Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    1MB BEE: OMAHA. WKl.fcSDA7, StViiXlLZX CI. 1921.
OTarrelFs Single in Tenth With Grimes On Base Beats New York Giants
Chicago Cubs
Cut Leader's
Lead by U Win
Alexander Weakens and
Gianti Bunch Hid and Tie
Score When Kelly Parli
Ball Over Fence.
Chicago. Sept. 20 Chicago cut
New York's lead in the pennant rare
to three garnet today, when a tingle
ly O'larrcll icon Grimei in the
10th inning, and v-ivc the locals a
7 to 6 victory.
The came was hard-fought, the
Giantt taking a three-run lead hy
bunching hits off Alexander, but
Chicago overcame the lead hy
lynching hits oil Barnes and driving
lnni otf the mound. Alexander
weakened and the visitor again
bunched hits and tied the score
when Kelly cracked out his 2Jd
homrr. After that the Rauie dcvcl-
f-IcU into a pitchers duel between
Checvet and Nehf. Score:
Burn, rf 4 8 1 rrinek, fl I I ! I
Ilanc'ft, a 4 t 4 CiHoll h'r. M t 3 4 I
Friarh. Ill t I I 2' Terry, lb I ! I I
Young, r( I I I Hi Krll'er, Sb 8 2 3 0
S 'My. lb i 111 1, Harder, If 1 1 0 1
Meuatl, 1(111 ll'Tmhl), rM I I I
R'n, :b I a 4 dill'.n. t( I 0
Smith, a 4 3 8 (Irluiee. lb ( 113 0
Barnea, p J fi Klllefer. 0 9 110
She, p 0 O'xK.lllolt 00l)
xCun'g'm I 1 t 0 O'Far'll. c 1 1 I o
Hullo, p 0 t t e Alexdar, p 2 1 0 :
xHrnwn 1 t t 0:Cheeve, p 1 t 0 1
Nehf, p t t t i
. Total 4: 15 30 H
Total 40 1x217
xi'unnlngham tatted for Shea In 7th.
Brown batteil (or Salle In nth.
xKlllott ran for Klllefer In 8th.
xOn out when wlanlog run acored.
Brora by Inning:
New York 0 lilltlll 0 t
Chicago ,..0 0:040t00 17
Summary Runa: Kelly, Mcusel, Rawl
!na, 2; Smith. 2; Flack. Hollocher, Terry.
Kellehcr. Grimes, 2; Klllrfer. 2. Krror:
Frlsch. Two-bane hit: Rawllnga. Home
runa: Orlmes, Kelly. Stolen base: Smith.
Bacrlflc hlta: Terry, Rawllnga, Bancroft.
Double plays: Terry to Hollocher to
Orlmea: Burna to Kelly to ' Rawlings;
Alexander to Hollocher to Crimea. Left
on baaeai New York, 7: Chicago. . Base
on balla: off Nehf, 1: oft Chcevea. 1.
Hits: Off Bnrnea, 1 In 4 2-8 Innings;
off Shea, 1 in 1 -3 innings; off Sallee,
3 In 1 Inning; off Nehf, 3 In 2 Inning.:
off Alensnder. 15 In 7 Innings (nona out
In 8th : off Cheeves, 1 In 5 liming. Struck
out: By Alexander. 3; by Bnrnea, 1; by
Shea, l: by Nehf, 2: by t'haevea, 1. Wild
pitch: Nehf. Winning pitcher: Cheeves.
Losing pltrher: Nehf. Umpires: Hijier
and Morun. Time: 2:03.
Cardinal. Braves, 7.
St. Ivoula. Mo., Sept. 80. A alx-run ral
ly In the aevanth Inning enabled St.
I.oula to win from Boston, t to 7. Nixon
hit- a trlplo and homo run. The acore:
AB.H.O.A. ... AB.II.O.A.
' Powell, I f I I 0 Smith, rf 4
Nixon, rf I I I 0 Four'cr, lb i
Bar' re, ib S t 1 4 Stock, 3b 4
NIchTn, If I 1 0 Horn'y, Sb 2
Cruise, If 2 0 1 Mueller, cf 3
Bo'kel, b t t S II Mann, cf 0
lolke, lb 4 110 lPertlca, p 0
Ford, aa 4 1 3 5( M'Henry If 3
O'Nell, o 4 1 J 2 Lavan, aa 3
, Oeech'r, p 3 0 0 lClemona, c 4
Morg'n, p 0 0 0 0 Aina'th, o 0
V : Brax'n. p 0 0 t 1 Sherdel, p 1
j Ch't'b'r . 1 t 0 0 North, p 0
,L,i H'th'te, cf 3
Totals 37 13 24 1txShotton 1
0 0
0 0
Total 32 15 27 14
xChrlatenbury batted for Morgan In 8th.
xShotton batted for Maun In 7th.
Score by Innlnga:
Boston ,..,...0 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 0 7
8t. Louis 2 t 0 1 0 0 8 0 X S
Summary Runs: Powell, Nixon, 2;
Barbare, f; Boockel, Oesrhger, Fournier,
3: Stock. 2; Hornsby, McHenry, 2; Lavan,
Henthrote. F.rrora: Powoll. Nicholson.
Ford. McHenry. Two-base hits: Fourniei",
Hornsby. O'Nell, Three-base hits: Boock
el. Nixon. Home run: Nixon. Sacrifice
hits: Lavan, Nicholson, Smith. Double
playa: Barbara to Ford to Hollte; Ford
to Holke; Hornsby to Fournter. Left on
bases: Boston, t; St. Louis, 6. Bases
on balls: Ofl Oeachger, 4: off North, 1:
off Pertlca, 1. Hits: Off Oeachger, 12
in t 1-3 Innings; off Morgan, 2 In 2-3
inning;' off Braxton, 1 In 1 inning: off
Sherdel, 10 in 4 2-3 Innings; off North,
1 In I 2-3 Innings; off Ferttca, none in
2 Innings. ' Struck out: By Sherdel. 1 ;
by Oschger, 1 ; by North, 1 ; by Fertica, 2.
