Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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Holding a Husband
AVI CarrUaa's New Pka.a of
What Crica Draper Told Madf and
What Madge Queued.
Over tny baby's pitiful little play.
Miff. cU.ped close to my lips, I
aiared mildly at Mrs. Titer, trying
dumbly to comprehend what she was
laying to me. Then, at the terrible
import of her words struck me, I
viiught her arm fiercely.
"You found this in the liaudi of
- vfie ' baby of the man across the
road? I shrilled. "Then he must
have carried olf Junior. Oh-h!"
I could not repren the shriek
which tore through the house and
brought a swift ttaccato of feminine
fret down the stairs. The next sec
ond Kdith Fairfax and Grace Draper
burst into the sitting room, with
consternation written on their tense,
iinxious face.
"What is it?" they exclaimed sim
ultaneously. I gestured feebly to
.Mrs. Ticer.
"Tell them.". I choked, then
strangely out of . my subconscious
H.lf came the admonition to watch
, Grace Draper's face, and for a fleet
ing instant, as Mrs. Ticer repeated
I'cr 'statement, 1 fancied 1 saw a
look of panic leap into her eyes.
Hut the next instant she had spoken
calmly, with a note of actual derision
in her voice.
, "What nonsense! Junior lost that
two days before he strayed away.
1 remember, because he was asking
for it He had walked down this
road with his father. No doubt the
other child found it, and, of course,
picked it up."
. "You " I began, and if iny voice
could have expressed my emotion
he would have dropped dead at its
sound. The conviction had swept
over me that at last I was on the
track of Junior's fate, and that the
girl before me was involved in it,
l or only too distinctly I remember
ed that when my little lad, after
bringing me his drawing, had started
back to the corncrib studio for his
"Danzie'a picter," there had peeped,
as always, above the pocket of his
i : . . I - . . t- - 1 ... r
iiiuc rumpcr, mc laminar outlines Ot
his beloved celluloid "bumble fish."
"You Are Sure?"
"XTo matter what developments,
stick outwardly to your theory that
me child wandered away and
As clearly as if Hugh Grantland
had spoken the words close- by, this
fragment of the note he had sent me
sounded in my ears. I saw clearly
that a premature explosion of the aw-
tul wrath which was consuming me
might spoil all his plans for finding
out the truth, so I nerved myself to
play the part of Tinsuspecting ac
quiescence in the accepted theory of
Junior's disappearance until. Hugh
urantiand gave me permission to do
"You you are sure?" I stammer
ed, as if pleading for her assurance.,
"Of course." she returned. "But
Madge, you're fearfully -upset. Don't
you think you ft better lie down? '
."Just come right in my room, Mis'
Graham" Mrs: Ticer promptly inter
posed, "and I'll make- you a cup of
. tea.
i .1 followed her passively, furtively
watching Grace Draper - and. Edith
Tairfax as I did so. '.There was a.
ftfothole lit the door! I Shut behind
tne.'. and , ' I . unblushingly looked
through it, as soon as I closed the
door. - I ',
,. I saw- Edith Fairfax shrug her
shoulders, touch her forehead signi
ficantly, and heard her say contempt
uously: . , '
4 ;"Don't mind her, Gracie. Come
back upstairs and lie down, and I'll
rub your head.' Her screeching like
that hasn't done it, any good, you
know." !
; The utter heatrlessness of her
words as applied to me brought no
resentment to my mind, only a wild,
fantastic surmise. Could it be pos
sible that' Edith Fairfax was also in
volved in this horrible tangle of
which I was beninninar to clutch only
the most slender thread? Mrs. Ticer
stopped all speculation ' by seizing
my wrist and drawing me forward.
I "Those girls know something, Mis'
Graham," she whispered. "At least,
the Draper one does. I can t tell you
how I know, but I just do, someway.
Oh, I'd like to tear her eyes out!
