10 THIS UEK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1921. Cbtsifid linrtimi litis . P lis Ireuat Wf IIM) J l p I'm . I HMmim 4e ! ft lis pr , f HUNllt day it t Ha r. It MMitmiw 4ayt N a la UkM te laa the a total f II. 1kM re apply ihe- f ike Uu er HI Mm All 4ortlMMmta P la kuik aueesteg end vaieg daily a" rev tn one rnirfiL CONTHAiT RATH ON APPLICATION tdt amepted ll Ik ftlnf t '--. MAIM nKFICI....7lh and htuia VII. kaiita Hide tilt South llth Ml. 'mil-II Ui'ittm it a-ell . HA, NT AV HKCKIVKn 1 t'UONK ATI.ANTU IM TUB HKK will t b responsible far lha larorrert Insertion of wiiinrii ordered lr mm Idas lit... Ilium Ml IIOLRB iron WANT ADS. I'.v.mi K.lll.un 11:41 A. K, Vimm MHIu. ,,,,.., I It P. M. ruitiuk in r. Ma Miurar CEMETERIES. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. 4 Ail Ideal location lust north ef-elti limit sn4 ! of Flornc Kilt mil of macadam pavement II (era. Per petual rem not operst.a m btohw I'fn.a 4:4 and No. Clly Limits. City flic, lit BiaaJ.I. Tb.atsr. , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to Stsck Falronar UMAHA'I HKHT. AMBULANCES Thirty-third and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen PIONEER rUNKRAL DIRECTOR!. . Formerly at 101 eO ltlh hev moved to lilt Cuming St. Ja. Illl. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker aod Bmblmr. Phon HA. 111. Offlca Itll Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON laa. 1144 JOHN HATH. 1MU4 Farnam. Jackson 1104. L. Henderson. 1607 Karnam. Jaekaon 1266. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Mr! ha. Joseph and Anna t'iita. Rout 4, South EKIr. girl. Karla and Violet WlHerd, hospital, box. Adolph and Frieda Kohn, Hospital, noy, ' I'. W. and Pearl Timlin, hospital, girl. Arthur and Maria McCoy, hospital. Klrl, J.imes and Enia Harry, hospital, boy. Carl and Annii Biilrle, hoaiiltal, Klrl. Hurry and Jennie Tllley, 413 Camd.n avenue, boy. Walter and Martha Weander. 2510 Hick ory street, boy. Carl mid Anna Wallln. 8335 Moab Twenty-eighth avenue, 1'oy. Hinu and Jennie Cicero, ISIS Pin air. ..t. Klrl. I'trenu and Victoria Uryl, J25 South Tlilriy-alxili ntrret. alrl. Vlio k mi Frauceaca Lotta. 1107 fierce al'eot. Blrl. Marco and Dca Maizone, 240 Pacific sheet, Klrl. Deathx. rhlmandi r ((artla Kvan,' 45, hoapital, Marah Kllcn l'kkard, kO, Apartment IS, The Tortland. Kred B. llcnrlckaon, 78, 1818 H Maple atreet. John Heilaey. 7. hoapital. Mr. Louiaa Spencer, (3, 4111 R atreet. H-nry O"0l, !3, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following peraona were ia.ued per mlla to wed: Otla .Tone, 11, Omaha, and Veneta Oar re u. U, Omaha. Lester L. (Irrene, 11, Oakland, Neb., end Gladys Fogelstrom, 18, Omaha. Fred Kerlio-. (3, Omaha, and Lillian lavl. So, Omaha. . Lloyd Knicht, 31. Tekamah. Neb., and Shirley Bruce, IS, Tekamah, Neb. N Huron Herbert, 10, Council Bluff. Ia., and Bella retera, 35, Council Bluffa, Ia. Boelly Kasllla, 27, Omaha, and Mary Hociwka, 33, Omaha. Jay S. Deane, 41, Lincoln, Neb., and iaa ueane, -ei,, umaua. . Albert K. Rnmey, 13, Omaha,' and Iran aiuuer, zt. umana. Oeorg P. Doll, over 11, Omaha, and uertrud u. uiimor, over 21, Omaha, Hairy H. Bennett. SI. Bellevu. Neb. nd Elizabeth Kentner, 14, Bellevue, Neb, Roland W. Fllnn, II, Omaha, and Myra u. jonea, 18, Jloney ureek, la. : Harold D. LeMar. SO. Rapid City. 8. v.. ana Lueiia r . Petersen, 15, Omaha, LOST, FOUND AND REWARD! REWARD 150 fur return of ault ease and contents, taken from Ford tour ing car east of Y. M. C. A. on October ; 10. 'No questions asked. George Bar nen, Button, Neb. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cara tele phone Tyler 800. W are anxtoua to re store loat articles to rightful owner. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. V" w PAN T 26 REWARD for fur neckpiece lost be tween Twenty-second and Twenty- fourth atrwts on earning. 220S Cum ins. Douglas 4843.' L03T A sealskin collar, trimmed In gray wiulrrel. Call Kenwood 1837. Reward. LOST Fur neckpiece, between Howard and Harney on lf.th St. DO 7413, days. FLORISTS. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS . e bwohuiia, 141i FARNAM STREET. HATTIE Putman. Nubon Corset Shop, ol Karbach Block. AT. lit BENT HOOVER vacuum. II up. Har. 1071. SPECIAL NOTICES. Notice, Auctioneers .You are requested to - bo present at Ctand Island Tuesday, October 15, at 10 a. m at the Koehler hotel, 'to at tend: the .5th annual ir-eting of th ntorasaa Auctioneers' n tociatlon. - . T. HOOVER. PRESIDENT, YORK. J. L. MITCHELL, SECRETARY, LEX' A INOTON. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furnltnra. inagaamea. w collect w autnout. Phon ' Douglas 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and lnepect our new horn. 1110-1111-1114 Dodg St PROF. A. C. C. Pfuhl, psychologist 1601 Dewey Ave., near Harney, holds elaases , In paychology of Individualism, charac. ter analysis, dietetic, vocational train ing. Hours, 10 to 5. FOR SALE THE LOVE OF A HOME LESS WAIF. PRICE REASONABLE. WRITE BOX X-Sl, Omaha Be. ELECTRIC baths, 8wed. maaa. WE. 1911. MASSAGE treatment. 118 Neville Block! EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS I54t. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS K4I. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide. . knife, sunburst, boy . pleating, covered button, all law and tylea: hemstitching, plcot dting. eye let cat work, buttonhole, pennant. Ideal Button and Pleating Co, III Brown Blk. Jackson list. NEB. Pleating A Button Co.. ISO Farnam St.. 2d floor. Douglaa 6670. Contractors-Painting. - BRICK plaetarer aad cement new and repair work. J. Nan. Walnut 4667. Dancing Academies. liTFIRP'S a "on- nd fancy daae "L'AJt Ing for children. Snr method, ejnlek result. Do. I44t. 1111 Far nam. Dancing Tues.. Thur.. Sat, Bun. TToLPina Learn to Danes for Is. A.C1-A7 lilC School for Dancing. 1414 Farnam. Donglaa Tilt. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT ' niidred Maxln teachea all oranehe dancing. Studio Leflang Bldg. DO. 475. f lf-lloTT Stag, fancy, claaaic ballroom, iUlUlCJ ,tl, Dodg 8t AT. 1H4. - Dentists. DENTISTRY AH kind of dental work dn at th new Infirmary of th Cnighto University College of "Den tistry. Children' teeth (tralghtened. Fea moderate. Extraction free. New location llth and California. Take Harnay or Craastowa ar Cumins street car. Atlantic 114. Detective. KKI4A3LS3 Detective Bnreaa, Railway Ex. Bldg. JA. IM. Night KEN. I811 ladetwkdcat Derectlva Bureau, 394 Neville Blk. All. Itai: algbt. Wat 4416; K. 141. lAJtSS ALLAN. Ill Nerlll Blk. Evidence ecared la aJl case. Atlantis 111. . BRINGING UP THAT WOMAN'i ilNtSIN' WILL DRIVE Mt fLUriX HER I'LL 0 OHCR OWN -) MCOICINC. ANNOUNCEMENTS. DrtMnnking. rilRB, aulta, dreaae ramod.led. r alined. H. tit. I.ADIK8' and children eewlni. liar. 40IT. Kodak Fini thing. FILMS dvIop.di printing tod enlarflnf. writ tor price, i a uoaifa bM i.ni Howaid St. ENLARGEMENT, all coloring, developing, printing, Ka.e Btuaio, 111 Neville bik Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W MARTIN, patent ally, I7U Dodg. MilcelUneous Announcements. DIAMONDS Drlci pay lb beat prlc with privilege to buy back it email profit. GROSS JEWELRT CO.. 401 N. ISlh SL Uouf laa (04t, RAZOR BLADES lharpened. Single, tioi double tat: no ooa, Man order llclted. Omaha Rberp Co.. 10S N. llth. OMAHA I'llloar Co., feathera renovated anu ma.ie up in near iicmng. iU( Cuming. Jackaon 1467. ROGERS Confectionary Btor. 14tb and Farnam St, Jaokaon tli7. FULL drea and tuxedoa for rant. John Feldman, lot N. letb St. Jaekaon S13S. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatua, LeBron Electric. Ill a llth St.. Omaha. EXPRESS trunl hauling. Phon Atlantic tn i. OPF..M-A1R tilt. laundry. Guaranteed. Har. CALL Herman the dialler, Kenwood 1701, BRITT Printing Co. 7 Elka Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ELECTRIC washing machine, used aa demonatrator; good aa new; (eea than half price; can be seen at Omaha Van & Storag Co., 16th and Leavenworth, no. 416 or pnone Heggbiad Co. DO. 1731, Sunday HA. 1050. HARD coal stove, 125. Har. 3353. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE AT A BAR- v GAIN A ST,IGHTLY USED SEEBURG KLHCTHIU PIANO, WITH 20, 10 PIBCE ROLLS OF MUSIC JUST THE PIANO FOR BILLIARD PARLOR OR UAUE. TERMS TO THE RIGHT PAR-TV- ADDRESS P08TOFFICE BOX 528, UKAKU ISLAND, NEB. FOR REAL phonograph bargains, three new atandard 10-lnch record., $1.00. See in - RIALTO MUSIC SHOP '-' 141S DOUGLAS STREET. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums.xylo. pnones. etc.: Instructions, raoalrlnir 8761 Davenport St Phone Harnev 2S67, , REAL PIANO BARGAIN. J., C. Fisher Piano. ' excellent con dltlon. Walnut case. 1176. RIALTO MUSIC SHOP 1411 DOUGLAS STREET. VIOLINS, bowa, atrlng and repairing at lowest price Matthews" Btodio. 10 Douglaa Blk.. Opp. Haydena AT 101. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as 110.00 par month. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglas. - JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing ana supplies, sot Leriang Bldg. u. 8476, Clothing and Furs. FOR aale, a few unclaimed.- all-wool "Dun. da" ault. cheap, alteration free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor., 15tn and Harney St. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned, KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 103 8. 15th St. Douglas 711. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWKITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, aold. rented tnd repaired. Sol agent for th CORONA Oat our price befor you buy. Every machln guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Jaekaon 4110. 111 Farnam. WE buy. aell safe, make deaka. show ca.es, etc, Omaha Fixture 4t Supply Co., n. w. tjor. iitn ana uougiaa. JA. I7I4. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rDt, repair, tell tieedl and parts. a rTiTrriT miuJtmjjiLia ISth and Harney Deugias 1I7J. BUTThW-KIST machine with peanut roaster attachment. First clasa condi tion. Will sell or trad. 150 South Mam atreet. Council Bluff. , WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, used desk bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1107 Farnam. D. 1141 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. MANAGER WANTED To manage and superintend a small packing house, must be capable and able to furnish best reference. To such a man an attractive contract will be made. Reply to W. N. Jones. The Homestead, Kingsport, Tenn. Professions and Trades. WANTED Man for general work. On experienced in paperhanging. HASTINGS HEYDEN Atlantic 0060. YOUNG men, who can either sing, or play aome kind of musical Instrument to travel. Writ Lock Box 111, City. WANTED A paperhanger and , painter. -ivs wuming. vougiaa 175. o, l Wlemer. BOY for housework and cooking. Ref erences required, lis tio. lata Bt, Har, 1434. MOLER BARBER COLLEGES. 