Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Irid lieu! OMAHA; bAitiUMl. OulObfcii- 1, ' im,
U Chemical Finns
LVho Lose Permits
III Ik?? May Fflcc Courts
mix. ::
.kohrer Hchevei Chargei
JMaJr? at Hearing Sufficient
a .
To Convict Some Com
panies Under Fire.
Criminal proceedings may be in
luted siaiiut those of nine client-
!.!. .:n i i. j . i. i '
i iis week before U. S. Kohrer. Nc-
r. the latter admitted yesterday.
I'his matter need not end mere-
Jf Kith my retinal to permit them
I withdraw alcohol. Charges which
uil lead to i my aciion are sum-
lit to obtain convictiwt lit the
n i - ... :j i.. ...... 1. 1
yurcr 'Miu nuuiu iivi alii"
'9hce which companies were
reared until after all nine hearing
, '.ere completed. He took a recess
Jrcsterday until Monday, when the
'. V'.. Harmon Drug company, the
Wolfe-Farrar company and tlu? All-
4 Americau Chemical company hear-
nurs ve to be concluded.
The only appeal his decisions
vill be to the prohibition coin mis-
oner n Washington, he said.'
Kohrer said he had no -fear of
pvnl nrtinn UL'tiii!i miiilit n i:iL-tt
'liv.Kainst liim for damace crowi'nc
Jjft of his withholding alcohol per
ms, or charges made by hut lc-
gna lures on $10,000
Suspect 8 Wife Brings
ye ' Oklahoma City bondsmen
Tied the $10,000 wvty accepted
. Federal . Judge Woodromh . yes-
roay for the release of Alva E.
iiiitli. held here on charges of pass-
itf forged Liberty bonds.
Smith's wife: a tall blonde much
Hloftiiger in appearance tliim he. came
k) I ni 'Oklahoma to deliver the bond.
iic said they were married seven
ii s anu nave iwo cniiarcii, a gin.
hnd a boy. 3.
31 ''My husband is innocent, h- was
ijlhc! 'goat' for others." idle declared
ifl Heads Central ITijdi:
Student Body First Time
For the'tirst time in the history
f Central . High school, a girl has
ccn elected nrcsident of the Student
isociation. The "girl is Miss Vir
inia Fearcfc, a. senior. Other officers
re; Vice' president, Edwin Fry:
ecretary, 'Thelma Burke; advertis-
yj manager. John Townscnd; chair
lan of the reception committee,
ohn Da-yt athletic board, Don Mey
rs and Albert Wolf.
Suspects in Denver
Robbery Nabbed Here
After a search of 4fl hours Detec
tives Jack Graham and Ed llaney
today arretted two men, wanted for
two daring daylight holdups which
netted them $ IJ.OOO in Denver Sep.
tern her 19.
The men are William !!untr.
alias Jack Kose, who, according to
Chief of Detectives N an Deu.en,
confessed, and Richard Thurston,
Ui North Thirty-first afreet, who
denies all knowledge cf the holdups,
lluntle gave Jus address aa St.
Charles, Mo.
According to information from
Denver police, these two men held
up and robbed a collector for the
Viggly Wiggly stores ol Denver of
J8.000, and a short time later held
up a collector for the Scholia Mu
tual Drug Stores corporation, rob
bin him of $4,000.
They were traced to Omaha. De
tectives found them in a downtown
hotel lobby.
HPPimy Sunday Papers for.
Ufllo Omaha's Remarkable
.. 1 1
A tale that is stupendous in scope and sensational in. its
value giving. Linens are practically one-half lower in price than
last year. But in this sale we make further reductions of from
Just a Few of the Many Values
Offered in Sunday Papers
6.00 Linen Table Cloths, 3.00
3.00 Linen Table Damask, 1.50
39c Linen Toweling, 19$ yard
7.50, 10.50, 15.50 Madeira
Scarf a, - 5.49 '
8.00 Madeira Center Pieces, 4.00
3.00 Madeira Center Pieces,
2.00 Madeira Doilies,
12.50 Madeira Napkins,
15.00 Imported Bed Spreads,
2.98 Table Cloths,
10c Wash Cloths,
Sample line of -Irish Embroidered Doilies, Scarfs and Center Pieces.
iira !5lfiiiil
For Service Comfort
Satisfied customers arc a
"store's real assets; Mun
singwear Union Suits sat
isfy They fill every
n e e 1. Munsingwear
Union Suits are designed
by thinking, practical un
derwear men; who; are sat.
isficd onlyovith the best.
Best of materials,'; best of
workmanship, ' and above
all, best of "fit. These .
ihuits arc madQ in every
size and for every figure.
