Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1921, Page 15, Image 15

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' Jack Pul Waddinf Party. I
Mim Elhrl rkl and the 'member
M htr wrdiliiiK Party will be ths
Kuritt of Mi$ Mildrra Kbo1ri at
k bridge -upper Friday evening.
Mi Virginia Halpiiie ind Miff
Martha Gygcr will b hottctsti at
luncheon at the BUckstane -Sutur.
' "ty (or Mitt Lthrl I'irl and her
Kuet, MU Jean Prdcn an J Mii
Maybelle Mavdtr. The other guest
v ill he the Mesdamet l'tnk Keids,
Jan Bruniff, the Mitsei Myrne Ci it -christ.
Either Graff, Lucy Garvin,
Dorothy Gray, Helen Harie, Klin
l eth Heaton, Gladyi Kloke, Mildred
Khoadea. .
Party Lun for Albert Lea.
A apecial party left Omaha Fri
day afternoon in a private car ai
the ffueji of the I'ayne Investment
, company: Thry will nuke a hort
trip to Albert Lea, Minn., returning
' .Sunday morning. The guetti of
Mr. and Mr. I'ayne are Mr. and
Mr. T. F. Mrcud, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C Uuflington, Dr. and Mr. Call
., Mr. and Mn. Ilallcck Rose,
J)r. and Mrs. J. P. Lord, Mr. and
If . - I ! I. I w
.Mrs. co con wen, air. aim airs.
Morri Gross, Mit Eunice Steb-
t'ins, Guy G. Ellis. E. M. Martin,
Wayland Magee, E. E. Frerich, A.
W. Gordon, O. C. Holmes, William
Sehall, Harry Burkley, C. E. Moyer,
C. S. Stebbins and D. A. Wilcox. '
i .
Columbian Club Card Parties.
The Columbian club will enter
.tain at a card party Tuesday after
noon at 2:30 o clock at its halt,
Twenty-sixth and Locust street.
Mrs. William Collamcr and Mrs. C
1). Burns will be the hostesses.
On Thursday the Columbian club
will give an evening card party at
ftis hull. The hostesses will be Mes
iames C. II. Creigliton, T. Cullen,
Lewis Connelly, T. T. Conlan, John
krroll. M. Collopy. rtrtck Cum-
Imnga, H. Coll. John Coyle and
Miss Mary E. lostello.
L. EL O, Benefit Dance.
The Ladies of the ET will give
t a dancing party at the M. E. Sniit'i
; roof garden Saturday evening, Oc
tober 22. . ' -L
Pro-ds will be used fcr Christ
Jmh. boxes for disabled ex-service
, -.. men in local . hospitals. Tickets
t way be obtained at he door, Tenth
. street entrance.
Children's Play, October 22.
. "Red Riding Hood," scheduled by
.the Children's theater. .for Saturday.
v October 15, will be given Saturday,
October 22, . 1 1 a. m , Jacols hajl,
Seventeenth and Dodge, according
to announcement made by Mias Mar
guerite Bcckman, director.
In Boxes at Creighton Garr.e.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gentleman
1 will give a" box party next Sa'urday
at the Creighton-Kansas - Aggies
"game for Mr. and Mrs.' D." -J.. Lane
rof St. Marys, Kan., who ' are - the
'suests of Dr. and Mis. P. A, Con-
li'.. ". : .' : i
. ,. Election of Trustees. , .
The annual meeting of the trus
' Ices of the Old People's home wilt
, !ie held October 18, at 10 o'clock at
-.the t Fontenelle hotel.'. Election of
officers will take place. The public
,is invited. . .-. . . ., ,
-'Ina'ult-Wally.' -vy?'
Xirs. Rosalie Wally announces the
engagement of her daughter, Rosa
1 Elizabeth to William Tlr Pina'ult, sou
? of John Pinault. The wedding will
pke place some time in January.
Children's Dancinj Party, i
There will be a dancing patty for
Hhe , younger members of the 'Pret
''tieat Mile club Saturday afternoon
' from 2 until 5 o'clock.' "Thi children
,," are privileged to invite" guests. .
