Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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V Society
NE Omalian abroad haa hern
I I emuyiDit a unuiue sensation,
At leant it to be unique
in tnre parti, Mie hat to much
money the it scared of it. fax'
port may be obtained at the federal
building. ,PIeae don"t crowd. The
lucky person already there it Mri.
dcorge JUverstick, who writes from
Colon ne: . .
"I never before had tuch a won
derful sensation I am a millionaire
I ; cashed $75 and received 7,875
marks. . I could feel myself growing
rale at the siaht of so much money.
Follows a list of the wardrobe the
has acquired with it.
Bradshiw.Weeth Wedding.
4 11 niiniinrrmrnt of interest !
that of the wedding which took place
at Lincoln Saturday ot Miss uer
trude Weetli, daughter of Mr. and
C Weeth. of this eitv.
to T. C. Bradshaw of Lincoln, the
Kev. Mr. Herman onicianng. ,
The wedding breakfast was served
at the Lincoln hotel, following
which the bride and groom left for
Drnver on their wedding trip. Mr,
and Mr, rtr.idsh.iw will make their
home at the Marquette apartments in
Lincoln. ,
Le Mar-Peteraen Wedding.
Announcement is made of Ihe wed
ding of Miss Liiella Petersen, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Petersen,
and Harold D. Le Mar of Rapid City,
. U. 1 ne welding was a lamny ai
fair, and the Rev. O. D. Baltxly of
ficiated. A wedding breakfast was
served at the Omaha club. Mr. and
Mrs. Le Mar will live at Rapid
Uty. .. '
Business Women Plan Winter.
Winter plans were discussed at the
meeting of the Business and Profes-
sional Women's club Wednesday eve
ring at the Masonic temple. A drive
for membership is to be inaugurated
some time before Christmas, and is
to be in the hands of a paid aecre
tary and organizer. As an experi
ment, a noonday luncheon is to be
given tome time this .month instead
of the usual dinner. , There were
many requests from the members for
more women speakers at their meet
ings, a suggestion which will be fol
lowed out during the winter.. A Glee
club was organized, and song leaders
tried out before the club.' v"
Mrs. Nash Re-Elected.
Mrs, Louts Nash was re-elected to
membership .on the board of direc
tors of the: . National Council, of
Catholic. Women, which held, its an.
nual meeting in Washington,. D. C.
last week. " " - .. I . ,
Mrs." Kinsler to Be Hostess.
Mrs. A. V. Kinsler will entertain
informally -Friday evening at her
home. Among the guests will be Ted
Shawn and Louis. Hurst, his pianist,
who are appearing at the Brandeis
next week. . . . ...... s
1 rV'Mrs,''GatesHosterss.
. Mrs.'' Milo , Gaffci - entertained ' in
formally' Wednesday, afternoon at tea.'
Assisting ' were' Mrs. Charles Off ut,
Mrs.C;W. Lyman and Mrs. Samuel
Cooper; .,'
" Celebrates Birthday.
Mrs. William J. McCaffrey enter
tained at a -children's- party Tuesday
afternnnn fit honor of the sixth birth--
day 'aiinrVersary of her son, William;
For Miss Nordin.
Mrs. Irving Benolken was hostess
Thursday at.a,luncheon for Miss
Mildred. Ncfairf. Half "a " dozen
guests, .were present.
Mrs. Wiener to Entertain. A
. Met.-:- Paul Wiener .will entertain
18 guests at a luncheon at her home
Friday.:;. ; :-,-Ui."
. . !. Delta Gamma Sale. v
The Pelta, Gammas, will hold a
rummage sale Saturday at 9 o'clock
at 241?. Q street.
Mm. Charles A. Hull, " who has
gonek to-f Excelsior Springs', will re
turn .N6vemb'er 1 to take, up her
French classes. ' :
Mr..' and Mrs. Walter Page, who
returned to ; Omaha about two
weeks ago, have -taken an apart
ment at the Blackstone,- where they
will spend the winter. . r -.
RUB'S) HIDBBN BEAUTX U brtratht to' ItiM
VI th a OelSsn Glint Bfcsmpo. Adrertlsnsnt. .
A ' limited number have been
token from our regular stock
which formerly sold up to
$25.00. "Choice A 7R
Friday lit. ... .. ip lfr.p
Julius Orkin
. 1512 Douglas -Street
.v hirst mf.''
