UIK liKL: U.MAHA. SATUliUAV. SKPTKMHEU 24, 11)21. President. Urges People to Attend Red Cross Meet J larding Call Attention to National Contention and Scti Forth Puruodci of Organization. Washington, Sept. 2.1 Present i larding, in a kUlrmcut to tlic Amrr. ai people, called attention to the lationul convention cf the Kcd C'ro t Columbiu next month and invit rd tupport lur it. The taietiifir follows; "To llic American people: "The executive committee of ft J American lieii I'ron ha arrange! ior a national convention to be lielu . at Columbus. O., October 4-8. m.( tlioive. It particular object is the I jwmLliiiir ot a many at tiosible ' the Rre.it ntmiber of devoted men ind women uho undertook oluit ;ury ten ice in In half uf humanity ti'uriiij; the World war. Many of libtin ate till giving time and activi st y to the permanent program of the "lied Cro and the convention will .lonccrn itself with a dicu;ion of Mhoe activities at they hear cm the Jpretent and future welfare of the nation. "1'uLlic mettiiiK!) will he addicted -,ty distinguished speaker and the convention will be brought to a close !' a pageant setting forth in attrac tive fashion, the hiMory of the Amer ican Kcd Cross and the program of service mapped out for the future. "As president of the American Na tional Red Cro$, 1 invite all who .liave at heart the continuation of tjie helpful and patriotic service of this MirKanization to join in every con sistent way all efforts to insure the success of this convention. Mda Elevator Hums; Loss Estimated at $20,000 - Grand Island, N'cb., Sept. 2.1. Zi Special Telegram.) The elevator ? vwiicd by G. E. Calnon of A Ida w as completely destroyed by fire, to gether with its content. The loss Jn the building is estimated at ;Ir'.tHHi and the grain ?,0UO. The Virigin is unknown. The loss is cov ered by insurance. . The Grand Island fire department vas called to assist and sent its 3n;ck, covering the eight miles in 18 .minutes. It was able to assist only jn protecting the adjacent bi'ildings. tW more Vy-.CT.U. Elects Convention Delegates i Wymore, Neb., Sept. 23. (Spcc Delegatei eloctcd to the W. C. U. conference at Liberty, Septem ber 3 were: Mrs. L, N. rulton. Mrs. M'harles Shantz, Mrs. Morris Jones, iiui Alia. Ililit v.iiupui;il. The following officers were elect ed: President, Mrs. Sarah Spcal nian; vice-president, Mrs. V. S. .If us ton; secretary. Mrs. C. Kinnc on; treasurer; Mrs. Morris Jones. Tenant on Glenover Varnr 5 Fined $5 for Taking Plow 4 Beatrice. Neb.. Sept. 23. (Spe cial.) William Malstead, young Jariner living in Glenover. .was brought before Judge Ellis charged wiVh. the theft of a walking plow Mucd at J25 from V, A. Kansdcll i this citv. He was employed as a Texas Wildcat, Its Owner and Pilot, Who Will Fly It II 1', v I '7&$tM I - 1 rT'- llll I,. i HI J can ?-ii This is e "Texas Wild was built especially for its owner, S. E. J. Cos of I lot: .ton, Tex., w ho was in Omaha Thursday to enter it in the speed races of the aero con gress which will bo held here the iirst of November. C. U. D. Collycr, Omaha air mail pilot, who flics between Omaha and Cheyenne, completed arrangements Thursday to pilot the ship. 1 he j plane is said to be capable ot JUU miles an hour. Dedication of New Park Marks Opening Of Arlington Fair vtcnant on Ransdcll's truck farm and ?AntittrA tll-inor ill nlnw hpinitcr the Wncr owed him. He was 'ordcredfeounty represented. There is also a Fremont, Neb., Sept. 23. Wash ington county fair opened with the dedication cf the new Arlington park and fair ground, recently purchased bv the city for the express purpose of staging county live stock shows and exhibits. Practically cvtry citi zen of Arlington contributed time or money in preparing the new grounds for the first exhibition and in a short time erected many build ings. A beautiful lagoon for boat ing and bathing surrounds ihe en tire park. ' A record-breaking crowd was reg istered at the gates for the first day. The exhibits surpass all previous displays of live stock. I here is an unusually fine display of hogs,, in cluding all popular bfecds. The school exhibits