Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Capital Blamed
For Buildins Lack
By Contractors
" "Working Man Now Giving
, Fair Deal But Men Buying
; Tax-Exempt Certiifratei
: Unfair," Sayi Builder.
Blimt for delayed construction is
not that of labor, but capital, D.
A. Garhrr of New York, million
.aire builder, told 100 local eontrto
tori, real estate men and architect
' yenterday noon in the Chamber of
"The working man now gives us
i fair, square day we don't want to
hold him down to the European
workman's level but it's the nun
with money who liquidatei hit mort
gages into tax-exempt securities that
tyiiitr our hands, Carber ex-
Muit Cut Rail Ratei.
; Reviion of the Income tax and
reduction of freight rates on build
ing materials in the wine propor
tion as these rates were raited d ur
ging the war will bring America into
the period of the greatest industrial
prosperity it has ever known, he
: "The public is with us. It says
'Let's go!' But we can't go until
our hands are untied."
Putting public improvements un-
-der way was advocated by F. L.
Cranford, builder of a large part of
the New York subway, as a means
for starting this country back on
' the high road of prosperity.
Short Million Houses.
egistation for highway and water
Iver development should also be
This country is short 1,200,000
houses, he stated.
. "At an estimate of $4,000 per
home, $5,000,000,000 In construc
tion work is ready to fall into your
hands," he told the contractors.
'Y'W. O. Winston of Minneapolis,
president of the Associated General
Contractors of America, and the
. man reputed to have "moved more
-dirt in the northwest" than any
-other contractor, emphasized the
part construction plays as the key
to the, unemployment situation.
: The trio are on, a month's tour
of the United States in an effort
' to stimulate co-operation in the
'building industries and to spread the
Propaganda that now is the time to
Rodman M. Brown, manager of
the George W. Stiles Construction
company, arranged the meeting.
Mayor Dahlman extended greetings.
Commissioner Koutsky also attended.
Two-Minute Sermons
Written Especially for Tho Be. by Cipy Smith
The firt thing a convert la
Christianity think of is the other
fellow, tlow (ten have I seen
people at a revival fall on their
knees and call out, Tray for my
mother,"' Tray for my sister," or
Tray for my huband."
Why, if the Christian spirit shoutJ
gain a stronger hold, there would
even be fewer automobile acci
dents, 1'eople would never forget
me rutin oi in
ers. The man who
takes his pleasure
or profit at the
expense of others
is committing a
great wrongs. No
one has any busi
ness hiring actors
o r other per
lurmers io rift
J a their lives or
u tnr'r ou'( 'or '"'
. 7JL'M amusement.
Ik II r " becomes to
1 1 ,,ie Christian a
VI foreign thing. He
thinks of others
at all times. Who
saves his life shall
lose it. I am most truly my own
when I have given every vestige of
myself. I am most truly live when
willing to die for others.
In the 91st Tsalm you will find in
one verse: "I will say of the Lord:
He is my refuge and my fortress;
my God, in Him will I trust." In
the next verse the psalmist ex
presses the idea, "I'm safe, you may
be saved, too." in these words:
"Surely He shall deliver thee from
Iowa Boy Asks Dahlman to
Aid in Locating Father
"Please help me to find my father,"
writes Howard Burnett, IS. 21S Thir
teenth avenue west. Cedar Rapids,
la., in a letter received yesterday by
Mayor Dahlman. "My mother is
not stronir and we have our living to
make. 1 have not seen my father
for six years, but we heard from him
in 1919 and he gave the address, 704
South Seventeenth street."
Inquiry at that address failed to
yield any information of Burnett,
whose first name is Breefe.
the snare of the fowler, and from
the noisome pestilence."
The selfish life does not think of
anybody. When one becomes a
Christian, self goes with the last
load. We save our soul in saviug
others. It is not the question fl
that man out there will be saved if I
do not go to him, but the ji estion is,
Will I be saved if I don't i
Socrates said. "Know thyself."
Jesus said, "Deny thyself.'
The real Christian studies large
maps; he can't help it. It is a big
thing to be a Christian. It requires
big thinking and big living. But it
is possible to any man of strong will
or strong faith.
Text: Then shall they also answer
him,' saying, Lord, when saw we
thee an hungered, or athirst, or a
stranger, or naked, or sick, or in
prison, and did not minister unto
Then shall he answer them, say
ing, Verily I say unto you, inas
much as ye did it not to one oi the
leant of these, ye did it not to me.'
Mathew 25:44-45.
Dresses at
A limited number have been
taken from our regular stock
which formerly aold up to
$25.00. Choice 7C
Friday at...... D
Julius Orkin
1812 Douglas Street
Louis Bock Heads Central
High School Senior Class
Louis Bock, son of W. E. Bock,
general passenger agent of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
here, has been elected president of
the senior class which will be grad
uated from Central high school next
Mary Gorton was elected vice
president; Helen Burkman, secre
tary, and Alice Hooper, treasurer.
