10 Cbttifiei Mwtisint Rates IM (! Uj to IimI I 14 e I'M I wmmi It M p star, 1 siii 14 pmt lis sr, eeasesetise f K tse for Was lasa toUl 4 It. The wm pll iikr tk Dii Sun Im. All 4trtlsaat I'M I both aseHog 4 aif MPr r Ik rssrs CONTRACT MTMON APPLICATION Wl t-septo Klk fl'lM (uhi MAIN OPriCC lTr ftr it. tk aid ...4IU bwitk t4ib k. tounrii piurr i pct gi. WANT ADS KPCKIVID If FH0MC ATLANTIC lift IBB ICS vill not k fwiuikl Ut More thsa mi laorret larl of a 4vrttMt fdr4 (f f lUi ti. CLOHINO HOUR! I OK WANT A03 Kditloo ..II 144 A.M. Mining MHw .... f t P. to. bunds Editk 11 P. SUS-lMrdsr dthVneralotes! il IT M Clarence, esed l teals. sr. vlved by hu parents, Mr, and Mrs II. C Hrollh: lw brothers, I'sul and Carl; en si.isr, lln, Albert llou's. I'unsrsl Wednesday morning front residence, fin N. ;) til., l I;; m. in. I HI Johns chunk, !iih snd 'lirtmla. I . ut. Interment lluljr Hrpulrh-r rwiiifrr - wki;k-niifM ii.. ed m Fusees) mk refMenc of lilt dsugh lor, Mr., j, II. (,'unrs'l. 41ft Chlrago jiiw't. 'rfili'Miliy at 4 p, t. FUNERAL DIRECTORS HULSE & RIEPEN, I'NDLnTAKLUS tloimerly at let South Sixteenth 81.) Ilav moved I i:m ecu ii i no street. FOREST LAWN . CEMETERY. An M-t loratlntt Juat north of 'Hy llnili and wrat of Flurtnr wlln mlr of macadam 'voint. 3SU acrua. IVr- ltuai -r. not oporatca tur prorii. Cf fl- :d and No. Oily Umila. City nfrire. tiO Hrandrla Tlilrr. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BKT ARBowAMBUIiANCEJi we! Thirty. third and Fa main. HEAFEY & HEAFEY tindertakara and Mmbalmar. Thnn HA. :... Offlca Karnam. FOR AMBIILANCU call MA rkat 0K0. Korlrko Funeral Hume, !3d and O Sta. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON WW laa. JOHN BATH, 1HII4 Karnam. Jackaon 10. I.. Ilondoraon, 1507 Kaniaru. Jackaon IStt. MARRIAGE LICENSES. I'ha follouinit couplca hav been isaued licnnaea to wd: Arturn T.ttforteizo. JT, Omaha, and Jliilla Inrami, 51. Omaha. Edward B. Colllim, Jr.. 57. Jrry City. X. J and Florence Evelyn Wllmot, S2. Jrrnoy City, K. .1. Arllnitton IV". Wlnln. 19, Omaha, and Wlnola Tavlor. 1S, Omaha. .loneph F. Oltn, 55, Omaha, and Llbbl Eehrk, S3. Omahn. Jamea II. I'ournyer, 45. Osltalooaa, Xa.( and Kmma Burke, 45, Oakalnoxa, I. Frank .Termen. 36, Omaha, and Alica Tritler. S4. Omaha. Calhoun Leftwlrh, 84, North Bend. Neh., er.il Clara Wenlphalcn, 34, North Bend. N.Mi. Charles T. Fnger. 84, Omaha, and Havl Kersler. 3 8. Omaha. (leora-o J. HauUlnaer, oven 21, Omaha, and Marie 8. Mallander, over 18, Omaha. Kdward J. Connor, over 21. Omnha. and Eleanor Moailton, over IS. Omaha. Merlyn T preaton. 22. Boone, la., and &fnrio Bycr. 22. Boona. Ta. Geora nitloff, 23, Omaha, and Flor- enre isewton. 2?, Omaha. itirnara rt. i niioru, over zi, umsns, and Helen F. Falk, over 21, Omaha. , Raymond P. Carroll, over 21, Laurel, Neb., and Slnrle H. Maney, over 21. Omaha. ., Kdn-ard Fltzpatrlck, 59. ChlcaKO. III., ind Mario Svena. 23, Milwaukee, wis. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. : Births. -' Georgs and Lillian Vercheval. hospital, hoy. . Louis and Ro?s Woll:, 2S10 Spauldlng i atreet. girl. , Lylo and Alma Gardner, hospital, boy. Angels and Alma Matteo, 1907 Dorcas atreet, girl. otho and Helen Harris, hospital, boy. Charles and Emily Franek, hospital, boy. Paul and May Burleigh, hospital, boy. Richard nnd Mnry Coud. hospital, girl. Byron and Anna Reeves, 1616 Polk atreet, boy. " .... Peter and Mnrgaret Ferryman, l,2o South Nineteenth atreet, boy. Frank and Rebecca Shine, hospital, girl. ,T. Emerson and Millie Nixon, 2506 Vane ' atreet. boy. ' Walker and Hortense Lewis, 470S Davenport street, boy. Kmll and Anna Hull, hospital, girl. William and Lilly Kroft. hospital, boy. Joseph and Lettle 'Witty, hospital, boy. Charles and Clara . Dcvall, hospital, Deaths James weston, '0, hospital. Mabel Armstrong, 36, 2886 Maple street. Henry I. Powell. 20, Conant hotel. Edward John Sedlak, 10, hospitsl. Mrs. Agnes Llndqulst, 44, hospital. Frank Cobb, 29, hoepltal, Leo Kelson, 46, hnsplteU Samuel B. Howard. 62. hospital. Helen Marie Solberg, 55. hospital. John J. Harrington, 37, hospital. Mrs. Elisabeth Carney, 88, Hill Crest. South Omaha. ... ' . Mr. Catherine Daly. 72, 2401 N street. . Wilms Brosnlhan. infant, 4108 S street. .T. O. Miller. 50, hospital. ' Tllll Andersen, 61, 819 North Nine teenth avenue. , John Gallagher, 75, 1519 North Thirty fifth strteet. Lenard Stewart, Infant, hospital. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY . LOST Ladies' gold watch. Mrs. J. -,. Edwards engraved on Inner case. 10 reward. Call Walnut 4742. LOST Cluster diamond ring, third floor Brandeis stores, Saturday 1 o'clock Reward. Box X-43, Omaha Bee. LOST Lady's platinum diamond bar pin, In Brandeis cafe or on street. Reward. Phone Walnut 2201. SPECIAL NOTICES. RICHARD MURPHI, you are hereby no- t fled that I. J. O. Marcer, will sen one Briscoe car. eight cylinder, for ator age of same it not paid for on or before Oct. 1. lzi, at sn ivo. zisr, PERSONAL TUB SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our Dew home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. FROM this date I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by my wife, Anna Werts. (Signed) W. L. Werts. HATTIB Putman. Nubone Corset Shop. 502 Karbach Block. AT. 2993. SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 FARNAM STREET. rtSNT HOOVER vacuum. II up. Bar. 1071. SWEDISH Massage, Chiropody. 