES. COATEES, STOLES AN! CHOKERS. CHAS. J. OOLPSTKIN FUR CO., 16tli and DourI, Tel. Jackaon '1112. . Over Fry Shoo Shop, Out-of-town patrona writ ua , your want. FOR le. a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dun- da aulta, cheap, alteration rra. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, NorthweM for.. Iltn and Harney 81. A VERY handaom leal coat, full length. with extra large waver collar ana cuffs, at a great bargain. 1021 Daven port St. FURS remodeled, relfned and cleaned KNI5BTBH ALASKA FUR CO.. t m IMh St. Ooiivbia 72RI Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWK1TERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA, Oet our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Jackson 4120. 1912 Parnam. WE buy. sail safe, make desks, ahow eaea, etc Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., h. w cor. Mtn ana uougias. ja. iti, Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rant, ronslr. sell needle and pert a ' MICKEL'S ISth and Harney Dougla 1S78. BCTTER-KIST machine with peanut roaster attachment. First class condi tion. Will sell or trade. 1509 South Main street, Council Bluffs. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS Now deaki. used dsk bought, sold and traded J. C Read, 1207 Famam. D. 1141 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. CIVIL service examinations, Omaha, No vember. Position 1. 400-11,400. Age. 1 8 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free particular. Instruction, writ J. Laonard (former civil service ex aminer), 909 Equitable Bid?., Washing ton, D. C. MANAGER WANTED To manage and auperintend a small packing hause, must be capable and able to furnish best reference. To such a man an attractive contract will be made. Reply to W. N. Jones. The Homestead, Kingsoort, Tenn. Professions and Trades. WANTED Man for general work. On experienced In paperhanging. , HASTINGS 4b HEYDEN ' Atlantlo 0050. 1 YOUNO men, who ran either sing, or i. play aom kind of musical instrument to travel. Write Lock Box 13. City. WANTED A paperhanger and painter. 17 OS Cuming. Doug'.aa t!6i. O, L Wlemar. MOLER BARBER COLLEGES. Ill S 14tn Writ for ctiog. Salesmen and Solicitors. OPPORTUNITY for young man with banking exp. to get Into the selling game. W. R. Stemm. 421 Paxton Bldg. MEN for Omaha and vicinity to sell the Vital Automatic Vacuum Cleaner; is not electric. 1013 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Experienced house to house salesman. Exceptional proposition. Call AT. 4200, Apt. (11. Mr. Wash. TWO good salesmen, sell toilet goods on commission; Iowa or Nebraska. Box L-40. Omaha Bee. IF YOU are a real ealeamaa aad know it, . call Atlantic 1940. Miscellaneous. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON, either x, may earn 1100 to 110 monthly corres ponding for nwpaper: i to US per column; all or (pare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau. Buffalo. K. Y. BOY for housework and cooking. Ref erence required. US No. 14th Bt, Har. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. EXP. Mnltigrapb operator tak charge FREE-in The Bee Help Wanted Ads To help relieve the Omaha unem ployment situation, The Bee will pub lish, not to exceed seven days, all ( help and situation wanted classified ' advertisements. They must be confined to 18 words, originate in greater Omaha, Coun cil Bluffs, and be taken to the office. The Omaha Bee WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. AT LI UK.RTT lluilon picture operator, nan-unlun. married, or. m patent aud (labia, ilMire position in theater in town of t.Ovl or better; la ry, your limit ; ref.rancr If illrd. Addr.aa Boa T-1701, ()mHa Be. WANTED PtwiTloa by yuuag marrlvd man. Hot.l clerk, (levator operator. ny prmnn Job, l, 191)9; aik tor irvonard, - IMKIKKEKUNG r a.nwal offloo work. rapid and scour!) xprlncd In lumber, coal, gratfbnr hardwaro mar rlwjl. , lio L-44,Wmaha lloo BY aa-aMrvtf man. 24. Btadv workar. Hav bid electrical eip.rienc. hefer eng... Will lake anything. L-71. onia- na xfee. WANTED Study noiltlvo a painter. paper hanger or Janllori beat of refer- a.