Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    w. . I'M
La v
Croup 6 Bankers
Organize rarm
Loan Agency
$UO,000 Auociaiion Furmcd
At Vlntine to One
Financial Aid to
Valentine, Ncl,, Oct, 6 uSi'Ccial
Telegram.) Over . Ciroup 0
linkers nirt litre today and made
t'ernianrnt a tcmriurary agricultural
loan agi'iicy organized in Onul.a. '1 h
name of the tmiiizatinn Mill be Ihe
Northwest Agricultural Loan avoca
tion. The concern will be incorporated
with a capital stock of IJuO.uoO. l'rac
tically all of the Mock was sub
scribed immediately. J. V. I'atnier,
aitornry for the Nebraska linker
; SMX'ution, wa jnrscnt and outlined
the plan of the War finance cor
poration in dealing through local or
ganizations of this kind.
The organization hat the approval
of Secretary Hart of the Mate bank
ing board and the ' leaders of the
move ray prompt action by tin
"Blue Sky ' department in limiting
permit to sell tock .will be forth
comitiK. Nine bankers of the sixtn group
were elected members of the board
of directors and they will select tho
olhcers. lhc drectors are: James
O'DonnclI, Holt county; II. Gist,
Kook; Harold Nelson, Brown; 1'.. C
Cole, Cherry; K. H. Cornell. Cherry;
A, F. Caiman, Sheridan; It. C.
Shulcr, Sioux; C. M. Kcnuur, Keya
l'aha. and O. J. Schwcigcr, JJawes,
The purpose of the organization is
Jo extend credit to stockn!-n, permit
fiim them to withhold their voune
and immature stock from the mar
ket and return the industry to its
ionnor prosperous state.
The War Finance corporation will
accept paper, due in six months at
6 per cent interest. It allows the
loan agency to charge 6 per cent,
. The 2 per cent will he divided be
tween the bank and the loan agency,
permitting' both to make actual ex
Funeral Services Held
- For Lincoln Merchant
Lincoln, Oct. 6. (Special.) The
funeral of Charles M. Kuclge, vtomi
nent Lincoln business man, who died
Monday in Kochester, Minn., was
held this afternoon at the Holt Trin
ity church.
Dr. S. Mills Hayes conducted the
services, assicted by Bishop E. E.
Shaylor of Omaha. Mr. Rudge was
for years senior deacon in the
church. .
Hundreds of people from Lincoln
r.nd from out in the state gathered
to pay tribute to the merchant. 1 A
large number ef retail establishments
in this city closed during the hour of
ihe funeral. .
New Zealand Man Wants
' Information on .Mormanism
Lincoln, Oct. 6. ' (Special.) F.
E. Bruney, living at Mammui, New
Zealand, has written Governor Mc
Kelvie inquiring if Nebraska is a
Mormon state. M,l
Here are some of his questions:
' What is the Mormon population
.of Nebraska? .. ., :
' - Are all of the Wall state offices
held by Mormons?
What is the penalty for practicing
v)ogamy in your state:
Do you consider Mormonism a
menace to your state? f '
Beatrice Man Arraigned
On Prohibition Law Charges
Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special
Telegram.) W. R. . Kennedy, who
was taken to Fairbury charged with
violating theTrohibition law, w.-s ar
raigned on two counts, giving away
liquor and transporting it. He plead
ed not guilty and his case was set for
hearing October 13.
Brandeis Restaurants
- RANT IN THE EAST. . .. :
Mile. Marion and Martinez Randall;
Featuring Mile. Marion's Snake Dance '
EILEEN SCHOFIELD, Character Toe Dancer ,
DORA. MAUOHN, America's Popular Prima Donna
LUCILLE HOWABD, Operatic Star -
AKD OTHERS . . .. ,.
The Biggest and Greatest Program
Don't Miss This Attraction
Every day for lunch, dinner and after theater. .
Saturday yon win hare the tame entertainment -for
your luncheon. "
. Prom 12:00 to 2:30 p. nu
-,-.' - - - .- .- . . . .
Service A La Carte Popular Prices
Excellent Pood .- " . Prompt Service
: - - - ' JUAN MILLER. .
