10 nit, Kfct;: omaha. fkiday, uciuBhK v. mi. CUtoifii. A-vertisinj lilts its Pr lino Irsunl t war1 li line I flay it per Una per day, 1 runaetuma s lie per par t, 1 tonom'IK d.is ",4a per lla par dev. I eoneaeutlvo data No ada taken fur lees than a total a( 8e. THaaa-rataa lplr el'har la lha Dally ar 4jnde Wee. All advertlaeinente appear in both martilng anil sv.ei.ihf daily papers for lha ana chr.i. CONTRACT TtATKS ON APPLICATION Want tJ.1 accepted at lha fUIowInf of f : MAIN Cmc(!,...ITb and Famem (Ma. tleuth Dl.la .....tli South sith Nt, nuiirll llluffa t a, cut ) WANT AU RKCEIVKlt lif I'HONK ATLANTIC I00 THPJ TIEE wiU not be responsible for Itiara than en Incorrect Insertion of an edvartlMiuenl ordered fur mora than oua CLOSINO HOURS FOR IV A N'T APS. F.v.nlng Krllllan 11:43 A. M. Morning e.lltlon t MO I'. M. Hunday Edition 6.00 1. M., Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. b"KSF:Y Klllmnre, passed onet local hospital Tuesday. October 4. 1111. Aa 4 yeara. Mr. Ijoraay la survived Ma wife and thraa anna, William Dura.r or ttrixion. !. Kcjwin end Kiisar nor. mrr of Mnooln, Nab.; three brotliere, James V. I 'fifty of Omaha, Nab.; Orton P, Doreey. Oarrleon, North Pa. Uota; Charles Doreoy of Civile Park, Montana: oua alatar, Mia. A, I An drews. Etlre. ), Funeral front 1 'roaby-Mnoro Funeral home, ,4th and Wirt Sts.. Friday, Oc tober T. !I1, at 1 p. in. interment Prospect II lit cemetery. CARLSON Mrs. f. A.. October S, 1621 ed 76 ere, II innnrha. It ilaya. Funeral Friday at 5 p. m. (rum real- fiance. a.OJ Seward street, to Zlon Luth eran church. Thirty-sixth and I.afavtto aar,u. at ::3U p. m. Informant rrt Lawn cetneteiy. Member W. B. A. of Mvahees, Omaha. Review No. 4. NKI.KON Mary, p.toved tuolhrr of Mra. M. Htrlnrr. 27u M. Jiith HI,, illl Thurf uay, thtiibrr c, uarnt 7j yrnra. t'nnral arrvlt-ra at iltitna A Rlpprn'a (i;Dri, 7:: cumlnr nt , Hatunlay (let, i, at 2:30 p. in. lntrrmi-nl Wtit Ijiwn rmitt'ry. r rlafiiU wvli'onia. OKKIt'KKR ninl tiirmiiKta of Ak-Rar-rtcn lo.lan No. Kit, V. tif H , arc rniuratad to att-nd funrnil of alalar Flnrni'a Mff Ilala A.l-H. Friday, At 2::0 p. m,, at home, 7I llli'liory. , KAPK SHAMABAM. r.ttpo.-trr. .ImONB KIlKBN. i'lilr of Order. ;iKI,S Flmanca Mcllala; Ootobrr 0. ur 21 yeara 2 montha and 10 day. Kuncral aarvli-ea will ba held from family rMldetirc, 716 Tlh'lrtify atreet, Krlday, Ottobr 7, at 2:30 oVludi p. m. Intarmtnt Want I.nwn rrmrtary. C.RANBR Wlllird, aifed iititi died wedneaday. Funeral Friday at 2 p. m. from the reilrience. ;h Dee Park boulevard, Dr. I!. I. Wheeler offi.-tatlnc Burial at Foreat I. awn cemetery. iilltlHlisr CrioaEAl 2 Wn, 1 liny. Tuueral from Prsabyterlun church at Rennon, Friday afternoon, at 2 p. 1.1, luterment at Zorest Lawu. LODGE NOTICES. ATTENTION". JIUTH RKBKKAH LODGE NO. 1. I. O. O. l All membere aro reiueated to atten.l tha funeral ef our well beloved slater, Florence Abela, Friday, at 3:30, from her late reeldence, 71 tJ Hickory atreet. FANNIE A. MOORS, K. O. RObB OOLDEK, Bec'y. MONUMENTS. Beautiful Memorials And Monuments. Our Rntlre Stock Now Offered AT PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Write for free catalog, or visit our display room. Art Memorial Co. Atlantic 0124. "04 South ltb St. CEMETERIES. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. An Meal locatien lust north ot city limits and west of Florence with miles of macadam oavement. 220 acres. Per petual care. Not operated for profit. Office 42d and No. City Ltnilts. City offlco, 720 Brandels Theater. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to' Stack & Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. SAMBULANCEi: Thirty-third and Fsrnam. Hulse & Riepen PIONEER FfNERAI DIRECTORS. Formerly at 701 S. 16th St., have moved to 2224 Cumins St. Ja. 1226. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmere. Phone HA. 26S. Office 2111 Farnain FOR AMBULAKCK call MA rket 680. Korlako Funeral Home, 23d and O Sta. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON W JOHN BATH, 1804 Farnam. Jackson 10, L, Henderson, 1S07 Farnam.-Jackson 1252. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. Earl and Henrietta Brown, 27W NorthJ iugnieemn, do?. Joseph and Frances Chadnlclt, Forty Mnnond and Y. Hlrl. Hal nnd Lltltc.11 Neece, 44S4 - South Seventeenth, girl. - Stephen and Francis Zarackl, ST6S Du pont, glrU j Claude and Pearl Hatt, hospital, girl. Ieatlis. Sarah Alice Oagan. 24. hospital. Herald E. Brown, hospital. Infant. George 8. Howe, S3, 628 North Forty- second. Jr.a R. JobsoB. CT. .184S South Twenty f'fttv Thelma Jungbluth, Infant, C010 South Twentieth. ' Baby Batagl'.a, Infant, 1211 . South Thirteenth. - Grace Mathilda De Grleelles, 7, 170 South Twenty-sixth. Oerald Murnan, S. 2303 G. Umma Sophia Landqulst, 48, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been Issued licenses to wed: Thomas Lawless. 67, Omaha, and Vor o.V.ka Koralska, 42, Omaha. Tl'llbur O. Ryan. 21. Omaha, and Thel ma A. Montgomery. 20, Omaha. Charles C. Allison. 52, Omaha, and Dorothy Kiplingcr, 22, Omaha. , Edwin M. OIsoti. 21. Omaha, and Caro line Lowe, 21, Omaha. , . . Ernest Scott, 25, Conncll Bluffs. la., and Lurella Carter, 21, Council Bluffs. Ia. Hiland B. Noyes. 