' 1 THE UEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER I, 1021.' Miss Van Gordon Aids Former ' Singer' How good press agent coup wi polled thronKh thr kin(l-heartJnM of the prima donna u told by Cyrena Van Gordon of th Chicago Opera company. 'The publicity mas of tht com pany," laid Mist Van Cordun, "thought it would b food idea it aoma romantically-inclined pron uld serenade me. He was to be some aclon of a wealthy old-world family, who had heard me sing in Uurnri Aire and had iollowcd me to America. "He wat to appear under my win dw, according to the scenario, with a guitar, and make night hidrua by hit protestation t. In the end, I wot to call the police and have him ar retted. Prima donna hat irrenadcr locked up a good newspaper head line, the preii agent thought. "Well. I consented to the arrange ment, though I have alway had a horror of jails. The publicity man inuuircd among his friends of the Italian restaurants, and finally dis covered a good candidate. "The volunteer screnader certainly looked the part. He was a broken down Italian singer who had ob viously seen better days. Yes, he was wilting to be sent to tail as a I ublic nuisance for what the press agent was ready to pay him. "When he came out to make the final arrangements, however, my heart was touched. 'Why, I thought, 'Manufacture publicity at the expense of tins poor leiiowr "He reached down into hit pocket and brought out a greasy portfolio. It contained a few pitiable clippings, yellow with age, and almost falling to pieces. These were the record of his former glory. Once he had sung with the great Fattil He had appeared with Caruso and with Mclba! "I 'taw immediately that I could never go through with it. His alccvcs were frayed, and he wis out at the heels. 'You don't think for a moment,' I told him, 'that I could have you arrested, just for serenading mcP "'Oh, madame,' he exclaimed in his brokn English, offering me the bouquet he had brought with him for the occasion. 'Oh, madame, it would not be in your heart to do so. Once I, too, was great. I, too, have heard the "Vivas" and the "Bravos." " The serenade never took place. In stead, Miss Van Gordon helped to put the old man on his feet, and in terceded with Mary Garden, the gen eral director of the company, to get him a place in the chorus, where he is today, making a decent living, but still in hopes of yet leading into star dom. Miss Van Gordon will appear in concert at the City auditorium, Oc tober 7, under the, auspices of the Omaha Business 'and Professional Woman's club. Furbelows of Fashion. Girdles twisted like turbans are smart." Jurors for Art Exhibit ml i r -x.. i I 1 Wic J P-WOr7' lOiHiattt J. George W, Eggcrs, art director sponsored by the Omana Sociity of of the Art Institute of Chicago, and ' Arts, which will be held in the w t P ivwvwi, . rt!. museum of the public library dur. W. J. Totter of New ork. an artist e mJth of October. More of international fame, arrive in Oma- than 375 entries have been made for ha Saturday morning to act as jury the exhibition, which is in charge of for the Nebraska artists' exhibition, Mr. Maurice Block, museum direc tor of tha Omaha Society of Fins Arts, "Every irtl.t knows tha ralut of fresh opinion on Mi work and especially of a professional opinion," taut air, uioch today in anaounc inn tht arrival of tha Jurors. "Tht latter it practically what thi txhibliUin offers. If glvtn work measures ud to a reasonable atand ard it is accepted for tht exhibition if It It not it la rejected. It ft no ulsgract to havs work rejected by a jury, and if taken In tht right sense it can be of great value