TUB liKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. OOTOBER 3. 1921. Ku Kliixllemliers PlanningTo Hold Parade in Omaha King Kleajde' Aide Intimate! " Public SiTlarl! Will B " Staged Here "At P.y clmlogiial Tim." Itnullnitttl I'tniii Pal Our.) . . - , ... i i in i n i-tat'iimea in I'niana; .-hkiu the reporter. "I emit ay." ' I!mv uttiii and wh-rc arc initiation- t.il.iii place!-" "That'll have In conic from the ini-iii-ria' luMiliiuarJui." "J low ninny itit-in'jor are there in -ijiahar" ' I inn net at lilifMv to dtatV'- - Will the k l.i ti take niatt r of pun--hmcnt in tlx ir own hands?" "That will have t come from itn- k ri..l lii adiiiiarirrs As to Politics are imt htU tu instil! Utr or nukt thruw ajraint reri,iii cU.-f of peopl-, what, thtu, k tluir ' pm -pose?'' i'lht kUi riii.i.m from jivhiuf," cauie the reply. "Thnve iardr ire hrl-l fur efiYtt. They warn ci mu ral. to Irave place. They carry banner preachiiiK the idtictiiy of womanhood and the home.' An Aid to Juiticc. "Den't the klan teach i:i effect that it ii greater than the goai- tjicnt-f" "No. It asit tin; government rnd nil Jaw i nforecment officer in hrinslng criminals to justice." When an.l where did the klaii ever bring a criminal to justice?" "The konth has tilmty of mc'i case., hut the klan keep in activi lie M'crct." 1 hi, mi doubt, i one of the (ccrcts not worth iiu-ntinnini,', Not Trying to Rule. , "Then tin? country .can actually boast of a government of the peo plet by til'.- K-Ble- and for the peo plef" continued the reporter. "Yes, yon hi t. The Wan is not trying to rule America. All it docs m to teach ' 100 tier cent American- I ism." . VVIiv tUw tlii Llan 'Ji'rrif or churcn J League A&cinblv. Pins Faith Upon U.S. Conference I)Uaioinliiiftit I'irri'i at Little Propm Tuwartl Dis armament, Sine? Last Meeting. Over 1,000 Arrested , In "Cleanup" of Omhaa tCuMilmiMi fnm Oaa.) .Wrth Twenty-seventh urcet. 45 in lilBU. Ken liotel, A. Halkrr. keeper; live iiirnates, Uora Knliht,' J41S Seward street, ciht inmairs. J. C. Wirhhoiiuh. 8.M North Six-ti-i-iitli street; hun-tl poisoiun o! liijimr. tiaruge of I'voplr' Ice company; 10 takeii in "crap luiuiiiii;'' uid. llender, 4.M .Vnith al- w.it .i.- ;-,....,. jj vvnv noes i no .ii -m cwnee-to sect Ol t AWtLn't believe in IntideraScc. It "C)nlv-l. art;iiii a candidate iierinar fiiiatlficalk'tiv ' "What do you mpii 'persona! riuaM incatmns.' - . "His ability aud iitiitss for public nitice." "Uoc that mean his belief, race i ir creed will be considered?" "The imperial office can answer that better than J;" "J n wh.it way -does the klan c"n iil'or itseli 100 per cent Ainericaii?" "Its principles slate that." (Note: Proepcrtus of the, .klan written by the imperial wizard' States that any 100 per cent American is, eligible for mcmhersliip. but contain; provisions winch bar Catholics, Jews, negroes, or persons born on foreign .-oil.) ' - . "Cioiiig back to politics; how far will, the orRattization enter into pol ities?" : "It will tab every man runnaiff.ar publ c otfice. in their respective com munitios." -''-' :Vill it order its members to voe for a certain candidate?" '..'i ' Qualifications Again. "No, the Wart will let the menVbers draw their own individual conclu ions after reading the candidates' iiialiiications." .... . j "That word 'itialifications covers a mtiltittide of sais, doesn't it?". "The qualifications will mcrely 'be a record of a candidate's fitness for public office."1'' ' ' "Is any salary or commission paid r.TRanizers or office holders?" "The imperial office can answer that." "What about the charges made J against the imperial kleagle and his assistant, -Mrs. Klizabcth Tyler?" "I. consider-that persecution. No (!oilt, the organization will both be persecuted and prosecuted but wc will ;;ltve on. We will wage no war .ifja iist any race or creed, such as Catholics or lews: they automatical ly bar themselves from membership in the klan just as Protestants au- nm.e' tomatically bar themselves trem Catholic or Jewish organizations." :,. Again He Can't Sayv. .. "Will .the Ku K!ux Klan hold; sfni les ni- the kills uuc .personal lilfrf-l.iic -?hur'chii'atiio!iC or rrottstant teaches intolerance. i "In what wa?"