Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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    i'lIK UtK: OMAHA. IHlKhlMl. UCTOKEK IS. l.
Miss Kiplinger
Weds Charles
M. John's Catholic fliurch . was
bright witli candle and yellow
chrysanthemums auritit the atern
of palm aii'l sun lax Ydlnrsdsy
night when Mii Dorothy Kiplinger
became the triile of Charles .Mluuti.
The church was filled with Incmlc
ai . the wedding procession started
dwn the aiIe to the strains of
Lohengrin's wedding march.
Following (her usher. IiinaM
Kiplinger, DoiikU 1'ctert, Lewis
Burgess, Kay MiIIjpI. I'aul Shirley
iii'l Burden Kirkrndatl. came Mitt
Dorothy Jtidson, nownei in velvet
of a r"y peach shad. Sat fame
Mim Lh-anor Hurklcy in onhid vel
vet, followed hy Mis Anne Kelle
hrr, the maid of honor, in blue vel
tft. Mr. Atliert tiibhernsen the
in.. iron of honor, wore ftretu chiffon
Ix-aded with Rreeil crystal.
I lie bride's dress was distinctive.
Ix-in of white velvet, made with a
rcurl girdle and a low jenny neck.
A train three and a half yard
ton fell from her shoulders, and he.
tulle veil felt from a head dress oi
btrandi of pearls. i
Miss Kiplinger wore her haV high
which gave an added irnprestjon of
height and dignity. She carried a
shower bouquet of orchids and lilies
of the valley. The bride was Riven
away by her father, Mr. O. D. Kip
liiiRer. Mr. Allison's best man was Albert
During the ceremony, which was
per(prmed by Rev. Father J. F. Mc
Carthy, Miss Margaret Judge played
the Angels Serenade.
The bridesmaids wore tulle hats
to match their dresses, all made with
toft tulle folds over the brims which
flared on the left side: They were
trimmed with single ostrich plume
mt Drtaesmaias dresses were
sleeveless, cut with tow jenny neck,
draped skirts and made long on one
side to eive an effct of a small
side train. The matron of honor
alone wore a short straight cut
The wedding was followed by a
reception at the home of the bride.
Assisting Mrs. Kiplinger were Mrs.
Ed Creighton, the Misses Ellen
Creighton, Gladys Peters, Daphne
Peters and Shirley Moore. Mrs.
Kiplinger wore black chantilly lace
trimmed with jet, and Mr.. C. C.
Allison, the mother of the groom,
tvore white satin with, pearl trim
mings. (
The groom's gift to the bride was
a diamond and en;erc!d bar pin. To
her bridesmaids Miss Kiplinger gave
small head bags to carry with eve
ning dress - while Mr. Allison's
present to his ushers were gold
monogramed, black silk cigaret
Mrs. Allison's travelling costume
was a three-piece suit of brown
duvetyne trHmed with beaver, and
a brown , velvet hat. After their
wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Allison
will be at home in their new house,
which is being built for them bv
Mrs. Allison as a wedding gift. . It
5s at 366 South Fifty-second street.
Drama League
' Percy Mackaye, American dra
matist, writer of pageants, poetry
and books, and a lecturer of note,
will come to Omaha Thursday,
November 3. for a lecture-recital un
der the auspices of the Drama league,
MrsJ. E. M. Syfert, president, an
nounced today.
: Mr. MacKaye is one oi me dcsi
-known figures in the theater world
today. He has lectured at Harvard,
Yale, Columbia ana otner un versi
t:es on the theater. His "Bird Masque
Sanctuary" will long be remembered
by Omahans wljo wtnessed the dedi
cation ceremonies of the Fontenelle
bird reserve a few years ago when
: his charming pageant was presented
by Omaha talent.
Mr. Mackaye is deeply interested in
community drama and has written a
number of pageants. He is the sixth
artist of note secured by the Drama
v league of Omaha for its program th:s
year. Because of Mr. Mackaye's
prominence the league gladly ac
cepted this booking of November 3.
though it follows closely the per
formances of Tony Sarg's marionettes
' at the Brandeis. Mr. , Mackaye will
jgive readings from his own plays and
also apeak on the community drama
movement at the present time in this
country. . , .; . ,. ;
Box Parties for Kansas
Aggies-Creighton Game
.' Amonor thosff . who : will entertain
box parties at the Creighton-Kansas
Aggies foot ball game Saturday at
the Creighton field are Charles Bea
ton, .John Madden, Fnn1c Judson,
Howard Farrell. C M. Garvey. Wal-
. t t i n i r i tr n..-i- il
ter xicau, sen .uuiywj, umj uuh-i
tey, W. J. Coad, Joseph . Barker ana
Dr. Frederick Langdon.
