THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1921. Annisticc Dav Jo Be Observed Generally in U. S. rirtJ)ay of Disarmament " Conference to Be Given Over to Ceremoniei for American Heroes. By The AeeeelaUd Tr. Washington, Sept 21. A solemn wcmonial to voice at once the na tion'i gratitude to the soldier dead and in hope of deliverance from heavy armaments will be observed from coast to coast on Armistice day. under the leadership of . President Harding anu officials of his admin, istration. The first meeting of the disarma ment conference, called for that day, is to be confined to brief formalities, leaving delegates free to join with the oresident in the central cere mony at Arlington National ceme tery. Un Kovemuer u, me reai work of the conference will begin. Plans for the observance are ex pected to include a nation-wide dem onstration lor tne limitation 01 arma ment bv organized labor, prayer serv ices in many churches, special meet ings of women a organizations and ceremonies by civic, industrial and political bodies, generally. Jt is prob able that a presidential proclamation will set the day aside as a national holidy. Harding to Speak. Members of the foreign delega tions may. be asked to speak briefly at the Arlington ceremonies, where the president will make the princi pal address and oenerai rersning will lay a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier, to be buried there. By such an observance, officials are said to believe they can preclude the possibility that the tribute to the soldier dead will be overshadowed in the public mind by the conference and at tne same time give tne nation an opportunity to speak its senti ments for armament reduction. The plan is said to have been devised by the president because he felt that the tributes to those who gave their f I J ?. . U. ...-H L. lives in uic wunu war uugni v-u uc mingled with a prayer for closer in ternational understanding. In his Arlington address, Mr. Har ding is expected to touch on this question, although any definite dec laration of the purposes and hopes of' the armament negotiations will be reserved for the conferee when he will welcome the delegates Agenda Announced. The tentative agenda the United States has transmitted to the princi oal powers who will participate in the conference on limitation of arma ment suggests- on broad lines, sub' jects for consideration. Foreign of fices to whom it has been sent have been informed that it is essentially suggestive and subject to amend ments pr additions. ' An outline fol lows; - ' - Limitation of naval armament Ba sis of limitation. Extent1 of limitation, ftilittlniAnt nf rftnHifinns. Rules for control of new agencies' of warfare. ' ?' - , Limitation of land armament. Questions relating to China. Princi ples to be applied. . Application to subjects. . .Territorial integrity. . Administrative integrity. ' : Open door. Equality of administrative and in dustrial opportunity. ' : ; ' Concessions, monopolies and other ' economic ' privileges. , . ' Development of railways. Preferential railroad rates. , ' , Status of existing comitments. '. . Questions on Siberia. , Similar questions relating to China. ilarjdated islands. -. Police Use Clubs on Crowd of Unemployed Waiting to Get Food j New York, Sept. 21. Bryant park was the scene of another disturbance last night when police swarmed in to it to disperse a crowd of unemploy ed, attacking with night sticks many who did not move fast enough, beat ing them over the head and shoul ders. Several men were thrown to the pavement The police charge occurred when six elderly women, mambers of a charitable organization known as '"The Sunset club," began to distrib ute sandwiches among men who sleep in the park. The women were jostled during the encounter and Mrs. Eleanor Chapman, 90, who was carried away by friends, declared she would file assault charges against po licemen who participated. The men were driven out of the park and the food was eventually distributed on the sidewalk. Police said they broke up the crowd be cause it was "obstructing traffic." , Prince of Wales Will Not Visk Canada on Next Trip London, Sept. 21. An official an nouncement made yesterday an nounces that the "Prince of Wales will riot visit Canada on his return journey from his contemplated trip to India next month:. The battleship Renown, on which the prince will make the voyage, will sail for Gi braltar October 26. Says Citizens Filled Horse With uMule;" Asks $7fi00 Damages Detroit, Sept 21. John Pruss of Hamtramck is asking $7,000 damages in circuit court, because, he asserts, three Hamtramck residents forced his horse to drink a large quantity of liquor, leading1 to its death. First, Pruss charges, the defendants tried to get the horse, wagon and all, into the saloon, but failing in that unhitched the horse and led it to the bar, where they gave if a large quantity of "white-mule." Soon afterwards, Pros' claims, the horse curled up and died. It was a valu able animal, he