-; atat aaltry. ttog omen lira YOU NO married man, high acliool and larhnlcal education, wania Job, will lake anything, llox L-4, Omaha Bee. CAPABLE young man wan I clerical work; knowledge of bookkeeping. Can give reference. Box X-7J. Omaha Bro, lOUNU married man, l.lographr, can do any hind offlc work, experienced grocery clerk. Box X-9, Omaha Bee. REGISTERED druggist dnrr poaltlon in or neur Omaha. Hood recommendation, 10 year exp. Box L-7J. Omaha Be. MAN. 10. with afternoon at leisure, ev perletired office and retail clerk. Prefer poaltlon in Council Blurt, lied Itil. MAN with nssenibling exp. and month auto school wants work by niochunlo or garage. J. Beiittt, 601 0. 13th St. YOl'.VU man, 20, helper to machanla er any kind girng work; vaiu expori once mora than lary. Doug. S2l. BUSINESS colleg and university grad uate want clerical position. Think It over, then call m up. Harney 7019.- STENOGRAPHER Crelghlon law nigh atudent, aom experience, deatre a po. tlon as tenogrpher. Walnut 09V1. EXPERIENCED auto mechanic; married; will take anything ateady: handy with tool, wnst nv your r, . POSITION In traffic department, gen. clerk, 13 yr. experience in railroad cler. 1cal work. Bx. L-, Omaha Be. . TWO experienced restaurant men want work out of town a first or second cook and waiter. Jackson 2722. POSITION in general office work. Sales man,, clerk or bookkeeper. Steady and i-OSmON wanted by lice..d engineer. J " Bo Can do tamflttlng .and machine r. omana nee. pairing.- Bo L-45, Omaha Be. YOUNG lady with i yeara clerical and y; .., . . ; 8 months atenographer experience wishes EX-NAVY msn, 24 y.ars. d alre. PMltlori (fl fc Qo fl referen(!e,. MA. 2681. aa electrical salesman, can how refr , , . ence. Box L-C7, Omaha Bee. EXP. young woman will take caro of . n rooming house for room and amall SITUATION WAfl rKU-njjr young man a rinrA rafAraneea f'all At 102 pertenced chauffeur. Good reference wages. Hood references, call At. wz. Call Red 1966, Council Bluffa. STENOGRAPHER, by lady, 20, with two WANTED Job a." salesman or cleric. Hav, ywrf oxporienco Id wholesale "trlct had experience. Can give good refer- Can give re nc. Call Doug. 6800. ence. Box L-69, Omaha Bee. PRACTICAL nurse having 10 yr. exp. YOUNG man wants position of any kind: h engagement. Can give excellent experienced In clerical and mechanical . r,t8,rncM'- .. Mr' . lines. Box X-141 Omaha Bee. DAY WORK wanted. Experienced white WB deliver trunk, anywhere for 60c to w.,mn... f?T- Web,tr 1 7So. Moving 13 per hr. 24th and Leav. Call after 8 p. m. . enworth. Atlantlo 64l. AN EXPERLENCED nur will taka-car WANTED Clerical- position by young mar ff children or will take cases. Call ried man. Hav had six yar of cUrlcal Kenwood 46.4. experience. Wal. 1348. . EXP young lady wishes to, care for chll- W ANTED Position Inside by an overseas dren by day or hr. JOo'per nr., good oldler who Is supporttne, mother, peat ref. At. 1068. . reference. WA. 1662. STENO and Bkkpr. Thr yeara Insurance WANTED Steady employment by mar- oxperlonce. and general offlc work. ried man. Willing to do anything. Ad- Webster 18.. dress 4424 Parker St., city. WANTED. JOB Women and children's YOUNO man with unlv. training wants Plata . sowing-. Work guaranteed. WA. . clerical position or opening aa apecialty "X. ' salesman. Jackson 2477. CLERICAL, stenographic er circular mall- WANTED Inside Job by an oversea ing to do at home. Box L-T4, Omaha oldler supporting mother. Beat ref- Bee. " crence. Walnut 1642. LADY desire position In restaurant, bo- WANTED A position a eal.eiim.iu: can tel. or doing homework. DO. 1341. ell anything; A-l referencea. Box . l-i. Omaha Be. Laundry and Day Work. YOUNG fellow of 26 want any Kind of LAUNDRY work and cleaning wanted by work: head of tcck rooms prefe-red. first -cls 'laundress; reference. Wob- Hox X-17. Bee. - - Iter 2973. - ' . EXPERIENCED cylinder feeder or all FIRST-CLASS laundering, all kinds, lines around shop; good referencea L Telephone Web 0326. Residence 2613 16, Omaha Bee. - Lake St, EXPERIENCED non-union carpenter COLORED lady wanta day work of any wants position. Call AT. 4200 Apt kind. Can furnish reference. Web. 611. Mr. Wash. Hil. MAN experienced in all kind of work COLORED woman wants day work; laun- deslres position at once. Very capable. dry and cleaning. Telephone Web. 4711. Atlantic 4069. FIRST-CLASS laundress want all kind COLORED boy want Job a porter or day work. Call Webstar 6629. bus boy. Phon Webster 0M2. Archl - . . ; , armia COLORED lady want day work. Can : r 1v e'ty reference. Wb. 1931. MARRIED msn with family wanta poi- r 77Z : .- tlon as chauffeur or other work. Webi LAUNDRY work with reference. WB 6004. 