Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    'lilt; nth: umaiia. .LtMM. bt.i'itiuMt mi,
Dislrict Court
Criminal Docket
Unusually Hcavj
Forty-Eicht Prionrri In
County Jail to Face Juriei
Of Petri 0u Scrioui
Forty-eight priouer are awaiting
trial in the county jail on charge
ranging from first-degree murder to
insufficient fund." Aside from
theie there are 95 peron out on
bond who are to be tried tor variousr
alleged felonies.
Anons tlme awaiting trial - for
murder are: JameA,.Saxton, charg
ed with the murder of Frank Fob 6.
in hit drug (tore at 1ml Farnam
street. July JO; John -Latier, negro,
charged with the murder of C. Jvii
. Im, in hi grocery store at 628
. orth fteventecnth street, March 20;
Leo Drunson, for the aliened murder
of Mrs. Margaret llyland, at Tenth
and Uancroft streets. June 4; Charle
Mareviti, for the aliened ahootitig of
John Drzowkowkt. in a pool room
. ' on July 27. and Ollie Mortensen. who
will he tried for the alleged shooting
of Mr. Grace Black, west of the
Sarpy Mills, July 2i. '
The 143 cates waiting the next
term of court form one of the heavi
er criminal dockets in the history
of the county.
Tram Workers ,Wait
Decision on Appeal
Anon H. Bigelow, attorney for
- the street car men's union, said yes
terday he had reached no decision
' regarding the action which the i.nion
; ' might take should it decide t j j
the 12 per cent wage cut announced j
by the street car company.
. Mr; Bigelow admitted that should
an appeal of the union, now pending
in tne supreme court, oe uccxiea ia-
; ' vorably for the tmioiv it would give
the union a "moral" advantage.
j j Ask That Auto Visitors
h Be Exempt Froiri Arrest
l " Recommendations that tourists in
i 1 Omaha be supplied with buttons ex
i cmpting them from arrest for viola
: tion.of traffic rules and with maps
f of the city, similar to the hospitality
shown tourists in Minneapolis, were
. made yesterday by the board of di
rectors of the Omaha Automobile
club, -who met at the Rome hotel
with Mayor Dahlman and Police
Commissioner Dunn.
- Recommendation that a large plot
of ground, on one of the main high
ways, . bts secured by the city and
made -into a camping ground for
tourists with Omaha police protec
tion, was made by W. B. . Cheek,
chairman of the meeting.
; ' SJ
Council Favors Ordinance
For 24th Street Widening
' City council, in committee cf the
whole, : v yesterday " recommended
for . passage today an ordinance
tor the-widenmg or Twcnty-tourt.'i
street from Leavenworth street to
St Mary's avenue. The proposed
ordinance calls for the appointment
. of a board of appraisal to assess
damages for the abutting property.
The committee voted informally to
support a resolution indorsing the
fund raising campaign of Father
Flanagan's home.
Salvation Array Home Will :
Observe 25th Anniversary
The 25th year of Salvation Army
rescue home Work in Omaha will be
observed the middle of October, Ad
jutant Lillian Ness announced yes
torday. - " .. ,
Celebration of the anniversary will
be postponed until November, by
which time the big new building on
Sherman avenue, with accomodations
for SO girls, will be completed. ,
A. campaign for funds will also be
put on that month.
pan Boiler Calls Meeting
Of Omaha Tenants' League
D. B. Butler, acting president of
tht Tenants' Protective league, an
nounced' that a general meeting of
iis organization -wit be called next
week in the citv council chamber.
"1 wish to request that all mem
bers of the league whose rents re
cently have been increased to re
main in ineir prcscm iuuiuuus uu
decline to pay the increased rents
... . , . ,, ; j
twin atter our general meeting, saiu
Mr. Butler. ;
Legless Man Travels
4 1,500 Miles "By Hand"
'VA MncW fi0 WIpss. arrived in
Omaha yesterday after a 1,500-mile
journey from Spokane, Wash., "by
" hand."
He pushed himself along the entire
i ' distance in a small wagon, such as
boys use, by means of wooden blocks
. , attached to his hands. ; He started
from Spokane' May 14, and says he
; beat (lis schedule a month.
He wilLremain in Omaha for the
I winter, afteVwhich he will "push on.'
Brandeis Back From Alaska
t With Hunting Trip Trophies
E. John Brandeis returned Satur-
; day from his hunting trip to Alaska.
He brought with him an assortment
V of skins, trophies of his shooting ex-
'' peditions. .j - .
Nurse Mixes Babies
But Mothers Untangle
Hospital "Scramble'
-By mistake a nurse in an Omaha
babies belonging to different moth
ers, early Sunday morning.