says." ' ' For leading the animal into the saloon Pruss asks $3,000. : For the drinking bout which he claims end ed in its death, he asks $2,000. Pruss says the defendants, after getting the horse all likkered up rode it around the saloon and down the street in a drunkeiw condition. For this he asks an additional $2,000. Impossible to Stop Brewing, Illinois "Dry" Agent Says Chicago, Sept 21. "Ve canuot stamp out home brewing in Chicago,' said John Kicllander. prohibition officer for Illinois, discussing th: dictum by the Treasury department that home brew Is illegal "We would have to station men on every doorstep in Chicago, night and day. We cannot enter a house without a search warrant and. then we must have reasonable around for believing home brew I being sold. XI it is made solely for home consumption, I believe the brewer is safe. "However, the home brewer is tak ing a big risk in any event More dangerous than the law is the stuff he makes. No one can have in his kitchen or basement, the proper fa cilities for making beer. Vessels should be sterilized and the liquor should be filtered through wood fiulp, pasteurized and aged in steril zed air. Home brew, is certain to be green, unclean and injurious." Stillman Plans To Drop Divorce Fisht in America j . New York Banker May Re new Charges Against Wife In Paris Expense Es timated at $1,000 Day. New York, Sept 21. James A. Stillman plans to drop his divorce suit against Mrs. "Fifi" Potter Still man and the legitimacy attack on Guy Stillman. The "scheduled hearincs of wit- nessca in October may not be held, the entire proceedings dropped and he will bo to Paris. Abroad, it is learned, he plans to file new charges against his wife and Guy Stillman. News of Stillman's plans to trans fer the local fight to Paris came as a result of inquiries about the rea- fconi for his recent disposal of vt Texas properties, the placing of Jay "Leeds" in an orphan asylum and other significant developments. The attempt to divorce Mrs. Still man has been a mighty expensive fight It was calculated the former National City bank president has spent at least $J0O,000, and the cud is not yet in siuht. Legal expenses, temporary alimony for Mrs. Still man, counsel ices, investigations, witnesses and the so-called "nusctl Inneous" total about $1.0UO a day. J he case has been going nearly a year. If Stillman does drop his divorce action on this side of the Atlantic, there u Mrs. Stillman's counter suit for divorce to be considered. All her witnesses are yet to be heard and they are expected to prove her charges that there were many women in his affairs outside the Stillman home. There is particular ly to be related Mrs. Stillman's charges involving Mrs. "Leeds" and her son, Jay, who is about the same ago as Ouy Miiinian. With Stillman in Paris, even though she did win a decree of di vorce, Airs. Miuman woum nave The Best Overt 6 a Buy in the City of .... I.--. . i v" . , Omaha Never before in the history of our store have we had an opportunity to offer you such fine quality overcoats at the extremely low price quoted . '" Seems' as if the entire city is awake to this unusual Overcoat value-giving demonstration it's getting stronger every day hist because the man who has bought here is giving us the best advertising in the world the spoken testimonial Hundreds of v men have bought and have been given the surprise of their lives. J Let us show you how to save and be satisfied just as we have, saved for and satisfied these other men. o. No finer Ready-lor-Seirvice Overcoats , can be obtained at the price Including the newest heavy winter Overcoats bought at 1921 and 1922 prices and sold a 192 and 1922 prices.. Double-breasted, belted backs; new semi-raglan sleeves and belted all around models. These coats are all carefully tailored of fine imported and domestic fabrics all heavy all-wool fleece overcoatings with back of fancy plaid. All one-quarter satin lined. - We invite all men, ,f romHh'e uninitiated to the most expert, to compare these values with any alternative at ' the price We'll be satisfied with the verdict. t -, The Store of Specs Aty Shops. Main Floor Main Floor troubles anew over alimony, recog nition of the decree and other tech nicalities. New AMMaiit Supply Chief Reach? i. Fort Crook Lii-ut. Col. D, I. Currie has ar rived at Fort Crook for duty as sisUut chief of staff for the supply department, to succeed Col. W. K. Naylor, who was recent) detailed for duty with the Army War col' lege at Washington. Colonel Currie went to West Toint from Texas in 1896. His service since has been in artillery, field ar tillery, signal corps and general staff. He has seen duty in the Philippines, Hawaii and France,. Maj. W. F. llarrell, general staff, is also a new arrival at Fort Crook, for duty with the military intelli gence section. Dr. Pinto Resents Advice on Work Sity Welfare Board Man Un informed in Urging Testa On All Children. Dr. A. S. Pinto, city health com niikikmrr, yrtterday voiced some resentment at the recommends ion f J. J. Larkin, welfare hoard mem ber, Tuesday night that cultures should be taken of the throat of every school chiM in Omaha in an effort to eradicate diphtheria from the schools. "There are 19 iiurses in Omaha as. ligurd to this work under Mis Charlotte Towntend, uiervlor of medical wspevliOM in the schnoli, he said, "and the health department maintains two additional nurses for the parochial schools. "Mr. Larkin should inform hime!