Wild pitch: North. Winning pitcher:
North. Losing pitcher: Morgan. Um
pires: Bart and Brennan. Time: 1:55.
Fhllllea, 6; Bed, 1.
Cincinnati, Sept. 20. Marquard was
hit heavily today and Philadelphia won
from Cincinnati, 6 to 1. The acore:
Lee. rf
3 S 0 Bonne. 2b
.IHmlth. 2b 5
Rnpp. Sb 4
Willis's, cf 5
K'tehy. lb- 5
4 t GIKopf, ss 3
t 1 HGroh. 3b 4
1 t 01 Roush. cf 4
5 7 ll Daubert. lb 4 4
1 1 0! Bressler, rf 4
P'lnaon, ss 4 1 8 41 Duncan, If 4
BruKtry, c S 1 4 01 H rgrave, o 3
Winters, p 4 0 1 4, M'quard, p 3
Totals 39 14 27 131' Totals 32 7 27 IS
Score by Innings:
Philadelphia 00101201 1 S
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 1 t 0 0 01
Summary Runs: Lee. 2; Williams, King,
2; Parkinson, Rressler. Krrors: - Brea
aler, Kopf. Two-base hit: Lee. Breesler.
Three-baj hits: Lee. Smith, King, Dau
bert. Stolen base: Groh. Sacrifice hits:
King, Rapp. Double plays: Marquard to
Oroh; Kopf to Daubert: Bressler to Har
erava to Oroh: Winters to Parkinson to
Konetchy. Left on bases: Cincinnati, 6:
Philadelphia, . Flrat base on balls: Off
Marquard, 1: off Winters. 2. Struck out:
By Marquard. 6: by Wlntors. 3. Wild
pitch: Marquard, 2. Umpires: Holmes
ar.d McCormlck. Time: 1:33.
Mitchell Has Good
Season in Base Ball
Mitchell, S. D., Sept. 20. Paid
tdmissions to the Mitchell park dur
ing the 48 games of the Dakota
league this season totaled 26,767, ac
cording to figures compiled today by
D. V. Smith, treasurer of the asso
ciation. The average attendance
' for each game was 557.
Darcy and Carbonne Put
Up Hard 15-Round Bout
Chkago Tribune-Omaha. Bee Lmnetl Wire.
New Orleans, Sept. 20. Jim Dar
cy, Pacific coast middleweight, and
Frankic Carbonne fought one of the
hardest 15-round battles seen here
in years last night Many disagreed
with the referee. and thought Darcy
should have won. This seemed to be
the general Verdict, but Carbonne
staggered the Pacific coast fighter
several times, closed both his eyes
and otherwise battered him up while
unmarked himself. ' ' r
Wina Tennis Title -
Norfolk, Neb., Sept. 20. (Spe
cial) Charles Durland, who recent
ly won the North Nebraska Tennis
association singles ' championship,
won the Norfolk city singles cham
pionship by defeating George Salter
m the final round.
Army Polo Team Wina
Philadelphia, Sept. 20. The army
frst team defeated the Philadelphia
Country club, 10 goals to five, today
in the first match of the open polo
championship of the United States.
Carl Morris to Fight Miske or
Carl Morris, one of the toughest
fighter of the old school in the game
today, ha been signed to tight cither
Billy Miske or l'"red Fulton itt Oma
ha October 3 under auspices of the
Nonpareil Athletic club.
Frank M. Tcssui, Morris' mana
ger, was in Unialia this week ar
ranging for the match.
Morris has been in the leather
pushing business for 12 years. He
is 34 years old and fights at 220
pounds. During his pugilistic career
he has several times been boomed
as a coming champion, but has never
quite measured up to the standard.
1 he big battlers home is in Sapul-
1 I 5 1.
Six Members of Nebraska Team
Qualify as Expert Marksmen
Camp Perry. O.. Sept. 20. (Spe
cial.) Six of the 11 members of the
Nebraska Cinbran-' Rifle team won
the United States army qualifica
tion of expert rifleman and a silver
medal in the National Individual
Rifle match just completed. One
man qualified as sharpshooter, miss
ing expert by only a single point.
The remaining four shooters made
the marksman qualification and will
be awarded silver bars.
The National Individual match
Frcntzel, Wlsner '.
Dr. Riley, team captain, Wiancr
Thompson, Wlsner
Festner. Omaha
Dr. Morse. Wlsner
Eiuckendahl Pierce
' Harshman, Sidney
Pospisil, Pierce
Boll, Pierce
Fisher, Pierce
Faubel. Wlsner
Qualified as expert rifleman.
Qualified as sharpshooter.
Qualified as marksman.
The Nebraska shooters have been
handicapped somewhat through lack
of a coach. W. H. Plasters of Stella,
appointed coach, wired his inability
to attend the match at the last mo
ment and left the team to its own
Timekeepers Win
Championship Of
Volley Ball League
Timekeepers won the champion
ship of the Armour Volley Ball
league after playing a series of seven
games with the Coopers. Scores of
the scries were 15 to 10, 15 to 14,, 15
to 14, 8 to 15 and 15 to 10.
Members . of the Timekeepers'
team were, Frank Faux, captain;
James Black, Art;Gross, Don Moran,
C. Hendrickson, Clarence Hartung,
Phil Ablen and Bernie Boyle. Each
player on. the team was presented a
medal by Armour & Co. .
The volley ball league was organ
teed of Armour plant employes last
summer by the Y. M. C. A. service
committee. The schedule comprised
186 games.
Another league has been organized
by the committee to play off a six
round schedule. The new league will
be composed of the "Grand-dads"
(players who are more than 45 years
old), Coopers, Timekeepers, Beef
Cutters; All-Stars and General Of
fice Employes.
Advocates Athletic -Field
for Amateurs
New York, Sept. 20. Erection of
a big athletic field here where ama
teur sports of all kinds from foot
ball to boxing could be held, was
advocated by Frederick W. Rubien,
president of the Metropolitan Asso
ciation of the Amateur Athletic as
sociation at a meeting last night.