11 8. 14th. Write for catalog. ' Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesmen capable of earning v.v jot ihouib; mull vr car ana be able to finanee aelf for at leaat two weeks. To such men I can offer position worth while. For Interview call W. T. Nicholson. Paxton Hotel. OPPORTUNITY for young man with banking exp. - to get Into the telling game. W. R. Btemro, 411 Paxton Bldg. MEN for Omaha and vicinity to aell th viiai Automatic vacuum Cleaner; la not electric 1011 W. O. W. Bldg. TWO good salesmen, sell toilet goods on communion ; low or Nebraska. Box L-tO. Omaha Bee. IF YOU are a real salesman and know It, can Atlantic zvio. Boys. BOYS W have Immediate work for you vuwaiinsT a wua nouoay novelty la this city. Will pay yoa regular (al ary to work hour each day after school hour er half dar Saturdava. If ma want thla work, real money, write aa quicx. Maine Toy makers. It Exchange St.. Portland, Me WILL PAY boy'a way through business college ror doing a little light janitor work... Call DO 7774. Miscellaneous. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON, either ex. may emrn eiee 10 .!v mommy corres ponding; for aewapapera; 15 to 111 per column: ail er apare time; experience anneres-ary; a canvassing. Send for parTf-wlar. National Free B urea a, Buffalo, N. Y. FATHER OMTV - I WONDER HOW tHg i TTi ii m ill r"tv ' i ii Ti v n V K a. Messengers oHope From the Jobless Sines announcing our policy of running both help and situation wanted advertisements free of charge many competent employes havs taken advantage of the offer. Sixty-two enterprising job hunters offered their ' . services yesterday. Help of any description can be located among this variety. All grades of skill are represented. The common . laborer wants work of any kind, the overseas soldier states his qualifications, the high-salaried business executive offers real opportunity to some employer, while a pathetic pics is heard from the old man wanting work in exchange for a place to sleep. The Omaha Bee WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. AT LIBERTY Motion picture operator, non-union, married, competent and re liable, desires position ' In theater In town of 5,000 or better; salary, your limit; reference II desired. Addresa Box Y-1701. Omaha Bee. WANTED Position by young married man. Hotel clem, elevator operator, any permanent Job. D, 6101; ask for Leonard. BOOKKEEPING or general office work, rapid and accurate,' experienced In lumber, coal, grain or hardware (mar. rled). Box L-64, Omaha Bee. BY ex-service man, 24, Steady worker, Have had electrical experience. Refer ences. Will take, anything. L-73. Oma ha Bee. i WANTED Steady position aa painter, naner hanger or Janitor: beat of refer- encea; sute salary. Box L-63, Omaha Bee. . YOUNG married man, high school and technical education, want job, will tana anything. Box L-ss, omana Bee. CAPABLE young man wanta clerical work: knowledge of bookkeeping. Can give references. Box X-73. Omaha Be. REGISTERED druggist desire position In or near Omaha. Good recommendations, 10 yeara exp. Box L.-72, umana Me. MAN. 20. with afternoon at leisure, ex perienced office and retail clerk. Prefer position In Council Bluffs. Red 172. YOUNG man, 20, helper to mechanic or any Kind garage worn; vaiu expert' enc more than salary. Doug. 8251. EXPERIENCED tvnlst. mlmeornibh oper- K ator or willing to learn automobile or eietncai trade, 2U ween. uoug. mi. BUSINESS college and university grad uate want clerical position, ininK it over, then call me up. Harney 701v STENOGRAPHER Crelahton law night student, some experience, desixe a posi tion aa etenograpner. wamui ygg. . EXPERIENCED auto mechanic: married: will take anything steady; nanay wua tools, wnat nave you: at. POSITION in traffio department Sen. clerk, 12 yrs. experience in railroad Cler ical work. Bx. L-tt, umana nee. TWO experienced restaurant men want worK out 01 town as xirst or seconu cook and waiter. Jackson. 2722. POSITION in general office work. Sales man, clerk or bookkeeper, steady ana accurate. 'Box L-63, Omaha Bee. POSITION wanted by licensed engineer, Can do ateamfitting and machine re pairing. Box L-ts, omana Bee. EX-NAVY man, 14 yeara, desire position a lectncai salesman, can snow reier ences. Box L-57, Omaha Bee. SITUATION WANTED By young man ex periencea cnauiieur. uooa reierencea. Call Red 1955, Council Bluffs. WANTED Job a talesman or clerk. Have had experience. Can give good reier ence. Box L-49, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man want position of any kind; experienced in clerical ana mecnamcai lines. Box X-141 Omaha Bee. WANTED Position Inside by an overseas soldier who Is supporting motner. Beai reference. WA. 1661. FIRST-CLASS house cleaner, guaranteed first-class job at reasonable prices. Jackaon 2714. J. Bradley. - WANTED Steady employment by mar ried man. Willing to do a nytning. Ad dress 4414 Parker St, city. YOUNO man with univ. training wanta clerical position or opening aa specialty salesman. Jackson 1477. WANTED Inside Job by an overseas soldier supporting motner, urn ref erences. Walnut 1661. . BUTCHER wants Job In small town shop witn intention to ouy interests. . v.. 1711 Drexel, Bo. Omaha. r.YPp.preNnp.n Burroueha Postlnr Ma china onerator desire position. v-au room 413, T.