I THE DEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SKF1KMUKK Itf-'l. Control Board Member Praises New Prisou Head u Miller Right Man for . Reformatory Warden Men Tor Him Strong," t Sayi Obrrlif. Member of ihc Mate lio.nl "l i control, whuh overcr all a"tmtic i I in state intitution. looKcd :iM over tlic country for a nun to lake charge - of the rr(ornitry at Lincoln, then I came to Omaha and 'i'krJ Aiiuuntit ; UJu) Miller, according to l- C. Uliertiri. a nieinhrr of the buard, ; who Hikc lirforr the Kinani club at the Rome hotel yesterday it-wn. j According to Mr. Ohcrlii. Mr v Miller bai proven the right in.'.u for the place and the men at the reform- alory are "for him strong." Gtu made a name for himself v lu'le in ; Omaha as a director of outdoor "Hunts." i Mr. Oberliet described how the t Mate of N'chraxka took care of it" 6,009 dependent who arc in t lie 17 public institution a and how., through ' humane methods coupled with efti- ciency, it is reclaiming useful ciiircns. I F. V. Booth, superintendent of the School for the Deaf here, ajso came in for a share of the bouquets which i' were passed out. , "Nearly SO per cent of the insane return home cured; 70 per cent of our incorrigible hoys arc redeemed ; .to useful citizenship; 8S per lent of the girls from Geneva make Rood; a ""large percentage of the convicts go into useful lives; feeble minded arc Tediy'i Attractions. Sun Tom Moore in "Dealing the Game." ... , Riailto Mary Mile. Mutter in "!rr W inning Way." Strand Ueuy i ompson in "At the fcnd of the World." Moon "Fine JVathcr. Empress "M -lid of the West." Muse "The Kcutuckian.'' Grand Prank Mayo in "The Shark Mater." I.on I haiiey, uho achieved such a notable since in "The Miracle man," in wliieh Hetty Compson won her first fame, appear with Mist ('(impson again in a picture, "Por J hose We Love," which opens to morrow at the Sun theater. I.uiian I.ittlrfield has been added to the ca-t ui "Kent Free," which is Wallace Kcid's latest picture.. .Wording to various reports House l'etm. who plays the leading male role in "The Invisible Power,' wa born in Ireland. South Africa. Australia, Canada. Cincinnati, and New York City. The truth is he was born in Bristol, England., ' Louise Lovely is one of the most widely known of leading women. Her nio-t notable work has been with William Farnum. She had an important role in "The Old Nest." taught to support themselves by trades; a large percentage cl the tubercular patients are cured; blind and deaf are taught useful occupa tions and the old soldier, their widows and orphans are cared for by the state," Mr. Obcrlics said. California claims to lead the states in the value of its fish products. Injunction Suit Is Filed Against .Coal Mine Union triit and the I'nitcd Mine Work its' orgiuuatiou, which contracts, H it averred, provide for cUc4 shon and the payment of the "check olf." Fi ruit Vender Victim Of Fake Revenue Man Virginia, Corporation Ak Retraining Ortlcr to Protect JntcreU in Mingo and Tike Counties. Indianapolis, Sept. 2J. Suit ask ing an injunction agamst tne United Mine Workers of America, its ofli cert and members was filed in the United States district court of Indiana by the IWderland Coal cor poratiou of Virginia, to prevent the union from interfering with the em ployes of the corporation in the i hacker and Williamson coa" field of Mingo county, W. Va and Pike county, Ky. It is asserted that the mine work ers' organization is an "unlawful combination and conspiracy acting in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law, the Clayton anti-trust law and in violation of sound public policy." The plaintiff asks that the court enjoin the organization "from fur ther continuing in any way or man ner whatsoever, its activities and policies against the plaintiff or from seeking further to obtain the objects of said policy." 