n h jr. a. ,r- ' ft ft THE BKK: OMAHA, hATUKUAV, SKPTKMBElt 17, 1U2I Pair of Crooks Reported To Be Coming to Omaha Omahan Warned by Wfitern Union Manager t Be on Lookout for Prclty Crook and Male Pal. Omaha U warned t bewar. o( iAindler with a pretty blonde ae mm nlire. 22. who hai worked in Wisconsin. Michiaan. Illinois, Iowa, ind ii believed to be headed lor Onuha. bv a teleram to Chief of Police Mike Demptey yeterday from A. C Cronkhite, general man ager of the Western Union Tile graph company in Chicago. The man it a dangerou imposter, the telegram warn, and the woman is a clever assistant. Leading mercantile firmt and manufacturer generally fall victim to the ichemei of the pair, according to the telegram which givea a de tailed description of their methods, , Asks for Advice. The man sends a telegram to a leading business house, representing himself to be one of their salesmen on the road, and asks for an advance of cash to be wired in care of the telegraph office near the city in which hia victim is located. He identifies himself at the tele graph office by use of cards from a leading hotel and writes his telegram on the typewriter, or instructs his woman assistant to do so in long hand, which she does in a backhand slant, according to the telegram. Demands Large Sums. . In sending the telegram, he uses the name of the firm's representative in t4t territory and aki the con. crru to waite identihrjiion in tor wardin.' Ii-iu tsh, (li'iiuiul. are alay for large mm front IUku up to at man a tevrral thousand dollar., according to the iHramm. I'ryiiUme telegiaphs the chef the titan's real name i Frank Marshall LdwrU, but he does not know the name of the woman who is traveling v.ith him. ; W. B. Roberts Heads Electric Light Men Walter B. Roberts of the I'nion Tower and Light company of Oma ha was elected president of the Ne braska section of the National Elec tric Light association at the annual election of officers Friday. Other of ficers elected were: J. E. Harsh, Lincoln, vice president, and James B. Harvey, Omaha; Thomas H. Fritts. Grand Island; 0. J. Shaw, Lincoln: J. E. Davidson, Omaha; G. K. Fittinger, Albion, and , H. C Josnson, Superior: on the executive committee. A secretary is to be named in the r.ear future. The location of the 1921 conven tion was not determined yesterday. The two-day convention came to a close Friday noon at a luncheon at the Fontenellc. Friday morning waa devoted entirely to business discus sions. ' Millard Banker Nabbed for Having Rum at County Fair Ben Schomcr was arrested at' the Douslas county fair grounds Thurs day ninht bv Denutv Sheriff Chris Christensen and Special Deputy Fred Lydig for having intoxicating liquor in his possession. bchomer told Christensen that ne i a banker at Millard, n was re leased under bond yesterday. Kearney Couple at Kiwaiiis Meeting United in Wedlock Friend Surprised' a Newly we J Are Introduced at Banquet Dei Moinei Man Elected Governor. Dr. Wallace E. Roue. Kearney physician, had more than the Mra of attending the district convention oi Kiwanis clubs In mind when he left his home city for Omaha, Thursday. In the Kearney party was Miss Alma Taylor. Friends of both knew that "something was in the wind." but didn't dream that as soon as they ar rived in Omaha they would visit Dr. Titus Lowe's home and be married- Only Dr. and Mrs. Skeffington of Kearney were in on the secret. 