THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1921. 6 Romance in Origin Of Superstitions By H. I. KING. The Goldenrod, In Enifland, and prrha iu other parti of the country, a gall from the item of t goldenrod (earned hy the sting of an insect) i called a (irheii mty turd." Faih yatl contain mall, white gruh and tie brlirf it that at Ion & i the grub rcniaim alive one who carries the gall in hit pocket will be free front rlieu. uiatiim. The efficacy ot thii cure or rath er preventative is based upon the fact that the flower of the plant frcm which the gall is picked of a bright, golden color the color of the tun and therefore fittingly eon nected with the sun god, Apollii. Apollo did not exactly represent the sun itself but rather the light and life-giving influence of the tun. And also he wai a great "protector." Apollo wa the lather of Aesculiip itis, the god of medicine, upon whom he bestowed his art of healing. The part which the grub in the Kali play in this piece ot folk-medicine is based upon an idea of primi tive man concerning the grub and maggots which appeared, in the to them, unexplained manner in the galls of trees and plants and in decaying nimal matter. They were supposed to he in a peculiar manner an embodi ment of the spirit of the substance in which they were engendered to have sprung from and been cre ated by the vital essence of that sub stance. In the customs of many sav age tribes today this primitive idea i found surviving in full force with regard to the worms found in dead Lodies and gives rise to disgusting rites by which the living seek to ac quire the courage, or other desira ble qualities, of the dead. Thus it will be seen that a grub engendered in the golden plant of Apollo might well he supposed to be efficacious in warding off diseases. As long as it lives it lives with the life of the sun god. Copyright, U2I, alcClure Newspaper Syn. Do P.'geons Fly Home? Experiments have been made with the breed of pigeons known as "homers," in which the birds were carried in closed boxes for long dis tancessometimes hundreds of miles but, when the boxes were opened the birds rose in the air, circled about for a few moments and then flew off in a straight line, returning home apparently by the most direct of air routes. Though usually referred to as the "homing instinct," this ability to re turn to fa-niliar surroundings from great distances is believed by many experts to be nothing more than a combination of memory and sight. The pigeon, it will be noted, will al ways soar high up to a point where it can see a great part of the sur rounding country. Then it will strike off rapidly and it is naturally impos- JW V JSttlJS fcUr. IT, Says Time to Maka ., Mentho-Laxena Syrup Anyone Can Make a Full Pint of Laxative. Curative Cold and Cough Medicine Cheaply at Home. First Dose Relieve. V Everybody Is subject to cold's and coughs at this season. Be prepared! Have on hand a full pint of Meritho-Laxene syrup that checks and aborts colds, re lieves coughing and gradually brings permanent relief. The full and beat bene fits are derived if you begin taking It at the very outset of a cold or cough 'because you can check or abort the cold and save many hours of distress and perhaps ward off bronchitis, pneumonia, and other serious results of a neglected cold. 1 Mentho-I.axene is pure, contains no poi ates or narcotics. It la pleasant, pene trating, healing; and curative beyond any preparation you can buy reatly made. Fuil directions and guarantee aro with every 1'ottle of Mentho-Laxene. It will more than please you or Th Blackburn Prod ucts Co., Dayton. Ohio, will refund your money. ... Hundred of thousands of bottlts of Mtmtho-Laxene have been sold and not over 60 people have wanted their money back. That tells how good It is. 4,000 barrels used last year. Why? Because it's best and cteapeat. Adv. ADVERTISEMENT, HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOKYOUNf Nobody Can Tell When You - Darken Gray, Faded Hair With Sage Tea. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy ?nd attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was ap plied, with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, improved by the ad dition of other ingredients, fill ready to use, at very little cost. This sim ple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been ap pliedit's so easy to use. too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through the hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, it is restored to its natural color, and loo'"s i'ocv, soft "tid beautiful. STHMA No cure for it. but welcome relief is often brought by news VAPO RUB Ooa 17 Million lan LW Ymf$ Cuticura Soap Will Help You Clear Your Skin WHY- iMe to follow it with the eye to de termine wiietncr it continue in a traight line toward home. The In ference is that its high circling flight is an attempt to locate tome familiar object and that, in the absence of this, it make shorter experimental right until it finds what it i look