" Aslice bfchandaphteofPREMiUM
V Ml hmlifMl
SODA: CRACKERS ixmsit z food-time en-
' joymcnt that makes you repeat again
. and again. There is no resisting the gen- '
tie tang of these tender, flaky crackers.
Sold from glass front cans and from
large size QU by the pound; in the new -
family Qubox; and in InSeal Trade ;
- Mark packages, - - : -
My Marriage Problems
A dole (iarrua' New rim- of
ins?, ,,n- " "" hw ui
The Way Bess Dean Met Every
Kindly Overture
I'm sorry we've nothing with which
to bathe and anoint thce poor feet,"
Lillian said tenderly, the natural
nurse in her rising above the dislike
that 1 suspected she felt fur Beit
Dean. But there's nothing I can do
further except wrap them looiely in
this Kue. That's right, Madge, as
I protfered her two large pieces which
I had cut from the roll always carried
for an emergency in the pocket of the
car. Now some pins. Just lift the
foot a trifle. Now the other.
There." ; . " '
Swiftly, skilfully," she swathed the
bruised and twoileu j feet in loose
wrappings-of gauze, cradling them
for a moment in her hands as she
gave her final directions.
"Madge, please, that motor
blanket, folded and laid on this foot
stool. Now, Miss Dean, your feet on
that Madge, that sweater of yours
which you don't need, the day is so
warm just put it over her feet light
ly. There, Miss Dean, you're as com
fortable as you can possibly be until
we reach Mrs. Cosgrove'a."
"Thanks," Bess Dean mumbled
shortly. But I could have done at I
was until I reached there."
Lillian made no reply to this un
gracious speech, nor did I. But I
felt a little salving of my conscience,
as one does when a person one has in
jured it boorish" about reparation
offered. And I had caught a quickly
veiled, but. angry' glance from' the
girl's eyes which told me that she
held me, not her'own folly, respon
sible for her plight.
Dudley Wolf returned Wednesday
from his vacation, which he spent
at Rockland, Me.
Mrs. Victor Caldwell plans to go
east for the OfTut-Longmaid wed
ding, November. 2, always provided
the trains are running. ..
Harry Cartan . arrived Thursday
ninrm'niv frrtm "PVanricpA trt Hi.
a guest at the home of Mrs. E. W.
Nash. -.. .. - - ,
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roberts
are occupying their new home, Grey
Rocks, irt Fairacres, winch they re
cently purchased :from E. John
Brandeis; 'The Edward , Updikes
have taken the former Roberts
home, at 204 Jtforth Fifty-second
Dr. Harold Gifford left Thurs
day to attend a medical convention
in Philadelphia. He will spend the
week-end with his daughter. Miss
Mary GitTord, who is studying nurs-f
ing in. .New York City. Miss Gif
ford is expected home on a vacation
during the, Christmas holidays.
Mrs. Edfiar Morsman, jr., arrived
home Wednesday from a summer in
the east. . After leaving Lake Placid
she motored with her daughter, Miss
Marv Morsman.' and son, Edgar,
throuch the Adirondacks. and reports
a delightful trrp.'yuth exceptionally
snow. After a few days in New York,
Mrs.- Morsman went to Fottstown,
where Edgar is in the' sixth form at
week-ena with Mi?s Morsman, who is
in her junior year at Bryn Mawn
Mr. Morsman and son', Truman, have
been at the Fontenelle for two wet;ks,
where the family Ian to spend the
winter.''"-'"; ''-'" " ':'"
First 500 Women at
Union Outfitting Co.
Saturday Will Get
Souvenir Plate Free
Carload of "Blue Bird" Din
-Her Set Saturday i at
About Half Price.
Five hundred beautiful souve
nir plates will biJ given away to
the first 600 women who visit the
hi Special Purchase Sale of
"Blue Bird" Dinner Sets at the
Union Outfitting Co. Saturday.
No purchase necessary. .
These beautiful sets are what
are known as "selected firstsV
which means the best grade you
can buy no seconds, no imper
fections. There are sets of 31,
42, 60 and 100 pieces. As al
ways, you make your own terms.
. - -Advertisement
What Lillian Suggests J
There was no more conversation
in the tonneau save the merest common-places
during the journey home.
Robert Savarin and Dicky kept up a
running conversation, and 1 was sure
at one point the grave artit was giv
ing a description of the weird ' por
traits of souls,"whtch the saffron
bloimed artist had exhibited in the art
gallery, for Dicky laughed heartily,
and I caught fragments of phrases
which betrayed the subject of the
And then, at last, we turned into
the familiar drive of the Cosgrove
place, and Lillian spoke softly, with
her own rare thougnfulnets, to Best
"You won't be able to step on
those feet, now," the said. Don't
you think you'd prefer to have Mr.
