Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. WBD.NbSDAY. UCiUbtK li:, mi.
F any Omh minister bai big
ger record than seven weeMwji
txriorinfd in (mi!- hnnr imv ii
tht;imt (or hlra to say o, or eln
fortver bold hi peace, and leave the
laurels to the Kev. Dr. Baltily ct
Xountze Memorial. I
"Lett Saturday I married en
couplet at half-hour intervals, there
vrtre no double affa'rs. It's my tee
ord, and I'm proud of it." declared
Dr. Baltily "They all took place at
the church between the hours of 12
end X" , .
All the weddings were quiet affair.
only the lamil.f concerned ami a
few friends being present. Mitt Vera
V'ein married Eugene M. May,
Mitt Bertha McLam married Andy !
ienten, Mtti Olga Bolln became the
r'de of Lou.'t G. Michaels.
The other couple were Mcllicent
Pohaunbtrg of Burlington, la. and
1-croy F. Cox of O naha: M.t Nancy
I'ctrrson of Omaha and William II.
Dade of Panama, Keb.; Miss Jean
ette F. Thompson of Omaha and
Adolph W. Thomsen of Wiota, la.,
and Miss Florence C Jensen to John
J. ilkcrson.
Omaha Bride to
Reside Abroad
Brcbcil-Ell a Wedding.
At noon Monday a qu'ct wedd ng
took place at the Kounte Memorial
church. It was that of Miss Mabel
Irene F.His. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Zalmon Ellis, to Mr. Louis B
Urobeill. Miss Zola Ellia attended
the bride and C. L. Swancutt acted
as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Drobei!
vill live at 307 Palmer appartments.
Iowa Couple Wed in Omaha.
The marriage of Miss Eva Gwynu
ef Shennandoah, la., to William
Goodner of Farraiut, la., took place
Monday at the Third Presbyterian
church. The bride's parents. Mr.
My Marriage Problems
A4t Utmmm' Mew Ptua of
wnm tsn k
Mrs. Vaclav Kozak, jr., wlio wsi
Miss Julia Stenic'.:a before her mar
riage Saturdiy. left Tuesday with
her husband for their future borne
in Prague, Crecho-Slovakia. They
will tour Italy, France and Switz
erland en route.
i t
Who Is . bcan V.oraan Who
6 topped the Carf
Robert Savarin, with a Quick move
ment, swerved hit car to one aide
just in time to escape grazing the
woman seated in the middle of the
toad palntms at an cael.
Two other cart coming from the
opposite direction, and being com
pel led to stop at the obstacle, brought
liim to stop alto, and t'.it woman
at the easel looked up from under
en immense tun hat. At tight of our
car and its occupants the sprang to
her tret, almost upsetting her easel
i at sne am so. hit ueimcis cvi
I dently born of long practice, the
j righted the easel with one hand as
she passed it, cam'e to the side of
the car and jumped on the running
"Lillian Underwood, as I'm a hope
less tinner!" the exclaimed "Just
drive to one tide of the road, kind
gentleman, so we can talk. Char
lie!" She threw a command over her
rhoulder to a younz man who had
stood admiringly near her easel. "Get
coiu cadence to creep into be
loved a voice.
"Eleanor Rundle!" she said, mak
In the name an exclamation and a
question in one. "So you have come
pack I We must have beeo neigh
bors a! summer without knowing
"Yes, isn't it touching?" the wom
an retorted, and then the fixed be'
ttill brilliant black eyes, sole rem
nant of the beauty that wat once
hen. upon Robert Savarin.
You never used to be a ttingy
'fraid cat. Li!. the taid with the
laughing, tneeriog insolence which
her type considers audacious, fasci
nating wit "Of course I'll admit
Ir't terribly handsome"
Robert Savarin t face did not
flush, but hit eyes showed hi anger
and embarrassment at this outrage
out little speech.
LiILan. however, wat at cool aj
though the woman bad uttered the
most banal platiture.
"I always have handsome friends,
Eleanor, she said evenly. "And I
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
of .and on. of triple,., and ' . Vt , Vour , other ""and
My b. i dos. not love you In the i,rolh.P ,r, determined you ,hli
L. B. Webster it ill at her
Vft TiArh Willi pttirnH f n.