- ,." , 'Tl would take a long time to an swer that." r Klan Allegiance First. "In what way woes the klan prac tice its. iirhiciple of belief in t lie su premacy of the white race?" " "Thu-briianization is open Only to those of the white race. If we at jiwel membership to any ;olor or race we would find in any issue that might come up that those of one raco would stick to themselves in stead of with the klan." Asked whether the Ku Klux Klan would attempt to organize a women's auxiliary in Omaha, Mr. White said: "Kventually." , "Wc are going right ahead in or ganization work," he continued. "If the .organization ' is not'?;"vljt it teaches it will die of its own accord. Put I ain confident it will be .heard of 25 years from now." ' ."I ... I II . J I t ii.i-i.. i.i.i . I i.iii'i iini'ini Geneva, Oct. 2.- lJi.a.K.iiituii iil i ' ' """" at the "absence of rcul;s attained by J . Uf,, j Iti fliicavo Mrcet. i h gal p.eiiiii ol liquor. L. Wiiton. .4fKi South Thirteenth street; illral oieiiioii f liquor. Ilenrv Olrson, 50J North Six teenth strcrt; officer say he poured whisky into link. Frank Costanri. Ifu8 Vinton street ; 10 inmate. Lc llcn.y, 112 South Thirteenth treet: JO rae of beer contiscaied; l.'O inmates arrested the league of nations tince t'ic !at iscm!ily and hope in the forthcom ing Washington coni'eruicc wre th. two principal sentiment expressed in debate by the assembly uti dis armament. Many seat were einpty on the floor of tfie aneni'jly,. the question having been fully threshed out in committee. The assembly, however, was r.roused to considerable entJi:i-.ia'H by the eloquent defense of M. Noblemaire of France against accu sations of militarism brought against his country. Lord Robert . Cecil, who presented the committee' re port on disarmament, eaid he lioivd the Washington conference would do something for the control of private manufart ure and traffic in arms. Captain Melbourne Bruce of Aus tralia, who followed Lord Kobert, Faid it was a matter of as .much in terest to Europe a to Australia if W. b. Younir and Harvey Young, 1701 I'tniinff street; oniccr charge they spilled huore im floor. Joe Soduiik, W2I 1.. street; beer ecmiiscated: IJ inmates arrested. John llavolick, South Twenty-first street; beer confiscated; six inmates arrested. Sam Tatne. 1014 South Thirteenth street; large quantity of beer taken 10 inmates arrested. "Shimmy" Party Broken Up. 1 he biggest ram ot the evening wat at lne Home ol il. William his country were obliged to go on 050 North Twenty-seventh street arming, following the example of th Asiatic countries, in order to protect its 12,000 miles of sea coast. Last Year Wasted. "We can do it." he said. "Wc have shown we could do it t'urine the war. However, we hav: great I Grand Jury Indicts 30 Prominent Omahans 4CojUliiuril From 1'xko One.) out slid took their seats in the jury box. . i ' "Have you any indictments to re turn asked Clerk of the Court Robert Smith. ' "We have," said Foreman Mc Cague, and then handed to Mr. Smith a bunch of indictments two inches 1 thick. I , "Have you still business unfin ished?" asked Judge Troup. ' "We have," said the foreman. "You may retire and proceed with such other business as you have," said the judge. The jurors filed out anu m a lew moments naa gont Here 45 negroes were arrested and a large quantity ol booze was con I is cated. In order to reach the house, the morals squad tinder Sergeant Frank Murphy and another squad consist intr of Sergeants McDonald, Palm- tag: and Daiibaum, had to climb a steep hill. A lookout gave the alarm ami men and women came rushing forth from doors and win dows. Many escaped in the chase. All were m'groes. - According to' those interested, they had 'gathered to see a contest which was to decide who was the best ''.shimmy" dancer in Omaha. There were many contestants entered. . "They broke tip the party just before the contest was to start," It would have been "public meetings or parad They will meet early Monday morning to act on several indict ments on which they have not yet voted. , .Everv, one lof the indictments re-. ttirned was voted for unanimously hopes the Washington conference will make it unnecessary for us to do so. Put if the Washington confer ence draws up concrete plans, ari we ready to respond? A year ago, the assembly expressed tin same wish and the year" which has just passed has been wasted." Lord Kobert then said: "If wc can find out just what appropriations for armaments are required to keep or der in the interior of countries and to protect treaties, then wc can find out how much is needed to satisfy j s;;id Williams, the