Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Love Message.
Feature $100,000
Heart Balm Suit
250 Endearing I.rttru to Dc
Produced at Trial of Case
Against Millionaire's
I Nebraskans at Chiropractic Meet
Omaha Civil War
Veteran, 80, Off
To Encampment
Dr. J. B. Kalidi Leaves for
G. A. K. National Meet on
Birthday-Will Tnml
6 A
Xcw Vork. Sept. 24, Iiiteretiig
c'rtaili o( the college romance of
nre'.iv Sardonii Elite Henry and
tliauncey Juld Stewart, which he
tan in Cornell university in May,
1018. and ended July JO lait, ir. an
action begun by Mii Henry in the
Xew York utpreme court to compel
Stewart to pay her $100,000 heart
balm, came to light today.
Anioni the di. cloture wa the
novel method adopted by the young
conple, who are only about 24 yean
old, to make their engagement known
to the members of the college fra
ternity of which Mu Henry was
a member at Cornell. Her f.aucc
purchased a five-pound bos of de
xe bonbons, placed in it the cards
rf his fiancee and linmtclt. linked by
a silken ribbon, and dispatched it by
ltie.'.scngcr to the fraternity building
on a regular meeting night.
The announcement was, so the
story goes, received with acclaim by
the sorority.
Miss Henry is the dauxliter of
J.ihii S. Henry, wealthy piano manu
facturer, and lives with her parents
in this city.
Son of Millionaire.
Young Stewart inherited a large
estate at the death of his li.tlicr,
Judd Stewart, millionaire Ncwr Vork
banker, in July. 1920, at his summer
residence near riaiuficld, N. J. He
makes his home on a farm near
Ghent, N. Y. He occupies his leisure
time in raising fine fruits and carry
ing out his pet plans for scientific
Miss Henry spent four years in
the school of arts and sciences at
Cornell and earned the degree of
master of arts.
Young Stewart's ' inclination led
him to take the courses in the school
cf agriculture. The two students
were graduated at the same time in
June, 1919.
Stewart and Miss Henry tr.ct at a
house party at Ithaca in May, 1918,
and were introduced by the warden
cf Rislcy Hall.a fraternity chapter
house of Cornell university.
The young couple were at once
drawn to each other and acquaint
ance changed to friendship and the
latter to love with kaleidoscopic
250 Ardent Love Letters.
After graduation Stewart went to
his home at Ghent. Miss Henry re
turned to New York. At least once
a week, and sometimes mote frc
iucntly, according to Miss Henry's
counsel,.. Stewart motored down to
visit his fiancee. When it was not
practicable to come in person the
infatuated young man sent a letter
ctimg ms love in glowing language.
Counsellors for Miss Henry have
in their possession some 250 cl these
ardent missives, they declare, and
while they would not permit even a
glimpse of theme before they are to
be produced and read at the trial of
Miss Henry's action, they gave as
surance that the jury will find very
interesting reading. .
One of the things Miss Henry
told her fiance in the early stages of
their romance was that she has rela
tives in Ireland, and in one of his
letters he paints an alluring picture
of the "visit you and I shall make to
dear old Erin after we are married."
Ring an Exhibit.
The alleged jilting of Miss Henry
by her fiance, which forms the basis
of her action, occurred, her counsel
say, in April last, but they declined
to supply any further details.
An exhibit that may be produced
at the trial next fall is a magnifi
cent $1,500 solitaire diamond ring
given Miss Henry by young Stewart j
as a vivid pledge of their troth.
Cashier of- Gas Company
Indicted for $12,000 Thefl
Aurora, 111., Sept. 24. Miss Jessie
Enck of Chicago, arrested two weeks
ago with E..H. Johnson, formerly of
w umette, on a charge of being
XI 2,000 short in her accounts with the
Western United Gas and Electric
company, of Aurora, was today in
dicted by the Kane county grand
jury for embezzlement. Johnson
was also indicted. :
Family of Omaha Attorney
To Spend Winter in Capital
Washington, Sept. 24. (Special
Telegram) Edgar H. Scott, attor
ney of Omaha, accompanied by his
wife 'and children, . will spend the
winter in Washington, having taken
a house on Bancroft street. The son
will enter St Albans school, while
the daughters, Eleanor and Kather
ine, will attend Miss Madeira's
. 'i
Soviets Demand Roumania
Surrender Anti-Red Chief
Riga, Letvia, , Sept. 24. (By The
Associated Press.) A note demand
ing that Roumania surrender Genera!
