Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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.1 12, IW21.
Death Report
First Notice of
Diphtheria Case
"Mudcnt Who Attended Victim
Absolved of BUme by
Dean of Medical
Phyllis Preston, daughter of Oscar
Preiton, 847 South Twenty-first
otrect, died yesterday of diphtheria,
at her home.
She had been under the care of
G. B. Stryker, senior at the Univer
sity of Nebraska medical college.
Health Comminioner A. S. Pinto de
clared yesterday afternoon the fate
had not been previously reported ai
diphtheria. H telephoned Ur, Irving
S. Cutter, dean of the medical col
leg', for the facta in the cae.
Dr. Cutter absolved Stryker from
all blame.
"The Preston case was one of
the out calls of the college free dis
pensary to which Stryker wis
signed," said Dr. Cutter. "He has
been' doing thia work for several
months, v4 has acquitted himself
satisfactorily in every way..
Culture Found Negative.
"He was called Saturday night to
the Preston Lome and found the girl
had been sick since Wednesday, lie
examined her throat, and found she
had what appeared to be a case of
tonsillitis, but to make sure, he took
a culture which he left at Dugan's
drug store, Seventeenth and Doug
las streets. Sunday ' morning the I
health department reported the cul
ture negative. On receiving this re
port, Stryker did not see the case
until Monday morning.
"The girl did not appear to be
improving, and he railed a hospital
staff physician. The child died
shortly after the staff physician ar
rived. Order Disregarded. '
"In addition, Stryker gave orders
that the child was to remain in bed.
While he was in the house Monday
morning, the girl came into the
kitchen and asked for something to
eat This, in itself, might have been
sufficient to cause death in a diph
theria patient.
"There is a very definite epidemic
of diphtheria in Omaha, and while
we all are in sympathy with the ef
forts of the health department to
bring it under control, it is a shame
it has not been corralled fore th"
It is also true that although the
health department was notifies of the
girl's death at 2 p. m. Monday, no
one from ,the health department vis
ited the house until 9 a. m. the fol
lowing ("ay.
' "Mr. Stryker it absolutely blame
less in every way for the girl's
There is absolutely no one to
blame in this matter," Mr. Preston
tola Mr. Stryker last night. " I know
you did your best."
Omaha Music Verein's
Bazaar Opens Tonight
Beginning this evening, the Oma
ha Music Vereitu which - comprises
the united- German "singers of Oma
ha, wijl.hold a bazar - at its dub
house, corner of Seventeenth and
Ca$s streets. A special program has
been prepared for every eyen'ng, and
an original Cabaret will be . given
Saturday evening and Sunday after
noon and evening. The Swedish
Singing society,' 'Norden," in a
spirit of comradeship, has agreed to
assist by rendering a fine program
Thursday evening. The proceeds of
the bazar will be used to reduce the
indebtedness which still rests upon
,the club house. . . '
Herman Russell Wins Aero
Congress Wireless Prize
Herman Russell, 13, 520 South
Twentieth street, has a wireless set
to tinker with now, presented to him
. byhe management of the Interna
tional Aero congress for selling
: $248.63 worth of aero congress
stamps last week, the largest sale by
any jioy entered in the competition.
Cornell Alumni Luncheon
Omaha alumni of Cornell univer
sity will hold the first of a aerie of
monthly luncheons tomorrow noon
at 12:15 in-' the University club,
I Value Glv!ng Store
Big Bargains in
Sewing Machines
, Floor samples, demon
strators and used machines,
in good running order, will
give very satisfactory serv
ice.' ' - .
I Howe Machine.. Sll.CO
1 Eldredge Pavewav. .
1 Paveway, almost
new $18.50
1 Singer, good order.-.
, ............ . $18.75
1 New Home...;. $10.50
Get . one of : these ma
chines "now. And as usual,
you nake your own terms.
G?'JBg77PIZ (Z
Cafeteria Special
For Wednesday
Spare Ribs and Sauer Kraut oa.
with potato dumpling, uUC
IwitM NMb DotUJr Store
About the Shop
of Interest
Boys Blouses, 79c
In percale and madraaes
sizes 6 to 16. Excellent val
ues at 7c.
Surf m-NUi Dewiuielrt Store
Boys Union Suits, 95c.
Elastic ribbed long sleeves,
ankle length. Sise 6 to 10,
BurgcM-Nuk Dewtir Start
Men's Shirts, $1.00.
