TUB btit: OMAHA. l-'JUDAY. Pl'KMUKK 30. mi. .:) J f ' Mail Aviators : Discov er Plot After Accident Germans Blamed for Cork Found in Motor of Wrecked ralup Lame rrom Army f Storage. - : Cheyenne, Wyo., Sept. 29. (Spe fill lelrgram.) Official of the ai; uiail service here assert they have uncovered a r-tot, hatched during the, war, to disable Liberty motor de stined for the war tone. The disrov ery wa made yesterday when 1'ilct H. A. Chandler of the mail service wa obliged to make a forced land ing. , . , . Chandler wa flying a tdano ;vli a brand new motor which fcao just been turned over to the mail service by the army. It wa out of the motor nock intended for overseas and had never heen uncrated after leaving the factory until tcccivej here. ; Smelled faint Burning. ! The pilot left for Salt Lake vit'.i a load of mail After beimj in th; air 15 minutei he (mailed paint burn ing and realiaed that his engine wai overheating. All hi instrument in dicated that everything was all in order so he tood up and examined the motor. The fourth and fifth cylinder were smoking and he started search ing for a plare to land. A he was landing at Federal. 22 miles from here, a connecting rod broke and Smashed through the crank case. Chandler says he narrowly escaped cracking his ship in the forced land yig. Mechanics from here were ?eut to repair the plane and brintf the wrecked motor back. When the mo ttrr Vas taken apart for repairs a Jlece of cork was found in the water system. It was tapered and fitted m the water jackets between the fourth and fifth cylinders, causing them to heat. The cork was so placed that it is certain, the mechan ic say, that it, was inserted at toe factory. , . . From the position of the cork u fi-as possible for the engine to be come overheated without registering on the plane' instruments The cork shut off circulation from the fourth and fifth cylinders while the forward cylinders, where the thermometer is attached, would not be affected by the extreme heat, and all instruments would register perfectly. - The pilots and mechanics stationed at the local field say that the evi dence they have discovered is suffi cient to vindicate the Dc Haviland type plane. This type gained the name "flaming coffins" overseas. The airmen here say. that if corks were inserted in the motors of planes used on the war front it is probable that it caused the ships to come down in flames. - Orders have been issued here for flie examination of all other motors in" the shipment to learn if corks- were hidden in the water systems. It u necessary to take the motors com pletely down for this examination. . ;. Break Speed Record. ; Traveling at an average speed of 150 miles an hour, Chandler broke the speed - record ' between . Rock inns and Cheyenne after bis acci- nt. The total distance is 2s3 miles atid he made the distance in one hour ajid 40 minutes with 400 pound of mail. - H. Colison, air mail pilot, narrowly escaped death at Kawlings shortly before noon, when his motor stalled while taking off. He had reached the edge of the field, outbound, and when hi motor stalled the ship nosed to the ground and was com pletely wrecked. '. Pastor '.JUses Phone to -; Answers 66f.h Roll Call .Sioux City! Sept. 29. Dr. Bennett Mitchell, 85. answered roll call at the Northwest' Iowa Methodist Episco pal conference, which opened at worm Lake, la., yesterday over the long distance telephone from a chair in the Methodist Episcopal hos pital where he has been ill for a week.. - It was the 66th time that Dr.. Mit chell has answered to his name at the annual meeting of the conference. Bishop Hushes, the presiding offi cer of the meeting, who had a tele phone at his side, called Dr. Mit chell's name and Jhe latter answered "here." ;-. - . - . Charter Issued for New, National Bank at Winner '-'Washington. Sept. '29. (Specia' Telegram.) The comptroller of the currency has isued a charter to the Winner National bank at V inner, i. if., with a capital of $60,000. ' Application to organize the r-irst a: i i i r t t .: a capital of $25,000 has been made. I Fire Causes $25,000 Loss. ; Yankton, S. D., Sept 29. Fire wliich last night destroyed the build ing of the Nuway Grocery store and damaged the Romey & Miller undertaking parlors was estimated to have caused a $25,000 loss, about half of which is covered by insur- Road Conditions i TmUhr4 by Omftits. Auto Ctab.) Lincoln Hlrhway. Eut Roads rood yan nils detour vast of Marsha 11 towa t on mllt at r unwa Kirhwav. west iwour watsr- !o to Valley roads food to Kearney and west. D. L. D. H!hway Devour west f Ashland: roads .nml tn Unftoln; road Harvard to Hastings; sood to Den- Hlchland Cutoff Roads fair. . T. A. Road Road fin. Cornhtnksr Hifhvray Roads IB" exce! leat oondlUon; alight road work at Siredt ur. Cuater Battlefield Highway Tourists resort -this road to food condition with exception of Montana, whore anor la re ported. Ooerce Waahlnf ton Hlihwar tTnder eoaatracttoa to Blair; detour over Hlfh toad; Highway good to Sloaz City. Klnt of Trails, North Roads good to Kou City; road work at Onawa cent tt . , Klas? of Trails. itn.h v.t1aw wii. tenth street to Harrison, west on Bar- n writ i tale : of construction work In progress; fin to Loarenworth: Learanworth o w.iuj-iounfl atreec on ae- Kansas City under conatrnrt'on. liaek Hllli Trail Suil wr ta a-r. WotST K,v,r Ro1 Good Is JgJ'tP9le Road Kxcer.ect to 3e V R?n. r, . l a noaa oooa. (MHaT Short Une Roads la excellent tS,5Ulr Ported mk eeolsr at u Andrews Urges That ! !r ?r 1 1 lo uive oquare ueai Wellington, Fept. 29 (Speei&: Telegram.) Representative Andrew, returned to Washington after month' viit to hi home In J hi ting and incidentally taking in number of town in the Fifth district, where he addreited Kotary and Kiwani club and other organization. Speaking . I fipm .tilHatinn til. aaitt justly oppressed by excessive railroad rate which should be reduced im- mediately. A few month ago the road urged a reduction ot the wage might be reduced. Although wages were reduced somewhat the roaJ have not yet even propoed any re duction of the rate. That it not a square deal. "Some say write a l;.w ordering a reduction of raits. We have all the law we need on that uUject. The Interstate Commerce commission ha full authority to deal with that sub ject and it should he compelled t do so in the interest or the public." Bill Would Prohibit Impersonating King Or Queen in Pageant Wasbiinjton, Sept. 20. Imperson ating a king or a queen in a play, pageant or carnival would be liable to a fine of not more than $10,000 and imprisonment front 10 to 20 years, under a bill introduced by Representative llerric, republican. Oklahoma. Similar penalties arc proposed for producers who engage some one to act the part of a king or queen. Among a half dozen other unusual measure presented by Representa tive Herric, was a bill designed to fix "standardized wages for labor in all vocations and industries" and standardize prices for all kinds of commodities; a bill to fix the price for wheat for the next 10 years at from $1.50 to $2 a bushel and a res olution urging the American govern ment to request I ranee to replace colored troops in the occupied area of Germany with white soldiers. M. "W. Head Urges Woman For Disarmament Parley Lincoln. Neb., Sept. 29. Favora ble consideration ot Miss Bina M West of Port Huron. Mich., as a member of the advisory committee of the international clsarmamcnt conference, to represent "American fraternal and beneficial societies with 10,000,000 men and women members vitally interested in permanent world peace and limitation of armaments." was urged upon President Harding today in a telegram sent the chief executive by A. R. Talbot of Lincoln, president of the Modern Woodmen of America. Miss West is president of the Woman's Benefit Association of the Maccabees. 9 PAUSES need not in temipt the service of Continental equipped cars and trucks, even when re placements are necessary. We are here to supply any Continental part that may be required and we are ready to supply it on a minute's notice.. . This service frees car and truck distributors from the expense of carrying stocks of spare parts; it Inevents replacement de ays; and it affords another important reason why car ana truck buyers are play ing safe by ' purchasing vehicles that bear on their crankcase the Continental Red Seal. Omelia Motor Parts Company 374 Ifarntr Street Omaha, "AuiKotimJ ctljln outers of (enuirts fain er Sti Seal Continental Moteri" SHOE SALE Save Money on Your Shoes Ladies, 800 sample shoes.. $4.95 Men's Dress shoes, tan or black, on sale $4.00 Men's High Grade Shoes.. $6.50 Men's Work Shoe $2.50 Boy's Shoes on sale .$2 50 Misses Shoes on sale $2.95 Childs Shoes on sale .... .$1.50 All Shea Guaranteed Solid J. Helphand Go. Co. 314 North lth Stmt ADVERTISEMENT. Eyes Weak? If your eyes are weak and work, strained; your vision blurred, if you find it dfnicult to read and must wear (lasses, go to your druggist and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tab lets. Drop one in a fourth of a glass of water and bathe the eyes. tWO 10 four times m. da v. Strvma yes, clearer vision, and sweet relief will make von tell Bon-Opto.' Note? Tinrfntm Mt. Baa w -a ti. aiftit 30 ia a week a time la many instances. A headlight leas has no value unless the bulb behind it b proly adjusted. Primolite Lens feigley Focus Finder tosrrjjg G!tn P., Gurry tXtriUty, Extension of Tariff Bill Is Urged by Green lWa Congressman Cell Diuy On Return to Capitol ly Akiug Continuation of Agriculture Measure. Washington. Sept. 29. (Special Tclegram.)