hatred among nations." isome dance." Mr. Branting Of Sweden expressed j When a policeman grabbed a. jug the opinion, that conditions in some of whisky at the home of John Havo countries made'-it impossible for . lick, 5428 South' Thirty-first street them to begin disarmament now. j Frank llavolick, a son, kicked ,tlie But that is no reason ' why dis- bottom out of the jug, spilling, the armament 111 other countries should contents, according to police, not begin immediately," he said. All j Many special squads in plain the countries would appreciate steps . clothes aided Sergeant Murphy of taken by the ' league in this direc- the morals squad and the special tion." j squad consisting of McDonaid. Guarantee of Peace. I'almtag and Danbaum. Chief of Signor Schanzer-of the Italian Police Dempsey visited both sto dclesration said:" ' " iions during the night to supervise "Disarmament not only as a guar-. the work. .. . antce of peace between nations, but- When the special squad came on also the assert;on of peaccs bctween ' the "crap 'shooters" at the Peoples classes' The 'Wasfiirtxtea-confcrenie' Ice comoanv tfaraee: at Twelfth, and 'has the 'same-object iti viSw as' we"? Chicago streets, May Lewis, a be have. I want to express the hope- gress, had her hand posed to "hit a that the two efforts will ultimately natural, police said. She was arrest- join, but" the' league of nations, in"; cd with an automobile load of ne- any case, must go-on with its work, I groes and white men. A large Without rejecting. any qo.-operation." j amount of moncv was seized by po- r XT 1. 1 ..ill' z' An(nn M. . .- . . face ::tf.. the statements of local lawihy. the 16 iurors. although only 12 enforcement officets and the cam- votes arc required for an indictment, paigiv that is now'. -being made ' ih , the foreman said. protest .(against the growth ot tne order?":- ,' "1 can't state." "What is meant by the 'invisible empire?'." '' ' VXi'il "That-, will have-to come front, the imperial -office.'1 -.' ,' . Mri Petersen declined to - stat what methods were used to persuade "100 per cent Americans" to enter the order and make' a $10 donation. And when asked whether he was devoting all his tuiie' to tfie work ot the klan, he replied: "That is a personal matter," , . . 'i . ' . Kleagle Is- Absent. When1 a reporter 'for The' Bee (ailed at the office' of the king klea- Kle in the Baktrige block, iweji tieth ,'and Farnam street, yesterday, .he found King Kleagle Maxey.'b? sent ,jmd Mr. White in possession. Mr. Maxey, the reporter vvaS told, was out of the city. . Mr. White, like his chief, was sent to Omaha from Atlanta head quarters of the klan and home - of the imperial wizard, William - Jo seph Simmons, His speech and rrian ncr stamp him as "a southerner. He is very courteous and very punctili ous. ';- : ' - . For the moment Mr. White is he king kleaglc's first assistant in re cruiting, new klansmen and organiz iig new kavcrns in Nehraska,. -He' is a paid organizer, a kleagic.v 'Bur . his assignment to Nebraska is not a permanent one. It, is his -luty to ttavel from point to point and he may at any time be transferred to a state where an expert and trained organizer is demanded .in a hurry. ; Whether ' or sot1 he riiigW hatf been rustied to -Omaha as an-crncr-:, geney measure lie. declined to state. Klan. Without Prejud-ca. . ... Mr. .White" was not at all-rcluc-tunt to , discuss, the-Ku-Klux khtn and he' greeted -the reporter -..quite Personnel of Jury. The indictments are in the safe of the clerk of the court and nothing will ' "be .-done with--theW until to morrow . ' The'-' ptrsoniiel ' of the jury is as follows:'.: V " , .Brower E McCague, vice presi dent of the McCague Investment company, foreman; Andrew Busk, 3412 Hawthorne avenue;; Walter W. Fa.irweather, 115 South Thirty-fifth avenue; James M. Collan, 1340 South Thirty-fifth avenue ; "Harry P. Naylon, 2027 Binney . street; C. Blake Erb, 506 South Thirty-first street;' Earl J. Brainard, 2522 Bris tol, street; .Edward H.,Stebcrg, 1321 North-Thirty-eighth street; Arnold C. Tuergens, 2464 Harney street; William J.. Hefflinger, 4019 South Twenty-third' street; Harold L. Mil ler, 1904 Binney street; Henry Hatnon, Elkhorn; Oscar Heasly, 4S25 South ' Twenty-third street; Edgar'- H. l'ickford,. 