Omahan Receives Honor
At Bankers' Convention
I Ml
Waller W. Head, president of the
Omaha National bank, was elected
second vice president of the Ameri
can Banker' association at the con
vention in Los Angeles yesterday.
There is always considerable riv
alry for the second vice presidency
as it leads ultimately to the presi
dency of tli national organization,
according to local bankers.
Grand Ieland Woman Held
For Laxity in Running Hotel
Grand Island, Neb., Oct. 6. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Vivian Dogette.
manager of the Savoy hotel at the
time it was raided, and one of the
principal figures in the shooting of
Oificer buswell following the ram,
was arrested again on a new charge
cf permitting rooms under her con
trol to be used tor immoral purposes.
The charge grows out .of the recent
arrest of a couple, the woman of
which case confessed and pleaded
cuiltv m police court.
After being ousted from the Savoy,
Mrs. Dogette rented a house in the
residence section of. the city, ihe
case, as m one , former one acamst
her, has been continued. .
Homer Man In State Prison
Victim of Pneumonia
"Lincoln. Oct. 5. (Special.) Bert
Davis, 32, who spent nearly half of
his life m prison, died of pneumonia
at the state penitentiary hospital. He
was serving an IB-year sentence tor
a statutory offense committed in Da-
lrrtA rfttrnfv.
Davis served two terms in the peni
tentiary. He did five years for high
way robbery in Dakota county, be
ing sent up in lvuy, and upon his re
lease went to Sioux City. He re
turned to Dakota county and while
there, it was claimed, attempted an
asauit.tipon a woman.
Davis' parents live at Homer.
Lincoln Citizen Seeks
Amusement on Sunday
Lincoln. Oct. 6 .(Special.) Gov
ernor McKelvie received a letter
from a weary Lincoln citizen asking
him to use his influence to secure
Sunday theaters for Lincoln.
The correspondent informs Gover
nor McKelvie that his sins will be
forgiven if he will only see to it that
the weary populace are given an op
portunity to see worth-while shows
in Lincoln on Sunday. ;
Advertising Raids Plan -
Of Sheriff at Fairbury
Fairbury. Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.)
F. M. Tippin, sheriff of Jefferson
county," is authority for the state-:
ment that several raids will be made
within a week on parties making and
trafficking in home brew and on those
j? T .-t J -.11;
indiscriminately engajjeu in selling
extracts for a beverage. ;
Naughty Dances
Are Opposed In
Pishcvillc Man
M'anU Papcri From Govrrimr
Authorizing Him to I n es
timate Taijgo Danced hi
Knox Couifly,
Linc 'ln, Oct. 6, (Special, i The
tango dame, which went rut ( vogne
in riulitc iurtrpoitan circle several
years tuo. still tril in Kme out-
fyiuar community of Nelraka. It
is all the rK anniig the young peo
pie of Knox county, according to a
letter received at Governor Mckel
vic's office from Joeph K, Wirth of
Wirth is much grieed for lie Uir
that it will prove detriment! to tluir
If t'w governor will Mm
with credentials, showing that he has
authority in the matter, Wirth prom
ise that he will g out in his pre
cinct and all ovrV Knox county put
ting tip hiif posters warning every
one to refrain ironi dancing the Uiigo.
"Semi me sonic written paper to
give mc a permit to look into this
matter, is his suggestion to the rov
ernor. Evidently Wirth is one who does
not trip the light fantastic, as he
"c people here would like to
know something about the tango
city or town or country dances.
I'lease give mc information about this
matter what to do if they arc prohib
ited in this 6tate as the young grade
of people dance nbthing but what
is called the tango and some cou
ples make very bad looks, and these
young children that are just grow
ing out are all learning this bad
dance, and as soon as they learn it
they won t dance nothing but that.
Wirth states that he has heard
that the Sioux City authorities have
taken action to prohibit the tango
and he thinks it should be stopped
in time in his community.
No Trace Obtained of
Missing Crete Plumber
Crete, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.)
No word or trace of Rudolph Vlach,
plumber of this city, has been discov
ered since his disappearance from
here during the state fair week. Mr.
Vlach was a member of the Masonic
lodge and the lodge is of the opinion
that he has been waylaid. He had
a considerable sum of money on his
person when he went to Lincoln.