in helping tht artist to form a better estimate of hit own work. From year to year tht standard will be raised and in time the Nebraska ar. list exhibition will itself go out on museum circuit and our artists will becomt known over the coun try. It it In tht tense of suih crowth that this exhibition at an annual event bat been conceived.' The exhibition it fret and tht pub' lie ii mvueo. To Clean Off Tar. At a seaside retort little while ago a certain storm and wind brought ashore vast amounts of tar from a sunken barge not far away. It wat ttrewn along the beach for several miles, much to the discom fort of the dwellers there. The trouble wat that the tar stuck to shoes and frocka with distressing results. It wat sticky, ana It one to much at touched it it left a messy stain. And nobody teemed to know what to do to get the ttain off. They scraped it and rubbed it and tried hot and cold and warm water, with Colors are leading ovt Hack in the new umbrella:. INavy blftf taffrta is smartly veiled with sheer white organdie, A wide hat of black silk crepe is draped with white Chantilly. A Norfolk suit developed in green leather is new and quite swagger. A gown of red trimmed with slynx fur of the same hue is on display. Uncut fringe trims the sca'.loped edge of an attractive taffeta bodice. A new method pf arranging the wing sleeve is to place the two wings in opposition; that is, one wng fixed from the front shoulder to the wrist, veiling the front part of the arm, and the other fixed from the back shoulder to the wrist, veiling the back of the arm. i'eifa.. WEB Old Wheat Satisfaction Guaranteed BflSKO FLOUE. 24 lbs.... $1.00 48 lbs.... $1.95 WHITE 33c Per Peck EARLY 0HI0S 42G Per Peck $1.48 Aluminum 8-quart KETTLES Aluminum 8-quart $1.48 CHEESE Kraft n Una 14c Cream Cheese, lb 28c American Loaf, lb. ......... 88o Swiss Loaf, lb 47c Brick, lb 30o MAZOLA OIL Pint ....29c Quart 64o Half gallon 98c One gallon $1-84 CANNED MILK Basko, small .52c Basko, large ,,.,.11c Carnation, small,, 6c Carnation, large ,, ....., .120 Eagle ,,....,...24o Caroline Compound, tall ,...9c KAEO-SYRUP 1-lb. Blue Label 10o Mb. Blue Label 2c 10-lb. Blue Label 53o 1-lb. Red Label 11s g ib. Red Label 31 o 10-lb. Red Label 59c BAKING POWDER Basko, lt-01 21o Royal, 6-oz 27o Royal, 12-oi ....Mo Calumet, 16-oz. , , 32o SOAP P. and G., 10 bara .63c Pearl White, 10 bars 44o Omaha Family, 8 bars ,....48c Lennox, 8 bars .....23o Diamond UC", 10 bars 37c Kirk'i H. W. Castile 9o STABCH Argo Gloss, lib. ..........10o Argo Gloss, 5-lb. ...46o Kingsford, Mb. ...13a Argo Corn, l ib 10o Kingsford, Mb 13e Alamito Milk, Quart 10c Alamito Cream, ft pint.,,.. 14c Fresh Eggs, doc. 38c 1 Basko Butter, lb 46o HOUSEHOLD Tooth Picks, pkg. 4c Headlight Matches Sc Mop Sticks 22e Cotton Clothes Lines ...... 28q Zlno Washboards .......... 58c Glass Washboards , 70c WE FILL ALL MAIL ORDERS WE CAN HELP YOU 1 ,fr5t 75 J LIVE BETTER FOB LESS or without variety of soap, But tht sum remained, hornd tU(k isH bio a. Then so mr body learned from an old timer along tht thort thai kere srnt would removt tht ttain. Of course. Leroaent would spot tome tort of clothes, but it would M least removt the ttr, and then tht kro scnt ttain could bt washtd out of anything that could tttnd soap and water. Another thing, tht tar stained tht skin, and could not bt removed even with the briskest scrubbing. The kerosene treatment worked very ef fectively and tht krrotcnt ttalnt disappeared without difficulty. BIG SPECIAL For SATURDAY Bunklst Flour 1 lb. Cocoa fret with every 3 lbs. of our ttyeelal Coffee at s.u!"rr.?. $1.00 AllYlaverVCampbtll'i in. floupt, can