Mrs. P J. Gwynn of Shenan- dav from a two weeks' stay in Nor
doan. and the bride t tister, M ss f0lk Neb.
Inea Gwynn of Ida Grove, la., were I '
present at the ceremony, which was ' Mrt. H. H. Baldrige and Mra.
performed by the Rev. VV. H. Jor- Blanche Paterson returned Monday
trom txecisior springs.
Morton Wakely will return Wed
nesday morning from a short bnsi
ncss trip to Grca:o.
Mrs. I-eon Conde of Kansas City"
auher ?,?me Ju"daythis week. Mrs. Conde arrived Sat-
. i ui via .
Mrs. W. T. Foye is at St. Cather
ines hospital, where she underwent
an Operaton Monday for the re
moval of her tonsils.
Mrs. M. T. Barlow, who has been
dan. Dr. Jordan was the pastor in
Shenandoah for several years.
AUUon-KipUnger Dinner.
Mrt. C C Allison gave a din
ner for Miss Dorothy Kiplingcr and
Charles Allison and their vedding
wedding will take place at St. Johns
Catholic church at 8 o'clock Wednes
day evening. A reception it the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Kip
linger will follow the ceremony.
Junior League Circle Meets.
the things out of the road for me.!m glad to exhibit them and have
won't you, there's a dear. Now, Lil.-them find favor in the eyet of a con
introduce me to your friend, if they n01"er ''Jf yurlf. r- Graham
can ttind the gaff, and tell me where ! Mrs. Rundle and Mr. Savarin."
vaiiV ion vnnr.if all time t Mrs. Rundle gave me the most
And where is Harry, or aren't we perfunctory of nods she is the typs
supposed to ask questions about him 01 lenimn iy wno w ona
any more? You know I've been at' upon other women and chsped hei
the far end of the continent forhrH theatrically as she heard the
ages, and only cane back th s spring n,am- . ' . . ,
tr. find vou ffone from the eitv. and Not the Robert Savarin I' she ex-
the wildest rumors flvine around; claimed "L;l, don't tell roe that un
about your whereabouts"
A Curious Figure.
She stopped to take breath, and I
decided that I disliked her intensely
upon first sight In her youth she
must have been a striking lissome . peratlsn that need brings had shad
less it's true! It would be too gooc.
luck today."
I caught a glimpse of something
sincere behind her theatricalism and
her posing, so-nethins; that spoke of
a real need. And a flash ot the des-
From Tilly.
Tilly, I'm afraid you are silly, or
els you think I am. I hope you
are octy Joklntr. for It would be any
thing but funny If n II year-old
girl married t man of 43 wuh two
bargain Mercy
Should Man Hc Thnnkrd?
Dear Dtrii Fairfax: Will you
pleas- tell ua which la correct In re
gard to the following:
My chum lnslsia that a girl should
not thank her escort after he has
taken her to the theater and sup
per, aa he has had the honor of her
company; neither should she In
vite him tn upon their arrival heme,
or ask mm to eatli again, aa it Is
his place to make future dates and
continue the acquaintance.
I think It la proper either to thank
htm or say she has had pleaant
evening: that she may Invito him in.
but that he. if well bred, would de
cline tf it is late, and that rhe may
ask him to come and see her. aa the
has the privilege of signifying wheth
er or not she, desires his company.
We are both putzled as to what is
good form In this Instance: At sup
per does the srlrl give her order to
her escort, and he In turn give it
to the waiter, or may she give her
order direct to th waiter
My dear. I am glad there ar soma
nlo girls Ilk yourself left Your
view is the right one. A man Is
something more than the dirt under
your feet, and if he glvea you a
!lcasant evening, why should you
not thank him? Don't overdo your
thanks, but rest assured you never
err by being polite. To be sure,
the man has had the pleasure of your
company, but you also hav had the
pleasure of hi. Too meny rlrls get
th idea that man was mem! to be
their slave and Is not entitled to
civil treatment There r- certain
things a man should do for a woman,
but at least he should be thanked
for his pains. Men and womn wer
meant to b companion n4 vqual.
each having soiu superior points
prhaps, but bUtnej on the whole.
