Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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Minnesota and
Dakota Farmers
Share Big Loan
litjuily Co-opf rathe Exchange
1 Operating in Three States
To Get $13,000,000 of
Finance Hoard.
Washington, Sept. 23. Advuiuej
11 $15,000,000 for agricultural pur
postt, announced yesterday by the
war finance corporation will be made
available to grain growers having
membership in the Equity Co-operative
exchange, operating in Min
nesota and North and .South Dakota,
otlirial said today.
I 1 he announcement of the ad-y-inccs
ai made yenterday by the
corporation omitted the name of the
association in accordance with the
corporation policy not to make pub
lic the name of borrowers unless
thrir permission were given.
The agreement entered into be
tween the corporation and exchange
ua raid by officials of the former
today to provide that the $13,000,
Out) credit will be available for use
kt soon as the wheat crop is in ware
houses and receipts ran be t'ueed as
crtirity (or the actual loans.
Ihe corporation today announced
approval of applications for advances
totalling $4,lj0,iw0 to assist in
financing exports of cotton and to-
Third Sutprct in Iowa
Hank Robbery Ii Nabbed
Lincoln, Sept. Zi . OpeckU
Statc Sheriff Uui Ilym received a
telegram today from Karl Schniitt,
jr.. a deputy, that he has Everett
Johnson tinder arret at Minneapolis.
Johnon is alleged to be the third
member of a gang of highwaymen
who held up and robbed the Green
ville, la., savings bank, September II.
Kaymond Yorty and William De
Brest, the other two members of the
fang, were arrested on the streets of
.incoht by Ilyers and Schmitt lat
Monday. After a two-hour coss-ex-uninatioji
they confessed to the rob
bery and implicated Johnson. They
told the oflicers he stole a car in
Lincoln and went to Minneapolis to
get married. Schmiit left that night
for Minneapolis.
More than $1,000 in Liberty bonds
and a number of weapons were found
in the boy' room in Lincoln.
Barking Coyotes
Foil Bank Robbery
.Neighbor to Rank Near Lin-
coin Disturb Yegg While
At Work.
Lincoln. .Sept. 23. (Special.)
Barking of wild coyotes saved the
Farmers State bank at Prairie Home
from being robbed last night.
Arthur Reed, who lives directly
across the street from the .bank, was
awakened at 2 a. m. by the brking
of coyotes at the edge of town. He
rose and saw three men breaking
into the bank, and notified L. A.
Wcstland, cashier. Wcstland told
Reed to get a gun and stand outside
w hile he got a posse.
Reed went outside and yelled
"hey" at the robbers who were in
side the bank.
Thev ran outside and down the
street Reed fired after them.. They
escaped in an automobile, parked on
the outskirts of town.
Cast County Court Has
Largest Docket in Yean
Atlantic, la , Sept. JJ. (Special.)
Cass county' largest di.trict court
docket in 20 jeari is facing Judge
J Earl Teters, who is holding court
There are 1W caes, civil and
equity. The next largest docket was
at a term a number of years ago
when the then Judge William R,
Green, now congressman, was jn the
bench, Hut docket contained 1J8
There was no work for the grand
jury at the present term of court
Hid the jurymen were discharged.
Women Offer Selves and
Sen ices by Advertisement
Springfield, Mo., Sept. 23. Two
women here yesterday offered to sell
themselves and their services to the
highest bidders. The first .woman
offering herself for kale inserted an
advertisement in the newspapers
which read, "will offer myself to
the highest bidder in order to sup
port my angel." The woman has a
child, age 5. The other woman of
fered to gamble on her earnings for
one year, offering per cent of her
wages for a room.
Tk first s4(f tasfarst
rsssl Coffeo satltfs
tiesi I tebcltng lk
right tosussi or Mead.
If yoo know exactly
kat yoa waat, lasiat
open lu It act, try
goo4 standard Wtads
til yea salt year in
dlvidaal UU suusetly.
joint come TRADE
M Wall Strati NtvYwb
the wvnSFdrink
iv vwnt Ads i'roduce Results.
mm w i- i -i.Tx-aim as&.
s. b. con. tea &. jacksou srs.
Charge Accounts
Invited ,
Women's Pumps, Oxfords in
black and . tan leather?, at a
pair, $5.95 Up.'
Pipe and' Pipele$$ ;
' u .... -
Wolverine Furnaces
your own
on the
The labor and
Ihe fuel you
, will save and
the comfort you
will receive will
more than
make up for
the small pay
ments. It is not
an encumbrance
but an invest-
m e n t and
as money in tho
' Completely
Price guaran
teed against
further decline.
More than lBO,"
000 in use.
