Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    THIS Utf. U41AHA. i Lfc-MJA 1 . 6U.rie.JlUU.H -I. U'-.
Pica for Inland
Waterway Made
By Ex-Governor
New York, Buffalo and Erie
Canal Only Onci Fighting
ureal Laktt-at. Lawrence
Project, Saya Harding.
Cheyenne. Wyo., fpt. :6.-(Spc-ti.l)
"New York City, Buffalo and
the Erie canal management are the
only onea fighting effort to act a
rieep waterway from the Great Lake
to the Atlantic ocean." averted
former Cov. W. L. Harding of Iowa,
one of the waterway too.tera, who
addressed business men of Cheyenne
and atatt official! in the office of the
Wyoming covernor.
"The F.rie canal has been a po
litical foot ball for year." he aaid.
"In main aim in lite hai been to
provide job for worn-out politicians.
New York hat adopted a narrow,
contracted attitude. If the people of
that city can't stand alone, let 'em
(all into the ocean. We of the west
have paid totla to them long enough.
We have a. right to live. We are
entitled to a cheap route to the mar
ket of the world."
Muat Have Waterway.
''There never has been and there
never will be, a great commercial
nation without direct communication
with the ocean," aaid Mr. Harding.
"Only a email part the southern
of the Missisdippi valley, the back
bone of the United States, now has
auch communication. And we have
reached our limit. Up to the pres
ent time wc have been growing rich
by using tip nature's resources. But
if we make money in the future we
must enter the competitive field
gainst the other two sections, the
one lying east of the Allcghenies and
the other west of the Rocky mount
ains." A deeo waterway between Chicago
msI k i a t Am tainACil hat rn1at1-
would bring the European markets
1,000 miles nearer the west, and
would aave both time and money.
Owing to the time lost in terminals,
1 e said, the present average speed of
a freight car is only 12 miles a day.
Ocean-going vessels, running 24
hours a day and'at a minimum speed
f 10 milea an hour, would carry the
products of the west at least 240
miles a day 20 times the rate main
tained by rail.
Price Fixed at Liverpool.
. The price of Wyoming wheat, he
said, is fixed at Liverpool. It is the
market price there, less what it costs
to ' transport the grain from
Wyoming to Liverpool. Every S
cents lopped off the cost of trans
portation adds 5 cents to the price
paid here. The same thing holds
true of other grains and in other
western states, he asserted.
Charles P. Craig of Huluth, execu
tive director of the Great Lakes-St.
f attrrni- Tlilinvafr accniatinn.
"This thing can be put through
In four years if Wyoming and its
sister states get up on their hind legs
and demand it. Economic necessity
will bring it in 25 years, but that's
too far away." '
s v a Jfc w jsju sw
Rate Conference
New Secretary of
Husker Alumni
Governor Urges Planned
Meeting to Discuss Pres
ent Situation.
Lincoln, Ncbj, Sept. 26. A pro
posed conference of governors from
the states of Michigan, Wisconsin,
Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Colo
rado, North Dakota and South Da
kota, for the purpose of considering
the freight rate situation and unem
ployment, contained in a letter to
Governor McKelvie of Nebraska
from Governor Kendall of Iowa, to
he held at Des Moines, at the con
venience of all executives, today was
urged by Governor McKelvie in
reply to the Iowa executive's letter.
"The earlier it can be held the bet
ter," Governor McKelvie said.
Governor Kendall's letter stated a
conference to consider these two
situations and "other vital subjects
which affect the prosperity of this
section of the country" should be
convened without delay and "if the
program commands your approval, I
will assume the initiative of calling
it for Des Moines at such date as
may be most conenient to the gov
ernors affected."
Governor McKelvie said that while
the unemployment situation in Ne
braska at this time was not such a
rates and better credit accommoda
tions to the farmer is of great im
portance. The governor suggests the
proposed conference take up the
matter of interest rates of the fed
eral reserve bank in anticipation of
getting rediscount rates reduced.
Weather Man From Brazil
Here to Learn Kite Work
All the way from Brazil, Herminio
Silva has come to Elkhorn, Neb., to
learn kite and balloon weather ob
servation work. He is assistant
chief of the Brazilian weather bu
reau. Silva, a Portuguese in descent, has
been in Washington, D. C foe some
time studying the clerical end of the
work. He will now take up the
practical work under supervision of
V. E. Jakl, in charge of the fclkhora
Both men were expected in yester
day to call on M. V. Robins, local
meteorologist Silva will remain here
several months, perhaps.
Omaha Indian Xited for
Contempt of Court Order
Hiram Chase, Omaha Indian re
siding near Macy, Neb., will be cited
tor contempt of court for refusal to
get off the 40-acre tract of land
owned by Rose Wolf Setter, as
ordered to do recently by the court
yd Maguey, retiring asssitant
ITnited States district attorney, drew
up the papers yesterday.