Women bav worked through cn
turle to gain equal recoanliion with
men. I hop they won't spoil their
rsthsr nwly-alned freedom by
treating men with dlsreapt. Olv
your supper order to your eort
and let him deal with the we l if r. j
Heart broken i Of course, T think
a Rtrl of your si ousht to b in
work my opinion won't hln you
much. Th only thine possible you
could do would b to consult an
attorney in your city, who mleht gt
th court to order you to hool,
using therefor some of th money
your father left you.
A ttauleri I am glad you ar In
terested In learning th names of
PYlz winner to Th Re question
naire. Th result will be announced
Just aa soon ss the Judres hav care
fully gone over the replica They
ar trying to giv a perfectly fair
decision snd, of course, that takes
time when there aro mors than a
million answers to be read.
New shipment, ordered for fall trsd r arriving daily. Th
workmen r yelling "Met Room," and w mutt raak way for
them. W bav no pUc e stor our superfluous stock "d con
sequent'y w must cut our price stnd sacrifice profit. During
this Great Remodeling SU, hundred pf hemes b cm into
posseulo f a player. Upright or Crand piano. Why shouldn't
they when they can ! adtanteee ef such unususlly low prices.
Never in the entire history of this firm hsv such trmedeit
serif ices been made.
Reason Compare
100 to $IC0 on
Player, Upright or
Best Treatment for
All Complexion Ills
It th skin b eelorlu, Mllaw, muddy.
ovtr-rd, if it b routh, blotchy, pimply
or freckled, tber' nothinr that will to
uraly ovreom th condition ordi
nary mreolitd mix. It litarally take
off a bad eompltxion horb tb dead
and Bfr-dead narttel of turfae (kin,
0 santly, grsdua'ly, you xprine bo
lneonvnlnr at all. A Dw eomplulon
I thro In cvldane. on o altar, tpotlc,
daleately (oft and beautiful, you look
year youoctr. On oune of till wax.
proeurabl at any drug ator. will ro-
luvcuai writ in worct complexion
It t ameand on ilk cold cream befor
rctlrin and removfd mornlnxi wi'.h
warm water. Tb mereolited wax habit
I a healthier and tnor economical en
than th comtie habit.
If th kin be wrinkled or flabby, bath
it daily in a aolution made by dlolvlnc
an ounce of powdered aaxolit in half-
pint of witch harel Thia acta Immediately,
affecting even th deepeit wrinkle.
brunette. Now, in her late forties
the was scrawny and sallow where
her makeup did not reach. Her hair,
which no doubt in her youth had
"rivaled the raven's wing, still held
the hue of that fa-nous bird, but
it was a color which patently came
out of a bottle. And her dress
an extremely short sport skirt topped
owed her brilliant eyes for a second
Lillian saw it, also, I knew from
the pro-rptness with which ah1
opened the tonneau door.
"Get in, Eleanor," she said
brusquely, "and tell me what the
To my horror, the woman, after
obeving, turned her head against the
back of the seat and brolce into a
One of the three sewing circles of confined to her home tor nearly two
,the Junior league met Monday aft-1 weeks with an attack of neuritis, is
. rmrtAn at tti liAm sf f .' r (Ta..!.! k I . . . 1 V. . a :
et. T hie rirrta mtc vrv 1
day to sew for the University hospi-1 Mr- and Mrs- M. W. Graham and
tal. Its members are the Mesdames daughter, Margaret, of Freeport, 111.;
Be Burns. Amos Thomas. Boh fiar. are visit-ng at tre will I. oranam
rett, Richard Mallory, Bob Turner,
Robert Reasoner, the Misses Har
. riet Metz, Mary FulIer,Ruth Carter,
Emily Keller. Helen Walker and
, Elizabeth Barker.
Informal Tea.
Mrs. M. F. GoodbodV enterta:ncd
teformally at tea Tuesday afternoon
hoT'e. They made the trip by auto
mobile. Mrs. William Dinkins arrived Sun
day to spend a week in Omaha at
the home of her father, Mr. H. P
Whitmore. She will return to Kan
sas City the first of next week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Harmon left
bldv's mTtne? Mr. r ' for nK Beach,- Cal on Tuesday.
A, dk Vr! n?" rdJl0d''They ha?e been Visiting their dauh
and his sister, Mjss Dora Goodbody . fro p r. WitJl,K ,nA ,r
4 e It iltllVltl) S1JA A4,t
of Paterson, N. J.
