Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 16

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    8 B
i;i:K: OMAHA. SLNPAV. Sht 18. iwzi.
As a Fine
Art .
It it pleaunt to enttelf and de
lightful to others, or at any rate 1
imagine it muM be, for I hav nerer
experienced the sensation, to be a
brilliant conversationalist Dr. John
on, something of a conversationalist
Llmsclf, thought otherwise. There
it nothing," laid he on one occa
sion, "by which a man exasperates
most other people more than by dis
playing a superior brilliancy in con
versation. They seem pleased at the
time, but their envy makes them
cure him at their hearts. Hut here,
I suspect, the learned man was
"making conversation" himself, and
did not mean to be taken too liter
ally, for if he really believed what
he said he must have regarded him
self as more unpopular than any
normal man would wish to be.
But the great man also analyzed
conversation, and we smaller talkers
may see how he did it. "There must,
in the first place," said he, "be
knowledge, there must be materials;
in the second place, there must be
command of words; in the third
place, there must be imagination, to
place things in such views as they
are not commonly seen in; and in
the fourth place, there must be
presence of mind, and a resolution
that is not to be overcome by fail
ures. This last is essential."
liow often have I myself suf
fered from this lack of a "resolution
that is not to be overcome by fail
ures," and, having something to say
not much, but sufficient to show
' that I was at least among those pres
enthave failed and failed and
failed again to get my little saying
into the conversation, and so at last
faint-heartedly given it up and re
mained in silence! A more resolute
titter would have said his little say
whatever happened, though he said
it only to himself in a loud voice.
There are others, plenty of them,
in this same category of the un lo
quacious we are the listeners who
provide a dumb audience for those
whose thoughts and tongues move
more trippingly. Yet we are not in
capable of speech. Many of us can
keep up our end respectably in a
tet-a-tete, but our activity diminishes
in proportion to the number of the
company. We are accused some
, times of "not doing. our part" but
u the truth is that we really seem to
have no part which it is incumbent
upon us to do. From minute to min
ute, with no appreciable interrup
tion, all the conversation immediate
ly needed is being supplied by some
body else.
But I am as far as ever from tell
ing: myself or anybody else how to
be an agreeable . conversationalist
Granting that conversation is in a
v .. J
The marriage of Miss Marie
Maney and Dr. Raymond 1'. Carrvcl
will take place Tuesday morning at
M. Bernard s church.
Miss Maney is a graduate of Ben
son High . school and attended the
state normal school at Fcru. She
has taught in Washington and
Douglas counties, her first teaching
being in the Maney schoot, which
was named for her grandfather and
in which her father was a student,
and where she entered as a first
grade pupil. She has taught during
the past two years in the Omaha
schools, and is well known as a
soprano singer, having been a pupil
of Miss Mary Munchoff. .
Is the Long Skirt
Coming Into
way a game, it is not a game open
to the same objective kind of prac
tice by which a player improves his
golf or tennis. Here one sees tne re-
Is the long skirt coming back into
feminine favor? That is the question
that is agitating New York women
now. A well-known actress, who re
turned from. Paris recently, declared
that in her opinion the women who
how to Dame Fashion and thevare
flegion will discard the short skirt
for the one that comes to the ankle,
or perhaps slightly above the ankle.
This actress declares that well-dressed
women of Paris today are wear
ing long skirts and that the style
will have reached this country by
fall. .
Even now some of the more so
cially prominent women of- New
York are wearing longer skirts than
those that have been in vogue for
the past two or three years. For
example, Mrs. Vincent Astor, who
is generally recognized in the so
called fashionable world as the social
Y.W. C. A. Fall
Term Opens in
The following classes will com
mence the week of October 3s
Mondays Trench (advanced),
rwrwMialiiv. rookine.
Tuesdays Trench (intermediate),
butinc't T'nglith, cooking.
Wednesday:. Commercial art and
free hand drawing.
Thursday: Trench: (beginning),
first aid.
(.'lanes in Spanish, public speak
ing, amateur photography and pty
chulogy will be arranged for if the
sufficient number of registrations are
Classes in sewing are now being
held on Monday and Thursday eve
nings. A Monday and a Saturday
afternoon class will be started if 10
registrations are made.
