UU.: OMAHA. ttf.NtiDA V. S'U'ltMEtK 14. Caraorra Leader Is Honored Wlien Funeral Is Held Mr nrr f Chief of Blad band Gang in America PaiJ rilling Trihut ljr Frienl NajV. Sri-L 'HmtrJ d kut" trie vjr tiit Na;W new. r;tr dtrit.ed Jiic turn! c4 Al berta Altmo, T(;utd l h:f Men nc tf tie rhn! ti -he Camorra m .mrnc. ht was iormcriy ft " morra leader in Naie. iut fled r.'t Jirrr rvrra1 years ago. -if -;: led i America, and is ! 'o Kiiv r i!i.i"rS iomwr of f.VKMMI l.y i.inrLmail. Ht ni i.t.:tifc'.td ia New York r wee'u t.jnk and bdy briffet back to 3 lair l .v hi 1 tie tui-fcl wn t!!ftw-l If thouaod ii XpoV liint. Hit lt'dy bprre on the t!j.btrte heart hcb i rrst-ned t-nly icr sipullr, fcaion? tlietn ii irrri i rnfn.ery. Enrico CarvfrO. ranerl Wat Event Ahrrki's funeral vu an zvcrA. Thr rr'.ipou wrntf in the ihurch w n.rlrd with kt! thr jicii!!-,i.le iud crrrrcory ftitmdairt cm faneralt. g'ven to r.iph dipnitkrirt cf rrtcrch id tu.it. An ojchrf-tra of altnoM JiKI pieces k: Tirnipanied the rnfcm. vbith wb ni'ii augmented ra rro jiipnirrtips Yy i Jk-pe choir. Thr chu:rh, L Tan;r of the Spart-!-h Nc'hles. v riit:rately hnr.g: in mounirr g, k'.d -f t.pertry trmp t-us;-mred thout the wails and ecu inc. 'jtirre ti umber tA jirjekt ofti' c;:ed at the ceremony. Conete of Great Moment. The funeral T'roce&tiou ws of rreit tDomeot. Id Jt aarchrd prac jMk!!y all oi Afttrio's assc-ewtt in hi proivifioa. A don or mere men fchoolck-red a larpe flo-al ofier iiiC which was carried in the proces bian. The oesigti on it was that of a clock vhirh repiftered th hor of half pa.t t-elve. The c oM ff Jii t.a heeti aiitiouiiced es Z.WiO lire. The cofrrn also attracted rrmch at tention. It has bn chrcmicied that it came frcira America; cost f 5 (KiO. tnfl as ra graved in surer. The crowd which followed the bodr to the grave wag a vrritahie ""unending ftrtam pi people." Fremont Fire Department ' Adds New $10,000 Truck Fremont, Xeb, Sept 13. (Spe cial.) Fremont's new $10,000 fire trork arm ed here and is to be un loaded within . the next few days. Added to the track already in use, Fremont claims to have s roodemry equipped departmetit as any town or city of its sire in the state. The new trock is a .triple combTnatioa pumping, chemical and lose car with a 75-horsepower motor. It is the Ticifrht if moaem fire apparatus and adds greatly to the small fleet of trucks sow in use for the pro tection t the Fremont property omntTs. Fire Chief Harry Mort.e announced that a public demonstra tion of the rrew truck and its pres-: wre power will be ield when un-j loaded- ... .. ., ! Big Crowd at Opening of . , ! County Fair at Blooinfield Eloomficld,; Xeh, Sept 13. (Spe cial.) The Ktiox county fair is now on. Indications arc for a record hre alcing attendance. ' Today is Crofton day and a vast number of people from that Tkinity are tere. The Croftoo band 3s furnishing the music and the Crofton "ball team plays Eloomfield.- AD the hog barns are filled with exhibits and many lerrparary jvens lad to be rected. The cattle xhil)it. is the largest in the nistcxry f the fair and. other de partments report a similar condition. Wausa and Verdel play ball tomor ipw and the" Bloomfield band wH! famish the rrcsic. lacB-Uped 5roltfl!nff Cinjrch Used for Last Time -Scottsbluff, NeB, Sept 13. Spe-, ciat.) -A small wooden building lht has is tttra bonsed every church bodr in Scottsblnif, except that of the Catholic, witnessed its last serr ires Sunday .when St Andrews Episcopal church assembled for the: lust time in the building. Xext week the rtmctare will Te removed to make room for the new Carnegie library to be built here. Xext Sun day the church w-iT! bold services . in the basement of its new building trnde-r constnaction. - 'Chief Justice Fails jLive SlOtk Rate ToRecogrlWf i Cut AuU Rairs. In DooK mustraDon Authorttatia of I'red Kc durtion of 2U Ytt t. 1J. fetlhe fej'L Crt. Granted Bv Comnuion.. Duel