ing for. Voting pigeons do not p sets this "nut ml" nearly so ac curately a do older birds which are , more umilar with the appearance ot the country surrounding their hornet and who have also had the oppor- j tunity to fly many mile in all direc tions and thus get the land. nark of the surrounding country well, fixed iu their head. ! (Copyright, fcr The Wbotvr ydi est, Inr.l Common Sense By J. J. MUNDY. Do Not Juoge Too Hastily. When you are tempted to judge another, think twice. You may think that you know your friend pretty well, and you may feel that you arc pretty fairly in formed as to his or her business or social mailers; but do not let it eaue you to judge or hold an absolutely fixed opinion where this particular friend is concerned. And if you do not know all there is to be known about your best friend, why Hare to judge him? Most persons have a few reserva tions. I The world is too sophisticated to contaimnany persons wno wnrmnr hearts on their sleeves or who tell all their know to anyone. It is wise for you to have all the actual knowledge vou possess of others pigeonholed and on tap for your own benefit, but arranged in j such a way that you can change your viewpoint occasionally as io cumstances allow. Be careful in voicing an opinion as absolute, even about your best friend. Copyright, list, by International Fratur Service, Inc. ADVEBTIHF.MKNT. Eyesight Dim? If your eyesight I. dim, your vision blurred; If your eye ache. Itch, burn or feel dry. Ret a buttle of Bon-Oplo tableti from Sherman ft MrConnelt S atorea, dis. solve one in a fourth of glass of water and use to bath th eyes. Bon -Opto haa given stronger eyes, clearer, abarper vl.lon and relief to th.iu.snds. ! Note: it-cton u) lloo-Outo itrancttuna eynliht ! SO per rrtit In a wetik's Ume la many UuUin-ej and (Intisi-tt evrmrltflre tell it under a poalUve muiuY-tai'lt sn.rsnU. You Can Have a Soft,Clear Skin, Free from Pimple and Unsightly Blotches, by Using Zemo, the Antiseptic Liquid It heals burning Eczema, makes rashea and Tetter disappear, removes pimples, blackheads and other skin irritations. Excellent for Dandruff. All Druggists'. 2 ISfli FOR SKIN IRRITATIONS Just One Little Pimple Will Spoil a Beautiful Face A pimple will often appear despite the car you frr your akin. Thia can be voided by th uw of a pure soap and a - good cleansing cream. ' But, how to remove the pimple, which sppcan almost without warning? Just a Utile Beauty Bleach, applied at bedtime or whenever convenient and this little annoying blemish disappear. Beauty Bleach, the ideal akin beaubfier. alio re move, other akin blemishes, such as tan., freckles, liver ipott. You should in Black and Whit Soap. It u a pure, antiseptic compound of oils -. I ike Beauty Bleach is delightfully fragrant. This popular beauty treatment should have a pUc on every woman dressing table Black and White Beauty Bleach 50c the jar, Black and White Soap 2Sc the cakr, Black and Whit Cleansing Craans 25c and 50c the package. AH are guaranteed and sold by your favorite drug and department store. Write DeplE, Plough, Memphis, Term, for your copy of the Birthday Book and an interesting leaflet which tells you a3 about Blacks WhUeToUrt Preparation. ADVERTISEMENT. SALTS FINE FOR AGHIUG KIDNEYC We eat too much meat, which clogs Kidneys, then the Back hurts. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occa sionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, se vere headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleepless ness and all sorts of bladder dis orders. ! You simply must keep your kid neys active and clean, and the mo ment vou feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad salts trom any good drug store here, take a tablespoon fut in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder dis orders. " Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take, now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is orrly trouble. ad Say It With OURS Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS HIS Faroam St., Paaton Hotel, OMAHA Phone DOuglat 1501 Member Florl.ts' Telegraph Delivery Association. We del.ver flower on short notice enywher in lb IT. 8. or Canada. Space leased for long or. short MOTOR TRUCKS sBBsaBecasn City Sale Room 816 S. 24th St. Service Station 815 S. 25th St. TELEPHONE AT LANTIC 3332 International Harvester Company of America Branch House 714 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Ford Transfer and Storage Co. 813 Douglas St., 1102 S. Main, Omaha Council Bluffs Prompt Service Reasonable Rates (BEC3B3 raiciaaiinG lliiP -w Omaha Lace Laundry EXCLUSIVE CLEANERS . Curtain, Panels, Cretonnes, Lace and Austrian Shades 4716 Cuming St Tel. Walnut 1351 We Rebuild and Repair All Kinds of Timepieces and Jewelry Guarantee to make it as good as new. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Gradu ated and state 'Certified Optometrist. J. C. Grasborg & Son Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician 504 Electric Bldg, 15th and Farnam TRY US FOR French Pastry Fancy Cakes KUENNE'S Bakery, Delicatessen and Lunch Room 304 South 16th St. 2916 Leavenworth St. Stationery That Satisfies School Supplies Omaha Stationery Co. 307-309 South 17th Street Phone JAckson 0805 III tiBI WRECKED CARS REBUILT Fender. Top, Body Work Repairing of All Kinds NICHT AND DAY Western Motor Car Company Farnara at Blvd. HA my 0868 Reliable Service A specialty on Auto Tops. Winter Curtains and tailored Seat Cover. Engdahl'f Auto Top Co. Ooutia S677 1718 Cast It II 'J1 JONES ST. OMAHA Merchandise Storage and Distribution terms Rates quoted upon request. Ladies' Plush Sailors and Veleur Hate Cleaned and Reblocked RAMSER 215 South 14th Street CADILLAC A Permanent Value "Always Onward" J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln NOVELTIES in Pleating Buttons Hemstitching Embroidering Braiding Beading Button Holes Ideal Button & Pleating Company 300-30S Brown B!dgn 16th and Douflas Opposite Brandels Store Phone Doug. 1936 Omaha 900 separate fireproof, mouse proof, dustless rooms for furniture. - Come and See for Yourself Motor Vans for Removals Bekins Omaha Van and Storage 806 S. 16th St. Do uglas 4163 PaxtonMtchell Co. 27th and Martha St. Harney 1662 Manufacturer ot Bra, Bronie and Aluminum Castings Standard Sir Cast Iron Bushings in Stock Closing Out THEIR ENTIRE STOCK Paints Millwork Lumber At Rock-Bottom Prices Now I Your Tim to Get Busy . C. Haf er Lumber Co. 135 W. Broadway Council Bluffs bOm wa rd ?MrTSsi:::i!:if mmmm Where the Glad Hand Means Much By JACK LEE. When Richard Spillane,, nationally-known writer on financial and commercial topics visited Omaha re cently, he was impressed with Omaha's business ability and the thriving conditions of this territory in general. In addition to this he noticed something which he de clared to be of vital importance to the city something which many citizens have allowed to go unrecognized; an act of kindness a word of encouragement to the new citizens. While Mr. Spillane spoke glowingly of conditions in Omaha, in the subsequent article he wrote he spent more time and gave more space to the manner in which the Americanization committee of the Chamber of Com merce, and other Omaha men and women extended the glad hand of welcome to the new citizens when they were admitted to full citizenship by the district judges. In doing so this financial expert admitted that wel coming a new citizen, instructing him in his duties as a citizen and standing ready to encourage him at all times, was as important to a city as its Industries. The Americanization program, in which the duties of citizenship are explained to the new citizens and the handclasp of fellowship extended by the older citizens should be carried out in every city, Mr. Spillane de clared. The Omaha program of welcoming and instructing new citizens, and standing ready to help them in any difficulties that may arise, is becoming widely known throughout the nation through Mr. Spillane's article, which was syndicated in practically every large news paper of the nation. In an editorial in a recent issue of the Milwaukee Journal, the editor said: A newly made citizen told us, not in a com plaining but in a wondering: way, that when he got his final papers, he felt very happy. "But," said he, "I supposed there would be a little ceremony of come kind. I thought maybe someone would shake hands with me. or something, instead of just having a clerk hand me the papers." In Omaha, where they naturalize about 1,000 foreign-born a year, the new citizen receives his papers in the chamber, or in the public library, or the rotunda of the courthouse. The American flag floats over the room. Ieadinp citizens take time from their affairs to welcome the new citizens, and some one who knows how to talk speaks to them speaks of America, its opportunities, its duties, its needs. After a ceremony like that, isn't the new citi zen more likely to feel that something important has " happened in his life something as significant as joining a society, more significant than applying for a hunting license or paying his taxes? We know that some of our judges make a prac tice of shaking hands with the newly-made citizen. But the judges can't do all our work for as. They can't make the atmosphere of a busy day in court like the atmosphere of a special occasion which ought to mean a great deal to a new citizen. Why can't we get together as citizens and do something like this thing that the Chamber of Com merce does for Omaha because it believes it counts for Americanism? The Chamber of Commerce is not the only organi zation interested in welcoming new citizens. The American Legion and patriotic societies are active in this department. Even the business men's clubs are vitally interested in nationality and citizenship. The Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Concord and various similar organizations have as a part of their program, work in Americanization and encouragement of loyal citizenship. When the word Americanization first