II , , J '.- THE BKE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. wrfcAlHMC IK. l!2l. i A Farm Club Boys In 29 Counties to Get Scholarships ''!phet Ranking Club Boy in Earb County to Win U. 1'. Award for State Aggie U. l olloping a vitit In the ricul lural collrue of the University of Ntbratka it the invitation of Rrgent Frank W. Judn, Carl K. Gray, irtidcnt of the I'nion Pacific, pro ved offering cholarliip in the college to farm boys in each of the fount irt of Kehraika traversed by lh vl'nion Pai-ilic railroad. ,ie practical method of allotting tlioe cholarbips wn left to the faculty of the agricultural college, ttliirh in turn diluted the Hitsistance of the agricultural extension service. Worth 175. ' At a result, announcement is nude that scholarship will be awarded to the higher! ranking club boy in each of the 29 counties this year and J9 counties next vear. the scholar ship will be in the college of agri culture or the winter short course, and will be worth $75 phis trans portation. The counties in which the scholar ships this year are Adams, Hulfalo, r.utlcr, Boone, folk. Clay, Custer, Dawson, bodge, Douglas, Gage, flail, Hamilton, Howard, Keith, Kimball, Lancaster, Lincoln, Mer rick, Madison, Morrill, Nance, Nuck olls, J'latte, folk, Saunders, Scotts bluif, Thayer and 'Vajliington. ' AU Kinds of Clubs. The counties in which scholar ships will be given next year are Adams, Boone, Buffalo, Uutlcr, Cheyenne, Clay, Colfax, Custer, Dawson, Deuel, Dodge, Douglas, Gage, Garden, Greeley, Hall, Ham ilton, Howard, Jefferson, Kearney, Keith, Kimball, Lancaster, Lincoln, I -ngan, Madison, Merrick, Morrill, .Nance, Nuckolls, Tlatte, Polk, Saun ders, Sherman, ScottsblutT, Thayer, Valley, Sarpy and Washington. The prizes will be given this year among members of all kinds of clubs. Next year the field will be limited to corn, wheat and potato clubs. The winner from each coun ty will be chosen from the 10 high est ranking boys, on the following basis: 75 per cent on rank in club work, 25 per cent on activities in community affairs. Between 16 and 21. The boys must be between 16 and 21 years old. Each boy entering the contest next year must cultivate five acres of corn, 10 acres of wheat or one acre of potatoes. The scholar ship must be used within the year, or, if the boy is already in school, he must use it the following session. President Gray of the Union Pa cific is a former member of the gov , crning board of the Maryland Agri cultural college. Funeral Monday Of S. B. Howard Railroad Man Dies After Short Illness Son Shot By Officer. Funeral services for Samuel B. Howard, colonization agent for the Burlington railroad, will be held Monday morning at the Howard home, 717 South Thirty-first street. Other services will be held at St. Peters church. Burial will be in Holv Seoulcher cemetery. Mr. Howard died Friday night in St Toseoh hospital from diabetes, Relatives .and associates say his health had. been failing rapidly since the death of his son, Joseph, who was shot by Detective iierdzina nve months ago. Mr. Howard came to Nebraska from New York state and home- steaded in Saunders county 42 years ago. Later he went to O'Neill, where he farmed. He entered the colonization bureau at the Burling ton here under the late -D. Clem Deaver. Returning from a western trip into districts where homestead lands are being opened for settlement three days ago Mr. Howard became seriously ill and was taken to St. Joseph hospital. Surving relatives are his widow, five daughters, Mary, Margaret, Ruth, Julia and Zanella; two sons, Mortimer and Harry j two brothers, Gene of Denver, and John of Nor folk, Neb., and a sister, Josie, of Denver. Gene and John Howard already have arrived here. Probe Into Source of Fatty's Booze Continues Los Angeles, Sept 17. Federal probe lere into the source of the liquor reported to have been in tv't- . dence at the Roscoe (Fatty) Ar buckle party in a San Francisco hotel following which the death of . Miss Virginia Rappe occurred, was continued here today under United States - District Attorney Robert O'Connor and E. Forrest Mitchell, prohibition director for California. ' Lowell Sherman, actor, was-ex-jimtned, and