Luncheon for Pi Phis.'
r The alumnae of Pi Beta Phi will
' iiieet for luncheon on Saturday at 1
o'clock at the home of Mrs. jeorge
I Pratt, US South Fifty-fourth street
,T St Clara College Club.
. St. Clara College club -will meet
'in the office of the Omaha Council of
Catholic Women Saturday afternoon
i at 3 o'clock. .
; Mrs. Weatherly Hostess,
i Mrs. H. F. Weatherly will cnterr
tain at luncheon Saturday for the
members of Achoth sorority.
Come Once OyrrrSv 1608-1012 I
No. 3 caoia Hawaiian Pine
apple, can. 25d 5 , dozen .
15 Ids. Best Granulated Sugar.
48-lb. sack "Gold Medal Flour,.,..'...
48-lb. sack Omar Flour. ............
48-lb. sack Blue Bell Flour. .........
Tall cans, Red Salmon,. per can......
cans Salmon, per can. ..... . .
No. 2 cans Sweet Corn, per can
'Per dozen ....'.:....;.
Early June Peas, can, 15J;
Central Special Coffee, per
3 lbs. for.....
McCemba Double Cram Cararaels, the beat
made, special for Saturday, lb . . . . '. 50
And! don't forget our regular 70c Choco
lates, Saturday, per lb. 5J)r
Fancy Creamery Package Butter,
per lb. 39 t
Extra Fancy Tokay G rapes, per lb., 15; 2 lbs. for 25; per basket 65
Extra Fancy Figs, per pkg., 5;3 pkga, for;.. ...... . .....; 10'
Alb'gator Pears, Japanese
Mrs.' Samuel hrtgley if, ill. at her
home. ' i
T. X. Mulry left Thursday (or
northern Minnesota, where lie will
tcmain for eerl weeks,
atittat-s '
Mis Anne Kellchcr, uuiJ of lion
or to Mr. I lurles Alhaon this week,
teturned iFriday to her home in
Dei Moinr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Latu will
return Saturday morning from Iter
muda. where they went , for their
wedding tri. '
Mrs. W. J. Foye, who went to the
hosiiital on Monday for the removal
of her tonsils, is at home again and
is doing well, ' (
M. C. Teters, C. M. Wilhelra and
Frank Burkley are on a hunting trip
near Litco, Neh. They will return
to Omaha on Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Judsun will return
from New York Monday morning.
She and her daughter Miss Dorothy
Judson, may go to California for a
trip after the holidays.
Colonel and Mrs. C. E. Welter arc
spending two weeks in New York
while Colonel Welter is undergoing
treatment for the ryes. They will be
home the end of next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison,
whose marriage took place Wednes
day evening of this week, have gone
to California for their wcddirj trip.
They will be gone about a month
and after a week in San Francisco
will go down to southern California.
Mrs. Warren Rogers and Miss
Mildred Rogers will leave October
30 for Bryn-Mawr, Pa., where they
will attend the wedding of Miss
Mary -E. Longmaid and Casper
Offut ot Omaha. After the wedding
Mrs. Rogers and her daughter will
go to New York to spend the month
of November.
Mrs. C. II. . Wright returned
ThurrJay from two weeks in Buffalo,-
where she went to attend the
wedding ci an old friend, Miss Dor
othy AVilson. Mr. and Mrs. David
Cole also attended .the wedding,
stopping in Buffalo on their way
home from a summer in Europe.
They reached Omaha last week.
Series of .Card Parties Planned.
A series of card parties will be
Held at two-week intervals this fall
by. the laides of St. Bernard parish.
The first one will .be given Thurs
day, October 20. at 2:30 at the Ben
son city. hall. Eight hands will be
played and eight prizes will be
Open House at Central High.
The faculty and papils of Centifal
High school' will hold open house
on Tuesday evening .October 25, at
the school fcr parents of pupils.
L O, E. Card Party.
. The L. O. E. club will give a card
party Tuesday at . 2 p. m. in the
Elks' club rooms.