21. Waterloo. Neb., and William I. Seeley, 21, Waterloo, Neb.' - ....... Ceorge D. Hobatka. 12, Omaha, and Marie Knott, 12, Omaha. William C Vandegrlft, 23, Lost Springs, Wye., and Athol V. Stevenson, 28, Omaha. Schlrnttl Balllla. 20. Omaha, and Tell elna Camlnola, 27, Omaha. Kd Phelan. Jr.. over 21, Omaha, and Ztlma E. Phillips, over 21, Omaha. Sam Cash. 21, Omaha, . and Thressa Busco, 20, Omaha. Paul Hanley. over 21. Omaha, and Ruth Roddr, over 21. Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST Three lady's diamond rings, reward. No questions asked. 144. Liberal Market FOR ARTICLES LOST en street cars tele phone Tyler 100. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL. BLUFFS ST. KT. COM PANT f LOST Afternoon Oct 4. between lth and St. Mary'e Ave. and 12th an& Far cam. Howard open-faced watch, gold rase, back engraved D. K. M. C C. Sattable reward. Telephone Walnut H2. LOST Servian bank book with, 17212 dinars deposit. Finder return to Beb Unleh. 1(21 Scenuaa Are and receive fl reward. ' LOST mold necttiac. rntnestone: keep sake. Call HA. 4417. evenings. Reward. STRAYED Sunday, Airedale dog. Call Deng. '42 after p. m. Reward. LOST Black cocker spaniel with white spet nnder Eecfc and rupture on right side. Atlantis 1M1. Reward. LOJ Lidiee" brown pm-ketboek, mosey, ;i Call -WE. M71. Reward. - BRINGING UP WELL ILL TKE. 1 "OE. NONE PERSONAL TIIW HALV'ATION Army Induatrlal horn aollclia juj.r old clolblor. furniture, iraitanlna. We oolleut. We dlatrlbute. Miona ruuila 4119 and our wagon will call, fall and Ineoect cur uaw l.oma. JJ10-11 12-111 4rodio it IIATTIK Putman, Nubona Corael Shop. 02KerbafhBlock. AT. 2II DAY IT WITH FLOWfcRS FROM HKU A BWOBODA. I4IS FARNAM FTRKF.T. MWKIUhll maaaas t hoinea. HA. Oil. RBNT HOOVE R vacuum. I l"up. H a rl 0 7JU Wire hatha. Swedlali uiaaaafa. W'ob. Sill. KXI'KRT maaaaue. Ilouitlaa S. MASSAOr! traatinenl. Ill Nevllla Mloclt, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleatinf. AC'COKDION, aide, knife, sunburat. bor pleating, covered buttot.a. all elzie and atylaa: heinatltchlng, plcot edging, eye let cut aork. buttonho:ea, pennants. Ideal Button end Pleating Co. 0 Brown Dili. Jackaon 1131. KKO. Pleating A Button Co., 10 Farnara Ht Id flour Dourlae K7I Contractors-Painting. BllICK plasterer and cement,- new and repair worn. J. Nau, Walnut 4667. PAINTINU and paper hanging. Yalater Dancing Academies. TTTFIP'S ba" rra and fancy danc rvlJ1JIr 0 lng for children. Sura method, quirk results. Do. 8410. 1818 Far mi m. Dancing Tuea.. Thura.. Sat., Sun. Kel-Pine Iearn to Dauco for 13. Hchool for Dancing. 424 Farnani. Douglas 7850. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred Maxlne teaches all blanches AanciiiKT. Studio Leflang Bldg. DO. 4761 MirHov Stage, fancy, clasi 1VJ.1U1CJ 1713 Uodge St. sslc, ballroom, AT. 1384. Dentists. DR. W. A. IVORT, practice limited to preventive dentistry for children. Phone Atlantic 4Z61. 642 wori'l-Muraitt jtiag, Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 2056. Night. KEN. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau, 804 Neville Bik. Ati. 5601: night, wai. 40ss: k. 0465, JAMES ALLAN. 212 Nevllla Blk. Evidence secured In all cases Atlantic 1136. Dressmaking;. FURS, suits. dresses remodeled, rellned. H. (804. INFANTS layettes a specialty. HA. 4008. LADIES and children sewing. Harney 6017. LAYETTES a specialty. Kenwood 0824. Ko&k Finishinf . FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Howatd St. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing. printings Kane studio, 213 Neville bik. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS 3. W MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. Milcellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS price with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 4C3 N. 16th St. Doug las M4. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half the price of new beds. 1207 Cuming. Jackson 2467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 85c; double edge. 40c aoz. nail orders so licited. Omaha Sbarp Co., 108 N. 16th. ROGERS Confectionary Store, 24th and Farnam St. Jackson 0127. FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldman, 10 N. 16th St. Jackson 812S. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric. 318 S. 13th St.. Omaha. CALL Herman the Glazier, Kenwood 2701. ALL kinds of hauling. Webster 4008. BRITT Printing Co., t Elks Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. UNUSUAL bargains In used machines, standard makes, 5 up. Repair all ..kinds, machinea. Omaha Sewing Ma chine Exchange. Jackson 0517, 24th fdAjeavenwortti Sts, WANTBID To sell, fumed . oak duofold. davenport ana chairs to matcn. call WA. ?t5. , HARD opal stove, good condition. Mar ket 4796. BASE burner, A-l condition, ti 5. Wal. nut BS8. KITCHEN cabinet In good shape. KE. 4964. ' Pianos and Musical Instruments. GF.OROB A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylopbo. as, etc., Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phone Harney 2267. Try Smith's pedal. VIOLINS, bowa, strings and repairing at lowest prices. Mattnewr otuaio, do Douglas Blk.. Opp. Ha yd ens. AT. 2026. BIGGEST phonograph bargains In the city. 0HLAE9 PHONOGRAPH CO., 1404 Dodge St. - TWO Olds Trombones, French Horn, tenor saxopnone, Martin c Baxopnone. xom Henry. 