Church Bazaar.
The women of Holy Name parish
will conduct a bazaar in the school
auditorium, Forty-sixth and Maple
. streets, from . Wednesday evening
until Saturday eveninc.
.. Dance Series.
Watson's orchestra of Lincoln' will
. . give a series of dancing parties on
Friday evening of each week at the
- - Kel-Pine academy. This orchestra,
which is composed of students from
the state university, plaved during
the summer months at Troutdale in
the Pines, Colorado. fr
Mr. B. B. Davis of Omaha will be
one of the principal speakers at a
banquet given at the semi-centennial
celebration of the Paltadians at the
Univers-'ty of Nebraska, next Satur
day night
M'ss Janavence Kerens of New
York, who has been a guest at the
Walter Head home for a few days,
left for her home Monday evening.
Miss Vernelle Head spent last week
end in St Joseph, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFerren
and smal daughter of Hocoston,
III., arrived Monday, to be guests of
Mrs. Mcf erren s parents, Mr. and
Church Holds Rummage Sile.
WAntA, .t ict t.., ... i Mrs. Charles Test Stewart of Coun-
a bridesmaid in the wedding of Miss
Menie Davis, October 29
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Weston and
Miss Mildred Weston left Tuesday
morning on a motor trip to Sioux
City, where they will be the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Weston will return to
Omaha Thursday,-but Miss Weston
will be away for 10 days.
: E. O. Hamilton has been in Oma-
; fourth street, by the ladies of Trinity
j-temoaist cnurr.n.
Card Party.
: Tlie woman's auxiliary of St Mar
' garct Marys church will entertain
at a card party Friday evening at
the parish house, 5002' -California
Omaha G'rl Wins Honors.
Miss Jean G. Kennedy has been
elected secretary and treasurer of
Mount Holyoke college. She is on -ha for the last few days. The end of
the bibliography committee of the the he expects to take a trip
-jab as Well. t0 Oklahoma and then do some
The members this vear will ..t- nuntmg in tnesanomiis. alter wmcn
up tne study ot the Racine with spe
i cial reference to Japan and the dis
3 armament conference. Material for
- study , will be sent from the central
. - office of the club in New York Citv,
: which is supported by Andrew Car-
- negie. .,
Drama Leasue Corner.
, - New booka added to the Drama
i - league corner at the public library
include: .
tm 'Xh Moon ot tbs Carlbbew," Eugene
"Toueb and Go," Lawrence,
j "Clair d Luna." Michael Stranf . .
"' Th. Rose and the Ring,". Thackery.
."CoUected Play." Stephen Phillip.
"Th Contemporary Drama of France.'
frank W. Chandler.
' - "Modern American play,' Georx P.
r. Bnker.
- A card index box. on the shelf tells
where references on all the attrac-
tiona to be brought to Omaha by the
irama league may oe tound m the
library, and to the clippings and bib.
j Iieraphy of the best modern plays
os an countries.
W. C U. Convention.
Americanization and enforcement
of law will be features of the annual
convention of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union in session
this week at Columbus.
- Among those attending from
Omaha are. Mrs. M. D. Vieno, pres
ident of Douglas county; Mesdames
G. W. CoveU, C J. Roberts, H. N.
Craig, E. G. Grover, James Dalzell,
S. Bragg, H. G. Claggett, T. R.
Ward, W. C King and Dr. Jennie
Callfas. - -
It is probable that Mrs. Lelia
Dyer of Boone will be re-elected
: state president.
Movie at Yates School
A motion picture, "Roaring RoacV
tarring Wallace Reid, will be shown
in the auditorium of the Henry W.
; Yates school Friday evening at 7:30
' - dock.
A comedy and Pathe Review will
also be shown. ,
A good stove duster can be made
with an eld mopstick cut to a handy
length. Tie to it strips of old stock-In-
" sn -
he will be in Omaha again before he
returns to California. Miss Ruth
Hamilton is studying art this "win
ter, and Allison, Hamilton is in
school in Los Angeles.
Mrs. F.'P. Kirkendall expects to
leave Friday, October 14. on a mot
or trip to Chicago. In her party
will be Mrs. J. R. Scobie, Mrs. C.
M. Wilhelm, Mrs. Arthur Reming
ton and Mrs. Burdette Kirkendall.