The Masonic order probably will look
after his two children.
Saline County Farmers
Plan to Husk Own Corn
Crete, Neb., Oct. 6. Several farm
ers m this vicinity arc making ar
rangements to get into the cornfields
to start husking. The corn, they
say, can be cribbed without fear of
spoilage. I hey contend that the
early possibility of getting into their
fields will relieve them of hiring very
much help, and most of them are
not in favor of paying S cents a
bushel to get 30 cent corn into. the
crib. . ' -
Crete Legion Post Will
Observe Armistice Day
Crete, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.)
The American Legion post in con
Junction with a committee from the
Crete Commercial club will celebrat
ed Armistice day, November 11.
Governor McKelvie wilf deliver the
address of the day. A big barbecue
will be one of the special features.
The legion boys will have full charge
of the program. The program will
be concluded by a big . dance.
it -j -
Buys one of these BEAUTIFUL
PHONOGRAPHS and a selection
of Records.
This almost unbelievable offer comes as a result
of us having to give over part of our first floor
to contractors who are remodeling our building.
tWe have cut prices and terms to the quick on
thirty high grade slightly used Phonographs
rather than rent additional storage space, and in
addition will give absolutely free a selection of
records with each machine.
We Hare
$25.00 VictroU. ... .$15.00
nui 8 Selection.
$60.00 CrmfonoU . .$35.00
and 10 Selections.
$100.00 T.l.tone... $47.50
and 12 Selection.
$100.00 Rick Tone. .$50.00
' and 14 Selections.
$125.00 Pathe $$0.00
nd 16 Selection.
-Do not delay, call tomorrow if you 'are Interested in saving
. money on the purchase of a beautiful Phonograph.
.: latest Popular Classical Columbia Records Now on Sale
Schmoller & Mueller
Ittfc. lihC.: U.HAHA. J-tlilMi, UUlUlihK 7. l'Jlil.
May Display Liquor
Court Rule Booi n
Backbsr Net Offcnst
But Musn't Sell It
i Chicago, Oct. U Tin ppel!a!tf
j court hi handed down two decii-m
wnuit tiring Joy a ine eanarei
hounds and the proprietor of "loft
dunk parlors,"
'1 he court ruled that the presence
of bottles of hard honor behind the
b;.r mean nothing unlets the man in
the white apron is caught selling it.
On Tued4V the court handed down
a decision which, tit elicit, knocks
ml llio 1 arliu-k tlotiiiif t.iw M All.
plud'to rntaurant in Chicago, The
mlititr neriniti .'iVs til fcne (noil
and provide dancing at ull hours of
the day or night. It aUo holds that
; the city has no power to collect
1 i: . . - ..... . - I-
ii rn.p iiir ftiirn p.iiiiiit jici.
' - -- " - ' " " , -
'Ihe ruling dealing with the pres
ence ot wmKy uenina a par reveries
an action by Judxe Gcmmill in the
municipal court in sentencing a sa
loon proprietor to oO davs imprison
ment for possesion of liquor. A
single bottle of whisky was found
behind the bar during a police in
vcatigatioii. Father of Child Murdered
In 1911 Held for Slaying
Madifon, Wis., Oct. 6. Martin
Ieinbcrger, father of Annie Lent
bergcr, "-year-old girt, killed here in
September, 1911, pleaded not guilty
when arraigned before Judge A. C.
Hoppman today,' charged with sec
ond decree murder in connection
with the death of his child. Bail
was fixed at $10,000.
Lcmbcrger was arrested yesterday
at hearing for a pardon of John A.
Johnson, who was convicted and has
served 10 years in prison for the
slaying of the child. Johnson at
torney produced a woman witness
who claimed that Lemberger struck
his daughter while he was intoxi
cated. Lcmberger's wife and son also are
held on perjury charges. ;
Insurance for Banks
A new type of insurance was in
troduced yesterday to Omaha,
forgery insurance for banta. For
a premium of 5100 and bank can
insure 1.000 accounts up to $5,000
each. For $125 forgery insurance
tor a year will be issued on 1,000 ac
counts in the sum of $10,000 each.
Resume Weekly Lunches
Superior, Neb:, Oct. 6. (Special.)