26. ' DAY work wanted. Webster 0103. COLORED Tuskegee Inst, graduate eleo- , trlclan wishes work on trade. Webawr MlBCellaneOUB. GOING to Colorado soon. Would take GOOD MAN wants work. Will do work charge of invalid or child for part far, of any kind. 1508 llth Ave.. Co. Bluffs. Box X-81, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EDUCATIONAL. . Stores anu Offices. " DA school night school; su wwwa. . Complct conrve in accountancy, ma. CIVIL service examination, Omaha, chin bookkeeping, comptometrv. abort- November. Position 11.400-11, (DO. Age, Band and typewriting, railroad and 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. wire! telegraphy, civil rvlc and a'l For free particular, instrucUon, writ larg Uluatrated catalog. Addrwa J. Leonard (former civil (orvlee ex- . BOYLES COLLEGE, aminer), 909 Equitable Bldg., Waahlng- Boyle Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ton, x. C. Engtlab and commercial branches. GIRL over IS yr of ago to answer Write, call or phon Jarkaon 1615 for phone, small salary to tart. Box L van Bant School of Btutneaa. 100. Omaha Bee. ; Day and Evening School. , , Professions and Trades. " 0in"hSorn6saul" BMf" WANTED Ladle to Itarn barber trade, '" 1 , ,,3 ripeolal rate and inducement. nTTSTNirCCi rHAMPYTfi TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. HU8IW11.5S CHAWC11.S. j CrtiJ.:,.:,. " SALE8 MANAGER There is a big op- Saleswomen ana solicitors. portunlty for om live. man to ecur WANTED Bright Intelligent young Udy th xcluiye .elllng agency In thi ter. for traveling position: pleaaant, profit- rltry for th most needed auto aece. able employment; extensive traveL 131 oryi " competition; must be finan- S. 19th St Callaway. daily able to carry merchandise stock; WANTED-ialeslady. One who .peak. '."SS" " Italian or Bohemian. Good money. Call i . , AT. 4200, Apt. 611. Mr. Wash. START a mail order business; be Inde- ... . . . , - . . . .' pendent: six beat sellers; all new: manu- W:7F:1-ZlrriSn?t..'XI'X?i rturlng and llng plan for ailver. Call AT. 4200, Apt. 111. Mr. Waah. J. Q. Hoot on. Rawl.burg, W. Va. WANTED Exporleneed aalealady. CaU roR SALE Two good meat markets o. AT. 4200. Apt. 111. Mr. Mash. cated 20 mile from Omaha. Good bul- . Household and Domestic A"TM f T'1?2- 0m'1," Bt" 1. WANT to hoar from owner having buai- EXPERIENCED woman for general nee for sale. J. C. McConney. Tor housework; permanent position if sat- ralnal Bldg., Omaha, Neb. isfactory; good wage. Harney 4611. Mrs. Ralph Kiewltt. WHITE laundress, experienced with eleo- FOR RENT ROOMS. trio machine. Webster 4018. FurTUSned Rooms. . Miscellaneous. get youh room '- HOUSEKEEPER wanted by young man through The Bee furnished room dl on a farm. Mention wages wanted; also 'or3'-, c l offlc for lUt of choice female corn picker, wanted. Addr desirable room In al part of th city. Box T-1700 Omaha Be ' A rvce that benefit, both Mlvrtir 1 and room aeeker. SOMETHING new, needed by every Udy. ,..,. K.. , ' Big commi.sions. Invtigte. Call 12 N1EfiLi ' n9dtTn J1. to 1. tit Leflana TUr lath ui Can. Walking distance, on car line. Suit- ltolT ' BMr- mh M4 able for couple employed or two ladle or two gentlemen. Plenty heat. Reason- HELP WANTED. able, no bo. i4th st. TWO furnlhd room with board if de Male and r etnale. sired; alo garage; In north part of TEACHERS WANTED. city. Kenwood 169. . ; W ar flooded with call, for all TWO front room in realdence. Weet line. Enroll with n and get th pool. Farnast- district. 101 So. 3th. Har. tlon you deal re. W can place you. 2789. STEWnL,n?HlE.RVICE EE. 199-Nlcely furnished room, em- t-'ucein. Nebraska. ployed couple preferred. Breakfast given. Wbabrb!Sd7mVBd- itl CHARLES 6U. 3871; clean, pleaunt room. tMsroor Trade, big d.msna; wages while board if dMired him. nr,.,i H loamlng. rletly modern. Call or wrlu " bom P"vlege- , 14 IVx Bt Trt-Qty Barber College. DOUGLAS 6949 Furntahsd room In prl- d "rT, 77i 1 r vat family. 223 So. 13th St. I he Bee Want Ads. Are the Best yBAT room tor 1 or ; gentumeT sil Business Boosters. ' Pal Ave, HA. 2673. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WAM to Situation a aw't mechanic or arrvlc man. Call Atlantis 43011, Anu ill, O. J. Nolte. RELIABLE man, II, want work of any kind; Interview appreciated Bus L tl, Omaha H, ACTIVE elderly painter, 30 year" xp., (Oe an br will accept other work. Call Tatrn. Marker 4IS7. YOUNO man. 12 year, wnt job aa fire man or Janitor. HtnJy with tool. Box L-3, Omh He. EXPERIENCED hardware rl.rk want position. Can give good refrnc. Call Atlantlo llii. STUDENT with bu.lna.a eip.rl.ni want afternoon or avanlng work. Call Bakr, Doug. 1zo. WANTEI Job fireman or janitor, married. Middle age. Call Mar. 1322. MAN deatreo poaltlon carpenter; first- class finisher. Box L-e4, omana . BX-RKRVICB man, drive any car. Clean wall paper: anything. Atlntlo 047. YOUNO man (n.gro), xp. In many llna anything considered: ref. WE. 0191. YOUNG man 21. want poaltlon as tlm- keepcr or chauffeur, Wal. 4111. WANTED Job aa automobll or truck driver. Experienced. Mark. 3744. EXPERIENCED bouaeman or porter de sires poeit'on. Webster 8004 WALLPAPER cleaning. 76c to 11.60 par room. Phone Jackson 2722. 1 EXPERIENCED acetylene welder, any kind of ahop. MA 4334. MAN nanta to carry atull for company. Box I.-. uniaha Bee. WANTED Job in factory, Olab waalilug, Walnut 117. CO' ORiiD man want job aa janitor, Web, 6471. Female. STENOGRAPHER 23, high achool grad uate. deSarea noiltlon. Make nom with parent. Two years' Inauranc xp- rienc. Box X-74, Omaha Be. EXPERIENCED (eamstrusae want ladle' awing: coata or dreases; price re nnabl. Your satisfaction 1 our aim. Douglas lil. EXPERIENCED . (tenographar desires . stenographic or secretarial work naif days. Excellent reference. Bos L II, Omaha Bee. EXP. Bteno. and typist desires position of KOK KN1-lOOMS. HoumW pint. Rooms, I a v , v r. 1 w tl'. baltaf Itutr'ekeapllig raani I Ih 4ireury furuiah.il to 4erit..r si4 rwu buut.r. tall t It. olfic Iur fre eauy atliii.g 4irlil4 taoari In l 'r f Hia :y, rl 'r HI Two f iul i uvw.7 nf- l luri.h,. nly aiiHi,i rtv.r, tblng lurni.Hcd. i'ln, um.l and hi,iuy, JTl Vfc f C K K T M A Vie Ti 1 M 4 yt l rm i fur iht huk.ytgi tiwly d-ir.t- LAHiiti, front rww for I t li s luiunkvn. In, f'ral (Iwofl BO hii4rn, IUl N. 'h l. TWO liM bt'ag, rma., and It.hu furnieii.d, I. 1114 MaM. AT 61.1. WKI4 furnub-4 mw liitmin rornna on rr una, inuiire jjw r. .'i e. KukiM uii. vlrau; sink, tan, Po. ti'h A. lUrney 4171. 1 WieXIIKTH Wl.. 1 1 lN I l''11 P f."s Board and Rooms. I'll KKHr't ! room, exciLni ni'ala. riirid. ly privata. I or I gintlm.n. HA. ISI. ii A K.v f. 341 Beautifully fiirnihl rm. ultabl for two. Itreakfaal If d4ra4. Unfurnished Rooms. 1 er i fount, atriolly mo-Urn; iauuale, 1'rlvate vnlram. Waluut 6761, FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. H HNIKHILD fivo-roum bungalow, nut t!4. Wal. Unfurnished. For Rent 1901 No. tPth St., l-room, garag, pav.d atrect, fully moUsrn, 166. Ilu ln.dlul puaMlun, Rasp Bros.. ill Kwlln ltulldlng. Atlantlo 0721 NICE hull, S room, and bath, ga. eluo Irlclty, but water and garage; 30 per month. S03J Plerr St. MODERN i-room cottag In Ualaton, two block from car. 1'huu J, T. O. Stewart, Ralaton. in-W. ATLANTIC 1034, even-room cotlag. good nelghborbood, modern xcept beat. Mr, lUney. I-HOOM. uiodern liouae; g.ra.; i:l do. sun m, m. narit.y .u.n, SIX-ROOM modarn bouse, 110. WE. 3861. forrentptsTTnd flats Unfurnished. . Apartments Available NO. II KINOSHOROUGH. 1611 Dodge St Consisting living room, with wall bed, dining room, kitchen, bath and dressing room, Kent 166.00, Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" lTth and Farnatn Sis. Atlantic 0544. Peters Trust Company, WHERT! OMAHA KENT. FOR RENT Business Property. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., llth nnd Jone Bta FOR RENT Store, 808 So. 18lh St Phone Atlantic 0151. BEE r. D. WEAD. 110 SO. 18TH ST MOVING AND STORAGE, FIDELITY Wan CO. STORAGE MOVING. PACKINO HOUSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANOa REASONABLE RATES. , REDUCED FRE'GIIT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard 8t Jackson 0!JS METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. owned by H n Bowcn Co Atlantic 2400 ESTIMATES furnished on storage A mov. Ing. Contract taken by Job or hr. Globo Van & Storage Co., JA. 4338. AT. 0230 630-24 North 16th St FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked room for household goads and piano, moving, packing and hipping. JEKINS OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGI5. SOI South ltb. Douglas 4168. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SCOTCH COLLIES, Fox Tarrlers. Toy Poodle, pedigreed stock, roasonabla, Parkway Kennels. 2802 South 16 WHEAT screening. 