Si All 12 THE BEE; OMAHA. SATURDAY, SKI'IKMBKIC 21. VJ'il. 3LEEPY,?TIME TALES 'THE TALE OF ;0LD DOG SPOT IF J CHAPTER MX. Off for the Circui. tlnat firm posters had covered cnc Mttlc of Farmer Green's burn for wrek. 1-ver since men cme and parted them on the barn Johnnie i!rcen had studied them rre(ully. He had practiced bareback riiiing on hi ponv. Winkleheels. He had tried ahtRli ilivc into the mill pond from L '1 rwbits $oin$ to happen .tnenf." Spot inquired. the lop of the dam. And much to old dog Spot's disgust Johnnie had tried to make him jump through a hoop covered with paper. - Spot had refused flatly to do any thing of the kind. If he had known that his young master had half a no tion to teach him to jump Ihrougli a hoop of fire J'pot would have run away at least ur.til circus time had come and gene. t "What puts t!l t'..w Cjjcer ideas into Johnnie's head?" the old dog asked his friend Ebcnezcr, the horse. pe day. "Don't vou know?" said Ebc nezcr. "It's thor.e circus nicturcs. Johnnie won't think of anything else until the twenty-third of Atigrst." ? "What's goir.g to happen then?" Spot inquired. ."That's 'he day when the circus opmes to t'ne village," the old horse explained. "The whole family's go ing to see it." ;"Do you expect to take them?" Spot asked him. ' i"Xo!" Eber.ezer replied. "Farmer Green will hitch the bays to the carryall. And to tell the truth. I'll he jiist as pleased to stay behind. It will be a great cay to take naps here t home." H "It will be a lonesome day. with everybody away," said Spot. "I be lieve I'll go to the circus myself." "Farmer Grfen may decide to leave you here," the old horse sug gested. 1 "Then I II surprise him. said not "T'11 hchiiifl a tr-p until l'nrmir flrrn has rlrivn out of the trrd. and then I'll follow the carry- slL" 4 The 6ld dog began to tell every body in the. farmyard that he was going to the circus on August 23. Of course . some-of the farmyard fi'lk were jealous of him. The rooster rr-H-ked that he didn't believe Spot wt!d hear any crowing at the circus tf at would be worth listening to. Turkey Proudfoot said that when it eimc to strutting the circus couldn't (thow. Spot any that couldn't be beaten right there on the farm. And Henrietta Hen, who went to the riiiinty fair the year before, declared that she shouldn't care to go to the Village except to sec a poultry show. Bur old dog Spot didn't mind any thing they said. And when August 35 came he lingered about the farm vard. Eirly in the morning he saw Farmer Green run the carryall into the yard and harness the bays to it. Then, the rest of the family ; came out of the house. Spot, from his hid ing place behind a tree, was pleased to see that Johnnie Green did not forget to bring a big lunch basket with him. , ' - ' - At last everybody was ready to start. , And then; to Spot's dismay Farmer Green caught sight of his nose, sticking out from behind a tree. VThat- dog means to follow us," he cried, "i'll have to shut him up in the, barn." And to old Spot he called. "Come here, sir!" . nnt rflrtn'S rtar HisnhrW With his tail between his legs he crept up to- the carryall. And, though, he whined and begged to be taken to the circus.., Farmer Green caught hold of hi collar and led him into :he barn. Then Farmer Green closed the door . ' - Poor Spot had to give one loud howl when he heard the wheels of the carryall crunching on the gravel driveway. Copyriht. ISM. By Th Metropolitan Newspaper Service.) Common Sense Never Mind Explaining. 