30 Leflang Bldg. JOHN TAFF SAXOPHONE SHOP, repair ing supplies, 306 Leflang B. DO. 8476. Clothing and Furs. Buy Your Furs Direct from Maker. Save Large Retail Profits. COATS, WRAPS, CAPES. COATEES, STOLES AND CHOKERS. Your Inspection Invited. CIIAS. J. GOLDSTEIN FUR CO., ' 16th and Douglas, over Fry's Shoe Shop. Tel. Jackson 1132. Hall Orders Solicited. Satisfaction. Guaranteed or Money Refunded. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dui dee suits, cheap, alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Korttwest Cor., 16th and Harney Sts. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. ENEETER ALASKA I LK CO.. 202 8. 15th St. Douglas 7282. LARGE mink cape. Rest. Harney 0678. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought. Mid. rented and repaired. Solo agenta for the CORONA. Get oar prices before you bay. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1S12 Farnam. WE bur, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc Omaha Fixture si supply Co., ft. W. Cor. 11th and Douglaa. JA. 1714. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MIUKEL'S lath and Harney. Douglas 1173. FOR SALE At a bargain. Two Edison dictating machinea One Edison shav ing machine for records. 41S So, 18th St.. DO. 71. .UMBER at low prices: kindllnr dellvered- MICKLIN LUMBER WRECKING CO.. 1, t. M Un.Jt..,. 11- 1 . Fee. D. C. elevator- motor, compound wound. 6 h. p., 400 v. 314 Cumlr.K. Har. . FOR SALE Tar lota apples aad potatoes. -evveren tv nuta. oaiem. Acs, FATHER , ' I H-JUaW NJakUV ' -1 III i'V, J Ljf S V P I 1-iUT - I I I aTa II Mil I I II II I III ' W -- . r y fj r j a A 1 a, 1 II a . . t- I ft' I FOR SALE. MikelUneous Announcementt. com t'lion iimd for 4ie, H-inoh cut. Tela' lt. I 461. WANTED TOBUY. I)ESKS DESKS DESKS New daka, ueed drake bought, an and traded. J. C Rrd, 1107 Farnain. D. tlltl WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. KXPKIUfc.Ni'KD teacher who haa A. B. degree and profeaalonal certiflcata d Mrt'S a poslllun. Ktate grade and wage. Addrree llua Y-Jtn. Omaha Bo. Laundry and Day Work. ffoLOKRD girl wants day work. Phone Harney Hit. HELP WANTED MALE. Profeuions and Tradet. LINOTYPE OPKRATOll. Muet be good Job man, non-union. I6U. Day work. Box 427, Ft. Hmlth, Ark. 3IOLF.lt HARBKU COLLEOF.E. lit S 14tn. Write for cialog. Salesmen and Solicitors. POSlTInN by ex-army officer, two yoara In college: six yeara' selling exporlence; will take anything or go anywhere. Ad (tree Box X-60. OmHha Bee. SALK8MAN Clean cut young man to call on bu.il neNa men. Kuy proposition and good pay. Douglaa 7774. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores anu Offices. GIRLS to takeup shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping .etc. Personal Instruction. Tou can qualify quickly. Doug. A774. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WE require the services of experienced salesladies In cloaks, suits, dresses and blouses. Apply at once. Julius Orkln, 1512 Dougtav. Clean cut young woman to call on business men. Easy proposition ana good pay. Douglas 7774. Household and Domestic. WANTED White girl for general house- worK, must be good cook. Two In family. References required. HA. 6260. WANTED Experienced white girl for cooking ana downstairs work. Mrs. A. IV. Gordon, 3611 Jackson St. WANTED Competent white girl for cooKing ana general housework. HA. 0206. WANTED White girl for plain cooking; o in lBiimy. iiarney uun. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED An experienced waitress for counter work; a good steady position for ths right party. Apply In person or state all particulars in first letter. Brunswick Restaurant, Fremont, Neb. Miscellaneous. AVANTED 25 Elris of nice aDDearanca muse oe gooa aancers, evenings, at Kel- pineuanciug Academy. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Xlen, ladles and boys to learn uaruer irinn; mfr namanrt. . n n v. I. luarnlng; strictly modern. Call or write .vo wma ou iTi-uuy uarDer uouege. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma. chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bids;. Douglas 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. MODERN newspaper and job plant for - sale, Including presses, stock and com plete equipment; located In good Neb. town of 500 population; priced right. Owner must sell. Address Box Y 1687, Omaha Bee. STOCK of hardware and furniture for sale; town of 500 population; will sell at a sacrifice. Address Bos Y 1688, Omsha Bee. ' WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney, Ter minal Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Rooming Houses. 2660 FOR well furniBhed seven-room, strictly modern, newly decorated brick flat. Good income, nice home. Harney 4887. 1 Rooming house, nine rooms, close in, good proposition. Call JA 2968 evenings. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnisncd Rooms. TWO large newly decorated rooms with large closets and private bath, walking distance, gentlemen only. Harney 2201. LARGE front rooms, suitable for 2, everything furnished, walking distance. Douglaa 8548. PLEASANT room in lovely Field club home for gentleman, references. Har. ney 1679. , 2218 ST, MARYS ave., two large, pleasant .rooms, all conveniences. Atlantic 6080. DESIRABLE fur. room, block to Dundee car, nice location, garage." WA. 3480. YOUNG man will share rm. with man employed; 82.CO week. 604 So. 38th. COMFORTABLE furnished room, in mod ern home. Home privilege. Har. 6085. NICE large front rooms, modern brlcil nat, close in, 410 Hweetwood Ave. FURNISHED room, gentleman preferred. reaming- maiance. Harney 7000. ATLANTIC 4986 Three sleeping rooms, modern homo. PLEASANT furnished rooms. Dg. 6949. MODERN housekeeping apart. Jack. 3136. NICE furnished room. Atlantic 2470. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO attractive rooms, furnisUed or un , furnished; .walking distance. Harney MODERN ran; running hot and cold water. 616 8. 22d St. ROOM, kitchen privlg. Garage. DO. 7442. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. ROOM3 MODERN. Seven-room, modern house, fully fur nished: electric washer, pleno, Vlctrola, etc Rent to April 1, 1952. Call Har . ney 4060 or Atlantle 2350. Unfurniibed. PART of my residence. 2328 North 22d, to responsible family of 4 or S; 7 rooms; will reserve north part. Telephone Web ster 0326. John O. Willis. EIGHT-ROOM. 2647 Seward; modern ex cept heat; 827.80. F. D. Wead, 210 So. Uth St. Atlantic 0171. 8-ROOM house atd lot, bargain, 21,20:' Jackson C327. U I l'et.n Otfk MefUiKrea) FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnislied. tl.i'uum liouai. Wrat Kartinitt illtftrh't, on one yar'a h-uae, gond rondtiluti; twe baths, lint lr hrat, doull garagf. 'an ba -n by appoiniiueiil. It. nt HUM. 4:'3 Koutll tlat alriri. Peters Trust Company "Where Omaha Rents" llt ItKNT Very U0' month. so:3 :rxd houa, fi roitma; 'lre. Atlantto r:. 4lo7 NORTH 14th Ave., 2 Urn rooms, 3 pomhea furnikhd or unfurnlalied. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. VKRV 1a!rhle afum liMted 2-rm, ayt cotnpti'tely furulahd, .SO N. S3d. FIIKN. apt. HHrniiy :6o(, ImuKlta 7tti, Unfurnished. In the Mount Vernon and Monticello you can all:! nbialn one of the ery attractive Smaller ftvc-rf'om stiltes. This 14 a very comfortable urruiiKviuent, In one of the choicest buildings In Oma ha, located In a good neighborhood, but convenient, at 5:0.(24 SuutU Slat atreet. Runts reduced to 195, Also some large apartments at 1115. Il.'ated garages way be had In connec tion. Peters Trust Company, "Where Onisha Rents'' Atlantic 0544. 17th and .Farnam. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 6 ROOMS, outside flat, steam heat. J12 N. 16th. yd floor, lnq. 2d floor. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT 7 or 8-ronm modern house In south or west section. Phone Atlantic 6000. Company 54. FOR RENT Business Property. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones Bts. SEE F. D. WEAD. 810 HO. 18TH ST Garages. FOR RENT Uarnge. with excellent op portunities for right party. JH06-8 West Broadway. C. S. Andrews; Thone Bed 456. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY n CO. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND FIANO& REASONABLE RATES, REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. JEKIN8 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 806 South 16tb. ' Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. It, Bowen Co. Atlantic 8400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage & mov . Ing. Contracts taken by Job or nr. Globe Van & Storage Co., JA, 4338. AT. 0230. 620-24 Noj-th 16th St., HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. FOR SALE High-class saddle horse, suit sljlo for lady to ride. M, 0806 or M. O0S0. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SCOTCH COILIES, Fox Terriers, Toy Poodles, pedigreed stock, reasonable. Parkway Kennels,' 2802 South 16. WHEAT screenings, 81.25 per 100 lbs. de livered. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. TWO female Boston bull pups, old. Walnut 4498. 10 weeks AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, FORD BUYERS, ATTENTION. . We have a few 1920 and 1921 Ford touring, cars, with and without starters, for sale. They are in excellent running: order, having been kept m good shape m our re pair shop. We do not deal in Fords, expect no commissions or profits. Any reasonable offer takes them. See C. D. Barnard, Drive-It-Yourself Co., 1314 Howard. Do. 3622. SOME bargains In used Fords: prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., . The Handy, Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. FOR SALE, by owner, Studebaker light six touring; run 3,600 miles; equipped with Sewell wings, front bumper. New spare tire. 8900 cash; will demonstrate. Call Atlantic 2378. FIFTY used cars at cut prices; cash, time or trade; prices from 175 to 2600. Ford bodies, winter tops. GOLDSTROM'S AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. AT. 1714. 1920 FORD sedan, 1920 Ford tourins, 1920 Ford coupe, perfect condition, real bargains, cash or terms. 2024 Farnam St., Douglas 8987. RENEWED MARMONS Sold with a guar antee. 