Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Emery Describes
Legion "Revolt"
As "Windstorm"
National Commander Denies
Meraber of European Par
tjr Deposed Him Dc
nies Any Opcu Break,
Indianapolis. Sept. 22. Jolin (.
Emery, national commander of the
American Legion, while viiting
National Legion headquarter here
today, gave hi version of the "re
volt among members of the Le
gion party who recently toured
France and Belgium. According to
aorne member of the party, Com
mander fcmery. whose home 11 in
Grand Rapid. Mich., was "deposed"
ai leader of the delegation. Com
mander Emery was asked why lie
ua deposed as leader.
"Deposed? I wasn't deposed;
that the w rong word," he answ ered.
"No one could depose me, only the
national commander and he i 1."
Emery's statement concerning the
affair is as follows:
"In the first place. I want to ex
press my opinion that all men in
the last analysis, are children. When
we arrived in France, very properly,
I wanted the delegation to present
some semblance of an organization
so four companies were organized,
' ""'b about 30 members each.
Object to Idea.
"Some of the men .objected to the
company idea, principally because
they weren't in the front ranks,
others objected because they didn't
get to make the speeches; some
kicked about their rooms, about the
trains, about everything in general
and very naturally some of the men
were disgruntled.
"Tl.... ..., 1. ...... t, ...
an intimation of a break until we
boarded the liner, Leopoldina, an old
' tub, on our return trip. Then, what
first appeared would be a revolution
; finally simmered down to a mild
windstorm. Some of the members
of the party, prima donnas, that they
were, objected to sleeping below
decks, which was absolutely neccs
ary, , so an 'indignation' meeting
was htld and only 78 members of the
party attended it.
Pass Resolutions.
"After much discussion, Legion
naire Hanley of North Dakota, was
elected leader of the, delegation, but
iliaf didn't depose me just because
, 78 members were not satisfied. Then,
after three meetings on three after
noons, the 78 members passed two
resolutions, one expressing very great
regret at not being able to attend
Mrs. So and Sos luncheon; the
Jther expressing regret in not being
Able to visit Mrs. So and So while in
"It must be remembered that
these men toured France and . Bel
gium under far different conditions
than those existing in the United
States. In the first place, they went
from a dry country into a very wet
cue. Our emotions were daily play
ed upon; great receptions were held
in our honor, some got no sleep
while others got two and three
hours, some the full, amount. The
; reaction came as we started home.
"Outside f ,that' g6od time w as
nil a uy mi, - ,
udges Favor Union
: Of York County Schools
York, Neb.,' Sept. 22. (Special
Telegram.) A decision was rena
med by Judges George Corcoran
jmd Edward Good in the district
court in favor of consolidation in
the proposed consolidated school dis
trict No. 3 of Benedict today.
The opposition filed a. petition in
the nature of quo warranto proceed
ing alleging that the school election
was illegal. The court held it was
not.. J
A motion for a new trial vwas
overruled by Judge Corcoran here
today. The relators state they will
carry the case to the supreme court.
The judges stated the same would
old for the Seward question on
Addition to North Platte
; Federal Building Asked
North Platte, Neb., Sept. 22.
('Special) Increase in the business
demands more working space in the
postoffice and steps are being taken
to secure an addition to the federal
building. Since the completion of
the federal building in 1912, the pop
ulation of the city has increased over
4,000 with an attendant increase of
postal receipts, including extensions
of . rural routes and a wonderful
growth in the parcels post.
Scotia School Teachers
Entertained By Mothers
Scotia, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.)
A reception was given the teachers
of the: Scotia schools by . the women
of the Community club at the club
house last evening.1 Superintendent
Stevens made a short address. Sco
tia has one of the largest and best
equipped consolidated schools in the
state. Eleven teachers direct the
,300 pupils.
Fire Destroys Three Barns
In Vicinity of North Platte
North Platte, Neb., Sept 22.
