rrr- I -1 i f THE I3KE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, ' SEPTEMBER si. 1921. Society Things You'll Love To Make. Davit-Bohling Wtddini. Tlit wcdiltua of Miss Mrnie Davit, (laughter of Mr. mil Mr V II Uivis. and Xlr. Henri ItnhliHu ni St Louis, will take place Suiurjjy j .' flinty frnU-m "Hi . :..; i atliedr.I, gt hK afirr right o'clock. A reception at the Waukstone hotel follow the ceremony. Wedding Attendant!.' ! Sins Uorothy Kiplingcr. wlioe marriage to Charles C Allison will take place Wnlnrsday. October 11. announces the following wedding at t intuitu. Mi Ann Ktllrhrr ol Dm Moinrs, maid of honor; Mr. Albert Sililernen, sister of Mr. Allison, matron of honor j bridesmaid: Mi Uir'iDiy Judon and Mi Eleanor liiirkley. ' CIr. Allison will be attended by iii'. Albert Si!bcrnrn a beat man firf the following ushrrs: Messrs. I'onald KitdiiiKer, Kay Millard, Paul Miirlcy, !urd tte Kirkendall, Doug- I. 14 lYlcrs and Lewi l'urgess. i Mir. Retd Entertains Mis Kdua Keed entertained at luncheon Tuesday at her borne in honor of her etiest. Miss Virginia Wallace, of Washington, U. C Lnvemlrr and fink aster decorated the table and cover were placed for (cidame Lewis Iltirgrts Uurdrttc Kirkendall. Kenneth Norton, Miss Virginia Wallace, Marion Hamilton, Kleanor Ittirkley, Osoluie i'eter.', Dorothea Cooper, Pittsburgh. Pa., ntd Reed. Mr. Robert Siorr. of Douglas, .Wyo., Mil. Corinr.e Klliott. D. A. R. Notes Mrs. C. F. Sjiencer of Lincoln, formerly of N'orth Platte, itate re Kent of the Nebraska chapter. Daugh ters of the American Revolution, will be honor guest at a luncheon and musical tea to be fjiven by Omaha chapter. D. A. R.. Tuesday. October II, at the Prettiest Mile club. ' Guettt at Davia Home. Mr. and Mr. T. L. Davis will entertain at dinner Friday evening at their home in honor of Mr. and .WVedBeAsyUfVenl Smocked back and front panels are quite new. Cut the panels some what longer than the kirt of the frock. Smock the lower part of the panels with filk or worsted. Have the unlocking eight inches deep. Use mocking to trim the Mouse aud the sleeves. Finih the bottom ends of these cmart smocked front and back panel with deep fringe of ilk or wool. (Copr!hi. i t'ubiio l..lsr Co l Mrs. I". M. Morrison of Kauas City, who arrtvc Friday morning to be their guests over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. Will Coad will give a dinner Saturday evening at their home for Mr. aud Mrs. Morrison, and Mr. and Mr. Waller Kobert will entertain at tea. Sunday after noon, at the Country club for these visitors. Mrs. Witlard llosford will give a luncheon at the Country club Saturday for Mrt. Morrison. George Crook W. R. C. George Crook Woman's Reliel corps will meet Friday at 1:J0 p. in. in Memorial hall, court house. A class of 10 will be initiated. The initiation will be followed by tea at the Rurgeas-Nash tea room. The president, Mra. D. S. Flaugh er, requests a full attendance at the meeting. Field Club. Stockholders of the Omaha Field club met for dinner at the club Tuesday evening. Mrs. Howard Kennedy will enter tain seven guests at the ladies' luncheon Wednesday. C. J. O'Connor T. E Duffy Announce, the opening of their new ECoekshainia Cat 11 Thursday, September 22, Open for Inspection From 2:30 to 10:30 Today No expense has been spared in making this the best appointed and most homelike cafe in ; Omaha. ,'. Mr. C. J. O'Connor, better known as Jerry, and who has had years of experience in catering, has re-entered the cafe business after an absence of several, months and welcomes his old friends and patrons to his new place ( 2038 Farnam Street .; , . A Million Bottles Makes a Million Pints MENTHO-LAXENE COUGH AND COLD SYRUP Make a pint and keep free from colds and coughs. All druggists. , , . t EAT Macaroni Foods if IS M ADE GOOD FOR YOU TO EAT ft contains genuine Semolina, from which the best Macaroni