11 EMPLOYMENT FOR THE UNEMPLOYED Starting Today, and Continuing Until January 1, The Omaha Bee Will Publish Free of Charge All Help Wanted and Situation Vanted Classified Advertisements ' ' Thess rdvertisrmcnts irrrt not be over three lines in size and will be run ssven days unless you notify us that your needs have been fulfilled. Tlease be prompt in advising us that you have secured a position or have filled the position open in your organization, as this will eliminate a number of needless calls on the part of the employe and the employer. : , This offer applies only to individuals and individual firms. Bring your ad to one of The Bee offices, located as follows: Main Office, 17th and Farnam Streets, Omaha Council Bluffs Office, 15 Scott Street South Omaha Office, Phillips Dept. Store, 4985 South 24th St THE BEC: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1021. J. ClcssTed Atart.s'rs Rates ilu sr Una troynt word, to lln.l I dsy Ji'.c p.r lln ir day. I consecutive ds 28e per has per dsy. 1 onni-utlv data Mr per lln per day. 14 consecutive 1e No ads takan tor Im Ih.n total nt Ife. 1 hut retea epply Hh.r le Ih I'slly or ftjnday lies All advertisements appear In boil) morning and evening dally papers tvr Ihs nna rhnrge. CONTRACT RATKS ON APPLICATION Want Ida accepted at lb (ollowlnf of. f ' .IS OF KICK... 17th anl Parnam Sts, lb Bide 41.. South I4lh St. C . n II Bluffs li Scott want ai rixkivkd bv phonic atlantic 1000 THB BEE will nul ba responsible for m. a than one Incorrect Insertion of an u artlMinani ordered for mora I ban ona 8.. is, CLOIINO HOURS TOR WANT ADS. X-nln (edition 11.41 A. M. Vo.-nlng Edition 1:00 P. M. Sunday Edition .00 P. M.. baturday DEATH & FUNERAL. NOTICES. KlilF Mrs. Carrla Msrgaist, October (id 88 yeara. at a local hospital. Funeral acrvlcea from the family res. esnre, 2008 Deer Park boulevard. Wed tienday at 2 p. m., to St. John. Oermen Xvtngelical church. Twenty-fou-th aid Vinton, at 1:80 p. ra.. Rev. W. Bchaefrr officiating. Interment In family lot at "West Lawn cemetery. Deoeaaed la survived by bar hue. Itand, Ueorgs Rlef : two eona, Oeor'O and Albert; two dauRbtera. Mla"a Louie and Caroline, all of Omaha. On later, Mrs, Annie Coover, and one brother. Leonard Melee, of Page, Neb. ll' IMlNrJLL Thoroaa; ngrd bo; aurvlv-d by two (latere, Mra. Jerry Maboney r' Indlanapolle, and Mary McDonald; o: brother, Timothy Lynch. f Funeral Tliuraday, October IS, at t:!0 A. m., from the reeldence of Mra. J. Wo.llllan t30 Chicago .treet to St. Fhllnmenaa church at a. m. Uuiial family let Pt. ytwyy cemetery. V H1TMKR Mary A., died at her homo, 408 No. lfth 8L, Tueaday, October 11, 7. Funeral eervlcee Thuraday, October 13, t I p. m. from B-alley & Dorrance Chapel, lath a"d Online;. Interment Forest Lawn. Frtenda Invited. CARD OF THANKS. WB wlah to thank our kind frlenda and netirhbore for their klndn'ea and aym pathy and for th. brautl'u! floral of tertnn, aent durlnaj the death of our . bclovrd wife and. mo'her, Fred 8chnll. Cha-I.a K, Schnall, Mra, Waiter Schmll Bcott. ....... MONUMENTS. t Beautiful Memorials : And , Monuments. .'Our KM! Ptoclr'Now TJffered AT PRICES GREATLY RKDUCFD. Writ fr free catalog, or vlalt our dlaplny room. v Art Memorial Co. Atlantlo 0S4. ,1 74' South Hth SL CFMETERIES. FOREST LAWN , I CEMETERY. An Ideal location tuat north of city llmlta and weat of Floranc wltb milea Of macadam pavement. 380 acne. P r petual rare. Not operated for profit Office 42J and No. Clt Llmifa. City office. 710 Brandela Theateri : FUNERAlLDIRECTbRS; F.J. STACK & CO., ,r " 8ucceaor to Bta.ck & Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. RSAMBULANCFS Thirty-third and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen . PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Formerly at 701 ft Hth St., hava moved to 2214 Cuming St. Ja, 11116. "HEAFlY & HEAFEY Undertaker and Bmbalmera. phone HA. S5. office U Farnam. FLORISTS LEE LARMON l&'oftUt j .MN fM'I'H In4 Fnnain .'a'-k"t- mo. L ilendriaoti earnam Jackeon 1268 "births'and" deaths" Births. John and , Ren .Hanslik. ..... IU . Clay Btroct bov Dean and . Allc Jackaon. S706 Jayne Mfam and Sarah Chepelvlti, 113 North El":ltenth atreet, glrU , Hobert and Bnow . Dewey, J1T -Castel- ,Waltert,nd5r'Mbl Hlrechler, hospital. ko' ' Ifiaao and Rebecca Sherman, hospital, 'Vlorlan and Ann, Pollrels, 2133 South Si -th atreet, boy. . Carl and Mary Stucsynskl. 4041 South Thirty-fourth street, boy . Daniel and-Tifflo Gannlget. 70 J South Tc-anty-nlnth atreet., boy. Joseph and Freda Freml. 4617 North Ihl'ty-cevetith street, girl. Heaeklal and Mbel . Nlckelson, 611 klapl :reet. bor. , 5!rr A. Beh. 64. SR16 Seward street. Mrs. Ann Peckham. 64. 3505 Callfor- "'IrralMnry Kllxabetb iIlos. 7t. 2m Chrle street. -1 . . Jess D. Hawkins, IS, 4224 Patrick aw ""Martin Paolrcn, 64. hosltI. Fannie A. PettlngaJe, SO, 3023 Lartmore 'Fnlu W. Gunther, .-6. S92 Cuming tr?et. . - : Cacar Clemen Peterson, . hos-ital. Mrs. Frnma Van Bibber. 4J heaiul. Donald Sidney Swanaon. ,2,- 3.36 Cell fo"ila st-eet. Pace C. Nlckeraon. latant 1K0 Js'orth Twenty-elgMh efeet, Thomas P. Kielley. 64. hospltel. Prokop John Yacht 1. 32. 60S Pierce t-eet. Mrs. Mary Novak. 50. hospital. LIUie M. a i Ills, 65. 