(Special) Fire destroyed the barns
on the W. H. McDonald farm west
of this city, together with five head
of horses, the Frank Frederici barn,
in the same neighborhood, in which
two autos, two horses and three
calves were burned, and the hay bam
of C W. Home at Maxwell in which
165 tons of hay were stored.
Virginia Park Dedicated
Beatrice, Neb, Sept 22. (Spe
cial.) The new park at Virginia was
dedicated by a party of Beatrice
boosters, including Dwight S. Dal
bey and wife, who donated the pack
to the village some time ago. The
speakers were John Delehant, L. R.
Burnham and D. S. Dalbey. The
Beatrice and Virginia bands and the
Beatrice High school chorus gave
the musical program.
Norfolk, Neb, Sept 2Z (Spe
ial) The case of the Johnson Farm
Land Loan company of Fairfax, S.
D;. against Dan - McManigal of
Wayne, Neb, went to a jury in fed
eral court here this afternoon. The
loan company is suing for $70,000 on j
a note. , .. i
Virginia Rappe in
. Unconventional Pose
i- A M;,
A new photograph of Virginia Rappe, movie actress, for whose death
Roscoe Arbuckle is held in San Francisco. This unconventional pose is
typical of the types portrayed by her when appearing before the camera.
Alliance Morals Squad
Launches Cleanup
Alliance, Neb., Sept. 22. (Spe
cial.) As the result of a general
cleanup campaign by the Alliance
"morals squad," composed of city
and county officers, Mrs. Minnie
Kosctta, who with her husband, Har
ry Rosetta, conducts the Rodgcrs
rooming house, has been sentenced
to CO days in jaH on a charge of sell
ing liquor, her husband was fined
$100 and costs on a similar charge,
and Mrs. Jessie Hesseltine, who was
employed by the Rosettas, has been
bound over to district court on a
charge of adultery.
Following the conviction of Mr.
and Mrs. Rosetta in county court,
a charge of operating a disorderly
house was filed against them and
their trial has been set for Septem
ber 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Rosetta and ' Mrs.
Hesseltine were arrested in a re
cent raid on the rooming house in
which five women and four men
were arrested and a quantity of
moonshine whisky was seized. Three
of the women, two of whom were
but young girls, were released and
left town by order of the authorities.
Two men taken in the raid pleaded
guilty to intoxication and were fined.
Rome Miller Addresses
Fremont Commercial Club
Fremont, Neb,' Sept. 22. (Spc
tal) Fremont's Commercial club has
resumed its meetings for the fall and
winter. The organization will lunch
every Monday noon at the Hotel
Pathfinder. President Ray Ham
mond, in charge of the first meeting,
introduced Rome Miller, hotel own
er of Omaha, as speaker of the day.
Mr, Miller is a former Fremonter
and got his start in the hotel business
when he opened and operated an
eating house at the local railroad
station. In later years he operated a
string of restaurants along the line
of the Elkhorn railroad stations. He
was in a reminiscent mood and told
of many interesting incidents con
nected with his early history jn Fre
mont -
Bankrupt Publisher
Faces Claimsof $204,000
Sioux Falls, S. D, Sept. 22.
(Special) At a meeting today of
creditors of George W. Egan, pub
lisher of the Sioux Falls Daily Press
at the time it was taken in charge by
the sheriff some weeks ago, Holton
Davenport, a local attorney, was ap
pointed trustee, under a $30,000 bond.
