THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6. li2l. Worst of Credit Nebraska's Envoy to c..:.., n..- ! Funeral of "Unknown Ron 1 tta A iu TVil 1 "HUM.. 1 Si !i;tj;;pp M 1 jr a 11 1 it Country Has Borne Period of Financial Strrn Remarkably Veil, Says Report of A. B, A". Economic Committee. Loi Angflei, Ct., Oct. S.-The wort of the credit stringency items to be ovtr and It appear that the country ha borne the period of itrei remarkably well, it was reported to the American Bankers' a"ciation convention here today fy it eco nomic policy conuniition, of which I aul M. Warburr of New York U The commission u convinced of the desirability of repeating the exceu profitt tax which has provid so burdensome to business and indus- try- "Since economy in government u one of the primary needs of the present time, the commission hopes that the soldier bonus bill will be definitely set aside. Favors Armament Meet "Aj an earnest student of coining economies, the commission endorses the action ot President naming- 1:1 proposing an international confer ence to consider a common program for the reduction of military and naval expenditures, which still form one of the heaviest financial burdens borne by all the nations. "The commission doubts the de sirability of refunding the floating indebtedness of the government into long time government sccuritie at he present time. X lie commission Wievea that the government should wait with its refunding operations until the money market has again reached a stable condition. "The commission fully supports the purposes of the federal admin istration in bringing about a refund ing of the railroads debt to-the gov ernment over a period of years." chairman. "Natural recuperative forces are now making for recovery," the report said, "and there is every reason to believe that when wages have been readjusted and normal balance is re established between industries and between nations our country will en ter upon a new career of prosperity and advancement. Oppose Too Many Laws. "The commission again points to the dangerous attempts which are made so frequently at present to un dertake to cure all existing economic evils "by legislative action. The com mission feels strongly that most of our troubles will be eradicated more quickly and cured more thoroughly if economic laws arc allowed free play. "The commission regards especial ly many of the amendments proposed to the federal reserve act as undesir able and calculated to lessen the benefits to be derived from the fed eral reserve system. The commission believes that so long as the federal reserve system is able to continue its work as successfully as it has begun, it should be left to function with the least possible interference. ' I Favors Budget System. The commission approves the 1 : .I.a tiatinnal arlmin VI VllV uivavti. .aww..w. - stration in refraining, so far as pos- tion in private business undertakings, and in seeking to effect economies in administration wherever possible. It welcomes, therefore the inauguration of a budget system designed to bring about more co-ordination of governmental departments and a closer supervision over expenditures. Field Museum Party Seeks ? Wild Animals of Nebraska Wood Lake, Neb., Oct. 5 (Spe cial.) Dr. Wilfred H. Osgood, as-, sistant curator of mammalogy and or nithology of the Field Museum of Natural History arrived here in com pany with Col. Dale Bumstead of Oak Park, 111., and their staffs. The - party will be under the guidance of Grant Welkcr. The expedition hopes to obtain specimens of wild game, fowls, rodents, reptiles, etc., for the Field museum. The party will stay out on the lakes for 30 to 40 days. Dr. Osgood states that the expedi tion should be successful in secur ing excellent specimens of the differ ent varieties of shore birds, ducks, geese, prairie xhicken and grouse. Foreign Missionary Body Will Convene in Kearney ' Kearney, Neb., Oct. 5. (Special.) The Topeka branch of the Women's Foreign Missionary so ciety will hold its annual convention here for five days, beginning 1 hurs Hav. Preoarations are completed for foreign missionaries on furlough and an equal number wno nave com pleted their training and are pre pared to enter the service will at tend this conference. The states of Kansas. Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arkansas and Ne braska will be represented. All meetings are being held at the Methodist church. York Fall Festival and Fair Is Record-Breaker York, Neb., Oct 5. (Special.) The fair and fall festival promises to be the biggest and best fair ever held here. The display of every thing is large. All farm products are fully matured and samples of - everything" that grows in York coun ty is on display. In the live stock department there are 127 head of cattle, and 38 head of horses. The pig and calf clubs have an exhibit of 25 pigs and three calves which are attracting considerable attention. Western Nebraska Alfalfa Is Being Shipped South Gibbon, Neb, Oct 5. (Special.) Wood river valley's great alfalfa fields are an attraction to the tour ist passing through. The fourth CUt firt tr ia rtnvr in the stack. Hav buy ers from Kansas City and St Lotus . a f - !1 are on tne grounds, xne prevailing price is around $10 a ton on track. Buy . Motor Fire Truck McCook, Neb, Oct S. (Special.) McCook's $6,000 fire truck, with every modern