Whether - you are long ;
and lean or short and
ehubby, a perfect fit is to
be had in this wonderful
line of Union Suits, which
Is controlled in Omaha
by Brandeis Stores. Priced
in fall and winter weights
' 10.00
tLMiiJiSjngweaC Suit. You
For, Service Comfort
Women's Knit Union Suit -
. .Women's Union Suits Me-
dlum s weight ; cotton,.' in all
. jBtyles; sleeves, ho sleeves;
tlghtxknee or ankle . length;
A-regulation ..or; bodice styles;
a splendid garment for 'early
, Women's Union Suits "Part
.wool, in all styles. . ,
fe .00and 3.5tf
Women's Silk and Wool
! Union Su(ts--In " all - styles.
X 4.50-5.00
i v , v '
,Women' All Wool Union
;Suits In 3 styles, no sleeves
; sleeves and long sleeves;
TJTl ?.00,5.25
"... .
Womon's Cotton , Vests and
Pants Heavy fleece, v. y -
j 15 and 1.50
Women'g Medium- Cotton
(Vests and Pants Without
fleece. m ,nd
f : . - - ;
Women's Wool Vests and
! PantsFart wool)V-Price,
garment; , 2.50 n(l 3.00
All ool,:v 3.00 and 3.50
' .'(..
1 Third Floor Center
Girls' Union Suits In medium weight cot
ton, H sleeves and loir neck with ankle
length; fall Weach; at, per wit
' .. ( . . 1.25, 10"l 1.75
Chrideen's Silk and Wool Union SuitsMe
dium weight; sizes 1 year to 18 years; per
suit. 2.75, 3.25, 3.50
Boys' Cotton Union Suits Heavy and me
dium weight; in gray or ecru; from 1 year
to lS-year'slses; per suit -.;
, ! )UBSllJ&, 1.75
Boys' and GirU Union Suits Part wool
in white or'gray; per suit, $2, 2.50, 2.75
Tatrd Wow Carter
Boys' and Girls' All Wool Union Suits In
gray and white; per suit,- 2.75 to 3.75
Children's Vests and Pants
early Fall wear; each,
Children's Vests and Pants
silk and wool; each, -
In cotton, for
-Fart wool and
Permanent Pavement
Co; Would Incorporate
A pavement inipmiouj to
uiuituro nl not subject to expan
sion or contraction ha betn
rntett and an organiiittion, to he
known. a the Permanent. 1'avement
company, -has filed articles ol incor
juration at t'ouneil lilulis. II. II.
Ilennington, Omaha, is preldint ant
Odin 11. ' Walters, Council Ulut!,
secretary. Tlios- interested in th
new pavement say it can he laid in
any tliickncts and without a tcparats
Colored furs to match the sliwle'of
the rowh are smart.
HrpiiltHcaii Fluor Lfadcr
In llotue Make Vixit Here
Frank V, Mondrll. representative
from Wyoming, and floor tenlrr in
the lioiikf. was in the city Friday
for a short viit. lie said the pro
gram outlined ly the present admin
ulration was farther advnni'rd limn
that of any previous adminisira
turn in the same Icusth ci time
W vomiiitr (4inieis. he are an
iiins u paiin iixile nunc in the ad
unlai;r oliernl by the frdcul lnd
hank. ( I' )' ' ,
'- ,. '
Hore Ilreala Mai I.ej;
I'awnee Ciiy, Nrb., Sct. .W.-a
(Special,) Will Lock, farmer icid
intf v.r.t of lhi city, lud his kif
broken by te kick of a hore.
, 4i svaasssnss
' ' . 1 f . -";.ts'
In the Greatest Clbthing Sale
Ever Attempted in Orka
A Huge Spot . Cash Purchase by
Barker Brings These Sensational
Suit Values to Omaha Men
No made-to-ordcr sale excuses behind this remarkable 'event!
One of America's foremost clothing manufacturers was obliged
to honor an immense countermand. Wc were known to him as
spot cash buyers ,in the market. Our bid was solicited and
accepted. The result is best told by a Visit to this store tomorrow.
M Two Pail Suits
X 0
Genuine $60
and $65 Suits
The very finest of wool: Jft:
ens, perfection of tai
loring, clever patterns. .
Two pairs of trousers,
silver buckle belt, all
. . v.'.:..--. '
e 'i
Genuine $50 and
$55 Suits
. In this lot are the identical
character suits as in the
$34.75 lot with the excep
tion that, only .one pair of
pants go with the $29-75
SUltS -
English Gabardine
Top Coats
A Real $45 Garment
Do not confuse these
dines. These are hard
$ .finished English Gaber-
dines.. Coats that pos-
"'-.sess heaps of real style.
They are absolutely wa
terproof. Every size, is,
here. We advise you to "
hurry, if you want one.'
-V! ,'- r-...i'r,' . a
of i6uM6n8u5eir
" Ever6ivilli want6:gefc;ih
so thaf jn6;mHneedit
the. oppoumtytb to
these big money savin gsfwe will
lipid your choice of any' suit for .
a period, of thirty days when -a
deposit of $5 is made on same.
The '?
t. r
Second Floor Securities Building
16th and Farndm Streets