Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Court Grants Held
Change of Venue i
In Small Trial
I Guilty of Murder, Attorneys Scrap
Goes to Pen (or Life nt, i:v:,lmi, :
Southard Trial
(!ac of Illinois Coicruor
Charged With Einlimlc
inrnt to He HcarJ in
Lake County.
. SjringficI4. III., Oct. Prfjara
tun wcie under way loiUy 13
. liiit the sane of the Sua!! Cunu
rmbfjUmmt nml conjiiraoy trial
from SpringiirlJ to W'aukrrigau.
In Lake couniy, as remote a pos
sible from the state capital, (i.v. Lett
Small ami Vernon C'urti. Grant
I'ark, (III.) banker. will face charge j
of tnilicileiiifiit ami conspiracy to
ill-fraud the Mate of f.'.OKVJiiO public
I uiul. duriiiK the Small regime a
stale treasurer. There Mote a jury,
the .lory of the "Grant l'ark Lank"
will he related.
J-ollowiiig the change of venue to
Lake county granted by Jiidije l.ur
Ion after an eleventh hour aRreenient
over that county between States At
torney Mortimer and counsel for the
governor, the states attorney din
patched hi chief assistant, I'.dward
Wee, to Waukegan to begin prepar
ations for the trial. As Mr. Tree
was arranging to leave, news dis
patches carried the report that Judge
Claire C Edwards of Waukegan
would be ready to start the rase next
.Monday if both side were prepared.
The day's development 'nclicatcd.
however, that the case would not be
tinder way before early Njvcmber.
The trial is expected to consume
from six to tight weeks.
The decision to choose Lake
county, reached late Monday night,
was made by the governor and his
lawyers, it was believed, in anticipa
tion of the selection by Judge Burton
of one of the other counties in the
seventh judicial circuit in which
Sangamon is located if they did not
make a selection.
Wanaiuakcr Donates Funds
To Erect Y.M.C.A. in Moscow
Chicago, Oct. 12. Dr. John R.
Mott, gcnerall secretary of the Y.
M. C. A., announced that John Wan
amaker of Philadelphia has donat
ed funds for the erection of a Y. M.
C. A. in Moscow, in memory of
Sir George Williams, the founder, of
the Young Men's Christian associa
tion. ' , N
The announcement was made at
the Chicago ' Association college,
which celebrated the 100th anniver
sary of the birth of Sir George.
The building is the sixih Y. M. C.
A. donated to foreign lands by Mr.
J V-. v f.
a . ', A V - i 4
Charles Markovit. 4.IJ0 South
Thirty-second street, mutt spend the
rest of iiis life behind prison bars.
It was so decreed by verdict of a
jury in district court Tuesday aft
ernoon, which held film guilty of
murder m the first degree in con
nection with the slaying of John
Krzonkouski, 4olS South Thirty,
third street, on July V) in John Swi
atik's saloon at 4627 South Tlrirty.
third street.
Markoviu had made a purchase
from the murdered man, trial testi
mony revealed, and shot him after
15 minutes ot argument over re
quested change from a $20 bill. Mar
kovitz pleaded seh'-defcnse.
Legion s Plan to Aid
Jobless Is Announced
Oklahoma City, Okl., Oct. 12. A
program for posts of the American
Legion throughout the country to
follow in combating the unemploy
ment problem was issued here to
day by Roy Hoffman of Oklahoma
City, chairman of the national le
gion committee on unemployment
Establishment of legion employment
bureaus to get in touch with em
ployers and urge" employment of
war veterans in all possible openings
is asked. Legionaires in paying po
sitions arc asked, by the committee
to act as big brothers to less for
tunate men and lend them money to
furnish food and shelter during pe
riods of unemployment.
Question of Testimony ly
Deputy Sheriff Dringt F.v
peetetl Clai-h iit Cae of
Toman for Murder.
Twin Tails, Idahes Oil. li-lhe
lorn enpectrd tattle between atlof-
r.tys ever the rjnuon or in w
tniMoii of eidi-nec touching upon
the deaths of her three previous hus
bands and brother-itvlaw prior to
her marriage to Edward F. Meyer.
opened here jeslirauy in tnc
trial cf 1-yda Meyer Southard for
the murder of her fourth husband.