209 S. 20. 8WEDISH massage. 317 Neville Block. ELECTRIC batbs and masssge. WE. 2911. KXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9649. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accord eon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, (unburst, box pleating, covered button, all elsua and style: hemstitching, plcot edging. y- i let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleatlnt Co III Brown Blk. Jackson 1931. MSB. Pleating A Button Co- 1101 Farnam 8L. 24 floor. Douglas 171. Contractors-Painting. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nsu. Wslnut 457. FAINTING:, papering and wallpaper cleaning.- Geo. Eiickson, Ken. 4958. PAI7CTING and psperhanglng. Web. 1978. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred Maxln teaches all blanches dancing. Studio Leflang Bldg. DO. 4769. Keep a mi Farnam. sure methods. reasnnaeie rate. - lo. (44. V1 Pino School for Dancing. 2424 AkCA-iliie rarnana. Dauaiaa 715. BRINGING UP rvs HADe usL OU MtNDG ( TO 60 TDTHC1 MOUNTAIN rot a weeki WITH MO. IXC ANOI 5ISTCW- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dretinuking. Illoaan4ohll'lr'i aln. Ha oi;, Detective. HKI.InTll.i; liiiiillv Buiaau. Itaila Ki. MIU., JA,tuL Mm. KKN, Hit lmlBfiilrnl fxiavilv llurrau, Ivt Ntvlllt Illk. AIL ll; nllht. WaU K.JUi. JAULM A1.IMN. Sit Nvlll Illk. rvKlrnc rurnl In all caw AtlanUd J lit. Kodak Finishing-. IlLMH dvloeds printing and (iilatging. Writ for price. The Knalga CaM lof llowaid HI. UNI.AHiTkm KNTS. all rolurlng. developing, priming, Kaee Hlmllo. ill .Neville IIIK. Patent Attorney. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patent alt)-.. 17H loda. MilcelUneout Announcement!, DIAMONDS I pay the beef prlr with privilege to buy bark it email profit. Li ROSS JF.WKI.nr CO., 403 N. Utb 6t. luug. laa tU4. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Waltrve.ee mad over in new tlcka at half the prlc of new bed. HOT Cuming. J, keon 2447. RAZOR UI.ADKH aharpened. Single, lie; double edre, 4(0 doa, Mall order ao llclted. Omaha Sharp Co.. 101 N. lth. WH1TKLY, tire and radiator man; reaa. prirea; ork guar. 350 8. 13th. DO. "3. ROOKHS Confectionary titor. I4tk and Fifrnam ft.. Jackaon 1127. klll.L drk and tuiedca for rent. John Keldman. 10 N. ICth 6t. Jackaon 3Ut. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatua, 1-eBron Electric, III. 8. llih St., Omaha. Omaha Towel 8upply, iOJ & 11th. JA. 0t2 BR1TT Printing Co., 1 Kill Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ORIGINAL new Blue Bird Klertrlo Wash ing Machine. Lena than halt prlc: now In atorag at Omaha Van A Htor agn company, 16th and LeavenwdTth. Call Douglaa 416.1, or A. P. lleggblade, Douglas (731. Sunday . Harney 1050. Pianos and Musical Instruments. OEOROB . 8M1TH Dealer In drum, xylorho. e. etc., Inttructlon. repairing. Addreaa 2761 Davenport 8t. for catalog. Phone Harney 2047. Tiy Smith' pedat 15 to 20 per cent off on new Victor, Hellion, Brumwk'k and Columbia phono graph. Many other bargains. Rccorda exchanged 15c. Itaed recorda S for 1. Shlaea Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge. VIOLINS, bows, strings and repairing at lowest prices. Matthews' Studio, 10 Douglas Blk.. Opp. Hayden. AT. 2091. Clothing and Furs. FURS ! FURS ! Direct from manufacturer to wearer, sav ing you large retail profits. Before purchasing your furs anywhere. It will be to your advantage to see our wonderful values. T carry the most complete line of eoata and wraps, In plain and trimmed models,, in all lengtha and sizes. Alao a most wonderful selection of capes, coatees, stoles and chokers. Our prices are lowest, quality highest and nothing is misrepresented here. Inspection Cordially Invited. Chas. J. Goldstein, Fur Co. Wholesale and Retail Furriers. 16th and Douglas, over Fry's Shoe Shop. Tel. Jackson 1132. Mall Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. FUR COATS, ASTOUNDINU PRICES. Handsome marmot coat v.ith large seal collar and cuffs. $76. Seal coat with beautiful beaver collar and cuffs, 9135. Mink cape with tails rl'il paws, 1100. Other furs and fur coats at big sacrifice. Mrs. McNamara, 101 Welling ton Inn. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dun dee" suits, cheap, alterations free. 1 DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. North-west Cor., 16th and Harney 8ts. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. . KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 S. 15th St. Douglas 72S8. SUITS pressed, remodeled, lined. HA. 6804. Typewriters snd Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents tor the CORONA. Get our prices befor you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. J-ckson 4120. 1912 Farnam. WE buy, aell safes, make desks, show oases, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. J A. 2724. Miscellaneous Articles. ONE HERRICK meat cooler, size 8x10, In excellent condition; one' Icebox with hinged glass doors on top, 86 Inches high, 30 Inches wide, 14 feet long, suit able for fish, poultry, milk, etc., reason able. See JEPSEN BROS., 2502 Cuming. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair. Sell needlea and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 197J. FOR SALE Butter Kist popcorn machine and peanut roaster at half price. Per fect condition. W. 1. Smith, Silver Creek, Neb. I LUMBER at low prices; kindling delivered. MICKLIN LUMBER ft WRECKING CO., 24th and Burdette. Webster 6566. BUY your kindling wood now; shortage tnis Tall. Acme box uo uarney is.il, FOR SALE Car lots Colorado bulk apples. Everett 8. Smith,. Salem. Neb. GRANITE blocks for sale; 2Vj cents each. Call Jackson 0834. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk bought, sold snd traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 1146 WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work wanted. Atlantic 3194. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. Wanted . A bright young Jewish boy. Willing 'to start at the bottom and learn the clothing business. Browning King Co., ' Professions and Trades. WANTED AT ONCE Baker, hand work, steady job. Good pay. E. A., Marshall, Stanton, Neb. jIOLEB BARBER COLLEGE. II & 14th. Writ for eatalog. Salesmen snd Solicitors. CITY SALESMAN wanted to sell Fires; exclusive territory; good commissions; ell easily to dealer and consumers; county distributor also wanted: sample and complete sales outfit sent soon re ceipt of 93.59; money refunded oa fimt order. Bullock Sporting Goods, York, Neb. FATHER K-ar 1 a Lr"Ja 'rjrx- vj tMiii irr ai n HELP WANTED MALE. FOR RENT Buiinen Property. FINANCIAL. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Salesmen snd Solicitors. Cotton Piece Goods. AI.KMMAN to rail on roull and maiiufaelurlng trad. I'.stenslt line, flood mtmoy making proposition. lhe detailed list of trado, terri tory desired, Ksperlonr. IS tommlaslon. Rl.hard Mills, III llrosdaay. New York City. HHoK salesman, with experience, to work In exclusive shoo store. Grand Island. Dial salary wanted, also refrrenrc In reply. Hot X-4i, Omaha Bee. 17 MI I. KM per gallon mad with n-w patented gasolln vaporiser. Writ for particulars, btransky Vaporiser Co., Puk vsns. 8. I. MiscelUnecus. Vol'R age an asset. We have a few va reuilia for men who will be permanent In protected territories In this rlty. Ks perlenr not necessary. HhorM-Mueller t o., Ilnom 202, 1204 Karnam. Agents snd Convassers. AiI1:NTH 300 per cent profit selling Rapid (la Lighter, No matches, no friction required. Hold over gas. lights Itself. Rsmole 15c. Rapid ilti. Co., 10 K. 1 It It 81.. New York. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores snu Offices. WANTKD Young ladles who desire to prepare for cfflce poalllon to Join our day or evening classes In siiorthsnd, typewriting and Higher Accounting. Call., write or telephone for catalog. DWliRAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. 2d Floor Weed Bidg., 18th and rarnam Telephone Douglas 7415. GIRLS to lakeup shorthand, typewrltting. bookkeeping .etc. Personal Ir.slrin tloii. You can qualify quickly. Doug. 7774. Household and Domestic. ,'ANTEL Competent second maid. Ref erences required. Mrs. Charles R. Han nsn, 805 Second Ave,. Council Bluffs. WANTED An experienced cook, Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson. Harney 2934. 2648 DODGE Four furnished rooms, com plete for housekeeping. Close In. 50. WANTED Girl for general housework, small home. Walnut 2306. WANTED A cook. 2 In family, Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, 2623 Jackson St., Har ney 2066. WANTED Capable white girl for gen . eral housework; references, Kenwood 4930. NEAT, experienced, white girl for general housework. References required. Har ney 0680. Miscellaneous. Girls Wanted for Candy Factory Work. See John G. Woodward & Co., "THE CANDY MEN." COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladle and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or T.-rlta 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL N1QHT SCHOOL. Complete course In accountancy, ma. chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short band and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 for Van Sent School of Business. Day and Kvening ucnoois. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. FRANK Henry saxophone Instruction. 300 Leflang. BUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTIGATE Write today. Exclusive territory now open best Selling! automo bile necessity. Small capital required. Opportunity to establish highly profi table, permanent business. Simplex Cor poration, New York Life Bldg., Kan- ' sas City, Mo. ' FOR REN1 ROOMS. Furnisncd Rooms. FREE ROOM DIRECTORY. Just off the press, the September Issue of The Bee's furnished room and board directory. Contains desirable va cancies, and Is supplied free to room seekers. Room advertisers can rent rooms quickly by using this plan. Phone Atlantic 1000, ask for Miss Hunter, let her tell you how others are keeping their rooms filled through The Bee. FOR RENT Two double rooms, well fur nished. Very desirable, pleasing, and commodious. Splendid location; two carlines convenient. Applicant must be of good repute.. Phone Walnut 0441. COMFORTABLE room In strictly private family; home privileges; breakfast If desired; gentlemen preferred. "Kenwood 3997. FOUR rooms well furnished ; private bath, phone; entrance; close in. 615 South 26th 8t. NICELY FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOM IN QUIET HOME. GENTLEMAN PRK FERRED. 