1 he bride and groom were introduced at the annual banquet given at the La koma club, Thursday night. The annual district convention came to, a close at the Rome hotel, Friday noon following a luncheon given by the Omaha Kiwanis club to . I . . V I ..... ine visaing acicgmei. jnerc w special music by Olson's orchestra, the Kiwanis orchestra and quartet and singing by the members. Entertainers Sing. Sam Levy, manager of the "Smiles of 1921," representing the United Fairs Booking association, brought a quartet ot singers to the luncheon. They had, an offering of classical and popular songs that was a big hit with the Kiwanians. The quartet has been singing each night with the big show at Ak-Sar-Ben track. President H. W. Bubb of the Omaha club presided at the , noon meeting. Fred C. W. ?Ut, In-1 terrational secretary, arrived in Oma-' ha rrnlay and made a short i.Mrc at the luncheon. ' Among the celebrities attending the convention was Moo fcunberry, - i . . rori Mougc, ia. air. tauueiry kreretary and manager of the fair at Fort Dodge. He has had yrtra of experience as an outdoor an usrtnent promoter. Praises Omaha Field. "The arounds and buildings at Ak Sar-Ben track are second to none in America," Mr. Stanberry said "I'm not jut being nice to Omiha when 1 say this. 1 mean every word of it. I have visited all the big lairs and when Omaha completes the plans now under way for the Akoar-Uen exposition there will be nothing to compare with it m the country. Following. the luucheon the visit ing delegates were the guests of the Uniaha club at the Ak-bar-Bcn races, The following officers weie elected at the annual business meetmlr tri day: Joe Long, Des Moines, dit'rict governor; D. F. Holt. Sioux City; R. M. Crossman, Oniahai John Law. lor, Hastings, lieutenant governors; C. w. Watson, Lincoln, secretary, and Rion Dow, Fort Dodge, treasurer. Have Good Time When You're At Ak Carnival, Says Judge A little more liberty should be al lowed at a carnival than on the pub lie streets, reasoned Judge Wappich yesterday when he discharged Ray Lloyd and David Moore, Kansas City, . who were arrested Thursday night as male vamps. It was a case of 50-50, according to Lloyd, who told the judge that two girls had tickled them in the neck with feathers as they passed at the carnival. "Everyone was acting crazy. Lloyd said, "and we didn't do any more than anyone else. , . Shoe and Clothing Co. 1415 DOUGLAS ST. Introducing to Omaha Menfolks Omaha's Newest Apparel Shop . .What was formerly the Star, Shoe Store has been more than doubled in size, and in the new addition ! has been installed the cleverest as sortment of Clothing of which this town can boast. To identify this growth of business we have adopted the firm style of s Dan V Shoe and Clothing Co. . The aim of this new store is not to keep abreast with the times, but ahead .. ' of them in matters 'of style. An assurance of complete satisfaction accom panies every purchase made here. We've entered the Clothing Business in Omaha with the firm determination of giving the greatest possible value in Suits at pi JU Kinsler Extends Time For Return of Two Men Qiarged With Frauds Charles Wahlberg and Jacob 'Va sey, who will have a hearing before the United States commiioncr in Los Angeles. Tuesday, need not ap pear in Omaha September 26, as at ursi oruerea. Since the grand jury will not inert probably until November I, Jv C. Kinsler, United States district attor ney, has consented not to call their bonds forfeited if they do not ap pear September 26. Kinsler arranged yesterday with their attorney, A. L Sujton, to hold the two on the same bond for ap pearance here whenever their "case is called. The charge against them is using the mails to defraud. Sons Testify Against rather in Mothers Suit Wife and two sous of Frank H. Drake, real estate dealer, testified in district court yesterday morning they had seen him riding with Mrs. Keltic c ti :.. j .... nam hi an suiomooiic. The case heard -was an ' action brought by Mrs. Drake to recover an automobile which Drake said hu sold to Mrs. Harris last December. Mrs. Drake brought an alienation action against Mrs. Harris and. is suing her husband for separate maintenance. Four Dealers Captured in . Liquor Kaids in Umah ' Police and federal agents, working under instructions, of Federal I'ru- hibition