But I haven t time even to talk about
it now. Don't you see that we've
got to get this man across the road
put away now, before he runs off??
He isn't home just now, but when I
snatched that little celluloid mud
turtle from that baby, an older child
United at me so frightened, and the
ran to its mother. And she's hitching
up the horse this minute so as to get
-word to him to run, I'll bet a cookie.
Don't you see, if he's arrested, ma
be he'll talk." - V -
-Please Wait Here."
"He won't get away," I said grim
ly, galvanized into action. "But
1 please remember not even to hint to
a living 'being that we want to ar
rest him until I give you permission.
And pretend to those women in there
that you believe Miss Draper's asser
tion about the toy."
; "Leave it to me." she replied fer
svently and I dashed out of doors and
- jumped into my car beside Tom
Chester who had waited there
;turned the car into the road, and out
-of sight of Grace Draper's upper
windows before I . spoke.
- -Then rapidly I narrated Mrs. Tic
er's discovery and Grace Draper's
' He got out of the car as I finished
speaking. --' - - - ' .
, "Please wait here," he said. "And
if the woman comes past pretend to
be fixing your car, and pay no at
tention to her. I'll be back in a few
minute;. And let me tell you. I think
v at last we're 01. the righ; trail."
One Officer Is Guarding
; Two Wounded Prisoners
.' For the first time in the history of
the Omaha police department one of
ficer is guarding two wounded pris
oners in a hospital, according to
Captain Russell The pair under
guard are Gunman Joe Manning,
shot by Detective Killian. and Joe
Daly. 1335 South Thirty-second
street, shot bv JS Miller, 808 South
'Twentieth , street, early Tuesday
"morning when the latter saw two
men in the of breaking into the
Smith Gmeetf store at Twentieth:
and Leaven orthtreets. t Daly's al
leged partner escaped. '
: ; The two prisoners are being kept
tinder guard in one room at St.
Joseph hospital ' """""
Dog Hill Paragrafs
"""""" By George Bingham
The team of Washington Hock
ran away with the wagon yetterday.
Wash was driving at the time, and
accompanied them until the wagon
turned over.
A rrow has been noticed sitting
on the dead limb of the tree near
the blacksmith shop nearly all day.
Sid Hocks says the crow may be
aiming to locate in our midst.
Fletcher Henstcp is today rebuild
ing the pig pen he accidentally tore
down yesterday when a lizard got
on him.
Copyright, lt:i. Oeorfe Matthew Adams.
For street wear mole, otter and
sable squirrel are employed to make
short jackets or paletots, with the
gathered back extremely jaunty,
forming a blouse mounted on a
straight band molding the hips
Romance in Origin
Of Superstitions
That lowly plant, the eyebright,
which learned people call the
euphraiia, was formerly very popu
lar In this country at a cure foi
weak eyes, styes, etc., and in the
rural districts it will be found Hill
to occupy a place of connideration
in folk-medicine. In Europe It i a
popular remedy for alt dincatsi oi
the eye, even as it it here,
Its reputation is an inheritance
from past ages and originated in the
"doctrine of signatures" that form
of primitive, x sympathetic magit
which, at man advanced in civil
ization, became a medical theory
the theory that every plant had a
"signature' which indicated for
what medical purpose it was intend
ed to be used.
The eyebright hat in its corolla a
black, pupil like spot suggesting the
pupil of the eye. Therefore it is
good for diseases of the rye. In
olden timet the eyebright was tup
posed not only to be "good for scr
eyes" but to confer, also, upon both
the mental and the physical eye
greatly increased powert of percep
tion. Milton represents the eyes of
Adam as being "purged with
euphrasy" for he had much to sec,'
and Spencer speakt of the plant at
giving dim eyet power to "wandci
leagues around," while Thompson
asks Urania to purge away with eye
bright "the mists which dim the
mirror of the mind."
Copyrlsht, 1M1. by tha MeClure Xw
paper ByudlcaU.)
