1? THE LEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 192!. SLUEiY.rIiME TALES '.THETAIE0F w .' A i as. 3P0J fiAicr More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAGUE CHAPTER 10. Dropping Hint. On the table in tie kitchen of the Cirmliout un a Ir of mutton. l armer Green had left it there and I LULLABY JJSjjjj l!jJ JLX T m comfortable hew. tbaak poo, Spot answered. gene away. And Mr. Green had stepped out of the kitchen nobody knew lor how long. At least old dog Spot and Hits Kilty Cat didn't know. They vert left there 'in the kitchen alone alone with the lea of mutton. "Ahem." said Mi.is Kitty Cat to Old Dog Spot. lion t you think you'd better go and ace vhat'a be come of Farmer Green ?'' She was miKiiallv nlrasanf. for licr. As rule she had little to say to Spot, except to scoiu at mm. "I'm comfortable here, thank you, Soot answered. "farmer Green must be out of sight by this time. So- I won't bother to chase after him." - ' "You could smell out his track, couldn't you?" Miss Kitty Cat, sug gested. "Perhaps!" said Spot. "Perhaps! But as I said, I'm comfortable here. I'm going to stay right here in the kitchen." Out of the corner of his eve he looked at Miss Kitty Cat. He could see that she was somewhat displeased by something or other. Her tail was beginning to swell slightly. And that was a sure sign that she. was losing her temper. But when she spoke again her voice was ss sweet as honey. "What a beautiful day to go hunting I" she remarked as she sprang into a chair beside the win dow and looked out. "The woods must be full of birds." 'Vn limiht!" said Soct dryly. "I went hunting early this morning; and there was plenty, of game then." "Hal" Miss Kitty, exclaimed sud denly. "Do I hear the cows in the cornfield?" - Now, Spot loved to drive me cows out of the corn. But for wonder he never even moved an ear. "I hope the sheep haven't scrambled over the stone wall," Miss Farmer Green would want you to j?et them' back into the pasture for him." .. '. :;v ... "Yes" said. Spot with a yawn. "I'm sure- he would. ' And; if he reeds mc ho knows where he can find me." ? . " Miss Kitty Cat's tail' was growing bigper every moment. And the fur on her back was beginning to stand on end. Still she managed to speak in her very softest voice. s ' "Did you know-" she inquired "did you know that Johnnie Green had gone swimming - in the mill pond?" : ' :." . "No!" said Spot., "Has he? ' I hope he'll have a good time. 1 : had a fine swim yesterday in Blacc Creek. And I .almost , caught a muskrat there." . As he spoke he rose and walked across the . big, square kitchen and stretched himself out on the floor right in front of the table where the leg of mutton lav. . At that Miss Kitty Cat gave a terT rible cry of rage. "I know why you won't leave the kitchen!" she yowled. "You think I'm going to eat some of that mut tcn. And that's why you've lain down alongside it." (Copyright, 131. by fhe Metropolitan . Newspaper Service.) The pirate sails through the howling g!fi That' lather the rocking sea; He Is steeped in sin to hit bearded chin, A terrible man i lie. , lie paints the decks of the ship he wrecks iih her shivering sailors' gore. And he smirks and winks as the tesset sink To the ocean's slimy floor So lay your head on your trundle bed And hurry away to sleep, Or he may get YOU and consign you to The depths of the briny deep! The cannibal smiles on his palm fringed isles. As he thinks how rarely sweet, And how nice and fresh is the tender flesh Of the folks that he means to eat. The flames bum hot 'neaih the boiling pot, And soon with happy grin, ' The froth he'll skim from the bubbling brim, And pop his victims in. So close your eyes when the daylight dies For the cannibal loves his stew, And unless your sleep is sound and deep Terhaps he might get YOl" I Dog Hill Paragrafs I The project on foot to shorten the icad between here and Rye Straw by making it lot straighter, hai about fell through. If the road is made shorter it is true the public would get there quicker, but there is nothing for them to do after the get there. Cricket Hiiks received a letter at ihe po.toffice yesterday and in th AND SUCH BOOKSI It was not Mr. Wilson who said: "Oh! that mine enemy would write a book!" But all of 'em have! GOING TOO FAR Religious people will hardly approve of popularizing churches by having their decorations compete with the comic supplements. HE'LL NEED IT SOON We hope the New York trolley company that used to employ Trotzky is holding his old place open for him. (Coprriiut. 