The babies were brought from the
nursery on the third floor to their
supposed mothers on the floor below
because It was time for . breakfast
' Mrs. Max Davis, Selma Terrace,
looked at the identification tag on
the wrist of the baby handed her.
It didn't wad "Davis." She railed
the nurse. By that time Mrs. David
Epstein, Council Bluffs, also had dis
covered the mistake. The babies
were finally exchanged. - - '
The two mothers are cousini and
. close friends. , Their babies were
korm within 12 hours of each other,
..." " ' : V '
l uuic vauiaui uatc
Will Retire October I
Cant. If. P. Haze will retire from
active service in the Omaha police
department October I, alter having
served for -D years as patrolman,
detective and police captain. The
captain announces he will spend his
time in looking after a farm in South
Dakota and real estate holding in
Umaiia. 1 lie captain lives at JIHJ
South highteenth street.
Grand Jury Returns
Twelve Indictments
The grand jury, last night rc'uncil
an indictnicut against Joe Shotwcll,
alias Joseph Gibson 1'ancll, charging
him with sbreaking and entering tlu
Strand theater September 6 a:id par
ticipating in stealing $1,898, taken
from the safe after three men had
bound the watchman.
Eleven other indictments at.'! were
returned as follows: James O liricii
and Louis Abramowiz, breaking and
entering; John E. Nice and t'icrce
Walsh, stealing automobile; loscph
H. Manning and Frank Magoon,
robbery; F. G. Murphy, grand lar
ceny; John Bbneto. unlawful pos
session of a still; Scbastiano Teelco,
same; Gibihsio Buraric, same; Joe
Daly, breaking and entering. j
Farmers Union President
Starts Speaking Tour Today
Charles S. Barrett, president of the
National Farmers union, will open
a series of nine speeches 'to farmers
in Tecumsch this ' afternoon. He
will address an audience in Seward
at 8 o'clock tonight. His other
dates follow:
Aurora, Wednesday, September IS, 8
p. m. ' - '
Grand Island, Wednesday, September S8,
S p. m.
Central City, Thursday, September 29,
Platta Center, Thursday September' 29,
8 1). Tn.
Madison, Friday. September 39. 2 p. m.
Pleree, Friday,- September .10, 8 p. m.
Hartington. Saturday, October 1, 2 p. in.
New Type Air Mail Plane
. . In Omaha on Exhibition
The new type ail mail plane on an
exhibition flight acrosf the country
arrived -in Omaha at 10:56 a. m. yes
terday fron; Iowa, flown by Pilot
Local pilots Joined those of other
cities in praising the new model,
which is a De Haviland.
I The plane will remain here until
this afternoon, when Webster hops
off for the west. He made the trip
from Iowa City here in two hours
and 56 minutes, but encountered
head winds all the way.
155 Quarts of Beer in House ,
. Brings Keeper Fine of $50
Peter Sauiuk, 4324 South Thirty
third street, was fined $50 in South
Side police court yesterday on a
charge of " operating' a disorderly
house. Two inmates, Frank Miller
and R. C. Peterson, were fined $10
each. Police confiscated 155 quarts
of beer following a raid on the house
Sunday. ,:, ; . .' . :
Brief Citg News
New Dean Elected Rev. S. E.
McGlnley, pastor of Christ church,
Surreal, N. Y., was . elected new
dean of Trinity cathedral at a meet
ing of the vestry Sunday. Mr. Mc
Glnley was a guest of the Trinity
congregation last week.
Wants $1,000 lor" Dog Btte
Charlea E. Cope sued Romeo O'Neal,
941 North Twenty-seventh street,
for $1,000 alleged damages in mu
nicipal court Monday. Cope alleges
while passing the O'Neal home Sep
tember 4, a dog owned by O'Neal
"bit him: : -
Crashed Between Trucks Charles
Green, 26, ?407 Jones street, em
ployed by the city park department,
was injured Sunday afternoon on
Deer Park boulevard when he was
crushed between two trucks. He
was attaching a chain to a truck
when the other moved of its own
accord, crushing him.;. Green is In
St. Joseph hospital. ' .
A BABY whose emnt
function resnlarly is
laustaini. haDDT bbr.
Whan babv cries and is fret
ful look for eonatiDatioa. It
is eonerally toe forerunner
nervonanesa. frrrishnr i
headacbas. col da and man otb3
distressina ailmenta. Giva hall a
teatDOonfaraf Dr. Caldwell's BTrao
Pepsin and the babr will qnicklr tat
well. A dose cost less than a cent
Dr. Caldwell' Syrnp Pcpain is tha
liireatatlUaaT liquid luauve ia the
world, aaed br notbers for M years.