1924 North Four teenth avenue. Haiti SoWU. H. S053 South Nine teenth street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following peraons were issued per mit a to wed: Joseph Wlekenhsus, ft. Omaha, and Bortha, Jamroaj. Is, Omnba. John Austin Tate, 33. Omaha, and Gertrude Cronio, 27, Omaha. Nathan Miller. It. Omaha, and Lillian Winner, li. Omaha. John 8. Crawford. 25. B-ook field, Tex., Ud Lenoir Shepard. 22, Omaha. Henry J. Heger. 35. Wrshlnston, Neb., gnd Emma- Schelbur. 27. Omaha. Randolph Kraata, o-er 21. Omaha, and Olga Marsb&n. over 21. Omaha. William D. Goodner. 37, Farragnt. Ia, ad Era Guynn. 2. Shenaodoah. Ia. Louie W. Padborg. orer 21. Omaha, and Catharine Davis, over IL Omaha. Elmer T.. Ronch. orer fl. Peoria. 111., nd Jeanett Brown, over 21, CouncU Bluffs, la. Cbarleo C Foots. 22. Council Blnffa, la., and Pearl Wethers, IT, Council luffs, 2a. '-i - William Neal. 21. Omahaand Kather fhe Hills. 16. Omaha.- , LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOR 1-. - f-r e-w-i 3d and Fred . , wick aad L 6L CU UaT. tSU. Reward. i ilO? plain Tylsr too. We ero n -.li.ua la ra dar lost articles lo rightful o.nirt OMAHA A COUNCIL BI.UFrS IT. RT COMPANY LOH'f Monday, tlailnutn diamond ring, with i illnmnnde, .mall canary diamond It eetter; between AihlMie club and '9th and lcd-e. Reward, W. 248. Ft'l'NU A litcycla Monday. Oct. S. an W-st Center street. P. ova own.i-.hln and pay fnr ads. Phone Walnut f.0. U'Hi-i h.-ee latl.tie diamond rin"a; no questions asked; liberal reward. Mar set 1404. LADYM and watch, llrml. park Sunday, Kono-ram L. 11. Hairloom. Ha. iJi.1. rtsward. IB:.! ALL r- own female do(. Reward. Har ney 1ISV. PERSONAL rilrl SALVATION Army Induatrlal home aonciia your old cloiblnf. rurnliur. rnafaalne W collect. Wa dlatrlbuta. rnone uounaa 41I and our wagon win can tan ana ineoect oar new noma, 1 1 io-i 1 1 i-i i m node H' HA'ITIK I'ulnian. Nubon t'orael Bliuu Ml Karhach Block. AT. !tl 8At IT WITrMiWRRB FROM HFW " ' ' "'la PAKNAM lTn KIT ELBCTRIC batharBwedlalTmaaaaga, WbT HKNf HOQVKH vacuum. II up Har 1071 EXPKI1T maaaage. Duuglaa 4. MASS AO a treatment. 31S Nevllla Dlk. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon PlMtiny ai.v:okliion aide kitifv. aunburat bur pleating, covered buttona all alaj and aiyii-e. namaritcoiiig. picot edalng eye let cut wo. butionhb a. pennant. , ld-ai Button and Pleating Co H "town nix jackaon 111 Pleating Button Co., 1104 Farnam "nr unuaiaa IITI Contractors-Painting. BRICK pla.K -er and cement, new and repair worn j Neu, Walnut 467 Dancing Academics. TTT?IF1P'S ll room and fancy danc 1 J tng for children. Sura method, quick reaulti. Do. 1440. 1811 Far nam. Dancing Tuea., Thur.. Sat., 8un Kel-Pine Learn to Dance for 13. School for Dancing. 2424 Farnam. Douglas "860. I.F.ARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred Maim tearhea all manche ,dcln. Hti'ritn Leflana: Rid. PO. 47 TTilotr Stnge. fancy. clxaalo. ballroom. KllUlcy 71j Dodue 81. AT. IJK4 Dentists. DIt, W. A. IVORT, practice limited to preventive dentlatry for cnimren. fnon Atlantic 42f,l. . 542 World-Herald Bldg. De.ect.vct. KKI.IA.II.E Detective Hurrau. Ralway Fx. Rid.. J A 20S6 N'aht KKN SSI i hii'Pcnilent Itetmtiv H'treau. S04 Neville Rlk Atl RR01. night. Wal. 4flf. K nBfi. J All MS ALIAN. til Neville Hlk Evidence eecured In all raaca Atlantic 113 ' Oretsmakihr. FUK8. eulta. dree.ea remodeled, mined. M 04. PLAIN aewlnz. children' clothea. KE 34l INFANTS layettes a apeclalty. HA. 400S. LADIES and children sewing. HA. 6017. Kodak Finish'ng. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. V'rltt for prlrea The Kn.lgn Co.. 1607 , 1'nwatd St. -V ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, d.-veioplng. prtntln. Kfise Htudlo. 21 S Neville Rlk Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J W MARTIN, patrnt atty 171 lh.d-r. M'lcellanecus Announcements. DIAMONDS Pay tue oeat orlc wltb privilege to buy back at email profit GROSS JEWHI.RT CO. 401 N. 16th St Dnug laa R04. OMAHA T1LLOW CO. Msttrcsies made over tn new ticks at hair the price ot new beds. 101 Cuming. Jackson 2467 RAZOR BLADES sharpened Single. 80c double edge. 45c doa. Mall orders so licited otnsha S-ro Co.. 103 N lth. ROGERS Confectionary Slots 24th snd Fsrnam St. Jackson 0127 i'I.I. dreaa and luxrdr.s for rent. John Fettlman 1" N I'th St Jsckwn 3126 NKW and rebuilt electrical appHraius lBnn Ele4ric. 1 8. I3tn St. imahs t. .JI'.r;ia trunk hauling S41 Phone Atlantic CALL Herman the Glazier, Kenwood 2701. BR1TT Printing Co. 7 Wks Bldg FOR SALE. Furn'ture and Horsehcld Goods. FOR SALEi Kitchen ceMnet bete; excel lent condition. Call Har. 1497. FOR SALE Kitchen rf"s and Run Easy wsr.er. Atlantic 0975. P'anos end Musical Instruments ,..ui:' u; a SMITH Dealer In drums. xylo,ibo r. etc.. In.tructiona, repairing Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog Poe Lst-v 2S7. Tu Imlth pedl i I .1 INS. bows atrlncs and repairing at , lowest price Mat'newa Studio. 60 IVel.a RIH Onp Havtlena . AT 206 'l.iAUJ your used llano on a n w nlayer piano. Balance as low as 310.00 per tn"nth. A. Hoc-e Co., 1513 Dou-l-s. BIGGEST pronpraoh Mrra'na In the city. SHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO.i , 1404 Dod-e St. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, re'-al'lns snd su "es. 305 Leflanff Bldg. D. 847K. Ctoth'no; and Fura. Ft'KS! FUiiS! FVIllS! Buy direct from maker. Save re tall cos.a at prices that defy competition."- ' COATS. WRAPS. CAPrS. COATEES, . STOLLS AND CHOKKP.S. . CHAS. J. GOLDSTEIN FUR CO.. 16th and Douglas, Over Fry's Shoa Shop. Telephone Jackson 1132. Out-of-town patrons write s your wants. FOR sale, a -ew unclaimed, all-wool "Dun dee" aults, cheap, alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS., Northwest Cor.. IStn snd Harney 8ts. KUKS rtmodeled. rellned and cleaned KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. as J I5th 5t Donlas 7M A CKOS3 Fox Set for sale. Call Douglas 7Mt. Mrs. Cohen. Typevrrlters and Suppbea. TYPEWKITEKS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for th CORONA. Oet our price before yoa bay. Evorv machine gusranteeeV Central Typewriter Exc. Jaeksnn 41241 Kit Farnam WB hay. sell safe, nuke desks, snuar esse, etc. Omaha Pixtare dk bupply Co.. S. w Cor. 11th mu4 iKHiglaa. JA 272 Mcellanecus Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell need1 and parts MICKEL'S 15th and Harney Unarms 1972. FOR SALE Car lots apples snd potatoe. F.verett 8. Smith. Salem. Neb. The iiee Want Adt. Are the Best WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS Naw desks, uesd daaka bought, sold and traded J. " H.od. 117 Farnam. l 8140 WANTED SITUATIONS. Mile. -WANTKD "orn pinking by bushel: hand, anil everything ftirnlahed. Am experienced farmer. Address B. II. Knees, Eaton. Colo. WAffctiPosltlon by Jspsneae. to lake chars of gentleman: alen flrat class rook., 4 04 I7tn Bt , BO. timana. Laundry and Day Work. COLOUKD lad wlrhes bundle washing: called fnr and .delivered. . 1'hou Web ater 1501. H'ii WAN i I D "MALE Stores and Officrt. CLIORKS Men 16. over, wanted for rail way mall, postofflco rniltions. Examin ation soon. Salary 6130 month. Ex perience unnecessary. Writ for fre particular about roaltlnna, examina tions. Columbia School of Civil Service, 171 Pop Bldg., Washington, D. C. Profession! and Trades. HANDY man familiar With plumbing re pairs, also who ran do papering and painting T6 right man we have a year around' position' at a good .al ary. Give experience and referencea Pox X-r-4. Pee. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGES, lit 8 I4tn Write f,ir .(.. Salesmen and Solicitors. 5 MILLS per gallon mad with new patented gasoline vsporlter. White for particular. Ftransky Vaporiser Co.. Pukwana, S. D. ' M'sccllanecus WANTKD 50 experienced corn huskera. 4 cent per bushel and bo-rd. Good corn. Com at ouco. Farm Bureau, Cherokee, Iowa. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores an3 Offices. ilIRLH to takeup shorthand, tvwnvrlttlng. bookkeeping .etc Peraonsl tf.sti uctlon. You can qusllfy quickly ifoug 7774. Household and Domestic. WANj'fD An experienced cook for a col lege dormitory at Tarklo, Mo. Phon Webster 6906, or call at 2215 Spencer. WANTLD White girl for housework small family. Good wages. HA. IM.33. 3 04 Woolw. rth. Mrs. O. H. Pratt WANTt'U Competent maid fo' general mi'.ewnrk. No laundry. HA. 03:z. M scellanecus GIRLS An opportunity to learn ehort- hand, typewriting, bookke ping, etc.. Quickly. Posl'ion furnished. Call Douglas 7774 or write A. I. B. E.. I'd floor, I. O. O. F. building, Omuha, Neb. HELP WANTED. Male and f-emale WANTED Men. ladies snd buys to leant barber trade, big demard. wages while Ibsrtting, strictly modern. Cell or writ 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SL'HOOL NKH1T HCHOv'L -Complete course In accountant y, ma , chins bookkeeping, eomptometrv short hand and typewriting railroad and . wireless telegraphy, civil service and all large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, ' Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb English and commercial oranrhes Write rail ct phone Jnrksun l&ii5 for Van Sant School of Buslncs Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6810 BUSINESS CHANCES. oit BALK OR TRADr. An SOO-siat pic ture show and vaudeville house In a town of 6.000 population. Now In op eration with everything complete and in first-class condition. Long lease on building. Splendid opportunity. F. D. 1'ager, Lincoln. Neb. WAf. i' to hear from owner tiavina busi ness for sale. J. C UcConney. Ter minal Bldg., Omaha. Neb. MILLINER'S shop for sale. - Newman Grove, Neb., Mrs. Claude Cornett. FOR RENT-ROOMS. turn snco Rooms. GMT YOUIt ROOM through The Bee turnlohed room dl .rectory. Call at office for lift of chf ice desirable rooms in all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. LARGE comfortable room, well furnished. with twin beds. Splendid path, con venient to car. Must be seen to ap predate value. Phone Walnut 1957. HARNEY U48 Larce front with three window: suitable for two employed! on car line. ATTRACTIVELY furnished front . room, 1 i blocks to oar. Modern home. Han 1618. CO.1IF0RTABLJ furnishtd room. In mod ern home: Home privilege. Har. R085 TWO nicely f jrn. rooms. Gentlemen only. Douglas 5549. 410 8WEETLAND AVE. Modern rooms C!n-.e in. Ilouceltt -,iini Rorrns. iHii i.uiu.; 'iu - th better housekeeping room 1. the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all r.nrts of the city. TWO nice housekeeping rms., furnished. 