( before he speaks. "The nurses, in their work, t.ik cultures (rum every throat which looks iti'picious. Whee there is mure than one siuh case In any one loom cultures are taken from every child in the room." Rocords show 81 cates of diph theira now under surveillance by the health department. Ten new cites were reported this week. Have Your Electrical System Inspected Free of Charge Try Our Battery,. and Electrical Service You' Will Like It AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CORP. Dist EXIDE Storage Batteries 2205 FARNAM STREET "Our Reputation ts Your Protection" ' A headlight leas has ao value unless the bulb behind it is properly sdjmteJ. Primolite Lens Feigley Focus Finder Piftlhrnifl flit GUn CV, Gtntrsi THtritmfri ' Pathe Phonograph & Lloyd Baby Carriage Exhibition Continues Union Outfitting Co. Free Souvenir to Each Baby "Lloyd" Baby Carriage 'Given Away Friday. Mothers who arc interested in securing the most comfortable carriage for buby will be Inter ested In the new Fall styles and the special price" on carriages during "Lloyd Week" at the Union Outfitting- Co. . An interesting demonstration of the new electric models in "Pathe" Phonographs is also in progress for those who want mu sic in the home indoor evenings. $25 worth of records are being given away free with every ma chine sold. Advertisement Exceptional Values in High Grade Cars 1921 Cadillac CO, 4-pasa. coupe. 1921 Cadillac 59, 7-paaa. touring. 1921 Cadillac CD, 4 -pass, roadster, practically new. 1921 Cadillac CD, 2-pass. roadster. 1918 Cadillac C7, 4-pass. roadster. 1920 Marmon, 7-pasa. touring. 1918 Marmon, 7-pass. touring. 1920 Kissell coupe, 4-pasa. At Prices That Will Interest You La Fayette Hayward Co. Harney 0345. Farnam at 28th. Every Time You Telephone IATTED2IES When you telephone, the electric current that carries your voice over the wire is supplied by a storage battery. The Bell Telephone, and practically all other telephone systems, rely on Exide Batteries. Exides propel locomotives used in the mines. They run street vehicles fijnd industrial trucks ; they light yachts and passenger trains ; operate rail road signals and giant draw bridges. In scores of ways Exide Batteries assist in our commercial supremacy. The first automobile start ing and lighting battery was an Exide. The Exide made for your car today lasts long because it is the product of long experience. Built into it is the experience of the oldest and largest manufacturers in the world of storage batteries for every purpose. We try to make Exide Service of as high a quality as Exide Batteries, and we would like an opportunity of being useful to you. The Electric Storage Battery Company, Philadelphia . Wherever you fee this ign -you no be confident of skilful i repair work on every make of battery; and, when you ,need a new battery, the right Ue Exide for your car. Visit the Nearest Exide Service Station OMAHA Auto Electric Service Corporation. 2205 Farnam St. COUNCIL BLUFFS Bluff City Exide Battery Company NEBRASKA Albion, Smith's Battery Station . v i " ' Arapahoe, fxids Service Station ' Aurora, Auto Electric Shop . Blue Hill, Exide Service Station : Beatrice, Courtney Purdy, 116-118 N. 7th St. ( Briatow, Johnson Carafe . ... Broken Bow, Deke Exide Service Station ' , Cedar Rapids, Battery Service Company -' -Columbus, Exide Storage Battery Service Station Curtis, L. B. MeCowhi -j .. ' - David City, Exide Electric Ceaepany Elwoed. City Garage , '1 ' Falls City, H. J. Pri chard, 17th and Chase Street Frrxsent, Autoeaotive -Electric Service . Grand Island, Exide, Service Station V . . ' " Hastings, Exide Service Station, 416 West 2nd St. Holdrege, C. S. Prime Hooper, Anton Tunberg Hoakins, Wm. Vosa Garage Imperial, Imperial Motor Company ; , Kenrnay, Exide Service Station, 21st and Ave. A Lexington, Exide Service Station Lynch, R. B. Klise McCook, McCook Exide Electric Company Minden. Minden Battery Company North Platte, North Platte Battery and Electric . Company . Ogallala, Ogailala Electric Service Station O'Neill, O'Neill Motor Company ' Pierce, Hayee Battery Station ; Plalnvlew, F. J. Weidman Randolph, Brenner and Nelson ' : - Red Cloud. Exide Service Station Schuyler. Kopae Bros. Stamford. F. E. Gate Stratum, Exide Service Station Stromburg . Anatrem Auto Company Sutton, Exide Service Station Vedigree, Vedigree Beltery Station . . Wallace, The Wallace Carage Wausa, Peters Ante Co, W. C Peters, Pres. Winside, Gaoler Battery Station, A. C Gabler, ' Prop. , 1 . - ' York. York Ante Company, 802 Lincoln Avewae k til 'I i