.Included in the base of an elec
tric reading lamp for out door rise is
a fan to provide a breeze 4nd drive
way insects attracted by the 1-ght.
Harold F. Holu.
Harold 1. Hold is the new secre
tary of the University of Nebraska
Alumni association.
Reclamation Is
Bringing Sturdy
Settlers to West
George W. Holdrege Returns
From Inspection Tour With
Secretary Fall, Enthusi
astic Over Projects.
Reclamation projects in the west
are doing wonders in reclaiming des
ert wastes and bringing to the west
a sturdy, industrious Wass of settlers,
according to George W. Holdrege,
former general manager of the Bur
lington railroad, who returned Sun
day from a two-weeks inspection trip
of reclamation projects in the west
with Secretary of pe Interior ran.
Mr.- Holdrege met Secretary Fall
in Yellowstone park and accepted an
invitation to make a portion of the
inspection trip with the secretary.
Visit Crow Indians.
Secretary Fall has been in the
west getting first-hand data on In
dian reservations, tne reclamation
service and the national parks. The
directors of the various departments
of the interior accompanied him on
the trip.
After leavincr Yellowstone Mr.
Holdrege and the secretary went to
the Shoshone reclamation project in
the Bier Horn basin east of Cody.
from there the narty went to xne
Huntlev oroicct on the Yellowstone
river east of Billings, Mont., and in
the Yellowstone valley, ,
From there they went to the Crow
Indian reservation.
i Return to Billings.
Thev returned to Billings and went
into the Big Horn basin and from
there to Bonne Ville, where they
boarded automobiles and motored
west into the Riverton irrigation
project, which will reclaim 130,000
acres. From there they went to
the North Platte valley and inspected
the reclamation work beina; done
around Scottsbluff and Mitchell.
They then went to Denver and in
spected parks and government works
in the mountains in and around Den
ver and thence to Pueblo, where the
secretary will make investigations as
to flood causes in that region.
"Secretary Fall is out west get
ting acquainted . with all the depart
ments with which he comes in con-
tact,"-Mr. Holdrege said. "Mr. Fall
is a western man, but had never
thoroughly studied conditions in the
northwest His trip has taken him
to practically every national park on
the west coast and every reclamation
project under way.
According to Mr. Holdrege, crops
m the western part of the state
where semi-arid and dry farming is
done on a large scale ar good.
"All the projects are being well
handled and better results are being
obtained than formerly, he said.
"Just as soon as the waste lands are
reclaimed they are opened by the
government for settlement.
Mr. Holdrege retired as manager
of the Burlington last spring after
SO years of railroading.
. J. Ruddy Due to Become
U. S. Deputy Saturday
Anthony J. Ruddy of Albion, Neb.,
will arrive in Umaha Saturday to
take office as deputy United States
marshal, succeeding A. V. Shaffer,
who leaves 'to accept a position in
the Treasury department in the fed
eral building.
Road Conditions
(furnished by Omaha. Ant Club.)'
Lincoln Highway. East Roads rood,
detour aevn miles west of UarahaUtown
and for mile east.
Lincoln Illihway. West Detour Water
loo to Valley, roads good to Grand Island
and nest.
0. L. D. Highway Detour ireat of Ash
land, roads fair, good to Harvard, road
work Harvard to Hastings; good west.
Highland Cutoff Roads fair.
8. T. A. Road Good.
Cornhusker Highway Excellent, little
toad work at Swedeburff.
Black Hills' Trail Road work to Fre
mont; Fremont to Norfolk, roads fine.
George Washington Highway Construe.
Mob work to Blair; detour over High
road. Highway good to Sioux City. -
Kins of Trails. North Roada good to
Ottawa. Road work to Sioux City from
King: ef Trails. South South Twenty
fourth street under construction. foUow
Thirteenth street to Harrison, west on
Harrison street to Twenty-fourth, then
south. Roads In excellent condition to
Atchison. Atchison to Leavenworth, roads
roagh; Leavenworth to Kansas City,
roads ara under construction.
Custer Battlefield Highway Tourists
report tills road in good condition, with
but few exceptions. Snow reported in
River to River Road Good.
Whit role Road Excctleat ts Des
1. O. A. Short Line Roads tint.
Blue Grass Koad Good.
Unemployment in Italy
Is Not a Problem
Rome, Sept. 26. While the t'niicd
Suteg seems to be in crisis of un
employment, with the number of un
occupied persom amounting to nii-
lioni, Italy, which it centrally an
overcrowded labor market, had but
iVSJU this summer.
