Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Mi finny Cenle iliggini, daugh.
tr of Mm. M. llittKiiu, and J. A.
W'it'hrrt were nwnrd SumUy aft
rrnoon at the rectory of Holy
AngrU-church, Rev. rather 1'. A.
i'UtiaKati ollicUting.
.Mr. Wtchrrt and I I bride will ht
at home for the present at 2725
Ames avenue.
The IlowetU in London.
Mr. mid Mr. K. licecher Howell
arrived in Liverpool September 11
,nd took arterial train to London,
icrorrtiim to word received by
friend here. Mr. Howell wrote of
ii delightful ".eiul-otf' ut New Wk.
fro-n where tliry wiled on ,1ns
C'e'lric." Mr. Harry .'orman. uster
of Mr. Howell, and Mr. lorma.t
were there to goodby. Hand
some bmi(uct and iiunicrou tele
(jmn from friend made the de
uart'.ire a pleaant one for them. Mr.
Howell enjoyed a visit with her ion,
Sidney Culliugham, in. Chicago, on
her way east.
Recepton for Student.
The Woman' Faculty club of the
University of Nebraska College of
Medicine will entertain the itudciit
and their escort at an informal re
ception and dancing party at Happy
Hollow club Friday eveinff, bertcm.
ber 30.
; The executive board. Mr. Irvin
Cutter, chairman. Mcsdame II. B.
Davis, II. M. McClanahan. A. B.
Lindcjuist. W. A. Willard. Charle O.
Kich and A. 0. Stukcs, will have
' charge of arrangement
Zeta Delta (Jlub.
The member of the Zeta Delta
club of Central High school enter
tained at a progressive dinner I n
day evening tor rushec. The guest
numbered 18. Miss Marjorie l'ool,
assisted by members of the club,
entertained for IS guest at a candy
party at her home Saturday after
noon. For Miss Johnston.
Mrs. W. A. C Johnson entertained
sit luncheon Tuesday, at her home,
in honor of Miss Mary Johnston of
St. Paul. Covers were placed for
Misses Mary Johnston, Marie Ne
ville, Dorothy Judson, Florence
Hyde, Mesdames E. J. Neville and
- Bridge Postponed.
" The bridge party planned for
Tuesday evening by Miss Ruth Mc
Coy in honor of Miss Eleanor Mc
Gilton and Mr, Ed Connor, has been
postponed until after their wedding,
' owing to Miss McGilton suffering
from a severe cold.
m I !- nl II
Get-Acquainted Party Postponed
The Get-Acquainted club party
scheduled for Wednesday evening.
- September 28, has been postponed
, uritil October 5,,'and will be held in
the common: room, of the First Uni
' tarian church, Turner boulevard and
Harney street. -;
" Delta Delta Delta.
The Delta . Delta Delta sorority
"meets 'Saturday,. October 1, at 1:30
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Lloyd
True. ,Mrs. True will be assisted by
Miss Clara! Mackiri..: ,, , ,
1 ...: . , . . - ? - "
.r ' Country Club. " -,
4 Jfrs. J' A.' C. Kennedy entertained
at luncheon Tuesday at the Country
club'; honoring Florence ; Halloran,
. guest of Mrs. C. M.'Myer, Covers
- were placed for 10 guests. , ,
. Card Party. -
' - The North Side Progressive; club
of Holy Angels parish will give a
. card party at their. hall; 28th and
Fowler avenue, Tuesday evening at
8 :30 o'clock.
Woman's Club Luncheon.
' More; than 160 members of the
Omaha Woman's club attended the
;luncheon given by the public speak
ing department, Mrs. O. Y. Kring,
leader", at the Burgess Nash tea room
.Tuesday. . .
Mrs. Charles Johannes,' president
. of the club, and members of the ex-
- -ecutive board, occupied a special
,table. '' . i .
Luncheon was followed by a social
'meeting in the auditorium of the
' Store. .: ' ..' ..j . i "... "
' The first open meeting of the club
for the. season of 1921-22 will be held
Monday afternoon, October 3, in the
'Burgess Nash auditorium.