5115 Izard .street;. Wlliam W. Carmichael, 3645 .California street; Orun R. Hayes. i4625-.'Sotuh Twenty-fifth" "street. Tomorrow morning-..earJy the ma chinery of the dis-frict court will be gin :to' work at high speed in the process of placing the indicted, per sons under arrest. ; r . Will Issue Warrants. Robert Smith, clerk of the dis trict court, will issue warrants for the arrest of -the persons indicted and deliver them to Sheriff Clark who will dispatch his deputies to make the arrests. Some of the men will be. found in i handsome ,offices',;:stiiTiei-'iti their fjoiiies.id . sprne, may. -not., fre- found at oiice. The deputies will bring theni to the court house and thev win euner- De placed in the county The raids during the night netted more than 3,000 bottles of beer am! 50 quarts of whisky. "The clean-up will be continued,"' said Chief Dempsey. "We are going to keep crime in Omaha down to the minimum. Our record for the M. Nnhlerriairii in-;.- Jus- defense against the; aoisptiooQf ffiilitarism against. France,, said: 5, ,. 1'Our 'attitude is thc' sai'ne' as it was last year and "thesam.e as it was in : the Hotel Critlon in 1919 when France demanded disarmament con tingent upon only national security. I want to rejict with t&lLthe energy jpast few months has been very good I .am capable 0f,;t(ac:ctfsatiqns 9. Several -very important arrests :-4iave militarism tha certain persons ..have been made.". --' ' a brought against 'France. "" ' . - .' "No one .wants'' war -less than IT I ' M.L C France, because no one suffered so j LJUUbdy IeD.; farmer much from the war as sne out. uur soldiers, dying, cried- 'Long live France.' The -Gentian' soldiers, dy- . ir 1 i" ing cried, Long live ucrmany. Disappears From Home T : A fL r l c ?-i There is.m.rea why both should - com7l no .nve 111 W..f"""" over the mysterious disappearance of " . i;.( a:s- iiuui nuiiic -since ocpiemoer iv miuaiiii . "fiw jj - vBr-- - m Ant 'in Af$tft T - r Greeks Refusetl 'Entraiice to ' TT c TTndp'f Niw- Alipn Law disappearance until Saturday, sa U.S. UndetaNew Alien . awi that. she returncd from . -Ncwms New York, Oct. 2. -Clamuug. that So far ,as is known, he was-Jast seeir'by a -Mrs;- Smith whom-Jie had accompanied to Newman QftoVe. Mrs. Smith', who did not reporrrthc id ewman Grove without her husband, as.', he tcld her not to wait for him. Financial matters are said . to have wife and -children. 2;-Ci the authorized quott -oiT3reeks ad missible to this' cOiru:tr-: in one year has now been. filled, 371 .immigrants. bee- worrying tjjC manj who threat irom v-ireece. weriyiustH f ened to commit suicide recently ac by Ellis Islatid-r aothoTities. ' Thev cording t0 Mrs. Smith. It is feared were passenger?;, on - tne;, :i?itiiisuu .,41 tfie .nusban(j has deserted his Megan Hellas. Under the law, a country is per mitted to land but 3 per cent of its former or present citizens, in the United States. Inimigratiort officials said the full quota" of - Greeks has been filled uplto and including July, 1922. The immigrants will be sent back by the same ship. All Women Speakers Arc Secured for Institute Geneva, Neb., Oct. 2. (Specials Three speakers to be on the program of the Fillmore teachers' college in stitute are Dr. Lida B. Earhart of the teachers' college, University of Nebraska; Miss Abce Hanthern, pri mary supervisor "of the Lincoln city Bavard High School: is 4"npned for Ihsoection sFhoIs nd Miss Rose Clark, spc - j x?u- ft iv 'cialisrin geography, from the state Bayard, Neb, Oct --2 (Special.) norrnai at peru. The lecturers se- The new high .school building was cured -for the meeting so far make inruwii oucu. joi yuout niauci-uuii .1. .., "aiiwnm ;,-,ct,-ffo - Tl iail .. or taken ;nimotiati.T ; ttnr ' and the Bayard band gave a con- f;r;, S(1?';!nn hprrtnc VrWIuxr nnA thr. Presiding- Judge, Troup .if-they are : ce,rJ the school auditorium. -Ati ,1 gathering, closes: Saturday." Member of Three . Finders' Weakens As Dusk Deepens SijMii of Kfforining of Hoy Hbrkitiailer I'ud tu Rtlean Frwiii Rivmicw; Com . paniou Still Held. It' all vrry well to be a btavc, bold band t in the daytime. Hut when you're only 1.', ami for ftway from home and mother for the first time in your life, and it begin to grow dark well, ask George Schwaibold, he knows how it feels. George, who U just 13, and James Wilson, 15. were members, the only nieinm-r in lact, 01 the mystic ane drcailful order known as the "Three Blark l-'iimers." Thev were tried Saturday for writing bhirkmail letters to Gould nnd (.'