Makno, anti-bolshevik leader in the
Ukraine, together with his followers,
as "common criminals," has been dis
patched to Roumania by the soviet
authorities, it was announced in a
wireless message from Moscow to
day. Woman Charged With
Beating Up Landlord
Is Freed by Judge
. New York, Sept 24. "Nan" Pat
terson, central figure in the notorious
Young murder case some years ago, in court in Yonkers today,
charged with "striking, beating and
wounding" her landlord, Francis S.
Feigh, who lives in the same house.
The "attack" took place July 29
and as Feigh was not in court to
prosecute, Acting City Judge Charles
W. Boote discharged Miss Patter
son, who is known as ' Agnes A.
In defense, Mrs. Young stated that
the whole trouble started over the
rent She . said her landlord had
found her washing and had pitched
her over the washtub -and then
choked her, I
1 r :
fcraawssirirjiii ihm a
Members of the Nebris'.: defecation who attended the recent chiropractors' convention at Davenport, la.
More than 100 Nebraska
was devoted to lectures, clinks and
A floral float, depicting the
slaved bv the Nebraska delegation.
Nebraika chiropractors and students held a banquet during the convention at which two loving cups were
presented to ur. w. cawaras,
More than 8,000 chiropractors
Woman Admits
Perjury In Case
Of Dr. Fields
I ormer Servant in Doctor s
House Tells County Attor
ney Testimony Was Con
cocted by Accused Man.
Mrs. Anna kelson, former scrv-
ant in the house of Dr. Leslie i,
Fields, made a written confession to
County Attorney Shotwclt Friday
alleging that her testimony in
behalf of Fields at his trial last De
cember was concocted by Fields
Fields was tried for murder while
producing abortion, was found guilty
and sentenced to the penitentiary lor
1 to 10 years. His appeal is still in
the supreme court and he is out on
Mrs. Nelson declared that her con
science tortured her because of her
false testimony in the case, that she
could not rest and that she finally
told Fields and his wife that she
would make a clean breast of the
whole thing.
Charged With Insanity.
Later, charge of insanity v. as
lodged against her, a police officer
signing the complaint. The case
was heard Friday afternoon be
fore tlie insanity board. Dr. Fields
and his wife were witnesses. The
board's decision has- not yet been
The Fields case was one of the
most notorious ever tried here. Ruth
Ayer, 19, pretty Hayes Center, Neb.,
girl was the victim. She came here
to have the operation performed and
letters written by her to her sweet
heart, Francis W. Alexander, telling
of her visits to doctors were intro
duced in the trial. .
Youth Is Killed.
" Alexander came, here after her
death, a broken-hearted young man.
He was a witness for the state at
the trial.
A few weeks after the conviction
of Fields came word from the young
man's home town that he had been
killed as the result of an accidental
gunshot while he was out hunting.
Omaha Labor Unions to Have
Floats in Armistice Parade
A special committee, headed by
Secretary S. C. Jackson, .was named
Fridav nieht at a meetins of the
Central Labor union to arrange for
the part labor unions will play in
the Armistice day parade to be
staged in Omaha November 11.
t- , ,. , ! ii. ...ill
cacn local union m uie cuy n m
be asked to prepare a float for the
parade, according to Chairman
Tack-son. and in the evening a mass
meeting will be, held at which some
speaker of national prominence will
give a patriotic talk. The move was
taken by the Central Labor union
here in compliance with instructions
sent out by national headquarters.
Tests for Positions in
Civil Service Announced
Examinations for positions in the
civil service have been announced
as follows:
Electrician. Fort Crook,, salary,
$2,100, October 8; bookkeeping ma
chine operator, Washington. Oc
tober S; personal service officer,
board of vocational education, No
vember 1; editorial assistant, bureau
of mines, October 5; special "agent
and assistant in information, women's
bureau. Information may be ob
tained at window 11, post office.
Are You
Anxious to , equip your
self for a good paying
business without inter-.
fering -with your present
work? h
Sixteen agents in my office made ,
an average of 1340 a month last
year. Ten averaged $400.
No capital, experience or expense
required; nothing bat hard, intelli
gent work and good character. Wide
field of operation for men or
women of all ages and walks of life.
Night School of Life- in
surance Salesmanship
(Conducted by experienced '
salesman and graduate of In
surance Salesmanship school).
Class begins Monday, Sep
tember 26, 7:30 p.m., at 512
First National Bank Bid?.
Register any time. '
W. S. Townsend,
chiroprsctors attended the annual convention at Davenport, la. The week
attitude of Nebraska chiropractors towara the state chiropractic law, was ais
umana cniropracior, iot nis wor in
trom an over tne u nuea states artenaea
Miners' Union to
Fight Injunction
Unanimously Vote to Use
Every Lawful Means to
Defeat Suit.