A joint meeting of all committees
of the Commercial club it was decid
ed to resume the weekly lunches.
Adjourn District Court
Geneva, Neb., Oct. 6. District
court adjourned to" meet again No
vember 7 for jury cases.
The campaign for Father
Flanagan's Boys' Home will be
opened throughout the city on
the 17th inst., and continue dur
ing five days.
Each solicitor will be given a
credential card which will en
title the party holding such to re
ceive contributions for this cam
paign. This credential card will be
signed by Reverend E. J. Flan
agan and will have his picture
It having come to the knowl
edge of the campaign .headquar
ters that some unauthorized
party was soliciting for this cam
paign recently. We are making
the above statement to the public
in order that no injustice may
be done.
Father Flanagan's Boys'
Home Campaign Committee
Many Other
$110.00 Perkins ...$62.00
and 16 Selections
$100.00 Victrola . . .$65.00
and 16 Selections
$125.00 GrafonoU . .$70.00
and 18 Selections.
$129.00 VictroU ...$75.00
and 18 Selections.
$225 GrafonoU $125.00
and 20 Selections.
Loans Reduced
In Tenth Federal
Bank District
Information !?f ut L'uiigri' :
Shows Fanning Sections
Hartley Hit !y Ko
Lincoln, Oct. 6. (S(ccUl.) Loam
(,( bank belonging to the fcV.crul re
serve tyctcin in the Tenth district, cf
which Nebraska i a part, were re
duced by f S.UOU.miO during the period
Jrcni May 4, 1910, to April 22, 1VJ1.
according to information received by
(iovernor McKelvie from Governor
IlardiiiK of the federal reserve board.
'Hie deflation process was carried j
t.ut more fiddly in tliis (!itrict,
through the regional bank nt h;inas
City, than any other district in the
country, the J larding statement re
vealed. When the data wai firt sent to
Governor McKelvie by Mr. 1 larding
it wan submitted coniiilcniUlly, but
' . . . !. I . I . I
t:ncc ii nat urcn mcu ium-
lircsMoiial committee ut Varhington,
it wa released for publication here.
In the Richmond and Atlanta dis
tricts, loans were increased, showing
that cotton farmers and the tobacco
planters in the south were taken care
of better than the wheat and corn
farmers and live stock growers of
Nebraska and neighboring state.
It is claimed bv Governor Hard
ing that in the country, as a whole,
lUIUIUdllUn tllt.UUllJlllirik 111 IIWII-
agricultural territory, jus ngurcs
nave as the aggregate
decrease in loans to banks for the
period mentioned in non-agricultural
counties, while those in the farming
section contracted only $55,000,000.
School Boy in Jail
Fairbury, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.)
Fred Letnpe of Alexandria, a stu
dent in the Fairbury Business col
lege, is in jail here for issuing
checks without money in the banlj.
Clothes for
Lodge Paper Reveals
Alleged Bigamist;
Requisition Asked
Lincoln, Oct. 6. (Special.)
Through an advertisement puMUhed
in the I'fTiciul ;iicr cf a fraternal in
surance society. Mr. Cora Snyder
of Garrison, Neb., learned that her
daughter' marriage' over a year aito
to James Odell, who served over,
tea during the war, was invalid
because he already had a wife and
three children in Texas, whom he
i'baudoncd when he entered military
mice. ,
The advertinenit'tit inserted by
Odrll's wife asked for information
regarding his whereabout. When
Mrs. Snyder aw it she wrote to the
Interesting Better
Bedding Exhibition
Opens Saturday at
Union Outfitting Co.
Souvenir to All Viaitort. A
Simmon Steel Bed Will
Be Given Away.
Doctor Krady writing In the
Daily News of Sept. 22nd said,
"Two-thirds of us spend a good
share of the night twisting and
turning to find repose in a bed
that does not fit us."
Realizing how true this is,
the Union Outfitting Co. will
open a "Better Bedding Exhibi
tion" next Saturday. Simmons
Beds will be displayed Mat
tresses and Pillows will be shown
in their making and other inter
esting events will take place.