The slump in the demand for dia
monds has caused practically all the
mines in Africa to shut down and all
the natives are idle and on the verge
of starvation.
Ii Sing Sing So Named?
Like many other penal institutions
throughout America and Europe, the
(anions prisun (if Sing Sing o-vr it
name, through a peculiar nmdiiica.
Hon, to the name of the town in
wlirh it is situated. The original
iiiine of this tnvrn was "Ossining,
a title of Indian derivation which the
white settlers appropriated and cor
rupted into "Sing Sing," which even
tually became the official name oi
the town itself.
When the prison wat erected it,
too, was christened Sing Sing, but,
as the grim structure becamt more
and more widely known, the inhab
itants of the town, which wa by no
meant to famous, did not relish tin
odious association. Some yeas ago,
thircfoK. it wa decreed that the
name be changed back to the original
Jm'ian spelling of "Ossiniiu;," by
which it is known today, but the pris
on iicU still bear the corrupted
pronunciation oi the early settlers
Sing Sing.
luinhl. I:i. WknlM Riaditsls, Inf.
Parents' Problems
How can a girl of 14 who 'it in
clined to be distrustful of the m
terity of person about her best be
hclptd to have more faith in human
A suspicious girl is probably self
conscious and introspective; pi-rhain
through being over-concirutiously
watched, or talked about, or "nag
ged." If so, nothing could be more
wholesome than for her to be let
alone, in the companionship of
younger, simpler children, or of tome
artless grown-up who would supply
her with an objective interest or an
absorbing hobby, rorgetting her
self, she should forget to be suspicious.
Special This Sunday
Chocolate Fudge
A rich, smooth chocolate cream
to which la added delicious fruits
and crisp, meaty nuts, resulting
In a special of unusual excel
lence. Try It this Sunduy.
Ice Cream
Ask Yonr Dealer
for Delicto
The Fairmont Creamery CoJ
j V m r t ttt sri r cc i
i i
Special Card Table
A splendid folding card table.
Regulation size, 29x29 inches.
Mahoffany rinlah
with leatherette top.
Sturdily built and
specially priced at
only .82.85
, Smoker
Here's an oppor
tunity to purchase
a smoker at a
bargain price. As
illustrated with
top measuring; Shi
Inches. Loose met
al ash tray and
convenient draw
er. Special at
14 Pes. Aluminum
Percolator, pudding- pan, pre
serving kettle, measuring
cup, convex ket
IBXK t,e sauce pan,
PUOtF dipper, bread pan,
ZW strainer, mixing
" , bowl, 3 pie plates.
Brilliant Heater
Has a fine hot blast construction
which is an important feature,
as it. is responsible for real fuel
economy. Body of heavy pol
ished steel mounted on a cast
Iron base.
Nickel trimmed
and has a 16
inoh fire not.
411 L.U VU Cfe
U .3
Has 20-Inch
This is the famous "SAX1C0"
steel range so nationally ad
vertised. A handsome, practi
cal, economical range barns
coal or wood and is con
structed to give life-long serv
ice. Begularly priced at $158.
Light or t)ark
Blue Porcelain
These ranges are offered at a
big discount for a limited time
only. Nickel trimmed and in
nil blue porcelain, light or
dark color. Thermometer in
oven. 25-year guarantee. '
Mahogany Finish
Pullman Suite Bargain
" MjTJsyjr"
As pictured, with neat design
slat back and upholstered in
ngurea tapes
try or genuine
Spanish leath-
e r. Specially -
priced at , .
-Made of
hard wood
1 n golden
finish. Ifas
14 Inch sad
dle shaped
seat, bent
arm rest
and lift
over table.
51-Pc. Dinner Set
A complete, service for six
persons. A set that will give
satisiaciion in
every respect.
A neat design
and a bargain
offer at
The Three Pieces Shown Here
Ordinarily you would be asked to pay $145
for this quality "Pullman" duofold suite.
