THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2(5. 1921. ; s .... m mm ' ' Merchant Back From Extended Visit in Bohemia Mont Foods Plentiful in Country, Beatrice Man Says $30 Suiu Sell For $13. Ileatricf. Kcb.. Sfut. 25. Jolm Kopccky, a prominent merchant of litatrice, ha just returned from a four-month' visit in Czcho-S!ov kia, where he, in company with atiout 400 other Bohemian eommemorat eJ the restoration of independence of their native land. AH of the party are now American citizen. Mr. Kopecky relate ome inter eating condition as he found them' in that country, chiefly at Prague, the capital of old Bohemia, and the capital of the new republic. Approx imately J00 year agt Mr. Kopccky explains, Bohemia was destroyed and the country annexed to Austria. The country has been made a republic 'ince the end of the war. F:od Plenti.'ul. "1'oA food are p'cntiful m fz .ho-Slova' ia, although there i a shortage of t'ilk," Mr. Kopccky ia; I. "A good meal can be purchased at the better patronized restaurants for the equivalent oJ an Anerican i 25 cent piece, although this doe not include a port'on of the national) beverage. Mtvsic and entertainment tre plentiful." Every American dollar that he cashed brought $16 worth of Czech money, Mr. Kopecky declare. Ho ixncrienccd no difficulty in exchang ing the American orders in the bank there at the rate of 84 kronen for the dollar, the normal value oi which h 20 cents, Mr. Kopecky states. 0 Suiti Sell for $15. "This rate of exchange makes it possible for an American with Amer ican money to live well at reasonable prices," Mr. Kopecky says. "A sui of clothes that would cost $50 here can be purchased for the. equivalent of $15 in American money in Prague "There are many American tour ists in Czecho-Slovnkia, and they add to the prosperity of the luxury trades because they ta'vf' advantage of the exchange rates to purchase bargains in jewelry and other luxury goods. "Most of the people appear to be enjoying life and there are few signs of distress. Our special train was met at stations all along the route by delegations with band and marching school children and every where there seemed to be a spirit of rehabilitation." Proceeds of County Fair Total $45200 Fairhnrv. Neh.. SeDt. 25.- (Spe cial.) The Jefferson County Fair as sociation closed its third annual meeting Friday. Proceeds were $4, 200.. Th' it the first year since re-organization in which there has not been a deficit. - Seventy-five babie9 were entered in the better baby show. Two hun dred and fifty pigs and hogs were entered,' Of this number approx imately .100 were sold during the Ji n.'"-"Amnii the imnrovements made this year was a $1,500 hog house. ' - ' "J . ' v. The association thus far has enter tained without races. There Is talk of requiring additional ground , for track before the next year's session. Knox County Teachers t 1 Hold Annual Institute i Bloomfield, Neb., Sept. 25.i-(Spe-cial.) The Knox county Teacher' institute for the east side vof the county,- held here, was well attend ed. The school board also met with " Superintendent Stinson to plan for , the coming year's work and to talk over school problems. ,, ; ; ; . ADVEKTISKMTSNT USESULPHURTO HEAL YOUR SKIN Broken " Out Skin and lulling Eczema Helped Over Night For unsightly akin eruptions, rash or blotches on face, neck, arm or body, you do not have to wait for re lief from torture or embarrassment, - declare a noted skin specialist. Apply a little Mentho-Sulphur and improvement shows next day. IWntise of its o-erm dcstrOvInfi properties., nothing ha gver been f.htir ftiwnnritiAii f Th. mnmrnt Volt tpply it healing begin. Only those who have had unsightly skin trouble can know the delight this Mentho Sulphur brings. Even fiery, itch ing eczema is dried right up. ; Get a arnaU jar from any "good druggist and use it like cold cream. AUVKKTOKJiKNl A Bad