11.26 per 100 lbs., de livered. Wagoner, 801 N. 16. J A. 1142 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORDS! FORDS! We have the largest and most' com. plete line of Ford In the middle west. Each car ha bean tested thoroughly and is in tint-class mechanical condl tlon. Many hare Just the accessories you desire. , ROADSTERS TOURINGS. . COUPES .... SEDANS ...165 TO 1260 .. 220 TO 300 .. 390 TO 450 ... 400 TO 600 Term If you want them.' USED CAR CO. Of Authorized Ford Dealers ' AT. 5067. . ,206"! Famam St. FORDS! FORDS! CUT-PRICE sale on new and used Fords, iuu and up, coupe and sedans, 1200 up. Bulck, Dodge, Nash and other models at a discount. Ford trucks, 2326 and up. Winter tops, commercial bodies. Cash Time Trade. GOLDSTROM'S AUTO SALES CO. Open day and night. Then Central Garage, 1318 Harney St, Tel. Jackson 2468. 1920 Ford roadster, Ilk new, 1276. 1920 Ford touring, demountable wheels, 1265 1120 Ford coupe, many extras, 1425, 1920 Ford sedan, refinlshed, 3385. CASH OR TERMS, MANY OTHERS. Motor Exchange Co. 2024 Famam St. Dougla 8987. FOR BALE Model 47, 1921, Hayne. 7- passenger touring car In first-class con dition; all cord tires; taken In on legal transaction and must be sold. Address J. L. Blddiecom, cashier. First Na tional bank. Havelock, Neb. SOME bargain in used Fords; prompt unlivery on new roros, M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., Th Handy Ford Service Station. Uth and Jackson 8ts. DO I50S. fiflr'aO'PH w build ar attractive, vial agco permanent, low priced. iflcklen Lumber A Wrecking Co. Web. 5515. 24th end Burdette Sta. A HE-NEW-ED Marmon 34,- I a better buy at Its price thsn a new car at thn same price. H. Pelton. 2019 Fayiam. USED cam bougbt. sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. WHITELY SXSrJTir:. lot K;I.l.Y. expert uto trimmer 111 8. 24th Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive It yourself lo do your mo;'in ,md haul- - nig? It will av you on-h.lf your moving bill. -,. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. ' Doug. 2.H2. Accessories. Adjustment Tires Real Honest Merchandise. 30x3 14.00 32x3i 16.60 3x3tt...... 4.50 32x4 ...... 1.60 S3x4 1.60 34x4 8.00 Blemished nd Seconds. Adams Tire Co. 8058 Military Avenue. Benson. WHY buy cheap new tires when you can get the best factory adjusted tire at bargain price. Fabric, and cords, all aises. 93 up. - FLEISHMANS TIRE SERVICE. Bar-rice Oarage, llth and Leavenworth. REAL ESTATE WANTED. K. I". BODGE CO., quick sales. DO. M2. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Wanted Listings ?"J pi innsis im ua Ml V'-. Payne Investment Co., 131 Ilu, Mai. Ilk. Illdg, lit 1.4 I Will Pay Cash for Brick Houne In Dundee W( I f tMiina, pl ever ; teo; .l al I.IIM, AttSWer. I'Mfld. 11111. blal 1U1. tl.. S..H3, lie. CAN par rah fr a rl b.ra. B la ft ur .u-r-H-m liuuMi n-Mliii, i lulia'-l value. io,i.tli.a, g,, etiUii A. a.riin,,ii 4 m-.i pn. Is dial Wllef '''.'"? I'" X-t, IHll.tl ltr. LleT your lui, k .u.r. baiitt, 1I.1 ur mall sranni-eia with u. lor r-i r. HI; hVM buyer, fli'iiil't iaerlla, - k-sib at sonr avrhitc. iN,fie Healiy I . 61 I'.t.ra 1 ru.t ll.J., J.cfcava T buy or aril tiniatm tu.i K.'.i - FOWLER & M'DONALD H!s ritj; Njt t'k llldg Jkmi Ml, THE Iildtt7litlaltel rT.ut 'offii-j ' M'CACUE I.NVCSTMENT CO I6I lodg Mt. Iwigls tilt. CONSULT u If yuu e.ini.miilai balldlnT r wleb la buy ur a-u Oniab real iai r,. Ci B STl'HT CO. City Nl. Bank Hl.lg. pr, ITIt. LIST your property with Ft Nl'KHIIL'MK At HIIOTIIERTOV, Douglaa I401, l t'mah Nat. Ilk. Illdg Full real eataia. Insurance, rental,- I'. J. TKIIHKM4 COMPANY, lJOmh Kai. Hank. Jarkaon till. LISTYOlrH llT-NUAI.oV WITH lV II. K MANVII.l.E. II. an. .r. Atliilc2IOj. ill I'eler Truel Illdg. HAVE 1 ng ulrlr fur home do ouwnt to ll your prurwrly Llt II with tl A Grlnimal. fiitinh Nl'l Bk Bulk I' Hull IT r of your raai siat, w hav many buyer and o licit rout buai nao Shopen Aj Co.. Realtor JA. 4314. H I R K FIT T " K - K tTTET UilaiU 1 I k,IUi n,. n,ura 160 Peter Truat Illdg. Jackaon l3 THOS.W.HAZEN,u"1,,:,i: 01 Mcri Hldir. Tfl. 9130. GRUENIGfiTlS,?, Llat with a) raault 1411 tat. Natl. Hk Pldg. Jackaon 191. LIST your proivrty, vacant or Improved. I. V. KHOLEM COMPANY. III City Nat. Ilk. Bldg. J A. 0M. Mark Martin S.