. N. Dietz, in an effort to ex tort S.'llO to buy a wireless outfit. At the .conclusion of the trial the ji-vcnilc judge sent them to River view home until further order. Depart Bravely. And rikiht bravely did they de part for Kiverv'ew. a befitted mem bers of the "Three Black Fingers." Thev worked industriously through the afternoon. But as dusk ap proached there came a change. George ceased to he the bold young bandit of a few hours before. Despite his' labors of the afternoon his appetite seemed lacking during the evening meal at the home. As darkness settled down George's lip quivered a little and his eyes had an unusual glisten. Prisoner Released. George Cott, superintendent at the home, could not fail to notice these signs. To him they meant the youth ful member of the "Three Black Fingers" bad reformed. An hour or so later he took the joyful young ' blackmailer", home to mother. James, however, having reached the advanced age of 15. and being the chief of the "Three Black Fin gers," managed to suppress any of the emotions displayed by George. and will remain at Riverview in definitely. James admitted he had written the "blackmail" letters. Improvements Costing $60,000 on Flatiron Building Completed Improvements made in the Flat iron building, Eighteenth and St. Marys avenue, at the same time the it. Mary ayenue grading was in progress, are completed, and all the space is now rented except on 2. stoie at the corner of. Eighteenth and Howard. ' " ' " ;The improvements cost $60,000, according to the First Trust com pany which controls the building. The newest leases are those made to Edward Johnson, merchant tailor, formerly located at 1815 Farnam, and to Apex-Rotapex electric com pany. Other "tenants on the -first floor of the building are- the Alberg Bearing' Co., the Flatiron caie the Merritt Heating and Plumbing Co., and H. H. Harper & Co.- - The cafe space has been enlarged. Military, Honors Paid ' : . f Man Slain by Bandit Realtor Would Park Autos Parallel to Curb to Save Space K. T. Hrjilen, who "recently re turned from a ix month.' Hay in Los AujjeUi, where he h i rcaliym tcre.ts, believes all of Omaha', downtown streets coilld be widened by a new ordinance abolishing diagonal parking, and creating "par-allrl-to-tbe-curb' parking. "I believe we're the only large city in the com. try that doesn't make cars park parallel to the curb." Mr. Heyden nays, "We lose about 2l) fret in the width of our stieits by diagonal parking. "Vastly more traffic tan travel in a Mrrct where cars are parked par allel to the curb. Kven in our wide streets, lure an automobile often has to follow a meet car for half a docn blocks, just because of diagonal parking. That delays all traffic." Lenrool Wins Finlit Ajrainst Tax Provision!, Moving Day in Chicago Shows Large Decrease In Annual Migration Supreme Court Ousts Middlesex County Officer District Attorney nt HoMon Found Guilty of Charges Brought hy Attoiney General. Boston, Oct. 2. N'athan A. Tufts was removed from office as district attorney of Middlesex county, in a decision banded down by the full bench of the Supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. The court found Tutts guilty of a number of charges preferred by At torney General J Weston Allen, who alleccd nonfeasance, mis feasance and malfeasance in office. Testimony on -these charges was given at extended hearings in the early summer. The court asserted that the public good required Tuft's removal, adding that the decision was unanimous and not subject to review or revision. In rendering its decision, the (!lau Providing Kxt'injiliou Of Karuin? of rVci-m Coninanie Eliminated In Senate. ( lilriws Trllium-.Omha lie l.m.l W Ir. Wtshineion, Oct. I. A ptovision which, according' to Senator Lrnroof of Wisconsin, would give foreign ships an advantage over Ameiican vessels on business done in the I'mted Slates was elimyiatcd from the tax bill 111 the senate. The section in question provided for tax exemption on earnings of foreign shipp'ng companies touching American ports whenever the partic ular coun'ry under which the com pany is chartered provides for simi lar exemption on American ship The purpose of the provision which has had the approval of Senator Jones of Washington, chairman of the senate committee on commerce, was to encourage favorable treat nu-nt of Amcrica-i slv'ps by other countries. Senator l enroot led the attack upon the provision. Senator Smoot