Cold Rc)iv4 Quickly with MENTHO- LAXENE , Yon Buy ' It Concentrated and Mix with Pint of Syrup Ooabtleaa every reader recalls having neglected a alight eold until la S hours it settled into a "Bad CoM" and then about TJ hours of distress, discomfort, if not weeks of bronchitis or pneumonia or catarrh. Nov eon fere if you'vo had mien an experience, and take time by the fore lock by p-epsrln to etxxk ail !ort colds, coughs, catarrh, difficult breathing, watering eyea and painful heatia dea lt ran be done, by taking ilentho iAxene either in Its raw atata 19 drops to the dose or by making a granuiate-l ugar syrup and mixing in a pint bot'le or jar. A pint wilt last a whole -family for a. long time and keeps evry member free from the distressing aftervef facta of a had cold. Ueatha-Laxenr ! guar anteed to please or money bark by The niarkbar Products Cm, Dayton. O and any well atocked druggist can supply yoh Iwe't take a aubeutute. There is really nctbing to com para with Mentho-lAVeoe. Oi9 barrels used last year. Why? . Be cause It's beat and cheapest. avMavMe.aaaej'tsivej ff 1 i J I l If II r afoner back wIUmwl enestM J HUNTS OUA1ANTBBD SKIN "" tnnnul (Moat's Miv mm to tri atsa sat eaTte Tbsaeaa. ai was Taeies n.i ink kia -Its. .a Tr (ka Vxraaaa McCsmaaU S Drag Starts tVf ft District Fair Will Open Today Puraei and Pr'tics of $6,000 Offered for Event and EliUiU at Maywood. Maywoud, Neb., Sept 25. (&c cial.) Annnal exhibit of the South west Nebraska. District Fair associa tion will bo held at Maywood, Sep tember 26 to 30. Purse, prize and premium offered for vanou event and display amount to about $6,0u0, a um of $J,000 having been appro priated for liore and auta race. Among entries for the auto race to be held September JO are Noel K. Hullock. North Platte, airplane stunt man and dirt track dare-devil; C. J. Hucnker, Grand Island, and lame and George Fletcher, North Platte. Cattle exhibitor will include Gaudrclaut & Son, Brady, Neb.: 11. P. Heater, Eiutis; O. A. Fairchild, W. H. Ka-re and II. F. Ncu. Well fleet, and Krdman Brother. Venan ",o. Among the rms exhibitor will 'e Frank Hall, Miywood: Eleck Baldwin, Dic'rcn; Moore flc Son Bartlcy rnd O. F. Ayrcs. Orlrtns. The fair at.-ociation co-nnr'se 12 rount'ei. Special t a:n v.i'l be run froTHoI-o:-e. Colv. Vcdneday and from Iloldrege on Thurday and Friday. , A toot Kill game between Curti Agricultural college and Holyoke. Colo., will be played the afternoon of September 30 following the auto races. ADVERTIMKHIWT ' RUPTURE EXPERT Arcade Hotel, Omaha Wed. and Thurs., Sspt 28-29 Consultation Free Our representative. A. T. Chrlstiff, will b In Omaha Wednesday and Thursday. September 18 and 29, at the Arcade hotel. We want every man, woman or child who is ruptured to nee him. He will demon Urate the marvelous features of the won derful Easyhold Trass, and. wli personally fit one to you If you are convinced that it I a better, more comfortable and sat isfactory one than you are now using. The Easyhold has no eruel steel hands, no leir straps, no hard. gouging pad that spreads the Hernial opening. It is so comfortable that no Inconvenlme is ex perienced by its wearer. Amaa nr cures of long standing cases are being constant ly reported. It Is des gned to heal the hernial opening and cure the rupture en tire'y. Fee and consult Mr. Cbrlstoff. This will obligate you in no way. He will tell you freely and frankly just' what the Easyhold can be expected to do for your case. We guarantee to refund your mon-y any time within 30 days if the Easyhold is not entirely satisfactory. Mr. Christoff ' wltl be at the Arcade hotel Wednesday and Thursday, Septem ber 28 and 29. His hours will b from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. You owe it to your self and family to investigate the Easy, hold. Wt guarantee it to be better f t ting, more comfortable Truss and to hold your rupture