' Tt is expected that this gime will
be one of the hiest of the season.
Train School Mothers. '
Mrs. lulius Koch" and Mrs. John
Carney will entertain the.vTrain
School Mothers'-club Friday; after
' noon at the home -of . Mrs.. Koch,
2406 Poppleton avenue.v ;
lit bt with a Golden Glint Shampoo. Adv.
Kctidy Souvenir Free
At "Better Bedding
Onion Outfitting Co.
Big Diap'.ay of. Simmon
Ced-SiinmcD Bed Given
Away Next Friday Eve.
Bomemekers will know the tm
bortance of a good Bed and good
Bedding in relation to sound, re
freshing sleep are taking consid
erable interest , in the "Better
Bedding Exhibition" now going
cm at the Union Outfitting Co.
The sew, 1921 models in ."na
tionally advertised" Simmons
Beds are receiving considerable
prominence, and from 1 to 6 P.
M. each afternoon mattresses will
be shown in the making. As
always yon make your own terms.
SliSZ Esther Qrapf
Hya fhela.
Miss Esther Graff, daughter of E.
U. Graff, who was formerly super
intendent of schools' here, is in
Omaha for three weeks as the guest
of Mirfs Myrne Gilchrist. Since she
left Omaha Miss Graff fas made her
home in Indianapolis, where she hn
attended Butler college. This last
summer she has been studting mu
sic in "New York. Miss Graff and
Miss Gilchrist will be mcluded in all
the festivities of the Jack-I'iel wed
ding party, and the end of next week
Miss - Gilchrist -.will entertain in
honor of Miss, Graff. .
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Popping the Question.
Dear Ml-s Fairfax: I am in love
with a Rirl who has hid many suit
ors, and now that I feel It is time
for me to propope I wish you would
give me a few hints oa to the right
way to do it. for sho is moct par
ticular and if I do not do it In . a
ral'ant wcy I am afraid she mlnht
think I am boobish and rsject me.
I levo this vital matter in your
han-N and hope to see niy reply
soon, as it is hard when I pee hr
to restrain from asking her to be
my wife. JIMMY.
That's something you would bet
ter do on impulse, Jimmy. Better
be awkward and Kenuinely Impul
sive than have the prettiest speech
and bow or a bended knee when
the question is to bo popped.
Beware of Slstcra-ln-I-ow.
LVar Miss Fairfax: I am a girl
of 17. Have been BOlng with a fel
low of 19. I am Italian and he Is
Polish. I met his Bister one diy
and she told me different things
about her brother. 1 did not believe
her. And kept peace with him. In
spile of what she had said I love
and worship him more. But one
day she told me to put his love to a
test and see If he would All his
pt'omise. Some time passed and he
didn't make his promise . good. . At
this I believed his sister and broke
up with. him.
Did ! do right or wrong? if you
were In my place what would you
have done?- 'A READER.
I would have believed this roan,
as I -would believe anybody, until
ho had proven unworthy. Yod do
wrong when you lend an ear to evil
tales about anyone.
Farewell Dinner.
. Mr. and Mrs. Vac'av' Kozak.
whose weddirs took pface last Sat
urday were tie guests of honor at
a farewell dinner given for th"tn
Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Shaddy. Mr. and Mrs. Kovait
left for Europe Tuesday via Mont
real They will make their home
in Prague :' s
Church Entertainment. .
The Young People's society of the
United Presbyterian church, Twenty-third
and H streets, will give' a
literary and mus'cal entertainment on
the evening of October 13.
eveiy morning!
eaten every day wm
permanently and
naturally relievz
Insist uponlCeUoggb
"the ori&inalBran
in the green andredpackage
It's about time you quit getting oat of bed feel
ing frazzled and faded! EAT BRAN KEL
LOGG'S BRAN, cooked and krumbled, because it
will do what pills and cathartics nerer will! -
Kellogg's Bran will not only reliere' constipation .
but it will permanently relieye your system of constipation if you eat it regularly!
Don't confound Kelloggs Bran," cooked and krumbled, with "remedies." BRAN is
nature's food and it naturally keeps the intestinal tract free of congestion! BRAN
tweeps the bowels; cleanses the bowels; purifies the bowels! Physicians indorse bran!