4, 6 and 7-passenger models, Pclton's Garage. 2019 Farnam St. BUY A GUY L SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sta Phono D. 1678. 1818 DODGE roadster, reflnlshed, perfect condition, cheap. Cash or terms. Call 2024 Farnam St.. Douglas 8987. 1920 BUICK Touring K-46, perfect condi tion, reflnlshed, cheap. Cash or terms. 2024 Farnam St.. Douglas 6987. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. Repairing and Painting HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 811 a 24th. Accessories. INTERLOCK Inner tires and rellnera do prevent punctures and blowouts. Vul eanlsers Supply Co.. 2812 Farnam St. FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchance. St. Paul. Minn. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good place of 640 acres, in fine shape, good crops; mostly level: If Interested write Boa 19. Star route. Ewlng. Nab. Fl J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN Fl'll. fACJt OF COLORS IN 1HH tUNDAY Ittk, FARM LANDS. For Rent. LltillTr acres rolling land at 1500 an acre ieh rent, four mllra north of Irvltigloti. Renter oana Improvemente. rontlailtiff of f.Mir-ro'.m tn.uae, large barn, gars, rhh'kn house, hog houae, granary, corn trip, windmill and tanka; in,, ally fnticrd hni; tight. He will take ll.ioo fur three improvements and as sign lseo. This leass can run In tli'finllely. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, :i3 City Nat l Bank Bldf. Omiilia, Nebraska. WANT to lenae a ranch for a term of years. O. M. Brltton, Murray, la. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS 640-acre homestead. 7 month r.iahltm-e: use your scrvico lime. Duff. Csaper, Wyo. Miscellaneous. 11,000 Oets 3(6-Atre Farm With l.V00 Bulldlnas. 4 Horses. 18 Cows. Crops, bull, poultry, gas engine, full up-tn.ilate lmplementa included: close to markets, advantages: 800 acres loamy tractor-worked fields; pasture, good wood lot, orchard: fDlcndid alate-roofed houae, running water, porch; modern barn, granary, eo-root poultry house. scund barn. To close affaire everything goea sy.uuo, only si.oou down, easy terms. Get full details quickly, psge 27, ifv Illustrated Catalog 1,000 bargains. Free. Strout Farm Agency, 231 B. F., New Turk Life Hldg.. Kansas City, Mo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Orn. Nat. Bk. Hldg. Jackson 271S. We have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. B. H. I.OUGEB. INC. 518 Keellne Bldg. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. , F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 S. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. MONDAY WE LISTED A SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE NOT NEW, HIT WELL KEPT. Sold It Wednesday. Quick Results!! we can sell your property, new or old; "8 real buyers waiting: for houses; Dhone u tortry. we know how. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors 443 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone, Jaokson 2000 or Douglas 8890. HOME WANTED. I have a friend who has $500 cash ana a fine Minne Lusa lot as a down payment on a bungalow. Call Tollver, nen. lose. RASP BROS. AT 0721. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bids. Jackson 1426. CONSULT us If you contemplate bulldlnlr. or wisn 10 buy or sen Omaha real estate. u. a. BTUM'J CO., City Nat. Bank Bldg. DO. 2787, THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1600 Dodge St. Douglas 1845. RTRTtTF.TT kka.l estate. UilVIYI-l X A Sells. r.ents. Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg; Jackson 0638. PROMPT sales- of your real estate; we have many buyers and solicit your buel - neis. Shopen & Co.. Realtors. JA. 4228. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST your property, vacant or Improved. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 015 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 0048. THOS. W. HAZENKealR 806 McCague Bldg. DO. 8330. GRUENIGf0raqtuyicSettaW,t,, " 1418 1st. Natl. Bk. Bids;. Jackson 3868. Mark Martin ertre!nc.oan"al 1046 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR real estate. Insurance, rentals, see P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. JA. 2182. OMAHA real estate bourht and sold. WEST END REAL ESTATE CO. 811 North- 40th St. Walnut 084 LIST vour property with FUNDERBURK & BROTHERTON. Douglas 6600. S01 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. LIST with us. Wo guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO.. 715 Bee, DO. 6646. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. LOT near 60th and Military, sewer and water in, bargain, 8700. Jackson 0327. TWO business lots lith and Locust St.. . 82,000 bargains. Jackson 0327. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. 6 Apartment Brick Flat. Price ?17,500 Rental, $2,460. Located near 21st and California In excellent rental district. Has six apart ments, modern except heat. Building about 12 years old. Constructed ot very fine pressed brick. Excellent con dition inside and out. One of the best buys in brick flats we have had. Can make very easy terms to respon sible party. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Atlantic 0050. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR exchange, 830,000 first mortgage. Secured on 730 acres of land that the owners expect to sell at 2150 per acre. Will take an equity in a good farm or city property up to 225.000. balance cash. Schwab Bros.. 1028 Plymouth. Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 2-APT. FLAT. Will exchange a 2-apt. flat, all clear, for a bungalow or close In acreage. Call Atlantic 3350. , REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. $4,500. A fine little 6-room bungalow .lust be ing completed on lot 60x140 ft. In Ben son. Price $4,500, terms 2760 cssh, bal ance monthly. Call Walnut 1580. , Benson & Carmichael, 842 Paxton Block. Atlantic 2640. LONG LIVING ROOM. CHOICE BUNGALOW. - In an excellent location, one block to car, close to school; long living room with built-in bookcases, dining room with windows on east, built-in cupboard In kitchen, one bedroom downstairs, two bedrooms and bath finished la enamel. This choice buy for only 6,00t. Owner may take 8700 down. Call JA. 4221. Ralston. Balston Lot Sale now In progress. Referee's sale of beautiful home sites. We assist yon to build, one-fourth down, bslsnce month ly. Auction sale every Saturday at 8 p. m. Homestead Realty Co., J. T. O. Stewart, Uesident Agent. Pfccrje Ralston 10-TI REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Dundee Brick and Stucco 116 S. 51 St. Exceptionally well constructed home, located on an east front lot. Living room across front of house with an attractive fireplace, dining room, 'm room, breakfast room and kitrhen on first floor. Four large bed rooms and bath on second floor. Finished In oak and white enamel; furnace heat; Ruud heater; laundry tubs and toilet In basement. Owner having the city and wants an offer. George & Co., Atlantic 3024. New Home in Dundee 808 North 49th St., seven-room, Elastics stucco; large living room with fire place, dining room, kitchen nitb bretfkfast room and Ice box room on first floor. Three large corner bed rooms snd Urge sleeping porch ant tiled bath room on second floor. Plenty of closet space, attic floored down ant full basement. House la finished In white enamel and oak. Quarter-sawea white oak floors. House nicely deco rated. Fine shade trees. For price and terms. E. It. HUME. 614 Keellne Bldg. JA. 3 960 or WA. 8S0T. Florence. Nethaway, Flor. prop, no coinreA. KE. 1408 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT A REAL VALUE A neve six-room house. Best oak floors throughout, oak finish down. birch finish up. Living room across the front, front vestibule, cloak closet with full plate glass mirror, a beautiful open oak stairway, fireplace with built-in bookcases, French doors leading Into dining room, dining room of nice size, has built-in buffet, kitchen haa many built-in features, breakfast nook, clothes chute, cupboards, ice box room. Three fineebedrooms and bath second floor, with four large clolhes closets, and one linen closet; first-class plumb ing In bath. Full cement basement, with' coal bin and fruit room, floor drain. Evervthine arrnnered first-class. The boat of workmanship throughout. 32,000- down, balance on terms, can ur. Kym, Walnut 4230 evenings. H. 8. MANVILLE. Realtor. Atlantic 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldev Clairmont 45th Ave. Home Built by Owner $1,500 Down. ' An extra well built home, 6 year old. located on the prettiest street In Clairmont, .lot 60x125 and lays level with street Three rooms and den down, three bedrooms and elee-ping porch up. White oak floors' throughout. White oak finish down and white enamel birch finish up, One- block to public and parochial schools and car line. GarAge and hedge, Phone. Walnut 2124 for ap pointment. ' R. D. Clark Company, REALTORS, Atlantic S53L 402-3 Securities Bldg. $500 Leavenworth Heights A real bargain for a tf-room, modern, garage. Price 25,150, 250 month. Quick. Stier Realty Company, 715 Peters Trust Bldr. Evenings Harney 6701. Douglas 6545. - A Real Bargain Located In the Field Club District Consists of 6 lovely rooms, finished In oak and white enamel. Living room 14 by 26 ft.; fireplace, colonaded entrance to dining room, built-in biuret, tuea bath. Large lot and garage. Only J6,u00; reasonable terms. Here Is the chance of a life-time, to secure a wonderful home at pre-war prices. BROWN REALTY COMPANY. 206 S. 19th St. Jackson 1605 $3,900. Tou can't go wrone on the house we are offering at the above figure. Price Is absolutely rignt ana terms ex ceptionally low. Phone Mr. Chuda, Harney 6306 (office open until p, m.) Amos Grant Company, REALTORS. DO. S3S0. 830-2-4-8-8 Brand. Th. Bldg. For $500 Cash And 160 per month you can buy this brand new, six-room bunKalow. Rooms alt on first floor. Oak floors and fin lsh. Full cement basement. Lot 44x 138. Close to car and school. Im mediate possession. Evenings, call Mr. Voorhoea. W.lnut 1744. R. D. Clark Company, REALTORS. Alantin 3531. 402-S cScurities Bldg. . 245 MONTHLY. , ONLY 8500 CASH. This dandv bungalow. 4 rooms with 5-room accommodation Is ready for you -to move Into at once, entirely modern, complete with French doors, kitchen cabinet, linen closet, etc. Located In a new addition. .Call Air. urant, at. 295. ' TEMPLE M'FAYDEN CO.. Jackson 2428. 