of Utah was the only member of the senate who un dertook to defend the provision, lie said that the provision had the ap proval of the senate commerce com mittee, but Senator Lenroot, who s a member of that committee, de clared it never had even been con sie'ered Senator Smoot then said that the chairman of the committee, Senator Jones, had approved it. . . c .iA OCIlll'Iieill III MIil'Ull in .Llliliwi 1 hlrttia TrlliMiuMlmaliM H lrl Hll. Chit-ago, Oct Saturday was moving day in I'hicaB'.and between Jil.Oot) and families changed iNir place of abode, but ibis U a decided falling otf from previous years. Thousand of truants artiliif mi the advice 01 the Truant' Pro tective battue, au- sitting ti-.-ht and will h'-iht their landlords 111 court. I'nder a new Illinois l.iw, a icrnnt can not be disposre I umli r t month-, piovidirg be pav tbr rent promptly and dor not co-mint auv act if vandalism or come undei tbr classification of a nuisance in thr community. Many landlords who bad served notices of a boost in leutals. ba ked down at the last nioiiH-iit and kept their old imams. Slugged With Bottles, Robbed. Mike Claims Pop b ittles flew fast at Fifteenth Slid Webster streets Saturday ninbt, Mike McGinnitv of Unite, Mont, appeared to be the target of all of them. . . And when he was given the knockout he was rubbed of $3(1, he told police. Mike was dressed in bandages al mo;.t "from head to foot" by point' .surgeons. He stayed at the police station tor further protection. Team Frightened by Auto; Farmer Injured Liml.sav. Neb., Oct. 2. (Special.) T 1 1:. ..!.:..!. r... i:..:.. ii'iiy 111.111 1111, idiimi, iituiK in.,. Ihti- was b:ifllv' cut and bruised court sam tnat wm c ,11. we.gni was;t,)e . provision was t0 mnify the s31vs.11 iv s,iiv mv mut u iii.inivt u I.enroot's motion to strike out the (when the team which be was driving entire provision was so overwhelm-; became frightened at a wrecked au ing that no roll call was demanded. , toinobile in the ditch at the side cf Senators P.roussard of Lousiana,thc road just east of town. In wheel-, and Ashurst of Arizona led a fight iiiiR around suddenly, the horses agamst a provision that "income rmiscd the tongue of the vehicle to rece:ved bv anv marital community fall, breaking it and burling Tony shall be included in the gross in-' to the ground. ' come of the spouse having the man-1 The auto, piloted by J. V. Svo agemcnt am! control of such com-'bodn. had been practically demol munity property and shall be taxed Mshed w hen it went into the ditch a as the income ot such spouse." I few minutes before. Svoboda es- It was declared that the effect of enped unhurt. Atlantic. Ia.. Oct. ' 2. Special.) Military honors were ' paid -'Louis Gustason, slain by a negro bandit in Omaha, when he was buried here. The body was escorted by an escort of termer service men. The body was taken to the Church of Christ c where the services were .conducted hby the Rev. Thomas F.'. Shaw. ft Gustason "ierved in th.e artillery ddriiie' the wcirld war, entering the 'service' 'front here. His'pn'fents live ;oti A farm near Atlantic, l'pr some time Hist oreceding his deatn uus- fason had beer, employed t Omaha as a special agent by the North western railroad. He was shot while nursuiner two r.egroes in the rail road yards at Omaha. '; ' Raise, Money to Buy Coal ; Ledsreoolet- Neb.. Oct. 2. (Spe- ciaD-r-ResolviilK to be warm this winter, the Methodist Sunday school staged a program and basket supper which netted $100 to buy coal. . graciously. 'PerhRps'lie thougl.Shc lermine - irtlnlInr '.i.L: among the business men of Bayard reporter .might -be.r prospccX A cd in Mch case and h ' itilw land the high school gymnasium and good ; organize who works on a t thc defcndant ;n t hf Sw.mm,ng pool wuU bced. or - iu v i-'i. "i-i T V Wl" u sct ,ree t( a,vvait trial.- a bet. Or perbaps it was merely his southern - conrtesv. ' Of . coui-se,--bc-'l chose his words carefully and he del ved into no subject that might give the reporter some .information he did not k already have. But'a't' all 1 vents hbiwas quire willing to-talk; .The Ko Klux Klan, Mr. White hastened, r to assure the reporter, "absolutely- holds no ill feeling against afly particular ' race or creed." Just becaue a Catholic or a Jew cannot be admitted to mem bership fit the order is no proof that its members entertain any iil will agamst theni, he declared. Neither is there' any particular secrecy surrounding the order,- he said. There are practically only two, secrets, he declared. They i-re-.tW number of- members iV each. Tdfal organization. and the identity of 'ihh local officers sucTi as the "CydopiS and the ?KlcklifL1etc.