Classes in millinery are being held
on Tuesday and Triday evenings.
Making your own dresses and hats
means the saving ot many dollars.
Miiis Kate A. McHugh will give
the first lecture of her Shakespearean
course, Friday afternoon, October 14,
at 4:15 o'clock. Her first lecture
in the course on "Recent Successes
in Modern Drama, will be on
Wednesday evenina. October 19, at
7:30 o'clock. The popularity of Miss
Mciiught courses makes an early
registration advisable.
The following courses are being
offered in cookery:
Course 1. Twenty-four lessons,
once or twice a week, as desired,
Monday and Wednesday evening,
6:30, 8:30. This course to include a
study of any preparation of foods.
Table service and the preparation
of meals are included in this course.
Course 2. Ten lessons, one a
week. Tuesday or Thursday. This
class to be opened to business and
club girls, will include work in the
preparation and serving of meals that
require little time, but are both
wholesome and attractive.
Course 3. - Twelve lessons, one a
week, Tuesday or Thursday, 6:30
8:30. This course is arranged es
pecially for those desiring a short
comprehensive course in cooking. It
includes the correct cooking of the
principal foods.
All classes will be limited to 12
members. Outlines given here -are
subject to change in time and make
up to accommodate the girls desiring
to take the work. Recipe cards and
books are extra. The class instruc
tors will meet those desiring to take
any of the courses fisted, on Monday
evening, October 3, at 6:30 in the
dimestic science room at the Y. W.
C A. Arrangements for day classes
will be made upon request
The Y. W. C. A. department of
health education will reopen October
3. The department is now open for
registration and examination. There
will be evening classes in gymnastics
and dancing for business, women.
Also day classes for women and
Stout Women
Need Dark
How often one sees the "stout"
woman earbed in a flaming: red. and
the remark inevitably follows, "Why
do stout people always put on such
bright colors? It makes them look
Of course, alt stout women do pot
make it a point to don brilliant hues,
but all such women should make it
a point never to adorn themselves
in bright colors.
' Light and brilliant colon with
sheen apparently increase the ap
pearance of the site of the wearer,
while dark colors and large color
patterns make her seem smaller.
Children and small women can
wear bright colors better than any
one else.
Complexion should also be reck
oned with when one is selecting the
color of the wardrobe.
In analyzing the three types of
hair, blond", auburn and brunette, re
member that, as a rule, brunettes
require stronger colors than the
blondes. The Trench have an inter
esting trick of dressing up to their
eyes, be they blue, gray or brown.
However, the complexion also must
be taken into account when this
method is followed.
' A Distinction.
The aim of book-reviewing Is to
engage in discussion of our contem
poraries, and this is why book-re-
veiwing, wlucn is a department oi
lournalism. must be carefully dis
tinguished from criticism, which is
a department of literature. Urander
Be Careful What You
Wash Your Hair With
Most eoaDS and Drepared iham
poos contain too umch alkali, which
la very injurious, as 'it dries the
Benin and makes the hair brittle.
The best tnin? to use is jduismea
cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is
Dure and entirely creaaeless. It's
very cheap and beats anything else
all to pieces. Vou'can Ret Mulslfled
at any druff store, and a few ounces
will last ' tne wnoie : ramny lor
Simply moisten the hair with wa
ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon-
ful is all that is required. It makes
an abundance of rich, creamy lather,
c'eaiises thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to han
dle. Besides, it -loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
dandruff. Be sure your druggist
gives you Mulslfled. .
$1 Down Delivers Any Purchase Up to $50 to Your Home j
'pHIS SALE enables you to have any ar- rE HAVE gone the limit in preparing for !
. A tide of furniture in our store valued up v y this event, and only a fraction of the
to $50.00 delivered to your home for $1.00. many remarkable bargains are shown here. I
suits of failure, but in conversation, art,;ter of New York society, created
it there is any politenessin tne com- considerable discussion among the
pany at all, and otherwise they are smart women that congregated for
-not fit to converse together failures ; iuncheon at the new Ambassador
are hidden; I must be a dull talker hote, when Mrs. Astor entered the
indeed to carry it so far that I will French salon of the Ambassador, the
discover myself by the behavior of otner ,jay she wa, the cynosure of
tne sutierers, ana, wncn i nave uis- aU eyM or gne wore a damty, simple
frock of light broadcloth with, a skirt
that reached just above the ankles.
