Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Levee to Protect
East Omaha to Be
BuihThis Fall
Bid Will Be Received Octo
her 5 and Work May Be
Completed Withia Six
Em Omaha U loing no time in
die conduction of itt flood rotcc
tion levce.
Propoal to build the Jevto a
carried at an election Mondiy.
Yetterdav the board of trunteet
met and authorized advertisement or
Uirit will be received in the "dice
of John Vebtcr. .ecretary of the
Flint Omaha Drainage district, 1540
City National hank building, Uc
tolirr 5 at V a. in.
Work will begin immediately, and
should be completed within tix
week, according to Roy K. Tom I,
chief engineer.
Conttruction of the levce i to be
divided into four tedious tnd bid
will be received on each section.
Cost of the levee i ettiniMed n
5175,000. In it construction 7(XH)
cubic yards of earth will be moved.
It will be seven miles long, extend
ing from Florence to the Illinois
Central railroad bridge.
Wife of Alleged Liberty Bond
Swindler Here to Aid Mate
Mrs. Alva E. Smith, wife of the
man held here for passing forged
Liberty bonds, arrived from Okla
homa City yesterday to augment her
husband s crlorts to ouiain tin re
lease on bonds furnished by Okla
honiaii. The hearing is set for this after
noon before Federal Judge Wood
rough. Judge Woodrough once fined
Smith $5,000 for wrecking an Okla
homa bank, according to information
it inv liauuj v. wivjm
biMant United. States district attor
ney. Bartender Is Fined $100
When He Pleads Cuiltv
Edward Hand, bartender in a soft
drink, parlor at Fourteenth and
Jackson streets, pleaded guilty to a
charge- of bootlegging before Judge
Woodrough yesterday j and was
f.ned $100. A temporary injunction
closing the place was dismissed when
Joe besto, arrested with Hand as
the proprietor and owner, produced
evidence to show that he was not
the properietor and owner but a
paving contractor. Assistant United
States District Attorney Lloyd
Mafeney dropped the action against
Sioux City Bridge Company
. . Attaches Paving Project
The Sioux City Bridge company
brought action against the city of
South Sioux City, in federal court
yesterday, seeking a temporary in
lunction to restrain city - officials
from collecting an assessment made
tgaiust certain property holders. A
permanent injunction is also asked
against the contemplated paving proj
ect for which the assessment.-was
levied. 'm' :
Brief City News
('(Minril llmlorw'i Driv. A reso
lution iumoJ ty the rliv council
rrronimfadtt heartily th fund ram
ln driv being mad by Father
I'unaKiin fur hi hum fur boy.
Tcw-Imt to Ittnlc Teathem of
th Omaha HiKh fcUhool of Com
mre ar to pUnle at Camp Urw.
tvr Friday Kvcntus, October T. Th
iiurpo In to Ituva th old teacher
iwcom acimtnid with th new
ttarh.r. who will l th cutata.
Iliild MstU N-wOima. Niuht
loim ar binc held ihi week by th
(rand Jury. thl term end oifl.
dully tit midnlKht Saturday. The
Jury mutt bold nieht eon to tin
ih th ureal miiM of work It Iin
to do.
rt IK'llvt'ry NumWu!. Tlio
merchant parcel put delivery
tum, at th nd of the fourth month
of it txlutenco, nhowa that not a
aiiiala withdrawal ha been mad by
(iiorchnnta, ait'onlln to a report
ir.ado by Acting )'oihiumpp Dunlel.
Valmn IToixiiy at SIH.OOO. Th
property of John uverhy on Hix
tnlh at reel, comprlklnit a lioune
and lot, la d-luret by him to b
worth 118,000, thouk'h thn muioaa
tnent waa xhown 10 lie only $4,600,
on th bond fur 17, Out) Riven for re-It-aae
of Floyd Churchill, hfld In
connection with th rUrund theater
llelil on Dope" Cliargea. Four
priaonera held on "uun a it i
were given hinrlr'K4 hefurv Cn'M
Glutei Ciiiiimlff l'in'' "
Unlay. Will riiknea, Taul Kelly
and Joo Itrown pie..uu
Waller Piece, nlreudy out on bund
after a prevloua urrcxt, denied the
charge of lllcxal Bale of dm km. Alt
wer held. Wo Onir, Chinese, ar
reted on th ii charge, waa r
lauaed on a IJ.Ou bond.