better. Remember the time and place. If you cannot call, write us for booklet. - EASYHOLD t?.USS CO., III! Wyandotte St. Kansas City, Mo. , . ADVERTISEMENT? . No More Gas in Stomach & Bowels . If you wish to be permanently relieved of gas in the stomach and bowels, take Baalmann's Gas-Tablets. Baalmann's Gas-Teblets are prepared distinctly and especially for stomach gas, and particularly for all the bad effects Com'ng from gas pressure. That empty, gone and gnawing feeling at the pit of your stomach will disappear; that anxious and nervous feeling with heart palpitation will vanish and you will once more be able to take a deep breath, so often prevented by gas pressing against your heart and lungs. Your limbs, arms and lingers won t leei Cold end go to sleep, because Baalmann's Gas-Tablets prevent gas interfering with the circulation : intense drowsiness and sleepy feeling after dinner will soon be replaced by a desire for some form of entertainment. . Your distended stomach will reduce by inches because gas will not form after using Baalmann's Gas Tablets. Get the genuine in the Yellow Package from Sherman & McConnell or any re liable druggist. REKOVE TK3SE PIMPLES AND SfitLCW BLOTCHES By The Use Of Black And White Beauty Bleach Do you frown when your mirror so glaringly reflects soma skin blemich sigh and wish for & quick; and easy vay of clearing; your skin. Hero's a treatment which you can S8 without foar. confident that it will make your skin, clce.r, aoft, with a baby-like tint at youth. Before retiring ton'.cht, cleans your skin with a creamy lather of Black and White Soap, dry thoroly, and then gently mtu-cago with tho tips of your fingers Black and Whito Ueanty Bleach. Tho next morning rlnsa the skin "with, cold water. Con tinued applications of the Beauty Bleach and the use) jf Black and "White Soap will give you wonderful results. Blnclc and 'White Beauty Bleach Is a delightfully perfumed, pink-tinted cold cream compound of unusual meritwill not grow hair. Tour favorite drug, or department store should be able to supply you r-lth Black aud White Beauty Bleach at cOc jar. Black end TYhito Soap tt 35c a cake, or both will be. sent yoM postpaid on receipt of price. Clio and mnll this advertisement to Black and White. Box 1507, Mem phis, Tenn for free literature and samples of Black and White Face Powder and Incense of Flowers Talcum. I- ! 1 a and Say It With OURS. Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS 1415 Farnara St., Paston Hots!, OMAHA Phono DOurla 1501 Members Ftorf'ts Telegraph Delivery Association. We d.lver flowers v short notice anywhere In the U. B. or Canada. Offices Display MOTOR TRPCItS City Sales Room 816 S. 24th St. Service Station 815 S. 25th St Telephone at lantic 3332 International Harvester Company of America Branch House 714 S. 10th St, " Omaha Neb. Ford Transfer . and " Storage Co. 813 Doula St., 1102 S. Main, ' Omaha Council Bluff Prompt Service Reasonable Rales 2 VuMAW Itlliil Jrt33.f! :r I Omaha Lace Laundry " exclusive clIeaners Curtains, Panels, Cretonne, '. Lace and Austrian Shade 471 A Cuir.lng St. Tel. Walnut 1381 We Rebuild and Repair All Kindt of Timepiece and Jewelry Guarantee to make it as Rood as new. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Gradu ated and state Certified Optometrist. J. C. Grasfeorgf & Son Watchmakers, Jewelers anal Optician 804 Electric Bldf, 15th and Farnam TRY US FOR French Pastry Fancy Cake , KUENNE'S ; Bakery, Delicatessen and Lunch Room -i ,' ' SC4 South 16th St. ' 2916 Leavenworth St. - Stationery That Satisfies School Supplies Omaha Stationery Co. 307-3CO South nth Street Phono JAcksoa 0605 . m ti n-vry a iiii j ri mi WRECKED CARS REBUILT Fender, Top, Body Work Repairing of All Kinds NIGHT AND DAY Western Motor Car Company Farnam at Blvd. HA rnoy 0M8 Reliable Service A specialty on Ants Tops, W later Cartalns and tailored Seat