Oincer V. S. Fohrer, scoured Omaha for liquor yenterday afternoon. Late in the afternoon, several de tachments of the aleutht reported at headquarters with four men under arrest. The quartet was charged with if Icsal possession and sale of liuuor August Aebin, proprietor and Churlrs Curtis, employe, werv ar rested iii tha pop stand at 1101 Far nam street. . l'otice say Acbm has been arrested before wn liquor charges. Auguttiuo Minardo and Alfred Costanao. who run a randy shop at Nineteenth and Harney streets, also were arrested on liquor charges. Polire Agandon Hunt for Desperadoes Headed Here Two automobile loads of police armed with sawed-off shotguns and rifles were dispatched at 2 a, m. yesterday to intercrpt an auto load ot boxcar thieves who were Teportea headed for Omaha from valley. According to advices received frdm Valley the men are desperate characters, and Omaha police were warned they probably would not surrender without a gun battle. After several hours searching high ways and byways police abandoned the hunt. l I IP'.UH Your Choice of 5,000 New COLUMBIA and OKEH Records . Vocal, Dance and t Jazz Former price and (LOO, on Saturday Flay oi Any Phonograph 5 59c Schm oiler & Mueller Piano Company 1514-16-18 Dodge Street Phone Douglas 1633 Brief City Sewi llfty Mouftaia !rw Hint P lira Jula Wapiikh fined ae- violat ors of the- tramo regulation yei. dy and dUmbtMd 19 ether tin turning to to and kin no mora. A woman waa finsd 12.50 for speeding past r'arnam Btrt school. Tlirts Kltls MMng Tha epldml ot mlwiinc children waa lncrd yenterdsy whn toU reported the following absent, without Isava; Clarvnra Turner. It. ITU alarthat Kllmbfih Maaon, 1. Ittl tlouth liiahtMnih avenue; Madeline ilrea ly, li, Houth FUty-nfth. - . To Inured Narrow Ntrrti Mayor O. Wt building. Pablman -and 4 ha euy eommtaaion tr will tniet Twenty fourth atrt, savfnwortli' to W. arya avrnua, tAia inorning' with view of devldlng hthr thK' atrip Should ! wldnid to too' ft In rniv(Un v.nh th Iniprovanianta being mad on St. XUr avenue. Uuivana t'nill4lti'd Anoounc. nieni mad ytaterdoy of Ut ' coiMK)llt1a(nn of tha war nk inur ane and tha fdral lurd of vo cational dui-otion. in tna Nlntn d.atrli-t It liMl ufni-M have- bwn t4hlUhd with complet medleal, training and foutaiH rinncl, ae. rordma to Con M. McCair, In rhnra of tha Omahn ortii-M ?ot W. Phoenix Hosiery .You are not limited in your selec tions at Pray's Stores .... for here you choose a Complete Assortment everything that Phoenix- makes. . . . ALL Sizes and Grades. ALL Colors and Shades. ... .V Men's, 40c to $1.10 Women's 65c to $3.50 Children's, 65c to V Two Stores 608 South 16th St. and 1908 Farnam St. m Phoenix Headquarters fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi!iiiii!!iiiiiiORCHARD " & WILHELM CO.,i'iiiai"ni",iinit'i(siis':',ni'i''s'i RUGS Nen Shipments of Axminster Saturday we ask you to come face-to-face with these extraordinary values YouH pronounce them to be by big odds the most wonderful Suits you have een offered for $25 in recent yejirs. Men of every build can be fitted with : certainly, 6 "f- . ,i ".- i; :i; -; Easily the Best Trouser Values in Omaha Today at $2.95 and $395 "From Head to Feet We Outfit Omahans" a real haberdashery service awaits you here! The man or young man who is keen for Furnishings of real style ', distinction, "will find that his most exacting wants can be met here at prices strikingly low. . , x We've struck' the low price level in establishing our values ' This is not' mere talk, a comparison of values will instantly dem onstrate the sincerity of this statement Saturday will find many big money saving specials awaiting visitors to this new store. .America's best proaue- tlona In widest assortments. Hats Shirts nationally Underwear wanted fabric All known makea. Silk.