' 'The Finest Fall Suits and Top Coats Ever Brought to Omaha! tof Appointed Men's in the City! "v "V i r-i-i f-j r-ii 'Npii. pi if Saturday-Opening of Our New Fourth Floor mi in inriii.i ii ii ' i if "iiini--1 n i' ' 'i n mri i'iitii li'in r 13 :f ' ll Every Department Refitted and Finished in the Most Modern Style Everything for Men and Boys at the Lowest Prices in Years! Extra Salespeople to Insure Prompt and Efficient Service Omaha's Greatest Men's and Boys' Clothing Event Another Special Purchase of Mens and Young Men's Two Trouser op! Look! I a. 4 Graztf Special Purchase of Hart Schaffner & Marx $50 to $60 Values at 0 UltS 37.50 to $45 Values at 7 Worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres and tweeds, in stouts, slims, stubs and regulars in fact clothing to suit and fit men of all tastes and builds. 568 suits in the lot not a suit worth less than 37.50; many worth $60. Fourth Floor Center. Worth $50 to $65 1,000 suits in the lot in all the new and wanted colors and ma terials. Every suit with an ex tra pair of trousers, doubling the wear of the suit. They are specially tailored for us by one of the best wholesale tailors in America, every suit guaranteed to give satisfaction. Fall and Winter Hundreds of fall and winter weight Gaberdines, Box Coats, Chesterfields and Ulsters, in all the wanted styles and fabrics all very much underpriced to celebrate the opening of our new men's and boys' department on the fourth floor. Fourth Floor Center. IL 's .Y, Clothing Specials for the Boys Boys' All Wool Suits Boys' All Wool 2-Kriicker Suits $6.95 $9.50 Worth 10.00 About 400 all wool boys' suits in grey, brown, tan and olive mixtures, as well as plain blue serges. -Blouses at 69c Collar attached or neck band styles; light or dark colors; all sizes, worth $1, special, 69c. ' Fourth Worth 14.95 AH wool and two pair full cut knickers; are lined throughout; tweeds, cas , simeres and cheviot mate rials. For boys 7 to 18 Shirts at 95c Boys' 1.50 Shirts Percale or madras materials; collar at tached or neckband styles; light or dark colors; all sizes. Floor Center. Specials From Our Luggage Section Genuine 20.00 Cowhide Bag at 10.C0. Good brass trimmings, best of catches, genuine cowhide; spe cial for our opening at $10.00. Special Wardrobe Trunks. Mendel Drucker and Murphy makes. A limited amount to sell, regular $50 values, special Saturday at $35. SPECIAL PRICES IN OUR LUGGAGE DEPART MENT FOR FORMAL OPENING ON 4TH FLOOR Fourth Floor West. Specials in Men's Hats 3 Regular $6 Values Velours, in greeu, blue, brown and black colors; silk, lined; all sizes and shapes to select from; every hat a new fall style. Complete showing of "en's and Boys' Hats and Caps for fall and winter at special opening prices. Fourth Floor South D f! I J Ii a s x a s 15 a- a y Ii -1.1,1 II - fui ,Jfcj,