Monarch Garden Mut Build
Fire Facape Before Reopening
Before the Monarch Garden cabaret
can reopen at 107 South Fourteenth
street, the management will have to
build a fire escape, it was announced
at the city hall yesterday morning.
The opening It scheduled in two
AU KftTlaKMk&T.
Face, Neck and Arma Easily Made
Smooth, Saya Specialist.
Any breaking out of the skin, even
fierv. itchinsr eczema, can be Quick-
Iv overcome by applying a little
Mcntho-Sutnhur. declares a noted
skin specialist. Because of its germ
destroying properties, this aulphur
preparation begins at once to sooine
irruaieu min aim ncai cruim
such as rash, pimples and ring
It seldom fails to remove the tor
ment and disfigurement, and ycu do
not have to wait for relief from cm
tarrassment. Improvement nuickly
shows. Suffererera from skin trouble
should obtain a small jar of Mentho
Sulphur from any good druggist and
use it like cold cream.
I TTiprwWjMwl .:rr
Be one who smiles
when winter comes not the one
who needs rush to a coal office in
order to keep the home comfortable.
Plenty of Heat and Satisfaction in Updike Coal
Updike Lumber & Coal Co.
Phone WAlnut 0300
A heaJlight lens has no value unless the bulb behind it is pro.erly adjusted.
JRrimolite Lens
Feiglqr Focus Finder
fhtthmrfh PUtr GUn Generai DttrlbmttB r ' '
l ..
Carburetor Automatic Heat Control
An Exclusive Buick Feature
The new carburetor automatic heat control, , ,
exclusive standard equipment on 1922 Buick
models both fours and sixes makes the .
motor run as smoothly in cold as in summer -weather.
Just as gasoline is automat- --
, r ically supplied the carburetor by use of the , 1
throttle or accelerator, so is heat supplied
and cut off from the carburetor. Only on a r
' Buick will you find this feature.
Buick Sizes
H-Sit-44 Tkn Pmtt. Romdatu $1495
2-3it-4SFinPf. Tourmi - IUS
JJ-Sn-M Thr Pmtm. Coua - ,. 3ISS
l-3n-47 Fir Pmm. Smdan - 143S
i-3n-i Foot Pmm. Coup - MS
h-SiM-41 Smrma Touring 1733
Buick Fours
M-Four-M Two fan. Roodttmr $ US
3J-Fout-3S Firm Pt. Touring t 975
li-Faar-M Thr Pmu, Coup 1475
32-Four-37 jrjr P. Stdmn . ItSO
Ask about tha O.M.A.C Man
Nebraska Birick Auto Co.
Omaha r : Lincoln Sioux City
H. E. Sidles, Pres., Gen. Mgr. Lee Huff, Vice Pres. Chas. Stuart, Sec Treas.
Tailored and Pur Trimmed
Suits of Velour de Laine
$3500 : $39
Every day brings new arrivals. This spe
cial group offers unusual values. All are of
that favorite fabric, Velour de Laine, in plain
tailored and fur-trimmed models in youthful
box coat styles and belted effects.
Other very handsome suits, trimmed with
Fox, Beaver, Wolf, Mole, Squirrel, are priced
$49.00: $55.00: and upwards.
Bur MS-NMb Suit Shop Tfclr" Floor
"How Do
J Know?"
asks a woman who real
izes the greater value of
the one, "whether these
gloves are of kid or lamb
And that's just the
point How could she
know unless she were an
But there U all the dif
ference between the
store that will. sell the
gloves because they are
cheap-and the store that
will sell them because
they are good.
The confidence of our
customers is the founda
tion of our success.
Toilet Articles
and Drugs
Cutex manicure sets
Perfumes, assorted
odors, in original bottles
Pond's vanishing or
cold cream, 27c.
Alcohol, Medicated, full
pint 84c.