At the ame time there are a great
many ioradic labor crises in various
part of the country and from time
to time whole industries ecm to
cloe their door at a moment's no
tice. The metallurgical industries of
Turin have faced crisis after crisis,
workmen were told that by nr t July
there would be gradual reduction
until the total would, reach 50 per
but manage to tide them over, The
textile industries of iwtlirrn Italy,
too, have had their periods of slack
ness, The worker, recently accepted
a reduction of IS per cent in then
At Trieste there U much unemploy
ment. A rtduction of JO per C''iit in 000 acres of it .1,000,000
. - J - I. I ... I II 1
wagct vji icccpiea oy inc woi t.niru national; owned 1010
m a sit. Asmara miiI.4 ttah i i t a I it mA 'I'tta 1 anHiitllu
Tit Iellinia it tt.ii rnnifne ha
W..f,M. fit ntl.wu frmii Ml.Hl I.. 4 .
I .4 fttt
V at V t) t.VVVt. V W T n VI a)'"MI I I.IVHXI I W ffV a) IVH - ' V M
so that orders could be obtained. The annually.
Mrul Vurkfr t MtHiinft
Fail to Acront)liIi l'lan
Chicago, Sept. 26. A meeting of
(lie local metal workers' unon to
consider a if tics tf rcn!utions
aJojiicil by the union aking the in
auguutinn of a pension fur unetu
ployed with a minimum of $20
tvtrk, ended yrttrrday afur one
pcaUr was luoirtl (rum tie roi
trum with no further action in Hit
Dr. Urn Kcitnun u forcr to do
i-t r.AinK alter the audirnre of
200 expressed it disapproval of his
tUtrinrnt that the situation is not
as bad as painted and that the couni
try U not "going to the dogs."
c Goes a
In Our Bargain Basement
Tuesday each
Made of fancy pink novelty
cloth; also mesh materials;
narrow ribbon shoulder
straps; front and back clos
ing; some with elastic in
serts at back; sizes 32 to 44
Basements-Soot h
llAMis MIS'
Tuesday Bargain in
Children's Hats
Wonderful Lot of Children's Velvet
Hats In many differ
ent styles and all good
colors; fine for school
wear. Special for
Basement Kast
Polka Dot Pongee Crepe
06 inches; suitable for dresses,
skirts or blouses; navy blue ground
with white dot; a wonderful value;
2 yards for
Basement Center
Firm Quality White Cam
bric Reinforced under
arm trimmed front and
back in wide bands of at
tractive embroidery; sizes
88 to 46; each Basement Sonth
Combination Offer.
Velvetina Face Powder
and Velvetina Vanish
ing Cream 1.00 value,
both for
Mala Floor Weal
7 Bara for
Mala IToor West
Specials in Drugs.
nair iJrusnes real
bristle; special-
White Ivory Dressing
comb, 1.00 value-
Aubrey Sisters' Lemon
Cream, 75o value Main Floor vr est
Men's Cat ton Hemstitched
I White Handkerchief Good
lie; Tuesday. for
Children's C o 1 1 o a School
Handkerchiefs Hemstitched
Inplain and embroidered corn
ers; special, 13 for
Basement Arcade
Djer Kiss
Three for
Mala FloorWest
Special lot of Nov
elty Bead , Neck
laces Graduating
and pendant styles,
In all of the very
newest shades; val
ues 69a to 1.00;
priced for Ea
this sale, OUC
Basement Center
. Watch
Men's 'Waldemar
Watch Chains
Soldered link,
gold filled; plain
and fancy links;
U value;
special, ""v
Basement Center
Lemon Dishes, Bon
Bon Dishes, Butter
Dishes, Mustard
Jars All set In
Sheffield silver
stands; values are
75o to 1.25, special,
Basement Center -
Specials in Domestics
Dwight Anchor or Bridal Pillow Cases 45x
a wonderful value; Tuesday, each,
35-inch Cotton Challie In a wonderful variety of
new patterns and color combinations; for house
dresses, wrappers, comfort coverings, etc. .Tuesday,
3 yaras
Basement North
Basement Center
Notion Bargains1
Basement Center
uicKory waists triced ror Tuesday, each, go
Dr. Parker's Waists for Boys and Girls Priced for Tuesday, ka
Hickory Beits Priced for Tuesday, jjq!