2902 DODGE. HARNEY 1247. NICELY furnished, modern room on Far num St., walking distance. Atlan. 3511. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEE'S September directory of house keeping room is now ready. Supplied free of charge to Bee readers. Call ' at office. Those with vacancies should learn about thla Improved method of renting rooms. Phone Atlantic 1000, ask for Miss Hunter. am re o CLEAN. NEATLY FUR NISHED ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR. NO CHILDREN. 2902 DODGE. HARNEY 1247. Board and Rooms. U1BST.PI.AB9 MEil.fl IN BEM1S PARK DISTRICT NEAR COMMERCIAL. HIGH SCHOOL. HARNEY 0914. BOARD and room for mother and child, very reasonable. Box X-34, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. S'lTHNlSHED 5 -room house, "all modern , for winter, to desirable tenants. Ad dress Box R-62, Omaha Bee. SEVEN-room furnished house. No-Kol oil burner. Can be had on year's lease, 211J Bouth 3d. Harney S710. a nnnn five-room bunaalow at 1474 Lothrop street at 185 per month. Phone weoster zit". Unfurnished. SEVEN-room modem house, hot water heat, sun parlor, large yard. 430 8. 19th St. Apply next door north. Telephone .lackson 4Z3S. FOR RENT APT S. AND FLATS. Furnished. FLAT, six rooms and sleeping porch. West Fsrnara district. Vacant October - 1 : rent 175 to party buying small . amount of new furniture. 2911 Far nam St. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. Clothes to canary birds are offered tor sale in lhe Bee want ad columns, ii rut oirw B(itlr4 1107 KAIINAM. 1-riMiin apartment, com. pletely modem, suitable location for offlrr, studios, dental or dresamskln rooms, etc., for truants wishing home Homing. T. r, Han. 434 Hallway . rhsnge, Douglas 7 4"t. bl'ITK of olllres formerly ocrupied y the Ottislia Life Insurane company, at Wilkinson Building, IJih and Kariiam Htrrets, Imtulre at Room 21s. Jsnilor. M KMC A STILE MTfltA4iK'AN! WAKE llnl'HK CO., Ilth and Jones 8ts. V.. II. IIENN'KR CO.. Til ACKAGK. 8KB F. D. WKAD. liY'so. llTliST MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY atni!Jvan CO. STORAGE MOVINO. PACKING iiOLar:ii'H.i goods and pianos. RKAHONABLU RATES. REDUCED KRKiUHT RATKH TO ALL PHINCIPAb C1T1KH. 1107-11 Hnwsrd St. Jsrkson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household gooile and pianos, moving, packing aud hlDDlna. .IKK INS" OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, sos houih 16th. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by II. R. Bowen Co. Atlantlo 3100. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORDS FORDS FORDS The Ettt and Largest Selection of Used Fords in Omaha. All Styles All Models Some Almost New Some Slightly Used Others a Little Older .But All In the Very Best Possible Condition. SF.DAN 25ij-$10O. COUPES From 1300 to 1000 TOURINGS From 1100 to 1360 ROADSTERS From $100 to 1000 TRUCKS ' From 3126 to 1250. Every car Is a Genuine Bargain. Terms If You Wish. Used Car Company, of the authorized Ford Dealers. 2059 Farnam St. Replacing Old Equipment This causes us 1o sell a number of late 1919 and 1920 Ford touring cars with and without starters. These have been kent in good con dition in our repair shop, and are real bargains. We are not used car dealers, hence you pay us no , commissions or profits. See or call C. D. Barnard, Tel. Doug. 3622' Drive, It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Used, Not Abused Cars Brand new 1921 Nash, sport model, wire wheels, $1,495. 69 Cadillac coupe, nearly new, bargain. 1921 Nash 5-paBsenger touring. This is . new car, $ 1,385. Chalmers coupe. Hftynea Sedan. Stearns-Knight chummy, wire wheels, 4s, , .anain. ' jus, s i utai u l ru, 1919 Baby Overland. 1920 Ford, touring, 3S00. V 1920 Cleveland speedster. Saleaday Car Co., 40th and Farnam. SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. 5-PASSENQER JORDAN DEMONSTRATOR AT A BARGAIN, CALL HARNEY 6459. BUY A GUY U SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment, 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone D. 1970. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. DUCK hunter and tourists special, Ford sedan, changed instantly to a Pull man sleeper. D. L. Morgan, : 3309 Sherman Ave.. WE. 6305. ESTIMATES furnished on storage & mov ing. Contracts taken by Job or nr. Globe Van A Storage .Co.. J A, 4338. AT. 0Z30. Repairing and Painting. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th, Accessories. INTERLOCK inner tires and reliners do prevent puncture and blowouts. Vul canisers Supply Co., 2912 Farnam. St. FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. A GOOD 66 acrea for sale or trade: V mile east Glenwood, la,; good improve ments, write c. I stranthaa, till ver City, la. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Ind Exchange, St, Paul. Mfna Mississippi Lands. SOME farmer will find Just what he is looking for In our cut-over land proposi tion. About 300 acres cleared, free from all stumps, ample for raising feed and - food stuffs while remslnlng 2,000 acres are finally cleared. Richest land in the world; produces corn, hay and legumi nous crops qual to any. and cotton if desired. Particulars on request Issaquena Lumber Co., Welgant. Miss. South Dakota Lands. SOUTH DAKOTA You rsn own your own fsrm. Write for free literature, describing the stste and its opportu- . ntties In fsrm lsnds. South Dskota pro duces annually more agricultural wealth ' per capita than any other stste. Lsnd is low-priced. Write today. State Im rniCTation Deuartmcr't. Irwin D. Aldrich. i Commissioner, Pierre. South Dakota. bat ilUUS ANt MAOCIfc IN MIX 0 OIIOIM IN TMI MJSfMV SEE Real Estate Loans. Se have cash en band to loan c Oman leaidcutee, V. II. LOl'GEr, INC. 534 Keellne Hldg. OMAHA HUM fit EAST NKB. FARMS. ii kkkki; hi;ai. ESTATE CO., 1l Urn. Nat. Ilk. Hldg. Jsikson 1711. 1100 to fio.tioii itisde promptly. F. D. WEAD. ttrsd bldg. 110 8. Isth 8t. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate FOWLER & M'DONALD li: City Nat. Hk. Hldg. Jackson 1424. WANTED To buy a six-room house, two stories. Field club or southwest district D. V. SHOI.F.K CO., Jackson on is, ,n uity Nat. Hk. Bldg. Ol' It building activities put us In touch dally with purchasers of four, five and l-room houses. Northwall & Johnson, D . 747. 508 K.lectrlc Hldg. CONSULT us If you rontemplat building, or wish lo buy or sell onisha real (Stale. C. B. ST t HIT CO., City Nat. Rank Rlilg. DO. 177, Til K Old lulls hie Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 16 Dodge St. Douglas 1345. RTRTCETT K KAL estate. AAXVXVXJA A Sells, Rents. Insures. 250 Peters Trust Hldg. Jackson OC33. PROMPT ssles of your rest estste; we hav many buyers and solicit your bus), ness. Shopen A Co., Realtor. JA. 422'. HAVE inquiries for homes do you wsnt to sell your property 7 List It with C. A. Grlnmiel, Omens, Nst'l Rk. Bldg. GRUENIGrorUJicta" " 1419 1st. Natl. Ilk. Bldg. Jackson I960. TO BUY OR SELL ral estate see Glover & Spain, 910-20 City National Bank, .Inckson 1850, MarkJVIartin i:,";t.r 1045 Omaha Naft Bank Bldg. OMAHA real estate bought snd sold. WEST END REAL ESTATE CO. 811 North 40th St. Walnut 0849. LIST YOUR BUNGALOW WITH US H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. Atlantic 240.1. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. LIST vour property with FUNDERBL'RK & BROTITKRTON, Douglas 660(1. 801 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. LIST with us. , W guarantee results. 8TIER REALTY CO.. 716 Bee, DO. 4545. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. One Acre West Dodge, $1,400. Nine bloeks west of Fair Acres. A real bargain. 3140 cash, balance monthly. The Byron . Reed Co., Douglas 0297 1612 Farnam BUY Mlnne Lusa lots cheap. Taylor, lot So. 11th St.. Lincoln. Ncb REAL LOT BARGAIN. Northeast cor. of 30th and Vane Sts., in Minns Lusa; $1,100. Call WA. 2602. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Speculative Corner Southwest corner 32d and Bnrt Sts., 110 feet on Burt St., 120 ft on 32d St.; paving tax Is paid. Across the street from the new High School of Com merce. Only $2,276, 1500 cash. Hastings & Heyden , 1614 Harney. ' Atlantlo 0050. CORNER, 00x140, present Improvement pay 16 per cent gross, taxes, insurance and repairs only expense, which make this a choice small Investment. ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO., JA. 0044. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WE can. no doubt, exchange your farm or ranch for Income property. Write lis now or phone. BROWNE & TRACY, 544 Securities Bldg. AT. 8350. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Dundee, Brick and Stucco. 116 South 61st street: Nine rooms, In cluding sleeping porch and sun room; finished in white quarter-sawed oak first floor, white enamel with mahogany doors, second floor; oak floors through out; owner anxious to sell and will give possession. Price and terms given upon application. . k George and Company, Atlantic 3024. Dundee Home $10,500. Seven rooms, two stories, floored at tic, modern, frame, newly decorated and painted, well built. In excellent condi tion, oak finish first floor. Corner lot, paving paid, one Mock to car line. Reasonable-terms. Must be seen to be ap preciated. A good buy. Folwer & McDonald, 1120 City Nafl Bank Bids. JA. 1426. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KB. 1409 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Small house and two lot for 2,200. Phone Walnut 2120. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Edgewood. . A classy Mlnerallte stucco bungalow; 5 rooms; tiled bath; largo Hooted attic and full light cellar: beautifully fin ished nnd tastily decorated. Price com plete, 37,100, essy terms. CaU Grant Benson, Walnut 1680, evenings. Benson & Carmichael, 442 Paxton Block. Atlantlo 1540. MONTCLAIR 6-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW OA-RAGE $6,000 v . New 5-room stucco bungalow, oak throughout, dandy basement, attic, ga rage. One of the neatest little homes In this addition. Priced at 16,000 on terms of 2,000 cash. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, "Better Values" 1914-16 Douglas Illatt Bldg. Atlantic 0063. Leavenworth Heights. Easy terms. ' Six-room, south front bungslow; brand new; well arranged; living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms and bath; oak finish and floor. Price, (6,000. -D. V. Sholes Company, 915 City Nafl Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1046. QUIT LOOKING. Make me an offer on my exception ally classy Field clnb bungalow, "and get It over with." Evening call Har-n-v 411: Jackson 3261. days. A REAL BARGAIN. For sale by owner, trt. modern bun galow, almost new. Lovely fruit. 2011 No. 49th Avenue. Walnut 1859. West, SIX-RimiM modern house, new plumbing, new furnace, paving all paid. For quick sale; 11.400. 4110 Hamilton St, CLAIRMuNT s'lnl'liungslow; t rooms; brand new. Will tak lot as part pay ment. Call Atlsnllo 8540, J B. ItoIIINHON. real est. t snd Invest ment. 142 Peter True!. DO. 8097. D. V.. Hl'l.'K A CO. buy and aell bemss. North. Mr. Colored Man, Near 27th and Charles. Look at this. 1(00 down and bslsne like rent. Slx.room cottage with rooms on one floor, modern throughout. Re cently painted and papered. Move right In. Price 13,750. George F. Jones Co., REALTORS. 22 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 4635. $10,400. Something very nice In brick and stucco residence. Terms less than 11,000 down and (80 per month. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 8380. 330-2-4-6-1 Brand. Tb. Bldg. Two 60x120 Lots. This house has plenty of ground. It hss 6 rms. with, city water, electric light and Inside toilet. 9360 to 8500 will handle It. Price 2,500. Phone Mr. Weyerman, AT. 1451 or office (open to 9 p. m.) Amos Grant Co., Realtorsr DO. 8380. 330-2-4-1-8 Brandeis Tb. Bldg. BOULEVARD PARK ADDITION. Splendid seven-room, strictly modern home, finished In white oak, built for home by day labor; long living room across front, 4 bedrooms: choice lot; spe cials paid; owner sacrificing for 15,800; $1,500 cash will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 2282. Dandy Bungalow, $4,700. 3170 Ames Ave. - Five rooms nnd hath; oak. finish, strictly modern; lot, 50x125; paving all paid; must be sold. P. J. Tebbens Co., 60S Omaha Nat'l Bank. Jackson 2182. Kountze Park Sacrifice. $6,500 buys an 8-room, oak finish, hot water heat; lot, 60x135; 2-car garage; paving paid; $2,000 cash, balance $50 a month. This Is a real' bargain. Eve nings Webster 0700. Fike & Price, 819 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jackson 2419. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Large, roomy six-room bungalow, all on one floor; oalc finish pretty sun room; owner sacrificing. 11, 000; built 3 years; located on North 24th car, near Miller park: price $7,000. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 530 Peters Trust Bldg lackson 2282. EIGHT rooms. ' modern, close In, near seminary and University of Omaha. ' Pay for this home by renting rooms; only $6,800; $2,300 cash, balsnce monthly. Walnut 6704 or Jackson 0680. NEW bungalow. 42d and Larlmore; $4,600. on easy terms. JA. 3660 or AT. 1910. South. . $1,800. We have neat cottages of 5 rms. each. Price of each is $1,800 and terms from $250 to $400 down. These are located only a block off a good car line. Phone Mr. Mitchell. KE. 0799 or office (open to 9 p. m.) Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 83SO. 330-2-4-6-1 Brand. Tb. Bldg. FIVE rooms, modern, semi-bungalow, one . year old. Oak finish and floors. Bullt ' in features. Full cemented basement. Paved street. Two blocks from car. This place is located In one of Omaha's . best and newest residential districts. Price $7,000. Terms. Call Knlsely, JA. 1434.- Harney 1731 Sunday and evenings. 810 Forest Ave., dandy E-room modern bungslow on very reasonable term. Crelgh. 608 Bee. J A. 0200. Miscellaneous. Absolutely a Bargain, Extra, Easy Terms. New, Kellastone bungalow, consisting of five large, light, airy rooms. Artistic brick fireplace in living room, built-in features in kitchen. Two large corner bedrooms. Oak floors, oalc and white enamel finish. Large basement with sta tionary laundry tubs, good furnace. Dou ble garage. Priced far below market value. Call Mr. Voorhees for further par ticulars. Walnut 1744. R. D. Clark Company, Atlantic 3631. 402-3 Securities Bldg. LET'S GET STARTED. If you want a neat 4 or S-room bun galow I can build you one, all mod-, em with only $500 down. Choice lot and location. Call Mr. Carse at DO. 7412. days. Regl Estate Transfers Margaret J. Rawley to George Han son, Stone Ave., 275 ft. W. of 30th St. N S. 60x130.5 1 I5S Osher Sorkln and wife to Joseph N. Snltzer. 21st St., 133 ft. N. of Clark St.. W S, 26x140 1,600 Louis Grunberg nnd wife to Israel Ward, N. B. Cor. 2t6h and Pink ney Sts., 46.7x100 .- 750 Ellen Brown Connell and hus band et at to Albert Mbllner, Cas tellar St., 100 ft E. of 17th St., 8 S. 42HX162 1,25V Rose Van Nostrand and husband to Cart B. Kraus, Marcy St., 120 ft. E. of 37th St., S 8, 48x142.. 1,059 Carl B. Kraus to Mae Etta Kraus, Marcy St., 120 ft E. of 37th St., 8 8, 48x142 1 Edtth Tobltt to Ida M. Caswell, 49th St.. 50 ft 8. Of Izard St, E 8, 50x124 1,160 Albert F. Levy to John Lot, N. E. Cor. 43d and Decatur St, 100x100 1,001 James Kazakea and wife to Chris tin J. Polltlo. Park Ave., 81 ft. N. of Farnam St., W S. 10x111 Und. 1 Ethel H. Clarke end husband to Alice M. Gould. Underwood AvtJ 50 ft E. of 51st St.. N 8, 10x128 11,001 Jennie Bridges to Joseph L. Gay lord and wife, & W. Cor. 21st and Laird St., 50x124 .' 