Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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fill-: BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1021.
My Marriage
"Revelations of a Wife"
sMftMa, 1st. I
Jack and Jill
Lillian arvl Dicky
About Btss Dean.
Well!" Pukys voice lirlj n
; Ironic upward iiidrciion. "Where's
the crifii'lcl C'indirclU? l)il slit
finally g( into the house itliuul
arty more sophisticated masculine
eyis than J'a Cosgrove' gating at
1 her twollrn InoUict?" '
I gsird at him lit blankly. Put
a mtniiie before, under the pricking
o( my conscience, 1 lul told lies
Drait thai Dicky would grt no ex
. ' planation fr6m me of lirr inability
to walk into the house. Hut lie had
voiced hi own explanation ol her
j-lmht- and the mrrect one.
"Why, w hy I How did you know feet were swollen?" I am
Uicky drew himself up to hi full
height, (tuik hit thumb into the
nrmholrt of an imaginary waittroat
and glared at me l"('i!y.
' Keep Away
"My good woman,'1 he began,
"you woefully underestimate my
powers of observation. If there wa
a stone or a bush, a chipmunk or a
lahhit on mountain that didn't
know lies Dean was suffering the
torture of the damned in those
sneakers rf your, I'd like to see the
article. Of course, the didn't ay so
she's game a the devil I'll give
lirr that credit hut lie couliln t get
way with it. I he kids rcver, too
and she staged a blip, with a tonsc-
fluent wrenched birk that was a pip
doesn t know about blistered and
pin and gave her a chance to lean on
tt the last rart of the way and ease
her fect a bit. And then old Lil's
spiel about making her comfortable
and our not ' turning around of
course that meant shoes and stock
ings off. A a matter of fact, I
heard the snip of the shears, and
Lil's stage whispers when she
doesn't care a hoot whether anyone
hears or not are mighty carrying.
"So you see I know all about it
. except hew bad her feet really are,"
Dicky grinned. If it's just some
thing that's temporary, I shan't care
It'll teach her a good lesson. She s
altogether too cocky. But if it
turns out to be serious, I'll be
mighty sorry I didn't let you give
her those larger shoes. Say, do you
know you're a good scout, old
He threw an arm around me and
gave me a careless kiss, but though
I thrilled to it, as I almost always
do to his caresses, I could not lin
ger in his embrace, for what he had
just said alarmed me.
"Oh, it couldn't be serious, could
It? I must go at once and see."
i'v "Keep away from the buzr saw,
that's my advice, Dicky iaUed after
me, but I already was well on my
way,.t6 the house;. s . I
Lillian'! Advice. "
Lillian came out of Bess Dean's
room-as I entered, the "hall. When
she saw me, she laid her finger on
her lips and came swiftly down the
hall toward me. , :
"I've turned her over to Mary,
she said, meaning; , Mrs, Cosgrove.
"It's better all arcund. s,What Mary
swollen feet up here in this mown
tain country isn't worth knowing.
'And I don't think Miss Dean parti-
x cularly eares for, my company just
now.' She knows I'm your most in
itiate friend, and you you're sure
in Dutch with the fair damsel. How
clarft you be able to wear ' smaller
size sinoe than she does?"
' "I shan't," I replied demurely, "un
til I can get to a shoe store."
Lillian stared, then laughed. I had
known from her turning the care of
the girl over to someone else that
she feared no serious consequences,
and her laugh confirmed my own op
timism. 4 "That's so ,". she said. "Your shoes
are cut to pieces. Weill I'll repeat
my dictum of a few hours back. If
you ask me, I think the whole per.
lormance has been -distinctly worth
.while. That girl's colossal vanity
needed a blow and it certainly re
ceived a Dempsey knockout. There's
"only one unpleasant feature about it
She'll stage a comeback of some
kind, mark my word. Oh, I don't
mean anything melodramatic or vi
sions, such as' the -Draper or Rita
JUrown would engineer ' Uuf if she
-can humiliate you in any particularly
aggravating way, Bess Dean's go.
i-inj? to do it, and make, her own
chance if none cornea her way."
I went 'back to Dicky with her
words filing themselves away fof
reference in a corner of my brain.
"I'm glad it won't be serious,"
Dicky said : when I had told hun
vliat Lillian had said. "But aren't
pyou getting pretty well fed up on
little Bess-ee, Can't you manage to
send her home with a flea in her ear,
sor make it so uncomfortable for her
that she'll vamoose?".