- . Why V demonstration??; ' ' Any otoer-ecr-ts ' arcii't -worfh mentioning". "Le"aid, ' ' - " -.O , "Will the: KtT-XTdx Klan hQU Sny public paiarJtslln, white gowrfs LereT Mr,- W'bjte jas asked. 7 - - "I cant-say? rIost likely ft-wdl at the -osTeboWsieal time. -i If the toidnrgljt, ghostly parades Many Hunters S warm 'to"." Fields of Holt County faculty. 1 O'Xt-ill, Xcb., Oct. 2 (Special.) 1T..:..1. J 1 r . '"T their use, subject:? tfrtai: Setofc rulfc framed . by a joint committee from the Lions club, American Legion, board of education and high school Hundreds ot hunters from Omaha and- other' eastern points, as well as many tocal hunters, were in the fields of southern Holt, county Saturday tor the opening of the prairie chicken season. ; The birds are fairly plenti ful, but extremely' wild, owing to sfeeir being hatched a month earlier than usual last spring and the result ant better development. Many good bags are reported. Northern ducks also have begun to appear cn the J lakes. Knights of Columbus at . r-:. O'Neill Elect Officers --OSN'ein, Xeb., Oct. 2. (Special.) Tnficers elected by the 'Knights of Columbus at the annual meeting are: H. J. Reardon, grand knight; George Harrington, deputy" .'grand , knight: Arthur Ryan, chancellor; John C Gallagher, recording' secretary; Her bert J. Hatiwuond. financial -secretary; Edward O'Donnell,'' treasurer; Ettward." O'Connell. warden:". T. (M-tfrphy,. "Aside -guard; M.. H, Horis- fcey. outside gtiart; wpnald Galla gher, advocate; John Carr. trustee. 1 Issue of Farm Loan Bonds Announced by ..Treasury Washington, Oct. 2. Announce ment of a general jafferug of . federal farm loan bonds totallingis50,0fi),000 was made by the Treasury depart ment The issue will bear 5 per cent from October 3. , -- Secretary Mellon, in making the announcement, predicted that the issue would be subscribed-quickly, citing the ready absorption of the last issue of the bonds at a time, when he said the market was bard. Holt County Apple Orchard Blooms Despite Frosts O'Neill, Xeb., Oct. 2. (Special.) The large apple orchard on the ranch of John riesse!, north, of 0'b.eill, is in fall bloom just as in the spring. The blossoms are abundant and thrifty. despiteseveral frosts in Sep tember, and 'a-Msiber of young twigs on the 'trees also are budding This is believed to be the furthest point north at wliich the nhenomc has been ndtciA- - - Father and Son Banquet - - field at Upland Church --Upland, Xeb.,' Oct. 2. (Special.) A Fathenand Son banquet was given in the Methodist church. This wa? the first banquet of the kind ever given in Upland. Forty-three men and boys sat down together besides the speakers and singers from out of town.1 " Judge Byrum from Bloom ington, Rev. J. R. Bucknell of Alma rmd Rev. N. C Berg from the Osco church made, addresses. Prisoners Escape From P-Ushville . County Jail Ellsworth, Xeb., Oct. 2. (Spe cial.) Tilford ' Ward and i-Ieqry W'altamn, prisoners confined in the Rushville county jail since August IS on a charge of "robbery, have es caped. Sberitl , Bruce expressed thc opinion that delivery was effected through outside aid. The vicirity is being combed-for the missing men. Man Accused of "Skipping'" With Clothes Is Returned Kenneth Weir of Clinton. Ia., is alleged to have started a charge ac count at the Branded stores under! the' name' of "James Weir." Taking' the clothes, he went to Xans.is City. ' police say. m j There, hewas arrested. He was, returned to Omaha yesterday i pucra itste toasted 1 .... TO seal in the delicious Burley flavor ' Once you've "enjoyed the toasted flavor you will al ways want it torney is constantly prosecuting criminals and is a conspicuous mark for attack from the vicious, the depraved and the mendacious, it was constrained "by the compell ing nature of the evidence" to make its findings. The most spectacular of the charges preferred against Tufts had to do with a midnight party at' a Woburn roadhouse, 111 which a number o, prominent motion pic ture producers participated. Tufts, the attorney , general alleged, was concerned with others in a con spiracy by which $100,000 was ex torted from the motion picture men under