' Don't delay another day! Eat Eellogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled, and get the re
lief you need so badly. Its nut-like flavor is delightful. Or you can use it in innumer
able appetizing ways such as in muffins,' bran bread, cookies, macaroons, pancakes, and so
on. Tomorrow morning Kelloggs BRAN, cooked and krumbled, for the family! IN
die original JSRAN cooked and
My Marriage Problems
Afti-te tiamwm' ben hae of
iamtfftt Uti. kt Mseavesas ww sWve lasti
Tht Astounding Quest on the Sirange
Women Asked.
I think in Robert Satarin's iniixt.
a in mine, thrre w no thought of
pity lor the queer wo;iuu we had
Mind paint. ng in the middle oi the
II' I.. -I. - .!!. - . .. I I. .
I nouiiiii vmagc roau, aim "
i now was suhbitti i Hie tounrau vl
the car, with Lillun s ready arm
around her, Lillian's tctidrr laud
stroking her head.
We had so guarded Lili an in hrr
long convalescence that nothing un
pleasant had come near hrr. and here
was an outbreak, iolriit and hysteri
cal, that was extremely l.kcly to un
set her. But we both knew Lillian
well enough to realize that the only
thing we could do to end the situa
tion was to relieve the cauc, what
ever it might be, of the biarrc-look-
ing creatures einot on.
"Hctter drive on a bit, Robert,"
Lillian said softly. "We'll be out o
the village in another turn or two,
and can talk without attrn
lie did as she suggested, and by
the we had reached a spot
where there was the required i.ola
tion, the sobs of the woman had
quirted, and she was hunting madly
in the bag at her waist for
she evidently desired greatly.
"Don't let him turn around,"' she
whispered to Lillian, and then
saw that her tears had made dirly
furrows in her rouge and powder,
and that she had taken from her ha
a small mirror and the necessary ma
terials for replenishing her com
plrxion. "He w on't," Lillian whispered back,
and I saw her eyes stray to Rob
ert Savar.n s face with the look which
only his presence brings to it, and 1
guessed that she was this
man who adored her as she was and
for herself with Harry Underwood,
at whose demand she had for so
manv years digu'sed her real self
with atrocious makeup, as this other
poor soul was now doing in a vain
effort to keep the youth that had
long fled.
"If He Would "
"You must think I'm a yellow
quitter and an awful foot, Lil," she
said from the moment she had co:ue
to the side of the car she had ignored
me as if I were not present, and 1
guessed that the sight of any younger
woman who did not need makeup
rngered her I have seen plenty of
her type. "But to tell you the truth,
I m just ahout at the end ot every
thing I haven't sold a picture in
ages, but I've got a lot of 'em hung
in an auction sale the colony's giving
today over at the art gallery. I
thought it would be a good advertis
ing stunt to sit down there in the
middle of the road and paint Lots
of others do it at different times, be
cause there's a splendid view of the
mountain from precisely that spot.
But I figured further that because
there are a lot of people here today
from all the summer resorts to at
tend the auction some of 'em have
come 75 miles they might want to
see-some of my pictures after having
nearly run me down. But if this is
Mr. Savarin and he would " even
her audacity faltered at Robert
Savarin's uncompromising back. '
"What would?" Lillian asked non
committally. "Why, you see, everybody who
knows anything about art knows
who Robert Savarin is," Mrs. Rundle
returned. "And 1 thought that if
he'd just go into the auction and bid
on one of my pictures the money
would be paid to me, and I could re
turn it to him if nobody else bid
him up why, then, if they knew who
he was, lots of people would bid
over him, because they would know
he knew a good thing, and"
Flashing Eyes.
Her eyes went down before the
fire in Lillian's.
"And you would ask him to prosti
tute his knowledge of art, his repu
tation, to sell your pictures 1" Lillian
m m
biiun iurmiiy. Antuiiu cvnvern
iug the hwimr vt anv dear to her
toutrt her hkc a tig-ni.
Mrs, Kundle gave s ti:i!e moan as
tf iiliMilule ilnprtir.
All right, Mid with iiirpns
iH.hc ne vouinni. uhi. vn u.e
! cViprration of a wonmi fight ng ior
.her child. "Iliey are g.Hid. I think
he'd say so hininclt it he saw them.
Won't he just co uc in and see 'em?