Ju:ce A. . !cmey oi j Ntbrtk Klrrme C'Urt :lri to , (irnut Jw.titit in scup rmurr hicb a pobljed k an i;tuttr tit.ii m a -ook eni'U-d "i!y Amrr itkn Y'lKst." wnr-te ly Lord E rk. head ti Lntland, fdrn.fr Sr fn.nk Smith, who. ki kticroi-jr r'-'trk! ltt kir;E roienJir.t!, vr.ed L- roln clurtrr a tour f the I'tuJed Wk.binrttt. Srpt- 1J Refiact,f State in Jwiuary, when the ' y y rern tkilru' is rvr a ckt orld kr k fct Jt bnjht. ,,ie, Jt,f huA tvrp m the 1!!H8 The retire. .t'pBiirc ta kbc i ol Xlit n.trtUSt ?r.T.et aui Snuto, h kide, knd te thief jauce,tkLlB -.q ,ro 4 uik'rrikl betetl wt tklied to ludre M;rTiryV kr.rf.0 tl nt,t,rti live crk rnT h nun by tx oi bt jdirl ct-!faaei. Vt n bt)v kijrtTd It ho bpperi d to n:n kmtk it rtpid drclit e w live sre:. price It Mrerr.t that the l:tu ruihrd klfir tulv. lVJf." ' the ir.tfi lie liiTM lk chief intr i i i- j . . ..,,,. . it mi. i T .. " , i Kf iH. U fcLWUHV, ii - triu.r m-t li. M. J.fs. no Ker-i . d ,i uc.n praised by the ckrvKT. bch t'J becyrre ti lertne Srptm.Uer ktd kmoent to per act u ck nhre the prtr e,t rntr k't hipht-r thit 50 ctr.t per 1(U TK'nnd. but w tio cke dt r:eae the n'.e lelf Su uri per Train Bandits Fail i To Break DoMiNer e j Of South Dakota Giili Vara Un Boston SusiKxt , Dies in Omaha !: Vu"IT. LrC U hre t.lru.h, b k kmv.t i j a ran icif m k ftfre oi ; iHtS I Im'.rd SUtr kU-fw; rfippeirttm fise tr jr cl ltan. ns fcirh tie lurtwily con " inerree1, c f!2,!Xi. j lwed m th of Pair of Bean t'"-t- Jt-.p-ul Out! f To'-ir tvB flrutlil Come to i tcb j.drKh, to xHt to . U. i .pecl;r nifbt "oo thf ton." nijt loPClPHOn. 1 XHreibm thty hve bet JiirC """"""" ' " " j a-tTtl luwry t the Fortejiellt-. ' To t.'jfi ifcrfuns t4 6nt(- ' fcot u" all om.. Tbej Jt't Mr rid ix-v vkrk'.fB fl more tta 'lt fc gfit for I'.o.ton k wrtk in Omkhk yrVr-day, j ' . . ' lbr o.e Ik kit.nfi vnr jrif KiiTrlercartca Inftallrd .' ,urtir!.tS. uWs ;c,nt'u,e UW1 Wrc en iwtti .' 10 ?doey Pul-Uc booI . r?e " . . tu,n San Frkncu.t t ttien. uf. Sidney. Neb. fv;. Sjeikl ) Jtriiic fffn b k'.utk cf pwcumorua.' Sifinry kthnt.! .(;etied 7 ur4y , is ert e1 . ivu li the tuufel icrrkrd cnrcllrorat ;' The trk(Li iniit n u3 khd a iuar k-e U Uut' t im kmdr'jkftrw hk t'em v.ijai'.ri -pt t! uic?kf'nv 1 iu ils 44 the ir4 t.ne. IV n et,tit Stwti;h 4 (t it'.t scbwJ a cpwd and the ft yt;t;iie4 t tt. ihi.i. vised the trtn-iuej (4 iuc Ntbrat-k "iour-mmote met" knd a ervue kbroid with the Amernkn i4rt fr H'Mtt-rb. In the book Lerd Birketkead men-j tiers having met the two nter t.f Grnrral f'rrnhir.f kt Toptki hen in fact he wa introduced to them while he u here. by Unit Vewn 6 illr O'y. a.d l-y a n-if b:! hrrr?! fri IhUS f :.bd. Jt) k Ut- rr tt k Lvkd Jiend be rtliH brr tv fr'.ie a iii; , tf tbe l"' t'i-lvf Ci t?'C trn btf ru UlrB fc'id Skil Ul lraiidiift yur ! kfi; ti.tsv ano ' i.ki ruut. ! had hl 4r4et--r tykf- t.rr t rbtikk. kt d when tte w tbrm! tvled nc ij I had key mterr. 1 tPlij .U, hr.. try trinoeft Chrtk. f 0; hc;a the fse io r-ir " jum kd. Alrijht. and -6t caG B-fi bin'!. The ponrr kkid kStrrrarc: t po i:!r dki r t-tkck- eun jb ci't t lkj!y' fkte knd &. st thet ad tmiivd kt inn. atd be jicvcah tuck a thu c cjra ber. Lkd nert vte-k'J rotif i'tm. arvnar,'" Boiccns Valut-Giclng Store Red Cross to Have Charge of Relief In Flooded Citv I'udrr the new tkrifu practitklly 'ti! rate from pmnt vet rf tbt Mif- ..un river to ChfiC k3 utm ku Lewislon School District BaUds Professor House Table Rock. Xeb'Sept 13. (Spe cial.) The member J the Lwis tc.n wnsolidated scbl board are remodeling one of the school bouse, which rj( nsed before the new -modem b.uildmf -was completed, and bf!i completed it wiH be -csed as a residence for the superintendent of the schools. This action on the part &1 the Lewistoa school district lis in . accord . with . similar action tikrn by , consolidated 3istricts ra otber places, in -providing: a resi lience for the bead of the iscbools .near, tbe school house. ' . Tent Gtv to Be Erexted in San Antonio to Care for Tboe Vno Loft Homes in Flood- Lifit Bain at Beatrice Km. j ill .oi AW I 111 I lowing I-rktrivt. ."t!'