Factory samples, slightly
soiled, in madras and per
cales, French cuffs, 14 tt to
17,11.00. '
Burf.M-NMh Dowft.Lirt Star
Our Tunic Blouses.
These new blouses: The
"Jupon" are quite the most
delightfully new things imag
inable. We are showing them
on living models every after
noon from 1 to 5 p. m.
Tb Burgeai-Nath BIoum Shop,
Third Flow "
Wonderful Sale of Zeno
Coats for Kiddies of 1 to 6
Remarkable Group of Zeno
Sample Coats: $3.95, $6.95
There are the daintiest imaginable tiny coats of white
and pink wool crepes, silksand cashmeres, with hand
embroidered collars and hand-feather stitchings.
Lined with silk and sateen. Many interlined. Priced
while tney last at about wholesale cost. $3.95 and
$6.95 each.
Our Underwear Keeps The
Whole Family
Breezes with a nip in them remind us that winter's on the way. Our styles and as.
sortments are complete in Superweight cottons, fleeced lined cottons, woolens, silks and
woolens for women; and for boys and girls of 2 to 16.
Women's Superweight Union Suite
of a fine combed yarn, made with low neck,
without sleeves, and ankle length. Sizes 4,
5, 6: $1.75. Sizes 7, 8, 9: $2.00.
Girls' and Boys' Union Suite
Waist union suits for boys or. girls, 75c
Boys' suits,-part wool, $1.25.
Fleece-lined union suits for boys or girls, 75c
and $1.25.
Women's Samples and Soiled Undergarments
in cottons, woolens and silk and wool. AH styles and
women. Not each size in style.
'-: Btn-foM-Naafc Hooter? Shoo Mm Floor
II A Further
And Strap
A Presentation Wednesday
BurcoM-Nath lafaat'a Shop
Women's Fine Wool and Silk
- And all-wool union suits, made with low necks
and no sleeves or with Dutch neck and elbow
, sleeves. All sizes reduced to $3.95.
Women's Wool and Cotton Suite
of a good weight, made with low neck and
without sleeves regular sizes: $2.00., Extra
, sizes, $2.50.
Pumps at : $7.95
l These smart walking shoes are proving quite the
most popular and correct footwear of the season. We have
an almost unlimited choice of styles and leathers at this
most reasonable price.
Patent Leather Bearded Two
Strap Pumps, flat heels.
Taa Calf, Two-Tone Strap
Pomps, flat heels.
Black Calf Blucher Oxfords,
flat heels.
Brown Cuban Oxfords, ,
Cuban heels.
i - - f
Suits :3500:$3950
The whole offering is one in which diversity of style and rich
ness of material vies with beauty of coloring and excellency of
There is individuality in each model although all are built on
long slender lines that give youtr ful dignity. Some are smart be
cause of their very simplicity ard beautiful tailoring and some be
cause of their embroidery and fur.
The quality of the material? and of the splendid Crepe de
Chine and Satin Linings cannot be emphasized too strongly.' In:
Trlcotine Seldlne
Duvet de Laine Mousy ne
In: Seal Black, Brown, Navy, Taupe and Sorrento
Sizes for Misses: 16-20, Sizes for Women; 36-44.
BurM-Nh Suit 5up Tklro Floor
Half Price Sale of Zeno
Winter Coats: $6.95 to $18.50
Coats in. box and fancy styles, made in all colors in
velours, chinchillas, velveteens and wool mixtures, t
Trimmed in smocking and with fur or fur-trimmed
' collars. They are lined with silk and sateen. A re
markable group of manufacturer's samples now of
fered at approximately half price. The prices range
fom $5.95 to $18.50.
Cunning White Chinchilla Coats
defy winter" winds. Of lovely, soft materials, some
sateen lined, they are to be had in a box style, $3.95
Bonnets and Hats ,
Bonnets that are lovely frames for rosy baby, faces
are in white silk or velvet in a variety of colors. Hats
in beaver, velours, felt and velvet are in as many
shapes and styles as grown folks. All are wonder
fully low priced at $1.00 to $7.95.
Third Floor
sizes for
of Oxfords
Patent Lace Oxfords, plain toe
for table
and flat heels.
Heavy Brown Calf Oxford a,
rubber heels.
Black Kid Oxfords, round or
narrow toe, Cuban heela.
Black Boarded Calf Brogue
Oxfords, flat heels.