2C13 Mason. completely Unfurn fhfd kooms. 'iHRlr: it rooms to couple. Leavenworth. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnishei 1m-1 ?o. 25th. Furn. bungalow strictly mod. Brt mahorany furn. AVili reeervo 1 s'eeplnjr room. No children. Call telwen ?:0 and 4:S0. sfter 8 p. m. At. 4779. PA1:T of my Idlewlld home. 7 roormv kitchen, dining parlor, 2 bed rooms, laundry, and bath upstairs. Webeter 03:. John G. Willis. 326 No. 22. WILL share completely furnished house with adult family. Call Harney 4064, or Atlantic 3350. . Unfurnished FOR RENT 12-room house. 3d evenue and Dodste. Very fine. Will lease 1 year; Ilia pe- mo-ta to rlvr.te family. George & Co., Realtors, At'aitlc 2024. FOR Ri'NT Nice house, 4 rooms and bath, gee, electric hot wa'e.- and ga,-ra-:e, $J0 month. 2023 Plerco. S..W two-story, six-room house in Dun dee. ' Vscant. -OLOVrR T'Or.LU A"".' 2623 NICE four-room " ''ecre , . house, newly painted. Or. : Jac''soa 3330. N.OJ four-room fcoc.3. newly ponied: 1 !6SI P.ecae St. Call Jackao 3280. ; (018 SO. 22. Nice four-room house. Call Jackscn 2x. FOR RENT APTS AND FLATS. Fnrnisheti CO-iPLLTLT furnished 2 snd 3-room apt. Steam heat Va:!tln r Jlstaac. Brown Apt., s No. 21 St. Dr. K44: lbPN. ant Harney 25J. Doo-lss cs (. UPIUniiSfied. KLEOANT rlooe-is apt., for two per- j sons tn higa-clasa apt balldlnc. Bent I nir jU. Jlckso 1724. . .. 1 1 FOrt RENT APTS AND FLATS. Umurnunc'l. Tlilltli-ll'HJ.4 aiiartment, l'uml-e Apart- menta. 60th and lunl-rwoo.i. iio, OMAHA SAFK1 DKPOMIT COMPANY, Omaha National Hunk Bldg. Peters Trust Company, WHRRR OMAHA RENTS. WANTED TO RENT. Office tn-1 D-rsk Room. DErtK spsee. sun 1411. v Psxloii Block. Jatk' I OH K":NT Hs n-ss Prooerty FOR RENT Stor r om snltabl. for good retail business. Call shoe .lore, ion Ho. 16th St. MERCANTILE STiiHACIE AND WARE HitrsK CO., Ilth and Jones Sts SEE T. V WEAD. 110 SO. 16TH BT MOVING" AND STORAGE." FIDELITY Vn,avabn CO. I STORAGE MOVING. PACKINO HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIEa 1107-11 HnwHtd St Jackson 02 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separato locked rouina for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. ' JEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE in houih M'.th Douglss 4103 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. iwned hv H R Briwen to Atlantic 14 "a KSTIMATES furnished on stotsge A mov ing Contracts tsken by lob or hr. Glob Vsn A Storage Co.. JA 4336 AT 0230 620-24 North Ititb St Hauling, al kiinds; 1-ton truck. WE 4008. H0RSES"AND VEHICLES- SADDLE horse for sale; small brown mire; gaited; been rhklen by a girl of 18. Phono HA. 06.4. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SCOTCH I'ol.LIKS. Fox Tertiers. Toy fondles, pedigreed stock, reasonable Psrkwsy Kennels, 2Hn; South 16 WHEAT screenings, 31.25 per 100 lbs., de livered. Wagoner, 801 N. 16. JA. 1142. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FORDS FORDS Used Fords AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Coupes Sedans Now Is the tim to buy your Ford for winter use. . Terms It you wish. ; USED CAR CO. of authorised Ford dealers. 2059 Farnam St AT." 6057. -FORDS FORDS WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive It yourself to do your moving and haul nir?? .It will save you one-half your miviiTj 0111. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3.1C8. tit 1 .Me; bantams In used Fords; prompt acivery on now rorus. MTAFFREY MOTOR CO..- The Handy Ford Service Station. Kith anil .laefcsnn Sa no ssoo FIFTY uaed cars at cut prices; ensh, time o. trade: prices from 375 to $600 Ford bo- les. winter tops. GOLDST ROM'S AUTO SALES CO.. ISIS Harney Ft. AT. 1714. DODOR COUPr;. 1920 MODJJL, REFIN ISHD; WIRE WHEELS. PERFECT CONDITION CHRAP, CASH OR TERMS, 2024 FARNAM. DO. 8987. 1 3 TO 1 ton tru"k for J2;000 Cash Or trade lor anything or equal value. Pel ton Oaraire. 2019 Farnam. Closed car comfort at pre-war pricos. . Kou-et Tops. NFLSON. 1118 Farnam. Phone D. 4509. STUDEBAKER special six touring, 1919. excellent condition, good paint, six good tires, cheap for cash. AT. 1461, WHITELY ;'2rso.ra3d,l,',.t0Do 6603 USED cars bought, sold and exchanged TRAWVHR AUTO CO 22i Farnam St Repurlr.B and paintm; H"1.I.V expert BUto trimmer 1? S 24t' Accessories. INTEI.I.OCK Inner tlrea and rellners do prevent punctures and blowouts. Vul esnlzers Supply Co.. 2912 Farnam St. FARM LANDS. M:nn;stcta Linds . ISut llnn ' Nebraska Lands. FINANCIAL. Ral Es ate Leans. OMAHA HOVIES EAST NFF. FARMS O'KERFE REAL ESTATIC Ct.. in 4 om Nat Bk. Rldg Jackson 271S. Wo have cash on hand to losn on Omsii residences. 11 H. LOUGEE. INC m Keeline Bids 3100 to ilo.ouo made piumptly D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 S. 18th St REAL ESTATE WANTED Will Pay Cash for a 6 or 7 -room hojf tn fa,r location. I have a customer with $4,000 cash thst will b'jy immrdlttc:y. Call at once. D. E. BUCK CO., 442 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Jackson 2009 Evenlnrs. Mr. Pero. Webster H'32. 