.'TTMffi causes of pimples and blackheads (acne)
-1 are always found in lowered vitality, very
L. commonly associated with constipation and
digestive disorders," says one skin specialist, and
he further says that "the repeated occurrence of
boils should always be looked upon as an indi
cation of lowered vitality."
Scientists now know that the real cause of
the trouble may be some "sin of diet."
It is now generally acknowledged that the lack
'of one food factor called vitamine is largely re
sponsible for the lowered vitality that so often
brings skin disorders and blemishes. ,
Something to correct the basic cause of these
complaints is clearly needed. Scientists have dis
covered it in the familiar little cake of Fleisch
Yeast, for yeast is the richest known
source of the food factor essential to perfect
digestion. '
Physicians and hospitals are therefore pre
tcribing Fleischmann'a Yeast as an addition to the
Enters University
jrni mift i
Mis Kuby Haskett, former presi
dent of the GirU' Candle club, left
Monday evening for Chicago, where
she will enter the University of Chi
cago. Mis Haskett is the daughter of
Mrs. W. I. Kaper.
Mr. Conrad Young is expected
home from Colorado late this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stevens will
spend several weeks in Honolulu in
the late fall.
Mrs. I. J. Copenharve returned
Monday from a visit in the western
part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schrempp an
nounce the birth of a son, September
25, at Stewart hospital.
A daughter was bom to Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Rivett at Stewart hos
pital, September 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Copen
harve have returned from an auto
mobile trip to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mcgeath re
turned Friday morning from a four
months' sojourn in Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Donovan an
nounce the birth of a son at Stew
art hospital, September 24. '
A son was born, Sunday, Septem
ber the 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walker
Lewis at Immanual hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Neville and
daughter, Miss Marie Neville, will
spend the winter in California. . .
Mrs. Warren S. Blackwell is stop
ping at the Hotel Chatham, Vander
bilt avenue at 48th street, New York.
Mrs. Anna Cramer and Lon "Wil
bur Cramer leave this weck for
Pasedena, Cal., to spend the winter.
Mrs. F. A. Brogan is at the Mayo
hospital at Rochester, Minn., where
she .underwent an. .operation for ap
pendicitis. . ; r ,.. : 1 .
Mrs. Eugene Duval leaves this
week for Norfolk, Va., to spend sev
eral weeks with her son, Elair Duval,
and Mrs. Duval.
; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fraser and
children, who have been touring Eu
rope for the past four months, will
return home next week.
Miss Mary "Johnston of St. Paul,
Minn., who has been the gutst of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Neville, leaves
Wednesday for her home.
' Mrs. Effie Steen' Kittleson reached
New York City Saturday after four
months abroad. She will arrive in
Omaha, Saturday, October 1.
' Mrs. George E. Stewart of New
York, formerly Miss Elizabeth Stew
art of Council Bluffs, will arrive
Sunday to visit her brother, Charles
T. Stewart ;
Miss Hazel Lee Johnson of Los
Angeles, Cal., formerly of Omaha,
who has been the guest of her broth
er, E. D. Johnson,, leaves Wednesday
for her home. ...
Sins of diet often result in
pimples and boils
A familiar fresh food corrects their basic cause
41 cases helped in from I to 4 weeks
In 41 eaaee of pimplet and boilu tntted in hmdJng hotpittlt
Flwachmum' Yeaar proved to hare properties of groat vahto.
Every eaee eAowed improvement or core, taking from a week
to two month. To cfoar Dp pimple and boil et2to 3 cmJcea of
Fleiachmann'a Yeatt daily. In meant case conaalt your doctor.
Beware of now and untaatad yeast preparation. The ammo
Fleiachatann a yoar protection and guarantee of uniform par
' ity and atrength. ,
Problems' That Perplex
.enfd kr
"I'm having a terrible iiine.l"t wriu A. l V. "I limply don't know
what to talk abiiut when 1 get out in company. 1 .try mid try to ay
thing that will urt a laugh or hold ('ilk.' nitrntion, hut I tind the nun
leaving me fr girt who urcn't any biitrr hiking or better dre.srd than
I. 1 don't think I'm bad looking, and I'm Hire my family' all right. I
dance pretty well and 1 have nice clothe.
"So all that rn b the matter with me i that I in not a good talker.