Then if he'd just say hu real opiu
it n of them so people could hear, it
would help. I'm actually hungry,
Lillian response was quick, con
trite. "I am sorry to have to hurt you,
rieauor." she Mid tenderly. "But
your first requc.t was out of the
question, you know. The last one,
l.ow ever Robert w hat ?"
Robert Savar n turned in his scat,
his cyci on Lillian's compasMotiatc
fare. He absolutely ignored the
other woman crouching in her cor
ner with her eyes hungrily watching
"I am at your service in anything
vou wish to do, Lillian," he said.
Pray command mc."
"Madge, you don't mind going
into the auction, do you?" she asked,
with the tenderness which never fails
her. and at my quick assent she
tabl ed a smile at Robert Savarin.
"Then, Robert, if you will drive us
hack to the; auction we'll look at
Eleanor's pictures, and see what can
be done," she said briskly. "Pull
yourself together, Eleanor, we'll fix
t'..inj;s up for you somehow."
Had your iron
Eat morv
Home-made Renwdy
The ht math mmflrlm jroa rr
imfu. A ronnir piiijr Mutiy ana
Quickly Blade, Satrs about St.
You might be surprised to know
that the best thing you can use for
a severe cough, is a remedy which
is easily prepared at home in just
a few moments. It's cheap, but for
prompt results it beats anything else ,
you ever tried. Usually stops the
ordinary cough or chest cold in 24
hours. Tastes pleasant, too children
like it and it is pure snd cood.
Four 2', ounces of Pinex in a
pint bottle then fill it up with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari
fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
instead of sugar svrun. if desired.
Thus you make a full pint a family
supply but costing no more than a
small bottle of ready-made cough
And as a couch medicine, there Is
really nothing better to be had at
- It goes right to the spot
quick, lasting relief. It
and e.ves
promptly heals the inflamed mem
branes that line the throat and air
fassages,. stops the annoying throat
ickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon
your cough stops entirely. Splendid
lor bronchitis. crouD. hoarseness and
bronchial asthma.
rinex is a hichlv concentrated com'
pound of Norway pine extract,
famous for healing the membranes.
To avoid dissDDOintment ask vour
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex"
with directions and don't accept any
thins else. Guaranteed to five abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded,
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
I j-
iiuevescohstipatiohI &
i Mitotan I
Harry Shedd to '
lr. and Mrs. W. P. Cam of Col-
fax, li, announce the tnamaue of
meir cuugntrr, ?Mnc, to uarry u.
Shedd of this city. The wedding will
be quietly snleumurd at the home
hi the bride's parents, Thursday
HHirniiig, October .1), at 10 o'clock.
Mure will be no sHciuUni.
Mr. Miedd and his bride will spend
ii rHvm w
ft1rni, .iter whi,n ,hf a,
home in Omaha
Miss Cain attended Montircllo
seminary st Godfrey, 111. and is
graduate of the l uivertitv oi Iowa.
She is a member, of - Delta Delta
Delta sorority.
Mr. Shedd is a graduate of the
University of Nebraska aud a mem-
Don't let a poor
skin spoil your
Resinol can heal those
Blotches ani
'skin more
5oolhina and HasJina.
Sugar Cured
Fresh Hams
Vi or whole
Choice Pork Loin Roast...:.
Fresh Boston Butts
Fresh Spareribs
Freeh Neck Bones, 5 lbs. . . .
Fresh Pig'a Feet, 4 lbs. '.
Fresh Pig Tails .
Fresh Pig Snouts, 4 lbs. ...
Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs. . ....
Pure Pork Sausage
Fresh Pig Liver, 4 lba
.Fresh Pig Hearts, 3 lbs. ...
Fresh Halibut Steak . . . .
Fresh Salmon Steak ........
Fresh Cat Fish
Fresh Halibut, V or whole
Fresh Salmon, or whole. . . . . .
Fancy Sardines, 5 cans. .........
Fancy Red Salmon, 1-lb. tall cans.
Fancy Pink Selmon, 1-lb. tail cans .'
Which Gets the Paying Job
Thin, run-down folks who find that business i3 bad and employment is
scarce should try taking two of Mastin's tiny yeast VITAMON Tabjets
with their meals for a short
financial conditions improve.