Indianapolis, Sept. 24. After
President John L. Lewis had ruled
out a proposal that the convention
of the United Mine workers of
America adjourn and "go home and
prepare our fighting lines" the dele
gates today voted unanimously to in
struct the international officers to
use every lawful means to resist the
issuance of an injunction against the
union, sought in a suit filed in the
federal court here yesterday.
Another proposal that the miners
go on strike and remain idle until
the suit was withdrawn from the
courts, was also ruled out of order
by President Lewis.
The Borderland Coal corporation,
which brought the suit in behalf ofi
more than 60 other operators, served
notice today that it would make ap
plication on October 13, for, a pre
liminary restraining order against
the union and business before bien
nial convention of the miners was
set aside while William Green, inter
national secretary-treasurer, told the
delegates tnat tne very neart ana
soul of the union is at stake in the
Samson Gves Thanks
For Ak-Sar-Ben Success
That Ak-Sar-Ben this year was
the greatest in the history of the
Quivera, is manifest in Samson's
voice of thanks to the populace yes
terday. It reads:
Samson. Lord High Chamberlain
to His Majesty, King Ak-Sar-Ben,
is gratetul to everyone today tor
the most successful fall festival that
has ever been held in the history
of the organization. -
1 he wonderful coronation ball,
the splendid manner in which the
large crowd conducted itself and the
consideration given the' reception
and floor committees,, is very much
Ihe parades were enjoyed by
thousands of persons who expressed
their delight and pleasure. The car
nival has been well attended and
Samson is especially grateful to the
city officials, firemen and policemen,
the weather man and to all the loyal
subjects of His Majesty the King.
Silas Brown to Be Promoted
To Post of Police Sergeant
Patrolman Silas E. Brown will be
recommended by Police Commis
sioner. Dunn for the position of police
sargeant, to be vacant when E. B
Ferris retires October 1, he an
nounced yesterday.
Brown became a member of the
department April 2, 1900. He is
known to his associates as "Cy"
Brown. ' ,
Use Bee want ads for speedy re
315 South 16th Street'
Sh'mese and American
Make your reservations for
before and after theater par
ties. No cover charge.
Phone Atlantic 2707
Reliable, Dome'
Reduction System
Fat persons, particularly those from 19
to 60 pounds above normal weight, will b
mtereated to leara that they might reduce
Veifht and measurements wails eatiog all
they need and while really enjoying the
becoming deader and healthier. Nothing
strenuous; yea want this I
This should be dona by asinff Koreia
tabules, also following simple rales of
Koreia system that corns with the box.
ETtn a few dtys treatment is likely te)
shew a pleasing redaction. The step
should become lighter, the flesh, Inner, the
skin smoother; work seems easier and
ettMily pleasant. More haoysat feel
ing takes possession of the whole bed-
aad mind as Baperflaoas fat disappears.
If yti have tried trartoas Bulbed of
fat reduction without rsjel benefit yea may
bow be very thankful at having feead a
genEtae system. Look sod feel yesagerl
Aha te lire longer aad happier I Xnroy
Hfct It is safe, rational aad healthfaL
la each box there ie a moDey-refced
guarantee. Bey a small box of Xoreia
tabales at say hasy dreg store, er send for
free brochure, with fanv teMiroonialv-to
Swtla C StaUoa X. Vew Ink
lurincnng tne
tne convention.
Japan to Consult
Other Countries
About Mandates
Will Maintain Already Set
tled Principle of Defense
Until Time That Others
Disarm Is Reached.
Tokio, Sept. 24. (Cy The As
sociated Tress.) Japan will consult
with other members of the league
of nations relative to the desire of
the United States to reccivs equal
treatment in mandate islands of the
Facific as a feature of the settle
ment of the Y'ap question, it is said
by newspapers here. Japan will also
study the American claim to land
ownership in Y'ap, as foreigners do
not have the right to land ownership
in Japanese territory.
It is estimated that this country's
expenses .at the Washington confer
ence on limitation of armaments and
far eastern questions will be about
$2,000,000. Government leaders be
lieve the conference will be in ses
sion for two mouths.
Delegates Sail October 15
Definite decision has been reached
that the chief members of the Jap
anese delegation will sail for the
United States on board the steamer
Kishama Maru on October 15.
Another irieeting of Japanese field
marshals and the supreme war
councillors has been held and the
Yomi-Uri Shimbun declares their at
titude on the limitation of armaments
is as follows:
' Japan will maintain her already
settled principle of national defense
and no change cr alteration will be
made until the time arrives when
international disputes and trouble
can be settled without relying upon,
or resorting to, armed force. This
is because of Japan's particular na
tional status, and the situation which
exists in surrounding states.