, "Dicky, you know I couldn't do
' that!" I expostulated, although there'
'was a tiny thrill of joy in my heart
at his query. ,
"AH right, she's, your guest and
,your funeral," Dicky retorted. . "But
you just listen to your Uncle Dud-
- leyl That ladv. isn't going to forget
'this stunt in a flurry and she's apt
"so make yon remember it unpleas
antly." ,
st.,ii.l there and let me look at
you?" ld Jill, dramatically, when
lie ram home from the viure.
"I w.U it nte?" he irritated m
bewildered way. "Why, that's
wrong with mef t
dm in. trail til answerma Jill drew
back, cocked her head on an angle,
and stared. Inen me pursi mm a
merry, teasing laugh.
"Have you nutty? demand
ed jack, brunjurly.
"No, lumcy " and the blew him
a phantom ki "I just found out
today how handsome you arc.'
He eyed lirr suspiciously.
I dinner about ready?" he asked
gruffly, hanging up hi coat.
Dinner wa about ready and
mighty good dinner it wa, loo, what
with creamed potatoe (which the
brute liked) and crisp fried egg
plant (to which be was extremely
partial) and grilled pork chops, rich
custard pie for dessert. He ate two
wedges and stirred his coffee with
a igh of satisfaction.
"Say, dear," he murmured, wliea
he had lighted the usual cigaret,
'what wa the joke tonight?"
"Vu mean about jour being so
"Aw, that rot," lie grunted. 'What
is the areat idea?
"Oh, someone who was here to tea
today taid you looked a if you were
the twin brother of Brit Ltell." '
"Bert who?'
"Rert I.Uell."
"I never heard of him," said Jack
emphatically. Who is he? I he new
UUiriier iwy jriMii ,-n.miinz a vi
"Heavens no!" Jill was plainly hor
rified. "Why. Bert Lytell is that
stiinnine actor vou see in the mov
its. That fine, manly fellow who"
"That I saw in the movies? I
never saw him in my life, and what
more, I don't want to. Ye gods, to
think that some friend of yours
comes here right into my own home,
and drinks up my tea, ami tiicn in
sults me bv savins I look like one
of those movie actors, with their
patent-leather hair and their grins
and simpers. Gosh, that's enough to
make a man sick, that is."
"But Bert Lytell is a regular kind
of a man, and
He stopped her with a savage
"Say, Jill, I don't want to -hear
Nebraska Woman Overcomes
Her, Troubles and Is Now
Well and Happy.
"I can tell you I was a mighty
sick woman when I began taking
Tanlac, but today I'm well and
happy," said Mrs. Martha Bushey.
1613 North Twenty-third street,
"I was left weak and run down by
the grippe and it looked like I never
was going to get my strength back.
I had no life or ambition about me
and I was so nervous I could- hardly
sleep. Then rheumatism set. up in
my arms so that I couldn't raise, my
hand as high as my head, and my
shoulders ached so terribly at times
I could hardly stand it.
"Never in my life have I seen any
thing to equal the change Tanlac
made in my condition. It gave me
an appetite and soothed and toned
up my stomach so that everything I
cat agrees with me. Every ache and
pain has left me and today I am in
splendid health. Tanlac is certainly a
grand medicine, and people who
suffer as I did ought to know' about
it and take it." '
Tanlac is sold in Omaha by the
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
and by leading druggists everywhere.
any more about him. If you've gn
cry about him, too, ana u you
agree that I look hk him. (or the
love of heaven-keep tt to youritii.
"But lit' stunning looking, Jui
the same, and you do kk like mm,
iuited Jill, exercising her prerog.
live of the last word,
lack pretended not to hear.
lie pasted a moving picture thea
ter the very next afternoon, in tnc
city, while he wa out for luncheon.
And fats willed it that a great g1ar
li k poster with the name of "Bert
Lytell" utarcd hint in the face.
"Bah." he muttered. Hut hi ('Kit
dragged and he hesitated and glanced
curiously at the pleasant, pictured
tenure Ol tne acior. mm wim
.. 1 ..I 1 .Ml.
guilty gianee over ni aiiouiner, jmi
Tack paid hi 30 rent and (lipped
inside the darkened auditorium.
lack was very pleasant wiien he
arrived home for dinner and Jill was
trateful. The potatoes au gratin were
a little burned. But her Jack didn't
even notice that.
fehe observed his smile.