5 By J. J. MUNDY. You are engaged in a good work and you have been asked just what is vo'ur personal object or what you had m mind when you became so eloscly identified with the cause you have espoused. r You have been working and ad vancing, first from one angle and then from another, and to those looking onjt cannot be decided the 'goal you have in the peak of your ambition. - " Do not let it worry you that you t'annot answer such a question with clcancut decision. " v Many a great discovery and many a successful business have been start ed in the same way, a leaning in a certain direction, a leading followed faithfully, a keen sense of opportu nities as they present themselves. Make the most of every oppor tunity -which comes your. way. : If you do your part in the world's ' work you need not analyze your mo tives, for time and a great Creator can do that. ' . Re sure vour eye is on the top f nd whatever your talents find to do pursue the course with concentrated joy. . If the work is for you, and it is . i- . .. ...:it k A A - "Villi VII1IC, JVU Wli! UC ! IV finish it. so go ahead whether you! can explain, or not. ', j Copyright. Internetian Feature ! Cervke. lac "J I More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J, MONTAGUE ' ai' J" LaV THE CROOKS' GOLCONDA Forgery ha been flourishing in Sing Sing penitentiary. In the dayi when the picking were eay, And everyone carried a roll. The tyro in crime had a jolly good time On half of the money he Mole. Both burglar and pickpocket prospered, Defaulters had money to loan, The dunnicst dips carried quarts on their hips And had can and chauffeurs of their own, Hut time have been drastie'lly altered, As the business statistics reveal: The fat profiteers of those wonderful yean Haven't got a dinero to steal. And the crooks having learned, a we all do, That rkhes arc prone to take wing, Kind their trade fan't be plied with a profit outside, And so they are working Sing Sing. Surrounded by innocent convict. And wardens devoid of all guile, They learn that the time that' devoted to crime Is well worth a criminal's while. The Hate has abundance of shekels, The inmates have savings to spare, It's a safe pleasant nook for a good clever crook, And a fortune is waiting him there. With check-raising, forging, and so forth The days are delightfully passed, Xo "Dicks" lurk about, hunting wrong-doers out, And dragging them jailward at last. The thief, as he rakes in the dollars, lias only one thought to dismay; If in breaking the law he's a little too raw, The Warden may send him awayl Jewel, Flower, Color Symbols for Today By MILDRED MARSHALL. A pretty combination is the talis manic and natal stone which ori ental legend aligned lo this date. The talisman for today i the ntuoiistone, while ilie sjfiu which lie long to those born en some anni versary of this date t the sapphire. Young lovers separated by paren tal disapproval or other aheu itillu titer can take heart, since the moon stone ha the power today to ad just all difference of love, lit it tuti.liiiciit depth, the future can he rt ml. according to the ancient. It is believed that the gift cf a moon stone ineurrs everlasting devotion to lite donor. J The sapphire it aUo a gem of cou-j sUncy. Hut it power apply more (Itliiiitely to those already nurrm! than to lover. It should always be worn on the ring finger and a warn-j mg i given against msriitij an imperfect fctune, since the gxd fur tune which i sought will turn against the wearer, A hit 'f orange should le worn somewhere about ones custuntr to day it" the good ill of the gods is drired, according to Indian super stition. Golden nasturtium aro- lucky to day. Their precm'c ha the health- AKVr.KTlHlMrAT ONE WAY TO GET AT 'EM ' A lot of money could be raised by imposing a sails tax on those schooners tljat have been rum running. EASY The Xew England farmer doesn't need any still. He just fills a barrel with cider and lets nature take its course. . (Copyright. 