New York, he said, was greatly in
need of such a stadium which would
encourage more outdoor track and
field contests. He - recommended
that the association investigate the
situation and report a plan at an
early date. .
Creighton High to
Start Scrimmage Soon
Coach Marrin, Creighton High
mentor, is highly 1 elated with the
progress his squad is-making and
will start scrimmage this afternoon.
New men showing up exceptionally
well are Judge at center, "Denny"
at half, and Morgan in the line.
Creighton High is training under
the Yale system, brought to Omaha
by "Mac" Baldridge, - new varsity
coach of Creighton.
American Association
Toledo, O., Sept 2 , - ' . R.H.E.
Milwaukee) 7. ...4 s
Toledo ..0 1 1
Batterie: Barnes and 8engtocb; Ayrea,
Stokes and Schau'ffai.
Louisville, Sept. 2t. R.H.E.
Minneapolis 1 2
Louisville ...7 11 1
Batteries:. Robertson and Crosbj ; Koob
and Merer.
No other game 'played, -
in Omaha October 3
pa, Okl. He will train for his bout
there, but will report to Omaha four
or live days before the bout.
Morris would just as soon fight
Fulton as Miske, Tessui said. Al
though Miske is a tough boy and is
rated above Fulton, he hasn't the
punch of the big Minneapolis plas
tercr. A bout between Morris and
Fulton undoubtedly would prove one
or the best cards ot the season.
Morris is fast for a big fellow and
packs a mule's kick in either hand,
while Fulton's terrific left has
sprawled many a tough fighter. Ful-
ton is known especially for a wick
ed Ielt hook.
was fired with the army service rifle,
and comprised the following seven
stages: 200, 300, 500 and 600 yards
slow fire; and 200, 300 and 500 yards
rapid fire.
To win the "expert rifleman"
designation, a score of 293 points
was necessary. "Sharpshooter" re
quired 275 points, while 240 points
gave the "marksmau" distinction.
Following are the scores made by
the Nebraska marksmen in the in
dividual match:
200 300 BOO 600 200 300 S00
yds. yds. yds. yds. 11. F. R.F. II. F. Tot
44 4". 4 4S 49 49 45 324
39 39 4S 49 49 (0 47 331
39 42 4S 43 49 43 41 307
35 83 411 4S 44 47 44 299
39 36 49 46 44 43 41 29S
40 37 . 43 41 47 4G 43 297
4 J 42 42 44 43 43 37 292
S7 41 38 36 43 41 22 25S
33 31 43 Be ' So 41 87 267
31) 31 43 39 35 43 38 257
34 43 45 . 34 42 IS . 30 24S
Rain Stops Racing ,
At Columbus Meet
Of Grand Circuit
Columbus, Sept. 20. Today's
Grand Circuit racing program was
postponed because of rain after two
heats of the first race had been run.
One heat of the 2:05 trot, the Cap
ital City $3,000, was won by Peri
scope, and Guardian Trust won the
first heat of the 3-year-old trot, the
Horse , Review futurity, purse $6,000,
when the shower fell. ' ".
The time of both these miles was
2:Q4H. Guardian Trust's heat in
that time was the ' fastest trotted
anywhere this year in a race by a
performer of his age. It also gave
Bel win, his sire, his first 2:05 trotter.
Today's program will be taken up
tomorrow and as much of it and the
regular day's program will be fin
ished as possible.
Large Crowd Attends
Races at Nelson
Nelson, Neb., Sept. 20. (Special.)1
A large crowd saw the opening
program of the Nuckolls county
fair today. In the 2:24 trot, Hen
nessy won first, Ivan Porter second
and Dixie Archdale third. Time
2;20 1-4. Max Stanford was first in
the 2:11 pace, Kewanee second and
Archline third. Time, 2:13 1-4. In
the 2:14 trot, Skyrocket, first; Fa
tellion, second, and Viva Golden
Bar, third.
Abandon Plan to
Play Series With
Coast League Winners
Chicago, Sept 20. Plans for the
winner of the post-season series be
tween pennant winners in the Inter
national league and in the American
Association to go to the Pacific coast
for a series with the champion nine
of the Coast league have been aban
doned, T. J. Hickey, president of
the association, announced today.
Mr. Hickey said he had received
word -from W." H. McCarthy, Coast
league president, that a winter base
ball league was being planned there
and consequently an intersectional
post-season series would net be pos
sible. - ;
The Bee offers to base ball fans
of this territory a number of
to the ' "s
Write or call on Mr. Parsons at
The Bee office for further infor
mation. - - ...
Yanks Again !
Take Lead In. j
American Loop
New York Trinu Detroit
Tigers, 4 to 2, While
Indiana Loe to Red Sox
Ruth Fan Twice.
New York. Sept. 20.-The New
York American! regained the lead
today, defeating Detroit, 4 to 2,
while Cleveland was losing to Bos
ton. Harper, New York's left
hander, was wild at times, but lie
kept Detroit's hit well scattered.
Ruth fanned twice in four timet up.
Young. 2b t 1 I 1 1 Miller, rt lilt
Jon-s, 31, t 1 t lil'er'n gh. as S t 3 I
10 1,1,. if J 1
Veaeh. If 2 1
lleil'an. rf 4 1
1 o Ruin, ir 4 110
t !Mual. rf 4 I S t
I I'lpp. lb 3 t t I
t I'Ward. lb 114 4
1 2 M Sally, Ib 1 t 2 2
I'Scheng, e 1 0 1
0 O'llarpcr. (A 1 1 t
t !
0 01 Total 21 7 27 10
niu. lb 11
Sargent, a 3 t
Wood II, e 4 2
Cola, p 2 U
xManlnn t t
llolling, p 0 0
Totals 31 24
xMunlon balled for Col In seventh.
Scar by Innlnga:
Detroit 0 MMMI 12
New York 0 t 1 t 1 0 X 4
Summary Runa: Blue, Sargent. Miller,
Pi'cklnpaugh, Kuth, Mruaol. Krntr: Bchang
Two-base hits: Mi-Natty. Ward. Hiolen
baaes: Jones. Colih. Harrtfle lilt; Plpp.