came into use it was greeted with popularity. It was a word which "filled a long-felt want." It rolled off the tongues of inspired orators in impressive periods. It was printed in huge type in newspapers. It was bandied from mouth to mouth until finally it became, a verbal foot ball to be brought into play at the slightest provocation. The word was practically worn out. People grew tired of hearing it. It was worn to a frazzle and many who used it couldn't give a decent definition for it. Americanization is more than a word, those who were really interested discovered, it meant action and plenty of it. It meant help to those who needed it. Education to those who sbught it. An ideal to strive for among the new citizens. A kind providence has finally decreed that this much-mooted word should go into the background, but those who were really interested in the word and what it stands for, took the much-battered word to their hearts and formulated constructive programs in Ameri canization which thejrare carrying out quietly, but effi ciently. The work does not only touch new citizens, but the boys and girls in the public schools and men and women in the business world. To be of aid and service to every new citizen and to practice Americanization so faithfully that every new citizen will want to make him his ideal, should be one of the principal ambitions of every business man and woman in Omaha. A man can't very well preach Americanization and practice something unworthy the word. Let the new citizens feel that the glad hand which was extended them when they were admitted to citizen ship was prompted by sincerity and not from a business getting motive. Omaha11 i. McKenney-Dentists 14th and Farnam Streets JA cluon 2872 mmaammasssaBmmmmm C ' ,- s-"""" " rffl I EE TEIHHEIHER'S ERVICE Contracting Painters G. A. Stcinheimer Co. "Jarl's National Brand Solid Copper Oil Cant" All snider on the outside of th tea wlta a t.lnch screw cap. Airtlsbl. noe. exnlnsiv and fireproof Urlrest 4-sal, 1 00: ).. 11100; I'tal.. Ill 00; t0-al, lltOOi 16-tal.. IU.OOi ti-al IK.OOi -iel.. 11.00. Special AtMMloa Given te Matt Order CHARLES JARL & Company 1703 Leavenworth Street ETHEL THRALL 0 CHIROPRACTOR PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATE Second Floor Elks BMf. 1303 Douglas Street 8,000 Home in Oman and Council Bluffs Are Covered With Our Ready Roofing THERE IS A REASON Call ns and let us explain. AH work guaranteed. Easy term. Northwest Ready Roofing Co. I RMssAsri, Mgr. HAray 2574 3122 Lesvenwerth Year.' Experience Thirty years of experl enae in repairing and re building all kind of ma chinery ha placed as in a position to do your work right. We do all kind of automobile repairing and it is done right th first time. - PflELCHIORS&SM 4frSaBftSt0rUHAEEL Use Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationery Wholesale Distributor Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA Welding , Cutting Reinforced BrasJng General Welding Works "WE DO IT RIGHT W Specialli in Automobil Welding 1508 Webster St. AT. 4459 RESTAURANTS There's one near you. Highest quality foods, with quick service. Puritan Automotive Department Automobile Cylinder Grinding New Pistons and Rings and Wrist Pins Crankshafts Trued Up High Class Workmanship - No Better Equipment Puritan Mfg. & Supply Go. Atlantic 3763 Omaha 1614 Izard St. Neio Pressed Hog Trough) Sanitary SoUrle Seamless Mfd. by Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co. Qaaaba, Nab. (55ii out toons After Your Vacation hen rour ear look th wet.e for that Ionic trip, let us paint It or re varnish it. Our prie ia reasonable. Superior Workmanship PFEIFFER 2S2S Leaveawerth Street Est. ISM MALTBY, D. C. JAcksoa 3072 S 142 N S WITH A PERSONALITY Pbone AT. 4683. IH3H3J O. L Wiemer Wall Paper, Paints, Class, Painting and Decorating 1708 Cumlnc St. - Omaha Neb Pbone DO uf la 87SS THE Bee , CLEANERS ND OVtRS,, Mai Otfbs Plant-tWMS Vinton St JAckwa 1440 - ISM FaraaatSt. bath n Careful Florist OF NEBRASKA 12th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA Modern Policies, Carrying Full Protection E. M. SEARLE, .ML, Pre. FALL RENOVATINO PILLOWS AND BEDDING Feather (team renovated and net air dried. All your JWn feathers keck when we renovate. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cuming St. . Jackson 247 Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. An th Drugs and Toilet Article for all th people all th time. 6 Good Drug Store in Omaha. W Furnish Clean Una FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY m J M. JENSEN, Prop. Phon Doug. 6291 1819 California Send Year clothe to Be Cleaned DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaner, Hatter. Fur. riers. Tailors and Rug Cleaners 2317 Farnam St., Omaha W Pay Return Charges ea Out-of.Towa Orders Alexander Monroe Sheet Metal and Furnace Works 1718 Cass St. Phon JA. 4066 All American Chemical Co. Chemical Manufacturer and Jobber Phen Doug. 4864. ISOS-ia S. Kib St. We aaaljra and Baulacrer eaytbiag. Give Ue a Can