SHotwMaJa Floor
One Week Sale of Housewares
All the. Necessary and Convenient Things
For the Home at Very Special Prices
Furnace Scoops: 59c
All ateel furnaea scoops with
strong and durable handle, spe
cial at 59e. "
Lawn Rakes: 69c
24-inch lawn rake with galvanized
- wire loop tooth just the rake for
the falling leaves. Special at 69c
Coal Hods: 49c
Large size
J a panes
coal hods. Spe
cial at 49c.
Curtain Stretchers:
6xl2-ft sta
tionary pin
. stretchers
with hard
wood frames,
at $1.7$).
Galvanized Wash
Boilers: $1:79
Size No. 8 galvanized boiler with
wooden handles and tin cover.
Spoxial at '
Copper Bottom Wash
Boilers: $3.69
Size No. 9
extra heavy
Cast Iron Skillets: 79c
Extra heavy, polished cast iron
skillet. Special at 79c.
tin boilers JT
with copper ,; f""' III u. (
New Selection of
Attractive Hats
$g00 , $750
Moderate in price but
equal in quality and
style to much higher
priced Millinery. Vel
vet hats in black and a
wide variety of shades
Smartly trimmed with
ostrich, ribbon orna
ments or flowers.
A Special Feature at
$5.00 and $7.50.
Buriou-Naih MUHntrjr
Waffle Irons: $1.95
High . frame, round waffle irons, ,
made of cast iron. Special at 11.93.
Cobbler Set: 95c
Family size cobbler set, complete,
set Special at 95e.
Glass Rolling Pins: 95c
crystal or
opal glass
rolling pins,
with wooden
handles. Spe
cial at 95c.
Dish Pans: $1.00
.White enameled, round sink dish
" pans, 11 -quart capacity, three
coats enamel over heavy steel.
Special at $1.00.
Dunlap Cream
Whip: 8Sfc
Silver blade; will
whip cream, beat
eggs and make may
onnaise. Complete
with bowl, at 89t.
Clothes Pins: 30 for 10c
Wooden clothes pins In 4-inCh size.
Special at, 30 for 10c.
Wash Tubs: 95c
Large size galvanized wash tubs,
with drop handles. Special at 95c.-
Wash Board,
Brass scrubbing face,
strong frame.
Special at 85c
Mop Sticks: 25c
Common mop stick. Special
at 2 Sc.
BarfON-Nub HoaotfaniohlBg Store Fourth Floor
Our Beauty Shop
The Mack and While Room
Offers export service in Marcel Waving
shampoo, permanent avv, facial massago
nd chiropody,
ur-Nok swmr 9 Up mud rw
Wlie re in Our October
Feature Item Otter
Greater Value Than
Sale Merchandise
A sale Is a th'ncr of the day
er the hour. However great
the value offered, it may pos
sibly come at sn Inopportune
time, and then the opportunity
is gone.
Never were greater values
offered in any sale, than those
values offered Untouch our
October Feature Items, fr
they represent the most desir
able seasonable merchandise
of standard .quality at far be
low present retail pries.
Greater values are not to be
But that which mnkes their
value greater even than their
low pricing, is the faet that
many of these items were
bought in quantity that they
are to be found in the various
departments as long as they
last they will be here for
your selection, wbea you want
Have you asked for eur
October Feature Items? In
whatever department you may
be shopping you will find it
well worth your while to ask
to see the Feature Items of
that Department.
Shop Third Floor
Galvanized Pails: 59c -
12-qt. extra
heavy gal
vanized pail
with wood
grip handle.
Special ' at
12-qt. Chamber
Pail: $1.79
Onyx enameled first quality gran
ite ware pail, 12-qt. size. Spec
cial at $1.79.
Toilet Paper: 14 for $1
Crepe toilet tissue paper, large
rolls. U roll for $1.00. , , (
Sunbowl "Simplex"
Electric Heater: $J1.50
"Simplex' electric heater with ad
justable bowl, removable element
large size, complete with 8-f t. -,
cord, $11.50.
oil Heatera $fi
WU "eaicr O.WO
"Perf ection" Oil
Heaters, in
Japan finish.
Easy to move
abou t from
room to room,
specially useful
for early fall
before the fur
nace is started.
This fall's price.'
Oil Heater Wicks: 35c
In all sires for "Perfection" oil
Howard, Bet. 15t ani 16th.
i " , '