'In uuy or ae'l omaha Real K.:te si-e FOWLER & M'DONALD 112 Cltv Sot Bk Bids Jackaon 142 FLATS WANTED. W have several Investor with cash that are ready to bur. Jackson 241S. ' ' FIKE PRICE. Tin; vid Reliable Ken i.aiaia uirK-c. MlAGl H INVESTMENT (O. ISO DodTe St. Dooglas 124S. I LIST your property rlth rH5,IiI,l - ,.KllC r, BRWHBRTOM pons'". " 01 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. HIRKETT REA u tsTATK IJlIVlVrj i A sells. Rents. Insures t" Peters -Trust Bldg. Jackson M.3 sale wt tatil teal estste. we bare many buyer and ullctt vnut boat ns shoun A Co. Realtor J A 42 FOR real estate. Insurance, rentals, see P. J. .T.'BB NS CO-IPANY C08 Omaha Nat. Bk. J A. 21x2. liiAt' your t.cp;rcy. vacant or tn I - - D. V. SHOCKS COMPANY. ITS CTy Nat. Bk. Bid;. Jacks rs Cl'y Nat. Bk. Bids. Jack-m 04. J, W .U buv your prc- erly. GEO. F. JONES CO. IU KeeiUio. IKJ, sill. REAL ESTATE WANTED CONSULT us If nu rnntemplst building Of wisn to buy or n onian real ea'ste c B ari'HT co.. City Nat Rank Hl.ls. rv. 6747, TH0S.W.HAZENu,It:;,l;,; l" Mcfsstl. Bldg. DO .810, GRUENIlirrS-V.' o Ul "It M results jHcksnn 1666 Ml lt Natl, flk Rlil. Mark Martin Insurance, real ea'ate. Inane. I'KH lunsha Nst'l Rank Kid HAVK in.iulrles fui homes do vou wsnt to sell your property List H with C. A Orlmmel, iu ha Nst'l Bk Uldg P.F A L ESTAT EU N I M PROVFD. LOTS four and flvs In Victor Pisco addi tion to th City of Omaha, Itlei I In a tlon for npartments. dial direct with owner. Bust offer takes them. Write or wire or phone J. M. HcdlfOt, Grant) lalsnd, Neb. REAL ESTAT E.NVESTMENT3 INCOME 12.310 PRESSED BRICK AND STONE FLATS Three llve-rom riots ano one six ronm flnt. ellit rooms In basement. Built extra fine. Basement will rent for sufficient to take entire care of coal and ouersllon of hot water plant. Prlc 116.000. or will take In a deal-able houae on larire lot or on acre as part of first payment Call Walnut 6711 to night H 8. MANVILLE. Realtor. Atlantic 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. Flat Investors 23th & Dewey Think of tho location, renting for ll.nuu nor vear: 7 rooms on esch side, e.narata furnace and basemen. Oak finish. You must look at this. Call Mr. Tollver. KE. 1086, AT. 0721 RASP BItOS. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGh Fair Acres Exchange Wo have a client who has 3 tat seres In Fair Acres, ve-y high and slsntly thst Is valued at $20,000 who would consider exchanging for' residence pronerty in the nelKhl;o--ood of $6,000 to $10,000. Payne Investment Co., 637 Omaha Nat. Dk. BMg. Douglas 1780. REAL ESTATE SUBURB AN Dundee. Dundee Home $10,5C0 Seven rooms, two stories, flro'ed at' tlo. modern, frame, newly d corated and paint: d, well built. In excellent cordl- tlon, oak fin'sh first floor, corner lot, paving paid, one bio k to car line. P.ea. sonabte terms. Must be Been to be ap preciated. A pood bi:y. Fowler & McDonald, 1120 City Nat'l Dark Bids. J A. 1426. $18,C00 Located in Dundee, eight rooms and a real one at that. Terms about 110. 000 down. (Office open until 9 p. m.) Amos Grant Company, Realtors, 310-2-4-6-9 Brand. Th. Bldg. DO. 8380. Florence. '.S' tnKUhy Kli,r prop m cotnie KK I4H9 Ralston. Ralston Lot Sale now In progress. Referee' sale of beautiful home sites. We assist you to build one-fourth down, balance month ly. Auction scle every Ratuiday at S p. m. Homestead Realty Co., J. T. O. Stewart. Resident Agent. .Ptone Ralston 10-W South Side. FIVE-ACRE fruit farm, Cl'more read, Vi mile, aouth of Albright; 9-room hos; electricity and water; 2 barns; 2 chick en houses; garape; deal with owner; easy terms. Henry Bu sdorf, 1214 S. 25th Ave. Atlantic 1143. KSTATT 1MPROVFD West Clairmont Bungalow Five Rooms. Garage This is one of the few oppo. unities you have to buy a real, strictly mod ern, practically new bungalow on such terms. -Lot 50x126, paving paid. Close ' to car line and schools. Three attrac tively decorated rooms' on the first floor; two nice bedrooms and bath on the second floor. White enamel finish upstairs. Oak floors throughout. This is priced right and can be shown by nnpointment Evenings call Mr. Voor-h-"s. n:lr-f 174. R. D. Clark Company, REALTOR'' AT. 3'31 42-3 Securities Bids," Clairmont Snap East front lot on 45th Street- BOt140 with three font terrpce. Very low price for quick sale. Call at once for ap pointment to see this. Grant Benson, Walnut 1680. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Faxton Block. ' Atlantic $640. We Recommend N This Five-room, all modern home In Clif ton I'ill district: is one of th best buys In Omaha; rooma all on one floor; oak fl03rs and finish; full rem' nt bas-mout! leaving twn, will sacrl.l.-e for 84,800 at practically your own terma; evenings hone Mr. fm th. Hcrney 0672, or Mr. Metcalfe. Walnut ?775. THE N. P. DODGE CO. PLAN. P.cal Service to ilo.ne Bu,. s. 404 Mickel Bldg. Douglas Seven-Room House 3019 Leavenworth St On car line, large rooms, available now. Modern except furnace. Rent 840 per month. Payne & Carnaby Co., 818 Om. Nat'l Bldg. Jacksoo 1018. 84.000. Very neat little home, oak floors throughout, full hacement, hot air fur nace, two dandy bed.ojms; three blocks from public school; 8j00 cash required. NURTIIWAU, JOHNSON. DO. 747. 