Cosgrove carry you to your room in
stead of" she gestured toward
Dicky and Robert Savarin.
I think the girl already had planned
the humiliating journey to the house
which the must make, and was de
termined that if possible Dicky
should not witness it.
"Of course," the replied decisively.
How It Wat Arranged.
Her tone subtly relegated Dicky
and Robert Savarin to the cuter lim
bo of physical weaklinas.
"And please get everybody out
of the way first." she added im
periously, with a side glance which
included me in the proscribed list
There was a touch of malice in
that glance which irritated me, and
I am afraid it was a crude sort of
revenge my temper spurred me to
"Oh, Dicky I" I said gayly. "Don't
dare turn your head when you get out,
but walk straight down the path to
our cabin. And if you see Mr. Cos
grove, send him here to carry Bess
in. I'll explain when ,1 get there.
Robert, you are also requested to
make yourself scarce." '
"Ours not to reason why" Dicky
retorted, getting out of the car, with
Robert . Savarin following. Then
the two men walked with no back
ward glance. At the mention of his
father, Ted Cosgrove had tumbled
from the running board and' rushed
into the. house. I guessed that the
elder Cosgrove would be in evidence
Our Great
Remodeling Piano Sale
Is Nearing the End
The contractors tell us that they can complete our building in about
two weeks but this is possible only if we can give them more
room. We must either rent additional warehouse space or dispose
of several hundred instruments now on our floors. We choose the
latter as the most desirable means because it avoids the necessity
of moving the instruments to arid from the warehouse. :
Think of It!
On a Brand New
Brand New $650
Player Pianos
Of the latest type with
all the necessary devices
for rendering perfect expression-
; '':';
Price Reduced to
Term $25 down and
. $2.50 per week.
Make your selections from such famous
makers as Hardman, Steger & Sons,
Lindeman & Sons, McP hail, Emerson,
Behr Bros. and our own sweet-toned
Schmoller & Mueller pianos;
A Few Exceptional Bargains in Used Pianos
Hazelton, Upright . 95
Kimball, Upright 125
Norwood, Upright ... 145
Hamilton. Upright . ... 155
Davie & Son, Upright. . . 165
Hospe, Upright . .. ... . . 175
If you live out of
town and cannot
call, fill out and'
mail this coupon.
Remember, we ship '
Schmoller & Mueller
1514-16-18 n P Phonei
. Dodge St. I13J10 LO Doug. 1623.
Heme of th Stein w 7 Standard Piano of the WorU .
wry shortly, to I alighted from tbt
car JuyteiL
"If yon don't need me." I taid to
Lillian. "I will go and look up the
"Don't ruche yourself on that
score. Madge," Best Dean con.
trived to attume her natural air
of good-natured bandinaxe, but I
knew instinctively that her linger
nail were trembling primitively for
contact with my eve. "I don't need
anyone, and your husband It waiting
for your explanation."
A sudden pang of conc)cnce seised
me. I whirled and looked at her
Icvelly in the eves.
"Look here, lies," I said straight
forwardly. "Dicky will have no ex
planation from me. That was only
a jest. And I think vou know me
well enough to believe that I mean
what 1 sav.
"Oh, yes, everybody knows you
have the one and only simon-pure
Puritan conscience." Her. laughter
had a tiny edge. "Ah. here's Pa
Cosh rove I
Jovial Mr. Cosgrove. hit face full
of concern, came to the tide of the
car with many eiaciilations of ds
may. and as 1 turned away I caught
a glimpse of Bess Dean being lifted
in his giant arms and borne into the
house, where Mrs. Cosgrove, with
alarmed aspect, awaited him and hit
Lillian followed them in, and I
knowing that all possible attention
would be given the girl walked
slowly down the pathway to my own
"Mentho-Laxene is the Best
Cough Medicine Known
Especially It - Worked
Wonders with our Chil
dren." (From a Mother's Letter) "
Doubt I Mid to 'b our on wont )
my. Oflan pmpl uffr inonthi. om
tlniM yfari, with over couthlng- and
continuous "fmh ooldn." nop knowing or
not bo llevlnf that c nc h round
moit efficient and practically sura rallaf
for auch condition. (If It. I not con
sumption). Th makar of Mentho-La.
ens ruarantea reiulta from ovary bottla.
or offer to refund purchaa prlca, and In
ton year leu man 60 persona nave asked
for money back. Four thousand barrels
of Msntho-Lafen syrup war used last
year, and each season find a greater
number or satisfied user, jsarn Dome
haa direction how to make a full Dint
of cough ayrup, (Imply and easily or It
ran be used In Id drop dose Just at you
buy It, concentrated.