1605 Farnam St. Beautiful Minne Lusa Home, Near 28th and Newport Avenue. "Rrand new atucco bungalow, lust com pleted. Five rooms with large living room, fireplace and built-in features. Oak floors, osk and white enamel fin ish. Full cemented basement. This Is a real home and yon can move right in. Evenings call Mr. Willis, HA. 2751, George F. Jones Co., REALTORS. 532 Keellne Bldg DO. 8635. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. Frame and stucco 6-room bungalow; Holland furnace, quarter-sawed oak floprs; close to car line, school and church; dandy wail paper and bronse fixtures. Price, 26,250. Terms. NORTHWALL & JOHNSON. DO. 74S7. 6f8 Kletrtc Bldg. BRAND new 4 -room burgalow on two lots. Decorated, fine light fixtures and furnace. Immediate possession. 8J.150. with 1350 cash down. Owner, WA. (701, Drawn for The Bee by McManu Cuftbt, ML IntamatleoAJ No tVerv te REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Clairmont 8U-roum modern h"nte, oak fltit'h east front, paved street, H,.'0. Call owner. Walnut o:04. aft.f S p. m. UEVKN room. Walnut Hill, oak. iras.. fine Iocs' f"H, I6,M4 and priced right. Douglaa 8S48. evening Harm-y 8701. JR0TnSt)NrreT"eetU loveef ment. 642 Peters Trust DO. 60IT. I. E. lil'CK CO. buy and cell eom.s. North. ARE Y(.' l.iiuKINO 6-R00M BUNGALOW. All on ons floor, with genuine ill bath, hullt-ln bath tub, golden oak and old Ivory woodwork, nil oak floors, hand made built-in lookcaaee and neat built-in kitchen Ueautlfully decorated, large attic, dandy basement, with coal bin, floor drain, grade entrance, etc Located ono block from Miller Tark and golf course. Worth 67.C00. Will sell for 6,6A0 if sold at one. Very reasonable terme, might take modern int as part payment. See It before you buy. Shewn by appointment. Key at "nD. E. BUCK & CO., 442 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. JA. 2100. Evenings, Newlon. HA. 6942: I'erro, WE. 0H32; Buck. KE. 2834. Minne Lusa Residence $1,500 Down Seven-room, full 2-story, strictly mod ern house; large living room across the front with fireplsce; dining room; kitch en with built-in features on first floor, finished In oak; 4 h.drooms and bath on second floor, with oak floors and white enamel, finish; tile bath and base tub; full cement basement, stationary tubs: eaat front lot facing on boulevard. Numerous built-in features. such as breakfast room, clothes chute, built in ironing board. Priced a t 27,860, Payne Investment Co., 537 Omaha Not. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1780. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 4720 NORTH 40TII AVE. 85,250. Dandy 5-room strictly modern bungalow, nice east front It8 H block to car line, close to scnuot anu run tenelle park. Oak throughout, full base. ment, attic, furnace heat, one of tho neatest little homes In this district. Can arrange good terms and give pos session at once. Owner leaving city, J. L. HIATT COMPANY Better Values. Hlatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic O0J3, Waverly Park. 81,000 cash, balance monthly pay ments, will buy this nifty 6-rooin Kella- stone bungalow; oak Iloors tnrougnout; oak finish in living and dining rooms; balance In wnlte enamel; run base ment, cement floor; furnace heat; lot, 46x125: on car line, clfse to school; lo cation 2312 No. 45th St., between Wirt and spencer sts. C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1615. A Real Buy. All modern 6-room bungalow, hard wood finish throughout. Full cement basement. On paved street. One block from car line; garage for one car. This house is now vacant and you can move right In. Priced at 16,200. Call Mr. Shaver. KE. 3768. Mr. Smith, HA. 0972. N. P. Dodge & Company, T. W. Metcalfe, Mgr. Local Dept. 404 Mlckel Bldg. DO. 0829. $4,150. In north part of city; story and half; six rooms; strictly modern; garage; paving paid. Phone Mr. Dlckason, Ive.i wood 2342. (Open until 9 p. m.) Amos Grant Cdmpany, DO 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandels Th. Bldg. Montclair Bungalow7. 6-room modern. Oak floors and fin ish living rooms. Bedrooms finished In enamel. Garage and paved street. Only 11,000 down and 150 per month. Glover & Morell, 718 Keellne Bldg. AT. 2622. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, new Kelastone bunga low, oak floors throughout. Living room and dining room finished In oak. Bed room and bath white enamel. Full cemented basement. Can be handled at 2760 cash down. Balance monthly. R. F. CLART, Realtors. 24th and Ames Ave. Kenwood 0175. $500 Down Strictly modern 6-room house, space for 3 additional rooms. Hot water heat. Hard wood floors, full cement base ment. Large lot. A big bargain. Act quick. L. D. SWANSON, 512-14 Brown Blk. Jackson 1637. REAL HOME BARGAIN Eight-room, oak finished, strictly modern, nicely decorated, four bed rooms and bath up, pavings paid; garage; south front, near boulevard and Miami St. Immediate possession. Call Mr. Rice, evenings, WA. 2582, days at RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. 