The problem, all a'.on foreseen
ami prepared for by attorneys on
both sides of the cae, was present
ed through the questi-m of the ad
mission of testimony of V. It. Onus
by deputy sheriff in whose curody
Mrs. Southard was returned to
Idaho from Honolulu, touching up
on statements made by the defen
dant to him as to the death of Har
lan C Lewis, Mrs. Southard's third
husband, at Hillings, Mout., July 0
Following the retiring of the jury,
rrosecuting Attorney Stephan made
a formal tender of evidence with re
spect to her several marriages and
the outcome of each. He stated that
poison had been found in the bodies
of each and also in the body of her
brother-in-law, Edward Doolcy. In
each case insurance had been taken
out covering the lives of all and ac
cording to the prosecutor, he ex
pected to show that tiie defendant
had knowledge of this insurance,
that the insurance constituted the
motive of the crime and that the
defendant did actually cause the
death of these four men in addition
to the death of her fourth husband,
Meyer, through the administration
of poison.
Objections were entered briefly by
counsel for the defense. Attorney
General Roy Black then opened his
formal argument for the state. The
citation of cases bearing upon the
contentions of t!ie prosecution oc
cupied the entire balance of the aft
ernoon. V. L. Snyder, caretaker of the
Twin Fails cemetery, testified that
upon the day of the Meyer funeral,
as the funeral party was leaving the
cemetery. Mrs. Southard, in the act
of entering an automobile, turned,
raised her veil and laughed.
The United Mine Workers of the
central Pennsylvania bituminous
fields have refused to discuss a wage
cut, the present agreement not ex
piring until next March.
Settlement of Panama
Canal Tolls Squabble
Predicted by Lodge
Washington, Oct 11 Settlement
of the Panama carat tolls controversy
through diplomatic negotiation be
fore the rum acts on the Horah bill
was prfdirM by Senator Inlge cf
Massachusetts, republican leader in
tl. senate.
The admini.tration his t!l along
preferred that the question be set-
ilea by diplomacy rather than legtla
tion, but it took no band in the con
le.t in the senate. Wtlh the pros
prct jf considerable delay before the
hoti acts on the bill, m president
and Secretary of State Hughes will
have an opportunity to negotiate a
Settlement with the Uritish govern
ment before the bill becomes ttfec
tire, it is believed.
Native of Omaha Daritone
With Seotti Grand Opera
Greek Evans, baritone with the
Scotti Grand Opera company, which
appears at the Omaha Auditorium to
night, was born in Omaha. Mr.
Evans' first stage experience was
as an actor in dramatic stock. Three
years ago he made his operatic debut
tn Philadelphia. For the last two
years he has been a member of the
Scotti organization. Tomorrow night
he will appear as Tonio in Tag
liacci." The Scotti opera stars will present
a double bill at the Auditorium to
right, first 'L'Oracolo." with
Scotti in his most famous role,
"Chiin-Fang," and second "Pagliac
ci." The Tuesday Musical club is
bringing the singers to Omaha.
Costs Little and Overcomes Trouble
Almost Over Night.
Any breaking out of the skin, even
fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly
overcome by applying Mentho-Sul-phur,
declares a noted skin special
ist. Because of its germ destroying
properties this sulphur preparation
instantly brings ease from. skin irri
tation, soothes and heals the eczema
right up and leaves the skin clear
and smooth.
It seldom fails to relieve the tor
ment without delay. Sufferers from
skin trouble should obtain a small
jar of Mentho-Sulphur from any
good druggist and use it like cold
Legion Opens Campaign
For Compensation Bill
Washington, Oct, li The Amer
ican legion inaugurated what its
national legislative committee aiu
nounced to be "an Degressive, vig
orous and unrelenting campaign of
education" in favor of the Fotdney.
McCurnber adjusted compensation
bill for veterans of the World war.
The t.e giun has printed in booklet
form 5tX.U K copies of a pamphlet
summing up from a Legion stand
point, all data and argument with
teferenee to the issue and will take
its eas- to the country.