"Say, honey," he aid, with gay
animation, "who was it aiU 1 looked
like Bert Lytell?"
"Oh. onlv Annie Aldriali you
don't mind what she ays, Jack. An.
nie has il!y judgment, and she only
"What do ou mean, she lias
judgment?" he demanded, indignant
y. "I think Annie Aldrish is a
mifhty fine little wo-nan. and"
Jill is still muzlcd about that, and
no wonder, eh?
(Copyright. 111. Tlitiipnn FVl'ir
Then there is fringe, used on pink
satin petticoats.
Music at Federated Club
Convention Provided by
Seward Talent
Representative of U.WM women
of Nebraska, are in readme for the
pilgrimage to Seward for the open
ing of the state convention, Nebras
ka federation of women's club,
Tuesday evening. "Onward Ne
braska," U the !ogan for the meet
ing wlurh will continue tiirougii
Friday. "Onward Seward." might be
the slogan so far at music is con
cerned, for with one exception.
Louise Ormsby Thompum of
Central City, the talent come from
the hostess rity.
The Seward Treble Clel club wttl
he presented under directorship of
I. A. Park. Mr. Taik resides at
ork but carries on work in Seward,
including directorship ol the Seward
Coinmuuity chorus, Few composer
are better known throughout the
country than Mr. Park. The Mucical
Blue Book of America gives Mr.
Park credit for being the composer
of more than 2,000 four-part com
positions. Today the catalog of the
J. A. l arks company include oo
book publications, close to 1,000 oc
tavo numbers, beside nunierou
shett music title, which are sent to
every hnglish-speaking country in
the world r aved on records, used
by every standard professional quar
tet on the road, in this and other
countries, and in use by ihorusei
and choirs ill every large my in
America a well a in thousand of
wlligrt and hamlet.
Prof. Karl Jfaase, orgaiiitt and
composer, it onanist and choir di
rector -of the M. John l.uilieran
choir of Seward. He i a fellow of
the American Guild of Organist.
Paul Renter, head of the piano de
partmcnt of the Lutheran seminary
at Seward, will play a group of hi
own compositions and several of bis
songs will be presented. Godowsky.
who playea in Omaha Jhurtday
night, has pronounced Kruter s com
position "interesting and beautiful."
saying they are "lull ol sentiment."
Mr. Keuter is secretary-treasurer of
the Nebraska Music Teachers' as
oeiation. . ' f '
William S. Larson i director of
the musical activities of Seward
High school, Including bind, chorus
and orchestra. He i a violinist of
ability and lias appeared in concert
for two summer season on Chau
tauqua circuits. Prof. Reuter will
accompany dim at the piano.
Alts Margaret Link, a young
meizo-soprano, will sing lliuisday
evening. She is a graduate of the
American Conservatory of Music
in Chicago.
Carl Koscntof, tenor soloist, true
ting J, A. Pail' tomposiiiun,
Mrs. Vra li, Luhe, dauiihier of i
.... I..- I ! -. ii,.
u iw f, I . i.rrrhr, will stum M
in musital iirtlrs, iiioiniuies the
Community thru and Treble Clef
club. She will play an organ pre
luile Wednesday evening,
Mi Pansy Cooper.
Mit I'amy Cooper will play an
organ prelude nt iiirsday evening,
the opening number u( the ifenrrsl
seisiinii of the convention. Mis
Cooper is orgAitist at the Methodist
cburrli and i ! a vMlml.t,
Two cupful of brown
Two tr.pHMifitl tif vinegar.
, One cupful -f butter or sii mini!" .
Cue cupful of water.
Mix al the ingredient In a sauce
pan and boil the mixture until it be
come brittle win it it i tried in cold
vatrr. Pour into titrated pin and
rllow to end. When it i cool,
mark it into square.
Are Called "Barbarian ?