Claims thus far filed against Egan in
the bankruptcy proceedings institut
ed against him recently total $204,-
000., . . -., ,:
One hat
disarms all
critics by
panning out
better than it
WB -:
tiVi v.-
Stick Together Keynote
Of Iowa Farmers' Unions
Des Moines, la. Sept 21. (Spe
cial Telegram) The "stick together'
policy was the keynote of opening
speeches at the convention of the
Farmers' Educational and Co-operative
Union of America, which open
ed a three-day convention Wednes
day. O. F. Donblasscr of Fort
Worth, Tex., who founded the or
ganization 18 years ago, was the
principal speaker. , He was given
an ovation by the 1,200 assembled
farmers as was Charles F. Barrett'
of Georgia, president, of the national
association. The farmers started
their tfsk of building the idea of
co-operative buying and selling and
organizing for the better handling of
their produce from the ground up in
a serious mood and little time was
lost in getting underway. ,
City and Rural Teachers
Institutes Separated
Columbus, Neb, Sept. 22. (Spe
cial.) The plan of holding joint in
stitutes for the county and city
teachers, which was tried out here
for, two years, has been abandoned
by Superintendents Lecron and
Gates, because of different methods
used and subjects taught in rural
and city schools. "Thoroughness in
the common branches" is the thought
that will be stressed by instructors
St the annual institute for Platte
county teachers which will be held
in Columbus September 22, 23 and
Carnival Company Head
Testifies of Shooting Fray
Stanton, Neb, Sept. 22. (Special
Telegram.) Walter Leeman, owner
of the Leeman Carnival company,
charged with the murder of Tom
(Fish) Henderson, took ' the stand
in his own behalf in district court.
Leeman is charged with shooting
and killing Henderson, who became
disorderly on the carnival grounds
here during a crap game. ' The case
went to the jury this afternoon.
For Ten Days Only
We . Offer You the .Opportunity to Buy
"The Most Trustworthy Tires Built"
GUARANTEED TIRE at a "Cheap Tire" Price
30x3 Fabric. .$ 9.60 30x3 Cords. . .$17.25
30x3 Fabric. . 10.50 - 32x3 Cords. . . 24.85
31x4 Fabric. 15.00 32x4 Cords... 31.50
32x3 Fabric. 14.85 32x4 Cords... 37.50
32x4 Fabric. 19.50 33x4 Cords... 36.60
34x4 Fabric . 22.95 34x4 Cords. . . 33.50
- . 35x5 Cords... $45.00
Expert Tirt Repairing Service That Satisfies,
(bug. S1S7. 214 So. 20th St.
On 20th Between Farnam and Douglas Sts.
IMS hKE : UMAIIA. tKlDAY, hU'IUltftK .3. WU,
Confession Is Made
By Father of Babe
Bora Here Monday j
Yimtii, Who Wife Protest
Hi Innocence, Hrlatrs
Crime in 1IU Cell at
I remont. Neb,. Sert. 22 (Special).
-Clyde Millard, alias Clair. whoe,
wile, destitute ami wild a uauy gin
horn t' her in l'tnver,ity liotpital in
Omaha, yesterday prote.tcd her lm
band' innocence, while he in hit cell
I ere today confrel to a ktring of
rehberie in North Bend and Rogers.
Nb, and to a term in ths Lincoln
State penitentiary for burglary.
Hi young wife, he said, it innocent
of his real character. He aid he
will plead guilty to the robbery
charge against him.
On September 1. he robbed the
Haverfu-ld Mercantile company store
nnd the LaViolitte drug ftore at
North Bend, obtaining a box of old
coins from the llaverfield concern,
and a small amount of change from
the drug store cash register, he cott
fi sscd.
A week later, according to his
confession, he robbed the Lherny
& Watson store at Rogers. Neb.,
of a quantity of watches, razors and
other merchandise. The same night,
he says, he robbed the Luther meat
market in North Bend of a pocket
book containing $15.
He also confessed to serving a
sentence in the state penitentiary a
few years ago on a burglary charge.
I-atcr he escaped. He was ar
rested by Herman Dutch, a night
watchman at North Bend, and
placed in the city jail, but he again
escaped. He was recaptured and
sent back to finish his term.
He moved to Omaha with his
wife and 18-months-old child several
months ago.
The box of old coins which he
stole in North Bend proved his un
doing. Omaha police were notified
to watch for them, and a close ob
servation was kept on pawnshops.