Cot-ies are to be mailed to a'!
members of congress, high govern
ment officials, civic and business or
ganialions and distributed to the
1,054 legates and lOU.OuO visitors
to the Legion's third national con
vention to open at Kansas City the
last day of the month.
Mother Declares 'ui HUk
Insurance Policy Unpaid
Suit against Uncle Sam for collec
tion of ?10,000 on a war risk insur
ance policy was tiled in federal court
yesterday by Mrs. Maria Brown. She
alleges that she has not yet received
the indemnity for the death of tier
son. Lucien, who died on June 16,
1918, from a disease contracted in
military service.
Heir to $30,000,000 ltate
Held on Bad Check Charge
New York, Oct. 12. Rush Rogers,
former Williams college athlete, ex
army major and said by the police to
be one of the four heirs to the $30,
000,000 estate left by the late Presi
dent Uogers of the Borden Con-
deWd Milk company, was arrested
at the Hotel Waldorf AstorU early
this r-Niiing and later taken to
While Plains to face charge cf
passing worthless check for $.'40 70,
made out to Nicholas Prounis, pro
prietor of "May-toA'ovemW
farms," .Wt.tchesttr county inn.
Estate of JoM-ph 1.1 w t il
Appraii.etl at $ .'07.40 1
New York, Oct. 12.-Joseph U.
Elwell, turf man and bridge, whiit
expert, who wa murdered in In
home in June, l')20, left an estate
A Gentle Wky
to End Corns
The Modern Mctbotl-ScfeaUfic,
Eur, Quick and Sura
THS old com enders wert harsh,
crude and uncertain. They cama
into disrepute.
Then a world-famed laboratory cre
ated a new method, and millions, hava
adopted tt
The new way is Blue-jay liquid or
plaster, One applies it by a touch. Tba
pain stops Instantly, and soon the whole
corn loosens and comes out.
To pare com and keep it now U
folly Stop it the moment it appears.
Remove it in this gentle way.
Watch one corn go when Blue-jay la
applied. You will let it deal who all
corns after that
Send to the drug store bow.
. Liquid or Platter
stops pain-ends corns
a Bauer 6c Black product
value t a $27.M. aecordmg t$ I'l
appiaisal tiled today. It's tamig
stable, including vert wrll-aitowu
horses, was sold at auction recently
tor &0.7I2, It is mother and other
relatives were beneficiaries.
The rvystery sairouadWig th
spaiismait's tieath kail mnsiued u
prrvetratrd through nearly a year ard
a half Cm n t which detectives hava
followed clues across tht
into several foreign cufcttitto.
Pay LittU Longer
and Cat an
Player riano
$25 Cash
$15 a Mont i
It's a y to own ana of iasa oadrful Aaoliaa Flayer Piaaas as
it it ta awn a "Cheap Ptaytr." Just pay a littta lonftr that's all.
Wo guarntiteo this instrument to be the Lest for tho money. It is
built by tha greatest manufacturers of musical instruments in the
world tho jrtakers of tho genuine I'ianola and Incomparable Duo
ArtJt 'will outplay nnd outwear players costing 100 to 1200
more elscwhero. You must eec, hoar and rlay it to properly appre
ciate its remarkablo worth.
' The House Thai Cmranlees All Its I'icmos"
' Lowed
MOsric Co.
1807 Farnam St., Omaha
Call et
Consists Entirely of Adjusting the Movable
Segments of the Spinal Column
to Normal Position
What is a definition? ,
Can you put words together so as to make them say just what you want
them to mean and nothing more or less? 7
A definition of anything is a description of that thing which INCLUDES
everything in the class named and EXCLUDES everything else.
Perfectly easy when you know how.
Chiropractic is a method: of palpation, nerve tracing and
adjustment of vertebrae for the relief of morbid conditions.
Stedman's Medical Dictionary (1918) '
This meets the condition for a definition very precisely. No other sys
tem or method combines the unique and distinctive method of examining
the spine with the hands (palpation); the art of searching out and skil
fully tracing sensitive or impinged nerves to the organs in which disease
is to be found (nerve tracing) ; and the specific mechanical replacing of
the partly displaced bones which crowd those nerves and shut of f the flow
of vital energy to the rest of the body (Adjustment), EXCEPT CHIRO
PRACTIC. . . - ;- ; ' ' 1
Every other system is excluded by this description. Even the word "re
' lief" instead of "cure" is correct, because the Chiropractor relies upon.