Our Very Best 75c Ivory and Black Rubber Dressing Combs, ea.. 5Q
Coats' Thread
Coals' Six-Cord Machine Thread All sizes; blaxk and
white, for Tuesday, per dozen,
Specials in China
Special selling of plain white por
celain; first grade, medium
Jap China and Hand Paint- Kh
ad Suaar anil Creamer, nair uvV
50 c
Cups and Saucers,
shapes. Set
of 3, for -
Breakfast Plates Cl inch rfi.
size; set of 3 for ov'
Cleanup ef Blue China Dinner-ware at less than cost In this assort
ment are soups, plates, bowls, oatmeals, sugar and . rn
creams. Your choice of any pieces, tW'
Curry o f Lamb
,with Rice
Mala Floors West
100 Pieces
Dress Goods
100 Pieces to Select From 36-incli
Dress Plaid in an end-. 2 yard
less variety or new
color combinations.
Also 36 inch Habit and
Repellant cloth in
brown, blue1 and grey.
Basement 4'entrr
Men's Shirts
and Drawers
Per Garment
Men's Shirts and Drawers.
In ecru color; long sleeve
shirts; ankle length draw
crs; all sizes; special, per
garment, 50c
Basemeat Arcade ertta
Silk and Cotton
Fancy Check Silk Blouses Good white and colored
Cotton Blouses Fancy Smocks and Middies; over
1,200 to choose from; good styles; well made; good
materials. All grouped at this price, each, 506
Basement East .
Women's Petticoats
600 of
Women's Fancy Bottom Petticoats 600 to
choose from this group Black cotton, Taf
feta tops, with fancy flounces; cheap at 1.00;
Tuesday, only 50e)
Basement East
Two Kitchen Tie Aprons
Women's Percale and Gingham Kitchen Tie
Aprons Many different styles with and with
out bibs; over 1,000 to choose from. Tuesday,
2 for 50f
Basement East
Curtains and Drapes
1,500 Yards of Colored Drapery Madras For
overdraperi'es and hangings; 36 inches wide;
all the popular shades; Ifl
desirable remnants; per yard, OUC
900 Odd CurtainsLace, Madras,, CO
Marquisette and Scrim; on one table, OUC
Basement West
WindowShades and Mats
1,000 Window Shades 86 inches wide; 6 to 7
feet long; dark and light greens ; C f
complete with fixtures'; each, wvC
. - - v ' '
650 Rubber Door Mats Size 14x24 ; fiA
very heavy, serviceable quality, each, OUC
Basement West
Karatol Shopping Bags
Large, roomy Bags; lined and made with
double handles; special for ' C A
this sale, OUC
Basement Center
Thin Blown Tumblers
Thin Blown Tumblers or heavy Col. C A'
onial Tumblers; set of 6 for OUC
. Basement Center
Men's Union Suits
Men's Union Suits Odds and ends
of broken sizes; while they last
per suit,
Basement Arcade North
17 Bars for
Basement Cent er
Boys' Blouses.
Boys' Blouses A choice
selection of boys' blouses;
all new patterns, collar at
tached style; all sizes,
Basement Arcada
Made of Red Jap
Bamboo Small
size; special
Basement Center
Women's Vests-Pants.
Cotton Fleeced Vests and
ankle Pants; medium
weight; ail sizes; per garment
Basement Arcade
Children's Vests-Pants.
Children's Cotton Fleeced
Vest and Pants In silver
and peeler color; sizes 16
to 34; special, per garment
Basement Arcade
Made of
No. 0 size j
Basement Center
Boys' Union Suits.
Boys' Cotton Fleeced
Union Suits In silver and
peeler colors; sizes 2 to 16
years; - special Tuesday,
per SUit-
Baaement Arcade
Salts and.
Individual Salt
and Pepper Shak
ersSilver tops;
etched glass;
very neat pattern,
special, efl
per pair,
Basement Center
Men's Cotton
Seamless Socks.
First duality;
navy and grey;
all sizes; special
i!? 50c;
Basement Arcade
Specials in Domestics
Bleached Sheeting 81 inches ; genuine Eastern
make; our regular 65c quality; Tuesday, per
Bleached (Jabot Pillow Tubing 36 inches wide
this well known popular brand, Tuesday, 2
yards for
Basement North
Women's Fine Neckwear
Very New and Pretty Vestees and Collar Eyelet embroidery; f
Tuesday, each, OUC
tmDroidered Swiss Collar and Cuff Seta In white and ecru; rt
very pretty assortment of styles; 1.00 values; Tuesday, set,
Trianjular Middy Ties Messaline Silk in red
nary and black; choice, .
Basement East
Specials in Linens
3 yards of All Linen Kitchen Towelinj
Brown with white border,
6 Heavy Unbleached Turk- rn
ish Towels Hemmed ends,
Turkish Towel Set Boisd; some
are a little soiled; rn.
per set, WL
bne Dozen Wash Cloths Some
Turkish, others knit; rn
per dozen, '"'
Three Large Huck Towels tyu
All white, for
Basraaeas -Sent a