-.r' 1041 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FARM LANDS. Miunestota Lands. EQUITY iJind Exchange Kt Paul. Minn Wyoming Lands FOR SALE 20 ucre. Hi fattnm. Yakima vall-y, 1121 crop brought ll.luo for cbcrrle. and pcmiioa. Is.ooo for applea CotlHK ha ulet'trlo light ami water, 1 mile from live town. For ternra, addrcM ownor: no agents. O, H. Drown, Itout 3, (Irnndvlew. Wyo. FWACIAL. Seal Estate Leans. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB, FARMS O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO, ' . 1014 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 271S. Wo hav caab on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEB, INC. 628 Keollne Bldg. 1100 to 110. noo mad promptly. F. D. WEAD. Weal Bldg. 310 S. llth St REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. 1560 and up, lota near 55th' Leavenworth. Eary terms. Owner, Walnut 6H39. REAL ESTATEIN VESTMENTS NEW BRICK BUILDING 9 PER CENT NET EASY TERMS New brick building consisting of two store room now occupied as a drug store and grocery store, located on the car line and the main thoroughfare In one of the bent suburban district in Omaha, Building 1 modern, all ape , clals in and paid for. A chsnce to se cure a good Inveatment wher value are sure to Increase, on terms of 13,000 cash, balance monthly, J. L. TITATT COMPANY Better Values Hlatt Bldg. 1914-10 Douglas Atlantlo 0063. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Fair Acres Exchange Wo have a client who has sere In. Fair Acres, very high and sightly that is valued at 120.000 who would consider exchanging for residence property lu the neighborhood of 16,000 to 810.000. Payne Investment Co., 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dougla 1780. WILL take lots, second mortgage or con tract as part payjnent oa new 4-room, partly modern bungalow, 2 lots; no city taxes. Wslnut 5704 or Jackson 0686. ., GET ready your second mortgages for a lot 50x135, paving pntd; Stu street, near Cathedral; price (2.500. v FIKK & PRIOR. JA. 2119. FOK SALE Ok- will trade on house, good battery business in good location; mak ing money; investigate. Atlantic 8633. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Dundee Frame and Kellestone construction; 8 rooms, 2 full stories, located on hiiih 1 alghtly lot, i block to car line; oak anu wnite enamel rinisn, artistically decorated: oak floors throughout; at tractive fireplace and bookcases In llv ing room; latest in kitchen equipment; furnace heat, . Reasonable price and terms, George & Co., REALTORS. i ' ,' Atlantic S021. ,. ., Dundee Bungalow Five Rooms and Garage " Lot 50x126. extends from 50th St. tu 50th Ave.; both streets paved; beauti ful shade, hedge and shrubs; full ce ment basement with floor drain, hoi air furnace, gas beater; oak floor and finish; screened porch with awning painting and decorating now; select your own paper. Price, 87,000; easy terms. . For appointment call Mr. Camnbell. Webster 02S8. evening. R. D. Clark Company, REALTORS, Atlantic 8531. 402-3 Securities Bldrf. Florence. Ntbaway Flor. prop, tin color.. KE. 1401 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West A Clairmont Snap , Here is your chance to buy a 6-room modern borne In beautiful Clairmont Addition for a price you have been waiting for alt summed. Oak finish, bult-in colonnade, beautiful stair hall. ' All very large rooms: fine cement base ment. The price will surprise you, it only $3,650 with 12,000 earn. D. E. Buck Co., Realtors 142 Om.' Nat l Bo.nl;. Jackson 2000. Evenings. Buck. KE. 21.14; Vero, WE. i Nwlon, HA. 5943. Wanted: An Offer on a 6 -room. trictly modern bom; -full basement; only -j block to car; fln location; rental of S roomi on 2d floor will make payments. Call IX) 058.. 1 H. W. Volland, T10 Peter Trust Bldg. Douglis 9686. 1500 CASH WILL Maka you th owner of thi beautiful little) 6-room home. Modern; a block to Harney car and a aplendld south front lot Newly painted a pretty cream color. Decorating new. Couldn't be In nicer shape. Ua heater In basement Price, 13.500. SHOPEN & CO.. J A 4221. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. 21.25 Cash Price 15.00. T rooms, modern with eleeptng porch, garage. Phone Mr. Gordy. AT. 3366, I W. YOUNO COMPANY, ' AT. 1216. 1219 First Nat. Ba.ik Bldg BEST offer made buy 4177 Wakeley Ave., fin 7-room bungalow. Cathedral district. Crelgh. mi Be. JA 421. J B ROBINSON, real eat l and lovet-m-nl 142 Peter, Trust DO. SW7 vi a Lt luyrr for ihI 4 bad I , la d flt-at ri wf (,. 