I'm not tongue-tide. Sometime I find I ran rattle along real welt, and
then at others when I think now little interet folk eem to show in
what 1 have t ay I jukt go into my hel. Hut I'm alwayi feeling awk I ui.liinir I rruild make mvtelf interesting."
Beina Interesting isn't matter of
"rattling along. " Jt Un't even a
matter of talking. St much ha
been aid. about the good listener
that it eem odd the idea of cul
tivating the art of litining well ha
not occurred to more folk who find
that talking well it beyond them.
Now, listening wtll i not a mat
ter of titling ttill and giving omc
one else the floor. It ha just a
much to do with drawing other folk
out o they're willing to expres
themselves to you.
In fart expression isn't a matter of
"will," for most of u w outd be glad
to find the conversation made easy.
Hut to persuade someone to talk to
you is a matter of making him feel
that you're interested. . that you're
sale to talk to and that, moreover,
j on want to listen.
Don't strain and make an eager
effort to he charming w hen you meet
folks. You will lo-e your natural
nesi.hy straining. Just sit back and
take it easy and hunt for something
to like in them instead of wondering
what you can make them like in you.
Don't worry for fear folks will think
you a bore and run along to pasture
new if you don't scintillate and ef
fervesce and start the conversational
ball ' spinning around like a
When you meet someone new, sit
hack and concentrate on something
that marks him out as a bit different.
Suppose a man is well dressed, but
with a suggestion of sportincss.
Probably he's interested in appear
ances and likes athletics. F'ind some
suggestion in these facts and. ask a
question or two.
Don't fling your information at a
new acquaintance. Suppose you are
meeting a clever man who's famous
for reading a lot. Do you fancy
that you with your limited knowl
edge of books can impress him fa
vorably by starting off to catalogue
the new books? You'd do better to
tell him you haven't read much and
The sun set, but set not his hope;
Stars rose; his faith was earlier up;
fixed on the enormous galaxy.
Deeper and older seemed his eye;
And matched his sufferance sublime
The taciturnity of time
He spoke, and words more soft than
Brought the Age of Gold again:
His action won such reverence sweet
As hid all measure of the feat.
- Hoop skirts for dance, frocks are
being shown.,
minutes earlier
than to slight the
making of yonr
breakfast Coffee. A
74 Will Stmt New York
-tKe universal cfiink
diet. It yields remarkable results in the treatment
of boils and acne so often due to sins of diet.
Fleischmann's Yeast is a highly digestible fresh
food. Have it on the table at home and on your
desk at the office. You will like its fresh,
distinctive flavor, and the clean wholesome taste
it leaves in your mouth. Eat from 2 to 3 cakes
a day just plain or on crackers or bread.
Within two weeks you should notice an improve
ment. Obstinate cases may require two or three
weeks longer. If troubled . with gas, dissolve
the yeast first in half a cup of, very hot water.
This does not affect the efficacy of the yeast.
Get Fleischmann's Yeast fresh daily from your
grocer. ',
Send 4c in stamps for the booklet, "The New
Importance of Yeast in Diet." So many inquiries
are coming in daily for this booklet that it is
necessary to make this nominal charge to cover
cost of handling and mailing. Address THE
Fleischmann COMPANY, 701 Washington
Street, New York City. '
wuli rc il suggest oim tiling inter
esting. Whenever by a quiet, sympathetic
manner it' possible to convey that
you're interested in the other per
on, you stand a fine chance of con
veying the idea aUo that you are a
ptrsou in whom it worth while get
ting interested.
Remember that courtesy prompts
the well-bred man or woman to write
note of congratulation on the oc
casion of wedding or birthdf.y on
niversaric of friends or" near rela
tives, when it ha been impossible
to call for an unusual length of time,
when there is illness in the tamily
or on the occasion of any misfor
tune or good fortune.
But remember that promptness it
the first requisite of good ' form in
letter writing. The best way to
make sure oi promptness is to have
suitable writing materials at' hand
and if vou have good black, or dark
Llue ink, a pen and plain white paper
of conventional shape and size you
have all that etiquette, demands in
the way of writing equipment.
Great Story .
Not even a wedding ring
and two children could de
stroy the girl that lurked in
Phoebe's soul.
The sound of muted
violins floated up from
the ballroom. Youth
stirred in her blood,
life called to her.