They 'will be gone about 10 days.
bv a smock, low-cut
with rolled-down stockings and flam- fe t 8tofm of tear$ and sob,
chintz made her a bizarre figure
even in that artist colony, where
freakiness of costume and behavior
forms a fantastic edg ng for
Book Club Opens Season.
The Book club will bold its first
v.. meeting of the year on Thursday
beautiful sturdy woof of which the 1 afi"ernon. the. hotn ?f MissJErna
. I T7...1 I . I. a M " . .1... K..
colony bfe is composed.
That she was malicious, though
harmlessly so. under her apparently
friendly greeting, I was sure from
a queer furtive little expression in
her eyes as she looked at Lillian.
All Lillian's world knew of Harry
Underwood's currish treatment of
her, and the way she had heaped
coals of fire upon h's head by sav
ing him from prosecution, getting
him out of the country and giving
him a chance to redeem himself by
foreign service in the world war, for
bis share in the plot against his coun
try conceived in the fertile brdn of
Grace Draper. If this woman had
made any inquiries at all concerning
Lillian she must have heard this
storv of Harry Underwood, and her
question concerning him must have
been born : solely of a desire to
"Too Good Luck."
That Lillian knew and understood
all this I was sure from the inflec
t.on of her voice as she side-stepped
the sudden onslaught ot this unex
pected question. It was an inflec
tion which only her closest friend
know, and I saw Robrt Savarin's
eyes harden as he looked at the
woman who had caused that hurt,
Reed. "Liliom," a play by Franz
Molner, will be read and discussed.
t'onglas JHMA. 17th and Donglat
Swd-Ji for
Wethe day and Thursday
Corn, Iowa pick, extra quality,
per can 10
Per dozen 81.15
finest Sardines In pure oIL "
HJb.tIn 234
Pillsborj Pancake Floor.
Prpk&. lle
Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples,
per basnei 83.45
About four o'clock
hdt the daily mah
in work or home
long enough ao
that til may hare a.,
cheering, strength,
ening cap of good
Coffee. It not only
helps bat it pays.
74 Wall Strict KcwYwk
l'tke totiversal drink I
Purs Pork Sausage
SJnou'rJer UmfiCfioptj
perl. l
Hand Luggage
You'll Be Freud ot
Priced Within Reach oi All
"1 Q: fijf
Week-End Cases, Over-Nigbt Cases and Hat Boxe,
both square and round, in black enamel canvas, are .
Ions; wearing; and neat appearing. Their itrengtb
and lithtnets make then) very ftp aftV
deiirable. We have them priced ahij fill
as low as.. .T "
Week-End Cases at $6.75, $10 and up to $20; Over
Night Cases, $3.75 and up to $22; Hat Boxes, $8.75
and up to $16.50. '
FRELING ? Steinle
1803 Farnam Street Here 15 Years'
H S yjr.
1 ,F ifr-r-TI ' is id
c 11 El A 1 1
& Brand New $650
JJ j $395 jf!j
Here Is Our Biggest Feature
This beautiful Player Piano, ef the hteit
type wi;h all the necessary devices for ren
dering perfect expression and which former,
ly sold for $650, is marked to the very low
price of
Terms: $25 Down and $2.50 Per Week
Behr Bros. Grand
A remarkab!e instrument
that will pUase the most cri
tical b-jyer and the most ac
complished pianist. Remem
ber, this is a brand new
instrument that formerly
sold at 5SS5.
During (h's sale
we cut price to
Terms! $3 C0 Per Week
Sweet toned upright p'anos
that are ths latest des!ga
and sold with our Ironclad
guarantee. These instru
ments formerly
sold for $150,
the price naw U
Terirsi $10 Down,
$2 Per Week
pea iosirua
A Few Exceptional Bargains in Used Pianos
4 1 $10 Places One in Year Home.
Oat. of BSg8ge
Store I '
Kr luted mmmmm u-tastaeareaJiiis
Advtc from
dependable '
Lay la ap
ply at eenaed
coeds at Boy
Rite prices.