Sfeamed Apple Pudding
Beat two eggs lightly and add one
cupful Of milk, half a teaspoonful of
salt, three -taiblespoonfuls; of melted
Bhotteiiinfr.-three cupfuls! of "grated
bread crumbs, half's teaspoonful of
baking powder, one ctfpful of chopped
Japaneseea Garden
Omaha's newest ind, loveliest dance hall, open
la keeping with the name are the alluring decorations, delicately
tinted lamp shades, dainty drapes and attractive china.
Featuring the Best Dance Music in Omaha
A Dance Hall With Experienced Management
y'i You will be sure of a jolly good time if you attend. " ;
the Japanese Tea
(Former location of Orpheum
for Saturday's Selling
$2.95 1)
Strictly Freah Dressed
Spring Chickens, lb ... .
3 :
No. 2 cans Tomatoes, can, lis; dozen. .
Tall cans Elkhorn Milk, can, lOt case. .
Prime Rolled Rib Roast, lb . . . ' . . . . . ... ,
Steer Pot Roast, . lb ... . . . . ." ......... ,
Best Cuts Fancy Steer Shoulder Roast, lb,
Fancy Young Veal Roast, lb. ..... J.f-. .
Fancy Young Veal Breast, lb
Lees of Younsr Mutton, lb.
Dold's Eean Breakfast Bacon, lb,
Pig Pork Roast, lb..-
lb... . ... .30
Chocolate, Caramel, Cocoanut 3-Layer '
Cakes, each '. J i... ;,'...';.'... .50
Nut Raiain Bread, aacli, 15, a for 25
Cookies, all kinds, doc, 15; 2 for. .25
Danish Coffee Cakes, each. 10 and 20
Fresh Checked Eggs in cartons,
per doz. 30
emnunofts, Italkn Prunes, Fruiis
Problemi That Perplex
Answered by
II Vemm DlnVtviH.
Xtoar MIm Fairf-s: About a year
sso 1 nt a man a whom I have
crown to love. ty mother object
to my clpf obout tuh him on ao.
count of Ma ae, IJ ou tllv
a girl of tl ran t happy with a
man 17 yar- bar senior. If his char U merlins- ana he has always
trt-ted her with the utmost eonald-
ration and ganaroaitjr that ah Ami
she cannot st accustomed to any
one alT lx you think her mother
la Justified In ur objection."
I Introduced Mm to the- family
and my brother and father think lie
Is line, and my motltar has no per
sonal objection to Mm. 1(. K.
No one can promUci you anythln
tn a situation like this. Your moth
er's doubts are logical, but the facts
don't always bear them. ut. When
two people really love and under
stand each other, the ares test dif
ference In see and viewpoint may
not count attaint their hApplneas.
Hut the man you love beloncs prac
tically to the generation ahead of
you. Do you feel that you will be
able to live toseiher happily In tho
give and take of everyday life?
Pear Mlse Fairfax: I am In love
with a young fallow of 23. Hut we
had a uarrel In which I hurt htm,
and he has not spoken to me for
the last five months. I know I am
to blame. Do you think It would be
rlaht for me to apologise or wait
till he speaks to me? I am 1 years
of age, but I love him clearly, and
ha seemed to love me also. Adviho
me whiit to do. RED.
Apolugiso. Red, If you were the
one to blame.
Ills Parrot Object.
Dear Miss Fairfax: . I am going
with a young man one year my
iu nlnr. ' lie loves me and I love hlni,
but his parents object to me. Kindly
au visa me what to do. L. II.
Well, dear, what Is the matter,
that his parents object? Are. you
everything that a parent would llko
In their boy's best girt? Or, per
haps it may be they object to.bjs
spending money on you which he
cannot honestly afford? I would
have to know a few more circum
stances in the case to ninko a help
ful suggestion.
Honwwifc: Changes In work
which prevent a sense of monotony
will greatly lncreaso- the power to
work. A clerk .Will do more work
and do it more effectively If he is
occasionally allowed something eleo
to do than to foot up columns.. Tho
brain is given a rest in a new occu
pation. Housewives should take this
Jesson to heart. There is no need
In the average household of confin
ing oneself to housework alone, if
system and good management
Worried: The Ills of both health
and lieauty that constipation causes
would make a lengthy list that would
sturtle a good many people. They headache, bad breath, unpleas
ant body odor, dull eyes, dull skin,
and frequently blotched skin; indi
gestion and a feelintf of lassitude,
loss of ambition, and so on and so
on. Right now is the time to begin
correcting your trouble. Make it an
ironclad ruin to have fresh vege
tables and fresh salad every' day.