wC WASHINGTON MARKET 1407 DoisgUa Street ATUeUt 0470 1Mb, tack at ...32c ...59c FRUlTLAND T.s.r orss, I u, t, j f.Msi CUry, (Uk. ' Miuf mini mm 9 wrvwmt run, M..krMis, N4 Cs krs, Quimm. flrtsfni'. stm Bpreuu AUm4 Tn, We ere smw ksallsa tsWerr Ot m4 Yrnuk f..ur f sU MM IMiv. la MUM. live. D. C. JAMES lilt HOWARD STRICT AtUatU 4tlt Fancy Sugar Cured ' Breakfast 1 Bacon i or whole tide 24c Fancy Young . Hens 25c Bmehler Biros. Omaha's Leading Cash Markets Not Spasmodic price reduction, but day in and day out tha lowest - ' poitibla prieo lavaU Special aalea daily. QUALITY ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES QUICK SERVICE 212 No. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 So. 24th St. Prime Choice Choicest Choice Choicest Beef Beef Cut . Beef Cut Rib Pot Round Chuck Sirloin Roast Roast Steak Roast Steak 18c I 11c I 18c I 2h I 20c Fancy Sugar Cured Skinned ' Hams or who! 23c EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Choicest Lean Pork Loins, or whole .. . 18c Fancy Spring Chickens 26c EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY" ) noice Lear Lard 12 Jc SMOKED MEATS Cudahy Puritan Skinned Hams 28c Cudahy Puritan Breakfast Bacon 37c Armour's Star Hams 30c Armour's Star Breakfast Bacon 37c Sugar-Cured Brisket Bacon , . 18c Sugar-Cured Picnic Hams, , ,14c Sugar-Cured Regular Hams. 25c PURE LARD Cudahy' Puritan Lard 10-lb. pail 1.85 5-lb. nail 95c Compound Lard, per lb, . . . .14c Pure Lard,.. ....17c LAUNDRY SOAP White Naptha, Mb. bars, 3 for "....He By the box ,......$4.25 Swift's Classic Soap, 10 bars 55c Kasper's Big Five Coffee, Spe cial at......... 35c Stars & Stripes. . . . . . . . . . . .30c Bargain Brand. .......... ,25c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Shoulder Roast 15c Choice Veal Stew 12c Choice Veal Chops. 20c Fancy Veal Legs for Roasting (Vt for whole)..... 20c Fancy Veal Loins for Roasting for 20c CANNED GOODS Early June Peas, 3 cans 38c Fancy Sweet Com, 3 cans. . .35c Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans 35c Evaporated Milk, tall cans, 3 cans for 33c Fancy Pink Salmon, 1-lb. tall can 15c Fancy Red Alaska Salmon, 1-lb, tall cans .25c American Sardines, 5 cans, .25c Fancy Sliced Pineapple, . . . .25c Fancy Lima Beans, 2 lbs. , . ,20c EXTRA SPECIAL Fancy Creamery Butter. . . . ,43c Gem Nut Butterine 22c Snowflake, 5-lb. tub .$1.10 Swift's Premium. , , . ... ... , ,25c Choice Sweet Cured Corned Beef . ...... tiHMiti . 12VjC Choice Beef Rib for Boiling. .8c Choice Hamburg Steak. ... .15c SPRING LAMB Genuine Spring Lamb Hindquarter 20c Forequarter V.I2V2C Choicest Lamb Chops. ... .. .20c PORK CUTS Choice Fresh Spareribs ..... 10c Choice Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. for 25c Choice Boston Butts , . 19c Choice Pork Chops... ..... 20c Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs 25c Fresh Pork Liver, 2 lbs 15c Fresh Pork Hearts, 3 lbs. . . .25c Fresh Pig's Snout, 4 lbs. . . . .25V Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs 25c Fresh Pig Tails, per lb. 11c Choice Salt Pork. . . . . ..... .18c New Sauerkraut. .......... .8c Fresh Pork Sausage. . . . . , . ,20c j1 Fancy Brick Cheese, ...... Fancy American Cheese..,. 21 Fancy Summer Sausage. . . . .22c Choice Fresh Hams 25c i Choice Pork Shoulder, Lean for Roasting , l2VzC MARKETS CLOSE AT 8 P. M. SATURDAY Special for Sunday Golden Sunset A new French vanilla, ; ; cream. ' TheFairmontCreameryGo. Ask Tonr Dealer R lor Dclicla, B WE DON'T BUY IN CARLOAD LOTS BUT WE GIVE YOU CARLOAD PRICES P. BDiuiniueimttlinal GROCERIES AND MEATS Hray 0701. " 3002-4-6 Cumlnf Stmt And 7 on get not only quality groeuMm ben, bat they r bsck.4 by a fins ia business for tw.oty-fiv. ywn. Our policy U ..rvice nd Mti. faetioB and a trial order with a. will convince yon. Pbone n. your order -Wt deliver free. . .