Folks, our mammoth Canned Food Sale Is gol ng over big. Did you get yours? Remember, Oc
tober 20tb will be the last day of this sale, and for y our consideration will say the canned goods market
is getting stronger very day. and we advise you to b uy those Quality canned goods now at these . low fl
nr Time fuT flying. Act today. Ask your grocer t or the complete list ot items and prices for this mam
moth sale. These goods are all A-l, packed In heav y sugar syrup, not a corn syrup.
. All soupd taste better when
accompanied by PREMIUM SODA
CRACKERS, mildly salt, with a crisp,'
flaky tenderness. Their convenient
size is another advantage. :
Sold from glass front cans and
from large size QLTa by the pound;
in the new Family Qubox; and in
In-er-seai Trade Mark packages :
'Prince Apricots, No. 2 cans
Prince Yellow Free Peaches, No. 2 cans .
Prince Sliced Peaches, No. 2i cans
Prince Bartlett Pears, No. 2 cans
Grand Canon Sliced Plnea-ple, No. 2....
Grand Canon White Asparagus Tips, No. 1,
Grand Canon Green Asparagus Tips, No. 1, $4.75
Grand Canon Strawbarry Beets, No. 2 cans, $2.65
Grand Canon Maine Corn, No. 2 cans ....$2.65
'Grand Canon Midget Peas. No. 2 cans .....$3.75
Grand Canon Club Peas, No. 2 cans .....$3.10
Grand Canon Jersey Sweet Potatoes, No. 3, $3.15
Grand Canon Solid Pack Tomatoes, No. 3, $2.63
Imported Belgium French Style Peas 52.45
Hazelton Upri-ht $ 95
Willard Upright $125
Bachman Upright.... .$135
Hope Uorijht $175
KSmbn'l Unr:-ht $15
Vose A Son Upright. .. .$225
If you live out of town
send this coupon. We
ship anywhere.
Gramer Upright $235
Smith & Nixon Upright. .$275
Emerson Upright .....$325
Milton Player $335
Schmoller Sc. Mue'ler Plr. $375
Chickerinf Grand. ..... .$475
Schmo'ler A Mueller Piano Co.,
Omaha. -Gentle-sea
Pleas send m eomplai Informa
tion regarding; Uprifht..
Player Grand
Address ........
Town State.
Schmoller & Muell
1514-16-18 P' Phone
Dodge St. " 1 18.I10 VO Douglas 1623
Home of the Steinway Standard Piano of the World.
::::::::::::: I f
Yeast Vitamon Tablets
For Firm Flesh "Pep"
-To Strengthen the Nerves, Increase Energy
Correct Indigestion and Constipation
Everywhere people ar talklna: aboat
the new, easy and economical way of get
tins th wonderful h jalth-frivlnr benu'.u
of true yeast-vitamlnes in the tiny tablet
form called Mastin 8 VITAMON. By get
ting the precious yeast and other vita
mines in this highly concentrated form,
you can be sure of quick reaulta, for
Mos tin's VITAMON banishes p'mples. boils
and skin eruptions as if by magic,
strengthens the nerves, builds up the body
with firm flesh and tissue and often
rejuvenates the whole system. It will
not upset the stomach or caus gas, but
and to help overcome even chronic eon'
stipatlon. So rapid and amazing are th
results that success and aatisfaetioa are
absolutely guaranteed to weak, thin, nerv
ous, run-down folks or the small amount
you pay for the trial will be promptly
refunded. Be sure to remember the name
Mastin's VI-TA-MCN the original and
genuine yeast-vitamine tablet there ia
nothing che like it, so do not accept lmi
tat Ion or sub-tltntes. You can get Mas
tin's VITAMON Tablet at all good drag,
ghts, such as Sherman McConnrM,
Adams-Ha'ght, Alexander Jacobs, ' J. L.
on the contrary Is a great aid to digestion I Brandeis. Hayden Bros, and Burges-Nash.
Canned Vegetables and the majority of Canne d Fruits Will be very scarce and will show a steady
advance In price throughout the Pall and Winter se ason. , - -- -
6 large cans Victoria Cleanser $
15c cans WHIZ, a tine hand soap
35c Jars Wright's Silver Cream
Sal Soda, 8 large packages
10 bars P. & G. Naptha Soap
Per box of 100 large bars .