To the Oerk and the Roman
the speech, of the foreign tares with
whtnii they tome in contact appear
i J to be mulling but confused and
piiintelligible jumble which the con
quering nut'on translated, prrhap
satirically, as "ha-ha." For tills res
son the Greek "barbardo" and the
Latin "barbaru" both symmnmous:
witli "barbarian." were applied a a
Beinric term to all foreigner, much
the Y,i-t Indian refer to 'fereu-
But the practice of calling for
eigner barbarian wa not confined
to the Creek and Roman. A simi
lar ptide of culture and assumption
of superiority might have been found
among the ancient Lgyptiaus, while
the Sanskrit for forr;pier i "var
ra," which bear a marked resent
lilatice to the word which we use
at the present time. Another anl
more modern instance el ame be-'
tflu given to a rare because it
speech appear uninteiugiui is m
ol "Jlotuniot, bestowea upon m
African native by the Dutch in im
itatioii of the characteristic "click
.f the llotlcutot language, w Iter em
the oun4 "hot'' and ''tot" frequent
ly occur.
Monday Why does Ihe ocean
have dilfctent colors at different
Wrist purse fastened on gro.
grain band are being shown.
Hni'V!iri')PIM MUTV t SxwmM la M
tub CHO-a ItUaS SkMios-iwiwal
Bailey the Dentist
CsUklUtMd It S3
Painl Extractleii of Tek
, rr. K w. n.iir
Pr. Uarlram H'lllamsaa
M.lta Daall.try t far Yl
TOS City Net. lk Haraay
Saturday Specials
Freeh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb , , .J6c
Choice Fresh -Beef Tongues, per lb.. SOc
Do Id's Bacon, by the strip, per lb 20 c
Fresh Mushrooms, Artichokes, Quinces, Limes, Cassba Melons,
Omar Flour, 2Mb. sack $1.19
Advo Gold Medal Cotree, per S-lb.
can ...$M
National Oatmeal,, strictly fresh,
per S-lb. sank... 25
Pure White Clover Honey, 1-lb.
frames, 2 for EGc
Waldorf Tissue Toilet Paper, S i
rolls for 33c
The Very Best Creamery Butter, ,
per lb. 4Se
Fresh Spinach, per peck 35c
Loose-Wiles Sunshine English . Wafers, six different kinds,
special "Pari Box." Regular 6Se, today only
Pur Strained Honey, the finest
you cvetr had, 10-lb, pall $.M
Iceberg Head Lettuce, solid, heads,
each , tOc
Fancy Hot House Cucumbers, t
for 23c
Florida Grape Fruit, sweet and 1
juicy, 6 for ,,.BSc
"Eatmore" Cranberries. 2 lbs 35c
Fancy Michigan Celery, S to S
stalks per bunch, each 2Se
racked tn - s
Brand Extra Fancy Maine Corn, special, per dozen $2.48
Friday Orders 4ean Early Deliveries Saturday
I Harney 01 88. Established In 1886
28th and Farnam
Th Highest GraeU, Macaroni
Egg Noodles, Spaghetti and
thee Maearenl Product.
l or whole Omaha's Leading Cash Markets i or whole
23c For Quality Meats, Quick Service and Lowest Prices 00
J t " ;, 212 N. 16th 4903 S. 24th 2408 Cuming C
Fancy ' ' ; - ' : F"'
Fresh Killed choice Choice Choice Cut Chce Sugaf C.ured
Spring Fresh Leaf Beef Round Pork Loins Picnic ,
Chickens Lard Chuck Roast Steak or whole Hams
24c 11c 124c 18c 18c 13c
Peanut Brittle 30c I Bulk Cocoa r 10c
48-lb. $1.95
nMf. n7M 3 lbs n..u n..uM. rer
Dab!UUUIIdeFor$1.00 DadKU DUUbl LB
Pcwder and Pofcc
Aa aqu!aitrr aceoted, utiaeptle
Mwdar. Oirm sruick relief to sun
genad or irritated skin. oTtrcome
hewry penpiratioTi, and lmtaita a
AeU?as isusnns; naimim '"
tha saw wmm aaa waosw
Prepared Flour
Dasko Pancake, small 11c
Basko Pancake, large ....... 32c
Aunt Jemima Pancaka, am 120
Aunt Jemima! Pancake, large 40c
Saako Buckwheat, small. .12i2e
Basko Buckwheat, large.. .. .88c
Aunt , Jemima Buckwheat,
small ,17!.c
Aunt Jemima Buckwheat,
large 48e
VA lb. Blue Label Karo .
6 lb. Blue Label Karo , , , .