Nature herself to do tb.e curing.
Everything that a Chiropractor does and everything that is distinctly
Chiropractic, is summed up in those two short lines. The system is so
simple, so direct and so scientific that no complex explanations are re
quired. This advertisement is published in connection with the , '
national advertising campaign now conducted by The.
Universal Chiropractors' Association appearing in Red
Book, Physical Culture and Roy Crofter.
A list of Chiropractors in your neighborhood may be had on request.
LeeTJ. Edwairdls, M, B., B. (D
More Goal at Less Cost
306 South 24th Street
Corner Farnam
Omaha, Nebraska
The old blind mule that
hauls coal cars in a mine is
being replaced by the mine
locomotive. More coal we
must have, and mine locomo
tives propelled by Exide-Iron-clad
Batteries have proved
that they can handle more
coal, save labor, and cut costs.
Not only beneath the sur
face of the earth, but beneath
the sea in the submarines of
various nations, Exide Bat
teries lend he magic of their
stored-up power.
Above the earth, in airplane
ignition, Exide Batteries play
their unfailing part. In wire
less plants, in telephone
systems, in scores of industries,
Exides prove their dependable
Exide was the first automo
bile battery and is recognized
as the battery of long life and
dependable power. You will
find that Exide quality is an'
economy and an added sat- ,
isfaction in motoring.
When you need a new Exide
or responsible repair work on
any make of battery, the near
est service station will give you
expert attention.
The Electric Storage Battery Company, Philadelphia
as i!aBE
Wherever yoa tee this tics
you eta be confident of kiltol '
repair work on every make ef
battery; and, when you need
a new battery, the right size
Exide for your nr.
Visit the Nearest Exide Service Station
Omaha, Ante EUetria Sarvk Corporation, 22C5
Farnam Street.
Albion, Smith' Battery Station.
Arapahoa, Faw A Cox.
Aurora, Auto Electric Shop.
Blua Hill. Exide Servioa Station.
Beatrice, Courtney A Purdy, 116-118 N. 7th St.
Briatow, Johnaon Garag-a.
Broken Bow, ExMe Service) Company. ' -Cadar
Rapid. Battery Sarvfc Company. '
Cahunbua, Exide Storage Battery Service S:v-
Cnrtte, L. B. McCowta.
Ehrood, City Garage.
Franoat, Automotive Electric Service.
Crmad Ialand, Exide Service) Station.
Haating, Exide Sente Station, 416 Weet 24
Hoakina, Wo. Vo( Garage.
Hooper, Anton Tunberg.
Imperial, Imperial Motor Company.
Kearney, Exide Service Station, 21 et and Ave
nue A.
Lexington, Exide Service Station.
Lynch, R. B. Kile.
McCook, McCook Exide Electric Company.
Minden, Mindea Battery Company.
Norfolk, Norfolk Exide Company, TIO Norfolk
North Platte, North Platte Battery and Electric
Ogaliala. Ogallr'a Electric Service Station.
O'Neill, O'Neill Motor Company.
Pierce, Hare Battery Station.
Plainviev, F. . Weldman.
Randolph, Brenner and NeUoa.
Red Cloud, Exide Service Station. .
Schuyler, Kopec Broe. '
Stamford, F. E. Gate.
Stratum, Exide Service Station.
Stromaburf , Aaatrom Auto Company.
Sutton, Exide Service Station.
'Vordigree, Verdigrae Battery Station.
Wauaa, Peters Auto Co, W. C. Peter, Pre.
Wallace, Tba Wallace Garage.
Wineide, Cahler Battery Station, A. C Cabler,
York, York Auto Company, S02 Lincoln Avenue.
Council Bhiffe, Bluff City ExWe .'atte.y
Have Your Electrical System T?, Auto Electric DUL s Bcri
l. rnrr -t tL and Llectncal Service n . 220s farnam street
iiibpcuirju rntc or unarge vou mn me it service lorp.
"Our Reputation Is Your Protection"