Don't mi this original and
. refreshing photoplay.
, Make a Full Pint
With home-made sugar syrup
The best and quickest acting
Full directions on each bottle.
Saturday Outings for
Walking Club Members
The Omaha Walking club an
uoutice a scries of Saturday after
noon walk through Fontenclle
forest, startiuor from the terminus of
rthe Albright car lint at J p. ni. ami
cnamg at tue ciun camn, wmcn is
located in the l'ontenclle forest dis
trict, about three mile from the end
of tlie Albright car line.
William B. Tine will lead the
walk Saturday, October I.
Other date and leader are a fol
low: Saturday, October f. J. K
Lay ten: Saturday, October 15, LydU
Turynek; Saturday, October 21, Ar
thur Lyon; Saturday, October ),
Maude WatscMi; Saturday, Novem
ber 5. William A. Vcit; Saturday,
I November 12, Tolly Rohbin; Satur
day, November IV, Dale rcrguson;
Saturday, November 26, Lillian
A Beautiful
Rich mahogany case, full empire top, one of
the most popular styles. Could not be told from
new. A $600 value going at
Terms MCSTIC Co.
Oat of
Prices ,
are itood
for one
after date
of ad.
plall yonr
to any
' Store
Last call for Italian Blue Prunes.
suit cases or crates of extra fancy
600 Full Bushel Baskets, and E00
This, is
600 Crates of Extra Fancy Large size California Sal lo way Peaches, special, per crate ..........$1,49
; Lest your forget This is the last of this season's Peach crop.
1 carload of Extra Fancy California Flame Tokay Grapes, special, per large square basket ....... 67
Per Crate of 4 large Square Baskets. $2.60
Also about 300 crates or lug3 of Tokay Grapes, jacked without the baskets, weight 24 to 26 pounds to
the crate special, per crate $2.55
Splendid for making your favorite beverage, and don't forget the PARKER FRUIT PRESS, when you
are making this said beverage we still handle them. : .
1 carload of Nebraska Early Ohio Potatoes, special, per peck 43
Folks, use your native state Potatoes for immediate use. Buy-Rite Stores will have a large supply ot
Red River Early Ohio-Minnesota Potatoes for winter use, due to arrive within the next 3 or 4 weeks. '
1 carload of Bushel Baskets of King David Apples, splendid for cooking and baking, pk., 95; bu. $3.35
Ball Mason Fruit Jars, pints, per doz. 85; quarts, per dozen ..w
3 dozen cold pack Jar Rubbers "20: Mb. packages Paraffin Wax 136
Buy-Rits Specialties
1783 cans of the following Fruit In Buy-Rite Stores
stock to close out:
No. 2 cans of Apricots, sliced or half Yellow
Free Peaches, Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, Royal
Anne Cherries and Bartlett Pears, special,
3 cans for 954
60c bottles Wright's Supreme Mayonnaise .-39t
60c bottles Wright's Olive Mayonnaise 39t
A few hundred pounds of those large juicy Prunes
left at less than wholesale: 3 pounds for . .39
25-pound box for $2.73
"Dem Pancakes Has Arrived"
Sez Old Man Jepsen's boy. Rich, the Buy-Rite
Stores official pancake flour buyer, Bring 'em on
. with maple sap.
Pillsbury's Pancake Flour, 20c size, 3 for ...48t$
Pillsbury's Self Raising Buckwheat pancake flour,
20c size, 2 packages for 35
Pillsbury's Wheat Cereal, equal to the best wheat
. cereal on the market, 30c size 253
Pint cans of Cane and Maple blended Syrup, 33
v Qt. cans of Cane and Maple blended Syrup, 59
Gal. cans KARO Corn Syrup 53
Gal. cans KARO White Syrup 633
For Better Foods Call Up
Utk and Uarfleld
SML Ave. and Leavenworth
tie and S Bta, Boata Side '
Vinton and Elm Ma
fiwin; Saturday, December J, Irene
Mrong; aturday, Jicifmiirr in.
Norman J. etn; ?atgrtlay, We-i-euttwr
It, Mr. V. I. Wood; Satur
day, December 24, Charle Usdway;
Saturday, December 31, Marie
Mr. and Mr. Willum Hill Claike
will return Wednesday from a three
mouths' trip through the east. I'n
route home they were guests at a
house party at Lake Geneva.