.. J!i't 13 ?p ciil.) Frn Jtll in thi enit8 o: ih wTi'r veilefdev. but tie mct-' pt.'Tit rM of ti.e Kcnky niotuitau.s ,,u,f v.it jt'u-mrrtt to tk tp the w ill be reduced w kmotinm rkrpirc prf);)(j fcf) tt ta farn.er to their ircm 1 tc -5 stk per IvK1 wdk. Ju ,.ic.w.c, Tbe goveremttt (auft Similar redactions m k'l other live irtrrofd .61 o: aa inch ti mou-torc s:;ick rate n:- n ft tr tr.n crii per 1W poondi. are to be rr.kde. th cororriihsion said. In mary ca K. it j a stated, the er.tire iurreane made i ;n Auc-ust 3 1-'1. tlcmir.aied. ! tr tbe new tarin. Tbe commiioi e-timated that the decreases would I mean an annual recurtion M reve tue icrt- the carrier of $10.'AtO.OCK!. The rcdaaion are in line ith supgt stions made by the corrmif not j arter htarrnes on iretsn rate uu live stock ihrouthoot tne west This lis Garland Pipeless Furnace Week at Bowen s San Antonio, Sept 13. The Red Cross was authorized today to estab lish a tent city here in w hicb to care for homele. flood sufferer. The United States armv will be asked for 500 tents and 2.000 cots. Red Cross workers ay. The Itcd Cross will fumihh the bedding. Many of the Mexicans returned is their homes or -what was left of them and are reported to be living ra the ruins. Sanitary inspectors under tbe direction of the city and county health boaTds have been ordrred into tbe district to compel the inhaaitants to clean up. Every effort is being made by the authorities to get the districts whice were tmder water cleaned end dis infected. Flentf of labor at $230 a day has been obtained tor thr property owners requiring help. There have been volunteers especial ly for street cleaning. The federal authorities furnished 20 large trucks ta haul off debris and the city cm ployed more than 100 extra men to load the trucks. The wooden blocks torn from the pavements are cemg nauieo -o one l3.-(SPecial.)- place and those not broken wnl be , s Senator 1. F. Ealderman of Oil Company Refunds Stockholders' Money Bearer City. Nc'x. Sept 13 (Special.) The Harbn County ODi and Gas company of Stamford be-j gtn refunding stork subscriptions j this week. About $13,000 has been; raised on an agreement to start I drilling for oil when $25,000 hadj been subscribed. It was recently discovered that a distillate tank, containing fuel for the Stamford; power plant had been leaking fori some time. Henry Klein had been i pumping oil from his well, 200 feet i distant, for several month's, which j caused much excitement in the vil-j lape and consequent forming of the- company. In view of the recent j discovery it was thonght prudent tOj refund the money. j roa the AJk-SAJt-ETN BktL A csnpirt Tt mu ! iatakt FltL Table Rock Bank to Assnme Competiior" Liabilities Jail Sentences and Fines Imposed a Moonshiners . Tablp RocV. XeK Sept 11 (Spe cial. Diftrict Judge Haper sen tenced the three men, who were re cently taken in connection with the il'irit rrumrtacture of alcoholic be tmecs. AT! three f tbe men plead gnirry before the court and received sentences as fo2ows: F- I- La F.ricre. three months in jail and a fine of 5300: Oscar Jones. o j"cmrhs hi jtll and a fine i 530vh Charles Elecha. four months in jail and a fwie of 5309. --- PlaUe County Court House VHl Exceed Bend Jssne Cortrrrbcs, Xeb- Sept 13. iSpe ciaLS The board H supervisors met in sgsecial sesswm t& consider tbe rtecessirr of caTLirp a special election irr tbe issnine of bonds to complete the new court bouse." - If tbe court bouse, "now under eonrtrBCtion. ts a be fioisbed in stvk befttimT -so fpirndid a nub lie bending it wiH be Tiereery for the rctmty to fesur 533.00ft bonfe. "Members if tbe board ; e aTracrmF iw a Tecial ctectioEi be beld October IE. i salvaged a.nd. used for