Kor chronic cold, cough, bronchitis.
hoaraanea. difficult breathing, 'whooping
rough, wo oeiiev mere i nooning oeiier,
especially tor our rnuarsn, a Mrs,
Pearl Hauck. of Covington, Ky., tnte
It Tour drUHlst ha It. or can get It
from 111 -joooer, xry 11 uraay.
Brand New $450
Upright Pianos
Sweet-toned of the latest '
design a wonderful In
atrument .
1 Price Reduced
Term $10 - down and
' . $2.00 per week.
Schaeffer, Upright ....$185
, Gramer, Upright 198
Vose A Son, Upright. . . 225
Schmoller & Mueller, PI. 375
Chickering, Grand .... . 475
Winner, Grand ....... 595
Schmoller 4 Mueller Piano Co, - "
Pleas sand Ri full particulars re
garding ' rUyer....... Upright
r - ;
Used Bargain
Town....... Stat.....,..';.
Problems That Perplex
Antwcred by . .
Pear (! Falifas.: What would
you do In a eaae Ilka thUT A ynung
InJy iiiIii hr iilt-iure to a young
man a a bin Ii Jay gift. Haiti young
lady lia kept aicaily company with
younir man -luring her It-achlnn term
of eiitlu nionih. She has even rea
son to believe he rart-i fur hwr. Now
ootilne) exlste hetween the two.
The young; lady hu tried repeated
ly to turulghten up affair,
Wouid It he proper for younn lady
to will and ak the gentleman to
return her Picture and It-tiera?
If I wire raid young lady I would
make no further attempt to com.
munlc ate with th young man. unless
poasibiy a very formal note nuking
for the return of the plttui and
FiUIIng In IiOve.
Pear Mlaa l-'alrfua: Kor the past
four months I have been going about
Make Us Your
While Money
cannot buy peace in war or society, it
haa a high place In the advancement
of industry and human happiness. ;
This idea rules in our invitation to you .
. . to spend money at our store for the
kind of
- (both made and to be made) that be- .
speaks industry, artistry and pride
of possession.
Nothing offered that isn't safe to buy. .
TLCombs SMazer Go.
Omaha 's Master Jewelers Since 888
1520 Douglas Street 1520 GIFTS THAT LAST
Value-Giving Store
Big Values in
Sewing Machines
Floor. ; samples,- demon
strators and . used ma
chines, in good running,
order, .will, .give very .
satisfactory service.
1 Howe Machine
at ......... SILOO
1 Eldredge Paveway
at ....$12.50
1 Paveway, almost- new,
at . ..;..vv,. $18.50
1 Singer,, good order,'
at ..-...,...$18.75
1 New Home.. $19,50
Get one of these ma
chines now. And, as
usual, your make your"
own terms. -
Howard, Bet. 15th and 16th
ast Vitainoh Tablets
Banishes Skin Eruptions. Puts On Firm Flesh,
Strengthens the Nerves and Increases Energy
chsis '
sawwwv nkk J
7 ffiUr 7
rl ' ' I FlUMP
I bitcv'
fv!, , GWkCtFUl -
mines irat toiuoie a
,'"' " . - : an(, water soluble C) all
of which Science say yon must have to be strong, well and fully developed.
They banish pimples, boll and akin eruption a If by magic, strengthen
- the aerre, build up the body with Arm flesh, and tissue and often com-
filetely rejuvenate th whole system. By getting the precious yeast vitamlnes
n this concentrated tablet form you run no risk of earning gas or upsetting
the stomach and can be sure of quick, gratifying results.
If you are thin, pale, haggard, drawn looking or lack energy and endue- .
ance you will find it well worth while to make this almple teat : Pint weigh
' yourself and measnre yourself. Next take Maitin'a VITAMON two tab
lets with every meal. Then weigh and measure yourself again each week
and continue taking VITAMON regularly until you are aatisfied with your
gain in weight and energy. It I not only a question of how much better
you look aod feel, or what your friend say and think the scales and Up
measure will tell their owa story.