Doctors Recommend
Con-Opto for the Eyes
Physicians and eye specialists pre
crtbe Uon-Opto a a aaf e home remedy
in the treatment of eye trouble and to
Strengthen eyeidght. Sold under money
refund guarantee by all druggist.
All soups taste better when
accompanied by PREMIUM SODA
CRACKERS, mildly salt, with a crisp,
flaky tenderness. Their convenient
size is another advantage.
Sold from glass front cans and
from large size OJUs by the pound;
in the new Family Qubox; and in
In-er-seal Trade Mark packages
This week finishes the supply of this
Italian Blue Prunes, at. per crate,
Large Boxes of Colorado Keiffer Pears,
your last chance to can Pears, so, get up
Soap Department
10 bars of Classic White Soap .............. Q3g
1 can of Sunbright Cleanser FREE
100 bars of Classic -White Soap $5.80
10 cans of Sunbright Cleanser FREE
600 cases of TOILIKLEEN, the proper cleanser for
your lavatory, usually sold for 20c or 25c per can.
Special, 3 large cans for 43ti
6 large cans for 75
Buy-Rite Pillars
3 lbs. Buy-Rite Brand Coffee 954
Nishna Valley Buy-Rite Brand Butter 47,
Little Hatchet Flour, every sack guaranteed:
24-pound sack '. 99
48-pound sack -$1.88
Blue Bell Flour, per 241b. sack 95
48-pound sack $1.85
Brazils! Brazils !1 Brazils!!!
50,000 pounds of new crop Jumbo Brazil Nuts, our
fall shipment, just arrived. These nuts are new,
large and juicy, just like eating a fresh cocoa
nut Lay in your supply for immediate use and
for the holidays now: V
Special per pound .253
' 4 pounds for 95e; 10 pounds for .......$2.10
Remember last Fall's lowest price was 35o per lb.
a Buy-Rite St ore There Is One
The ti racer af Dundee
zlth and I. 8t., Booth Side
2Mb and Cnmlng
fortieth and Hamilton
Juit One Application
and the Hair Vanish
(Mixle of ToUii)
A harmlet. yet erjr effective,
li raiment j here niven for the quick
removal of luiry itrowlh: Mis
enough powdered delaume and water
to cover the unilirublc hair, apply
pate ant) alter i or S minute re
move, ah the kliu ami the luir
have vanished. One application
tituatly i tiiflicient, hut to he cer
tain. c4 roiitt, huy the iliUtone in
an original package. Mix ireh
Value-Giving Store
1000 Yards of Imported
Cretonnes on Special
at Bowen's
The regular (elling price of
this high-grade draping mate
rial I from $1.75 to $3.50
per yard.
Now 97 per Yard
Take Yeast
Vitamon Tablets
To Round Out
Face and Figure
With Firm Flesh
If too are hollow-checked, (allow
tinned, lunkm-chevted tnd gener
ally weak or run down ind want te
round out your (ace and figure te
plonalng and normal proportion yoa
will find thi simple Celt well worth
trying: Firit weigh yourself and
measure yourself. Next take Maatta'a
VITAMON two tablet wltk erery
meal. Then weigh and measure your
self again eaeli week and continue
taking VITAMON regularly until you
are satisfied with your gain In weight
and energy. Mastln'a VITAMON
tablets contain highly concentrated
yeast-Titamtnes aa well a tha two
other still more important vitamine
(Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C
and are now being used by t non
sands. They poaitirely will not up
set the stomach or cause gas, but on
the contrary are a great aid to di
gestion, to overcome constipation
and a a general conditioner of the
whole system. Pimples, boil and
akin eruptions seem to vanish like
magic under It purifying influence,
the complexion becomes fresh and ;
beautiful, the cheeks rosy instead of
Kale, the llpa red instead of color
ss, the eye bright Instead of
dull. So rnpid and amazing are the
results that success 1 absolutely
guaranteed or the trial cost you
nothing. Be sore to remember the
name Mastin's VI-TA-MON the
original and genuine yeast-vltamlne
tablet there la nothing else like It
so do not accept Imitation or sob
tltutes. You can get Maitln'a
VITAMON at any druggist.