Ward. Manlon, llolling. Double Play:
Wondall to Sargent; lllu tn Sargent; Me
Nally to Wurd to I'lpp. Left on baae:
New York. 3; Detroit. 9. Flrat baae on
halls: Off Harper, t: off fete, 2. Hlta:
Off Cole. 7 tn Innings: off Hoillng,
In 1 Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By
Cole, Miller. Struck out: Br Harper. 4;
by Cole, 3; by Hoillng. 2. Wild pitches:
Harper. 2. Balk: Cole. Losing pitcher:
Cole. Umpires: Dlneen and Owen. Tim
oc gam:
Senators, t Whits Sox, 9.
'Washington. Sept. 20. Zschary held
Chicago to two acattered single and
Washington batted Kerr hard, winning
today,' to fl, Milan, In .left field for
the locals, had eight putouta. The score:
11. O.A.I,
Hooper, rf 3
0 2 oj Judge. In i
1 0
J'hnson, ss 4
Collins, 2b 3
Khctdy. lb 4
0! Harris, lb
2 1
2 Milan, T
Rice, rf
Falk. If . 3
Onslln, rf
Shanka, ilb
G'arrlty, o
1 0
I 1
Mostll, cf 3
M'llg'n, 3b S
Schalk, o 1
Milk'son, p 0
Kerr, p 2
Yaryan, o 1
OlO'R'ike, a
2 1
Z chary,
o a
35 II 27 S
Totals 27 2 24 S
Score by Innings:
Chicago 0 ! 0 9 0 0 0 07
Wash.ngton 0 0 0 1 1 4 3 0 x
summtrv Runs: Judge. Harrlfl. Milan.
Shanks, 2; Oharrlty, O'Rourlte, 2; Zach
ary. Errors: Falk, 2. Two-base hit:
Judge. Three-base hits: Milan, 2. Sac
rifice hits: Harris, onarnty, z jjoume
plays: Harris to O'Rourke to Judge.
Collin to Sheely. Left on bases: Chi
cago, 4; Washington, 8. First base on
balls: Off Zachary, 4; off Kerr 2. Hits:
Off Kerr, 14 in 7 Innings; off Wilkinson,
1 in 1 inning. Hit by pltcned Ban: zaen
ary by Kerr. Struck out: By Zachary,
2. Losing pitcher: Kerr. Umpires: Hilde
brand and Evans. Time: 1:27.
Bed Sox, ?; Indians, 4. .
Boston. Sept.' 20. Boston fell on Uhl
In the eighth inning today, knocked him
nut of .the bor after scoring tnree runs,
and made three runa off Bagby, who suc
ceeded him, defeating Cleveland, 7 to
Tlie acore: - ..
. AB.H.O.A.
L'lbold, cf 4 2 S 0
.Ta'leson. Cf 6 2
W amby. IK 1
Foater, Sb
4 .1
5 1
Kvana. f 4
iPratt. 2b
Wood, rf 4
O'rdner, 3b t
M'l'nis, lb 4
Collins, rt 3
M'nosky, It 4
Scott, ss 4
Walters, 0 4
Pen'ock, p ; 2
Russell, p 0
Jones, p ' 0
Sewell, bs 4
Burna, lb- 2
J'nst'n, lb ' 1
O'Neill, 0 4
Chle, p 1 4
Bagby. p 0
zSraith 1
0 0
xVlcK u
xPlttinger 10 0 0
Totals' IS 11 24.2'
Totals 33 t 27 12
rSmlth batted for Evans In the th.
xVick batted for Ruasell In 8th
xPitttnger ran lor Vick In the 8th.
Cleveland n, 0 0 0 1 J
Boston : o 0 0 1 00 0 6 x 7
Summary Runs: - Jamteson, Sewell,
Wambsganss. Evans. Lelboia, Mcimus.
Foster, Pratt, J. Collins, Waiters, Plttin
ger. Errors: Sewell, Uhle. Pennock, Let
bold, Pratt. Two-base hits: Jamleson,
Evans, Wood. - Foster. Sacrifice hit.
Pratt. Double play: Pratt to Scott to
Mclnnl. Left on bases: Cleven&,lQ.
Boston, 8. First base on balls: Off Uhle,
1; off Bagby. 1; off Pennock, S. Hits..
Off Uhle, 7 tn 71-3 Innings; off Bagby.
2 in 2-8 Inning; off Pennock, in 6 1-3
Innings; off Russell, 2 In 1 2-S innings,
off Jones, none in 1
By Uhle, 1 ; by Pennnck. 4. W Inning
pitcher: Russell. Losing piicner: unie.
Umpires: Chill. Nallln and Wilson. Time
ot game: i:os. -
.Athletics, S; Browns, 1.
Philadelphia. Sent. 20. Philadelphia
broke its losing streak of 10 straight
games today by bunching six hlta off
Shocker for ft 8-to-l victory over St.
Louis, Rommel allowed the Browns seven
hitB, but was effective in the pinches.
The score:
Witt, Tf 4 0 3 0
Dvkes. 2b 4 1 6 1
Tobin. Tf
1 2
Ellerbe, 3b 4
Staler, lb 4
0 0
1 10
1 1
CWal'er, If 8 2 0 0
Wll'ms, If 4
Jac'b'n, cf 4
Perkins, c 4 1 1 0
Mftl'o'e, cf 4 0 4
Gal'way, 3b 8 1 2 4
Cal'way, ss 3 0 1 2
JWal'er.-lb 3 1 11 0
Rommel, p 2 0 0 i
Severeid, c 4
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 3
1 2
0 0
Austin, as 2
xColllns l
Lee, ss . 0
xWetzel 1
M'M'ua, 2b 4
Shocker, p 8.
xMullan 1
30 6 27 12
Totals S 7 24 12
xCollins batted for Austin In seventh.
xWetzel batted for Lee In ninth.
xMullan batted for Shocker in ninth.