Force at 16ast six glasses of water
down daily. And go in for some
exercise like swimming, walking,
golfing, or alK ',..
' A. M. H., Lexington: I cannot se
cure the address of the art company
you ask about. '
CrabshawWe can afford a car.
Mrs. Crabshaw; Why, the house
isn't mortgaged,-is it?-'
A delightfully wicker
furnished rest room
promises quietly re
freshing moments
for the weary.
Garden Hall)
27 Ha
Iten's Richwood, something new in Spiced
Cookies,, per lb. .20
6-Ib. pails Swift s Snowflake
Oleo, .per pail......$1.14
and Vegetables of All Kinds
O-uAiiA, SAYi;..iUi, GJ.'wv-.; 16, lu..
My Marriage Rroblems
i ' fAdela Carrtsoa Nets Ptutse of . . -
ICoernsU Utb k Vtwtfm rsst l-nus. Lm.1 .
What Mra, Kundla THed "to Put
Over" on ' Kobett 1 Savtrin.
A melancholy looking ' individual,
la)!, lanky, with his hair (ailing loose
ly around 'Ms pallid' face' irid'in the
style I have only seen in burlrsque
pictures of 'artists, and wearing over
a pair of khaki trousers a saffron
colored blouse which accentuated tlic
general biliousness of his appearaiu-e,
at dejectedly upon the steps of the
art gallelry. With many despairing
gestures, he was talking to a sfip of
a girl with bobbed hair and a be-yond-the-present-mimttehicucss
costume, while a group of men and
women of, every-day, commonplace
aspect listened attentively 'to his
strictures. t
"Pearls! Fearls before swine," he
was saying as we passed. "I've given
my life to the truth as I've seen it,
and do you think any of thc:'e yokels
have the vision to discern what I'm
doing? Thirteen canvases"
The "Soul Painter."
"Don't mind him!" Mrs. Rundlc
turned back to whisper eagerly in
Lillian's ear. There was a crafty
look in her eyes which told we that
she was afraid sonic of Lillian's
ready sympathy might be diverted
from hrr. own cut.c. "He could do
things if he wanted to, but he per
ssits in painting this ultra modernist
portrait stuff like that for instance."
We were inside the gallerly. "Now
you know nobody in his-five-senses
is going to buy a thing like that."
Our eyes followed Mrs. Rundlc's
pointing finger to , a small canvas
from wnich there gazed a weird fig
ure looking for all the 'world like
the caricatures which idle schoolboys
draw upon the fly leaves of their
geographies and label "Tcecher." A
face, all lumps and knobs, tipped to
one side, eyes or what were meant
to be eyes starring in directions that
only orbs badly crossed could gaze,
a figure scantily draped and out of
all proportion, and wildly waving
projections, which should have been
labeled "arms"-, to be recognized as
such these were the salient points of
a picture which bore under' it the
legend: '
"My conception of the soul of an
idle woman."
"I take it this is the work of the
gentleman outside who looks tike the
before-taking picture of a; liver-pill
advertisement," Lillian commented in
an undertone, and Mrs. Rur.clle nod
ded an assent.
"All these conceptions of souls
around the walls are his," she re
turned', in the same low tone. "He
claims he can see through any one's
eyes the naked soul beneath. I dodge
him every rime; I see him for fear
he'll want to paint 'mine. But I
guess it's too : purple-hued, even for
him." ' v;
She gave a cynical little" chuckle
and ushered us through groups of
people gathered around the canvases
hung upon the walls to the front of
the foonv There the auctioneer, a
dapper white-flanneled little man with
an eye-glass, was conferring with
a severely-gowned, : school-ma'mish
Follow the
Saturday and Monday
Elona Human Hair Nets,
per dozen .... . . . . .50
Venida Nets, double or single ,
".. mesh, 2 for 25 (
The Original and Reliable One.