This would indicate a change from
the previously announced decision of
Japan which supported in principle
the maintenance of l army divisions
It would seem she would be disposed
to follow other nations in actual re
Leading newspapers declare it is
the intention of army and navy au
thorities to propose definitely the re.-
duction or abolishment, o fortifica
tions in the Hawiian islands, the
Philippines and Guam in exchange
for the dismantling of Japanese for
tifications on Formosa and - the
Pescadores islands and at Port
Arthur and Bonin.
French Cardinal Dies
Rennes, France, Sept. 24. Cardi
nal Doubourgr, 9, archbishop of
Rennes since August 23, 1906, is
read. He was created a cardinal on
December 4, 1916. ':
Safe Fat Reduction
Reduce, reduce, reduce, is the slogan of
ail fat people. Get thin, be slim, is the
cry of fashion and society.. And the .over
fat wring ther hands in mortification and
helplessness ; revolting at nauseating drugs,
afraid of violent exercise, dreading the
unwelcome and unsatisfying diet, until
they hit upon the harmless Marmola Pre
scription and learn through it that the7
may safely reduced two, three or four
pounds a week without one change in thoir
mode of life, but harmlessly, secretly, and
quickly reaching their ideal of figure, with
a smoother skin, better appetite and health
than they ' have ever known. And now
comes Marmola Prescription Tablets from
the same famously harmless formula as
the Marmola Prescription. It behooves
you to learn the satisfactory, beneficial
effects of this great, safe fat reducer by
giving to your druggist one dollar for a
generous sized ease, or sending a like
amount to the Marmola Co., 4612 Wood
ward Ave., Detroit. Mich., with a request
that they mail to you a full case of Mar
mola Prescription Tablets.
Gone in 4 days
Marr T. Goldman's Hair Color re
storer does Ita work slowly but surely.
It takes from 4 to t days to restore
the natural color to your hair. But
results are perfect.
It's a clear, clean, colorless liquid
applied by combing through the hair.
Little by little the gray streaks fade
and the natural color returns.
Prove It by mailing the coupon for
the free trial eize bottle and special
application comb. Test on single lock.
Whin you know positively that your
gray hair can be restored, get a full
else bottle direct from your druggist,
or direct from ua.
BUrrT Mwaa. OtUaui IM. St. real, sftam.
L FmI. OMw. I
iol bottle of Marr
lorer with seeeial
wmjbf meerrtnm Z
olor of set heir la
Please end wr frm trial bottle of
i T. Goldman's Hair cwor Btt
Ujs fro offer. I ho neural color
Mock Jot black eark
I SMdiesibresni SfM
INsaw ,
It at.
...... I
On his SOili birthday .xc'terdy.
Dr. J. II. lU'ph. venerable Oniahan
and former health coinniUMonir
during the mayoralty of the late
Frank K. Moore, leave fur Indian
apolis to attend the Grand Army of
the Republic encampment.
"I hope to meet some of my 'bud
dies' of old Company II. the 104th
Illinois infantry, again," is the winli
of the younu-old veteran. "Only we
used to call them 'comrades' in my
Dr. Ralph will make the trip
alone, despite hi age.
This will 'lie the lirst national en
campment he attended with the ex
ception of one held in Omaha a num
ber of years ago.
"Cut I'm not too old to venture
new experiences yet." he declared.
"I'm going to 'take in' all of the en--campnient
my strength allows."
On his return trip, Dr. Ralph will
stop in Chicago and Evanston to
visit relatives.
Dr. Ralph's war service, in which
he enlisted in 1862, was principally
in the hospital corps. He did not
begin the study of medicine until
after the war, when he entered Rush
Medical college at Chicago.
Roy A. Ralph is a son.
to Death
Stops All Pain Then
the Corn Off.
Don't try to fox trot on corn tortured
feet. Get rid of your corns. If you have
Make Your Feet Happy I .Remove Thoie
Corn With "GeU-It."
never seen a corn tickled to death. Just
apply a few drops of "Gets-It" to yours.
Then watch that corn die peacefully as
if it had gone to sleep.- Soon it is nothing
but a loose piece of dead skin that you
can lift right off with your fingers.
Get after them now. Your druggist
has "Gets-It." Costs but a trifle or
nothing at all if it fails. Mfd. by E.
Lawrence & Co., Chicago.
Beware of Impostor
Not responsible for anyone claiming:
to represent this office.
Tightens Loose Skin, Removes
Deep Wrinkles.
Takes Years off.
Restores Contour.