-.,,-.. K -48-lb. sack Sweet Tooth Flour, per .ack Seeehwood Creamery Butter, par lb. for -.42c 1-lb. caa Faxton Ga Roasted Coffee , for ,,.. It bar. Crystal White Soap tK (1 bar Crerae Oil Soap rree.) Taney Country Gentlema Con, S cans for ...........50e l-Ib. can Fineapple or Feare, I earn for aa Ideal Malt and Hop. C FRUITS and VEGETABLES Larfe Sweet Fotatoe aurket basket for ,..0e Miehican Celery, bunch... Sc Fancy Head Lettuce ,.I5e Large Hubbard Sqaaih and Pumpkin.. Mch 1S Early Ohio Potato., peek .40c MEATS MEATS Our new sanitary neat department off era you meat alway. fresh aad tasty. Mice fresh Horn Dressed Springs or Haas, per lb...., 29c Extra Fancy Belly Baton, strip or half, pr lb. ..29. Skinaed Hams, half or "whole, per lb. for ............ A ........ 33e Shoulder Pot Roast, anheial, per lb. for 1SW and IS Shoulder Perk Koaat, lb. lac Fresh Hams, half tur whale 22a Pure Lard, per lb..... IBc Try Blu.8! Bour own We Sell SIOWJER'S brwd, t ., ' th highest fnrd MscswrU, Butter Holla, Danish Coffea Cakea. j-)1-tti NoodUl Mild Parker Hoe Roll., all a ftI,Lj... for sa. ether Macaroni PreducU, erf Coach's Beat Flour Oooeh Beat Buckwheat Flour Oooch s Best Wheat Starts Cms'l Bert Macaroai Coach's Best Spefhetti . Ceocb'sBal E Noodle ILsmJ Issmmmmmm Just add water to Gooch's Best Pancake Flour, stir well and your batter is ready to bake. .. Oh, OHl such light, flavory deli cious cakes. Could anything so nearly touch the spot these snappy mornings! Gooch's Best is truly the short cut to better cakes. V Blue Ball 1A n or 10 Lbs. Omaha Maid 8ts Granuiatod S Sugar for i 484b. Sack 62c W Delirer al to Any Part V ot tha City. 5-lb. Pkg. New Oatmeal 25c Iten'i 7alry Sodas or Graham Crackers 15c prunes, S Jba. for 402 Narr Beans. 4 lbs. for .295 Farrell's Park Syrup, gallon cans ......... 49a barren's Light Syrup, gallon cans 59 Plllsbury Pancakt flour, t pkgs. for.......25t Paarl White Soap, large slae, 10 bars...... .47 Advp Jail. S pkgs. for 25t Upton's Cocoa, -lb. pkg. 22 Best Creamery Butter, per lb.. ...,44t ft Best Cream Cheese, per lb .....,.23 j f Northern Tissue Toilet Paper, 7 rolli for,75 f1 Popcorn (guaranteed to pop) per lb,. ...... ..54 "f !SjI O 1U. IUI ....................... Pure Fruit Preserves, per jar ,, ...25f Palmolire Soap, I bars 47f Ankola Coffee, per lb. ,,...404 3 lbs. for f. t $1.15 Best Santos Coffee, per lb, 224 Table Supply Special Coffee, per lb 304 t Pancake Mom SPEING lir LEGS SPRING-f flft BSK HAM-J Qn 0HI0KEN3,nn LAMBS, I HP Whole or Half, I Ml; Per Pound w U Per Pound .... 1 VW Per Pound vw Pork Loin Roast, per lb....... 16H4 Roast ot Veal, per h. . ............154 Pot Roast cf Beef, per lb , 94 Wtesh Picnica, per lb. ..........124 Wienies or Frankfurtent, per V 164 P"' o Un .......11.80 Jonathan Apples, bushel basket ....... ..f 2.95 Chocolate. Caramel, Cocoanut S-layer cakea.504 4 lbs. Sweet PoUtoei for ..................254 Orange Cakea, each "3.X? Tokay Q rapes, per basket 654 French Rolls, per doaen .204 BrU Nuts, per lb, 174; I lb tor., 504 Cookies, per dot., 154; 2 doa. for.... .....254 CIGARS Saturday Fish Dent Just Inside the Door Candv SoeciaI$ pu Hand Made. r....1.15 V"UJ ajpCVlOI 0yt 8psUlS Hiihy?bTtM Ib.r'M IKSjJfXi1! Standard, per quart....... 704 HmokiaaT Tobacco. Jumbo Sal tea eanuie, id. ..ay.) full S r ....tvr......48e Chocolate Nut Fdae. lt... 29 Select, per quart 804 TrtM i?J".lnA4 ji"UEi.?.!::::::::ii Holland Herring, keg , .81.10 V