Since then it has been noticed that
several of the fashionables who
swarm the lobby of the Ambassador
during tea time and for dinner, have
been wearing long skirts.
covered that I am a dull talker, in
deed, how am I to practice by my
self and achieve a lively and interest
ing manner of conversation. A few
precepts I may give myself: Don't
' dogmatize, don't talk too long at a
' time, don't lose your temper, etc., .for
these are certain obvious faults in the
disagreeable conversationalist that
any observant person may see, and
any sensible person, one might think,
would guard against. But lively and
interesting in conversation I can on
ly hope to make myself by being
lively and interested in things- in gen
eral. To What degree, 4n short, -can I
provide myself with the qualities
enumerated by Dr. Johnson knowl
edge, command of -words, imagina
tion and presence of mind? Only in
a limited degree, yet something can
. be done in acquiring knowledge,
something in trying to express my
knowledge with reasonable clearness,
, and something m summoning my
"will to my assistance and resolutely
determining not to be overcome by
failures, and to say my say whatever
happens. But about the imagination
I am not so certain; this "placing
things in such views as they are not
commonly seen in" doesn't seem so
, easy even within modest limits
Christian Science Monitor. ,
With Plain and
. Figured Walls
' If you are planning any redecorat
. Ing of the walls of your rooms just
remember this: that you can gain
very interesting effects if you take in
' to account the decorative value of
plain and figured walls in two ad
jacent rooms.
For instance: Suppose you have
opening from your large living room
a little music room. On ihe living
. room walls, in spite of the fact that
the room is large, you may choose
a plain surface, say in gray. In the
little room, ' which will stand a
figured wall, as it is adjacent to the
big room and as anyway you don't
necessarily wish to increase its ap
' parent size, you can use a small
figure, combining the ground color
of the living room with perhaps
mauve and sage green.
. Or. for another example, the din
Svttr Mwtm nnrm mm the Kvinor rflom.
The living room is papered in tan
- grass cloth. The fining room will
" present a charming and harmonious
contrast if a tapestry paper is used
around the too of the walls.
- Then there is the big hall with two
or three rooms opening from it
' That gives one another chance to
' combine plain ana figured walls in
adjacent rooms to good advantage.
; Just keep the idea in mind. - It is a
good one for decoration.
Preventing Colors From
Before washing a new colored
dress or garment, or white garments
with colored embroidery or trim
mings, put it to soak for a couple
ef hours in cold water, in which is
'dissolved a little vinegar and some
alt. About a spoonful of each in
a gallon of water. This will settle the
colors, but will not injure in any
way either the clean or soiled gar-
mfnt. Tt is ilvav, w,c A Am
J - " . ' J w.-
orcd garments in a shady place, . .
Vet vest aWfl
Omm amM YOvm
evRto-mm to m
NATURAL way.. .
(Tb. bMt proof of all thll
It that MtMag joa tan
It Is Easy to Lose An
Unsightly Complexion
"I CUn mry UH t HN
traMo kit my MM liiw
Write toll? far rrtt kMk
leeW DImmm art "CM
Hsv yon ever exclaimed as yon beheld
your complexion In the mirror, "If I only
could tear off this old .kin I" And, do you
know yon can do that very thins? Not to
actually remove the entire akin 'all of a
udden : that would be too heroic a method
and painful, too. The wornout cuticle
cornea off in auch tiny particles and so
gradually It doesn't hurt a bit. Little by
little the beautiful complexion underneath
comes forth. Marvelous I No matter how
muddy, rough, blotchy or freckled your
complexion, you can surely discard It by
this simple process. Just ret an ounce of
ordinary mercolited wax at your druggist's,
apply nightly like cold cream, washing it
off mornings. The result will surprise and
delight you. ' .-'
Wrinkles can be gotten rid of by an
equally simple method. By dissolving an
ounce of pure powdered saxolite in a half
pint of witch hazel and bathing your face
in tne solution, every line will completely
disappear. First the finer lines, finally
even tne deep crows feet.