1 The plaintiff avers that it tirings the suit on behalf of itself and 02 coal mining companies and operators having their mining plants in the Thackcr and Williamson districts. The court is asked jo adjudge as illegal and void, contracts heretofore entered into between the operator of the central competitive field and the operators of other unionized dis- Tony Damato it out $20 and lie feel his on keenly, lony it an aged Italian and keeps the wolf from the family portals by selling fruit. candy ami cigars at a small Hand at . - . . r. . I .a. 1 wenty-iouriu KM South Twenty-fourth street. Yesterday, a stranger appeared at his stand and, claiming to be a reve nue officer, demanded that Tony pay him the sum of $12 as a license on the stuck of candy and cigars, according to the story recited at police lieadiuartert yesterday aftsj noon. , With simple faith. Tony went into the sock where he keeps his savings, and produced a $20 bill. When he demanded a receipt or something to show for his money, the stranger tore a leaf from hi notebook and ..;r..r.l it I. II. Rurkett. He then took the $20 and said he would goi and gel it changed, jony waueu in vain for his return. Uaplift Association Favors Disarmament Lincoln, Sept. 23. (Special.) The Nebraska Baptist association, in convention here, unanimously passed resolutions directed to President Harding, expressing themselves in favor of disarmament. Mean Burglars Steal Children's Vittrola The theft of a Victrola from the Edward Koscwater school Thursday night saddened the hearts of the kid dies who had given their pennies, nickels and dimes toward the pur chase price of the instrument. Of firm Tour Da)a oil Road With Haudeuffed IVWouer Dcttctives Del Rich ami Robert I teller re ached Omaha j rsterday afternoou direct from Minol, N. P.. with a prisoner, Frank R. Keating, 2o05 North Thirtieth ttreet, hand cuifed between them. Keating was arretted a week ago in Mmot on a charge of stealing an automobile from timer Cope of Omaha. The detectives were four days on the road with their prisoner, and plowed through ltJ miles of South Dakota tuna. . Wiriie on tne roan, Kcatin wa handcuffed alternately to each of the detectives. Why Do You Coddle Corns? ' Simple Touch Can End Them and at One WHY pare a corn and keep it? Why pad it and let it remain? Or w hy treat it in old ways, harsh, crude and uncertain? Millions have found a new way. It is Blue-jay the plaster or the liquid. A touch applies it, and the pain stops in stantly. Then the whole corn quickly loosena and comes out. The way is gentle, scientific, sure. A famous expert evolved it. A world famed surgical dressing house produceslt. ' It is freeing thousands of people why not you? Try it on one corn and you will always let it end yours. Start tonight. Your druggist has Liquid or Plaster Blue-jay stops pain-ends corns a Bauer & Black product One Minute ' Store Talk . "There is so much conflict ing talk about prices that you are justified in urging every body to compare values. Mere price talk Is absurd and every man knows it. You people are doing the Clothing business of the West because you see to it that the public gets the values," said en observing customer. JOHN A. SWANSON, PRES. . WM. L. HOLZMAN, TREAS. SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. SATURDAY Worlds' Supremely Best Clothes ARE YOU ENJOYING GREATER NEBRASKA VALUES? is ;. r - i i h- 'I m'A- : V t,:B S - , B t:.-.-i II i. .- : I . i ; i Priced One-Third Less Than Last Year! THE masterpieces of the world's finest clothes makers -clothes built up to the highest standard known and priced down to the lowest limit fully one-third less than last year. Never before in this store's many years of con- ! , scientious clothes service to the people of this com munity have we put forth such extraordinary efforts to secure the finest values obtainable. Thousands Upon jThousands of Men's, Young tMen's and Younger Young Men's mtaI0vr(D)afe Newest Fall and Winter Styles 2 to $50 "r, New Prices Fact Last Year You Paid $35 to $75 New Young Men's Suit models in scores of varia tions in sport styles, single and double-breasted mod els in every shade and fab ric that's new this season. New The business man looking for finely tailored clothessuperb quality fab rics and custom service without the annoyance of a try-on, gets it. New Younger Young Men's styles. Youths' finest long trouser suits. Ages 14 to 18 years. A revelation awaits you here in entirely new Fall styles. YOUR Winter Overcoat -AWAITS YOU Plaid back veltin in scares of nw atngto and double