Choose from Spanish or rich blue fabricold.
The frames are of rich mahogany finish,
highly polished. The duofold opens up into
a full-sixed double bed in an instant, serv
ing as a settee by day and a comfortable
bed at night. You buy this suite just as
pictured here, complete at t
Compare These Rug Values!
In Colonial Design
A chifforobe combining attrac
tive appearance with the all-important
features of drawer space.
mirror and full length clothes
com partment.
Plain panel
door. Imitation
Circassian wal
nut finish, only
A" heavy grade in at
tractive designs at.
9x12 Seamless
Brussels Bu?s .
: $21.75
9x12 Seamless
Velvet Bugs
Heavy, handsome carpets that
will blend with any 71"
surroundings $uD.lD
- 8-3x10-6 Size
, Aminster Rugs
Soft, silky finish. tfJOfi 7
Splendid patterns .. 33D0
i Velvet Bugs -
At about half their value. A lot
of 100; priced while
the; last st
KK0 '
We Deliver
4 v 11 . w at t a v.iii.i.iiTJt
of the City.,.
The Shrewd Housewife Shops at the Table Supply
Blue Bell
48 lb. sack
10 lbs.
Sugar ....
Xrw Brand
1W1 Crop ..
I lbh, 50
PlhertA Peaches, crate .$1.79 I )&
Keffer Pears, bushel basket ..... .82.98 Lffff$&
Tokay Grapes, basket ..69 1 oxm- u
i rm.fl
Ortman's Bakery
Products Custard Tuff, doz 40
Orange Cakes, each 30
Cinnamon Ilolls. doz 20
Cookies, doz., 15; i doz. 25
Campbell'g Assorted Soups, per can 10-
Campbell's Baked Henus, per can 11 '
Tall Jars Preserves, Pure Fruit 250
Crystal White Soap, 10 liars for ..58
1 Bar Cremo Oil Soap lVce With Every Purchase.
Monarch, Advo and Klkhorrt Milk, per can V.....1H4
R cans for (55 ,,
Imported Sardines, 2 cans for -5
Fresh Hams, whole or half, per lb.. 20
Rolled Rib Roast Beef, lb .22
Legs of Lamb, per lb 22
Fresh Picnic Hams, per lb 1 Jc
Smoked Hams, whole or half, per lb ....29
Shoulder Roast, per lb 12
Pork Loin Roast, per lb IS
Santos .Coffee, per-'ib..22t, 1
Ankola. Coffee, per lb!..!40.y
S. Dr Japan Tea, per llr. 487.
3 pkijs. Assorted :Advo
Jell ..25
Best Creamery Butter, lb. 43?
Lareest and Best Assortment Fresh Fruits in the City.
Orders of
5.00 or More
Delivered ,
te Any Part
of the City.
Mail Orders
Phone ATlantic 4603
1814-16-18 Farnam Street Open Till 9 P. M. Saturdays
Fresh Dressed 1921 Milk Fed Spring Chickens ....26y2o
Fresh Dressed Roasting Chickens .ttc .
Ftoe Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs., g c Gooch'g Best Flour, 48-lb. $2.05
lOO-p'o'und sack t.54 sack, for
Saturday Meat Specials.
Pig Pork Loin, per pound ................
Steer Rib Roast, boned and rolled, lb. . .
Genuine Lamb Legs, lb
Steer Pot Roast, lb.
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb
Rtopr Rlh Rnll. lb.
I?unrv Ynuner Veal Roast, lb. . .15
Fancy- Young Veal Chops, lb .IZVi
Young Veal Stew, lb-. 09 .