15 to 60-Watt .'...'....-.40
60-Watt .... ...... 45
Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 amperes,
, ; at .10
11.15- Vitamon Tablets. .:
$1.00 Listerine 9
75c Scott's Emulsion, small.
at f
35c Snake Oil . ; . : . . . .'
70c Sal Heoatica ..,.'J;54
60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
at .'i. 4
4 : oz. ( Peroxide Hydrogen, P
Lvsol . .......... 17
50c Phillips' Milk of Magnia,
85c .Tad Salts ........ . .5
35c Beaton's- Bandoline .. 22
.Gillette Razors, with three
blad-s 8f
$1.10 Boro-Phenoform Supnosi-
tories . : 80
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable
Comoound .........( 08
65c Doan's Kidney Pills. v4.-
doc Moan's Liniment
ocj. I
$1.10 Nuxated Iron. .'. .8
$1.25 Lyko Tonic. . . .PS
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk,
at $2 f
25c Mentholatum V . . . 17
35c Castoria . . . . . ...... 25
Hinkle Pills,' bottles of 100. -
each ?f
50c Stationery, per box, '29
Real 'prices on standard
8c Heineman Bros." Famous
. H. B. Ciear, each. . . .R
Box of 60 ......$2.25
10c Mozart Bouquet,. -
4 for .30
Box of 50 ..;..$3.50
15c Mozart, Queen, ea., 9
Box of 60....... $4.50
8c Flor de Intals, each. .5
Box of 100 .$4.50
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention.
15th and
looking spinster, who evidently was
the "arranger" of the affair.
A Crafty Move, - ,
' Mis' Corwin, Mr. Hun'tt" she be
gan eagerly. "Jut think of itl Here
is Robert Savtrin, come to have a
look at us."
That both knew what Robert
Savarin's name means in the art
world, I saw; by, the look in their
eyes,11ie almost jevefentlal eagerness
with which they shook his hand. It
is the same attitude which I have
seen Dicky display, although the in
timacy of our mountain liie together
this summer has made Dicky more
the chum of Romert Savarin than the
devotee. ' I always have a new con
ception of the shy, reserved artist
when I see what effect, the mention
of 'his geniut has upon those who
know of him.
"I thought perhaps Mr. Savarin,
might make a little speech,". If rs,
Rundlc began, and I gasped at the
craft and audacity of her. If i she
could carry out that scheme, .and
afterward Robert Savarin should' see
fit to praise her pictures her tide, of
fortune would have turned. For I.
had seen a face watching us, near
enough, to have heard Mrs. Rundlc's
introduction, the face of a man whom
Dicky once had pointed out to - me-
as an extremely wealthy man wtiose
fad it is to buy pictures of. promising
unknown, artists. 'And I also rec
ognized the faces of., two or three
New York picture dealers. . :
."No B,,nor Robert Savarin pro-S
tejted-,hurriedly, andUhe?ewas than
III' pi; lone .wnitiiquicicuevcii mc
audacious Mrs, Run'dle." -"I have just
come in to lookover Mrs; Kundle's
pictures, at Mrs. Underwood's re-J
quest.. I cannot stay, and I do not
wish any -publicity." 1
"As you wish, of course, Mr. Say
arm. Miss Corwin returned, but 1
noticed that as soon as we moved
away she fluttered like an excited
moth from one group- of. people, to
another, and I knew that before the
auction was resumed every one in
the room would know Jhe. identity
of the grave, distinguished-looking
man who was walking around the ex-
r Soothing mm Healint .
Means a Restful Night'
; ; VIo wakeful hours of
itching torment if
. you apply freely this
cooling ointment and
panaaje ugnriy.
tonteht 1
ens the
Beaton Path"
75c Locust Blossom Extract,
per oz." . . . . , . ... . .39
$2.00 Djer Kiss Extract, '
.. per oz. ........ . . . 98
$3.50 Ho.ubigant'8 Ideal Ex
tract, per oz. . . . .$2.25
30c Packer's Tar Soap! .2l
Colgate's Talcum Powder, 19
35c - Cutex Preparations . 25
60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil,
at :......-. 38
50c Beaton's Theatrical Cold
Cream, -lb. cans. . . .35
$2.00 American Alarm Clocks
for ... . SI. 39
50c Tooth Brushes. . .".25
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste
for ....... 36
30c Kolynos Tooth Paste
for ..18
COc Pebeco Tooth Paste
for ..36
50c Orazin .Tooth Paste
Beaton's Brilliantine .. ..39
60c"DeMar's Bezoin and ,
Almond Lotion ...... .42
20c Pears' Unscented Soap,
at 12
60c Newbro's Herpicide, 39
Life buoy Soap, cake. . . . -tic
L 2,5c Flexible Nail Files. 12
$1.50 Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal,
at 98 5
i -
Complata Lin of
Rubber Goods.