Millard pawned the coins, not even
going to the trouble of using a false
name, and was traced. This re
sulted in his arrest and return to
Fremont, Neb, for trial.
Values in
High Grade
1921 Cadillac 59, 4-pass. coupe.
1921 Cadillac 59, 7 -pass, touring.
1921 Cadillac 59, 4-pass. roadster,
practically new.
1921 Cadillac 59, 2-pass.
roadster. -
1918 Cadillac 57, 4-pass. -roadster.
1920 Marmon, 7-pass. touring.,
1918 Marmon, 7-pass. touring.
1920 Kissell coupe, 4-pass.
At Prices That Will
Interest You
La Fayette
Hay ward
Harney 0345. Farnam at 28th.
Doctors Recommend
Bon-Opto for the Eyes
Physicians and eye specialists pre
scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy
in the treatment of eye troubles and to
strengthen eyesight. Sold under money
refund guarantee by all druggists.
At 33
Small Crowd at Onrniug
Of Jeffmon Cuuuty Fair
Fiirbury, Neb, Sept. :.'.-(?pe-tial.)
The ferteron county fair
upened Tuesday with a fair attend
ance. The Boys' Tin club entered
70 pig of the Poland China and
Duroc breeds. This showing is Mid
to be one of the bett in the stale.
Wednesday is school day and prac
tically every school child in the
county is present.
The Fairbury children's band,
made up of 70 pieces, furniohr the
music during the four-days' section.
Farm product exhibits are strouu,
and the school work showing it the
best in the history of the aMociaiion.
Kiinliall Clothing Store
Looei $1,200 to KoliLrri
Kimball. Neh., Sept. 2.'.-Specia!
Telegram.)- The Kimball Clothing
company store was broken into and
about j $1,200 worth of clothing
stolen. The loot consisted of about
30 men's suits, silk shirts and suit
cases. Entrance was twined by
breaking out a rear window.
WE have seldom indulged in
superlatives. Kelly quality
has been so well established that
it hasn't been necessary. Today,
Kellys are better than ever, but
their price has been materially
lowered Exhaustion of war-priced
material and economies made pos
sible in the new Cumberland Plant
have brought down costs and this
saving is being passed along to ,
the user. .
Now you can buy Kellys for the
same prices you will have to pay
for other tires that have always
sold for less.
Kelly Cords are made in two types: the
Kant -Slip Tread which offers a resis
tance to wet, slippery streets that makes
skidding next to impossible, and the sturdy
Block and Button Tread. Both are long
mileage tires and sell for the same price.
Size Cord Tubes
30x3& $28.40 $3.35
32x3K 36.60 3.60
32x4 46.00 4.30
33x4 47.60 4.50
34x4 49.40 4.65
32x4& 53.00 5.45
33x4K 55.00 5.60
34x4 55.40 5.80
33x5 65.40 6.65
35x5 ' 68.00 6.95
Ktnt-Slip or Block and
Kelly-Springfield Tire Co.
Factory Branch:
2578 Harney Street S Phone Dotig. 3272
Lionberger Tire & Service Co.
City Distributors, Kelly-Springfield Tires
2220 Harney Street Phone Atlantic 1373
"lionberger Service Satisfies''
A headlight leas iuu m value uiut the bulb behind it is ftojtttj adjusted.
Primolite Lens
Feigley Focus Rsdsr ""
- Phtihfft tlmt G!m ft., Grmni DitrHmim -
Larsen Donates
Air Meet Trophy
To Be Givf n Aviator Carrying
Hfavicet Weight Longest
Dietunre at Least Cost
A $7,500 gold and silver trophy lias
been donated the International Air
Congress by John M. Larsen. former
Omahan, known for introducing the
all inrtal junker airplane in America,
as a prie for a special race at the
aviation meet here in November.