503 Flect-le Bldg. 3S27 PARKER. THREE rooms on first floor oak finish. and three rooms and bath o.i second floor. All modem home, 8.509 with terms. For appoln.ment call R. F. CLARY CO, Res I lots. 24th and Ames Ave. KK 6175. NKW 4 -room bungalow, furnace, elec tricity, well, two lots, 83.150: 5-oS cash. ' balanco as rent. WA. 8704 or JA. 94 81. I U.NLhUAI.LY well built modern ei .it- room bouse, screen porch, garage. At tractively located. Call owner. HA. Oat. RLST offer mads buys 4177 Wakeley A e. fine 7- orn hi i i!ow. r"a hdial district. Crelgh. 808 Beet J A. BEST o.fcr made buys 41 1' Wak-iey Ave., iin 7-room bungalow. Cathedral district. Crelgh. CSS Eee. Ja. S6. SfiVEN room home faclnT Demia Park. 8.00. 1-aay terms. Harney 7008. J H KHl'HtN. resl et to nna ibveot-tt-tn Ms le. TrW tit sl L. & iit'CK 4k CU. ua aU lKt REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North Bungalow $5,0C0 October, 1921. Value Located In desirable realdenc see. I lou on north stdt Comer lot, rest front. Five romfortabl rooms on fl'st flour. Lerr;. living rnom. Oak a'd whit enani.l finish. Full cement base. ment. ( an glv quick posseralun. II, "0 to II 600 down. Thi I a good one. Ask for I'r Nclso I. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Hsrnev ft. Atlantic 0060. $500 Cash Might take as low a 1400. This house I. strictly modern comparatively new with ga'ag nn a paved si net. Monthly terms only $45. phone Mr. Dlcksaou, KE. 2342. ((titles open until I p. m.t Amos Grant Company, Realtors, 330-2-4-6-6 Brand. Th. Bldg. DO. 0. $750 Down Thi (-room modern bungalow, oak floor and finish, built two years, south 'rant on large lot. In go-d neighbor hood; price reduced to $4,600 for quick sale. Payment 'Ik rent, Glover & Morell, TOx.Keelln Bldg. AT. 2623. $3,C00 A nice six-room house in the Fon tenelle Park district. we can handle this for t'jbO down and $30 per month. (Office open until I p, m.) Amos Grant Company, Realtors, 330-2-4-6-S Brand. Th. Bldg. DO. 930. $4,760. Five rooms, comnletely modem, ready to move into In about two weeks, oak floors, oak finish In living room and dining room. On paved street; $600 cash. NORTH WALL JOHNSON, DO 747. 613 Electric Bldg. SIX-ROOM home, modern except hest, 7 years old. excellent shspe. south front, close to cart J.l.nTO. on practically your own terms. - Carse at DO. 7412 days, AT. 3601 evening. NIOAR 27th snd Ellison, new. sll modern. 5-room bungalow; complete, $4,760 Fny terma Atlantic 3640 i South. Hanssom Park Residence Forced to Sell Just lifted a 7-room, full i-story strictly modern un-to-the-minute resi dence Just one-half block south of Han scorn Park. East front, corner lot l'.ast front, corner lot. i raven street, ail paid. uv ng room, , dining room, sunroom and kitchen on I first floor, finished In oak; 8 bedrooms, bath snd sleeping porch on second: full ceme-ted basement, furnace heat; garage I and drive. This is a i2.noo residence but we are of'erinT it at 9.600 Just ' newly decor-t-d and nainted Payne Investment Co., m Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 17S". 7 ROOMS MODERN, 15,500. icr ram uvenuo ana jucavenworin. i A good, stubstantisi. ail modem home. 1 X. Y, . T . . bedrooms and bnth upstairs; 3 rooms I In the robbery of he West Lawn and reception hull down stairs Owner i onrntrp nhout Mav 1 nollce say. leaving town and must sell quick. About SaraSe about May, I, ponce "y ,ooq cash will handle. They nre now Soldiers' Reunion The 408th ?entlng the trrstnlrs for 870 ber mon'h. fall Mr.-Craig, evenings, Atlantic 8210 daytime ' SHULER CART, Realtors, 204 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 5074, $1,750 Four-room house with electric lights and gns near J9th and Spring Sts. Re quire a out S700 cash. (Office open un til 9 p. m.) ' Amos Grant Company, Realtors, 330-2-4-6-S B-and. Th. Bldg. DO, 8380. New Burrow $500 Cash M'ance monthly. biys brand new bun ealow in south part of town. Oak end cnime! finish. Ttn'It-ln 'cstiires, full r,H- t -mniepiv monc-n The Byron Reed Co.. Tnii-lRS "97. V lfit2 Farnam. UTH lrl ST. Neat f'vero'-m rot- ts"e with lare floored sMIr; lot 'x 150; priced cl-eap at I1! 000. axd 8',l, cash will handle. Ask fnr Mr. Prtsch .nTV-"iTe; nPTTT f'OMPA!,' Snn Peters Trust B'dg .TacVsin 2?2. Central 830 PTR MOVT, ' 8500 CASH. Six rooms, two stories, modern; full basement; close In. A snap at 83,500, Near 27th and Dodge. Call Knlaely, Jackson 1434. Harney 1731, evenings A GENUINE SNAP STOP And look over 709 S. 61st avenue, then call ns for an appointment. The price we now have on th'a pronerty is so low 't w'll surprise yon. You will STree that It Is a tn-". The ho""e has 6 rms., osk flnich and floors. Large lot with alky. Willard C. Slabaugh REALTOR McCague B'.dg. . . Jackson 2958 FURNITURE AUCTION Wednesday, October 12 STEPHENSON'S 1509 Capitol Ave. PARTIAL LIST Nearly new Pathe talking machine, Columbia Grafonola. wi'.b records; Kingsbury piano. American walnut din ing suite. Queen Anno style; genuine walnnt buffet: Willinm and Mary din int set; William and Mary odd dhvng tabic: ear:y English dining set: genu ine walnut - bed and dr.