is made. For sale at all grocers. - Twin ; ight CHOCOLATES IMNER-CIRC1X CANDIES' You Don't Have to Go Home v at noon time or any other time in order to get home-cooked foods. You'll find them here, and at ' reasonable prices, too. - ' Mrs, Baker'c Cafeteria and Cafe Under City Nat'l Bank Bid's- 16th and Harney. Formerly the Quick ssrv Cafeteria -Bowen's Value-Giving Store Heat Your Home With a - GARLAND Pipcbss Furnace See Them t . Bowen's The Garland baa twelve fun damental advantages. Have us demonstrate them to you. Dorothv Balbach Becomes Bride of Dr. Davis The Mcddiiig , of Mi Dorothy Dalbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Ualbach. and Dr. Kdwin Davi. ti.uk jiluie Tued.iy evrniiic half after eight o'clock, at the home of the hride. The house a attractively decor ated with pink and lavender astern, palms and Southern smilax. The ceremony wa perfumed by the Reverend .V K. Urnt in the bay window of the living room, which was decorated with Southern nnilax and banked with large buckets of pink and lavender asters. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked lovely in a Itown of tott, white satin. The bodice was made of chantilly lace, cut low, and tinihhed with short sleeves. The skirt was made short. A court train hung front the shoul ders. Her long tulle veil Mas held in place by a wreath of orange blos soms and she carried a shower boit quot of lilies ol the valley and brides' roes. The bridesmaids were the Misses Stella Kobiioon and Ruth McCoy. Miss Robinson was gowned in soft pink talFcta. The bodice was trimmed with lace and the skirt cut round length. She carried a shower bou quet ot lavender asters. Miss Mc Coy's gown was of lavender tafTeta made short, with bodice of lace. With this was carried a shower bou quet of pink asters. Roth wore head bands of silver and tulle and silver slippers. Little Miss Mary Ellen Davis and Master Ellcry Davis stretched the ribbons. Mary Ellen wore a dainty Kowii of soft white taffeta and Mas ter Eltcrv a white satin suit. A wedding reception followed the ceremony. About 200 guests were present. , Mrs. Balbach, mother of the bride, wore a handsome gown of black lace made en train. Supper was served in the billiard room. Here the same scheme of decoration was used as through the rouitu, liveiid r and pink asters and ! southern smilax, 1 Dr. and Mrs. Davis left by auto-: mobile for trip through. Minne- seta. The bride's go-away suit was of dark blue tricotine with hat to match. After N'ovember 1 Dr. and Mrs, Davis will be at hdme in their apart ment, at 114 South Thirty-eighth, avenue, . - Mr. anil Mra. Torrena Hare. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Torrrns of New York City arrived in Omaha Wednesday en route to their home f'om Salt Lake City. They sill be guests at the home of Mrs. Flora Phillio for two day. Mr. Torrcm formerly taught voice here. Problems That Perplex 4aM4 kr BEATRICE PAIKPAX. In sis iimnthk' itiov -At ) .tfi, long ' riiuuli to tin k uiulrr it m-i lit ilia i tianuniH you will jui have to ten4 , is lillttt mumy ami kerp It ituely l i utll ami luiiiiut 1 Personals Mrs. W. T. llauev i convalesc ing from an attack of the grippe. Mrs. Charles X. Dow and daugh ter, Miss Eva, have returned from Chicago. Mrs. W. J. Myites aud Mrs. Frank W. Judson are spending several weeks in the east. Mr. and Mrs P. I.aird are spend ing a few weeks at the Elms, Ex celsior Springs, Mo. C. C. Neumann and family ol Oak laud, Neb., were guests at the Chas. Waltz home over Sunday. Mr. Richard EUper. son of Dr. and Mrs. W. B. ElSper. left Mon day evening for Ann Arbor, Mich. Miss Lucilc I.atlirop left last week for Walters, Okla., where she will teach languages in the high school. A son, Byron Bonn, jr., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Reeves Sat urday, September 17, at their home. Mrs. Robert Storz of Douglas, Wyo., arrived