Place Your Order Now and Avoid the Fall Ruah
Every plant is installed under
a guarantee bond of a million
doliar factory. We heat your
home or we do not take your
money. , . . ' ;
Burns the soot that clogs the
ordinary furnace. Burns soft
coal without puffing back; gas
and smoke cannot escape into
your rooms. Burns any kind of
' fuel. -5 - , ,
Mid-Western Appliance Go.
' 413 South 15th Street '
Phone AT lantlc, 4289 for an Engineer's Opinioa
Sat Remarkable
Savings Saturday
Men's $35 TivoPants
Suits Saturday at . . .
APROMINENT eastern manufacturer needed
business to keep his organization together.
He intimated that he'd make large price con
cessions to accomplish'that result. We took im
mediate advantage of this offer. The "result is
this great sale offering an unusual money-saving
opportunity. v
More and more
men are becom
ing converted-to
the two-trouaers
idea. A 1 w a y s
ready never 'out
of press.' , ,
The suits are all styled
in the newest single or
double breasted models.
Snappy suits for the
young man and more
conservative fashions
for those who prefer
The man who is concerned about his appearance
knows the value.of that extra pair of pants. One pair
can always be kept on hand, cleaned and pressed ready
for any occasion. And besides, two pair of pants prac
tically double the life of the suit. ; ,
Boys' Fine Cordurty
Mothers if y ;
eek suit that is "
certain ' to deliver
the greatest meas
ure of service for
the price paid, we
can, recommend ''
these . sturljr
corduroy C Qfi.,
suiU ... VVI0W
Style, clever, from coat collar to trouser,
cuff. ; The youth in his teens -takes pride
in . wearing such clothes as these. - The
values are as good as .we CI C ftA
have ever offered at , . , . , , sPlO.UU
v Need Sekotl .
No better time
than NOW to buy
them, for here are
dark. . serviceable
patterns, well tail
ored it s ridicu-.
lously low (1 MQ
price.Pair fliO
Prices Are Much LOWER
Than Last Fall
On Smart Fall Suits, Coats,. Dresse and Millinery
Here you will find a convincingly lower range of reasonable prices and an
equally, convincing . superior showing of new fall apparel created especially
for women who want styles that are fashionable and becoming made up in
fabrics that are the best. .. j
Lovely Dresses-?
Ever so many styles to choose from
in the very materials and dsfl MIC
colors in which you look your !k U eJ
best. Tricotine, Poiret Twill, x fd
Duvetyne, Canton, crepe, J V?
satin, etc, are to be had '
j New Fall Hats
Practical Suits-
The settled styles of the season are
represented in suits tailored dtf"V ff A
along dressy lines or smart- ' Wm lljlf
ly trimmed wjth fur; the ,T J VI
fabrics were selected for . : mf UP
their excellent service. . t, , : " -
Every hat in our Autumn displays is a carefully
selected creation And whether it be large or small,'
every one bears that unmistakable air of exclusive-nei-s;
prices ranging from ......... .... .......
$5 w
Binner Corsets
Expert .Binner ;
'Corsetiere Service
McbaU' Printed
' Patterns , '
Make Home Sewing
-' i Eaay
Hayden Bros.' Store in Bright Readiness for
Outfitting of Men, Women and Children for'Auturrin
A Maker Sacrifice
Saturday! Special!
t v Full Pound Boxes
Usual $1.00
and $1.25
Quality, Box . .
49c i
This is a real buy! The purest and
most delicious cream centers and
toothsome nougats, covered with
an exceptionally thick coating of.
bitter sweet chocolate. :
Makers' Sample Suits
V $25.00
four choice Saturday of new Fall Suits, made up in velours,'"
duvet de lames, tneotmes and suvertoues; Made in all new
shades of browns, deers, blues, blacks and two-tone styles;
braided, embroidered, semi-taflored ; suitable for the miss and
lady or stylish, stout. Suits in: this group made to sell at
$35.00,- $40.00.. Saturday,;, at . . . .. .. .$25.00
.. Saturday in Children's Section
20 dozen Girls' and Little Tots', Gingham Dresses, all colors,
lovely styles. Dresses in this lot made to sell at $2.50, $3.00.
Saturday special, at . . . . .... ....... .A. . ...... f . ... .$1.50
.' Second Floor.
Girls' Slip-bn Sweaters, all colors;, worth $3.00. On sale'
Saturday, at . .... ........ ... 4..'. ... ..... . . ; ...... .$2.95
Girls' Winter Coats, sizes 6 to 14; made tip in 10 different"
models. Many fur trimmed. . Coats that usually made to sell :
at $15.00. Saturday special, at ..... . ; ... .v. . . . . .$10.00
Dresses in Saturday's Sale J
Choice of the Entire Lot
i and Silk Shades
Values" Up to $35 : - -
300 new dresses just received in Cantons, beaded
georgettes, satins, tricotines and serges. ...