- sing table ; g.nuine walnut bed ; a number of wick er and rved cbVrs: library tablea; re frigerators, tepetry upholstered living room pieces: brasa beds: gas ranges, hich oven and low oven: coal ranges, beating store, ruts, chairs, tables, msttresse and springs, cooking nten ails, dishes, etc. This list is not by any means ad of th? goods in the sale. Coma in and srs what wa have. Frank B. Stsphenton r Awctloaocr Call Atlantic t!CS when row bar furnitare for aa'e. We'll sell it for yoa. or bay it frcm yon. Railroad Officials Ordered to Appear Before Labor Board Cliicntfo, Oct. 1!. Declaring if tclief that a derision calling a new election of employe' representative to confer on shop rule had been vio lated, the railroad lahor rmrd or dered Pennsylvania railroid official to aopear for a hearing October 2J. both the Pennsylvania and 'he com plaining employes will be heard be fore the board determines whether its previous order was disrecarded. Last April the board dircried all roads to confer with their employes nn rules to sunnlant the nation.V agreements of federal control The union shop crafts organization of the Pennsylvania attempted to act tor Pennsylvania shopmen, hut the road declined to recognize them. The union complained to the labor board, which directed a new election by which the union organization might be voted for as a union representa tive. The road's previous e'retion hnd designated only iandividually. The new election was never held. the road denving the board's author ity to presenile metnons oi ticcnon Wanamaker Donates Funds To Erect Y.M.C.A. in Moscow Chicago. Oct. 11. Dr. Tohn R. Mott, generall secretary of the Y M. C. A., announced tha John Wan-aT-aker of Philadelphia has donn ed funds for the erection of a Y. M. C. A. in Mis-ow, in memory of Sir George WilPams. the founder of the Young Men's Christian associa tion. The announcement was made at the Ciicaoo Association college, which celebrated the 'COth anniver snr" of the birth of Sir Genrpe. The buiHi-g is the sixth Y. M. C. A. donatsd to fore:gn lands by Mr. Wanamaker. Brief City New$ Fnvnrl Dpad In Apa-tmr-nt Hnrh E. Murnin, engineer for the- Mis souri Pacific railroad, wns found dead jn nIg apartment ye'terday mornim . .,- itimrnmunl fhn oasa 1 Oltre surreons diagnosed tne case as hoart disease. rllo,n ,!, . Wii.bftnd P-O'n Chnre CnieltV fliiSDana and wife both filed petitions lor Ql- vorr.o in distr'ct court vestPrday Everett U Glbbs, e'erk, charges cruelty. Genevieve Olbbs charges cruelty and nonsupport. Implicates Brothers Harry oung. Main hotel, made a confes sion yesterday Implicatlnr two nrotn . - , . . crs. Harry Nelson and Pete Nelson, Telegraph battalion personnel Will hold their second annual reunion in Omaha November 4-5. Headquar ters will be maintained in the North western Bell Telephone building. . Breach of Contract AlVjtctl Harvey H. Jones, prealdpnt of the Dort Sales company, riled suit yes terday acalnat Thomas L. Davis and Willard Hosford in the sum of $50,- 000, alleging breach of contract. Morris in Hade's Shoes Police SerseHnt Sar Morris will act in the capacity of captain of police to fill the emergency caused by the resigna tion of Capt H. P. Haze, until a permanent, appointment is an nounccd. Moran May Recover Joe Moran, shot by Frank Oirlan in tho letter's soft drink parlor last Friday night shows signs of improvement at the St. Joseph hopiltal, where he was taken, and lie :tai attendants say he may reebve; The Bee Want Ads. Are the Best Business Boosters. Real Estate Transfers J William C Bloom and wife to E. C. Bloom. 8, B. Cor. 19th and Leavenworth Sts., 131x144, Cnd. 1-5 of 1-3. exchance of nronertv and I 1.000 Oeorge L. White and wife to l-ouls W. Solz. 80th St., 194 ft. 8. ot Redlrk Ave., W S, 87x361 1 Hugh K. Harper and wife to James A. Brown, 62d St., 90 ft. 8.. of Dodge St., W 6, 60r"!6 2,400 James A. Brown and wife to Ethel J. Rannltt. S2d St.. 80 ft. & of Dodge St.. W 8, 60x135 2,860 Blaglo BatUato aid wire to John Batiato. 8. W. Corl 17th and Cas ' tellar Sts.. 81.46x112 2.000 Charles W Martin and wife to John J. Sullivan, 2tth Bt 97 ft. 8. of Newport Ave., W S. 46x120 1.200 William T Pu't and wife to Rasp Bros. Inc., Newport Ave , 225 ft. W. of Kiinne Lusa Ave., N 8, 43x120 800 Chris Barbs and wife to Ture Carl son et al. Hartman Ave.. 24'. 6 ft. K. of 27th Ht.. N 8. 40x131 ... COO Alvln Hina to Theresia L Healy, N. E. Cor. 48th Ave. and Cum ing St., 41x100 1.000 Charles F. Coleman and wife to Minnie Clark. 4Sth Ave., 660 ft. N. of Pacific at.. E 8, 60x132.. 200 Empire Holding Co. to Thomas Ver- ner. N. W. Cor. Fontenelle Blvd. and Wirt St.. 40x137 ;.. 860 Thomaa Verner and wits to Jamea C. McDonald. N. W. Cor. Kon- tanclle Blvd. and Wirt St.. 40x127 1.000 Frank Piths and wife to James T. Wood and wife. Wirt St.. 80 ft. W. of 5th St.. 8 8. 60x128... 800 Louis W. Htrts to Ralph M. Nich- nlaa. 30th St.. 194 ft. 8. of Red- Ick Ave.. W S. 97x351 1 John P. McCsbe and wife to Walter Nielsen. lith St., 160 ft. 8. of Miami St., B S. 60x128 2.250 A. a. Collins and wlfs to Norrls Jensen. 20th St.. 112 ft. 8. of Meredith Ave, E 8. 66x132 ... 1.500 Mary Nlesmsnn to Esther E. Uc- Kenste, 2 2d St.. 100 ft. 8. of Sabler St.. W 8. 60x124 1.281 Wm. J. Mots and wife to Edward Eddy. 46th Ave., inf ft. North of Mlllt-.ry Ave., E 8. 60x126 ... 1 Qraro I. Park to Emma R. Goodwin et al. Evans St.. 230 fu B. of 27th St.. 8 8. 46x120 8.000 Elsinor Pisco Co. to Temple M- Farden. tnh St.. 762 ft. N. of Military Ave.. E 8. 63x226 ... 1.16 Arthur Serle and wife to Louis A. Voyo and wife. 4fUh Bt.. 4s ft. N. of Q St.. W 8 88x1 20 TO Ro-s Rlg and wife to Minnie Msy Flodman. Ida St.. 263 6 ft. W. of 2'th Ave- S 8. 