-wool and cotton. A most complet line. ' flf WIO Tour every want can b JIUW9 supplied here. J Neckwear Hosiery Omaha's cleverest show , ing. Values the best - The best at whatever prtc you care to pay. V tJtnUQ Unquestioned quality, kjllWsO lowest possible prices. j Velvet Rugs Arrive Daily Wonderful patterns and good colorings characterize these rugs that have found such uni versal favor in homes. For service and wearing qualities it is impossible to suggest any rug that will equal the good Ax minster or Velvet Assort ments' are probably larger at this time, than ever before. 9x12 Axminster Rugs at 34.50, 38.50,. 42.50 and 50.00. 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs at 32.50, 45.00, 55.00 and 65.00. ... v.'. Heavy Printed Linoleum 7 ft., 6 in. wide, and 12 ft. wide. Ten patterns of this extra heavy and extra wide linoleum are offered, enabling you to lay quite large rooms without a . seam.' Price, per square yard, 05. . v Inlaid Linoleum ' - 6 ft. wide. ' An excellent assortment of tile and wood patterns is of fered. The fact that- the". pat ; tern and color -: goes clea? through to the burlap insures ;. long time service. Price, per1 square yard, 1.50. Inlaid Linoleunv A. J2 ft.-wide. 1 Five patterns "in this un--" usually wide width are included in this offering. Most rooms' can be laid with this linoleum without a aeam. Designs and colors go clear through to tha : Burlap, insuring maximum serv- -Ice. Price, per square yard, .2.25A ; ' Congoleunr and, Linoleum Rugs - . (Special Prices on Account of Slight Imperfections.) 15.00, 7-6x10-8 Rugs , for 9.50. 19.00, 9x12 Rugs, 14.75. '' ' Walnut Joining Suite! If The style (as illustrated) is Hepplewhite ; slender, but sturdy; simple, but very, very good looking. ; . f Finished American walnut, the natural grain of the wood adds charm. ; ' ' - ' f It's a big value for a moderate purse. 66-inch Buffet as illustrated, 98.00 China Closet as illustrated, 79.00 44x58 Table that extends to 8 feet, as illustrated ...... .... .89.00 Serving Table .48.00: . Chairs with Spanish leather slip seats, as illustrated ;' . . . . .18.50 Arm Chair as illustrated. . .23.50 A Queen Anne Dining Suite: Is We are showing an exceedingly! attractive, Queen Anne suite in Ameri' can walnut at the-following exceptionally low prices: , '50-inch Queen Anne .Buffet The same style and size with mirror. , 43-inch Table that extends to 6 f t. , ,. Queen Anne China Closet:'. .... Serving Table to match Chairs with full Spanish leather slip seats.- . ..... .39.50 48.00 .48.00 33.00 .16.50 . 7.50 Go to Your ows . and quite likely you will see that the , curtains and curtain materials of- fered ' below are just the things '' you need ' to brighten :yout home. Ruffled Voile Curtains that will. W very graceful when lied back, per pair, 1.75 A finer quality at, per pair .2.85 Ruffled MusUn Curtains, crisp and white, per pair .-3.00 Ruffled Grenadine Curtains in dots and small figures, per pair... -4.75 .Marquisette Curtains; very practical, plain .hemstitched kinds, per pair 1.50 Marquisette Curtains; a better grade: plain hemstitched kinds, per pair. . . . . .x.85 Lace-Trimmed and Hemstitched Marqui sette Curtains; a most attractive offering at, per pair 1.85 Muslins; a reliable quality in dots and small figures, at, per.yard... --35t Figured Grenadines; suitable-fpr bedroor. curtains; at, per yard. . . , . ; 55$ Dainty Earred Voiles, per yard. . . . . .500: Curtain Nets; a very large selection of de- sirable .patterns at, per yard 60;; : "85t and 81.00. ; V v Cretonnes; the neW designs and color ef fects more generally cover the field home draping than ever before. Valuea are exceptional, pef yard 38. 50t. 65 and S5t. r -I - T c I s i i i SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS. . i - i . s i ) PHONE ATLANTIC 3000 - -Ait-1 -'---- - - -- - - " f A g t. i - -- t ff " " " ; e-J f--'- -a --" j g M . , M M Ml ! a t