THE EEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. SEI'l'UMlJhtc Ml. i I Prosecutor in Thorsdalc Case Named bv Board Appointment of T. J. Guthrie To Aiiiot Prosecution in Murder Trial Made De spite Opposition. Dei Moires. Sept. 28. (Special Telegram.) le(i'c vigorous oppo sition from Judge Hubert liter back of the district court, llie folk county board of supervisor Tues day morning appointed T. J. Gutji rie, special prosecutor, to appear in the Tborsdale murder cae. Appointment was made upon the application of County Attorney A. O. Rippey. wlio submitted to the board a choice of three attorneys whom he declared specially fitted. They were. leidr Guthrie, James 1'srsons and Charles Hitchinson. Rippcv held out for the appoint ment of Guthrie on account of re quests made for his appointment by relatives of Sarah Barbara Thorsdalc the murdered school teacher. Be fore action was taken on the ap pointment. Judge - Utterback was Kfnt for by members of the board. He had asked to be present when the matter was to be taken up. After Kippey read his application for additional help in the prosecution of the case and the application was tiled. Judge Utterback declared he would not confirm either the ap pointment a of Guthrie or Parsons. The investigation of the murder of the Valley Junction school teacher lias assumed the proportions of a political row in the last month and judge Utterback maintained that Guthrie's appointment was just an other move in this warfare. He in sists that the special counsel cannot serve without approval of the trial judge. Greenfield Men Have Wild Ride on Truck Greenfield, la., Sept. 28. Ed Gantt and Fred Lambi had a thrill ing accident Thursday when -.he oil truck in which they were riding be came unmanageable. The accident happened six and a.half miles north west of Greenfield as the truck was descending the hill. At the foot of the hijl was a bridge with banisters. The truck struck a banister and overturned into a ditch JO feet deepj Mr. Gantt was uninjured, but Mr. Larabi was struck just above the right temple very near the eye and sustained a severe gash. He was also cut on the wrist and the left hand. More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAOUE PRETTY SOFT Postmaster General Hayi has instructed alt postmasters to ait auto mobile tourists as far as possible. The po.toffice window's deserted: We ain't had no mail for a week. , The postmaster's out on an R. F. D. rov.t That runs into Rattlesnake Creek. He's guidin' a party o' tourists, The way that his orders requires: He's cuttin' their wood, like a postmaster should, An' Icarnin' them how to make fires. Last month, when we went to the village To get us a couple o' stamps, ' He wasn't in sight, lie had gone off that night To settle some dudes in their camps. An' when he had cooked 'em some flap-jacks Like the guverment wants him to do, An' helped a spell, why be pleased 'em so well i hat they kep him a fortnight or two. He ain't been about much this summer; Them folks with the automobiles ' That drive up the rowt when the rud is dried out Is always around at his heels. An' what with his guidin an' cookin', An' pointin' out highways an trails An' creeks, and what not. smalt chance he has got To spend any time on the mails. Of course this ain't always convenient; It is cheerin to hear from your kin, When breakfast was done it was always good iun To set while the letters come in. . But the postmaster, he never grumbles, He's happy an hearty these days, An' he'll often allow to his cronies as liow He thinks a hull lot o Will Hays! Burglar Locks Woman In Closet, Loots Home WHPRP. TIIRV OUGHT TO BELOXG. Sooner or later the judges will discover that the only place where speed maniacs can't speed is in a two by six iron cell. TOO LATE. The Crown Prince of Germany is looking for a wife, but unfortunately for hiin there are no more members of the Leeds family left. OLD STUFF. What we'd like to hear him say is that they're going to dravr splendid salaries for it. (Coprrtmt. 13SI, or Toe neii omaiciit, inc.i Grain Rate From Montreal Reduced by Ship Companies Montreal. Sprit. 29. Freight rates on grain shipped from this port to points in the United Kingdom were reduced 10 per cent, at a meeting of steamship interests" today.N Rce want ad charge rates are no higher than the cash rate. -v An unarmed and unmasked burglcr gained entrance to the apartments of Mr. J, J. Uehling. 