1921. by TU B)l Syndic!.. Inc. Jack and Jill WHY- Do We Refer to "Eating Humble Pie?" - s V. This expression meaning to hu miliate or abase oneself or to make an abject apology for a fault com mitted dates pack to, the days 01 ..medieval England, when the forests of the nobles were well stocked with ilcer and venison pie was a rather common article Jpf diet. The refuse of the, .deer, together with the other portions . of the ani mal which were considered unfit for the consumption of. the ' nobility, were known as the' "umbles" and were, given ... the poort ;who, in turn, , made' pies of , them' in imita tion of their masters . in ,-the casilc. "Umbte .pie, therefore, oecame sug gestive, of . poverty and the accept ance of ' favors.,' and was tater ap plied to .'degradations of other kinds ifi a' meuphorical sense. In, time, possibly through the1 tceknev hab it of interpolating h's where they do ti.-if nrnnrrlv Ktlono-. the word "um- ble' became "hnfflblc" and, as audi, is in f general . use today tnoagn tne vast majority of peopl: S'ouM see no connection between : it ' and the refuse left after cleaning the car cass of a den'.. .. . Copyright, 1111. Wheeler jrn4icte. tnc Parents' Problems Should children be permitted ' to sell to the. neighbors flowers and vegetables they have raised in their gardeii? ! - . ; ThthrAaljould.- First, because the permission to sell is an added incen tive to- persistent labor; second, be cause jt is good financial training a ehsae oi the child's education to which the average parent gives lit tle attention: third, because in this way Sjie child's sense of individual responsibility i deepened. Bee Want Ads Prodaca Results. , TMNXER was a success, especial- I I ly when the dessert made its appearance, for . Jack was im mensely enamoured of cabinet fruit pudding. Jill thought it a good time to show him the proofs. She handed a large orarlge-colored envelope across the dwarf trees that comprised the centerpiece. "See the pretty lady, she invited with a little self-conscious laugh. Tack took the envelope in his fin gers gingerly, He drew forth half a dozen tirst proofs" of a photographer's efforts to face and figure. immortalize Jill's fascinating, piquant Aside Irom the tirst sott ejaculation Jack was silent as he examined the proofs one by one. The inspection consumed several minutes and Jill watched his face, but Jack remained inscrutable. . Finally he shuffled the proofs rap idly, as if about to deal a hand at cards, then handed them back to Jill solemnly. "Well?" 'she asked with a pout. "Rotten," exclaimed Jack coldly. "Oh, honey, how terribly vulgar and mean," said "Jill. "Positively terrible," went on' Jack. ''How a photographer with the repu tation that chap has, dares to hand out anything like that astonishes me. For goodness- sake, Jill, burn 'em this instant, or. hartg em up on the back porch to scare away tramps and peddlers." . Jill shrugged and hummed that gay little air they'd heard at the vaude ville. ,-, ( .'-'! "Well," demanded Jack, presently, 'do you think they re goodi" , "They'll be all right once they are retouched and , finished,'' said Jill saucily. ' . , "They don't look like you," object ed jack, it they are retouched from now till doomsday, they won't look like you.. The one with the smile is awfully foolish-looking. That one where you are sitting on a sofa or. whatever, it isA - "That's t chaise-longue," interrupt ed Jill, in a kindly! tolerant tone, as if she might be explaining the alpha bet to a little child. . "Well, anyway, they don't look like you," Jack was plainly sincere. ... Three weeks later. Jack wondered what, the gift might be. Had it been December be would have known the big square photomailer was a calen dar, from the bank or some insurance company.- He -opened the package carefully, hiding it within the shelter of the side-leaves of his rolltop desk, that the others in the office might not satisfy their curiosity, of which he was conscious. The contents proved to be two amazingly wonderful pictures of Jill, photographs finished in a dull pearly gray. One was -a bust picture' and as "he-gazed -wistfully at the smiling woman.' she seemed little more than a girl of sweet 16, he felt an odd tug at ms nean. ine ouier pnotograph, depicting Jill, half lying on a sort of a day bed, was a poem. He trem bled as he tied up the package. He wondered that he did not praise her amazjng beauty every time he saw her and promised himself that hence forth he would. . Jack kissed her rapturously when ne came Home. "Gee. honV.he cried. "I cot 'em Aren't you a peach, though?. Gee. you're the best looking little minx in the world." He kissed her again, "I told yon you should have 'em tak en over again and I'm glad you did." No, Jill didn't tell him they were trom tne tirst proots he had scorned. Romance in Origin Of Superstitions By H. IRVING KING. Crickets. When we consider the presence of a cricket singing in the house as an omen of good luck we are continu ing a superstition of unknown an tiquity. In general the superstition is that the cricket "on the hearth" brings good luck; the sudden de parture of crickets from the house prognosticates a death