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Philadelphia 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 3
Summary Buns: Toblii, Dykes, C. Walk
er, Oalloway. Error: Williams. Three-base
hit: Tobin. Stolen base: Oalloway. Left
on bases: St. Louis, 8; Philadelphia, 5.
First base on balla: Off Shocker, 2. Struck
out: By Shocker, 1; by Rommel, 1. Um
pires: Connolly and Morlarlty. Time of
game: 1:18.
Armour Employes Form
Indoor Base Ball League
A two-round schedule of indoor
base ball games has been arranged
for Armour employes. Games will
be played at 3:30 each afternoon on
the Armour athletic field. Teams of
the following four departments will
compete: Beef, mechanical, pork
and production.,
Charley White Wins
Denver. 'Seppt 20. Charlie White,
Chicago lightweight boxer, last night
won a 10-rourid decision over Jimmy
Hanlon of Denver. The Chicago
man outclassed the local boxer and
had Hanlon bleeding freely in the
eighth, ninth and 10th rounds.
Grand Circuit Results
2:08 class trotters, the Capital
pure 83.00. unfinished:
Periscope, b. m., by Slllco (Dodge).. 1
Early Dreams, b. g. (McDonald) 1
Mlllis Irwin, br. m. (Fleming) 3
Peter Coley. b. g. (Stokes)........... 4
Chartls Rex, b. g. (Murphy) 8
Tims: 1:04 U.
Three-yesr-old trot, th Horse Review
Futurity, two In three heats, purs 34,400
Guardian Trust, b. c, by Belwin (Me-
Mahon) , 1
Thj Great Rose, b. f. (McDonald).... :
Favonlan. b. c. (Edman) 3
Rose Scott, blfc. t. (Murphy) 4
David Axworthy, b. c (Tallmaa) t
Tim: 8:4-'-
Ban Johnson Incites
President Harding
To Attend Series
Washington. Sept. 20. An In
vitttion to attend the opening
gmt of the world's series wi
extended to President Harding
today by B. B. Johnson, president
of the American league Mr.
Harding reserved hit decision,
saying whether ha attended would
depend upon the state of public
Corgans' Triple in
8th Beats Omaha
Buffaloes Drop Another
Game, 7 to l, While Okla
hotua City Loses.
Joplin, Mo., Sept. 20 Joplin broke
its losing streak today by dcicating
Omaha in the opening tilt, 7 to 4. In
the eighth inning, with the basts full,
Third Baseman lirogan slammed out
a triple. Score:
AH. II.. II. O.A. n
I.UIseon, 2k . .
llssH-y. lb ...
Ie. If
Illrlt, Ik ..
t.rlfftn, rf ...
O'Hrten. rf ..
Xnronger, a ,
, ,
Untie, e
latrnMrt, p
Totals ....
....4 I
3 I
t a
t Is
i s
i i
31 I 11
: u ,
All. R..H. O..V. T.
rtvlatenaen, cf ..
Cora all, 3b
Roherteaa, as
W llltame, If-p
Kennedy, rf
Npsa. 2h
Ilourg, Ih
Zwelful. p
xMueller, If
a a
4 3
a a
t a
..8 ee
ToUl 33 1 11 27 13 "t
xMaasey batted for Spranger In third.
sMmlth batted for Dttvcnpurt In ninth.
xMueller batted fee Zweiful In ninth.
Score by inning:
Oman 1 0 t 5 0 S
Jcplln w 1 1 1 t S 4 x J
Niimmar)' Tan-baM hit I Lelhelt. Wll
Ikima. Three-base hltat llaney, t organ.
Sacrifice hits: Davrnport, yltourg, Hluck
well. Flrat base on ballet Off Davenport.
It off Zwrlful, I. Mrurk out: By Deven
nort. 4 by Zwelfnl, ll by William., I.
Karned runa and lifts: Off Davenport, S
and IS in M linings: off Zwelful, 3 and 11
in 8 Innlnga) off William.. 0 and O in
tinning. I -eft on kueii Omaha, S Joplin,
10. Double playat Robertson to Boorgi
Robert son to Npeaa to Ilourg. Wild pitch:
Williams. Bulk l Zwelful. Hit by pitched
ball: By William. Smith : hy Davenport.
Cergan. Passed hollt Hlnckwell. Time of
garnet 1:2$. Umpires: Becker and Fits
Patrick. Hogue Leading in
National Rifle Meet
Camp Perry. O., Sept. 20. C. S.
Hogue of Philadelphia was leading
tonight in the Camp Perry all-around
championship match of the National
Rifle association tournament, with a
score of 996 out of a possible 1,000.
He had 530 points with the rifle, 257
with the pistol and 136 with the shot
gun. Capt. A. H. Hardy of Denver was
second, with 917.
Amateur I
Odell Club Lose.
Wymore. Neb.. Sent. 20. (Sneclal
i ne imeu Dase Dan team, which
claims .the' championship of" Gage
couniy, was aeieatea by nr. Ha worth '
uraves at Arbor State park, Sunday, by
the score of S to 3. It was one of the
best games of the Reason. Batteries
Wymore: Wlssler and Antrain; Odell
Faber and Hubka. . -
Wakefield Team Win.
The Wakefield club won from the Wausa
Wakefield. Neb.. 6ent. 20. (Special.)
ciud nere by a 7 to 4 score. These two
teams are champions In this section, and
this Is the only time they have played
together this season. A special train was
run for wausa to vvakexieid tor tne game.
Wausa was outclassed by the Wakefield
team In every way, bdth in playing and
anting. i ... ,. -.. .
' Shelton Beats Dannebrog.
Shelton. Neb.. Sent. 20. (Special.)
The Shelton base ball club defeated Dan
nebrog here by a score of 8 to 1. Bat
terics for Shelton. Conroy and Murphy
Dannebrog, Bozell and Lowry.
Norfolk Beats riainview.
Norfolk, Neb.. Sept. 20. (Special.)
Plalnview beat Norfolk 9 to 0. Pitcher
Fussell of the Plalnview team struck out
19 batters.
Fender Team Win.