It is a combination of Earptiaa Senna
and other aim pie laxative herbs with
pepsin, the safest remedy fan cu
lira a baby.
tha moment ut mm
Half-txmx Trial Horde mf an
Smy Ptfsm FREE OF CHARGE m mm
you -til km k k4j fwrt noiftL Snaah
tni jtwt nana mmi adoian at Dr. W. B.
CatWI, 514 WtMnvmSt-. UrnVKtVa,
UL Vnu mtmdMl.
v. .
Common Law Wife
SucrRich Mate
Dc ffuJant Listen to Story in
Judge Sear' Court With
Bowed Head.
F.dita Situbrr. dark and pretty,
took the witness mnJ in Diitrkt
Judge 5ear court Monday roornin?
and recounted a tory ot a man'
love for her, their common-law rela
tions and hi final tiring of her. The
palintiff ecks decree of srparate
She alleged that he had gone
through two illegal operation be
cause Leo Stubcr, wealthy real e
tate and live stock man of Omaha
and Woodward, la., had akcd her
to do o "because he didn't want
the disgrace" of a child being born
to them.
Stuber, in company with hi
daughter, listened to the woman'
story and bowed his head several
Mrs. Stuber declared that they had
lived at 2617 Harney street and SOU
outh Twenty-ninth treer. She laid
she nati otten akea atuncr to nave
a regular marriage ceremony per
formed but he had refused.
Court Orders Arrest
Of 68 Persons Whose
Bonds Are Held Illegal
District Judge L. B. Day yester
day ordered the summary arrest of
68 persons who are out on bond.
Judge Day held their bonds illegal,
having been signed with the name ot
the defendant "by his attorney," and
with the name of the attorney. The
judge stated that to be legal the de
fendant must sign the bond him
self in court
"Those who have appealed from
police court have no recourse cut to
... fin. r,r c.r. th,r 1
teuces as they are required to file a
legal bond within 24 hours after ap-
pealing from a decision in police
"These defendants have not filed a i
legal bond and it is now too late," j
the judge said when ordering the
Three Barneston Stores .
Robbed of About $1,000
Beatrice, Neb., Sept 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Robbers entered
two stores at Barneston and escaped
with about $400 in cash and goods, j
At C. A. Kabb s restaurant they se
cured $35 in cash. - cigarets and
cigars. At the Farmers' union store
$35 was taken from the cash drawer
and silks, overalls, shoes, etc., to, the
value of $350 were carried away.
The thieves traveled In a motor car.
Fanners' Union Head Will
Speak in Aurora Saturday.
Aurora. Neb.. Sept. 26. (Special.)
The Farmers' unioji members of
Hamilton county are making prep
arations for a meeting in the court
house square next Saturday, at which
their' national president, C. T. Bar
rett of Union City, Ga., will i.c the
principal . speaker.
Rotarians to Entertain
Women at Dinner-Dance
The Omaha Rotarians will enter
tain at a "special ladies' night din
ner-dance" in the new tea room at
Burgess-Nash store' next Thursday
evenine at 7 o'clock. The Septem
ber group, which has completed, all
arrangements for the entertainment,
hastens to add in' the invitations that
everything will be informal. x
89th Organizer to Dakota.
Maj. R. B. Cole, on the staff of
Colonel Hopkins, who is at the Army
building. Fifteenth . and Dodge
streets, reorganising the 89th . divi
sion into a reserve organization, lett
last night for Aberdeen, S. D.,
where he will' meet with the state re
organization board there. '
Relief From
Paining Feet
, New treatment keeps feet in
perfect condition . -'
"pEOPLE all over the country are
finding an easy and effective way to
end foot troubles.
Blue-jay Foot Treatment is composed
of three essential articles for keeping
the feet in prime condition: Blue-jay
Foot Soap, Blue-jay Foot Relief (a mes
sage) and Blue-jay Foot Powder. ,
All who suffer from the nervous strain
and constant irritation of aching,
tender feet should try Blue-jay Foot
Treatment. At all druggists'.
Write for free booklet "The Proper
Care of the Feet" to Bauer St Black,
Chicago. . ..'
Blue "jay
; - Foot Treatment
keeps feet feeling fine
a Bauer & Black product
I Strive to x
Serve Better
at reasonable prices '
"... and prepared the
most sanitary way
possible. ,-
Mrs. Baker's
Cafeteria and Cafe
Under City Nat'l Bank BMf.