Tirtitens Loose Skin.
Liits Drooping Mouth.
Lessens Bagsry Chin.
Hemoves "Jowls."'
Make- the Face shape
ly and Youthful.
"Lilting" tan be
done without it being
noticeable or interfer
ing with daily duties..
Moles, Pjrar e. Warts. Superfluous Hairs
"'."jiorcd New Method.
All Nose Defects Corrected
Dish or Rented
Turn-up Nose .
, "Tliih Fridge."
"Hump" or
Douh.e Stmt. .nose.
icuicklr corrected, whether from Accident,'
Disease or Blrtli.
CONSULTATION" PRF.R Call, nhnnn on
WTitA for information nhnnt. th I'm Skin '
Scalp. Features or Complexion.
Experience Counts Secure the Best.
Formerly of New Vork City
331 Kmpire Bids. Denver, Colo.
Phone Champa JK81." Thirteenth Tear ini
uenver. woououry tysiem.
Office Hours 0 to 6 and 7 to 8 Sail.
munvy uveas wiursui ijuciiivii
(Hunt's Salve and Soap) Jail in I
the treatment of Itch. Bcsema.
lUrarworaLTetterorbrherltch- I
Ins skin diseases. Try this'
treatment at our risk.
Sherman McConnell S Drug- Stores
A we want te maa yea ear book which telle
abeet SKXTOtilQUK, a restorative roaster
taot wig coot ro sntMset IT Too ere not
eares or kissfliil. Ever? nsu eeadiac a
tooie te sisrimis parsoaal weskaaaa. etc,
shook get Muo free book a enoa, -
Berry Block. Nashville, Tean.
3 l&t '"
IM I it
. m s
H-r If sTM I
i1 rK n r? a pftn ij
il I I V J I V! I A I I I I if
j Delivers Any
Your first payment of
delivers any article of furniture
worth up to $50.00 during this sale.
Extra specials for every room in your
home are being offered for the clos
ing week, of which only a few can be
shown below.
Dining Table, William and
Mary period, in Jacobean oak,
48-in. ext. top, &AO Eft
Library Table, handsome ped
estal type table, with large val
top and drawer, in rich ma
hogany finish, M 7 Cfi
i a
at. onlv '. V .WW
Three-Picce Bed Outfit, consisting of a full size steel bed with 2-inch
continuous posts and substantial fillers, a 45-pound, all layer cotton
mattress and restful, tubular link fabric spring, tQO Ef
complete ......... Vsfid&.OU
A Week Brings
Kitchen Cabinet
Let this big, efficient Hoosier
give you extra hours to do the
things you want to do by sav
ing you hundreds of needless
steps every day in your kitchen
a new Hoosier tIO AA
this Fall is only.
Restful Rocker of massive con
struction; upholstered in genu
ine leather, with full spring
seat and heavily padded arms,
special lor
Monday . . .
As Always, You Make
Your Own Terms
Article of Furniture Up to $50 j
Queen Anne Buffet, in genuine
walnut veneer, with 54-inch top
and plate mirror, J )Q
Dining Chairs, popular William
and Mary period, in Jacobean"
oak, with seats upholstered in
genuine leather, , d7 ftg
Windsor Rocker, an attractive
and comfortable model in a
beautiful mahog- JJ 1 C 7 C
any finish at. . . , V 1 0. O
Breakfast Table in walnut fin
ish, with drop sides, to take up
little space, $ J J 95
nt. .
Step Ladder Chair $1.25
This unusual value is a comfortable Kitchen
Chair that can be converted into a step ladder
so handy for reaching high places.
Good Brooms
Glass Dishes
Percolators ...
Mop Outfits .
. 1 Wl
Act Quick! Make your selection;-
Monday! Think over the things you
need most in your home whether it
is furniture, rugs, draperies or stoves
you can have it delivered at once
by making the first payment of $1.00.
Solid Oak Rocker, full spring
seat, upholstered in imitation
Spanish leather,
Whita Beauty Bassinet, a well
constructed style in white
enamel finish, with rubber-tired
wheels, is
Kroehler Bed Davenport, in
solid fumed oak, upholstered in
Spanish fabricoid,
d, opens into I
$46.50 I
full size bed,
Full Size Bed, 1 in imitation
quartered oak, with panel head
and foot, for
Monday only
m i
Telephone Stand, in fumed oak,
with wide top, like cut, only the
stool has a back, dj Q
Monday at V
Day Values
$7.45 I
. -31t
. . 08t
Galv. Pails 29f
Rolling Pins ....190
Box Stationery. .170
Wash Tubs 980
Bread Boxes . .$1.98