Pender. Neb.. - Sept. 20. (Special.)-
Pender defeated the Bennett plll-sllngers at
Pender. 2 to 1, In 10 innings. The game
was Interesting and featured by many
brilliant plays. Frank Jensen's pitching
was a feature, allowing four scattered
Dcshler Loses.
Dcshlcr. Neb.. Sent. 20. (Special.)
Rrunlnff defeated Dcslier here, 4 to 2,
No scores were made after the second In
ning. - Trenton Wins Last Game.
Trenton. Neb.. Sent. 20. (Special.)
Trenton closed the season here by defeat
ing Paliaade, 12 to 0. The score:
score by inn nga: tt.ii.r-.
Palisade ....0 00000000 0 2 7
Trenton ' 0 2000431 X 12.11 2
Batteries Palisade. Dcwerrr and V,al
ters; Trenton, Bailey and Forrest.
Treon Loses Game,
Aurora. Neb.. Sent. 20. (Special.) Au
rora defeated Aavenna here in a very ex
citing ball game, i to 1.
Batteries: Aurora. Brown and Schisler:
Ravenna.. Treon and Stersbach. Treon, a
former Omaha western league pitcner.
was unable to hold the Aurora slug
gers.' ..
Boilermaker Win.
Beatrice. Neb.. Sent. 20. (Special.) The
Hsvelock Boilermakers defeated Beatrice
in a 10-lnnlna- same which was tn doubt
until the last run was made. Only two
scores were made in the first six In
nings. Bestrlee scoring in the third and
Havelock. In the slslh. Nine errors were
made by the locals, causing them to lose
the game. The score:
Scores by innings: J R. H. E.
Beatrice ....001000110 03 7 9
Havelock ...0 00041101 14 i 2
Batteries: Beatrice. Dull snd Mathews;
Havelock, Franklin and Mick.
. Sattoa Bests Bmning.
Sutton. Neb., Sept. 10. (Special.) Sut
ton proceeded to sdminleter the chastise
ment Bruning had coming far the two
times it had lowered Sutton's standard
In the dust. And the job was thoroughly
done to the tune of 6 to 1. The game
opened with a pitchers' bsttle. both Sut
ton and Bruning succeeded In making one
score in the second. The playing tight
ened up and neither team succeeded In
getting another score until the seventh,
when a bunt rolled up the left foul line
started the ball rolling and before Bruning
could get Itself together, four had been
accumulated by Sutton. Quite an Argu
ment ensued, the Bruning catccher claim
ing that the bunt was foul. Umpire railed
it fair, and after considerable rag-chewing,
the game was eontinned. But Bruning did
not seem to connect with Lota's pitching.
The acore:
Score by Innings: R. IT. E.
Sutton 1 4 3 3 4 x i 1
Bruning 1 4 3 3 31 4 3
Batteries: Sutton. Lots and Sharkey;
Bruning. Fitch and Scbulte. Struck out:
By I .oil. 15: by Filch, 4, First bass on
balls: Off Lots. 2; oft Filch, 1.
Witches Score 11 th
Straight Victory
Wichita Jumps on I lu lit-k for
Kight Run in Seventh
And Wins, 15 to 3.
Wichita, k'an.. Sept. JO-Wivhita
acored itt llth atraiitlit uctory to
day, winning from St. Joeph. IS to
J The Ixiet fell on llovlik for
eight runt in the seventh and
clinched the victory. Score:
All I All IK' A
Wataon. If 4 t I D'Nmllh. rf 4 3 I t
Iaiir. lb 4
i W'burn. :t
s; Hater, a
Kasi, rf
2 Heck, lb
' Mutter, 31)
ll Hl kealy, If
5 llah-y. e
I Sellaia. P
KM U d. rf 8
Kl.har. rf 1
llrnwn, a 8
M l I' Id. 3b 4
Nufer. 3b 4
Handler, 0 4
llovllk.p 8
2 l
Total 81 3 24 li Total. SJ Is 27 I
. Score by Innings:
St. JimcpIi 0 I t I I I I- 9
Wichita 33333183 li
Summary Runa: lleatly, F. M-'lhinal'l.
Planer. Smith. I: Washburn. llTger, 3;
l:t. Heck. Duller, Ulak-aly, 2; Mill' v.
2; Hellara. . Krrnre: Brown. M. Mc
Donald, Nufer, Washburn, Hlukc.lj. Sac.
rifle hlta: Sellara, Bestir. Hek.
Two-baa hlta: l'at(y. Smith. 2;
1. Home runa: Heck. Double
play.: Drown to Nufer tn llcalty, 2;
Nufer to M. McDonald. Struck nut: Hy
Holla. 3: by llovlik, 1. Flrat baae on
balla: Off Hrllara. 3; off llovlik. 3. Left
on baaea: Wlrhlta, i: m. joai-pn a.
Wild pitch: S-Uara. I tnnliea; I'riav
and Anderson. Time: 1:22.
Oilers, III ItiHMlrra, I.
Tula. Okl.. Sept. 20 The Ollo-a con-
tlnued their winning etr-alc and defeated
lra Moines In tho o,en,s gam ut the
eries today. 14 to 1. Score;
lllurke. cf 4 4 4 0
rf. lb 3
TUiyne, aa 4
Brown, 3b 4
Moeller, If 3
Yun,lb 1
Pott, rf 2
Milan, cf 4
A'derson, o 3
Oram, 3b 4
Buckets', p 0
Schu'au, p 3
4 O.Tho'eon, 3b 4 0 1
1 l! Davis, rf 2 10 0
0 OlTodt.l-rf 4 10 0
0 0 Hra'non. Ib 3 0 8 1
2 Ol Ste'art, 2b 3 3 3 3
1 0' Having, e 6 3 3 1
4 0 M'Oln'ia. ss 6 3 4 3
8 1 Rlch nnd. p 3 1 1 1
2 1 Ben'ett, If 10 10
a -I tai.i. i.;tt it
TotsI 31 7 21 7
Score by Innings:
Gam called end ot eighth, darkness.