1!2I . Ir The Bell Svndicele. Int.) MRS. HAYWARD COULD HARDLY DRAG AROUND Omaha Woman SaytTanlac it What Thoae Needing; Build ing Up Ought to Take. j "I can tell anybody who ticcthj building un that they will make no i mistake in taking Taulac, fur I have tried it and know what it will do," said Mrs. John llayward. 530 South Thirtieth street, Omaha. Nth. "My trouble began with the grippe, which left me in a badly run down condition and I wa lofini; ground right along. 1 fell otf ten pounds and felt so weak and tired I could hardly drag myself around. My sleep was broken and restless!, too, and I felt miserable every morning. "Tanlac gave me an appetite and put my stomach in mich first-class condition that my digestion is per fect. I sleep like a child all night long and get up in the morning feel ing line. My improvement since taking Tanlac has been so rcmark ablo that my friends are surprised when they sec me. "Several of them are taking Tan lac now and arc just delighted with it." Tanlac is sold in Omaha by the Sherman & McConncll Drug ttr: End by leading druggists everywhere. jS i i II or 1 1 Come Once and You ", Will Come . 'Alwayi 1608-10-12 Harney St. Douglas 1796 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING Fancy Steer Pot inl. Roastper lb.... Ia&l?C Prime Rolled Rib OJ? Roast, per lb ..... . a& O C Young Veal Breast, 1A per lb 1UC Fancy Freh Killed Spring OQJL, Chicken., lb t 2 t- Legs of Young Mutton, 1 7i- per lb. ' 2C Cudahy'a Half Hams, OQ J. Puritan, per lb. . . . .... 6i02 Pig Pork Roast, -I 7I - per lb. .......... 1 I 2 V Young Mutton 1 Ol - Shoulders, lb..... Xa&'g'C Fancy Veal Roast," per !b. ..... 7h 63c 10 lbs., Sugar for ...... i , . . 100 lbs. Ex. Fine JC Granulated SugarPO.DO 8-oz. bottle Catsup : . .10J No. 3 can Leo's Malt. .65d 16-oz. bottle Lippincott's Pure Strawberry Preserves w 30 . 22-02. jar Pure Preserves ' for 25d Iten's Creme Sandwich. per lb. ........... 2,o Iten'a Eatgood Cookies, a ', rich cocoanut cake, 2 lbs. for ;...45 Iten's Vs cans Graham . Biscuits .........$1.42 48 lbs. Gold Medal Flour. . $2.35 48 lbs. Omar Flour .$2.05 48 lbs. Blue Bell Flour $1.98 24-lb. sack Rye Flour $1.20 No. 3 cans Del Monte Brand Pineapple Peaches Apricots 30c 22c No. 2 cans Peaches, Apricots ............ Del Monte Asnarasrus Tins. can. . .35 3 cans for $1.00 Central Special : OA Coffee, lb. ........ Fancy Santos Coffee O C at, per lb. ....... aCOC 3 lbs. for S8 10 bars P. & G. Soap. .68 10 bars Fels Naptha. .68 10 bars Electric Spark. 55 10 bars Crystal White. 58 3 pkgs. Gooch's Macaroni or Spaghetti 25 Tall cans Red Salmon. .25 J.i-lb. cans Red Salmon. 15 No. 2 cans PorS and Beans, 3 for 25 McCombs ome-Ma'de Chocolates, 70c quality, Saturday, per lb 59c Best Cream Caramels, made Saturday, Cflrf per lb. ..... 'wvt Extra Fancy Italian Prunes, per crate. . . .$1.25 Extra Fancy California Grapes, basket 70 Last car Colorado Peaches, crate .$1.75 Fresh Damson Plums, Quinces, Cranberries Custard Puffs per . dozen 40 Orange Cake, each .................... .30 Cinnamon Rolls, per dozen ........ '. .... .20- Cookiei, per dozen, 155 2 dozen for. .N 25 Fresh Checked Eggs in cartons dozen ........ 29c Butter-Xut Creamery Afg Package Butter, lb. .... . "y Your.jr American Checss, OP mi!d, lb. a&OC fill ttti'tt of kUiuliine. 1'iicniKliii' In lift under their iniUme will be liapiiv and luKting. 