LLOYD Demonstration
a s.
Showing the New Fall
Models Continues
All This Week
"Lloyd" Baby Carriages
re woven In a beautiful
egg-shell shape and
are the most com.
fortable for baby. A
"Lloyd" is sunproof "
and waterproof, and
the weave) will not
warp, split or crack.
Special During Dem
onstration a "Lloyd"
Baby Carriage for
Souvenir to All Mother
Lloyd Given Away Friday
One Dollar Bargains j
Tay granite- i
$1.00 I
Rag Ruga, 24x3G-in. size.lPereotat ort of heavy
in piain colors or nu ana gauge aluminum in 8-cup
miss, Mon- t1 nn.siie, Mon- (1 nn
. P JUVU day at ePl.UU
day each...,
Good Pillows, soft feather
pillows covered with good
quality d ((
ticking, at... PleUU
Scrim Curtains, 2 xk yards
long in white with hem
stitched d CC
edges, each. . P 1 UU
Skip-a-Longs, Iota of fun
for kiddies, sturdily built
and painted,
day at.
Cannist.r Sets, four white
enameled cans for flour,
coffee, tea, (hi f(
etc., set Pl.UU
Granite Buckets, large
pails of heavy, blue gran
ite with wood d ((
handle, each . V I UU
Serving Trays in mahog
any . finishes with decor
ated, glass (i nn
I bottom, only. vleUU
Tea Kettles of first quali
fy, gray graniteware,
wood handle, f ff
Monday at... vleUU
Combinets or Slon Jars.
large size in gray granite-
ware, with
cover, only.
Jumbo Bath Basins, big
leiiows, in gray granite
ware for t i nn
bathing baby J 1 eUU
Garbage Cans, No. 3 size,
heavily galvanized with
cover and tfc 1 ff
handle for. . . P 1 eUU
Massive Dresser, built of
solid oak in golden finish
with French plate mirror
and four deep, roomy
a?!?"'. .$42.50
Dining Table, a round
pedestal model in solid
golden oak with 54-inch
top that ex-
ends to 6
Fireside Wing Rocker, full
spring seat and padded,
tufted back upholstered
in Spanish f abricoid
ita?rr... $15.95
Dining Chair In' highly
polished golden oak, with
comfortable slat back and
padded imitation leather
Simmon's White Enamel
Crib with noiseless drop
sides and comfortable link
fabric springs, special
at! ........ $3 .95 only ..$11 .45
Mow Yeast V
Put On Firm Flesh
Increase Your Energy, Banish Skin Eruptions and Beautify the
Complexion Easy and Economical to Take Results Quick.
TOT .. ,M,
I Xf J . M , a. f M 1
7 A I f 77
in i i a i i r-M i an i t
7 f
in in i -a a
ffl w
If ye want to qokUr get snore strength and vitality and have
Ike firs, flesh "p" which nukes yea look and feel 100 per cent
Jeet try fairing two of Mastio's yeast VTTAMON tablets with
seal faf a short tisae and watch the truly amaxmf results.
Thin or run-down folks will find this simple
test well worth 'trying: First weigh yourself
and measure yourself. Neit take Mastin's
.VITAMONtwo tablets with every meaL Then
weigh and measure yourself
again each week and continue
taking Mastin's VITAMON reg
ularly until yon are satisfied
with your gain In weight and
energy. Mastin's VITAMON
tablets contain a proper dose of .
highly concentrated yeast-vita-mines
as well as the, two other
still more Important vltamines
(Fat soluble A and Water Sol- ,
ubie C) all of which Science
says you must have to be
strong, well and fully developed.
They are now being used by
thousands who appreciate their
convenience, economy and quick
results. By increasing the'
nourishing power of what yon i.
eat, Mastin's, VITAMON sup
v ' plies Just what your body needs '
to feed the shrunken tissues,
strengthen Internal organs, clear the
skin and renew shattered nerve force , ,
without upsetting the stomach or caus
ing gas.. Pimples, -boils-and skin erup
tions seem to vanish as If by magic and
the complexion becomes radiantly clear .
and beautiful. But it is not only a
. question ot how much better you look ,
and feel, or what your friends say and
think the scales and tape measure will
tell their own story. A two weeks' test '
will surprise you.