-Mr C. A. WANTED A position aa saUsman ; can aell anytmng; a-i raierenccs. , i L-61, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, 11 y.ars. want Job aa tire- man or janitor, uanay wua looia. mi L-51, Omaha Bee. WANTED A job a pastry cook in a cafeteria, hotel or ciuo, iv yrs. exp. mi X-80. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED truck driver or ware house man wants position, married, box X-77, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED cylinder feeder or all lines around snop; good r.ier.ncea. x 65, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED non-union carpenter want position, can at. uvw, apu 611, Mr. Wash. MAN experienced in all kinds of work desire position at once, very capaoie. Atlantlo 4061. COLORED tmy want Job as porter or bus boy. Phon Webster oeoi. Arcni Watt. COLORED Tuskege Int graduate elec trician wlshea work en trade. v coster Illl. GOOD MAN wants work. Will do work of any kind. 1501 llth Ave, Ce. uinrra. WALLPAPER cleaning, 76c to 11.60 per room, mono jackaon jtzj. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Office. GIRL over 16 year of ag te anwr pnon. small salary to start, nox it 100. Omaha Be. ' ' Saleswomen and Solicitors. DEMONSTRATORS W have steady work for two women travel tola state, assist advertising holiday novelty. Also twe women give part time working thla city. No previous business experi ence necessary If yon are willing work er. Do not apply unleae ready to com mence work. Straight salary f 30 week ly Address quick, age, experience, etc. Maine Toymakera, 6 Exchange St, Portlaud. Me. Hotels and Restaurants. TWO experienced waitresses Wanted, at camera caia. 0.1 Palaart OtfU CaajMMr X VANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTED Clerical position by young mar rled man. Have had six years of clerical experience. Wal. 1363. WANTED Situation aa asa't mechanic, or service man. Call Atlantlo 4200, Apt 611, O. J. Nolte. YOUNG fellow of 26 wanta any kind of work ; head of ateck room pref ei red. Box X-87, Bee. RELIABLE man.i 38, wanta work of any kind; Interview appreciated. Box L 66, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man want position aa truck driver; can drive an kind of car. Atlantlo 1326. AN old man want to work in exchange for a place to sleep. Phon Kenwood 6101. ACTIVE "elderly painter, 20 years' exp., 60e an hr., will accept other work. Call Tatro. Market 4357. ' EXPERIENCED hardware clerk wants position. Can give good reference. Call Atlantic 1325. STUDENT with buslneaa experience wanta afternoon or evening work. Call Baker, Doug. 7820. WANTED Job aa fireman or janitor, married. Middle age. Call .Mar. 1322. MAN desire position aa carpenter; fTrst class finisher. Box L-64, Omaha Be. EX-SERVICE man, drive any car. Clean wall paper: anything. Atlantlo 0470. YOUNG man, 21, wanta position aa time keeper or enauneur. wal. 4166. WANTED Job as automobile or truck driver. Experienced. Market 2744. YOUNG man (negro), exp. in many lines; nytnmg considered; rer. wk. ut.vs. EXPERIENCED houseman or porter de sires position, Webster 9004. EXPERIENCED acetylene welder, any kind of (hop. MA 4324. MAN want to carry mall for company. Box L-68, Omaha Bee. WANTED Job In factory, dish waahlng. walnut 3174. Female. STENOGRAPHER 23, high achool grad uate, desire position. Makes noma witn parents. Two years" r insurance expe rience. Box X-74, Omaha Bee, EXPERIENCED seamstresses want ladles' sewing; coats or dresses; prices rea sonable. Your aatlsfaction 1 our aim. Douglas 6219. EXP. eteno., seven yeara' grain, three commercial, desires position immediate ly. Suite salary you can offer. Box X-79, Omaha" Bee. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires stenographto or secretarial work half days. Excellent references. Box L 69, Omaha Be. EXP. Steno. and typist desires position of responsibility, where accuracy, judgment and Initiative are appreciated. Box L-67, Omaha Bee. ' BITUATION WANTED By stenographer with six yeara law and abstract ex perience. Phon Council Bluffs, Black 1721. YOUNG lady with 6 yeara clerical and I month stenographer experience wisnes office work. Good references. MA. 2681. STENOGRAPHER, by lady, 10, with two year' experience in wholesale district. can give reference, can uoug. tzut. EXP. Multlgraph operator take charge of Office and handle city business. Must be competent, box 1.-71. umana Tiee, AN EXPERIENCED nurse will take care of children or will take cases, can Kenwood 4524. STENO and Bkkpr. Three years Insurance experience, ana general onice work, Webster 1869. WANTED, JOB Women and children's plain sewing. Work guaranteed. WA 4473. PRACTICAL nun wishes engagement. Can give excellent references. Mat. 3504, WANTED Job mending and comfott mak- Ing. Box x-78, omana Bee. LADY desire position In restaurant, ho tel, or doing nousework. uu, a sin. Laundry and Dav Work. LAUNDRY work and cleaning wanted by first-class laundress; references, Web ster 1973. FIRST-CLASS laundering, all kinds. Telephone Web 0116. Residence 2513 Lake Bt. COLORED lady wanta day work of any kind. Can furnish references. Web. 6442. COLORED woman wants day work; laun dry and cleaning. Telephone WA. 4711. FIRST-CLASS laundress wanta all kinds day work. Call Webster 6529. COLORED lady wanta day work, give city references. Web. 6931. LAUNDRY work with reference. WE 6004. DAY work wanted. Webster 0803. Miscellaneous. GOING to Colorado soon. Would take charge