Pe Moines 0 10 0 0 0 0 01
Tulsa 4 2 0 1 3 2 0 x 14
Summary Runs: Moeller, Burke, 2;
Thompson. Davis, 2j Todt, Brannon. 2;
Stewart, 2: Having, McGlnnls. 2: Itlch
mond. Errors: Rhyne, Brown, Moel.r,
2: Orant. Schuman. Thoinpeon, Stewart.
Two-base hlta: Richmond, Hevlng. Three
base hit: Hevlng. Home run.: Stewart,
Hevlng. Sacrifice hlta: Tohmpson. Rich
mond, Stensrt, Davis. Todt, Stolen baaes:
Moeller, l'unn. Double play: Stewart to
McGlnnls to Brannon. Runs snd hits: Off
Buckalew, 4 and 3. In 1-3 Inning. Firnt
baae on halls: Off Buckslew, I: off
Richmond, 3: off Schuman, 2. Struck out:
By Richmond, 2: by Schuman, 5. Pasaed
ball: Hevlng. Hit by pitched ball: Bran
non by Schuman. Left on bases: Des
Moines, ; Tulsa, . Time: 1:40. (Um
pires: Ormsby and Christian.
Packers, 6; Indians, 4.
Oklahoma City. Sept. 20. Five errora
In the first two innings were responsible
for five Sioux City runs and Roy Allen
thus lost a rtmnce to win his 25th vic
tory this season. The Packors won 6 to
4. Score:
AB.H.O.A. - AB.H.O.A.
Harbor, cf
Ol Pitt, rf
Loard. 2b
O'rgard, ss
Metz, lb
Rob'son, If
Marr. 3b
Watson, rf
Query, o
Keifer, p
Tesar, p
3! Moore, If
3 Harper, cf
0 7 0 Grah'm, lb
12 0 Heatly. 2b
1 2 OIRunser, ss .
1 1 0! Long, 3b .
1 9 1 j Parker, o '
0 10
1 2
0 3
2 0
1 ,2
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0 1 Allen, p 3
0 0 0 xHasley 1
Y eager, p 0
' Totals , 35 8 27 8
Totals 36 10 27 13
xHarley batted for Allen tn the 8th.
Score by Innings:
Sioux City 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6
Oklahoma City ......0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 14
Summary Runs: Harbor. 3; Leard,
Metz, Pitt. Keifer, Harper, Runser, Long.
F.rrors: Pitt. Graham, Heatly. Runser, 2:
Long. Two-base hits: Marr. Moore. Three
base hit: Pitt. Sacrifice hit: Ostergard.
First base on balls: Off Teager, 2; off
Tesar. 1; off Keifer. 6. Struck out: By
Yeager, 1; by Keifer, 8;' by Tesar, 3.
Runs and hits: Oft Allen, 6 and 7 In
8 innings; off Teager, 1 and 1 in 1 In
ning; off Keifer, 3 and 7 In 7 innings,
none out In the 8th; off Tesar, 1 and 2
In 2 Innings. Passed ball: Query. Dou
ble play: Runser to Heatly to Graham.
Left on bases: Sioux City, 8; Oklahoma
City, 12. Umpires: Buckley and Burn
side: Time: 1:40.
Rid braves to
Open Gymnasium
The "Kid"! Graves boxing acad
emy and gymnasium will open Oc
tober 1 at the Rushing's hall, Twenty-fourth
and J streets. The former
welterweight champion is busy pre
paring for ; the opening, installing
showers and enrolling a large class
of boxing students.
A hand ball court will be installed
shortly and Graves proposes to stage
city championship and probably
state title hand ball games this win
ter. The new "gym" owner held
the New York state championship,
while a resident of that state.
I A . KWM sV .
lr"Q A ll
J -
I Liggett tc Myers Tobacco Co." -
HMtlN IX.Vt.tK.
W I. IVt I W, 1., p.-t
wi.hita i ia hu.uiOiy 74 !.(
Iiiw. WMSJWI Joplin I4.M 44
lifcla. I'lty 1 ia I Moines 4 ,4U
h.Juar,:t III9.III lulu SIIOl.lsJ
lelrrda's Heaulla.
Joplin. 1 Omsk. 3,
Ml.llll. I., M J.i.-,h, U.
Man I'll). ; iklahina City, 4,
'IUIH, II, I'.. M.illli'a, ,
Tod)' anies.
Oatslts, at Joplin.
hi Juuii t . Mia.
t Molnra at Tin. a.
bluu City at ckLti.,Ma I'll).
i.K.vt.1 r.
W, U P.i
W I.
N' To-k to i,e ,tu iiinokiyn 7 h .t,
IMita gh H .i'niiihiiii t ; .tw
st. )4ui 43 .j'. i'in.-ogu a .4 ,4i
tioatuit 77 M I'hii. 4i .in
Veaterdai' Hraults.
St. lAilla. 8; ll.i.lcii, 7.
hlladaliihla, 4; t'lnrinnatl, 1.
Chicago, 7; N"W Vrk, .
Hrvuk l n I'l I laburg h, lam.
Toda's liiimea.
Koainn nt SI.
I'r.HilJyn at I'lti.biiriilt 13 ganica.)
I'hllNdelphla at inciiiuutl,
Ntiv Vurk at Chliagu.
W. I. I'cl '
N'w V'rk 48 .6S. Del roll
I'levend " (4 .CiJItialon
Si. Louis "4 7t .sllli'hliaga
Wkali ton 71 72 .47'l'lilla.
W. I.. I'd.
l Ti ,3
, 71
US t .443
i HI .ill
Vratrrdai's llc.illta.
Philadelphia, 3; Ht. Loula, 1,
WaMlitiiainii, 9; Chicago, 0.
New York, 4: Detroit, 2.
linaton, 7: Cleveland, 4.
Today' lisme.
Ht. Louis nt Philadelphia.
Chicago ot Wa.ihlnmc.ii.
Detroit at New York.
Cleveland at Boaton.
W. I. Pet. I W. I.. Pet.
fnulavllle 3 .SsslTnlcdo 7177.4kl
Mlu'apolla 4 S7 .5M)llndlan'ols 72 '.' .4-1S
Kan. City 7 .SS4!Ht. Paul 11 !.:!