Tuesday morning to be the guest of friends for several weeks. . Mrs. Frank Watson of Minne apolis is the guest this week of Mrs. Mary E. Van Gieson and Mrs. Henry B. Lemere. Mrs. Watson is en route XretU Juai Word. "l,ar MUa Kalrf.u; I am II var of ami have tun aoinc with a "iuiiic mini It seur my senior (or iilnn munths. duiitu whhh time 1 huva Icttrrietl to love him tlrarrr than lifi". "A week uau, wliil having a pruy nrauiiirnt tvr the hons 1 told him he nl not rail me up aaulii. Knowing he in thr wrong, I thoiiKlit he would call me to" California, where she will join I'cr husband aud spend the winter. Danun Hone, on of Mr. and Mrs. James Rone, left Monday for St. Johns Military cademy at Delia Held. Wi.. Mrs, (ii-i-re llj.-sett of Chicago is a guest, fr the Ak-Sar-lten fes tivities, at i'sj home of Mrs. F.d ward Jfaney. Miss Winifred l.athrop left .Mon day for Boulder. Col., where she will enter the sophomore class at the University of Colorado. Mrs. Ward Burgess aud daughter, Margaret I.ee, will return Friday morning from the Maine coast where they have spent the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Will Iletheringiou of Monroe, la.. 'arc the guests of their sons. Messrs. W. S. Hether ington and P. M. Ilctheriuglon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bozell, who re turned Monday from Yellowstone park, are at the home of Mrs. Do zen's parents, Mr. and Mr. John W. Robbins, for the present. Warren S. Agec left Sunday eve ning to enter his first year i;t Har vard law school. En route he will spend a few days at Dartmouth, where he graduated last June. Mrs. William Goodrich and son, Morrison, of St. Louis, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ward, enroute to Ldug Beach, Cat., where they plan to spend the winter. !up and pulog Uv. I nave not heard trout him alm-e and have breu unhappy. ! ;ou think It would be liiwrring mif if railed liini Up- kii'iwiiu; he la in the urung? t WliltHUCU." If it i Bi'll'g to mean h.iipiir.a , fur you. fall liitu up. Homo men are atuUliurn, when it roiura to mak ing up a iuarrt; all they nrrd u the flrat wurtt from the oihrT snie, And lite U short, u short to pro It pg a quarral fur the want ot just a word to iiinke up. He tiioNHl riling, "Hear MUa Fairfax: While away at nhool ihla yeur I went with a boy whom I liked verv muth, and 1 bclifve he liked me. Whnn we part ed we eachangeil train letteia. In Ilia letter he inclosed hie ad. Irene. ml linked me to write flit. us he didn't know my adiln . Koohchlv I illil so, but after a few I'-ui-ra had pnaaed between ua he renaed to wrtie. I go out a crvat ilf.il ihls muniiirr. but ran't forest the humility of havlnu lilnj atop writing, elnee I started the eorrfapondenrea, Should 1 have wrillfii flrat? llow ahull I treat him when I return t" school? "V. II." Oh, now, deur, you ure too ai-nid-t!vc ii bout the i hi UK. After all, jor rn pondencea do til" easy deaths, and we Juat have to ehuige experleneea like tiiat up to lite and the reela it unroll. -There is not any humility to It at all. Margaret: I'll wager 1 have a doz en wails about bobbing hair aut-h ua you have written me. It's a tempta tion to bob it, but as you auy, you ran't ever tell what It is going to do to your looks. Hut, then, we all make foolish miai-ikea sometime. ho eheer up. It ixti't a though you had done nonmhing of pcrninnent (isiiiBKe, for it will grow out again " "Villi Own in VANITY HATS t for Men of Affairs For Sale at the Best Shops TIIK NONAME II AT M Ft!. CO. J00 Kin II AVE.. NKW YORK Plant at Orang. N. J., Hint 1SS3 lhi;Dfflg LQ..U-N6.IE CAR TRAOM Well Equipped :: Well Operated ARRIVES CHICAGO 8:05 A. H , OPPOSITE TRAINS From Chicago 5:30 P. M. : Arrive Omaha 7:00 A. M. From Chicago 1:10 P. M. : Arrive Oraaha 8:10 A. M. City Ticket Office, 1416 Dodge St., DO uglas 1684 A. J. Palmquist, P. A., 1004 Farnam St., DOuglas 3530 1 6w 1 liatod below. Any butcher cnnlurr.. tele- pbooa oprra- tora, NJ ' talesmen, er deliver' meu wanting te work tor the liuy-Blte Stores mail anpltea- -liona and ref erence, to ' U. i,- Kins;, eara Wilfce Mitchell, 40th and - Farnam . Street. BUY-EITE DAYS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY $1.23 BUY-BITE FRUIT DEPARTMENT snn Suit rases or crates ot Ita.llan B!ue Prunea. Special, per crate These are about the last Prunes ot the season, folks get them now. 1,000 Full bushels of large extra fancy firm Colorado Keifer Pears. Special, bushel ............ $3.4o . This is.A-No. 1 Fruit; smooth, with a delicious flavor and practically the last of canning Pears on the market this season. " ' Me 1 000 Crates ot California Salloway Peaches. Very fancy and firm. Special, crate $1.49 Folks, these are delicious Peaches for preserving, canning, whole or half, or for jelly. 1 Solid carload ot extra fancy California Flame Tokay Grapes. Special square large basket.... 67 Per crate of four large square baskets .'$2.60 Folks these baskets are full, average weight 6& to 7 pounds. Crisp, snappy, delicious Tokay Crapes. FRUIT JARS. - 500 Cases of Ball Mason Fruit Jars: Pints, do., 89'. Quarts, doz .99 3 doz. Heavy Cold Pack Jar Rubbers ...... .20 BUY-RITE CEREAL DEPARTMENT. 3 pkgs. Shredded Wheat Biscuit . ...... 3 pks. Armour's Thick Toasted Corn Flakes 2 small pkgs. Post Toasties Quaker Puffed Wheat or Rice, per pkg. Large pkgs. Uncle Sam Breakfast Food ... Large pkgs. Swansdown Cake Flour ...... .. 'Grape Nuts, 2 packages fr BUY-RITE M .42 .25 .23 .14 .32 .37 .29 JmMOTH SOAP DEPARTMENT. Linn's Cleanser, pkg., 23); 3 pack-ages Lux. Special, 6 packages tor 5 lbs. pure White Soap Chips Large pkgs. Star Maptha- Washing Powder, Large pkgs. Sea Foam Large pkgs.. Rub No More ' Large pkgs. Gold Dust 35c pkgs. 20-Mule Team Borax Chips 35c pkgs. Crystal White Soap Chips 10 bars Crystal White Soap 10 bars Creme Oil Toilet Soap 10 bars Omaha Family Soap . .59 .59 .99 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .59 .73 .53 BUY-RITE PILLARS. 3 lbs. of Buy-Rite Special Brand Coffee ... .95 500 cases of Ideal Malt and Hops, set....... .65 Per dozen sets of Malt and Hops $7.50 Tall cans Wilson Milk. doz. cans $1.47 TaU cans Oatman's Dundee Milk, doc $1.47 Tall -cans Carnation Milk, doz. cans $1.50 Any of the above milk, per case of 48 tall . cans. Special - .v $5.75 ANOTHER BUY-RITE VINEGAR SPECIAL. 1 Gal. of Pure Cidar Vinegar . .48 1 Gal. of Eure White Pickling Vinegar .42 Delivered .to you in new 1-gallon glass jugs for. which we charge 25tf. whlch we wln credit 1 oa wish to return same. ' ' . , MATCHES! MATCHES! I MATCHES! ! ! 1 Solid carload, just arrived, ot-celebrated -Red Seal Matches: ' Per carton of 6 boxes .35 r PRESERVES! PRESERVES!! 1 direct shipment of the celebrated Rupert's Pre serves, in Apricot, Black Raspberry and Logan Berry. Large 15-oz. jars. Special, 3 for ..- .85 These Preserves are packed In Portland, Ore., and etc of the finest fruits obtainable, sure to please the most exacting taste. BUY-RITE STORES A RETLOUR CENTERS. 1 carload of Little Hatchet Flour, recognized as the best Nebraska wheat put in a sack,' every sack guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction: Per 48-pound sack $1.88 Per 24-pound sack 99 We want you all to buy a sack of this flour, on approval more loaves of better bread to the sack. . PRUNES! PRUNES!! PRUNES!!! . Our first shipment of large, Juicy Prunes at les. than wholesale cost. " . 