of Invalid or child for part fare. Box X-8L Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. SOMETHING new, needed by every lady. Big commissions. Investigate, Call 11 to U 13 Leflang Bldg-, 16th and Cap itol HOUSEKEEPER wanted by young man on a farm. Mewtton wage wanted; also female corn picker wanted. Address Box Y-1700, Omaha, Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. TEACHERS WANTED. . We are flooded with call for all lines. Enroll with us and get th posi tion you desire. We can piece you. STEWART SCHOOL SERVICE, Lincoln, iScbrasa,, CS JICCS AND MACCIC IN PVU. fACC or COLOM in the iundav dec PAROON tIR 'DOT THERC lt A COMPLAINT Ardour YOOR PLIN HOURS LATER HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladle aad boy la learn barber trad; big demand; was wall Ivamlng, strictly modern. Call er writ 14V liooj. at Tn-C'liy Barber coll.g. EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL, Complete course In accountancy, ma. chin bookkeeping. comptomtry, hort band and typewriting, railroad and wlrala telegraphy, civil service and all large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYI.E8 COLLEOK. Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. "English and commercial branch Writ, eall er phon Jtrkaon 1116 for Van Sanl Scaool of Bualneea, Day and Evening School. 110 Omaha Nation! Bank Bldg. Douglas 680. BUSINESS CHANCES. SALKH MANAGER Ther I a big op portunlty for some live man to secure th exclusive celling agency in this ter. t rlloty for th moat needed auto acce. ; aory; no competition; must be finan cially able to carry merchandise stork; give telephone number If possible. Box Y-1703, Omaha Bee. SALESMEN To handle easy and fast selling auto accessory. Hustlers make big money. Car owner preferred. Get our proposition. Fan Flam Spark Plug to., inc., Yonkera, N. Y. FOR SALE Two good meat marketa lo. cated 10 miles from Omaha. Good bual ness. Address Box Y-1701, Omaha Bro. WANT to hear from owner navlng bual. ne.s tor sal. J. c Mcconney, Ter minal , Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnisned Rooms. A GET YOUR ROOM through Th Be furnished room dl rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In alt carta of th city, A service that benefit both advertiser and room seeker. NICELY furnished room In modern flat Walking distance, on car line. Buit. able for couple employed or two ladi or two gentlemen. Plenty heat. Season able. 540 Ho. 24th St. DOUGLAS 6864 Larg well furnished room; desirable for 1; walking distance. isoara if oesirea; private lamuy. TWO furnished rooms with board If d. sired; also, garage; In north part of city. Kenwood 3059. TWO front rooms In residence. West Farnam -district. 101 So. 36th, Har. 2 fay. WEBSTER 4538. Weil-furntshed room In modern new home. Gentlemen preferred, KE. 1999 Nicely furnished room. em ployed couple preferred. Breakfast given, NEAT room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 117 paric Ave. HA. 2671. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO th better housekeeping room I the directory rurnisned to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirabl vacancies in an parte or tne city. 1308 So. 2Sth St. Two front rooms, nice, ly furnished, newly decorated. Every thing furnished. Clean, quiet and homey. S1B1STIS1SNTH AVE., 2608 N. 1 roome lor iignt Housekeeping; newly decorat ed, modern. Call Webster 3049. LARGE front room for light housekeeo. Ing, first floor; no children. 4761 N. z.in st. Seward St., 2629 Two rooms, part mod era, for housekeeping. Ill "per month. Board and Rooms. CHEERFUL room, excellent meals. Strict ly private. 1 or 1 gentlemen. HA 1297. DUNDEE room, with or without meals. Walnut 2582. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 or 5 rooms, strictly modern; reasonable. private entrance, walnut t7b. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. Furnished House, $75 Strictly modern, 7-roora house, com cletely furnished, good location. 4 bed rooms. 4328 Seward St., close to car and scnooi. win leas tm April 1st, 1922. . Payne & Carnaby Co., Omaha's Rental Men 111 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Jackson 1016. FOR RENT Five-room modern cottage, nicely furnished, 665. 2606 Tampleton. Call between 4:30 and I o'clock, or on Saturday and Sunday. Unfurnished. For Rent 1906 No. 19th St., 6-room, garage, paved street, fully modern. 166. Im mediate possession. v Rasp Bros., Ill Keeline Building. Atlantlo 0721. NICE house. 6 rooms and bath, gas, elec tricity, hot water and garage; 130 per month, 2023 Pierce St t MODERN 6-room cottage In Ralston, 136, two blocks from car. Phone J. T. O. Stewart. Ralston. 10-W. 6-ROOM, modern house; garage; 721 So. 17th St. 160.' Harney 6668. SIX-ROOM modern house, 40. WHS, 1861. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Unfurnished. Apartments Available NO. 16 KINGSBOROUGH, 1518 Dodge St Consisting living room, witn wan bed, dining room, kitchen, bain and dressing room. Rent 166.00. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" 17th and Farnam St. Atlantic 0544. 6-ROOM apartment; new; heat; Janitor aervlce. 3034 xsorta eiu ou A T TtTKET A SON. 620 First Nat Bank. Jackson 4JJ1. Peterson, Douglas ti7t, evening, 7ROOM, partly modern flat at 1310 Cum ing street, a noor, gooa conaiuon, a per month. 3. L. HI ATT COMPANY, 114 Douglaa St Atlantic 0061. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. FOR RENT Business Property. DESIRABLE STORE ROOM. DOWNTOWN. 11x30; ground floor and basement: elevator; garage available; lease te 1129 at 1250 per month. Further In formation call A P. TCKET aV SON. 62 First Nat Bank. JA 4231. DESIRABLE- furnished office. Including light heat telepnone ana stenograpmc service. t7 W. O. W. Bldg. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. llth and Jones eta. BSS r. D, WEAD, lit 80. .ITS ST j i'ir Drawn HAM SUPPOSE NO tR tHCTS tmk. vOrAAN UPttTAIR. ekCCH ALL MOVINO AND STORAGE. FIDELITY WSyA CO. STORAOB MOVING, PACKINO HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATKM TO A IX PRINCIPAL C1TIKK 1107-H Howard 81. Jsckson till METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H D. Bow.n Co Alltnile 1400. ESTIMATES furnished on lorg V mov Ing. Contract taken by job or hr. Olob van t msrag t o.. J A. iii. r 0140, ijo-14 North inn at FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked room for houuhoid good and planoa, moving, packing and nipping, JKKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAOB. 101 Bontn 14th. Douglaa 4141. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SCOTCH COLLIES. Kos Terriers. Toy Poodles, pedigreed atoek. - reasonable. Parkway Kennel.. 1801 Soulb il WHEAT screenings, 11.16 per 104 lbs., do. Ilvered. wagoner, 801 N. It. JA 1141, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORDS! FORDS! W bav th largest and moat com plete 11 n of Ford In the mlddl weal. Each car hat been tested thoroughly and It In first-class mechanical condi tion. Many havs Just th accessories you desire. ROADSTERS TOURINGS . COUPES .... SEDANS .... ...165 TO (260 ... 220 TO 300 ... 390 TO 460 ... 400 TO 600 Terms If you want them, USED CAR CO. Of Authorized Ford Dealer AT. 6067.' 2051 Farnam St. FORDS! FORDS! 1920 Dodge Roadster Here I a 1920 roadster In excellent condition which Is priced for a quick sale at $600. Has complete equipment shock absorbers, gear shift lock, bump ers and other extras. New battery and all mechanical parte are guaranteed In every respect. 1600 cash takes it. No trades, but we can help you finance It If necessary. This is a real bargain. See It today at our sales rooms on Far nam, at 26th St. Phone Douglas 1970. Guy L. Smith i-'OR SALE Model 47, 1921, Havnes 7- passenger touring cap In first-class con dition; all cord tires; taken In on legal transaction and must be sold. Address J. L. Blddlecom, cashier, First Na tional bank, Havelock, Neb. 1920 Hupmobile Touring Hers is a nearly new Hupmobile with complete equipment. Including extra tire, etc. Ha had careful use here In Omaha only, and-J In excellent condi tion in every respect. We have the right price on this car and tt Is a real bargain if you are looking for a high grape small car. economical, comfort able and lots of power, . Call Douglas ' Guy L. Smith . FIFTY used cara at cut prices; cash, time o, trade; prices from 176 to 1600. Ford oor.ies, winter tops. GOLDSTROM'S AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. AT. 1714. Buick 1920 Touring Her is a K-45, 1920, 8-pasaenger touring In excellent condition. Has had very little use and looks and runa like now. uur price is ngnt and our guar antee protects you from all risk. If vou want to spend both sides of your dollar wo l ui a car today, Guy L. Smith - SOME bargain In used Fords: ' prompt delivery on new S-n.H. ' M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., Th Handy Ford Service Btatlon. 15th nd Jackson 8t. DO. S600 Garages we, build are attractive. permanent. low Drlceri. Micklen Lumber A Wrecking Co. Web. 6555. 14th and Burdette Sts. 1919 ESSEX touring, perfect condition, new tires; zd; casn or terms. 2024 f arnam St. Douglas 8987,.- evenings, Kenwood 4730. LATE .1920 Ford Sedan; looks like new; good tires; i4ou casn. call Mahaffev at Douglaa 6189 after 7:30 tomorrow morning. RE-NEW-ED Marmon 34, is a better buy at it price than a new car at tne same price. II. Pel ton, 2019 Farnam. USED cara bought, aold and exchanged. TBAWVER AUTO CO.. 1210 Farnam St WHTTF.T.Y HOP'" Tubes, 10c " AAA- i. ElXJ X Radiator. Tire. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer 812 a 14th. Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive It youraelf to do your moving and baul nlg? It will av you one-half your moving bill. -. ' Drive It Yourself Co., 1114 Howard St. Doug. 1361. Accessories. WHY buy cheap new tires when you can . get th best factory adjusted Urea at bargain price. Fabric and cords, all aises, 3 up. FLEISHMANS TIRE SERVICE. Service Garage. 16th and Leavenworth. REAL ESTATE WANTED. I Will Pay Cash for Brick House in Dundee Want T rooms, not aver 110.000; ex pect real value. Answers confidential. give full data. Box X-141, Bee. CAN pay cash for a real bargain In five or six-room house; nothing at inflated values considered; give complete de scription and best price In first letter. Address Box X-58, Omaha Bee. LIST your lot, houae, bungalow, flat or small apartments witn us (or real re sults;., have buyers, prompt Inspection, 6 cars at your service. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg., Jackson zzsy. To buy or aell Omana Real Estate e FOWLER & M DONALD 111 City Nat Bk. Bldg Jackson 141. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO, 150 Dodge 8t Douglas 1346. CONSULT ua If you contemplate building. or wlao to bay or sell omana real eaiai a B. 8TUHT CO City Nat Bank Bldg. DO. 1787. LIST your property with FUNDERBURK A BROTHERTON. Douglaa 6600. 