in the family and the especial liveliness of a cricket in its chirpings fortclls the coming of a loved one. Most of the writers regard the su perstition as originating in the magic of association. The cricket makes a cheerful sound, and is fre quently heard about the hearth, be coming as it were, a part of the fami ly or a god of the fireside a Lares. ' Pliny, writing nearly 2,000 years ago,- says that "crickets were much esteemed by ancient : magicians, which arouses a suspicion that the cricket superstition has behind it something besides the Lares idea and that something so ancient that it was unknown even in its associations in Pliny's time: that the" supersti tion is so ancient, an . inheritance from days so remote, that its real origin has been lost a Vestige from primitive times and a striking exam- j pie of the persistance of a. super stition long after everything relat ing to it has been gathered into the impenetrable gloom of lost centuries. i;opyriffni, ivzz, py -j no- ucviure isews- paper syndicate.) excitement he like to of turned over the ink bottle. The depity constable this week is looking for a fellow who came through here the ether day selling spectacles and tinware, lie slrucn tlie man's trail in the dusty road on Musket Ridge and tracked him for ome distance, when the trail wa lost. The man drove two horses, one taller than the other, and if any body runs across anv such tracks they are requested to notify the depity immediately. Copyrlcht, 19:1, Georgo Matthew Adimi. Do You Know the Bible? (Cover up the antwtrn, read th quel ttona and if you can imwtr them. Then look at the aniwera to aea II you are right.) Follow These Questions and Ans wers As Arranged by J. WILSON ROY. 1. What was the birthplace of Goliath? 2. Who was Priscilla? 3. What was the name of the daughter of Jacob and Leah? 4. What names were given to Paul and Barnabas by the people at Lystra? . 5. What was the name of Sen nacherib's son? 6. Matthew ix 2 says Jesus came "into His own city." To what place docs this reter? Answers. 1. .Gath. 2. Wife of Aquila. Acts xviii. 2. Dinah. Genesis xxx. 21. 4. Paul was called Mercurius; barnahas was called Jupiter. 5. Esar-haddon. 6. Capernaum. (Copyright. H'l, Wheeler Syndicate- Inc.) Western Nebraska Farmers To Decrease Wheat Acreage Bigsprincr. Neb.. Sent. 11 (Soe- cial.) Farmers in this part of the state, will only plant small acreage of Avinter wheat this year, it is re ported. Corn in some, parts is burned Daa and inn be plowed under. Jewel, Flower, Color Symbols for Today AT THE THEATERS CO! mmon Dense Where It Started Backgammon. This popular game originated with the Greeks, under the name of "Ta bles." Homer alludes to it in the first book of the Odyssey. The name comes from the Danish bakke, a tray, and gammen, game. It was probably introduced into England at the time of the Danish invasion. (CopjTtiht, 1SS1, Wheeler Syndicate. lac.) Mrs. Mabel P. Le Roy. who has been named by the president for the important post of recorder of the general land office, is a Michigan woman and the widow of a former well-known newspaper man of De troit - . By J. J. MUNDY. Meet the Future Unafraid. With a growing fear of disaster, you do not know what, but you seem to feel that something disagreeable is imminent, you grow more and more nervous. ; You dread the outcome of this dark shadow which' eludes but fol lows.. . " , ' -' Do you Tcnow that some adverse circumstance might be the best thing in the world for your own good? Perhaps so far you have been able to slide along and meet your bills. You have not accumulated much, but a little more than you have spent. ' You have been quite contented and you have not exercised your brain much because you have been so comfortable. ; . If you had met with such condi tions and experiences that you would have been obliged to get right down to some solid thinking and planning to pay your bills it might have done you some good. .- You have never had to. think hard to get out of a crisis and so you have never used your gray . matter to capacity. If the depression and fear which haunt you should be instrumental in getting your brain into working or der why, let the fearsome thing come. It takes a hard prod to wake up some persons. , Copyright, 121, International Feature Service. Inc. Berlin Strike Ends. Berlin, Sept. 13. The strike of electricians which on Monday tied pp all the electrical services in Berlin, was settled today. PLAYING in the role of Chiohl, In "The Four Horsemen ot the ApoclypBe." now ehowine at the lirandeie, Virginia Warwick, the former Mack Bennett bathing beauty, doea her xirat dramatic work 1 In this production. in tauing mis part in wnicn stie enacts the role of a sister of Julio. Miss War. wick exhibits genuine dramatis ability. This Is the Ingenue role of the picture and Miss Warwick puts into fhe part In the early