Mllwaukea 74 78 .497X'olumbu 4187.412
Veaterday 'a Results.
Milwaukee, 4; Toledo. 0,
Louisville, 7; Minneapolis. 4.
Kansas City nt Columbus, rain.
No others played.
Today's Games.
Milwaukee at Toledo.
Kansas City at Columbus.
St. Pnul at Indlanspolis.
Minneapolis at Louisville.
Sioux City Club
Franchise May
Go to Denver
"Chick" Mattick, former owner
of the Dallas club of Dallas, Tex.,
and "Ham" Patterson, part owner
of the club, are dickering with Sioux
City club owners with the idea of
purchasing the Packer franchise and
removing it to Denver.
According to reports, owners of
the Sioux dty club ask $13,000 for
their franchise.
Mattick took over the Dallas club
a year ago and made it a paying
proposition, it is said. "Chick" has
the dough and it is very likely that
he and Patterson .will purchase the
Sioux City franchise and take it to
However; the deal may fall through'
if the club owners of the' Western
league are not in favpr of allowing
Denver to return to the tola.
Lincoln is another city tnat is
after a berth in the Western. Re
ports are making the rounds that
., t t - ' : i .
me jopnn irancnise is rcaay to ku.
If these reports are true, and it is
very likely that tlicy are, Lincoln
will make a bid for the Miners'
Grid Coaches Request
Change in New Rules
New York, Sept. 20. The foot
ball rules committee received today
a request from coaches and officials
to interpret the rules so that there
shall be a distinct pause before the
ball is placed in play in shift for
mation. Some coaches complained that
some officials have permitted men
to get in motion before the ball had
been snapped into play, but coaches
who have specialized on shift plays
objected to any change designed to
cause a pause in the attack on the
ground that the defense would have
greater opportunity to set itself to
meet the shift.
The rules now provide "a
player shall not be ruled in motion
if lie has both feet stationary on the
"Gosh! Thate
cigarette for
O fade of ripe old swtet .
. Carolina-Virginia tobacco
No Upsets In
First Round of
Golf Tourne
s I
Iranris Ouiinet and Max
Murton Provide l'eattire
Mulch of National
Amateur Meet.
thirties Trlhllile-DiuaS hrs leased Wire.
I.IIUI. IIH. fc". "I me si-
hen survivnr alter the lirat uiatcli
I I ,i Vatiiitial Amal.'ur uoli
' riniiiii oi tne .-utiunui Aiiiaiiur gou
, championship today ten are from tne
ii, three from the east, two front
lirtat Critaiu and one from the
south, lkMiy Junes, who is an in
titution rat In r than a single
Outside of the defeat of Keggie
Lewis, of lirteiiuii'li. I'miii,, by Dr.
O. 1'. .Willing of Portland, there
was 11,1 leal upset during the day.
"Chick" Kvans overwhelmingly de
feated Charles I.. Dextvr, jr., of
Dallas, former southern champion,
who, in his own section, has at times
(ieicated Kvans, J-'raiicis Ouiinet and
Jerome Travers. l!ob Gardner found
a tough onpcnt'iit in Clark Spier.
from Seattle, runner-up in the Paci
fic to.i't championship. This duel
n-ached the .ioth hole. Harrison l.
Jtilmston of St. Paul, the Minnesota
champion, disposed of Albert Sec
kil, of Riverside, and Willie HuiiIt,
the British amateur champion, de
feated K. Hoover Bankard of Chi
cago, 7 to 5.
Lorcn K. Hunuing and Dewey
vYcbcr. of the Edgewood club of La
Grange, were the other Chicagoatis,
who came safely through the trials
cf tod.iv.
Opimet in Good Form.
As expected, the meeting of Fran
cis Ouiinet and Max Marston of the
Mcrion club of Philadelphia, proved
one of the big attractions and when
the blonde player from the Quaker
citv finished the morning round with
a lead of 3 up. the gallery flocked
after them in the afternoon.
They saw the man who defeated
Hairy Vardon and . Ted Ray at
Hrooklinc, at his best, while Marston
in the face of the great game of
his opponent stuck gamely until at
the 17th green he was counted out
by a margin of 2 and 1.
After losing the first hole in the
afternoon and being four down,
Otiiinet's clubs behaved like magic
wands. He won four of the next six
holes, three of them with birdies,
and took the next with a par four
and went into the lead, but Marston '
won the ninth, and they turned for
home all square. Ouiinet scored at
the 10th and then at the llth, 369
yards, the . big gallery saw one of
those happenings which makes the
game of golf what it is.
Marston Goes Out of Bounds.
Ouimet'was 35 feet past the pin on
his second and just off the green
with a down hill putt to-make. Mar
ston was hole Jiigh to the left 20 feet
away.-; A big shout went up as
Otiitne,f "sent his ball straight into 'the
ctip, and another . iollowed 'when
Marston also sank his putt for
birdie three.' Ouimet, who already
had nailed two of the short holes
with twos, scored his third at the
12th, where his iron shot into the
wind landed six feet from the cup
and again he shot the ball home.
This put him two up, but Marston
won the 14th with a four. From
the next tee Marston sent his ball
out of bounds, and this practically
settled the match as Ouimet took tho
hole and halved the next two. .
Clarence Wolff, who was a final
ist in the western amateur cham
pionship at Memphis, was paired
with Bobby Jones and saw the
sturdy Georgia boy play practically
unbeatable golf, so good, that it
makes him look stronger than ever
for at least a place in the finals.
Wrestling Champ Came
Near Being Dethroned
Lewiston, Mont., Sept. 20. Clar
ence "Eklund of Sheridan, Wyo.,
claimant of - the light heavyweight
wrestling championship of the world,
had to extend himself to defeat Fred .
Mortensen of Lewiston. . Morten
sen took the first fall in one hour
and eight minutes; Eklund the sec
end in 16 minutes 23 second?, and
the third in 9 minutes atd 55 sec
cds. f .
n -