told the federal officers that liquor- was furnished to the party by the chef of the hotel, who, he said, was known as "Tony. Mounting of Postal Savings Called Sign of Easier Money Washington, Sept 17. Postal sav- ings deposits increased at industrial centers and a decrease in withdraw als was taken as an indication of eas ing financial stringency, according to the Postoffice department, which an nounced today that'total deposits on August 31 aggregated $152,400,000. The decrease for the month, $100,000, was the smallest decrease shown in several months, it was said. New Farm Loan Bond Issue To Be Floated at 5 Per Cent Washington, Sept. 17-An offer ing of federal farm loan bonds bear ing 5 per cent interest will be made about October 1, Secretary - Mellon said today. The issue, expected to be at least $40,000,000, will be in accordance v ith the general plan of financing the federal land banks, the secretary An Invitation to Visitors From Out of Town Visitors just arriving la town way cons to tb Brands! Stores Immediately and find every comfort Bundles and band lutgsgs may be checked, conveniences may b found for washing and "freshening up" so that you may go out Into th city feeling well groomed and ready to meet your friends. Your cards to the folks at borne may be purchased, messages written and cards ad dressed and mailed. The Bank Is located on tbs Main Floor West You are Invited to visit the ps rest rooms on tbs Tenth Floor. They have been fitted up for 5 your comfort and convenience. There is a magnificent dining room and men's grill room on tbe Tenth Floor while on the main floor Is a cafeteria and a soda fountain dining rooms to suit every taste and pocketbook. Strangers who have not decided on a place of residence in Omaba can have tbelr mall addressed to Station 17, which Is located on the Main Floor West They may call for their mall thera. It is a regular V. 8. Fostofflce. Tbs Transfer System can bs used to great ad vantage when time counts. Tbs shopper may make purchases In any department and goods will be sent to the transfer desk where she may pay for tbera all at once. The purchases will then be delivered to the home town free of charge. The Information Desk on the main floor is al ways ready to supply any needed information. .MOW" ." .. Monday A Memorable Day for FINE LINENS At Prices Fully 40 Lower Than a Year Ago All Linen Cloths Beautiful patterns, new designs, beautiful satin-like finish ; will lend great beauty to your dinner table. 2x2-yard Table Cloths 13.50 2x2-yard Table Clotbg 17.50 2x3-yard Table Cloths ' 21.50 Turkish and Knit Wash Cloths Value 1.00; no less than one dozen sold and not over two dozen to a customer; per dozen, 50c- Napkins Beautiful all linen napkins to match tablecloths; fine satiny quality; beautiful patterns. 24x24-inch Napkins, dozen 16.50 18xl8-inch Handsome Tea Napkins, nently hemstitched; several beau tiful designs;. per dozen 15.00 15xl5-inch Hemstitched Tea Nap kins The most wanted size and the most difficult to secure; per dozen, 10.50 Main Floor South. Napkins . $20 quality 13.50 Pure Linen Napkins A big special in a 23-inch napkin; extra fine satin finish; today's value on thU napkin is 20.00 a dozen. The rea son for this low price is not in the quality of this product, but the fat that there are no cloths to match. An opportunity to stock up on pure linen napkins; per dozen, 13.50 t Helping the Shopper Often shopping is a task, but when you shop at Brandeis Stores you will be do ItKhteis with the system through which the burdens of the shopper are reduced to the minimum if not avoided altogether. For Ak-Snr-lien week special plans have been effected for the comfort and convenience of the many shoppers, visitors and home folks. J. L. Brandeis & Sons have ever made it clear to those connected with this store that the interests of the customer and the interests of Brandeis Stores are identical To promote the one is to promote the other. Men and women have learned that the training given to representatives of Bran dcis Stores is particularly helpful to shoppers who find it somewhat difficult to "make both ends meet." They will find the representatives of