Cover. Engdahl's Auto Top Co. Douglas 5877 ma Cass st. "'TERMINAL WAREHOUSE OMAK, WAREHOUSE SPACE Available for Long or Short Terms Space , Storage Ladies' Plush Sailor and Veloar ' Hat Cleaned and Reblocked RAMSER 215 South 14th Street CADILLAC A Permanent Value . "Always Onward? J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln NOVELTIES in Pleating Buttons Hemstitching Embroidering Braiding Beading Button Holes Ideal Button & Pleating Company 300-308 Brown Bid, lath and Deiifta . . Opposite Brandeis Store Phone Doug. 1938 Omaha 900 separata fireproof, mouse . proof, dustless rooms for furniture. . Come and See for Yourself Motor Vans for Removals Bekin Omaha Van and Storage - 806 S. 18th St. Douglas 4163 PaxtonMtchell Co. 27th and Martha St. Harney 1662 ' Manufacturer of Brass, B rents and Aluminum Castiafs Standard Size Cast Iran Busfcinrs .... in Suck Closing Out THEIR ENTIRE STOCK Paints Millwork Lumber At Rock-Bottom Prices Now Is Your Time te Cat Busy C. Haf er Lumber Co. 135 W. Broadway puac0 Blolfs a) Inventory By JACK LEE Eveiy once in a while individuals as well as business concerns should take an inventory and see what is remaining on the shelves unmoved. In times like this, when it takes every ounce of business brain and pep a man can muster to keep business going, it is well that the shelves do not become clut tered with things that are burdensome. That we may take stock of ourselves and know again just Sow valuable our state is, these facts and figures, obtained from the state department of agri culture, are published. When they are read, in spite of the cries of "bad business" and sundry other calamity howls, there will be more protuberant chests and a litt1 more life injected into the tired business and pro fessional man. Nebraska has 100 kinds of soil and a range of climatic conditions that' assures good crops on all of them. Hay, alfalfa, grain and sugar beets com pose the biggest crops. The total area of the state is 76,808 square miles, or 49,157,120 acres, and the population is 1,296,372, an increase of 8.7 per cent since 1910. In 1920 the 16,178,404 acres under cultivation pro duced a crop valued at $306,469,000. ' The total value of farm machinery on Nebraska .farms was estimated at $10,000,000 and the value of the aver age farm more than $20,000. The total value of Nebraska live stock is $344, 000,000, the state ranking seventh, with Omaha the second largest live stock market in the world. More than 100,000 farmers milk 435,000 cows, which annually produce 60,000,000 pounds of but ter and 200,000,000 gallons of milk, these products being valued at $40,000,000. There are 12,000,000 chickenscontributing $50,000,000 annually to the wealth of the state. , The marketing facilities are ideal in Nebraska. There are 6,742 miles of railroads, operated by seven companies. Four trunk lines extend across the state east arid west. In the east end of the state, where 72 per cent of the population lives, there are 3,255 miles of railroads, the average distance from a railroad station being seven miles, .j" Nebraska spends annually $20)00,000 on her public schools and $2,000,000 for the maintenance of her roads. And after viewing all these encour aging facts don't overlook the most important : Omaha is the metropolis of this state that has done such wonderful advancing in the past 10 years. All roads in Nebraska lead to Omaha, where out-of-town merchants find markets in yhich to do their buying equal to any west of New -York and where their needs are looked after with personal attention. . , ;' ; ',; . With all the calamity howlers busy about "hard times' these facts should drown out such a chorus." V" V-V v" Omaha, according to a national financial and commercial writer who visited ; the city last week, is better off than any city of its size in the nation. "Omahans don't realize how well off they are," he