301 South Thirty, eighth avenue, and after grap pling with Mrs. I'ebling locked her in a clothes closet and ransacked the house, escaping with jewelry worth $2,500 before Mrs. Uehling could force open the closet door by bracing herself against the wall. WKere It Started Night Schools. The first night or evening school, established for the instruction of boys and girls whose work kept them from attending the ordinary day schools, was established in Bristol, in England, by the ' Benevolent Eve ning Schools society," in 1806. (Copyright, Wheeler Syndicate. Inc.) Sure Relief i ii mi 1 1 i m i in 6 BtCLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief flELL-AWS 2 won , inoiokstioh jiwilniniiliifitliil!!liiliiliilitlisli. i;n.'iii;iiiiiSiiiitiittmfifiiii);iitii.iriTBiiiiif!iii!rtTiTin:iiTBT:iiiiK;1fi;ii CHIROPRACTIC .i t . i .- M i ists j Entirely of Adjusting the Movable Segments of the Spinal; Column . to Normal Position HOW BIG A THING IS CHIROPRACTIC? Chiropractic comes upon the field and makes vast pretensions. For five thousand years the best minds of the medical profession have searched the heavens and earth, trying in vain to find the cause of disease, which Chiropractic teaches is to be found within the body. . 5 1j Against the wonderful organization known as the American Medical Association, with its endow ments of millions, its secure position in-educational institutions and the popular prejudice of the public, Chiropractic has nothing to hurl but the constantly increasing "Whereas I was sick and am now well" of those upon whom all other methods have failed. j To succeed where all others fail is the supreme test, and unless Chiropractic can do this it has no , excuse for its existence. - V'';:''V;:-:'-'- .y : . -"-V..- "' --, v.,-. jf Though' but a quarter of a century has elapsed since its "discovery, 10,000 practitioners in the United States alone place it second among the professions engaged in getting the sick well, while in efficiency it has easily stepped into first place and is already heralded as the "pinch-hitter" in the health game. . .'...-. : ';'' ft Honest and open-minded members of other het 1th professions acknowledge its merit, while pro gressive and forward-looking ones study its theory, and are led in increasingly great numbers to adopt it and to abandon their former methods. Unfortunately it has also attracted to itself a horde of pretenders, who find the word CHIRO PRACTIC the most profitable addition they can make to their business cards. ,fi Chiropractic has won legal recognition in twentythree states in spite of strenuous, and sometimes unscrupulous, opposition. ' , " ft To an unbiased judgment it would seem that any method that can be built upon-' the failure of others, in spite of ignorance and prejudice, and in spite of organized opposition backed by mil lions of wealth and unlimited legal power; any method that can convert the members of antago nistic professions and multiply its practitioners and converts at such a phenomenal speed, MUST -BE A BIG THING. : , : . ; W : - ' , T his advertisement is published Jn connection with the . ... National Advertising Campaign now conducted by: the : - Universal Chiropractors' Association appearing in Roy Crofter, Physical Culture, the Red Book and Cosmopolitan . Nebraska Branch Universal Chiropractors - Assn. Lee W. Edwards, ffl. D., OX. 306 South 24th Street Corner Farnam Omaha, Nebraska ''"' t iliSlii .'.ii'it Uttl :t t !' I WWII Mtim: ::f iH Htl II II II rill III I lllll I I 1 .1 I I lie W I I 111:1 :r i till Money for Farms Now Available War Fiustice Corporation Iteady to reive Applications. F. W. Thomas, district duirmsn of the war finance corporation, an nounces that his committee is ready lo receive applications through banki. cattle loan companiei and other financing iiutitutiont. Paper lubinitted U to be iar ad vance made by bankers or financing institution against agricultural pro ducts and live stock. Under Section 24, it is required that such paper be endorsed by a bank or other com pany, except in the case of co-operative associations. The committee is negotiating for a permanent oflice in