3 pounds for e, .39 Per 25-pound box 52.71 This same size and grade of Prune is being sold slsewhere for 20 pound. E. KARSCH CO:, Vintoa and Kins Ste. GILES BROTHERS, Bensoe FRANK KUSKA, ISta aad trtrfleia HANNEGAN A CO. ;j;t. Are. and LeaTraworth I LYNAM BRENNAN Sixteenth aad Dorca F. B. BOGATZ, tlet and 8ti South Side , ERNEST BUFFETT, The Grocer at Doadee OSCAR E. NELSON, tlth aad - St... rienth Side JEPSEN BROS., ZSth end Camtns VILKE & MITCHELL, rartietli and Farnam THORIN & SNYGG, Fortieth and Hamlltoa GEO. r) ROSS, . !tth and Amei J. D. CREW A SON," . Thirtr-thlrd and Arbor. ARMAND PETERSEN, xam Sherman Are. atsifcfWIisft k J esW'i'baWa. t3 SV al -' : J- " '.' U j...t 1 Give a Thought to MUSIC We carrv a complete selec tion of all the latest hits and classical music either in sheet music, player rolls or sj i on Columbia records. The house of Schmoller & Mueller stands today as it has always stood for the last 62 years NEBRASKA'S LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE. We are exclusive representatives for the WORLD'S BEST PIANOS, including the Steinway Hardman Emerson Steger & Sons McPhail Lindeman & Sons Behr Bros. Werner and Schmoller & Mueller Here you find the largest and most complete stock of band instruments in the west at lowest prices. Exclusive repre sentatives for,J. W. York & Sons' band instruments. i .; i Our prices and terms are the lowest in the United States, quality considered. , Schmoller & Mueller 1514-16-1S Dodge St. Piano Co. Leading Music House of the West Phone Doug. 1623 Bkstin PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS Make a mealtime hit by serving PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS with but ter. The zestful saltiness of these tender crackers blends so well with the butter, or meat, or cheese, or jellies, that there will be many calls for more: Sold from glass front cans and from large size QU's by , the pound; in the new Family Qubox; and in In-er-seal Trade Mark packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 1 ss .VRHT1HEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Take Yeast Vitamon Tablets Feel "Fit As A Fiddle" New Discovery Makes Firm Flesh, Strong Nerves e. na uvercomes constipation . Everywhere people are talking about the new, easy and economical way of get ting the wonderful health-giving benefits of true yeast-vitaminee In the tiny tablet form called Maetin 'a VITAMON. By getting the precious yeaet and other vita mines in this highly concentrated form, you can be sure of quick results, for Maitin's VITAMOJJ banishes pimplet, boils and skin eruptions as if by magic, strengthens the nerves, builds up the body with firm fleab and (issue and often re juvenate the whole system. It will not upset the stomach or cause gas, but, on the contrary, is a great aid to digestion and to help overcome even ehronio con stipation. So rapid and amazing are the results that success and satisfaction era absolutely guaranteed to weak, thin, ner vous, run-down folks or the small amount you pay for the trial will be promptly re funded. Be mire to remember the name Mastin's VI-TA-MON the original and ' genuine yeast-vitaniine tablet there is nothing else like it. so not accent no tations or substitutes. 'You can get alastln's VITAMON tablets at all good riruKRists, nuch as Sherman ft XcConnll. Adams-Haiaht. Alexander-Jacobs. J. L. Brandeis. Burgess-Nash and IZayden Bros - feci THE CHARM OF A CLEAR, SMOOTH SKIH And How To Attain It Tver one knnv.e Mm adiM rliarm ft a rli'nr, emutuh akin ti r.niiplmit.rt stlllt the tint of iuuilifuliirs. JuC how lo ucri-siully t iar Ilia akin vt linalKhtly MiuiialiiS hus been the grrateat drsire nf fcfiiifti for aicee. Ulaik nnl White liianty llloauh U dt-llghl fully prr'umed trtani that will remove plnipUa, Ian, aurt and vl nil ftvikli-e atid v ln.1 li. r foniilexlon I'll tnlh hen muke the sUln clear, eoft and youthful. Iilark nl While Soap will aid Hi amy llln.