Brandeis Stores will ing and cheerful in the effort to help shop pers make their money go as far as it must Brandeis Stores' customers have learned that Brandeis is something more than a mercantile establishment it is an Institu tion. It has reached this high place by system atically operating for the mutual good of buyer and seller. That explains the remarkable growth of Brandeis Stores. Likewise, it insures an evergrowing arsny of satisfied customers. -J. L. BRANDEIS A SONS. Monday-Great Specials in Domestics Dress Goods Fall Silks 3-Pound Rolls Cotton Batting Long, Staple Cotton Batting Each roll large enough to make a full size comforter; our famous pm White Fawn quality; priced for Mon- 9c day selling, per roll, Shirting Madras In a splen did 'assortment of beautiful woven effects; warranted fast colors ; 32 inches wide ; priced at, per yard Zephyr Dress Gingham In pretty plaids, checks and stripes; 32 inches wide; extra value; priced at, per yard, 35c 39c Indian Head Suiting Genuine Belfast linen finish; 36 inches wide; specially aq priced, per yard, C White Poplin Beautiful soft mercerized fabric ; lustrous and silky; 36 inches jq wide; special, yard, DC Unbleached Muslin Extra heavy quality; 2 to 10-yard lengths; 39 inches wide; regu lar 19c value; spe-t Ol cial, per yard, IyC Basement- Sateen Highly yarn mercer ized; in a beautiful assortment of the wanted plain shades; also black; 36 inches wide; regular 48c value ; spe- 35c cial, per yard, Bleached Dwight Anchor Sheeting This celebrated popular brand; 81 inches wide; priced at, A per yard, UeC Bleached Pequot or Bridal Tubing None better made; 45 inches wide; special, per yard, 4?C Queen Anne Nainsook A beautiful soft finished fabric for underwear, lingerie, etc.; 36 inches Wide; excep- Ag tional value, per yard, &DC Bookfold Percale Dress and wrapper and shirting, styles; light and dark colors; priced at,, per yard, I North. 25c Choose Materials for New Fall Wardrobe Timely Specials in Fine Quality French Serge A special purchase of 100 pieces of French Serge, 54 inches wide; an extra fine quality of pure all wool French serge, soft finish; will tailor well; for suites and dresses; in navy blue, black - P and brown ;wre offer this serge ' Monday, at per yard, All-Wool French Serges Beautiful soft finish, all-wool French serge; 40 and 42 inches wide; this fabric comes in all the season's desired shades, 1 including black; Monday, per yard, leaJiv Chiffon Broadcloth Our chiffon broadcloth leaves noth ing to be desired in quality, quantity or variety; these fabrics are shown in all the newest shades, including the popular black. Sponged and 9Q shrunk. Monday, per yard, - 00 All-Wool Tricotine A splendid, grafle of handsome fine twilled tricotine; the season's most popular fabric; much in demand for tailored suits and dresses; black, navy, brown and taupe; 48 inches 1 QQ wide; per yard leevO Main Floor -Center. Monday Money-Saving Specials in Crepe -Back Satin Meteor, Satin Canton, Canton Crepe and Charmeuse now being shown in all the new fall shades and weights; specially priced, per yard, from 3.50 to 4.95 Sk and Wool Faille In nov elty self-toned plaid and barred effects suitable for skirts or dresses; in taupe, brown, navy and black; 40 inches wide; priced, Q per yard, lUU Black Chiffon Velvet Rich raven black in a soft, velvety sheen; an exceptional value Monday at, Q 7C per yard, Oaf O Chiffon Taffeta Soft, crispy finish; high, lustrous sheen; dependable wearing quality in a good coior assortment; oo inches wide; excep tional value; yard, Crepe, de Chine An extra heavy quality in a wide range of fall shades; for skirts, blouses and dresses; will give satisfactory wear; 40 inches wide; very special, O QC at, per yard, ) 1.79 Satin Eadiant Soft, satiny luster, firm weight; all the wanted dark or light shades suitable for dresses or blouses; 36 inches wide; 1 QQ special, per yard, l0 Georgette Crepe A three thread silk in an extra firm weight; all the most wanted fall shades, including black, navy, brown, white and pink; 40 inches wide) f flJ special, yard, lav Mignonette Tricolette Lock stitch, will not slip nor pull; good assortment of all the fall shades black, navy, brown, gray, copen, etc, 26 inches wide; priced, t per yard, liOU Black Costume Velvet Twilled back; rich, deep pile; best Lyons dye and finish; 36 inches wide; special, a ja Monday at, per yard, aiaOU Main Floor Center. MondaySpecial Values 9x12 Seamless Azminster Rugs; 37.50 Choice reproductions of oriental and Chinese rugs; woven in one piece. 