'16th and Harney. Formerly the
Qvtckaarv Cafeteria j-
' Kotojrawrc Section
Www IU1SUs
medium tor
. ' -
3 Firemen Overcome
As Smoke Majks Fail
Failure of smoke ntal caused
lliiee liremen to t overcome by
unoke in a lire which started from
ruM-i.h in tltf l.imiit of the A.
Wallace home, )Ui North Twenty
ei.l th avenue, ohortly before noon
'1 he firemen, all colored, are Wil
linn Jackson, capUin. )$3i North
Twenty-ninths A, I', Turner, junior
captain, 3017 Mandrron. and Mel
vin Fryman, 915 North Twenty
third. They were attended by police
urgront and later tat.en to their
8 Towels
Large size huck Cat
towels with red border. I
Tuesday only, 8 for I
Tha Downatalrs Stars
6 yds. Gingham
6-yd. dress ginghams
serviceable quality.
Tuesday only, 6 for
$1.00. Limit of 6 yds.
to a customer.
Tha Downetaira Stere
Worn en's Dainty
. Dainty
Sizes 36
4 yds. Toweling
Fine linen weft crash
toweling reduced Tues
day, 4 yards,$1.00.
The Downetaira Store
22 Spls. Thread
22 spools J. & r.
Coats' thread in black
and 4 white. . Reduced
TueHay to 22 spools,
$1.00. '
Tha Downetaira Store
13 Hair Nets
Vanity and Gains
borough nets in cap J
and fringe styles, re-
duced Tuesday, 13 for 1
The Downetaira Store
6 pr, Hose
.Women's c6tton hose
with double heels and
soles. ' Cordovan only.
Seduced Tuesday, 6
pairs, 9i.w.
The Downataire Store
10 rollsToilet Paper
10 large rolls white
crepe tissue, reduced
Tuesday, 10 for $1.00.
Thai Dewnatalrs Stor
12 Glasses
Footed sherbet
glasses, Colonial shape.
Tuesday, reduced to,
12 for $1.00.
The Downetaira Store
Water Set
Colonial pitcher and
6 tall Colonial tum
blers. Reduced Tues
day, sets, $1.00.
The Downetaira Stere
List Rites Today
For Auto Victim
Funeral Service for J. K.
George to Be Held at
2:30 Tlii Afternoon.
The bodie of John Edward
Gcoigc, ecrrtary and trcasuier of
the tieorge & Co." real etate firm,
and Kay M. Welch, president cl the
Qmulia Cooperage company, who
met their deaths shortly before noon
Sunday near Fairmont. Neb., t the
Every item Offered is at a Special or
at a Reduced Price for Tuesday Only
Velvet Tarns
The Downatalrs Stera
white blouses of voile and
with lace trimmings, also some
in pongee: in long 'and short sleeve.
to 46. Reduced Tuesday.
Tha Downauira Store
12 pr. Hose
Men's hose in all coV
Double heel and
. 12 pair for $1.00.
The Downetaira Store
A clearance price on silk
bags, leather baas, top and
back atrap purses, and silk
vanity purees. Tuesday, re
duced to $1.00.
, -- The Downataire Store
Men's Overalls
" Heavy blue denim
overalls, cut full and
roomy, sizes 34 to 42.
Priced, a pair, $1.00.
' The Downataire Store
Rag Rugs
Made from new gingham
remnants, crow foot border,
hit and miss color effects. 27x
54 inches. Tuesday, reducer'
to $1.00. each.
The Downetaira Store
Wool: Fibre
27x54-inch size, good weight, neat
patterns in green, red, and blue ef
fects. Limited quantity. Tuesday,
reduced to, 2 for $1.00.
The Dowaataira Store ' '
Sale: Odd Lots: Sample Corsets
l' Odd lots, discontinued styles and samples, made of broclje
. coutil, and batiste, in medium, low and topless models Some with
elastic top. In front and back lace effects. "Broken sizes. 5 Tues
day reduced to $1.00.
result of an automobile accident,
ere returned la Omalu Sund. y by
Chailct S, Ueorge.
Funeral trvicc fur Mr. iieorge
will be conducted at hit reidcuce,
North I'olty-f.fth direct, this
afternoon ut 2;30. The b-idy of
Welch will be cnt today io Aha
l.onu. a suburb of Lot Anglic ,
Cat., where Mr. Welch had nude his
lome the lust few years.
Mr. iieorge was fatally injured
nud Mr. Welch killed instantly when
the car in which they were riding
rapied, Mr. (Icorge, who w&t driv
ing, turned out to avoid cusliing Into
two cart parked along the roid. In
driving back into the road it U
H T E'u Kl T C3 L Y
Lovely black and color
ed velvet tarns, trimmed
with fur pompoms. Ad
justable head size. Tues
day reduced to $1.00.