42x12 1.I0 Bridget McNamara to Glenn H. FriU and wife. Decatur St.. 8. ft. E. of Military Are.. N 8. 60x15 6.90 Harvey J. Ororo snd wife to Charlee F Msnn. Brown Ft.. 141 ft. W. of 27th SU 8 8. 41 illJl 4.000 H. 8. Andrews et al to issdor Krcenlnv et al. S W. Cor. ZOth. nd Clark St, 129x118 12, M0, South Side Sheepman Takes Optimistic View Smooth Sailing From Now on Predicted by Wyoming Visitor at Yard. Peter Olson of Cokeville, Wjo., was a visitor at the stock yartls yc. terday with a siring of lambs ami ho '. spent the day spreading PpiimiMii. Mr. Olson said it was his opinion ,' that sheep men had seen the worn . , of the situation and that sheep grow ers who have been able to weather . the recent slump and finanrial storm , would find smooth sailing from now , on. He said there was a great sur- plus of good feed on the ranges and plenty in the stacks and f the banks . . will only give a little more credit, .. which is most probable, the sheep industry will be back on its feet in a short time. . George Taechout. who came into the local stock yards yesterday from '' shenando.ih, la., with a load of well bred and well-finished mixed Angus , yearlings, predicted there will not be as many cattle fed in his nart of the country the coming winter . as there were last season. He said that many farmers could not get money and those that could are holding back in buying feeders on r account of the uncertainty of the . market Mr. Teachout received $10.50 a ;"; hundred for his cattle that averaged 1A 831 pounds, which was the top price for the day for full loads of cattle -and equalled the "riff nf the year. Improvement of "Orphan" Street Depends on Visit Improvement of South Thirteenth street, Missouri avenue to city lim its, will be considered Thursday morning by the mayor and ciry com- .. missioners, who will visit this ,j thoroughfare and decide on a course of action. a City Commissioner J. B. Hum niel has declined to accept the street as a boulevard, on the ground his appropriation will not permit its im- ''. provement and maintenance Mayor "' Dahlman has suggested the commis- '. sioners assume a joint inlcrest in . this orphan street. v Council Gives School Kids Whole Street to Play in ir Youngsters at Lake school wer-.-,r.. jubilant yesterday when advised of the action of the city council in i granting them play privileges in Willis avenue. . The council by resolutior. an- ,x thprized the exclusive use of Willis v" avenue, Nineteenth to Twentieth a streets, betweeq 8:30 and ') a. m.,',.. and 12:30 and 1 p. m., on school 1 days, by the children for play pur poses. The janitor of the school was an thorized to ba. ricade the street nt, ,. such points as mav be necessary. : Garage Owner's Wi?e Sues " For Divorce and Mortgage , Suit filed in district court yester day for divorce by Mrs. Anna Rush- . ing agairst I ewis W. RushinT, al- L leges cruelty and nonsupport Rush-;; ipg onerates a garage and taxi line ' at 4426 South Twenty-fourth -r,. street. ' ":, r Mrs. Pushing asks for the divorce . r e, and a $5,000 mortgage signed by. 4 her, at his request, on the building i' where his garage is located. South Side Girl ljies; Victim of D'phtheria Helen Crnovich, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crnovich, Thirty-ninth and Madison streets, d"ed yesterday of diphtheria. Funer al serv'ces will be held in the Lar Uin chapel nt 10 this morninfi. Buria! will be in St. Marys cemetery. South Side Brevities Philip's atore will b closed all day Wednesday. Clover Leaf Camn No. t. Royal cTelgh-bo-s of America, will bold a special meet Ins; Thursday afternoon. Nick Simon. 2S20 V street, arrested 1.7 South Side iwllce, .charged with abustnit 1 his wire, win fsce the Judge in sollcc . court Thursdav, . . . Captain of Police John E. Brlexs left yeate-day for leaven worth, Kan., where he waa called by the government as a :,i witness. . r ... The South Bids Pleasure club will (Ivn grand masquerade ball tha evening of October 22, at arte halL Prizes will be,, given tha maskers. . Tho Tidies Aid society of ft. Lukes Lutheran church will meet Thu-sday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Neia John- -.-son. 2828 South Twenty-third street. Tho grand chief of honor of the Degree of Honor will address Lodge 161. Degree ' of Honor, at Odd KelJowa bs'l, Twentu- fourth and M atreet, this afternoon. Moat of tho business houses of the South Side, all tho hanks and city offices will be closed today on account of the doubio holldy nf Jtwlsh New Tear and Columbus day. Tha stock yards will operate as usual. A party wsa given yesterday afternoon at the Armour packing plant In honor of John Keane. 4522 South Eighteenth, street, who retired on pension after 2 years service with tho local plant of Armour A Co. Mr. Keane waa the re cipient of a handsome gold watch an1 chsln from bis fellow emn'oyes and or'1-.,-. cera. Sup, John E. Slotler- made the presentation apeech. . - Laadoa Moary. Txmdon, Oct. 11. Bar Sliver 42H penis 7. per ounce. aioney 1 per cent Plsaonnt Rates Short Mils. 4 per cen; three months' bins. 4H4 1-16 p-r ceut. Ktuissa C ty Protlnrc. Kansas City. Oct. 10 Putter a;.- ry. Ic higher, 44c; packing, '.:i.n. J. j- at. bit