breasted midil,, : Great caatt, leather Vaka coata, fur cel lar eaate, fmest im parted aTarcaata. Aa vercoat exaa- - aitJea in ever , ua $20to'$85 New Fall Top Coats $25.00 to $45.00 New Fall Gaberdines $25.00 to $35.00 Please realize the importance to you of choosing . . Fall Clothes at Headquarters featuring: Kuppenheimer Good Clothes Society Brand Clothes Fashion Park Clothes Hickey-Freeman Clothes Langham Clothes A Vast Fall Style Exposition ,. Nothing Less Than jhe World's Best Fall Shirts, Sweaters, Underwear, Stetson Hats, Mallory Hats, Hurley Fine Shoes ' ' ' Largest Selections Lowest in the City Prices. . SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY . JOrWV SJWkW0Saa.i J J'l', ,MAA mm '- mi nminnn iar -LJ--- isssaQ COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS CORRECT .APPAREL . FOR MEN AN D .WQMEX l iW sa ..aei ,rft is tf h ,0, mY"ltyfi is " 'Or Selling by Sample IT WAS said at uuc time that "Plat forms had virtue iu the. things they. implied ns well as in the thinp that they said." it is today with our ntoelc of. merchandise. lorp opiwrtunities are offered to ' Secure New Garments and Things of Fashion Desirable and Useful Materials Goods Available at Especially Lowered Prices than can bo here described. The items described below , arc but a sample of what is provided for your benefit in very nook and. coriicr of this store. , -V Fashion and .Value Are Combined in These Groups: Tailored and Fur- I a n Exceptional Purchase and Sale of Jersey Silk Bloomers Of good quality silk jersey, well made, gen erously cut and in all lengths. Your choice ot every wanted color Including black, navy, taupe, brown, turquoise, henna, flesh, em. erald and American beauty. The quantity is limited to 110 pieces and will be particu larly appreciated by those who know good values and will not last long at the Special Saturday Price or Trimmed Suits Jn modes that appeal. Tailored models come In tricot) do, hair-line stripes and velours, while the fur trimmed models come In velours and velotir de laine with fur collars of squirrel and ringtail. Colors, navy, brown and taupe. This j ! a email lfit nt enita nAfiall ' priced for Saturday at, BECOXD TI.OOR i 30 Silk Dresses A small lot of 30 silk dresses, mainly of taffeta, trieotino and combinations in navy, brown and black; lace, embroidery and eyelet JOLT 00 work are some tf the attractive jT trimmings. Saturday, rpecial, SECOND FLOOR $2.69 A Sale of Coats and Wraps 'ihcio are only about 30 in this group of tailored tricotlne coats, polos, and novelty velours; also wool jersey and satin capes and covert and tricotlne lop coats. Some of these coats and wraps were inado to sell at double the price at wiiich tbey will be sold for Saturday, $39.75 for Children and Juniors New Fur Trimmed Suits Sliea 14 la IS For the junior girl there is nothing more attractive than the youthful modish -hilts this season that come in flare, ripple and straight line effects with soft fur col lars of beaverette, nutria, squirrel, ,.and Australian opossum." In order to get a ' ' full season's -wear and full value, both as to style and service, purchases should be made now. The pricings are most modest at , " ' $29.50. S3S..10. S49.50 and S67.50 New Children's Hats Sizes to 14 Venn. Delightfully youthful shapes in velvets, velours, duve- tyne, beaver, satins, geor gettes . and combinations, embodyltag all the attractive . . "frills" 'of the season and ; In autumn colorings ;: $3.50. $5.00. $7.50. $10.50 and np Special Lots for Juniors ; s8 Junior Dresses 14 find 16 years. , i Of taffeta, crepe de chine, satin and georgette com binations. Also 4 party dresses of net and silver ' , , cle-th. A number in this lot 5 were originally .priced .