The trophy is being made by Gut
zom Uorglum, former Omahan, now
a famous sculptor in the east, and
will show an aviator and commercial
airplane designer holding aloft a
model airplane.
The trophy will be awarded to the
pilot carrying the heaviest gross
weight over the longest course at
the least cost and highest speed.
Button Trutf
Capt II. E. Ilartuey, secretary of
the American Aeronautical atsocu
tion. and officials of the Omaha Aero
flub, determinej the tenutlv rules
for the Larsen trophy race to be sub
mitted to the American aioeialion
by Captain llartney.
f j
and llf
Take Yeast Vitamori
Tablets To Put On
"Stay There" Flesh
Increase Your Energy and Banish Skin
Eruptions Easy and Economical To Take
Results Quick
Of what us. are fin. features with an oily, mottlad skin, flabby fl.tli,
sunken cheeks, pouches under the eyes or a careworn, sickly-Iookuig
face? Mattin'i V1TAMON Tablets are posithrely guaranteed to quickly
clear your akin, put firm, healthy flesh ea your bone, and in create your
"noire force and power, or money back. Try then yourself and see.
Thin or run-down folks will find this simple test well worth trying:
First weigh yourself and measure yourself. Next take Mastin's
.YITAMON two tablets with every meal, Then weigh and measure
in .r ft
A.,,-. flat 1 1 I a U fi
Imnches 1 1 if I J liftmcHES
If yea want te qaicklr get more straagth aad Tiulity and
nave that firss flnb "pep" which makes yoe look aad feel
IOO ear ml better. jut toy Ulnae two of Manila's Yeast
VITAMON Tablets with each meal for a short suae and
watch the traly amasiag remits.
Mastin's VITAMON supplies Just what your body needs to feed
the shrunken tissues, strengthen internal organs, clear the skin and
renew shattered nerve force without upsetting the stomach or caus
ing gas. Pimples, -bolls and skin eruptions vanish as if by magic
under its healthful, purifying influence. But it is not only a ques
tion of how much better you look and feel, or what your friends say
and think the scales and tape measure will tell their own story.
A two weeks' test will surprise you.
' IMPORTANT t While the amailng health-bolldlnr value of Mtitln's
YITAMON tablets his been clearly tod posltirely demonstrated la cm
et lark ot energy. Dervoat troubles, anemia, ladifeetion, ronittpttlon, tkla
eruption, poor complexion and a generally weakened physical and mental
condition, they should not be ned by anyone who OBJECTS to harlnc
their weight increased to normal. Be sere te teieaabev the mum Maatla'a
- TITAIf OK the original aad geaelae yeaat1tasBtae table 4here Is
aethlar else like Is, se de aw accept taltetteas er aebetltat. Xee eaa
get Mastta's VITAMON tablets at all
in ait, esses nsigat, Alewsaasr
I Heea Bras.
Tut tufjiiai
OltWINty '
I'ostoffice Ortlfri
Wa.hington, Sept, 2.'.-( Special
Telegram.) I'ostoflice at Water
town, Puffaio county, Xebridi, hit
been discontinued, mail to Amherst.
If a friend handed you
flfatllSMlt ttm
band, you'd gue6s that
its price
what it is.
was twice
yourself again
each week and
continue taking
Mastin's VITA.
MON regularly
until you are
satisfied with
your gain la
weight and en-
IS INCHES ergy. Mastin's
lets contala , a
proper dose of
highly concen
trated yeast
vitamtnes as
well as the two
other still more
Important vita
mines (Fat Sol.
uble A and
Water Soluble
C) all of which
Science says yon
must have to be
etrong, well and
fully developed.
They are now
being used by
thousands who
appreciate their
economy and
quick results. By
Increasing the
nourishing power
of what .tou eat
gaed dmggists. stack as Seaman
J. L. Brands, Bargess-Nash
Firm FVeah, Clear '
SUa and Increeea Easirxy
when taken with tsery '
Meal, er Money Back.