1 "fill In, l;l. W littler Kti,iii. I no. Where It Started Buttons on the Back. In evening drrs and in some it in k coats and cutaway, two but. tons are ewcd in the middle of the back. This is a survival ol the limes when every gentleman carried a sword, and the sword belt was fa teWd in the hack by two buttons. Although the sword has pacd on. the buttons are retained in formal dre. lt'iiirisl.t. JS.'I, kl niliii. Iw.) SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Home Pressed Spring Chickens, per lb 27 '4 c Best Creamery Butter, lb.... 43c Choice Steer Round Steak, lb. 19c Choiee Steer Shoulder Steak. per lb. C .15c Choice Steer Rump Roast, per lb 17?ie Choiee Steer Pot Roast, lb. 12!e Lean Pork Steak, per lb. . . .17c Lean Pork Roast, per Ib...l71c Kx. Lean Pork (.'hops, lb 25c Young Veal Roust, per 11).... 15c Young Veal Breast, per lb..93.e Young Veal ('hops, per lb... 19c Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon, . per id 4t 1 y c ' V carry a lull and coniplata Una of fruil JELLO, all flavors, per kjr., 10c Carol one, per can.... 9c or 3 cans for 25c Sunmaid Seeded Raisins, 15-oz. pkir., per pker 23e BHi-ritiKton Hall Coffee, Satur day special price, per lb... 42c 1-lb. cones Honey, fresh stock just from farm, per cone. . ,29c Our Washington Spociul Coffee, per lb., 35c, or U lbs. for. .$1.00 Alaska Salmon, 1 lb. cans, en. 11c Demonstration on the Jackson Famous Mustard and Peanut Butter. One more SU on Procter Si (iambic White Laundry Soap at the price of 10 bars for 34c ill and vtfttablat at tha lowatt pricai. WASHINGTON MARKET MOT DOUGLAS TREET We Sell Tha Htghast Crads Macaroni Egg Noodles, Spaghetti and other Macaroni Products )!i!i;ii:W!IIl!l!ili!i!ir.ltH!i!l!lill!llili:.' Wht an unutual name! And nun an un. mtially pleasmt llavor, too made in tl s typical Hardinj sy. AK-SAR-BEN Ice Cream It is pure Vanilla Ice C resin-ifch and billon y - generomly tilled with Ihk Ious red and sietn vhcrries. I his week's special flavor in Saturday Specials FRESH BEEF TONGUES, PER LB 25 FANCY FRESH DRESSED SPRING CHICKENS, PER LB. . .30 CHOICE PIG HAM ROAST, PER LB 24 Snowdrift, a vegetable com pound, lb. can 20 2- lb. can for 39 4-lb. can for .".77 Wesson Oil, better than the best, per pint 32 Per quart 59 Advo Gold Medal Coffee, per 3- lb. can $1.19 Cream of Wheat, pkg 27 Royal Baking Powder, regular 50c size, 2 cans for 89 Fancy Solid Iceberg Head Let tuce, 2 large heads for. .25 Tokay Grapes, per large square basket 65 Genuine Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 25 Imported Roquefort Cheese, per lb SI. 29 The Very Best Creamery Butter, per lb 42 Superior Old-Fashioned Gum Drops, per lb 25 Strained Honey, the best you ever had, per 5-lb. can . .$1.05 : Per 10-lb. can $1.98 - Heinz Baked Beans (like mother used to bake), smalt bize, per no?.. for J1.25 Medium size, per doz $1.85 Large size, per dozen $2.00 FRIDAY ORDERS MEAN EARLY DELIVERY SATURDAY SOMMER BROS. Boston Marketed 113 North 16th Street COMBINATION NO. 4 100 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar $3.50 6 lbs. Choice J. R. Santos Coffee 2.40 2 lbs. Choice Uncolorcd Japan Tea 1.20 1 lb. Choiee Cocoanut.. .45 1 lb. Best Black Pepper. .60 2 lbs. Best Cocoa 1.20 12 cans Choice Peas. .. . 2.00 1 No. 10 can Strawber ries, the so-called gal lon can 1.50 1 TOTAL $12,851 OPPOSITE POSTOFUCE DOugl.s 1080 ! Coach's Best, Sunkiit or Pennant $1.90 Flour, 43 lbs. for HARNEY 0188. 2STH and FARNAM STREETS Wi Sell est Grad Macaroni a, Spaghetti and caroni Product Flotilla Toilet Soap, 2 bars to a box, a 15c seller, our price, while it lasts, O C 3 boxea for rf-iJC Danish Pride, Monarch Milk. can . . . . , 10 Case of 48 tall cans 84.70 Peas. Corn or Tomatoes, per can 10 Per dozen cans SI. 15 Heinz Pork and Beans, 20c size, 2 for ...25 Ukulele Brand Pineapple. per can 25 Per dozen cans $2.70 White Naptha Soap, 10 bars 39 Tall cans of Choice Salmon 10 Per dozen cans $1.10 Campbell's Assorted Soups, per can 10 Choice Santos Coffee, lb. 22 '-a We deliver to all parts of the city. Write for our price list. Mail orders filled at above prices good for one week. Cheek or money order must accompany orders. References: Corn. Exchange National Bank. $2.25 15c 19c lie Ferbes Quality Coffee, Oftl per lb OaC"2'C Choice Santa Clara Prunes, 25-lb. box Choice Brick Cheese, by the brie!:, lb. . Choice Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb. Choice Veal Roast, per lb Fresh Leaf Lard, 8 lbs. . .