arc better than ever, with every district in the the Main street paving for?" Al ready numerous amusing and semi serious answers have been received and are being displayed in the win dow of the merchant. Woman Confess To Murdering Her Husband hv Aeid Akron, U., Uumucb .Man Dies From Inhaling Fume Wife Under I'olit e (Jnard In Hoiipital. Akron. O.. Sept. 2J,-Mr. Min nie I.. Ucrr. 42. u in the l'coplc' j hospital today MifU-ring from a nerv ous collapse follow ing her enation lal confeion last night to the throw 1 inu of aeid into the face of her hus- hanu, .Mvm k. ucrr, ."vwron ihimucss man, uho died trom inhaling the poisonous fumes. A charge of murder was entered against licr on the police court docket. Mr. Derr arrested in her home, following funeral service over Iter husband's body yesterday afternoon, broke down under questioning last night and shrieked, "yes, 1 threw it." Admits Acid Throwing. "Oil. God I didn't mean to kill him. 1 didn't want to kill him." she moaned and then tell in a faint on the floor. In an adjoining room her four children heard the screams which marked the confession. Three of them had refused to believe their mother was guilty. The fourth, Harry, aged 20 years, smiled grini Iv. I "Don't blame my mother for cut- j ting the telephone wires and locking the door of my room," he told of- j ficcrs following the confession. i Husband Unfaithful. "I did that. Cut I never. would; have told, no matter how much 1 1 might have been tortured." I f. nomc maue uunappy inrougn; her husband's attentions to other' women was the cause tor her act, I Mrs. Derr confessed. j "We had quarreled alter we re turned home last Saturday night,"' she added. "I did not sleep the rest. of the night." The acid was thrown upon Derr as he slept early .Sunday morning. Red Cross Nurse Employed For Cheyenne County I.odgcpolc, Neb., Sept. 23. (Spe cial.) Miss Pearl Pope of Ann Ar bor, Mich., is the Red Cross public health nurse for Cheyenne county. She will have charge of medical in spection work of school children and will teach a class in home nursing. LFather Finds Son$ Lifeless Body in Road U'rcuiout, Xeb., Sept, 2J. (Special Telegram.) hverctt Kelly, 20, North Rend. ut found dead in the roadway about one mile from his home at 12:30 this morning: by his father, Martin Kelly, when reports of a stranded automobile reached the Kelly home. It is believed that young Kelly wa the victim of his own khotguu when be started to re move it trom tne tonneau ot the car, bent on scaring oft watrmclon thieves in a neighboring field. The shot penetrated his breast and neart ami lie lived nut long enough to stacser out in front nf hi ma. chine to fall face downward in the oust. J lie discharged gun was found lying nearby. Young Kelly iau maue a practice the pat few iukiiis oi keeping waicn on ni father s melon patch and driving the marauders away ty tiring his shot unit into the air. Mrs. T. V. (iauchcii. bis sister was returning' from a church affair about midnight when she saw the apparently abandoned car stalled by the road. She continued to the Kelly home and informed the father, who immediately went to the scene and found the lifeless body of ins son. .a coroners inquest deter mined tne shooting was accidental Geneva Farmers Organize To Market Dairy Products Geneva, Neb., Sept. 23. fSocciaH Several meetings have been called to consider better marketing of tiairy products and resulted in the organization of the Geneva Co-oper ative Farm Products company. The directors elected this week were C. M. Pierce, W. J. Eavey, Guy Brown, . A. t. kelson, Henry Schmidt Hoy Davis and C. W. Dcrcmiah, Articles of incorporation provide for a capital stock ot JoU.lM). As soon as a charter has been secured, ser- titicates of stock will be issued and final arrangements made for han dling milk, cream, poultry and caes The manufacture of ice cream may be started by the company. Wymore Ili-Y Club Hears Talk on Camp Sheldon Wymore. Xeb., Sept. 23. (Spec i&n The Hi-Y club of the Wymore high school heard Dr. McCrackcn, county secretary, talk on Camp Sheldon and boy ideals. A confer ence of