2,450 Hugh H. Harper and wife to Ber rle A, Raschke, Spencer St., 124.5 ft W. of 41st St.. 8 S. 40x117. 461 505 SOUTH 41st STREET Beautiful stucco bom, six rooms, sun-room snd sleeping porch. Ex quisitely finished throughout Double garage, corner lot. Priced right. Eve nings call J A. 141 or HA. 1114. C B. STUHT CO. Deagla ST87 City Natl Bldg. Drawn for The Bee by McManut 4Wrtihl, I at I li.iriir.l H kW Pica for Day Nursery Made Hy Women at Lions'Club A ulra in behalf of the Omaha day nursery was made by Mrs, Wil liam Arcliibaltl, Ninth. 1UJ .vntii Thirty-fifth street, who with Mrs. Joseph I'olcar. 5203 Ca street, ap peared before the Lions club at the noon luncheon at the Koine hotel yesterday. Amid the diti of roaring lions, two new cults were admitted to membership at yesterday's lunch eon. The new members are George M. Carey, civilian traffic chief, Chamber of Commerce, and J. A. ViKf(ins, jr.. manufacturing chemist with the Nebraska Tire and Rubber company. Regulation of Aircraft Passing Over City Planned Tolice Cominissionijr Henry W. Dunn introduced in council Mon day an ordinance to regulate air craft passing over the city. This ordinance provides that no pilot shall fly over any circus, parade or any other gathering at an altitude of less than 500 feet, and that when two planes meet in the air while flying over the city tliey must both turn to the right. A line of from $2S to $100 is provided. Residents Protest Against Maintenance of Bee Hives Protest' signed by 14 residents in the vicinity of Fiftieth and Wirt streets against the maintenance of beehives at 3020 North Fiftieth street and 5007 Wirt street was presented to the city council yesterday. The irate citizenry wants the bees moved outside the city limits. HOLDING A Adele Garrison's M - "Revelations Why Hugh Grantland Came Se cretly to Meet Madge. My wild cry in answer to the call I fancied I heard from my boy must have sounded through the whole house. I heard feet pounding down the stairs, and I knew that Leila was running fleetly behind me, but I out-distanced them all and ran frantically toward the barn, calling: "Yes, Junior, mother's coming 1" over and over again. There was a slight crashing sound in the brushes that lined the roadside some distance away, a wild strag gling undergrowth, which we had not had time to ' remove. From the darkness in front of me, Grace Draper suddenly appeared, breath less, as if she had been running. Her lantern must have been held behind her, for I did hot see its gleam un til she held it high to see who I was. Her own face was outside its light, but I had caught a glimpse of it it was panic-stricken with great drops of perspiration standing upon her torehead. "Oh I What is it?" she exclaimed, seizing me by the arm. Her firm grasp, her posture in front of me, effectually blocked my advance for the minute. "Let me go!" I snarled, trying to wrest my armirom her. "It's Junior, I tell you I I heard him calling me. And didn't you .hear, that crash? Somebody's carrying him off. I know it. Let me go." But strong as I am, I was power less in her grasp. ; "You must not dash along like this, Madge," she said firmly. "Wait, and I'll go with you with the lantern. You'll break your neck. But you didn't hear Junior; I've been right outdoors walking back and forth be tween the house and tlie woodland, calling him ever since you went in. 1 would have heard if he had called. And that crash is the cow over there. If you go over you can see her." "She's right, dear," Leila said softly. "I heard nothing, either." Dicky, Alfred and Dr. Jim, coming up just then, agreed with Leila, and, against my will, I yielded to their de mands that I return to the house. As with Dicky's arm around me, I turned back upon my path, weak and spent with the reaction. I saw a slender familiar figure flit pas,t me, affd heard Edith Fairfax's voice ac costing Grace Draper. "It must be fearfully lonely for you out here," she said. "I'll stay with you." "It isn't necessary," Grace Draper began, oddly hesitating, then with sudden decision. "But I'll te very grateful if you can stay." "I Must Hurry." With a sudden revulsion there rushed over me a realization of the fact that the two women who had caused me most anxiety in my life wtre cyit calling my child, while a was going toward, the shelter of th house. I began to mutter frantically to that effect, twisting and strain ing in Dicky's arms to go back into the darkness with them. Then the darkness seemed to advance fantas tically upon me, to shroud me in its folds. I faintly recall rousing to a con sciousness of faces around my bed side, of obeying Dr. Jim's injuno tions to swallow something, and then I drifted off into oblivion again, awakening to the brilliant sunshine of the next morning and the awful realization that turned the light into somberest shadow. Lelia ministered to me tenderly. When she had dressed me and had made me swallow a few spoonfuls cf hot coffee, she insisted upon my forcing down my unwilling throat a Fremont Attorney Refuses Federal Job' ricmuiit. Neb, Sept. Jfl (Spe (U I rlrratii.)