Mstin' VITAMON Tb!eU supply
in highly concentrated form tru
yeast viumiue, combined with the
outer health-giving- viUmmee which
Science taja 70a mutt have to be
s t rone, w;ll and fully developed. If
you are weak, thin, pale, generally
run-down or feel lacking in brain
power and ambition and want that
firm flesh "pep" which reta the
money, you avrely need lone of
these precioua vitammee 'n your
l item at once. Maitin'a VITAMON
mixea with your food. heH it to
direae and supnliea juiit'what your
body needa to f-ed and nouri'h the
ahrunken ttua, the . worn-out
nerve, the th'n blood and the
starved brain. Pimples, boi's and
skin eruptions seem to vanish like
marie rnder tht helh'il inlu
enee. Mastin's VITAMON Tablets
w'll not cause (as or unset the
Stomach, but strengthen the d'ffes
tive and Intestinal tract and help to
correct even ehronfe eonttinatton.
They are easy and economical to
take and so quek and remarkable
art the results that complete satis
faction Is absolutely guaranteed or
the small amount yea pay for th
trial will be promptly refunded.
Be sura to remember the name
. Mastin's VI-TA-MON the original and genuine yeaat-vltamlne tablet. There is nothing else like It, so do not ac
rvpt in: ''at Ion, or substitutes. You can get Mastin's VITAMON Tablets at all rood drurgiats, such as Sherman a
McConneU. Adams-Haight, Alexander Jacobs, i. L. Brandeis, Hayden Eros, and Burgess-Kern.
i kappa l'l fraternity.
rtiu vi.ited iii Omaha Uur!
Pt um tff at the home id
i Mr. and M'. M. it, St,phenoi.
e.hool Forum I Orphfum Tbilisi rvenmg. TUc
kneol Forum. I (li,fty will include MU Men rde.
Omaha S.hool lurui.i .'.! u.eitij, LirMt ttlld Mll. Kotwrt
Thursday, 4 , i.r in the auditorium j Kin ley, Lieut. IhctU-r 'ItimMe. Mai
of Central high school. rol'ii Kinlej. I here will be a WrUh
Three hundred and thirty mem- J? VW
, i i ... i i i t rry alter the Orphrum.
Per and friend attended the picnic ,
supper given by the Form i Tucs ; Women Voters Meet.
day evening a't Ktmwood par!.. , Women voters nomarti4ii com
John J. Xeiliatdt will tpiak befuie nititee will meet Thursday, 2'M
the l orum Thursday afternoon, Oc- p, m. at thf home oi Mrs. Ctiarlrs
tuber in Central high school llauer 5310 North Twenty-t.i'h
Before you select your next. hosiery
may wo suggest that you corns in and
see the exquisite new creations from
This is a hosiery of style, quality and
durability. '
For Mn it
. TSe, 1.00 and flttttt.
Th Phxnlx
Omaha's Leading Cash Markets
For Quality Meats. Quick
Service and Low Prices
212 No. 16th St. 240S Cuming St.
4903 So. 24th St
Leaf Lard
Fresh Cut
Round Steak
Choice Rib Boilin? Beef.
Choice Beef Pot Roast . .......... 10
Choice Beef Chuck Roast. ...... l1
Choice Cut Round Steak ......... 18
Fresh Cut Hamburger 15
Fresh Beef Tongue ......... .'. . .25d
Fresh Beef Hearts .............. - 8
. . t . .JJ5
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, . . . ... . 1
Sugar Cured Regular Hams .?3
Sugar Cured Skinned Hams .... . .J?3e
Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon ..... ,18t
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon ....... .20
Armour's Star Bacon, V or whole. .35
Swift's Gem Nut .3
Cudahy's Rex Nut ............. .22
Best Creamery Butter 45
Fancy-Early June Peas, 3 cans. . . .38c
Fancy Sweat Corn, 3 cans. ...... .35c
? a
time and watch how their
l Miss Crary Entertains,
M Ltiu-ir ShrparJ and hr
.w,,.- i i.u loin. s. tVanfniiL will
J . Ihe ,.fit4 o( tits Sally l'rrv st
For Wam,n kt
1.10, 1.48, 164 ana
S. E. Corner
16th and Harney
Store of Oouha
Sugar Cured
y or whole
Beef Chuck
physical and
War bo! U a
Stroaf, relMiu1t
fallow- wllk
plaaly of "Pap"
ajjel'eiksjrfy car skin
(lowing witb nssM; beaJta
atsd vigor iaatMd of hav
" a tbia alaolope1
body taal shows oor lack
of aorro feres) anx) physical
power? Jut Uka Maatia't
Yoa.1 VITAMON TabUta
for a short lima and watch
tho tndy amaxiaf roraltt.