-to j sell at about double the, present price. Special ; ' " S25.00 , V Gingham Flapper Dresses 6 to 14 year Fresh new gingbam dresses , , with long sleeves for home and school wear, in small "J, and large checks in pfnk, ; red, blue, brown and green. also in plaids and stripe3, as well as solid colors. Chambray in pink, blue, . buff and brown with con trasting colors. $2.50. $3.50 and $5.00 Junior Coats and Wraps 14 to IT year. Also a few smart capes in- y eluded. Polos, velours, jer sey, heather mixtures, tweed, serge and satin. These are just the comfort- ' able weight garments Tor 1 cool mornings and evenings. There are only about 38 in the lot.. Special, $15.75 ; , ij School Suits ' 13 to 16 year. In tweeds and navy serge. -Just the weight suit for im- -mediate wear. Special' ; $9.95 Hand Bags For Ladies , Ladies' all leather hand bags in several kinds ot leather, including Morocco, patent : leather and calf skin in brown, black and nary. Spe cial, each, - '$3.95 Ladies.' back strap and top strap purses, each $1.10 Lace Collars - A grouping of ladles' lace collars for . coats and dresses',- also vvestees with collars. Each, 98 , And an I'nnsnal Assortment Of real fillet and Irish cro chet collars at eacfi . $2.00 to $12.50 Ileal fillet and Irish crochet ' vesteo and collar i sets ' $5.00 to 822.50 Organdie collar and cuff sets, . $1.00 to $4.50 1 bat Hill Appeal to Tour Good Taste and Fuse. Men's Section 50c HURRAH! Silk socki at 60c. Makes one think of home and mother and the , good old days before the war. Black and colors. Special, per pair, Margadine ailks wrought into the four-in-hand of fashion in genteel plain colors, and offered at the attractive price bt . 65 Ribbons-- j Are considered an essential trim for modern garments. Many other uses have grown into popularity, such as the making of . VANITY BAGS POWDER PUFFS GARTERS . . -,. LINGERIE SETS, , BABY SETS . ? An unusual color assort ment will - be : found , in Picots, trimming ribbons and sash ribbons. am House Dresses Attractive styles of Araoskeag ginghaniain checks, plaids and stripes; also pink and blue'-chambray s with pioue. orsrandic and nonlin trimmino'e Manu . of the popular Trite Worth and L'Aiglon brands 111 til Id cnaAtal iXf Va : a. V oiwiui miv iwii. cw y oidX; m me amereni styles, dui eaen-aress will ; instantly be recognized as a very special bargain. Sizes 34 to 46 inclusive. Saturday, at - . , House Dress Section Second Floor. :3 Tie Butterick Publishing Cox Have a special representa tive at our Pattern Section to make you a saving offer on ' - .. Delineator Subscriptions Cups and Saucers Of Japanese ware f 1 in China Section, I .f 3aturday AVV title Tots Hats Bontka to 3 year. Shipment just received in v poplin, velvet, crepe de chine and satin. They are ' most fetching and attrac tively priced at ' , $1.75. $2.75. $3.75 -to $7.50 4 Saturday Savings Toilet Goods Section , Coty's L'Origan Face Pow der, - , . ge Pcpsodenf tooth paste, :39c '..Physiclana and' Surgeons' . Soap, 8e i Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal, 94 e Jcrgen's Benzoin and Al mond Lotion, S3e Djer Kiss Talcum, 18 : $1.00 Listerine, 85e Pebeco Tooth Paste, 39c Haskin's Hardwater Castile .Soap, Je Mary Garden TAlcum, ??e ' Non Spi, ; ' ; Resinol Soqd. ' ,' Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream, Cutlcura Soap, ' Woodbury's Soap, .. Piver's Face Powder, Ideal Hair Brushes, Bedding Values, on the Floor Below ' It's a good thing you are dealing at retail. Wholesalers and manufacturers are reminding us that cotton ha3 advanced 10 cents a pound. What w ill that ' . mean? Prices below are based on the lowest market and will hold while 1 the goods last . " . . " - ' , Pillow Cases , 251 29 39 42x36 Cable Pillow Cases, each, - f,' 42x36 Hurricane Pillow Cases, each 42x36 H. S. Dallas Pillow Cases, each, 45e 42x36 Scalloped Pillow Cases, each. ,45c ' ; Cotton Blankets . 60x76 Gray and Tan Blankets, pair, 66x80 Gray and Tan Blankets, pair, 70xS0 Gray and Tan Blankets, pair, 70x80 Plaid Blankets, pair,.' 66x80 Jacquard Blankets, pair $1.95 $2.45 .95 2.8." ; ' . Sheets 81x90 Hercules Sheets, each,' Fort Sheets, each, 81x99 Goodwear Sheets, each. 81x99 Rugby Sheets, each, 81x99 Pequot Sheets, each, ; V Wool Blankets C6x89 25 Wool Blankets, pair -70x80 40 Blankets, pair t 72x8 4 63 Wool Blankets, pair, 11 70x80 100 Wool Blankets, pair." 70x80 Homespun Blankets, pair, ' ' S3c I Me 1 19c 5 89e I 9Se i ; ; :' $i.25- I 04 rariL $1.59 $1.95 T $4.95 - i $7.75 ? S8.95 f $8.95 I $10.75 A 4 39c. P i IksMttflaAAattMMBMAAjttaVMavJr?! r -.t a - w, 4 4- ' - a-A, ,4 A auh laT-tvy- ri tmiailWl m '-t VVr - na. .-.a.a .1 a- i. ... . - fa' .. - 1 .V -- z . . - v- .a. y