801 Omaha Nat Bk. Bids. j, f, DODGE CO, quick saltv PO, ?, 2I IwT-t, Ffatum It-vicf. Inc. y" r for The B by McManut VuttrujV Itll. Mftll N KM OOT RiOlM AFTCRNOON nM REAL ESTATE WANTED. FOIt real estate. Insurance, rentals, as I m m V 3, TKllllKNH CUMPANY. im umana wat. nana. Jackaon Illl. HAVE inquirlaar for bom. do you want 10 Mil your properly Ll.t II with v. A urimipai. Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldg PROMPT aale ef your real estate, w. u. many ouy era ana solicit your bual. ties hopn Co Realtor JA. 4211. BIRKETT,f,ALB ESTATE. Rsnfs. Insur IB Peters Trust Hldg. Jsckson 0611. TH0S.W.HAZEN ""!,:.: Inl Mfii n.t. r. nRTIRlMTsf. "Mlty Co. LUt with m UiVUXJlll for aulrk riu,i. for aulrk reeuita Ills 1st Natl. Hk Bid. Jack. on 1944 LIbT yt,ur property, vacant or improved. i'. v. rtiioi,i.n tumi'A.iiT, l City Nat. Ilk. Bldg. JA. 04l. Mark Martin Insurance, real astst. loana. Q4 umana Nat'l Bank Bldg. FARM LANDS. Miunestota Lands. EQUITY land Kxchsnce HI Paul. Minn. Miscellaneous. Secures 40-Acre Farm Flock Toultry. Tools. Furniture included; berries, poultry, fruit ralaed her assure good living, pleasant home and bright future; near live town, good markets, etc.; rich losmy tillage for airana, grain, corn, etc. wire-lencea Dasture. estimated 800 corda wniwl. peach and cherry orchard; beautifully shaded cottage, new barn. To settle affairs all only 11.000, hair rssh. Easy terms. Details page 49 Big New Illua. Catalog Bargalna. Just out. Free. Strout Fsrm Agency, 831 B. F., New lork i.ira mag., Kansas city, mo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1716. We hsve caab on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC 518 Keeline Bldg.' 1100 to 110.000 msds Dromotlv. P. D. WEAD. Weed Bldg. 110 8. 18th St REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. 1650 and up, lota near 65tb Leavenworth. easy terms. Owner, Walnut 5831. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS A REAL bargain in a duplex fiat near Z6tn and Dewey, renting for 11.800 per Ca" Mr- Tollver' AT- om KB- .V0O RASP BROS. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE For Exchange Fine 10-room hotel, witn good office, fine dining room, large kitchen, nice parlor and full basement, all furnished complete except parlor. Cement block building built on heavy cement base ment walls. Cwnpletely equipped with steam hea ting plant, individual elec tric light plant Individual water sys tem, etc., etc. Located In small town between Alliance and Crawford. This Is one of the best built and nicest lit' tie hotel buildings In the state. Prop. erty is owned by a widow lady who ! not able to run it ana tt is now stand ing idle, notwithstanding the fact that I, I. ,hA nnl, V.n..l In tnmn .n V, n , 1 1 ,1 be running. My client needs a few K.r.H l ,..h a .moll .tnr. I business, or some Income property that she can handle. Do you want thla hotel? Act today. Arah L. Hungerf ord, Rome Hotel, Omaha, for a few days; after that Crawford, Nebraska. GET ready your second mortgages for a lot 60x135, paving paid; 39th street. near Cathedral; price 12,600. . FIKE ' & PRICE, JA. 241. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Brick Veneer Home. Double Brick Garage. " Eight rooms and breakfast room; oak , floors and finish; fireplace; full ee- 4 ment basement; only 1 year old; 10 . cated on 62d. south of Farnam atreet. .Owner will consider small farm, olose Eto Omaha, priced right in exenange. 'Evenings call Mr. Voorhees. WA 1744. R. D. Clark Company, REALTORS. Atlantic 1531. ' 402-3 Securities Bldg. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KB. 140 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Bemis Park District, 33d and Franklin, $3,750 Terms. Six-room house, all modern except furnace. This home Is In good con dition, right on car line. Close to school and out of colored neighborhood. Terms are easy. A chance to buy a good home that's worth the money. Ask for Mr, Bobbins. , Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney Street. Atlantic 0060. If Sold Thia.Week And quick possession, Leavenworth Helghta bungalow. All oak and enamel. Time means money and your cash will talk. Call Jackson 3261. MIGHTY good 6-room house with sleep ing porcn, narawooa iioors ana umsn; a real snap: 13,000 cash. Call Walnut 1136 or Jackson 1311. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS ONLY $1,600 DOWN. Five-room bungalow, about one year old, all oak and white enamel finish. Very attractive and certainly a bargain at $6,760. Phone Mr. Gordy. AT. 3366. BEST offer made buya 4177 Wakeley Ave., fine 7-room bungalow. Cathedral district Crelgh, 60S Bee. JA 020. ATLANTIC 1024, seven-room cottage, gopd neighborhood, modern except heat Mr. Haney. J B ROBINSON, real est ta ana invest ment 641 Peter Trust DO. 8097 E BUCK CO. ouy and sell b me. North. $500 Cash Might handle even for 1400. Thla house is six rooms, Is strictly modern, "located on a paved street and has a garage. Price only 4,150. Phone Mr. Chuda, Harney 6306. (Open until p. m.) - Amos Grant Co., Realtors DO. 1330. 330-1-4-6-1 Brandel Th. Bldg. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. 11,260 Cash Price 16,000. T rooms, modern With sleeping porch, garage. Phone Mr. Gordy, AT. 136. L. W. YOUNO COMPANY. AT. 1366. 