Hi-Y officers and commit teemen from over the county will be held at the county camp, September 29. .to return filled $5. " ,the property ; and was Construction Resumed Z Un Church at. Beatrice f; Beatrice, Xeb., Sept. '23. (Spec ial) The members of the Church fbf the Xazarene have resumed work tn the new edifice, which was shut '.clown early last summer for lack of Sunds. , Rev. C. E. Ryder, the pas Aor, is superintending the . construc tion. ' ,' ' good display of domestic and fine art work at the Arlington exhibition. Plaltsmouth Man Seeks Reason for Holes in Street Plattsmouth, Xeb., Sept. 23. (Special.) To further the project of Main street repaying, which is taking a slow course through the city council, Philip Thicrolf, Platts mouth merchant,, is conducting a prize contest for the best answer to the question, "What are the holes in DERC5 SUITS ME Ku ppenhe m m tmer Made Clothes for Men and Young Men EXTRA VALUES $35 $40 $45 $50 Other Good Makes, $20 and Up. These new Fall Suits are extra values iii every way. You will agree when you try one on. Extra gobd w oolens, extra well designed and made in shops which stand fore most in the ranks of tailoring. ' ' Gabardine Coats, '$25 to $40. Top Coats, $25 to $35. New Fall New Fall New The Best in Town. The Price Is Right, v $2.50 to $10. Shirts Style, Quality and Fitting make our Shirts the most de sired.;: ; $1.15 to $7.50. m Underwear srfor- "The House of Kuppenheimer Clothes'? All- Mew; A Sale of Wool Worsted Fall Suits More Than 500 Beautifully Made Suits at This Price Most men will quickly realize that this is a new low price on high quality clothing. Season's newest and' most authentic models, double and single-breasted- or belted ef fects in all the new stripes, fancy pin checks and overplaids. Tailored . and designed of highest grade fabrics. ' ilflivml storr ' for hiKh Nchoot cadet sultx. ' Great Style Exhibit KIRSCHBAUM Hand Tailored Clothes $35 $40 $45 New Fall Hats New Band Caps Just brim full of quality and raluc and such wonderful snap- , py styles you'll like the price, too, Saturday $3.50 In' neat, new herring-bones, plain brown broadclolhs, novel ty. English tweeds,, full of style, Saturday, at $2.50 Friday Banner Day at Nuckolls County Fair N'fUon, Neb., Srpt, 2.'.(Sicviul Telegram.) Friday a the tanner day of the N'uikoll county (air ml new reeorui were en:i!lihnl. Ihe nock display and exhibit! in all dr- partnienu everpt (rim tme Urge. More hog ond rattle were liuii tlun at any prrvlvu (4!'. Suntinarv of the aula nicr: Two and a hall niile: Wmi hv Ivutlichild, driving a IVerlrtt; Kith unit hi I rx lank krcuiid; W'ilUrd driving a Munror, third; JackcU Mai fourth with hi Siihen. lime, J:I7. In the N'uckoll county derby, evrn U, llauulidtil ua the hri tu if ox. the 4P 111 hit truitleiucc with Allui Actu, tt'ond; Kink.', third; Kith, (omili, limr, 4 ;10. AlUn drove a niile in lW nl llaulicUlil a lull in J J J-i, luri mg the track rrcord by two ciuiiU. J'hi four-Ian coukohituled wim by lUitlulnld, WilUrd. rcuml Jackd. third. Time. .' .Ij ,1.5. D II D D D D D D D 0 D D D D 0 D D D D D 0 n D a II D D n II D D n D D D II D D Prices lashed ON 0 Liora 1 Hires Non-Skid, Heavy Duty Mason Cord Tires with a 10,000 mile guarantee at these unheard of prices 30x312 . .$1$.75 32x312 ....... ,$2550 . 32x4 ,..$32.50 33x4 .,,....$32.75 34x4 ,,.,...$33.50 32x42. i..... 436.50 33x4 $37.50 34x412.., ,,,,$38.75 35x4 ..$39.50 36x412..,,,,; $40.50 33x5 ,, ;.,,,$46.25 35x5 ,,: $47.50 37x5 ,,$50.00 Truck Owners Attention 34x5 y $49.50 38x7 ,,.,..,,$95.25 36x6 ,,.,.,..,$69.50 40x8 ....... .$125.00 Non-Skid Fabric, J) VLJ Xrv II VO OnarantMd 7,500 Miles $12.50 This is not a forced sale of bankrupt stock. These tires are all fresh stock made by a successful company. No Blemishes or Seconds! tire guaranteed by the Mason Tire & Rubber Co. and Ourselves Po mm Jl nire at THESE REMARKABLY LOW PRICES with unequalled service. ; ergeir fire SerMce C Liaiffl) Telephone AT-lantic 1373 2220 Harney Street Lionberger Service Satisfies u a D o D D D D D D D D a D 0 D D D 0 D II D D D D 1 II II 0 D D D D II D 1415 Farnam Street