Genuine Lamb ' Stew, lb. , .064
Home-Made Sausage, lb. ........... ...... .15- -
Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb. .... ,, .. . ,25 -
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. .1914
Swift's Premium Bacon, half or whole, lb.. .38'
.:. Swift's .Premium Hams, half or whole, lbv 9J4
We tarry ' Full Line of Fresh Fiah and OyeterfcT
, Saturday Grocery Specials. ,
Large bars Pearl White Soap, 10 bars .... .51
Per. box $3.99
Extra Fancy Norwegian Sardines in pure
olive' oil, per can .12! 'i
Calumet' Baking Powder. Mb. can 25
2-lb. can Kamo Syrup 09
tall cans Extra Fancy Pink Salmon, each Myt
Vt-Vi. net cans of French Lobsters, can. ... .40
Delgado's Celebrated Chill Con Came, can .10
. National Cracker Week
Fresh Premium Soda Crackers, 4-lb. box .59
2 pkgs. Nabisco Sugar Wafers, for 19
4 pkgs. Fancy assorted Cookies, for .50
Fancy Mixed Cookies, 2 lbs. for ......... .39
lbs. Food Center Special Coffee, for v. 98
Hare you tried our Premere Coffee? Ib .23
. ' Vfm Ou&rante It.
Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples, pound......: JlO v Crab Apples, basket 9
Ripe Honey Dew Melons, each .u..,.f.v.. '-9 -Keif fer Cooking Pears, large basket 1.25
Thomten'f Dairy Maid Fmcy
Creamery Butter, lb.
Butter, lb. ...i.41
Rex Nut Buttertne. lb. ....... M
Wlacoiialn Full Cream : Cheese,
per lb. ............. ...:.....t5
Eg-ga, Strictly Fresh Checked
Egg, doaen ........M
lCaeLaren' Cream Cheejse, 1.
1 pkca. lor tS
Custard Puffs, dog. . . ; . . ; . . .40c
Orange Cake, each ....... .30s
Cinnamon Bolls, doz. . . . . .20c
Cookies, doz., 15c; 2 doz. for 25c
The Higheet Grade Macaroni Egg Noodles,
Snanhatu and thr Macaroni Products.
Saturday Special
Kitchen Cabinet
Pee this cabinet Saturday. Com
plete and practical, insuring
ample space for use of utensils.
Constructed of hardwood nicely
finished. Table top is of nickel-
oia ana meas
ures 40 in. in
width. Worth
while investigating-
at ....
White Cobbler fo) fRl "TT A "TT flfTll fC Rcd Rivcrs I
1 42c peL ll iU II n II vUi Id y) 51k 45 G
$1 48 um'nuR1
8Qt. , " J
Aluminum g
Sixteenth Between Harney and Howard
Electric Washer
A high grade "BOSS" make.
Equipped with the Peg-Dolly
which ia a vast improvement
ever similar Dollies used on
other washers. Has -wood tub
and metal
parts on insidi
or tub
rust proo
Only ..
i na iiiaiiiiiMiywayMgiwaMiiMwaS
.1 l urn TTi"-rnmnmai-irr-iiTl Mm
: 1
1 lb. .... k. ................ .13c
3 lbs. ,.. 52c
6 lbs. -,: $1.02
Pint size ....29c
Quart 54c
Half gallon 98c
Gallon .$1.84
. , CHEESE ;. x
Cream, per lb ..28c
Swisa Loaf, per lb. 47c
P. & G., 10 bars
Diamond C, 10 bars.....
Pearl White, 10 bars.....
Castile, large .
Small Ivory
Large Ivory
Omaha Family
Lennox, 6 bars
Tall cans ............ j.
. 9c
Shredded Wheat .....1c
Quaker Quakies ......... 12K2C
Quaker Oats, smalt. ...... .14o
Quaker Oats, large .."....;.29c s
Grape Nuts ..17c -
Kellogg Corn Flakes.... 11J4e
Kellogg Krumbles ......... 14c
Basko Farina 24c
Minute Tapioca ...13c j
2-Minute Wheat Food ....5y2c S
Old Wheat
24 Lbs, $1.00
48 Lbs., $1.95
IIIIIBlilllllliyilllllllllllii v