Onif Deptrtmtnt Main Floor
Skirts of Serge
and Prunella : $10
Many are of striped prunella in
the loveliest color combinations, in
plain and pleated effects; others
in more tailored styles are of serge.
Moderately priced at $10.00.
Others are priced at $17.50 to
BurffM-Naia R.Ur-to-Woor Shop Third Floor
C&feteria Special
' 'for Thursday
Cottage Chicken
Noodles, 25c.
Th Downstair Star
Continuing Our Great Semi
Annual Boxed Hosiery Sale
Bumasco and other well known makes, at most substantial savings.
Here are a few of the many exceptional values offered.
Boxed: 3 Pairs Boxed: 6 Pairs Boxed: 3 Pairs
Reduced to $2.35 Reduced to $3.00 Reduced to $5.95
Women's pure thread Women's medium weight ,t7 . , .
silk stockings in white mercerized Bumasco Women s pure silk stock-
and cordovan. yhose. v ings in zephyr weight.
1 Boys7 and Girls' Hosiery
Boxed: 6 Pairs Boxed: 6 Pairs Boxed:. 6 Pairs
Reduced to $2.45 Reduced to $2.00 Reduced to $1.35
. For boys, heavy weight " For girls, good, medium JJL'hZ
mm w www)
Candy Special
for Thursday.
Nut Fudge, 39c lb.;
A combination of special
confectionery t u g a r ,
sweet cream, syrup and
Chocolate Peanuts, 49c lb.
Chocolate-covered pea
huts. Very special Thurs
day, 49c lb.
Masianin Floor
cotton stockings.
weight lisle hose. stockings.
Burfois-Nash Hosiory Dopartauat Mala Floor
Notion Specials
Collar Bands 5c
Men's and Boys' neck
bands, sizes 12 to 17,
each 5c.
Sanitary Aprons 49c
Kleinert's, full size rub
ber aprons 49c each.
Double Mesh Nets
Gainsborough hair nets,
double mesh, Thursday
10c. ;
"Stork Pants" 15c
Lace trimmed, small,
medium and large size
' 15c
Motion Dtpartment Mala Floor
Kleinert's Jiffy Pants,
Pearl Buttons, all sizes,
card 5c.
Machine Needles in
tubes, all makes each
Folding Wire Coat
Hangers, very special,
each, 5c
Wright's Biai Tape, all
widths, bolt lite.
The DeLong Hookr3.i
Eyes, black and white,
all sizes, card 7c.
Collingbourn's best
darning cotton, all col
ors, 3 balls 10c. ; ' "
I niSS immi Dure
One Full Carload: Durable Blue Edged White Enamel
Ware: 1 5 Desirable Items: Every Item a Remarkable Value!
lllll Thiirsday , !
: : : : : : T No. 12 or 3 qt. Coffee Pot No. 910-14-17 qt Dish ff ::: 1 1 TTT T : ::'
j g 1 No. 2 4 qt. Water Pitcher Pan HjF : : -ffl 1 1 1 If i : : : .
'if :::::: No. 85 t. Sauce Pan, No. 10 14 qt. Preserving mHj"
, ::::::; No. 4 Sink Dish Pan No. 11 No. 36 Wash Basin, ffl j , J E : :
jUtiy :::::: No. 5 12 and 15 qt. Dish large size W , t::
m ilSr'- Pan ' No. 1211- qt Round Sink Aloiw. ::::
- i:S Jltoa No. 6 9 qt. Preserving Ket- Dish Pan I IxV '
:5iffifflHl;; :: tie V ... No. 1310 qt. Covered 1 T fTTTT nilT"
: SCTtnT - - , No. 715 qt. Water Pail Kitchen Garbage. fti JflTml j drm&-'--
THr -jgm : No. 8 5 1-4 qt. Tea Kettle Pail jgm-.;:
: : alWfcpj ; ; Expr EtTtor to tfc-Fourth Floor "iVj , ;- I t
'- 1Z " H " auriaaa-Naa Horn Furniohiac Dopartaioat Fourth Floor 0 J ' f "
Sale Opens 9 a. Thursday, September 29th. No Telephone Orders, No C. O. D.'s.