-Congrsmati Green oj ' Council Bluff district signalled tmn to Washington from a hurried visit to me .inur iowa uis- trict by Introducing bill extending the time of the emergency tariff on farm product to remain in force un til other Ue provided by law. In explaining hi reason for this measure, Judge Green laid: "When the farmer' emergency tariff till was introduced I inserted a provi sion that it should remain in force for a period of six month after the date when it became a law. At that time I considered, and the way and mean committee agreed, that this would be ample time to allow for the rassage of a complete tariff bill, which would include the tame item at were covered by the emergency bilL By virtue of tin' provision, the emergency tariff bill expire Novem ber 27 and it is obvious that it should be extended, if there is any founda tion for the report now. current that the time of the senate will be occu pied during the remainder of the present session by .the German treaty, the revenue bill and other matters, so that final action cannot be expected ot) the permanent tar iff bill until the winter tession. "I wa at first inclined to take the position that the house should not accept the senate's action in refus ing to act upon the tariff and revenue bills in the order in which they were passed by the house. I have come to the conclusion that if the districts especially interested in manufactur ing are willing to accept this pro gram, we of the middlewest can ac cept its results with some degree of equanimity, if the emergency tar iff bill is extended, as I have little doubt it will be. "While I am firmly of the opin ion that the passage of the com plete tariff bill would do much to restore business to its normal con ditions, it is obvious that the ag ricultural states of the Mississippi valley do not have as large interests Choose From Many! A variety ef choice it always de sirable, and this ia especially true in electing a piano. 1 WE OFFER THE The Standard Piano of the World I And splendid make tuck est Hardntan Stecer ft Sons Emerson McPhail . Lindeman ft Sons Behr Bros. . Irving Schmoller ft Mueller Uprights, $293 and Up , Players, $450 and Up Grands, $695 and Up These are all of the highest class and will give you a lifetime ef en joyment. - Make Your Own Terms Within ' Business Reason. Schmoller & Mueller 1S14-1S-I8 Piano Co. Phone Douf. 1623 Dodge Street An Extraordinary Sale of Bed and Table Linens Saturday at union Outfitting Co. Sheets, Pillow Cases. Bed . Spreads, Table' Cloths, : Napkins, Etc, Etc. Several months ago when cot ton was selling at the lowest mark in years, large orders were placed with various wholesalers and manufacturers for the towering piles of Bed and Table Linens which the Union Outfit ting Co. puts on sale Saturday. rtoi in years nave linens been as low as you will find them priced in this extraordinary, one- day event and there it s bir variety to choose from. As al ways you make your own terms. involved in tariff Lill upon at tule ether than agricultural prod- uit. at do t:i niauuuctunng ate- ! trict of the east. 1 shall keep watch on the situation and. it it de- rlop the report with reference to deterring action oa the complete tar lit bill it well founded,' 1 shall pre the bi'i for tut extension of the time of the operation of the emer gency tariff ia th tame manner that I did with the original lill wheu it wa enacted. "The bill ha done much to trtht lie the value of farm product. The import of wool hav fallen off to a minimum ana nme wncar now come in except in bona for shipment tnroitsh our boundaries. The flood of meat which threatened to take our market entirely away front the pro ducer ha subsided. It it absolutely necessary that the proviipn of the emergency tariff be kept in force." Iowa Man Found Stabbed in Heart Davenport, la., Sept. 29. Richard Henry, 44, wa found (lain in his home last night with a knife wound in his heart. The knife wa missing and the police declared lie had been murdered. W. E. Moyer, a lodger in the house, wa arrested in con nection with the killing. He dis claimed any knowlcdite of the slay ing. Henry lived with hi mother and Moyer and his wife had rooms with them. . Although the police ay they learned Moyer and Henry had quar reled recently, they were unable to assign a motive for murder. TkA 3i -V If mil t. arWrr.: At. f A .CaAlirV 1 fM KrkZ. V 1 . J i wrmaim r m iirf wmjir: pui 1 ji n , s jr it -xsu .m. IYW jit: . Clothes for Younger Men I J ' ' Apparel that bears tiie impress of art mm! in clothing a true V 1 r: Isive craftsmanship a I Why bav more and ! O - 1 Suits 35 to $50 J - , , ' Campus Togt in Omaha at Good Clothes Headquarters I : , CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN ... . IV ' J, mm mm ruin i i i in iiwni mm m i. 1 1 i '" ni n - - .