Omaha, but until the location of the oflice is an nounced all applications may be di rected to F. V. Thomas, who is vice president of the First National Bank of Omaha. It is expected that applications will come through banks, and it is the intention of the Omaha com mittee to keep all banks in Nebraska and western Iowa fully informed as to the regulations and to provide them with proper blanks so that they may act as the local source of in formation to farmers, stockmen and other individuals. Atlantic Woman Asks $IO,OOOforl6W Care of Father in Suit Atlantic, Is., Sept 28. (Special.) Compensation of (10,000 tor 16 years' care of her father, Nels Thulio, is sought by Mrs. Christina Walker in suit now on trial In district court here. Chris Thuliu, brother of Mrs. Walker and administrator oi the estate of their father, who died some months ago, is defendant. In bringing suit again her father's extatf, Mrs. walker declines to ac cept $6,250 given her by her father's will. She declare she cared for her father from 1891 until 1907. She value her services for the 16 years at 10 week tor eight years of the time and at $15 a week for the re maining eight years. Thulin died several months ngo at his home in I'lrasant township. lie left an estate valued at $60.000. Largest Foreclosure Suit Involving Land Filed in Cass County Atlantic. Ia , Sept. 28. (Special.) Suit for the foreclosure of a farm mortgage for $65,000, the largest foreclosure suit involving land ever brought in Cass county, it is said, was filed in district court here. The action is brought bv Daniel W. Woodward against John Morton, C B. lUrrk J. I'. Harris and their wive. The land involved is a farm of 240 acres, situated near I evi. Morton purchased the fari'i from Woodward in February of 1 JO. giv ing a mortgage to secure $05,000 of the purchase pike, Later he sold the farm to C U. and J. 1. Harris, they anunting the indebtedness. Woodward in his petition allege Harris and his son, for the purpose of fraud, did not record the deed taken by them from Morton. Science Can Now End Corns ouvu i nninn suv urn w vbiv i -Mllisou Know This) Now ; A Famous expert, years ago, solved the whole corn problem. The method Is Blue-jay the plaster or the liquid. It stops pain instantly. Soon the whole corn gently loosens and cornea out. Now folks who pare or pad corns do themselves injustice. So do users of old methods, harsh and crude. Blue-jay is modem. It is approved by authorities. It is easy, simple, quick and sure. Just apply it and forget it, and watch what becomes of the corn. After that, you will never let a com pain twice. Your druggist has Liquid or Plaster Blue-jay topa pala-cnds corna a Bauer Ac Black product SHOE SALE Save) Money on Your Shoot Udlrs, 800 aample shoes.. 14.91 Men's Dress shoe, tan or black, on aalo $4.00 Men's High tirade Shoes,. M0 Men's Work Shoes IS.50 B'ty'a Shoes on sale ..II SO Miwws Shoea on sale ..... 12.91 Child' hoea on sale fl.SO Alt JMims 0wrulw4 l4 J. Helphand CI6. Co. SIS Nartlt ISlh rwl ANNOUNCEMENT New Meat Market will be opened on Thurs. Morning! Sept. 29 -by- JULIUS NEWMAN 1337 PARK AVE. with a full line of High-Grade Fresh and Smoked Meat Try Us for Your Neat Ordtr A full line of Groceries and Bakery Goods Prompt Delivery Service Telephone HA rney 0648 llee Want Ads Traduce Results, Demand This Label when you buy Gage Hats GKfea. mm OF CORRECT MILLINERY FOR sixty-five years Gage Brothers & Compaiiy have set the standard and Gage Hats have withstood the test of quality demanded by well dressed women. The Gage label in a hat signifies and guarantees newness, style correctness, dependable quality and a genuine Gage production. The Gage lable is your safeguard, insuring that yo ur hat is posi tively new and a genuine Gage ' : " , '- - : ' ' " ' ' '"' :. '' .' ' ' '. '- ' ' """ ' ' " , ' . . " . . .' V ' " Gage Hats are sold by reputable dealers everywhere; ; GAGE BROTHERS & COMPANY , - CHICAGO 5 NEW YORK The M etropoli tan Millinery RECOGNIZED BY WELL-DRESSED WOMEN AS OMAHA'S Headquarters for Celebrated Gage At all times the newest of the new Gage productions will be found in this store. Mstropalitu Millintry Entira Mala FUr Ntv Buildiaf Finu Strart -CORRECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN .11 Shop Sailors :-kLK:18W, V & - f.