equipment arrived here. It was driven through from flint, Mich, r r 1 w Carl M. Lunge of Hartington. Neb., whose uniform blouse sags under the weight of medals he won in the war, lias been selected by William Ritchie, jr., state commander of the American Legion, to represent the state at the burial services of an un known United States. soldier ct Ar lington national cemetery Armistice uay. Lange enlisted April 17, 1917, and was assigned to Company 1), second machine gun battalion of the First division. lie received four medals and the French Cord. Following is the list: Distinguished service cross at Montabaur, Germany, from General Pershing for extraordinary bravery in action near Flcuvillc, France; French Croix dc Guerre with palms from General McGaughliu, com mander of the First division: Med aille Militaire, presented by Marshal Petain; Medaille Militaire, received from the French government later by mail. Gibbon Fanner Sells Apple Crop in Half Day G'.ubon, .Neb., Oct. 5. (.Special.) October 1 was apple day at the W. W. Winchester farm, two miles south of Gibbon. The five-acre orchard was sold out before noon, tiettine $2,250 to the owner. Mr. Winchester has a unique way of selling his apple crop. Each year the sale is October I. No apples are Isold until that day and the price is within the reach of all. This year the price was 3c a pound, which was much below the market. Speculators and dealers are not solicited. ;The sales arc made to actual consumers. t. THf If . fcaf m.m aaaa a Each 5inRmi 25 Jh NEW CURRENCY Expert cigar-making knowledge plus scientific cigar manufacturing methods permit THE NEW CURRENCY CIGAR to be sold for 5c. The quality is SO GOOD that today THE NEW CURRENCY CIGAR is the LARGEST SELLING FIVE CENT CIGAR IN THE WORLD.. HarlcHaaa, Distributers Council Bluffs, la. 0. D. Wool Army BLANKETS Condition Like Now $4.25 ea. TKe Heavy Kind SCOTT'S 15th end Howard F The most popular infant foot! when natures subttjr ftiils. Since 1857 EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED A. HOSPE CO. All Work Guaranteed 1813 Deaf laa St. . - TcL Deaf. II i hi A Special Purchase From a 'New York Manufacturer Enable Us to Offer Thursday Knitted Umderwear For Men. Women and Children All Weights and All Sizes Ft nee, Cotton, Wool and Wool Mixed One of the Biggest Underwear Bargains in Years! Every man, woman and child in Omaha will have need of warm underwear. For this coming need we have purchased from a New York manufacturer Ihiueands of samples of Men's, Women's and Children's Fall and Winter Undergarments at exactly 1-2 price. Women's and Children's Garments Sample and Odd Lot Garment., worth from $1.50 to HZt f-. K $5.00; priced for Thursday selling, per garment Jl IU y0J Third Floor Center They are in all styles, all weights and all sizes. In fine cotton, cotton and avooI mixed, all wool, and silk and wool. There are Union Suits, Vests and Pants. All are of high grade yarns, well woven and well made. Men's Union Suits Sample and Odd Lots of Union Suits, worth $1.90 to Aff. i. djC 7C $13.50; priced for this sale, UOC tO pOe O Mean Floor West Thursday Remarkable Values in arvel Hats Made By Master Artists They are made of finer fabrics, better colors, a wider choice and styles in tune with Paris. J Some of them are lovely rich Lyons velvet, embroidered in silk; in navy, black, brown, henna; others are handsome black panne, with touches of jet, some lace draped; pop py reds, and purple latest in vogue. These hats have just arrived and if you make your selections today you will choose wisely and economically. Priced at $6.85 Second Floor East Another Shipment of Tricolette esses The slender silhouette depends much upon the material of the dress. Those lovely etraightline models; trimmed in touches of hand embroidery and small beaded designs; in shades of Navy, Beaver, Brown and Black; just the dress for good, practical wear for wo men of large figure. Sizes, 33 to 46; priced for Thursday selling1 $24.75 Second Floor West This is a Sale That is Extraordinary mens Pall Slits Worth $75.00 to $125.00 Thursday at The values are so remarkable that we would gladly have purchased several hundred of them to sell at this price, but because such bargains are rare we were not allowed to buy more than forty-five. Colors Are Black, Navy Taupe, Brown, Sand and Many Other Good Fall Sty les .The models are of the newest and smartest, embodying all the features of the latest mode ; they . are individual, scarcely any two being alike. Materials are Veldyne, Marvella, Mous syn and Tricotine, individually treated : with Beaver, Squirrel, Wolf and Caracul. Values are $75.00 to $125.00; priced for Thursday selling at $49.00 Second Floor West 500 New Fall 500 New Fall Blouses Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe. With the unfolding of new fashions for fall wear, the position of the blouse is fully assured. And these materials and styles are the ones most suited for weai with the suit or separate skirt and sweater. They are in many styles showing tie-on models, Peter Pan col lars, and many new treatments of sleeves and collar. Many new collar and vestee models; in navy, black, brown, taupe and all the new high shades; rnced for Thursday at $5.75. " Second Floor South Our Annual Family Shoe Sale in the Basement Arcade Starts Thursday. Don't Overlook These Wonderful Shoe Bargains!