Younger Men
Express good taste
wherever they are
worn and give the
greatest measure
of style and quality
Campus Togs
Good Clothes
eife in Tea, and obtained the
fact. Thtii she wrote to her daugh
ter, who was living with her hus
band nt Sidney, I he daughter re
turned home to Iter parents.
Pcssie May Snyner, the daughter,
wa tourted by Odell, who poJ
a ingle man, at Garrison. The wed
diiiK took place at Garrison July 2,
and Odell and his bride went
to Sidney to Jive.
Ketjuikitinn papers were UsueJ
from the governor' oflico to return
Odell to Uutler county, where he
will be tried on the charge of big
iimv. He is under arrest at Tilot
Point. Tex.,
To Wear Thin WUU
or Sleeveless Dresses
(Beauty Topics)
With the aid of a delatone paste, it
'is an easy matter for any woman to
'remove every trace of hair or (us
from face, neck and arms. Knough
Jof the powdered delatone and water
is mixed into a thick paste and
spread on the hairy surface for about
1 2 minutes, then rubbed off and the
jikin washed. This completely re
moves the hair, but to avoid disap
pointment, get the delatone in an
original package.
BUekheaiU bit enn or licit ones
oft one or hnl ones on sny pirt of
the tody, go quick by eimple method
that just dlnolvn them. To do this set
bout two ounces of calonlle powder from
your drufvlst sprinkle little on hot,
net sponge rub over tho blackheads brisk
ly for a few seconds and wash off. You'll
wonder where the blackheads have (one
Tho calonite powder and tho hot water
have Just dissolved them. Plnchlnc and
squeestns; blackheads only open the pores
of the akin and leave them open and un
sightly and unless the blackheads ire nig
nd oft they will not corns out, while
the eimple application of calonite powder
nd water dissolves them right out, leav.
Ing the skin soft and the pores In their
natural condition. You can g't calonite
powder at ny dru store nd If you are
troubled with these unsightly blemishes
you should certainly try thi simple
in Omaha at
4,000 BarrU of
Mentho-Laxene Couth Syrup
Mad tn On Year
Thmk ef Ml Vftur (hMwsna hrr'i
augl) orup. TKs srfn tl!rt -"'I
Mil would covsr lhr n!n "f h
Vaif inn men "int fur u-rii.
tn, having plainly tktt She ptl ft
Miisfsjttitrr ruiis. m this noniUrfut
teugti m4liin h only tu t lh
H'SrsM Blxiul IS r
s'uur ihuu-nml lrri lit an '.
n.-sna ln le," rnun- usd Hi uti-
parsons to tmt, umm oo uii(
ixisuns ! relief (rum Semite, rul.'s.
tiron'Mlis, h"rnM kiM enre Ihrnei, by
iMinit Slenttie.Liene. every Ufllle la
uaienle.4 ft TI.e 1. e.khurn l'rlu."a
! I'ayten, ifhle, and lets II. en Id tei!a
in tell seats nae ever easei jit ine
inen ta.a. No (runirr leellmnnlat (or
medicine could uuiir!y be rliien.
t't ut, Iwilla of l-n(lio I.rj' K'in
cenlraietf) tnakM full pint vt tu3b sni
ivi'l medlrlne.
On Babs Cheek and Chin,
Burned and Itched. Face
Very Much Disfigured,
"My et(bt-months-ol boy broke
out on on cheek and on bis chin
with dark, rtddisb spots,
nd when scratched scales
formed. They burned end
itched snd h rubbed them
a good deal, and be would
cratch t nlgbt and cry.
His face was very much
"I began using Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment. J noticed an Improve
ment right away and I ased two
boxes of Cutlcura Ointment with the
Cutlcnia Soap when he was healed."
(Signed) Mrs. P. B. Miller, Box 531,
Thayer, Mo., Jan. 2S, 1921.
Use Cutlcura for all skis troubles.
Ssaels leak s ST Mm. Address: "OcMesia US.
sr.l.rln P-e' . MslSsa l, Mess." Soul ,imy
whmJiaepBKOInOMetaeaeiee. TskosiSe,
MPCelicura Seep lasns hhaat ens.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Sviits ,
from j
Piano Co.
Oouf. 1623
Dodge St.
, 5 -L-
1 1 ,
- n