IMPORTANT: While the amazing
health-building value of Mastin's VITA
MON tablets have been clearly and pos
itively demonstrated in cases of lack of ,
energy, nervous trouble, anaemia, In
digestion, constipation, skin eruptions,
poor complexion and a generally weak
ened physical and mental condition, they
should not be used by anyone who OB
JECTS to having their weight In
creased to normal. Be sure to remem
ber the name Mastin's VI-TA-MON
the original and genuine yeast-vitamine
tablet there is nothing else like It, so
do not accept imitations or substitutes.
Ton can get Mastin's VITAMON Tab-
. i . . i . i .
- ... ; " ' leu at an guuu druggists, sucu s :
Bnerman McConnell, Adams-Halght. Alexander-Jacobs, J. U Brandela, Enrgeas-Nagh and Hayden Bros.
You Can Get
Mastin's VTTAMON
At All Good
111 ... . .
on Firm Flesh, Clear
the Sldn and Increase ,
Energy When Taken
With Every Meal, or
Money Back. -
Massive Library Table, I Period Buffet,, a stately
very attractive model in 1 Queen Anne model in
golden finished oak with - beautiful walnut, with
large 1 top and roomy ample . apace for china
Z:. $32.50 d.ur $49.50
Tall Chiffonier, built of Three-Piece Bed Outfit I Large China v Closet, ' a
golden finished oak with comprising full, size steel Queen Anne model in rich
wide top and square, bed, 45-pound mattress Jacobean oak with long,
French plate mirror, re- and link fabric springs, wide shelves and glass
ST!?.. .,$23.50 , on,y $21.85 r".. .. $49.50
Sale of
Wool Fiber Rugs, 9x12 sizes,
attractive patterns, Monday
Beautiful Seamless Wilton
Velvet Rugs, in 6x9 sizes
Iv arret siugs, in oxv i
. $24.95
, High-Grade Tapestry Brus
sels Rugs in 9x12 sizes, now
Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs,
9x12 size for living rooms
$1 Down 11 Week
42-piece D i n n r Sets, M a 1 1 i n g Box, strongly Full Siae Bed, an attrac
made of fine semi-porce-1 constructed and of ample tive Adam period in ma
lain in several artistic, proportions for furs and hogany finish, walnut or
conventional patterns, on other woolen1 apparel; ivory, with slat head and
t:'Z . . .$11 .95 1 boxr! . $6.95 1 . . . ... $ 1 6.50
Hands o m e Chif forette,
solidly built of beautiful
walnut in a roomy model
with ample, drawer space,
JS $49.50
Dressing Table, graceful I High Chair, well built, in Gas Stove with four pow-1 White Beauty Porcelain
model in solid golden oak golden finish, with shelf erful burners and perfect Top Table, strongly built,
with triple French plate in front to put baby's baking oven, urith white finished in white enamel,
mirrors and two big plate or playthings on, porcelain- front door, ..... . '
S8:.. $39.00 i .dff..; . . : $2.85 1 aMt0-. . $29.50 17; T.4: $7.95
$25.00 Worth of Records FREE During
The "Pathe" Phonograph is the ideal musical instrument
for the home, as it plays any make of record and there are
NO needles to change. This is "Pathe" Week and special,
easy-to-pay terms are being made. ' .... r
Every-Day Values
Dependable Brooms ......... 31
Sprustex Mop Outfits 98
Electric Irons $3.95
Steel Carpet Sweeper .....Si. 29
"Icy-Hot" Bottles .$1.98
Galvanized Water Pails 29
"Fry" Baking Sets $3-48
Glass Berry Dishes 19c
1 AgenU AWiWI
2 I cllWrtMV )
I Ilit-iatTr
1 1 U!nnN
ao.cca.tsa AJAtzoKi am
$1.00 j
A Week
a Hoosier