, Saturday in the Hosiery
Women's purs thread all silk lace hose, various designs; black,
cordovan, African brown, priced at S3.98. $4.50 and S4.98
Women's full fashioned Onyx silk hosiery with Pointex beel; in
black, African brown and cordovan. Per pair ..........S2.50
Women's thread silk hose, full fashioned, large assortment of
colors. Very special, per pair- ..81.75
Women's lisle thread hose, hemmed or ribbed tops, 73c values;
special, per pair 50
Children's school hose, medium weight; black, white and cor
dovan; special, three pairs for ...................$1.00
Annex Silk Sale
Sillts at 95c
Extra special cash purchase of satin messalines, taffetas, fancy
poplins, brocaded faille, lining silks, wash satins, fancy stripe
1 satins, black silks, messaline, satin, taffeta, faille luster. To be
placed on sale Friday morning. There are T'i:rs in this lot
. ranging to450 a yard.
- Y Annex
Exceptional Shoe Values Saturday
Men's Dress Shoes, Black or Brown,
Former Price $8.50, $5.50
Saturday we. place on sale at pre-war
prices men's dark brown gun metal
blucher sboes. This is. the "Hayden
Special" and are made with Goodyear
welt oak soles. Each and every pair are
guaranteed to give entire satisfaction;
all sizes and widths from C to E.
Women's Brown Kid Lace Oxfords,
$3.00 ,
Women's brown kid lace oxfords. Mc
Kay sewed and splendid values. All Sizes
from 4 to 8.
Misses', and Child's, Boys and
Youths' Shoes, $3.50 Values, $2.50
Saturday we place on sale several hun
dred pairs of school shoes for boys and
girls that are really-dependable footwear
and are bound to give satisfaction. AH
sizes. "
Ak-Sar-Ben Specials for Saturday
$2.00 New Bead Girdles at
79c. A full line ' of colors
combinations. ; -
Leather" Goods Three 'big
specials on ladies' " fine
hand bags:
First lot,' $2 values, at 98
Second lot,1 ' $3 values,
at ...........$1.98
Third lot, $6 values, $2.98
Ribbons A bigr new assort
ments of high grade hair
bow; ribbon. 50c values,
sale price, yard....... 39
Handkerchiefs Ladies' . lfc
quality, solid 'colors, at 5
20c silk handkerchiefs, lOf ;
50c linen embroidered, 25c?
Jewelry Dept Fancy. bead
ed necklaces" at 25c, 59c, 75c,
$1.00. - . - r
Values,, 50c to $2.00.
New bar pins at 75c,- $1.00,
$1.50 and $2.00. ;
Values, $1.50 to $4.00.
Ladies' Gloves $1.50 eiglit
button silk gloves."';.'.?. 79 "
$4.00 genuine :Frendi- kid
gloves, ) per pair.. . ;.$2.5U
In the Corset Section Saturday
Pink fancy materials, also white coutil, made in elastic and me
dium tops; rust-proof boning, all sizes, 59 to 36. Special 81.20
lorset Department Second Floor. ,
: Shades and Bases
Sacrjficed to Us at
About HALF Price I
Go to -You at the
Same Saving
Thf ShnrlVe" Ale ma(le ' heavy Chehy Silk in new
1 1 1C O lldU V192 1 models," ranging from ; the dainty
flat kind to the more elaborate styles Kn beautiful colors and(
combinations with contrasting silk-linings plaited, shirred or
plain and finished with silk fringe, at S12.75. ,s
TTllf Rqcpc There are taH Piano, Junior and Bridge
1 llC IJftaco . or Reading. Lamps in massive 5 and'' 6
inch models with double chain sockets, hand turned in hand-'
.some serous oi unusual design ana an nana-ruDoea in ncn ma-
UUujr bmu puijruui vine xuiiaucs, i f ifcfs.
$1.00 Delivers You a
Time and Labor Saving
! Hoosier Cabinet
Rockie Toddler
Talk about "fun" for the baby--if
he falls off he cannot get hurt
handsomely finished in , white
enamel with ' brightly decorated
rooster seat, . .41 OQ
p a a
This big, handsome "Hoosier" with its wide aluminum working
top; spacious bins and drawers puts all cooking utensils at your
finger tips-rit is an unusual Y" - CIO fift
only .".....v..,,
Big, Hardy, Bushy
Saturday, at Only 1
A remarkable value, as these ara
extra big, bushy fellows with long
fronds and growing tips in large.
i -