IMPORTANT! While the remarkable health-bnlldtng value of Mastln'
VITAMON Tablet hive been clearly and positively demonstrated in race ef
lack of energy, nervous trouble, anaemia. Indigestion, constipation, skin erup
tion, poor complexion and a generally weakened phrsioal and menial
condition, they should not b need by anyone rho OBJECTS to baring their
weight Increased to normal. So rapid and amusing sr the results that (ne
ce I abaolutely guaranteed or the small price you pay will be promptly
refunded and the trial will coat you nothing. Be ure to remember th name
. Haatln's VI-TA-MON the original and gennlne yeast eltamlne tablet
there is nothing else like It. so do not accept ImUationj or substitutes.
Too da get If aatln'a VITAMON tablet at an good druggist, auch aa Sherman
McContielL Adams-Hatght. Alexander Jacobs. 1. L. Brandt!, Harden Bros,
and Bursre-Mash. ...
EUUiahe4 1SS4. -txr.
guarantee to give satisfactory results. Our treatment haa more than twen
ty years of auccesa behind It and Is the beet in existence. We do not Inject
paraffins, aa it Is dangerous. Time required for ordinary casea, 10 days.
The advantages of treatment are: No danger from chloroform, shock and
blood poison, and no laying up In a hospital. Call or write
tB. WRAY 1TKRNIA IXSTTTXTE, 10 refers Trust Bl!f;., Omaha,
' i -
with a young man. When we aiurt
ed going out he told n It w fur
a aix'd time only, althuunli he
thought every Miuw ahouM marry
Mim time. I Mt the nlt kind of
friendship nt Hi at. but am becom
inv wry Interested, a h trent m
with aui'h reapet t and la go kind.10
me. I do not want to be unhiippy
over thl and-am trying to dei-id
It it U beat to refii hi Invltntlon.
I am ? and he U 31. lie I very
popultir. I am not pretty, but neat
and stylish, also I have a bettor
eduentitn than he.
Ufa doesn't offer many written
guarantees. If you gee enough ef
the younar man he may grow fond
at you. If you put him out of your
Ufe you're bound to lo him. Don't
try to force mutter. Hut, make up
your mind that If this doesn't work
out to your Htgfai-tlnn you'll be
grateful for what you're had, and
not go - whimpering about because
you didn't get all you hoped for.
Nothing to Do About It,
Prar Ml Fairfax: I am a young
woman 23 years of ago and am
deeply In lovo with a mun 2T year.
Gift Counselor
; Eight
How to Rid the Arms
of Objectionable Hairs
(Aids to Beauty.)
A simplified method is here given
for the quick removal of hairy or
fuzzy growth and rarely, is more
than one 'treatment required: Mix
a stiff paste with some powdered
delatone and water, apply to hairy
surface and after 2 or 3 minutes rub
off. wash, the skin and every hair has
vanished) - This simple treatment
cannot cause injury, but care should
be exercised to get real delatone.
nrni nc
ISa WWata
- Melt tn spoon; innaic vapors;
V Vaporud
Oner 17 Million Jan Utd Yuulu
The Omaha Baa is pre
senting ' it readers
with an unsurpassed
Sport Page all the
new in the world of
- sport . '
Thin or
folks who
run down
want to
auickl eet some rood.
firm, lolld flesh on their
bones, fill out the hol
lows and sunken cheeks
with strong, healthy
tissues and build up In
creased energjr and vi
tality should try taking
two of Maatln'e tiny -yeait
V1TAMON tablets
with their meals. Ma-
tln'a VITAMON tablets
contain highly concen
trated yeast vitamlnes aa
well as th two other
still more Important vlts-
' , ..... . t,. ........
without resorting to a painful and uncertain
aurgical operation. - We are the only reputable
physlciana who will take auch casea noon a
of age. I have been keeping com
Pny with hlin fur a year, but itu
h and 1 tuve had a niMunderaiamt.
lug admit a ttlri I years old Hhould
I ell her parent, or Jut Ut hlul
go with hcrf
I don't quite uiidorataud. Why
khould you tell her pat'vnu ilint you
ailil your friend haw had a inlsun
ileistnniliiiK? Ai'if nily it Is up
to the rmn to dnl.U for hlmsrlf
aheiht-r lie will go vciili you or Ihe
Lbto it to theldddies
piclcKelloggs CornHdlces-
ves ma'am. just like yon will
Put ft bowl of KELLOGG'S Cora Flakes and a bowl
of Imitations In front of any youngster I See KEL
LOGG'S disappear! Try the experiment on yourself!