Celebrstrs Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. un4 N!u V. II Joins rri
biated tlirir 4uli wcddmil amuvet
sary Turtday rveimur Villi a dinncf
party at the Omaha AthUiic iluh.
The gurtts weie Mr. and Mr.
Charles Umkr, Mr. and Mrs. W. K.
McFarUml ami Mr. and Mrs, J. 1
Kirk and daughter, Louise.
Dalley the Dentist
rsusuh4 laas
faialets Calraclioa of TeelK
Jt'r. K. W, "alley
Pr heriraia M iHamaua
Maae Peatialew I asy rr Vau
TM Cur sl. rk. Uia and rUta.v
wrNiir.w vr.
Look Young I Bring back Ila
Natural Color, Glo: and
Common Rardrn naue hrrwfi!
Into a heavy l-.i, wilh lililiur iMttl.
will turn g'ay, trr.iKc1 a'ul lailn!
hair beantiltilly dark and luxuriant.
Just a few application will provt
a revelation it jour hair is (adiufi.
rtrrakrd or gry. Mixing the Siki
Tea and Sulphur recipe at hutmv
though, i troul)lrome. An easier
way is to grt a bottle of Vycth'
Sage and Sulphur t'oiiinounj any
drug itore. all rca ly for use. This
it the old-time reripe improved by
the addition of other ingredients.
While vipy, gfay, faded hair is
not sinful, wc all desire to retain
our youthful appearance and attrac
tiveness, hy darkening your hair
with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound, no one ran tell, because
it does it so naturally, so evenly.
You just dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
your hair, taking one small strand at
a time; by morning all gray hairt
have disappeared, and after another
application or two your hair become
beautifully dark, glossy, soft and
Kidney and Bladder
TroublesHAVE TO GO
Clogs; eel up Kidney Deposits ara Dis
solved and tho Toxina (Poisons)
Completely Driven Out. Drug-'
gist Told to Guarantee) it in
Every Instanco.
' 'Tour very life." says Dr. Carey, "de
pends upon the perfect funct oning and
health of your kidneys, ao whatever yta
do, don't negleet them."
Dr. Carey's famous prescription. No. 777,
known as Marsh root, is not recommended
for everything, but we cannot too strong
ly urge its use If you suffer from annoy.
Ing bladder troubles, freouent passing of
water night and' day, witb smarting or
irritation, briek dust sediment or highly-
colored urine, bloating Irritability with loan
of flesh, backache, rheumatism or anv oihrr
tendency to Brght'e Disease, Diabetis er
Gravel, for k'doty disease in its worst form
may be stealing) upon you. -
Don't wait nntil tomorrow to begin the
ose of this -wonderful prescription if you
have any of "the above symptoms; Kidney
and Bladder troubles don't wear away.
They w.U grow upon you alowly, stealth
ily and with unfailing eertanity.
Never mind the failures of the past li
you even suspect that you are subtect to
Kidney Disease, don't lose a single day, for
the 6 Sherman a McConnell Drug Store
and every good druggist has besn author-
ized to return the purchase money on the
first two bottles to all who state they have
received no benefit. .
No; More Gas in
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If you wish to be Permanently relieved
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Baalmann's Gas-Tablets ara nrrarHt
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That empty, gone and. gnawing feeling
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that anxious, and nervous feeling with
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once more be able to take a deen breath.
so often prevented by gaa pressing against
your heart and lungs. .
Your limbs, arms and fingers won't fee
eeld and go to sleep, beeauee Baalmann's
Gas-Tablets prevent gaa interfering witb
the circulation) Intense drowsiness and
sleepy feeling after dinner will soon be
replaced by a desire, for some form of
entertainment. Your: distended . stomach
will reduce -by inches because gaa will
not form , after, us tag Baalmann's Gas
Tablets. -...-,.
Get the genuine In the Yellow Package
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liable druggist.
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Fasciaatiaary Fraarsuat 1
iUways Healthful
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If yea are smsaa.
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tast wffl east yeu awtklasr If year en net
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Are You Fat?
Just Try This
ThouaanJs of overfat people have be
come allm by following the advloe of doc
tors who recommend Marmots Prs-rlp-tlon
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They reduce eteadliy and easily without
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leave no unpleasant effect.
Thla advertleeeaent w'll appear every
Thursdsy. People afflicted with Rup
ture aney ree4ve Information how to
be successfully treated without a sur
gical eperatioa.
Dr. Wr'w'e Hernia Institute
410 Wjtera Trust Building, Omaha