- . . "" ' '' "' Convict Flees Prison to Help His Aged Mother Dei Moines Man Gives Self 9 Up After Mouth's Absrurc Uien Ortle rrl ly Parent To Do So, Ues Moines, la.. Sept. 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) Decause hi seed mother was penniless and needed hi earnings. Frank Drown, convict, tun awjy frum priou and got a job in order to support iter. Tlii is the reason. Drown gave James O'llrion, assistant county attorney, wlit-n he came in and nave himself t'p Wednesday noon after a :nouth't liberty. "My moth" told me to come back and serve my time," he told O'Brien. "She said she would cot alonj some how until I got out." rrown wa servinu a 10-ycar sentence at Tort Madison for breaking and entering. Hring sent to the prison camp near Give, he could not resist the temp tation to come on to ls Moines to see his mother, he said, and when he fiiuud her in indigent circum dames could not bear to leave her. Busy Marital Life. Life changes rapidly for Dcnja i . . .)., indicted for bigamy in the I'olk county district - Vi fr, 53i th I WnL. vl haft? nr -"- court recently. Several werks go Sharp had t wives, and there Ircre tumor of another wife in Skum City, Wife No, 1, Mr. Tnima Cnl lick Sharp, obtained a divorce by ueiaiilt September 13, at Fort Madison. The court grained per mission for either of the divorcrd panic to remarry at any time. Out on bond o; the bitfamy tlurge, Sharp Tuesday asked for a lirene to remarry wife No. 2, Mr. Kuth Intel Sharp. Upon presentation of the divorce decree, the liccne was issued, So far as known, the re marriage has not taken place. Hotel Rates to Stick. Hotel rates are due to remain at their preoent level for some time, of ficials of the Northwestern Hotel Men' association, in the 19th annual session at Hotel Fort Drs Moines, stated Wednesday. A concerted ef fort ha been made by traveling men of the nation to obtain a reduction tr hotel rates, Secretary J, A. Medlar staled. Hotel owner feel that such a re duction would be their rum. Dinu- nes is dull. At least Ju per cent of the rooms iu each hotel arc ! ! vacant. Omahan Wins Damages in Colorado Auto CmAi Fort Morgan, Col.. Sept, (Special.) F. J. Grace, lot'7 Diimey street, Omaha, was awarded a ver dict and $1,750 damages against the Macklcm Baking company in dis trict court here yesterday for in juries received when his car collided with one of the bakery's trucks, lie sued for $(5,900. 4 ,1At. C. Tn... i liHOl lb lU Altitude Record Army 11) er Ketieliei Height Of 40.8D0 Fr ct IKfore Fl)UlC Quits. Dayton, O., Sept. J9. IJeut. John ; A. MacKeadv. test idiot at Me- Cook field, shattered the wotld ai titwl record, aiuming a Height 01 40.N0U lert in the same l.a IV re bi plane ued by Kudolpli C. Srhroed tr. who set a record of JH.1H0 feet February I".U Lieutenant MacKeady was Jn the, air one hour and 47 minutes, reijuir- j ing all hut a few tiiiiiutis of the i mi al llyiug time to reach his mark At J'MNK) feet ice formed on his oxy gen tank, but be pressed on until, the altimeter registered 40.WM) ret. At this point his engine died, lit tlun glided safely down. Wednesday's flight primarily was1 to test improvement maiie on iiiei supercharger invented by S. A. Mo. I v, ho witneed the flight, and alo a ; new prepemr vi iukh i'nm, ,n-i deled by engineer at the local) field. On landing, MacReady declared he suffered nothing but numbness I He climbed out of the plane unas-; fisted. In some parts of Ireland a brltj of woman's hair is placed round the: baby in the belief that it will avert i harm. ' 1 1 Chicago Pay I.ut Claim Due lo Debs Hiut, iu lii'U Chicago, Sept. 3.-Tlie tiot ol I CM when Lugnie V. Debs, now in Atlanta penitentiary, callrl bit American rail a v union strike, wers iprd otf the niy' book ll the payment of fl,i0 damage to the renns)tvaiiia railroad. The truth -the w-t-and n-b-t-t There is one hat that never disappoints it s Rood ywtercJay THE LANPHER HAT I 7 'V i,jrnJa,vjftts,iv C3