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 45.00 A closely woven, durable quality; seamless; high class designs in har monious colorings. 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 21.50 A seamless, serviceable rug for bed room or living room; pure worsted nap; well woven. - 7.6x9.0 Axminster Rugs, 24.50 The wanted size for apartment din ing room or living room. An excellent selection of desirable patterns. Sixth Floor West. Big List of Money-Saving Specials Heavy Rick Rack Braid White and colors, 3 yards for ' ' 5 Good, strong, all rubber Baby Pants, per pair, 25 4-yard Pieces of Bias Tape, in 5 widths, good 10c value, special, 5$ Full Assortment Sues DeLong Hooks and Eyes, white or black, card 5 The Betsy Ross Sanitary Belt; made for ser - vice ; they are real 39c grade ; special, at 19 Our 35c Marcel Hair Waver Made with wood en handles, each, 151 Sanitary Rubber Apron Excellent quality; full size ; worth 75c, each J 39 "Cubes" Large or small; good pins; black, white and colors; 100 pins to a cube, cube, 7$. Sanitary Napkins A good soft and full size; our 5c number; in tnis sale, per dozen, -J 39 Good Steel Safety Pins In three sizes only; one dozen pins on card, for ; 3 N otions 800 pairs l-inch Elastic Corset Garten New Goods; strong, well made; 25c garter; spe.cial, 10$ Koh-I-Noor Snap Fastener Always 10c a card; white or Hack; every size; for this sale 5 Large Cabinets of Assorted Hair Pins Crimped; assorted sizes; a 25c cabinet; this sale, each, : 10$ Scissors 6j4 and 7V-inch dressmakers' scis sors.; straight and trimmed handles; full steel flange; very high grade; you have been paying 1.35 and 1.75 for this quality; in this sale, per pair . ' 7 '' 69$ Very Fine Embroidered Finishing Braid Various widths and colors; imported; choice, per piece, 5$ Thousands of Remnants of Elastic and 1 inch wide, 28 to 30 inches long; black, white and gray, each, 10$ Main Floor West. September Sale of DINNERWARE 32 and 50-Piece Sets 5.98 to 30.00 This dinnerware is of American porcelain, trhleK is equal in quality of body and artistic decoration to any porcelain made, while prices are 30 per cent lower than on any ware of foreign makes. Make your purchases now. Casseroles 5.98 value Complete with frame. This is a large size, solid brass nickel-plated frame, with casserole of the popular brown, white lined Guernsey ware. A real O O.Q casserole at a real price, each, - Z70 Fifth Floor East. Before Planning Your Fall Redeco rating Look Over These Specials in Scrim Curtains Made o& sheer quality scrim, trimmed with lace edge; I OC worth 2.00; special, per pair, Drawnwork Dutch Curtains Made of fine quality scrim with drawnwork and embroid ered corners and valance; several patterns to select from; 3-piece sets; ready ttf DRAPERIES hang; 2.50 value; special, set, French Lacet and Marie Antoinette Cur tains Made of fine quality net; braided patterns and medallion corners; g A A our own importation; per pair, Ruffled Curtains Made of fine quality mercerized voile with full narrow ruffle on edge and deep flounce at bottom of curtain. Kuffled tie-backs to match; a 3.00 . 1 7e value; special, per pair, Make Your Home Beautiful With out Great Expenditure. New Fall Cretonnes A very fine selection of patterns in 'floral, bird and striped ef fects; light, medium and dark Oft 07C Sixth Floor East. color combinations; per yard, Curtain Marquisettes Dotted and figured patterns in white, cream and beige; a very popular curtain material; per yard, , 59c Sixth Floor East. Sixth Floor East. Sunfast Materials Plain colors in pink, blue, green and tan; suitable for i ff overdrapes and bed sets; yard, 1UU French Qretonnes Our own importation; rtpneod, 125 .d 1.75 Colored Figured Madras Fine quality for overdraperies; in all the popular color combinations; per yard, 0fC A 1 1, '