patching streets. The majority of the soldiers who have been on guard duty will with draw soon. Police, American Legion men and a smaller cumber of soldiers will take over the work of directing traffic -and keeping the curious out of tUstricls where their presence would, interfere with the work of cleaning up, Bluffs Transient Found Guilty of Bobbing Another John Brady was found guilty by a jury tb district' court yesterday of robbmg i Saito, a Japanese, at Underwood, la. on Jury 5. The penalty is 20 years hi the state peni tentiary. Two companions of Brady, named Morris and Fnnk, pleaded guilty more than a month ago and were sentenced to five years in prison. The three men are alleged to have robbed Saito while all of them were beatmg their way cast and after Saito bad bought, them lunch and cigarrts. Trees Hid Train, Bluffs Man " Claims in Suit for $2,500 Two trees growing on the Illinois Central railroad right-of-way at Twenty-fourth street and Avenue Q, Council Bluffs, are responsible for a $25,000 damage sail filed in district court here yesterday by Francis M. Derrickson, a farmer. On August 29 he was driving bis automobile across the tracks, when a switch engine came along and, without blowing its whistle, pro ceeded to cross the road, he says. He was unable to see the engine be- catise of tbe trees, be says. He was thrown from bts car axd suffered various injuries, he alleges. . . Consolidated School to Build $30,000 School Sidney, Xeb, Sept 13. (Special? Tbe consolidated school Hstrict Xo. 33 has advertised for bids cm $30,000 in bonds for the erection, and ftrmisbrng i a new school building at Lrrenzo. Cheyenne courty. At the same time bids win be opened for construction oi tbe building. Tbe bids are to be opened September 15. Committee Named to Probe Confederate Veterans Home Austin. Tex. Sept 13. Governor Xcff today appointed a committee of confederate feterans to make an in vestigation oi complaints of alleged mistreatment of inmates of tbe con federate borne. Tbe committee was authorized by a resolution adopted at tbe first called session of tbe leg islature, "Widov of Pioneer Omaha Doctor Dies at Her Home irs Marr L. Crtrmmer. widow of Dr. B. F. Crammrr, who came to Omaha is 1888. died yesterday at her borne in the Beaton apartments. .3170 Farnain street. Funeral services will be held Tbursdav morning at 9 JO from tbe home of IvJrs. F. H. Cole, 1819.. Spencer st-eet Beatrice Policeman Quits T Join Detective Agency Beatrice. Xeb, Sept 11 (Spe cial) Tom Dunn, who has been a member of tbe Beatrice police -force far two years, tas resigned, and wiH enter tbe employ of a driectrveaeertry of Or-aha, which rerrtitiy establish ed offices in ' the crry. His suc cessar has sot yet been named. Pawnee Chr and 1. F. Bonham of the State Bank of Table Rock, were at the state bouse today about hav ing Bonham's bank take over any good paper there is in the tbe Community State bank there, closed by the department last week, : and , assume an equal liability for its do-; posits. Should this be done Bon-; ham might be designated as receiver.' There has been some talk of or ganizing a new bank at Table Bock to take the place of the Community bank, whose quarters are among the finest In any town ,of its size in tbe stats. - Bigspring Soldiers Vill Have Claims Adjusted Bigspring, Xeb. Sept 13. (5?e cial.) Several ex-service men went to Xorth Platte to meet with the board adjusting soldiers claims. Several of tbe soldiers from here were -disabled by gas or otherwise and are not receiving anything while others who were scarcely scratched are receiving pensions reg ularly from the government. 