Lady Attendant.
$1.50, 2-qt. Velvet Red Rub-
. ber Hot Water Bottle,
at ....... . 89
$2.00, 2-qt. Velvet Red Rub
ier Combination Hot
Water Bottle and Foun
tain Syrinf-e ... .$1.45
$1.50, 2-qt. Velvet Red Rub
ber Fountain Syringe,
at 95
$3.00 Legrand'a Female -
Douche, at $1.98
' All- Rubber Goods -are
guaranteed for two years.
Films Developed Fro When
Prints Ara Ordered.
hibit, listening courteously, but
lit abstractedly, ri. Rundtc'i
"Hera art mine." aht said, with a
Jfltlt intake of the breath which told
I the strain unner wmcn ine was
laboring, as wt atopped before a
arouo of canvas, each of whiih
bore the signature, "Eleanor Ku.idlr."
Saturday In the Metropolitan Millinery
Shop a Timely Offering of
200 High Grade
' '
A showing that futher emphasizes "this store's policy of' offering
only desirable Alillinery: fashions at reasonable pritfes; instead oftia
desirable Millinery cheap. ' .
' Iscladed in this offering' axe hatar of finest Lyona and( panne, velvets.
in black, brown, navy,, henna, pheasant, and many ' other , autumn . .
colorings, suitable fcr suit and semi-dress wear. '
. Every Hat represents a substantial saving'. While, the variety is
-large, we advise you, to shop early tn. the day fcr the best values.
. Other Attractive New, Autumn 'and
Winter Hats Shown Saturday .
M'trosolitna Milliner)-
The New Patent
Again we lead with the fashions of the hour, and again we lead
with the NEW LOWER PRICES that are making this store the
mecca for shoe buyers who compare values and . demand them.
NEW one-strap Patent Oxfords; welt and turn
soles; Cuban and military heels. The new lower
, prices .
7i to
. NEW plain toe Patent
Oxfords, a very popu
lar style, at an expep
, tionally low . price the
' new lower price 1
NEW Women's
brown and black
NEW Growing Girls' Tan and Black
High .Shoes; rubber heels. Special.
value- at the new
BillikensComplete Lines Again!
.Good hews for the kiddies and grownups. Our selections of Billiken Shoes are
again complete. Better come Saturday, while the sizes you want are here.
Billikens for Girls Billikens for Misses
Binikens for Boys . . " Billikens for Grownups
Creater She Section Main Ftoarjrartk
Chocolate Ice Cream.
ii half a teaspoon of sugar, a
pinch of slt and two tra.pooni of
(lour. Add a slightly jbeaien ttt
and grsdually add cup of milk and
cook over hot water to a smooth
cutiard. Melt a squart of Dakar's
chocolate over hot water, add a quar
trr of a cup of sugar and a tilth
;.' ,J
$7 $
i to
-Entire Main Flaor Kew BalMinsj
two-strap Pumps and Oxfords;
kid leather. The new lower
NEW Educator
We are exclusive
ur jfjtjv. tut i a
the celebrated Educator. All
ii'uiutrs. vne pi
of a cup ef boiling water. Add this
misfur to the custard. Cool, add
a pint cf thin cream a ad two tea
spoons of vanilla and frees.
! This Convincing
"Pa, what is a convincing arn
"One which aareei with your
ideas on tht subject, my son."
rarnasa Street
NEW combi
nation lasts in
Brown and
Black Kid Ox
fords; mili
tary and Cu
ban heeL The
new lower
; y
Shoes and . Oxfords.
Omaha agenta for
- :