Any batcher
coNlirers. teie-i
phone opera
ton, grocery
. salesmen, er
delivery men
wanting te
work lor the
liny-IUte Stores
mail applica
tion and ref
erence to H.
8. King, care .
Wllke t
Mitchell, 40th
and Farnam
particular fruit. We offer 1,000
special per bu. or box,
, $2.98
and get.
In Your Neighborhood.
Win and Amea
' J. D. CREW e SON,
Thirty-third and After
3 - itii
rM Sherman Ave.
wiLKE Mitchell;
fortieth and rernaan
Sixteenth and JVerega 1
Value-Giving Store
ia Sat er Single Piece
The price aew will prove a
real inducement.
auumnn.nnm-1'i1 - -- -- - - -
Will Mar Your Beauty
No matter how perfect the feature
er how prettily cowned, if your com
plexlon is marred by a pimple or uglyt
MemlHli, you cannot possess complete)
Little facial blemishes can be en-
11 7 removed by the use of iilaek and
AVhite Heauty Bleach.
This delightful flesh-tinted creamj
forms an invisible coating which will
clear the skin of tan, freckles, plm
pies, unsightly blotches, liver spots
And similar blemishes.
Black and White Soap should be!
used in connection with Beauty; -Bleach.
It is a pure soap and a de
lightfu! aid In keeping- the skin clear,
soft and youthful. ,
Black and White Beauty Bleach!
can be found at your drug- or depart
ment store: Bleach COc the package.
Soap 25o the cake. Free literature
and samples of Black and White Face,
Powder and Talcum sent upon re
quest to Rita Muray, Plough Chemi
cal Co, Memphis, lenn.
is a man or woman who has no
"will-power" as a result of
nam force whauatioo -
All the physical suffering: which
may be caused by nervous irrita
bility, headaches, backaches, indi
gestion, heart palpitation, etc., as a
result of nerve force exhaustion,
are nothing as compared with its
awful effects upon the mind and
"will power."
The most pitiful surht in life is a man
or woman who has "no will" who ha
noble impulses and desires, but not enough
"will power" to carry them through. The
memory also falls, the judgment is bad
and everything, therefore seems to go
wrong. .
In such cases do not take mere stimu
lating medicines nor narcotic drugs (which
only further injure your delicate nervous
system), but what you need is something
to put more nerva foree into your nerves
and more Iron into your blood to help make
new nerve force with which to feed your .
starving nerve cells. This is most effee- ,
tively accomplished by the free use of ;
Nuxated Iron. This valuable nroduct con- ;
tains the principal chemical constituent of ;
active living nerve force in a form which
most resembles that in the brain and nerve j
cells of man. It also contains strength -
giving organic iron for the blood and may
therefore be said to be both n blood and
a nerve food. Over 4.000.000 people are
using it annually. Satisfactory results are
guaranteed to every purchaser or the nan
nfaoturera will refund your money. Be
ware of substitutes. Look for the word
"Nuxated" on every package. , Sold by all
I far Red BlooAStremtth and Endurance!
The Hair-Destroying
Curling Iron Passes
The heated iron makes the hair dry and
parched looking, burns off the ends, giving
a most untidy appearance. You who hava
learned this from experience will be glad
to hear ot a very simple method which is
open to none of the objections referred to
and which gives better result than the
curling iron.
Just get a few ounces of plain llouid
silmerin at your drufrcist'e and amlv m
little with a clean tooth brush before do
ing op the hair, drawing the brush down
on strand at a time from root to tip. In
three hours your hair will be .as beauti
fully wavy and curly as though Mother Na
ture did It, and it will be quite manage
able, no matter what style of coiffure yon
adopt. The effect will be much prettier
than if you used a waving iron, will last
much longer, and the health of your hair
will not suffer. Silmerine ia not sticky er
greasy, but is quit pleasant to ue.
Baalmai - 1
noayr and Faded Haiti
M hack artthna I . A
(Ham's main and SeapMaU in
the ireataaen aflteh, Beaama,
fa sMa diasaeee. Try thi
satsssa'. at ear riaa.
Sharaaa). A McCeaaeO S Drag