12 pr. Gloves
Canton f 1 a n n e 1
gloves, knit wrist style.
The Downetaira Store
3 pr
Men's fiber silk hose, '
slightly imperfect, in
black only, sizes 10 to V
11. Tuesday, re
duced to 3 pairs, $1.00,
The Downetaira Store
Boys' corduroy
trousers, cut full and
roomy. Tuesday, re-,';
duced to $1.00.
The-Downataire Store
3 yd. Ribb
6-814-inch faille ribbon in
Harding blue color for sashes ;
has slight imperfections, but
not enough to " impair ' the
wearing qualities. Tuesday,
reduced to, 3 yards for $1,Q0.
Tha Downetaira Stera
The Dewnataire Stera - .
thought he turned too lurp!y
the car toppled over.
Cakes on Federal Docket
Set for Trial in 2 Weeka
George Schulti pleaded guilty to
illegal poc"iuii of liquor in federal
court yesterday, and wa fined $100
and root by Judge Woodrough. Ike
K triu also pleaded guilty but the
judge withheld penalty until he
learned whether Kir in had paid his
fine on a state cha'ge.
t'ac called on the docket tc day
were set for trial, civil cae lirt
and criminal one later. Trials begin
when Judge Woodrough returns
from Lincoln, In about two ccks.
6yds. Percale
Attractive light or afl
dark colors for dresses I
or wrappers. Tuesday
only, 6 yards, $1.00.
Tha Downetaira Star
Table Cloths
Round damask cloths,
splendid quality, 58
inches in diame'T.
Tuesday, reduced ' ,
The Downetaira Store
Soft $
1 MY
These are hew fall samples
every pair a splendid value.
Plain and fancy colors in soft
padded or leather soles. Sizes
312 to 5i2. Reduced Tuesday,
$1.00. 1
The DownaUira Store
Samples Men's soft
shirts, of fine madras J
and percale in neck-
band, coat styles. Tues
day, reduced to
The Downatatra Store
i Men's heavy indigo '
blue denim overalls, Ce
high or suspender back, I
sizes 34 to 42. Tues- I
day, reduced to $1.00
The Downetaira Store
mop Outfit
1 trinnvillnr1 fihnnArl
mop, 1 quart floor oil,
scrub brush. Reduced
Tuesday, all for $1.00.
The Downataire Store
Children's Rompers
rf .... l r K . .
unver vwisi, oeacno peg top mm
styles; made of gingbCahambray I
and repp jn plaids, cr r stripes, - i
and plain colors. Tri il in con- r
trasting colored fabr f. Broken
sizes. Tuesday, redu J tq. fpr
$i.oo.., .,' -, , I
The Downetaira Store ( . ' . ' : ,
Value-Giving Store
Laria ertmtnt la ptttem
4 quality.
New priced 50 lower than
1920 price. .
Bee Want Ads froduce Hrsuta,
A Matter
of Policy
If your friend has been
to.the movies and has seen
a picture which he con
siders exceptionally fine,
does it not often happen,
that his enthusiasm fires
your imagination to such
an extent that, when you
yourself see the picture,
you are disappointed?
One of the first axioms
"of crood advertising, we
believe, is; "Do not Ex
aggerate." :
And the first is: "Tell
the truth, and the whole
truth." v v ;
Cafeteria Special
for Tuesday
Stuffed Breast of Veal with
Prunes, Tueaday, 25c. . ' ,
The Downetaira Store
Odd lots, broken
sizes in women's all
wool sweaters in slip
over and ripple effects
in wanted fall colors.
Tuesday, reduced to
The Downataire Store
21 Bars Soap
21 bars White Nap
tha soap, reduced,
Tuesday, 21 bars for
Tfie Downataire Store
Rain Capes
Children's rain capes
with hood . attached,
in red, blue, tan and
' mixtures; all are abso
lutely rainproof. Sizes
6 to 14. Tuesday, re
duced to $1.00. ,
The Downetaira Store
8 pr. Hose
Boys' 'and . girls'
school hose of good
medium weight cotton.
Double toes and heels.
All sizes. . Tuesday re
duced to 8 pairs for
The Downetaira Store
4 lb. letter Paper
4 lbs. writing paper
in flax wheel, home
spun linen, in white,
pink, and blue. Tues
day, reduced to, 4 lbs.
for $1.00.
The Downataire Store
Aluminum convex
kettle with cover,'
strong bail, 6-qt. size.
Tuesday, $1.00.
" The Pewaetalre Stere