said. - . . ' .;. -v ,;; - , More facts to prove his statements: ' The' average wealth of the ptopulation of Omahais$300. V 4 The building and loan deposits for this year are $47,088,525. The savings accounts are $10,028,152. Just because money is out of sight, and not talking as loudly as it did in the "silk shirt epi demic," don't think there is no money-it is being saved. Thrift is the watchword of the home now. With buying on the increase, especially retail buying, the crops assured against destruction by early frosts, building activities picking up to give unemployed work the future dotesri't look so dark after all, does it? , r ' McKenriey-'DenHsts 14th and Farnam Street - : JA cluon 272 ' ATlSFACTIOn and TEltlllEIMER for Service GsAaSteinhcimerCo. Contracting Painters "Jarl' National Brand Solid Copper Oil Can." All solder on ths ouUUs of ths an with a 5-Inch screw eap. Airtight, non. esnlosive and fireproof ;' .00: -ai.. ll.! !.. ,J loW., IU.U0; 15-aal.. 2l.i 26-gaU I3S.00) 60-gal., f 61.00. Special Attention Given to Mall Orders CHARLES JARL & Company 1703 Leavepworth Street ETHEL THRALL CHIROPRACTOR PALMER SCHOOL CRADUATE We j tri FIV. Bide: k7fWHU asTWSl - a. a- 1303 Doujla Street 8,000 Home in Omaha and Council Bluffs Are Covered With Our Ready Roofing THERE IS A REASON Call us aae let us explain. Alt work guarantee. Easy terms. Northwest Ready Roofing Co. U Riefenberf, Mgr. ,. HA racy 2574, . 3122 Leavenworth Use Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationery Wholesale Distributors Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA , Welding- - Catttaf Reinforced Braiing . General Welding Work. "WE DO IT RIGHT" W Specialise ia Automobile Welding 1508 Webster St. AT. 4459 RESTAURANTS There's one near yew. Highest euallty foods, with eaiek service. Puritan Automotive Department Automobile Cylinder Grinding New Piston and Rings and Wrist Pin Crankshafts Trued Up ' High Class Workmanship No Better Equipment ' Puritan Mfg. & Supply Co. Atlantic J75J Oaaaka 1814 Isard St. Neio Pressed Hog Trough Sanitary SoMerleae Seanleaa MlsVby Nebraska 4 Iowa Steel Tank Cm. Oasaha, Neh. Pj ..Experience;. , ' W&. ' ' Thirty years of experl- Ik JIIR ' . enee in repairing and re- ffll bnildinir all kinds of ma-. BE chlnery has plaoed o in a .lijt: AsZ. pos.tfon to do yanr work 'm right. We do ll klpds of automobile repairing and jMlj it is dona right ths first 0 Qsj ...time, , Jt If PnELCHIORS&SON V 'mem A bed built into your car will save traveling money. Pat. 1-21-19. Superior workmanship. PFEIFFER 2523 Leavenworth Street Est. lssa MALTBY, D. C. . JA cltson 3072 WITH A PERSONALITY Phone AT. 4683. i i , O. L. Wiemer Wall Paper, Paint, Glaaa, Painting and . Decora.tinf 170 Ceasing St.- -Omaha, Nek Phone DO uglae 8753 ' MSI Office an Plsat-1941-41 Vlate St iA tktea 144 1804 Farnam St. The Careful Florist OF NEBRASKA 12th and Farnam Sts." OMAHA Modern Policies, Carrying Full Protection . M. SEARLE, JR, Pre. FALL RENOVATING PILLOWS AND BEDDING .' Feathers' steam renovated and hoi air dried.- AH your own feathers hack when wa renovate. ( - OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cuming St. Jackson 2447 Sheman fil.lcCcnnell Drug Co. All the Drags and Toilet Articles (or all ths people all the tint, a Good Drat Stores ia Omaha, . We Furnish Clean Linen FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J M. JENSEN, Prop. Phone Dene. 2S1 1S1 California Scad Year Clothes te Be Cleaned DRESHER BROTHERS ' Dysrs, Cleaners, Hatters. Far riers, Tailors and Rug Cleaners 1217 Farnam St, Oasaha We Pay Return Charges ea ' Out-of-Tewn Orders Alexander Mnnroe Sheet Metal and Furnace Works ' 1718 Case St. Phone JA. 4066 All African Cfiemical Co. Chemical Manofacturerl and Jobber Fheae Doeg. 4884. I2O8-I0 S. 18th St. We aaalyae aad aaaanfacture Mrthiag. "lve Us a Call -O 11 Bei Bit j9Hn ' mil mil i us i i ii 1 njMaT