rot COST An Ail-Around Newspaper for Ail-Around Folks TVT tttt (VI 0 n K 16) 0X3 Every Day In The Bee First of AU--NEWS NEWS from AD the World--by Associated Press, by Chicago Tribune Leased Wire, by Universal Service, by The Bee's Own Correspondent at Washington, D. C, and by special arrangements in many other cities. NEWS from Nebraska and Iowa-from the Nebraska State Capital by the Bee's own Lincoln Bureau-from Iowa's Capital by Special Correspondence-from Every County by Regular Correspondents Always Seeking News of General Interest in Their Respective Communitiesin Omaha gathered and edited by a Trained and Compe tent staff. NEWS of the Farm and Agricultural Conditions, including a Special Page in The Sunday Bee-contributed not only by regular correspondents but by representatives of many farm organizations. NEWS of the Markets-New York, Chicago, Omaha and - other Principal Trading Points The Quotations-Also the Intermediate Comment of the New York Times on the Stock Market and of Charles D. Michaels on the Chicago Grain Market-General Business Review by Holland of the New York Journal of Commerce. NEWS of the Sporting World-Reported in Omaha and1 Ne braska by Competent Staff Writers-Reported from Else where by the Best Authorities in their Respective Depart ments of Sport-Professional and Amateur Alike. AND, Besides the News- AN EDITORIAL POLICY Straight-forward and above board, boosting for Nebraska's best interest, treating big questions in a broad way, without color of personal polit ical ambition and without personal axes to grind. FEATURES the Best that Money Can Buy. Comics-"Bringing Up Father", "The Gumps", "Kernel Cootie", "Us Boys", "Abie the Agent". "Sleepy Time Tales" for the Boys and Girls Once Started the Little Tads Simply WON'T let them Stop. A Daily Serial of Married Life. And a Score of Others. "The Proofs in Reading Them." SHOO The Rotogravure Section of The Sunday Bee ' 4 '' '. ' . V v i ' - ' THE OMAHA SUMMT COTOGftAVUU SCCT10N ' ' ' f' """ " r . . .0 r, T(4 ru. a C-i --ii ir: ' - (i . - r wm .. m . Tv-m w -Mi-m T II ii n ; P -C .'! .. " " Stick JbcfeZ:; J! 4r ' Vf"w3wWtywfwy J&rtp Orcrmm! JcA , JW" JBtUmg Seen em M jfrurmf Aary CTuj I 1 r J This four-page section represents the finest and most modem form of the printing art. Pictures are reproduced with a wealth of detail and a depth of color tone that would have been thought impossible only a few years ago. You see the scenes on the printed page as you would see them with your own eyes were you present with the photographer. The Sunday Bee includes the only news rotogravure in Nebraska. SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR1 ft o Tfc All V 1 OVO & aim SUNDAY