40,000 Bushels of Vheat Raised by Kansan at Venango . Bigspring. Xeb. Sept 33. (Spe cial.) W. P. Carpenter oi larino, Mo. bas nearly 40,000 btisbels of wheat to dispose oi This wheat was raised on land owned or leased by Mr. -Carpenter fn the -vicinity of Venango. Mr. Carpenter shipped 11 cars of wheat from Venango and will -ship about as many from Blg- sprmg. - Omaha Hospital to Treat Man Unable to Speak English Bigspring, Xeb. Sept 13. (Spe cial) Sam Manion, Armenian, sec tion laborer on the Union Pacific, was taken to Omaha to be grven medical treatment , It was necessary to take bim to the hospital because he can spea very little English and doctors here could not find out what 4iscase be bad. -, - Sidney Movie Theater Is Robbed Second Time Sidney, Xeb. Sept. 15 (Special'? The U. S. A- theater was robbed again Monday night and over $800 rtolen. This is the second time this theater has been robbed within the last six months. Entrance was pained by braking a lock in the of fice door and the safe was opened cither by an expert or someone ac quainted with the combination, Wife, 19, Asks Divorce; Charges Husband Is Cruel Beatrice, Xeb. Sept 13. (Spe cial) Suit for divorce was filed in the district court by Emma Kruse 2 gam st Fletcher Krnse, auegmg ex treme cruelty. They were married at Lincoln September 37, 1920, and have been living on a farm near Chstonia since that time. The plain tiff Is 39. Sidney Collece Students Leave to Take Up Studies Sidcty, Xeb. Sept 13. (Special) j The annual exodus of students to. biaber seats of learning, is ""-cm" at , Sidney. About 20 high school grad- sates will leave -daring tbe present ! week. Four young men will begin; their second year at Xotre Dame: ard other wffl enter the University,; of Xcbrba." - Be Want Ads Produce Results. " ' f Can ia u4r. ret firad rigbl m ptmt lin el hill m linwiafeiac. JOHN rr.LDV.AN Dirrt)jr Actum trwm FntHic JAckaos Stat Consult Mj 0ur ffffpy Heating School Suits In all colors and styles. 112.1.0 Values on Sale $7.50 Men's Extra Trousers . $4.95 J. HELPHAND Clothing Co. 314 Nortb 16ti Street K II Come io Bowen's AVith All Your Heatins Problems ADDITIONAL VALUE i Luxurious Appointments i i m This Furnace is the product of the world's largest furnace makers. The Garland has 12 Superior Points, which you should know before you make your se lection. Have our heating experts explain them to vou at Bowen's. Sold on Terns If You Wish Your Stove tiicn as part parmenl on one of these FarnaecB fir OMAHA'S VALtTB IVING STORE 'Howard St, Bet 15th and 16lb Word $ series --fans! How Do You Dope It? It looks like the Yankees and Giants tome. , I'll bet the old town will liven up quite a bit when our gang blows in. All the 'Tight Fingered Gentry" in the business will be on hand to. relieve us of our excess baggage, namely:, Pocketbooks, watches, etc Listen! Let's go, old man; don't stop un til you are in the clear the trip is worth it - S400.00 worth of subscriptions puts you on the list of those who will be aboard when The Omaha : Bee's World's Series parry shoves off. ; :""'.'' Mr. Parsons at- Omaha Bee Will Give You Particulars. Write or Phone for Appointment tflELLYfSriRES This wonderful new Kant-Slip Cord is an achievement of what was thought to be the impossible: a real non-skid tire that will give almost Unlimited mileage The exhaustion of toar-pricr ntatrnalM mi thm r nnrmiK jnadtr pattMe in its great new plant have enabled the tUBf-Springfield Tire C io reduce prieet JramtScuOy. - Now you can buy Keilys for the same prices you will have to pay for other tires that have always sold for less. - The quality of Kelly products is better ' than ever.' The only cut is in the price. Size 30x3& 32x3& 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4 33x415 34x4& 33x5 35x5 $28.40 35.60 46.00 47.60 49.40 53.00 55.00 55.40 65.40 68.00 Tubes $335 3.60 4.30 430 4.65 5.45 5.60 5.80 6.65 635 1 'Kml-SLn or Block eat Bottom Trmmd j Kelly-Springfield Tire Co. factory Branch; 2578 Harney SL Phote Douf. 3272. OKiAHA, NEB. Lionberger Tire & Service Co. Cty Distributors, Kelly-Springfield Iires 2220 Harney Street. Pbcne Atlantic 1373 "lionberger Service Satisfies" ;