Value-Giving Store
A Special Purchase ef
1,100 High Greee
Way below the market value en
able iia to quote the remarkable
low price of
$3.95 Per Pair
Large beautiful plaid blanket In
pink, blue and tan colore, closely
Genuine Woolnap
Washable Mothproof
It Pays to Read
Bowen's Small Ads
Pastor Sued by
Store Company
Nfgro Minister and Oilier At
cuied of Attempt to Wreck
Co-Operative Finn.,
The Co-Operative Workers of
America, through its secretary, Z.
C Snowden. filed suit for IJ5.000
in district court yesterday against
kev. William C Williams, pastor
cl St. John African Meihodt
church; William C. Sonrs and
Jesepli B, LaCour. The plaintitf
charges conspiracy to wreck the
company. All the parties are ne
grors. The company has about 275
stockholders and conducts a gencr
al store at 1516 North Twenty
fourth street. Stockholders have
been paying for stock at the rate of
f 10 a month.
The petition alleges that on De
cember .'6, 19J0, Rev. Mr. Williams
declared lo his congregation that
the promoters of the company had
"squandered" $7,000 or $8,000 of
the company's funds. This, the pe
Tonight at
"No other recording of mine on any instrument what
soever gives me the deep, unalloyed satisfaction which
these records on the AMPICO do."
" Come in, hear Mr; Godowsky
on the wonderful AMPICO in
15th and Harney
tition says, caused a great falling off
in business.
Kev. Mr. Williams announced
yesterday that he will call a meet,
ing of the stockholders of the con
cern at St. Johns African Muho
dist church nest Sunday at J JO to
decide on what action to take. He
says he is chairman of a committee
which will investigate the affairs of
the company.
In many tobacconists' shops In
Germany each purchase entitles the
customer to one telephone call.
Head Leaves for Stjose jh
At Hia rather U Very Low
W. W. Head. President of Omaha
National bank, went lo St. Joseph,
Mo., yesterday afternoon, in rpna
to a telephone message that Wa
father Is very low. The elder Mr
Head is 6 years old.
Value-Qoing Store
80 Easy to I Efy
Operate I IjWV
So Eaiy to I fVjU
u Own. Jupf Jj r
The Thor Electric Clean
er saves time and labor in
daily houseclcaning tasks.
This powerful suction ma
chine readily picks up all
lint, threads, etc.
A small paynont each
week delivers one to your
home, v
We have a few demon
strating machines that have
been slightly used we are
offering for $10.00 less.
Price of demonstrator,
An unusual opportunity
for you.
' smart ysue. WW jtd'
srttttrttfirrt wwww
Your Opportunity
For Friday and Saturday
Men's and Young Men's
Values on Today 'a Market up to $40.00
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 M I
TIM I 48 I 32 28 25 19 0 ltt o l g
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits
Many With Two Fain of Pants
Broken Lots of Our Own Regular Stock
Friday and Saturday '
At $45
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
5 2 2 1 8 I 3 12 19 26 85 1 14 1
Browning, King & Go.
15th and Douglas Harry H. Abbott, Mgr.
Why the retailer can sell
at new low prices
, J- " . ,,. . ''"''"-" r ' f
We sell direct to the retailer, in limited
quantities, to make sure that every one of the
57 Varieties on riis shelves is of the very fresh'
est quality, when he offers it to you.
Reduced costs, in foods or in the cost of run
ning the Heinz kitchens, promptly lower the
price of the 57 to the. retailer.
No retailer has large stocks on his shelves.
And so the retailer can at once pass the benefit
of the new Heinz prices right along to you.
President, H. J. HEINZ COMPANY
Leading grocers in Omaha today
quote the following prices on Heinz Products:
Oven Baked Beans 11 oz. 11c 18 oz.--l 5c 30 oz. 2Sc
Peanut Butter 3Koz. 13c 6i oz. 20c 10oz.-30c
Tomato Ketchup 8 oz. 20c 14 oz. 35c
Cooked Spaghetti 10 oz.-13c 16 oz.-18c 30 oz.-32c
Tomato Soup 10 oz. 13c 16 oz. 18c 30oz.-32c
Apple Butter . ( 7 oz. 18c 16 oz.-30c 32 oz. 50c
Prepared Mustard 6oz. 13c
Vmesa 21c 35c 65c
Ask yoor retailer
You simply can
not afford to miss .
This sensational sale.
Let our floor men
show you these unusual
bargains --the best yet.
DO NOT deny your
family the pleasure of
motoring any longer.
Prices on these cars are
so low that there U no
excuse now.
Smart buyers will not wait
until spring to buy. Sprinc
means higher used car values.
This sale is the result of a simple business problem- Con
siderable capital is now tied up in these used cars. Wo
must release this money. We realize fully that we must
take a loss in order to do this. Our loss is your gain.
tbB air feir Wh
Buy a car and drive it for one week. If you find that the
car is not exactly as we represent it we will gladly allow,
every dollar you paid us on the purchase price of any other
car in our stock.
Just as an evidence of our interest in people who buy used
cars from us we will provide free service for 30 days on
any used car purchased at this sale. We want you to know
that we are back of every car we sell.
This Is a Partial List of the Wonderful Bargains
Soma of these car sure demonstrators used by our salesmen. Their kare had the best of ear and for all practical purposes are as good or better than new.
Phone AT lantic 2462
Distributors Stephens, Chalmers and Maxwell Automobiles J
2216-18 Farnam Street