threat of indictment Tufts, the court finds, failed to make any investigation at all ade quate to enable him to form a sound judgment on the question whether the motion picture men were guilty of an offense for which they ought to be -indicted. Price for Oil Boosted Wichita Falls, Tcx.j Oct. 2. Thc Sinclair Pipe Line company posted a price of $1.50 for. rrorth and North Central Texas crude oil, 25-cent ad vance, the second increase in the last few davs constitutions ot eight states wincn have community property laws un der which husvands and wives have eqitn! title to earnings. The states are Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, Xew Mcx-'ro, Cilitornia, Idaho, Nevada and Washington. The senate approved, a committee amendment to the bouse provision relative to community property, but did not act on a motion by Sen ator Broussard to strike out the en tire sect-'on. Dan Reilly Named Receiver Of Defunct Table Rock Bank Table Rock, Xeb., Oct. 2. (Spe cial.) Dan Reilly of Dawson has been appointed receiver of the Com munity State bank of Table Rock, which was closed September 9 by the department of trade and com merce. Mr. Reilly is well known in southeastern Nebraska. He w-'l be here the first of next -week to take formal charrc. New School To Be Built I.odgcpole, Neb., Oct. 2. (Spe cial.) The contract has been let for the construction of a new modern scl-ool bmlding fit Lorenzo and work will begin at once. &tiCE CLOTHES NEED NOT COST MUCH MONEY We will help with your? dressmaking problems Save you money and vour tune You'll be amazed at the wonderful work we can do forvou workmamhip guaranteed 10 all cases and at mrb low onces. PleatinS lirabroitlc-rSni Hemstitching Buttons, Etc. Wc do the largest busi ness in this line-of any bouse in the country, special attention to mail orders, AVnte TODAV for ! mm free descriptive circular, containing lugget- twns. jmre. etc. Ideal Button and Pleating Co lit Brown Block, Omaha, Neb V. 1. f 1 '' r Free Enourfi for 20 uses for a lQ'-day test That will show the delightful results. Send the coupon. HOI B eauty These whiter teeth mean safer teeth as well Only No doubt the great reason why millions use Pep . sodent is to get prettier teeth. It removes the ' dingy film. But science has more important objects. Pepso dent brings five effects, and all of them mean bet ter tooth, protection,.;-, -...v.,-.;-; Tht?jruinous film Film is that viscous coat you feel. It clings to teeth, gets betweert the teeth and stay3. Old meth ods of brushing do not effectively combat it So it often lingers long. Film absorbs stains, making the teeth tfook cloudy. Countless teeth are thus made dingy. ,-- Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food sub stance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. '" Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Also of other seri ous troubles. Most of the tooth and gum attacks are now traced to that film. t Must combat it daily v ' After, dUigent research science has found 'two way to combat that film. Many careful tests have proved them, iow leading dentists everywhere ; advise their daily use. Both are embodied in a modern tooth paste Pepsodent, Every use attacks the film in two ef fective ways. It also brings three other result! which have proved essential. , . : ; ' Fights starch and acid r Pepsodent does what fruit acids do. It multl- . ' plies the salivary flow. It multiplies the starch di gestant in the saliva, to digest starch deposits that, cling. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva, to , neutralize the acids which cause tooth decay. These are Nature's great tooth-protecting agents. Every use of Pepscdent multiplies their powers. Effects are apparent Millions now know the delightful effects. Anj one who will can quickly see and feel them. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. , See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Then read the reasons in the book we send. ' " A week may bring a life-long change in your teeth cleaning methods. Cut out the coupon now. PAT.rRf RECUSE The NetO'Day Dentifrice A scientific film combatant, combined with two other mod em requisites. Now advised for daily use by leading dentists everywhere. Supplied by druggists in large tubes. 10-Day Tube Free 842 THE PEPSODENT COMPANY Dept. B, 1104 S. Wobaah Art, Chicago, IIL Moil 10-doy tub of Pepsodent to ONLT ClSt TOTI K A rAHTI.Y