2600 CASH. NEW. MODERN. A neat stucco bungalow about a year old; strictly modern and won located; oak and white enamel finish. Call Mr. Carse at Douglas 7412 days. MUST BE SOLD NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW CORNER LOT, OAK FLOORS. MA HOGANY AND WHITE ENAMEL FINISH. STEAM HEAT. FIRST 2500 CASH GETS IT. PRICE, 2M50. JACK SON 2556 OR ATLANTIC 1910 EVEN INGS. J50O CASH BAL. MONTHLY. S rooms, stucco, new, modern, near Fontenalle park district. Call Mr. Grler, Market 2544 evenings; day, Jack son 2428. TEMPLE McFATDEN, 1506 Farnam. $500 Will sacrifice for quick sale. rooms, corner lot, garage, beautifut hedge, paved. Won't last, act quick. Doug. 6545. Evenings Hsrney 6701. 24.000. I rooms and bath, on paved street, nice lot, furnace heat. Can be handled at 21 000 cash down, balance monthly, . R. F. CLARY CO., Realtors. -24th and Ames Ave. Kenwood 01T8. 810 Forest Ave., dsndy 8-room modern bungalow on very reasonsuie una Crelgh. 608 Bee. J. A. 0200. NEAR 27th and Ellison, new. all modern, 5-room Dungaiow; complete, t,tov. Easy terms. Atlantle 8640. South. Hanscom Park District. t rooms, modern, conveniently ar ranged for renting rooms; large lot, double garage, a snap at 22.760; rea sonable terms. Evenings call Douglas '6Si' H. W.'Volland, lit raters Trust Bldg. l0. 8.85. " South. ""2327' South .ttcTlUvd. 8 Roonus Sleeping Porch, t. a rage. Thie la wry anr'ia ,ina. .' tlta buuiatard, Juat aouth if llanatum pafii, ril t-a-gt. atu'ta t-anatrur. tiun. I.'a llli. loam airaugamant with fir'ica, ua an4 olill iaml fiiiiakj luur lliotme aifl alulnff p.mh di.r Irani ( cut; olfera at ll,.o, tj lover & Spain, HKAI,T"II. u :i) l ily Nailona L'Uf AT MHITIIKAa-f iiiltM.R UTH AND MAKi'V. SIX HOOMM AND llAHAUH. A full two, etory frame. haWng three) l.,fH.ii.t. Lath and l'"piiiic puirb on sreopd floor; khI etiir: full r.ntei t l.aaeint. Tina lioua ia In gimd ron. iMI'in n,.l.l and ui, and onr ansluua to a!l nuicU. o price will ha ma-1a e-i Hiiiuerii.ent, The lu'-alhul Is good. A. t It'KKr SON". -. I'irat Nat. lunk llhlg .14 $1,300. Tills will aril at eight. r.ur roon.e In houlli iMitaha Ilia ally atr and electric Ugh., itlct Miutlt front lota, Mr, W 'rrinan, Atlantic H. I. Amos Grant Company, KKAI.TOHS, 120 - S llraiidtia Tu, Hldg. A Field Club Dream Must sacrifice 7-rooni home on buuie. vard. Utiiir-tn festun-ii. tiu ruom and sleeping port li. Ii.kleil rsrug, b.autl fill oak flnlah, 2 bcOruuma; l.'.ODU caali naceasary. fTIER REALTY1 CO., DO. 6646. HA. 6701. Vacant. Lots Near Miller Park II9S and up. 15.011 down, I.VC'I monthly. The Byron Reed Company 1811 Farnam St. Douglas 02,7. Miscellaneous. $4,750. Another nice little bungalow. New, and has been occupied for about two months. This Is very complete and well located. Easy terms, 'hone Mr. Splcka, Douglas t'.li (office open until 8 p. m.) Amos Grant Company, REALTORS. DO. IS 80. 230-2-4-6-8 Brand. Th.' Bldg, oaononoDODOnonoc D HOME SPECIALISTS S We have buyers for 5 and 6 U R. houses on terms. Can make O a quick sale if priced right. 0 RASP BROS., Realtors JJ 210-12-14 Keellne Bldf. Atl. 0721 or. M O D o D o D oaonoaonocaoaociODQ j WANTED j We have a constant demand in our office for 5, 6 and 7-room homes. Popular Price, $4,000 to $8,000 If you have any properly for sale, why not let us sell it? Call R. D. Clark Co. REALTORS 402-3 Securities Bldg. AT Untie 3531 I PIERCE-ARROW I offer my Pierce-Arrow 6-66 to any one who desires a high-class, service able car. The Pierce-Arrow 6-66 is the car that made the reputation of the Pierce-Arrow factory. This particular car has had the best of care. The me chanical end of it is all right, having gone through the Pierce-Arrow shop, and every part that showed any wear has been replaced and the car equipped with new Kelly-Springfield tires and re painted thia spring. This car will give good service for years to come, and out-wear most of the cars made at this time. Just the car you wanl for tour ing or steady taxi work for long dis tance service. Will sell this car for 83,000 if taken at once. See , JOHN G. WOODWARD 211 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Is. UQonononoaoaoi XOEg Keep the g Rent Money a in the family. It's easy to do when you own your own home. See our list of houses that can be bought on pay ments. P Creigh, Sons & Co. S a o 0 JA &IOC Established 1868 0200 608 Be Bldg. Q lonoaoaonoQonoS AUCTION Complete homo ef furniture) Wlong ing to Mrs. Delong from Omaha Van Co., complete Carter Lake club home, North Fiftieth street home, 242S Fon tenello Blvd., and numerous other con signments of furniture will be sold on .Friday and Saturday, Oct 7 and 8, 1 P. M. STEPHENSON'S 1509 Capitol Ave. All of this furniture has been re moved to our auction house for con venience anal consists of everything that cast e found, in a homo Living room furniture, bedroom euites. dining suites, odd) pieces of bedroom, dining end living room furniture: rugs, elec tric waakinar anacaiaco, wicker rockers and chairs, high even fas range, coal ranges, gas heaters, dishes, kitchen utensils, curtains snd drapes, mattress es, springs and many ether articles of interest. Frank B. Stephenson AUCTIONEER Call . AT Untie 5265 when 7011 kavo furniture for salo. ) in v