1,-IU. that it! k. tjuril.l aiiMiiui II.. tub mitii f li iu ll, .h. If D. E. BUCK 41 CO. ouy and sell hirtnea. ! REAL ESTATE I MPROVfD Writ. iTur! HUB Yt lt! LOOKING) Foil 4 f VB'lAlXf TUla place ajtiMt ba oM. . b lra.lr in (ur Da SnaH, I W If t I tiH.aki f..r a law , TM M a l-aattul I leoe iiw iel.b".al" aUit, atvaua Iweted la lb bwuulul l .ri.rik ,i4i'imo. Till pi.- baa aaiibl aairaaa. Ian lining rwunt, inlul dim riai wllb I' Hiiil-ln bufi.i, all .ni.ti4 I. f a S'-t f oak Juai II. ku.h.n your wit b boa .li.aiii. of, In white 1. an,. I; oak ,.-r. alt buHt-i faiu waiu b-H.li. Two bMwiiful ! b4. raai, lr dr.. el.aia. pie bath. Tbr- f"a fiaiabed la wkit am. tk fioura. In f "'r will uk lb' properly, A lami wilt be on duty ImuI.M lb arftee, a Call 111 olflc aud S't tU flrvl ihaue. . A TfKlir ski. 129 Fliil Nll.i li-lik, Jaik.on l?l. " Bernis lgark District, 33d and Franklin, $3,750 Terms. Hisj.aini bua, all modern tept rn.eV Till hum I In g"d "" Union, rlgbl on rar lm 6'lo la , hal and ul of colored r.algbliorlioo.1. Teriu at. aay A rliatti to bur a good bom that' worth lh Minr. Aak for Mr. hobbina. Hastings & Heyden, 1414 llarnay Pirael. Atlll WIS. . LVAVRN-WoHTII MKIUHTS ONLY II. 10 HWN. Fiv-ruum bungaluw, about una r old, all oak and wblto nainl finish. Very at'ractlv and c.rtalnly a brgin at Sd.lia. I'bon Mr. tlordy. AT. IHS. North. Minne Lusa Sacrifice $850 Cash Sav.n.rooin, full 2-tory hour. trg living room acroa h front with fir pli nd built-in tunkfM dining room with liiiiliMu buff.t; brwkfaat room and kit.han 011 th flrl lloor, finlahed In oak; 4 bedroom and bath with HI floor on Ih oecond floor, with oak floor end whit eiiarn.l finish; full baanii.nt with laundry trsya; eloihr chut: nice large attic; eaat frmit lot ou houlavard, Prlct l.00. Pavne Investment Co., HT Omaha Nt. Bk. Ttldg. I'ongl 170. The Home You Have Been Dreaming Of A beautiful 7-room. modarn heme, built by owner. The prlc I right to .II. This man t agoing out of the city. Hero I your opportunity", Bullt-ln book. rase, built-in buffet. ok finish and floor; fin basement, nlc and dry: nlc larg lry room.. Only 14.800 with 12.000 cash. Near Omaha University. CD. E. Buck Co., Realtors 442 Om. Nat'l Hank. Jackson 2000. Evening.. Buck. KE. 2831; Peru. WE. 032; Newlou. HA. 6942. . .'. Here's That , 6-Room House that you hsv been looking for. Evry thing In this house, th last word in home building: oak floors, oak finish, colonnade bonkrae. Uult-n bath tub, tile floor, built-in kitchen cabinets, pica large porch, elastlca stucco, nice ysrd. Nenr Miller Perk. Only 4,0.0, with 11.800 cash. Call D. E. Buck Co., Realtors 44S Om. Nat'l Bank.- Jackson 2000, Evenings, Buck, KT5. 2834; Pero, WE. 0432' Newlon, HA. 1(41. A REAL BARGAIN Vacant, Immediate, possession. Eight rooms completely modern with a fin corner lot, 60.1 it i garag. Chaap at H,6'i0, turm to suit. Phon Mr. Gordy, AT. 83CI. L W. YOUNO COMPANY, AT. 8366. 1219 First Mat Bank Bldg. ' 11,600 DOWN, 140 PER MONTH. Buys one of th beat S-room house, with oak finish and garag; paving all paid; close to University of Omaha. Pries, 86,100. Phono Mr. Gordy, AT. 1360. . , LET ME BUILD YOU A HOMO Have plans and lota; about 11.200 cash will start you on the road to own your own home. Box X-87, Bee. 7-ROOM, modern house; oak finish; 2 lots; paved St.; garage; also '19 Podg touring, sale or trade, by owner, Kan wood 2968. NEAR 27th and Ellison, new, all modern, 6-room bungalow: compUt. (4,761. Ea term. Atlantlo 2640, South. , REAL VALUE DON'T WAIT. PRICE $4,750 TERMS . SOUTH 23D STREET Six-room modarn with garag. Paw blocks of South Omaha. Paved tret and alley, paid for. Real bargain with good term. Phono Mr. Gordy, Atlantlo . 7 ROOMS, MODERN. Most beautiful home on Walnut Bt, near 52d. A very awell home at a pre. war price.- Terms reasonable; shown by appointment only Deal with own er. Harney 4600. BUY from owner, five-room bnngalow only two blocks from depot. For price and terms call DouglaaN 9431. Vacant DUNDEE LOTS. $2,250 East front, clos to car. 13,375 Corner, 41x135. ' j6,000 Double corner, Flfty-second and Farnam. ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO. JA. oOit. Visit Omaha's Downtown Ground Floor Furniture Auction I of the postoitice on UBpttoi avenue. (All merchandise can be inspected Saturday morning prior 1 to the auction Saturday afternoon. Everything Is grouped on the 1 ground floor. The location, ventilation, light snd our earned ) reputation for legitimate auctions, makes it worth while to attend our sales. Consignments from several of the finest homes in the I I city and many odds and ends used in every household will be sold I I to the highest bidder, starting 7 f j Saturday, One P. ., October 22nd I StepheBton, Aiefinter, hii CipRoi n CLEAN SWEEP OF RALSTON LOTS 5 We mean just what we say. We purchased at a referee's sale hundreds of sightly lots in the walnut groves-at Ralston. - Saturday afternom, October 22d, at 3 p. m., wa offer from one to four lota at auction to tha highest bidder. No reservations. Lots will sell for abao lutely the bast offer. Terms. On week days you can have your choice for about : one-half of their real value. One-fourth down, bal ance monthly, 5 discount for cash. HOW TO GET THERE: Catch Papillion car any i place along South 16th street, Omaha, or go td i South Omaha and transfer. Forty jnfnutes by street ; car, 20 by auto. j Home wood Realty Co. J. T. O. STEWART, Resident Agent Ralston, Nab. Telephone Ralston 10-W. i Governor Attacks Reserve Bank Before Fremont Rotary Qub ( Fremont, Neb., Oct. 21. (Spexia! Tclef ram.) "Values of h raw sua finished protlucli on the nutketi of the world mut U cqsallird Mote we ran exi'tti return of iirmM conditions in the buiinesi world," it the belief of (iownor MrKrMe, who S'ldrrisfd the Fremont Roiary club, explaining the preienre ol the banliers' committee m Fremont, of which lie ii chairman. V "An cquiliialion of thc wt,n the governor said, "will sulnliie the financial iltusilon and settle tle un tinploynient problem,'' lie said that the hank loaned money freely and extended Its credit without chrrlc. The process of in fliition affected them later a welt a the farmer, and now the banV is in sisting upon immidiate liquidation, which the farmer is finding it hard to meet "If they Insist upon im mediate settlement,1 said the gover nor," the farmer is forced to sell everything he owns." The committee will also urge a re duction in the rate of interest for re discounts, it was pointed out, to equal the rate of S per cent that ii demanded in the east. The Weitcrn Union Telegraph company hai eliminated extra over time pay for Sundays and holidays, retaining time and one-ha,lf for work in excess of eight hours day. "REAL ESTATE iMPROVED" Acreage. FIVE ACREH ALL IN rtU'lT 14.600 A fin corner i-aer tract all Is fruit, high end atghtly location, few mlnuta walk lo Font. nail park, rar 1 1 no and chuol. No Improvement., the best acre, age buy near Omaha. 40-fot lota being old within two block of thla trtrt for a high a 1600 each. A dandy In vestment her for omon. Can ar range good term. J, U HIATT COMPANY Batter Value niatt Bldg. 1114-10 Doui'.a Atlantlo 0013. One Acre, West Dodge $1,050 $100 Cash . And flO per month. Only eight block we.t of Flrcre and direct lj In th path of Omaha's very finest resi dential development. The Byron Keed Co., DO. 0297. Ill 2 Farnam St Miscellaneous. $4,750 A complete bom of four very large, rooms with a fifth room accommoda tion. Thl 1 a (trletly modern place, wall located, attractive In appearance. Wo ar partly Interested In thl prop erty and the ownor I purchasing from ' . u a larger nous ao w ar willing to ' asalrt in financing and will work out a sale oa terms ef MOI down and 140 per montfe - (. Amos Grant Company, Realtors, 830-3-I-4-I Brandels Theater Bllf. . Douglas 1210. Under Construction i "' We now hav a rthr larg 4-ronj. tucco bungalow under construction in which w ar building a finlahed stair way and arranging ' for en larg room above. Thl house la strictly mcd.rn .In every way with all aak and white, namel Interior and Kellaatono on th outsld. Thl house when finish; will have window shad, crn. light fix ture, sidewalk and ate. Tb paving 1 all paid. Fries Is 14,(40 and terms 1400 or tltd down with th balance Ilk rent. . Call Mr. Bplcka, Dougla asis. .Open until p. m ). Amos Grant Company, DO 1319, 38C3-4-I-I Brand! Th- Bldg- $4,750 Brand sew bungalow, t rooms 48 on Hoor, attlo and full bamnt; aak floor throughout; wall arranged, wtl built snd well located; close to ear and school; easy terms I call Grant BensonWalnut 1610. Benson & Carmichael, 143 Paxton Blk, Atlantlo 3640. ONLY 600 DOWN. For a 6-room, all-modern bungalow In splendid location.-" Oak finish throughout. For full details call Mr. Carae, D. 7412; evening, AT. 2501. , i 1