It's great to know the difference In corn Hakes the
difference between the genuine and the "just-as-goods"
! Kellogg's have a wonderful flavor that would
win your favor by Itself but when yon know that
Kellogg all-the-tlme crispness 1 Well they just make
you glad. That's the only way to say it!
Women's and misses' silk, and
cloth Dresses worth up to $25,
at"!!1,6........ $14.75
Julius Orkin
1512 Douglas Street r
We will help wall yourr
dreuinakmg problem!.
Save you money and
your time. You'll be
amazed at the wonderful
work we can do for your
workmanship guaranteed
in all case and at tuch
low prices. '' '. .
Buttons Etc
We do the largest bun
nets in this line of inv
house in the country. Special attention
to mail order. Write TODAY for free
descriptive circular, containing nigges-
nons, pnees, etc u
Ideal Button and Pleating Co'
Sit Brown Block, Omaha, eb.
Value-Going Store
Week-End Sale
of Sample and Used -
Washing Machines
These machines are in good
condition and will give very
satisfactory service.
Select Yours Tomorrow
Hand Power CA tfl
Doily Washer
Hand Power tJ7 rn
Vae Washer "
Hand Power ttlO en
Metal Too Washer. .'
Electric Washer, 14 Q!:
rood order 54'i.IlU
Howard St, Bet. 15th and 16th.
You Can Find Help
through a Bee Want Ad
ll ycar-oM girl. It may ha Is
not treating you with rviu.iiterai.on,
but after all 'a man la frea to g.i
althi whom he ehuoara ami I ihlnU
tlisreia nothing you ran do about it.
M, It i I know of no magl way ii
win back a man's love. Vou s
you have groan vary alout. Why
not endeavor to reduce. It .night
mak) sou feel hotter whether It
would Inrluem-e Ilia oung man or
not. 4
"Wit is' KflUift Cera
HHtif ot. , .
( arf'r fit M
Ktl.LOuG'S lui ear sua
er.'se ' tnutf
Kellogg's will snap-up kiddle appe
tites something wonderful! ' And, out
word for it let the littlest have their
fill just like Daddy must haw Us!
You'll never know how delicious
corn flakes can be until yon eat
saJ KOLOGG'S BRAN, ceokaa aaa bssaUki
A Sensational Sale
Bed Room Furniture
Next Saturday at
Union Outfitting Co.
Complete Suites as Well as
Individual Pieces in All ,
Woods and Finishes. . '-
New records for: value-giving
will be made in the extraordinary
sale of .fine: Bedroom Furniture
which takes place at the Union.
Outfitting Co. Saturday. . ,u
There are over five carloads
of beautiful suites in ivory, oak,
walnut and mahogany in modem
and period designs from many- of
America's best known makers.
Young couples planning on Out
fitting a home this fall can save
many a dollar. As always, you
make your own terms. I - ? ' ? f
. "f. ' Advertisement
Georgette and Crepe de Chine
Blouses, worth up to $8.75.
On sale Friday " 95
Julius Orkin
IS12 Douglas Street . 4
It yon hav Catarrhal Deafnau
or are even just a littl hard ef
hearing or hav head Doise go to
your druirgist and eat 1 ounce ot
Farmint (tloubl strenarth) and add
to It hi pint ot hot water and a
littl granulated 'Sugar.. Tak one'
tablespoonful tour tines a day. -
Thl will often bring quick relief
from th distressing head awl.
Clog-Red nostrils , should open,
breathing become easy, and th
nueu (top dropping . Into- th
throat. It i easy to prepare, coats
littl and la pleasant to talc. Any
one losing hearing or who ha
Catarrhal Deafness or head noises
hould glv this prescription a trial..
Hard and Rei Med and
Bmnei Ccficiira Heals.
"Hard, red pimples were scattered
over my face and neck. When I
got warm they hurt so badly that I
would have to bold cloths wrung oat
of cold water to my face. At night
they itched and burned so that I
could not sleep.
"The trouble lasted about a year.
I tried several remedies but none did
any good. I began using Coticara
Soap and Ointment and after using
five cakes of Cuticura Soap and two-'
boxes ol cuticura Ointment I was
completely healed." (Signed) Miss
Florence C. Reinwald, R. F. D. 1,
Fleming, Ohio. , .-,
Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes.
MplltaTT.WWft A.Mr;-PliwU
wsaart.Sw. I tUJM it, Sia " M mrr
whSSoaeSle. OiatSMMZtaa & TalaM .'
BsTCnr S a sfcs i s u Mum