121 Firrt Nat. Balk Bldg 11.600 DOWN. 140 PER MONTH. Buys one of the best 6-room houses with oak finish and garage; paving all paid; close to University of Omaha. Price, tl.toa Phone Mr- Oordy. AT. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Noirtn. Miller Park Bungalow $1,000 Down Flvs-reeiu. sirlttly ntedet bungal eak lle-us lliroeshowt, - finish Is. ilvin luura and dinti.g rumit, and mim naiiun be4runt atid nuiiioeml built In tHh.M, built-in butfat; full mM4 hinieiii, alarm win4 s4 s-'is-n. runiplxs) euuunarv tut, tet bias a4 toed atlu-; d.nily let, ess sv4 ure.t. Un half bunk Mile lr park, Payne Investment Co., 137 )i... ha Nal, Hk. Hid. Paug lilt. THIS AD iSlVORTli $200 CASH Th flral perann bringing thl 4 n4 10 I 1. 17 lllun.lo sir.ei Kalurdsy will b given credit for lie aa down !. ntent en thl new and all muder bunt, low. Four remit and halb. oak f throughout, beautiful fitii.h, built In feature. I.arsa. full ceiu.nl.d bu ni.nl. Pesirabl In v.ry way. !! directly with owner. N him Satur day from II lo 6;- at lill Blond si reel, Prewar Price, $6,000 Beautiful comer of 10th and Fowl' offered at greatly reiured pile. Th'. tare slnry home I fully ntnn.rn. Three lar riHiins downatslta Slid three beau tiful bedrooms and bath up.tslt. Full cem.nlrd baaement and i'll.nl fur nace. Lars lot facing soulb. Paved street. Near tn rarllna, tit tint by calling ut tnyiim. George F. Jones Co., REALTORS. Ill Keelln Hldg. IViuls ai. About $500 Required This will put you In a new modern hnus of five rooms. Price 14.600. Lo. cated nnrlhweat corner of 19th and Ames Av. Phone Mr. Chuda, Harney 1301. Open until I p. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors .... . . . -. ... v4-.-e-e Br.nuiu mcaicr liiu. Buy From Owner, Five- Room Bungalow On. Brown St., near 2rh Ave., five large room, on on floor. Oak and mapl floor. Larg floored attie and full cemented basement. Beautiful south front lot. Paved atreet. Forced, tn sell. Prlc cut to 16,760. Term. KH. 1171. HERE'S A HOME. For !0O rash and balanc like, rent, Look at 1426 Taylor atreet, I rooms, water, sewer, gas, elertrlo light, bat hi (being put In) etc., modern except heaU If Interested, call Mr. Car.e at DO. 7411 days. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW ONE FLOOR. Cbolc oak finish, aun room, excen tlonal plumbing, finest of hot water heating planta; full basement; good at tie; south front; paving paid: posse. Ion November 1; rxisonabl term; let u show you. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 530 Peiers Trust Bldg. Jackson 1181. "new BUNO A LOW. Four-room, all modern . bungalow: just on block from car Una. Owner is leaving for Colorado and must sell this new home. Prlc S4.000 S600 cash, balance monthly. R. F. CLARY CO.. Realtor. 24th AND AMES AVE. KENWOOD 017S HEAL BARGAIN " Vacant. Immediate possession. Eight rooms completely modern with a fin corner lot, 60x166; garage. Cheap at 16.600. terms to suit. Phone Mr. Oordy, AT. 33C6. U W. YOUNO COMPANY, AT. 8K6. 1119 First Nat. Bank Bldg. THREE rooms and den on first floor; 1 rooms and bath on second floor; alt modern; nice lot; close to school and two blocks to car line; for 11,600 I "60 ca.sh down, balance -monthly. llth AND AMES AVE. "KENWOOD 017S K. jr. cuini uu., neairors. NEAR 27uh and Ellison, new, all modern. 6-room bungalow; complete, n.isu. Easy terms. Atlsntlc 1540. COLORED, 6 rooms, 1250 cash, balanc Em. DAVIS. Webster 1420. monthly. South. Field Club District 8 -room brick home, corner lot, t, good-sized bedroom on second floor; well finished throughout. Heated ga rage. Very attractive place, only on block to car line. Shown by appoint ment only. George & Co., Atlantlo 3024. , 1 V i PR AT. VATjTIE XVrV VALIUli -DON'T WAIT. , PRICE $4,750 TERMS SOUTH 23D STREET Six-room modern with garage. Few blocks of South Omaha, Paved street and alley, paid for. Real bargain with good terms. Phone Mr. Gordy, Atlantlo, . 366. 7 ROOMS. MODERN. Most beautiful home on Walnut atreet. near 33d. A very swell home at a pre war price. Terma reasonable; shown by appointment only. Deal with own er. Harney 4600. BUY from owner, five-room bungalow oniy two diocks xrom depot, nor price and terms call Douglas 9431. Trackage. ; RIGHT in (he heart of manufacturing. 81x132, witn trackage on eacn aide; close to depot freight houses, 7th and Leavenworth streets. See Alfred Thom as A Son Co., 604 First Nat. Bank. Acreage. One Acre, West Dodge $1,050 $100 Cash And 110 ner month. Only eight blocka west of Falracrea and directly in the path of Omaha's very finest resi dential development. a he Byron Reed Co., DO. 0297. 1612 Farnam St. Miscellaneous. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A NEW HOME Call for an appointment to see oni we are offering at a special price 01 very easy terms. Call Mr. Grier eve nings, MA 2644. days JA. 2428. TEMPLE McFAYDEN CO., 1505 Farnam. SAVE 26 PER CENT. On your dwelling or household good! Insurance. Mr. Campbell, WA 6704 ol JA. 0686. caononononononooQ "Without a Rival" A statement frequently made by home owners. Why don't you own your own home? We have them with first payments as low as $200.00. See our list of houses. 1 ? ' o n o n o a o a o n a a o a o a Creigh, Sons & Co. g Established 1868 Q M t aaaa n nl l r JJ ia. UCVU. QUO DC. D1SUJ. p avDononononoDononi ' YOUR HOME IS NEEDED ON OUR LIST Can Today. Atlantic 2403 When Out of Employment ABeeyant AJ J s T r