10 bars IVOEY Soap
Large size cans ToiUUeen, 3 for
481b. sack Red Star Flour. (The best flour),' $2.65
48-lb. sack Little Hatchet Flour 1.85
. 24-lb. sack Little Hatchet Flour .99
Large site cans Dr. Price's Baking Powder .20
Mb. size cans Calumet Baking Powder .... .25
25h)8. cans of K. C. Baking Powder ........ .22
Lib. size cans Romford Basing rowaer .... .5
A fresh shipment direct from the factory, new
goods, freshly made, no cold storage chocolates,
but pure, fresh candy.
3,000 pounds of light Chocolate Coated Pea
nuts, psr pound $ .39
6,000 pounds of high grade Chocolates, In
Vanilla, Maple, Strawberry, Orange, Car
mel and Nou-at flavors, per pound .... JPO
Per 6-pound box 1.75
500 cases of tull quart Jars of large Jumbo ej
Queen Olives, worth 75c a jar, special, Jar,$ .49 if
Large Jars of Pure Fruit Preserves any 3
flavor, 3 Jars for .85
1 Per dozen Jars, any flavor 3.25 C
45c bottles of Durkee's Salad Dressing, each, .27 5
1 carload of extra fancy Jonathan Apples,
per bushel basket, $3.25? Per box $3.50 K.
Large boxes Keif fer Pears : 2.85 . 3
Large square baskets Tokay Grapes .'. .65 "3
Per crate or 4 large square baskets 2.50 ' V
1 carload of Early Ohio Potatoes, smooth 21
and good cookers, per peck $ .40 3
Per bushel . 1.50
Folks, use vhese Potatoas for the next two weeks, J
Duy-Rite Stores have twenty carloads of Minn-sota
Red River Early Ohio Potatoes for your winter us. V
Don't put in your winter supply until we give you
our price on real quality Epuds. -
1 carloal of Buy-Rite Brooms direct from
the factory, put up especially for us with
our own laboL Folks, you will say this is
the finest Broom yon ever used. It's worth
81.25, Is a four-tie broom and is made of
the finest broom corn. Special $
SStk Atp. and TrBvenvrefth
Hst Bad (4 St. Hs-Jtli Md
The raen ef Dundee
lUh and L 8t. Kwtk Kit
' Utb snM Chwflrld
25th and Coming
Watnat Hill Grocer
Tfortlrth umI HamiHon
Uth Mad Amra
Thirty-third sad ArtMT
OHM Hbertna At.
F "firth sum! ranwas
SMxtmifh and Itas
Vlntao ami R'm t.
.And Similar Skin
QukKly Disappear
All irho have used Beauty Bleach entnuai
attkaDy proclaim it a wonderful blemish
remover and akin beautifisr.
This deEfhtfa&V rragrant, ink-tinted
cold cream b lightly applied at badtiine.
The inriiible, Kay coat remains on orcr
Bifht The next the skin cleansed
with Black and White Sop. with the ad
dition of a little Black and White Oara.
Bf Cream if th skin is irritated.
This Black and White EeautT Treat.
Intent is efrecire wi3 not harm the most
dtrrr'f skin, and is ao iueiieiitive Black
and White Beau!? Elerckh e3s for only
50q Black and White Soap 2Sc the cake,
and Black, and Whit Ckansmg Cnaa
25c and SOc a can. Yon can find them
all for sal at yonr faTorite droj or depart-
Write Dept C Pfcugh, Memphis, fer
Tour Birtbdaj Bock and leaflet which tcl!s
When in Need
Um Bee Want Ads
No mora squeezing and pinching- to get
rid of those unsightly blemishes, black,
beads. There is on simple, safe and
ure way to get them out and that is to
dissolve them. To do this just get about'
two ounces of calon!t powder from your
druggist sprinkle a little on a hot wet
sponge rub briskly over th blackheads
for a few seconds wash th parts and
evrry blackhead will be gone.
Pinchtng and squeezing out blackheads
make large pores and you cannot gat all
of th blackheads out this way whlla
ttrs simple application of calonit nowder
and water dissolves every particle of them
and leaves th skin and pore in their
na.ural condition. Any druggist will sell
you the ca'onite powder and about two
ounces will be all yon will ever Deed.
Spasmodic CrOTp Is frequently
relieved by one application of'
V VapoRud
Oner 17 Million Jan Vti Ycarig
Heal Hives, Rashes, Tetter
and Poison Ivy
i u
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