-( ninny Attorney I, l (rx.li ;iiitti,iintfi today that hi lias rejected (lie pfiiiiiiirtit a ileputy I'niled Ut" t.tiict attor pry in this distrii t. The iiiim wan offered him Ut I riiliy, but be toA until today In make up hi mind. He was on the vertse of nuking his re. final on Saturday, but due In the many friend who I'rgrJ dim o ac cept. Mr. took dtci'led to gite the mailer further cni'lrraiun. Mr. Cook Mated lhal it would be folly for him ta tacrinee JiU practice in thi vii'inlty, whiYh bn accumu lated for the put 25 Mars, to take an $l,Kx) a year job. He UtcJ that le appreciated the hrnr sml prei I'CC that accompanied the oiler, but that he wit not in s petition to ac cept. When the district .ittorney's omVe in Omaha ua unfilled, before the appointment of . C Kintltr, Mr. look wn a candidate for lhr posi tion. He made a trip to Washing ton in the interest oi the tiflice, l-ut after his return here the announce- mcnt came that Mr. Kituler had been favored with the job. Omaha Jeweler l.lertnl National Association Officer Joseph Marnrr of the T. L, Combs & Maner ciftnpany elected econd vice president of the American Rational Retail Jewelers' association at Ituffalo Inst week. Mr. Mazucr came to Omaha from N'ew York City and joined with T. L Combs January 1 of this year. Mr. Mazncr served the National Jewelers' association in 1909 as firt vice president and during 191 J to 1916, inclusive, he had complete per sonal change of the assay depart ment cf the American National Re tail Jewelers' association. In 1913 be served the association in Washing ton before the committees of con gress to plead for the establishment of a stamping law for watch-cases and watch movements, which would prevent fakery in watches. Five Persons Arrested Following Auto Accident Five persons are held by the po lice and Joe Gilson, Thirtieth and Dodge streets, is in the Wise Me morial hospital as the result of an automobile accident, which occurred about 6:30 Monday evening, when the car in which they were riding was struck by a switch engine at an alley crossing on Thirteenth street between Jackson and Jones streets. L. Gilson, 1715 California street, said to be the driver of the car, is held for investigation. HUSBAND New Phase, of . of a Wife" few morsels of food. Then she brought me a note, a hurried scrawl in an unfamiliar writing. "Have an answer to your tele gram, which I am instructed to de liver into no hands but yours." the brief note ran. "Will wait until you can see me. "T. CHESTER." I sprang to my feet. This meant that my message had reached Hugh Grantland. Of all persons in the world he was the one whom I most longed tb see. There was no slight est touch of sentiment in my feeling, but in the dramatic scenes in which we had happened to be thrown to gether during the war I had learned to hold in deep respect the mentality, the efficiency, the wide influence, nay power, which he seemed to wield. If any one could find my baby for me I felt that Hugh Grant hind could. "Is Mr. Chester still waiting?"! asked. I thought Leila looked at me a bit curiously. "Yes, he's been sitting on the ve randa for two hours," she said. "Oh, I must hurry 1" I said, took a step, staggered, was forced to lean on Leila's shoulder, and to mike my way downstairs in this halting fashion. Mr. Chester sprang to his feet as he saw me, and drew up a chair for me. ' "Would. you mind, Leila, going away for a little?" I said, too weak and desperate to employ any subter fuge, or, indeed, to care what she of any one thought. "Mr. Chester has an important message for me." j "Of course not," she replied, and promptly vanished. How They Met. Mr. Chester handed me the tele-' gram as she went. It was already opened, as it waj; aaarcssca to j. cnester. "Teft Mrs. Graham will be there first possible train. ' Keep my ar rival secret from every one, evert members of the family. Reason for this. Wire me your telephone num ber, so can communicate with you upon arrival. Tell Mrs. Graham courage. I looked up from the heartening message and began a halting mental calculation. "The first possible train." I re peated. Will be in two hours from now," Mr. Chester said. "And I will bring Major Grantland out as soon as hw wishes. If he doesn't wish anyonj but you to know he is here " H paused doubtfully. "There is a wood road leading up to the hill back of the hcusc," i said, "an entrance to the other roao, little used, but passable. I drovw over it the other day. Bring him there, leave the car and then come down and tell me. I will manage to see him." He bowed and left me, and for the intervening hours I paced the floor in the fist hope I had allowed my self. The very tenor of Hugh Grant land's message, his request to have his coming kept secret, made ma hope llloRically that he already had some clue. And when Mr. Chester, at the end of two hours, came walk ing across the farm, I told the fam ily that I wanted to walk to the hill with him to see how the members of the legion were beating the woods systematically. Whatever they thought, no one ' made any objection I think they all considered me a little out of my mind and in a few more minutes 1" was face to face with Hugh Grant-land. f i r";.-ss