10 lb. Blue Label Karo ..
lft lb. Red Label Karo ,.
S lb. Red Label Karo ...
10 lb. Red Label Karo ...
My Wife's Maple, 12 oz.
My Wife'a Mapla, 20 pi.
Quaker Oats, small 14c
Quaker Oats, large 29c
Grape Nuts , :...17Jc
Snider'a Tomato Soups,
16 ounces ., ,10e
inider's Pork and Beans,
No. 2 12i2p
Snider's pork and Beans,
No. 8 25c
Campbell's Pork and Beans.. 12c
P & O Soap, 8 bara (or ....50a
Choice Pork Loin Roast, ;
Fresh Boston Butts
Choice Spareribs. .....
Fresh Hams or whole)
Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. . . . .25c
Fresh Pig Tails. 12V2c
Fresh Pig Liver, 5 lb?. ... . . 25c
Fresh Pig Feet, 5 lbs........ . 25c
Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs. . . . . .. .25c
Little Pig Hearts, 3 lbs. . . . v. 25c
Pure Pork Sausage. . . . . . . . . .20c
Pure Link Pork Sausage. 22c
5 c
S?23 .
Per 10r
pound ........ vv
8-quart $148
EARLY Peril Op
OHIO Peckt2.U
So. 9th St.
So. 9th St
1 r, TC1
Cudahy's Puritan 100 Leaf
Lard, 5-lb. pails ....... i , . 85s
10-lb. pails $1.65
Pure Lard, per lb . 14c
Fancy American jCheese . . . . .25c
Fancy Brick Cheese , .... . . .25c
Pickled Pig Feet, 3 lbs . . . . . . .25c
Large Dill Pickles, doz. . . . . ,30c
Pickled Beef Tongue. . .... . .25c
Choice Corned Beef 10c
New Sauer Kraut. 8c
Express and Mail Orders Fillet'
From This List Promptly
of VailVButterine
Liberty Nut Oleomargarine. 23c
Ever good Butterine, 1-lb carton
for .....25c
5-lb. carton ........... . $l.lf
Choice Veal Roast .12VSc
Choice Veal Chops ......
Choice Veal Steak. . .. .
Choice Veal Stew . .... .
Choice Veal Legs, Var r whole 18c
Choice Veal Loins, Yz or whole
at ...18c
. .22c
. ,28c
Fancy Early June Peas, 3 cans 40r
Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans. . . .35c
Fancy Porfy and Beans, 3 cans 35c
Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans. . . . .35c
Fancy Sardines, 5 cans. .... ,25c
Evaporated Milk, 3 tall cans. 35c
Nomis Sliced Pineapple, 3 cans v
for .,..,..............$1.00
Nomis Sliced Peaches, 3 cans $1
Fancy Lima Beans, 2 lbs.. . 20c
Fancy Pink Salmon, 1-lb. tall
. cans .15c
Fancy Red Salmon, 1-lb. tall
cans ,,,, 25c
Choice White Laundry Soap,
10 bars for .53c
Buehler Special White Naphtha
Laundry Soap, 3 1-lb bars. .25
60 Mb. bars ,...$4.25
Fresh Eggs .36c
Prime Rib Roast Beef. ..... 18c
Choice Beef Chuck Roast. .12Vc
Choice Rib Boiling Beef. .... .9c
Fresh Cut Hamburger ..... .15c
Choice Corned Beef. . . ...... 10c
Choice Round Steak ......... 18c
Fancy Hindquarters ... . . 18c
Fancy Forequarters. . . . . . .12V?
Fancy Lamb Chops ........ .25c
Sugar Cured Striped Bacon 18c
Sugar Cured Regular Hams. .24c
Armour Star Hams (Va or
whole) , . 28c
Armour Star Bacon i or
whole) 35c
Cudahy Puritan Hams ( V? or
whole) 28c
Cudahy Puritan Bacon (V? or
whole) 35c
Choice Wienies . . . .' . . . . .... 18c
Choice Frankfurters , . . . . . .,18c
Choice Polish Sausage 18c
Choice Garlic Sausage ...... 18c
Fresh Liver Sausage, ...... .15c
Fresh Bologna Sausage 15
Choice Minced Ham 22c
Choice Pressed Ham 2r
Fancy Summer Sausage ...... 22r
Choice Veal Loaf 22c