-li In r riovliiu akm llrinlf lies nt.J It rettuliir U.tn will k 'P (lie slim III pot-fur l fundi I Inn. Your fsvoriie ilruir or depiirtment euire arils lilnlc and WtiHn lJomuy; lllnnch. buc; lJim-k end Vhlte Hoar lie Clip and nmil thl nilv. to lilnclc and White. Jinx 1SC7, Memphis. Tonn . ftr free lllernturc and eamplca of lilmk and White Talcum and 'ae 1'owdcr. Rheumatism A Remarkable Home Treatment Given by One Who Had It. In the yrar of 1SVS 1 was attacktd by Muicular and Kub-Acut Khtuma tlsm. I suffered as only those who are thus atTlirted know for for over three years. I tried remedy after rrmctly. but such rcllff as I obtained was only temporary. Finally, I found a treatment that rured me completely and such a pitiful condition haa never returned. 1 have given it to a number who were terribly afflicted, even bed ridden, some of them seventy to elirhty years old. and the results were the same an In my own case. "I Hid Sharp rains Llks Llshtnlsi Flashss Shootins Through My Joists." I want every sufferer from any form of muscular and sub-acute swelling at the joints) rheumatism, to try the great value of my improved "Home Treatment" for ita remarkable healinir power. Don't send a cent; simply mail your name and address, and I will sen! it free to try. After you have used it, and it has proven itself to be that long-looked for means of vetting rid of such forms of rheumatism, you may send the price of it. One Dollar, but understand I do not want your money unless you are perfectly satisfied to send it. Isn't that fair? Why suffer any longer, when relief is thus offered you free. Don't delay. Write todny. Mark H. Jackson, S00-H Durston Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Jgnlignn Is responstblo Above statement true. ADVEETIHKMEXT . Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Free Trial of a Method That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Time , We have a method for the control of Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expeflae. No matter whether your case is of long standing or ' recent develop ment, whether it is present as hay rever or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your aire or occupation, 'if you are trou bled with asthma, our. method should re lieve you promptly. t , We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless eases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our ex pense, that our method is' designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and all those terrible paroxysms. ; This free offer is too important to neglect a single day. Write now and begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupon below. Do it Today you do not even pay postage. FREE TRIAL" COUPON. FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 284-N Niagara and Hudson ,Sts Buffalo, N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: . - ADVERTISEMENT How to Have Pretty Natural Looking Curls Straight, lank hair is becoming to but few women and there's no excuse now for anyone looking homely and unkempt on that account. Those who have foresworn the ccrling iron because of the damage it does by drying and breaking the hair will be glad to hear that the simple silmerine method will produce, a far better and pret tiei effect, without any injurious result whatever. Jf just a small quantity be ap plied with a clean tooth brush before do ing up the hair the loveliest natural look, ing curls and waves will be in evidence in three hours, and there will be nothing streaky, sticky or greasy about it. A few ounce of liquid silmerine. ob tainable at any drug store, will prove a welcome addition to many a dressing table. It is best applied by dividing the hair into strands and moistening each of them sep arately from root to tip.. The beautiful wavy effect will last for a considerable ' lime. MMae ttaaoa saiKu miaaSlM If HUNTS OUA9ANTEBD SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES. (Hunt's Salve and 3oao)iaii in 1 the treatment of Itch, Beaawia. Rinewuf jLTgtterorotcrttca- i Ing skin diseases. Try Uus ' teeatsaeat at our risk. Sherman A McCennell 5 Dreg Sloree l sTXI I OmfiJvakB 'T-atoycvurc Section lee raavujB scrvour sdvJmmdS- -eT t