$1.00 Fresh Spareribs, lb S Fresh Boston Pork Butts, per lb 18 !i Choice Steer Pot Roast, prr lb lO'.s Steer Rib Boil, lb 5',J Steer Sirloin Steak, lb.. 21 Steer Round Steak, lb...21'a Sugar Cured California Hams, per lb 13 u Sugar Cured California Bacon, per lb 17',i .saBiaaaaaaaaamaaMaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaa COMBINATION NO. 2 18 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar $0.55 3 lbs. Choice J. R. Santos Coffee 1.20 TOTAL. . .$1.75 We Sell The Highest Grade Macaroni Egg Noodles, Spaghetti and other Macaroni Product Fancy Sugar , Cured Skinned Hams Every Ham " Guaranteed 24c BUEHfcER RR.OS A sliaV..lsVW,Vsr 9 Special Sale for Saturday Quality Meats and Provisions at Lowest Prices 212 No. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 So. 24th St. MAIL AND EXPRESS ORDERS FILLED FROM THIS LIST Fancy Sugar 0 Cured i Breakfast Bacon or Whole Side 24c Choice , Small Lean Pork Shoulders for Roasting 124 c Fancy Sugar , Choice Choice Young Cured Beef Leaf Picnic Chuck Lard Hams, Roast Specialat 26c 14c 12V W Fancy Fresh Killed Spring Chickens 27c Choice Round Steak 18c BEEF CUTS Prime Beef Rib Roast. .' 18c Choice Beef Pot Roast. 11c Choice Rib Boiling Beef 7c Choice Corned Beef . . 12c Choice Hamburger Steak for ... . . . . . . ... . . 15c SMOKED MEATS Cudahy's Puritan Break - fast Bacon . ... 37c Cudahy's Puritan Skinned Hams . . . ... . . . . . . 30c Armour's Star Skinned. , : Hams . .... . . . ,v . 30c Armour's Star Breakfast Bacori .... .:37c Fancy Regular Hams. .26c Choice Picnic Hams . . .14c Choice Brisket Bacon . . 18c EXTRA SPECIAL Swift's Classic Soap, lObars . ... , .50c White Naptha Laundry Soap, 3 1-lb. bars . . 25c Fancy Brick Cheese .. . 25( Fancy American Full -Cream 28? a b"i-i PORK CUTS Choice Pork Loin, or whole;. . . . ... . . : . . . 19c Choice Boston Butts . . . 19c Choice Small Lean Pork Chops ,. . . . . ... . . 22c Fresh Spareribs ;. 10c Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. for ......... .: ... .25c Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs . . . 25c Fresh Pig Hearts, 3 lbs . 25c Fresh Liver, sliced, 2 lbs. for . . 15c Fresh Pig Snouts, 3 lbs . 25c Fresh Pig Tails ...... .10c Choice Salt Pork . .'V. .18c Pickled Pig Feet, 3 lbs , 25c Fancy New Sauerkraut . .8c Fresh Made Pork Sausage for .... ..... . . . .30c Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 10-lb. pail .... . .$1.85 5-lb. pail . . . .r... . . . .95c Pure Lard ........ . . .17c Compound Lard ..... .14c Danish Pioneer Creamery Butter ...... . 43c Choice Frankfurts .... 18c Choice Wienies ...... 18c Fresh Bologna , 1 . .15c Fancy Summer Sausage 22c VEAL CUTS Choicest Veal Roast,.,, :14c Choicest Veal Stew t. . 12 Jc Choicest Veal Chops . .20c Choicest Veal Legs . . .20c SPRING LAMB Genuine Spring Lamb Hindquarters . . . . . . 20c 4 Forequarters r.:. 14c Choice Lamb Chops . ; . 22c Special on iCANNED GOODS Early June Peas, 3 cans 38c Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans for 35c Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans 35c Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans 35c Fancy Catsup, 2 bottles 20c American Sardinesin Oil, 5 cans 25c Pineapple, large cans . . 25c Fancy Pink Salmon, 1-lb. talis 15c Fancy Lima Beans, 2-lb. can ............. 20c Kasper's Big Five Coffee for . : .35c Kasper's Stars and Stripes Coffee . . .30c