scenes balanced proportions of beauty and girlish coquetry. She la then seen as the young wife whose husband goes to the front, and later she Is the kind sympathetic nurse-wife when her young husband returns a maimed and disfigured youth. Bt. Louis is Miss Warwick's birthplace, and ahe Is not backward In telling she was oorn in 19V3. sne received her early schooling in that city, and later attended school in Los Angeles and aiso studied classic dancing. Miss Warwick - has an peared at numerous entertainmenta In a dancing act. She is also an expert swim mer and tnis gained -tor. her the first en gagement with Mack Sennett. She won several cups in aquatic contests while In school. . One hundred thousand dollars speaks a language all can . understand. That amount and more Is represented in the production ' Marcus has afforded the Marcus show of 19J1 which comes to the Brandeis for the week beginning next Sunday, September IS. Twenty some scenes are visable in the big harlequinade. Mere canvas and paint la no longer con sidered gorgeous enough for the trappings of this exhibition. Now silken hangings studded with brilliants supplant the more pieman materials. - Maryon Tadie. American danseuse at the Orpheum this week, appears with Ota Oygi, formerly court violinist to -ihe king of Spain. Another stellar offering is presented by Wilfred Clarke, assisted by Grace Menken and two other players in the laughable farce. "Now WhatT" Eita Gould offers a song .cycle in which her vocal and dramatic ability are displayed at their best. The hilarious blackface skit, "The Young 'Uns,' is done by Avey ana o'Keii. The. show has .mors comedy elements and mora artistic quality than any the Orpheum has presented this season. Hills Society Circus at the EmpresB, rerves to introduce some wonderful horses, ponies and dogs, whose parts are as perrect as equine capabilities allow. A pretty vocal offering is presented by Maurtne Englen. A trio of entertainers whs keep their audience at the top notch of enthusiasm with harmony singing and comedy antics are tn Riverside three. A daring display of aensatlonal - sharp shooting is given by Rosie Rifle. - The Gayety promises a 100-nroof en tertainment in Irons and damage's new Harden Frolics' Holding way at that popular playhouse for 14 performances. Special features . and . noveltties galore, and specialties! that will make you ap plaud for more.- especially when Lou Powers sings and Pearl Hamilton dances. Ladies' matinee at 2:15 daily. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT How Yeast Vitamon Tablets Put Flesh on Thin Folks STRENGTHEN THE NERVES AND INVIGORATE THE BODY EASY AND ECONOMICAL TO TAKE x - RESULTS rppsmnar.i v mtirtr If yoa want to put some firm, healthy flesh oa your bones, increase your energy, nerve force and power, clear your ekia and complexion and feel 109 per cent batter, simply try taking two tiny Maitin's VITA1IOH tablets with each meal and watch results. Mastin's VTTAMOM con tains highly concentrated yeast-vitaminsa a well as the twa other still more impor tant Ttumir.es (Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble CI and is new beirg ud by thou sand. It positively will aot upset the stomach or cause gas, but, on the con trary, is a great aid to digestion, to over coma constipation and as a general con ditioner ot the whole system. Complete satisfaction absolutely guaranteed or the trial casta you nothing. Be sure to re member the name Mastin's VI-TA-MON the original and genuine yeast-vitamine tablet there is nothing else like it. so do not accept imitations or substitutes. Yoa can get Mastin's VITAMON tablets at ail good druggists. oeb as Sherman ft Vc Conaelt Adams-Haight. Alexander-Jacobs. i. L. Brandeis, Burgcss-Nath and Hsyden Bros. By MILDRED MARSHALL. A strange combination it formed by today's UlUmanic and natal terns. The former it the bloodstone, the latter it the turquoise. Good an J evil are cleverly balanced by this combination. Ancient legend reads into it the belief that riches will be ucquired with the comin; of dutresting news. The rirfiri will ccnit of hro.id acres, and houses, and abundant cropi, to said the ancients. The tur- quoue is believed to protect thrte poetiont from lot by fire or flood. It it alto a talitmanic agahut unwise investments, and it believed to have a restraining: influence against those potsersed by the gam 01 mi a- madness. iellow it the color decreed lo' wear today by those vho desire to benefit from legacy oi other gener osity. Hie yellow rose the significant flower on this day. Curiously etiougn it it not lucky since it indicates jeal ousy and quarreU. (Copyright, 13I, M'biekr Syndicate, Inc.) Police Defense to Be Free Under Dunu Resolution The city legal department will be required to defend all police officers, without extra compensation, in cases where the officers are sued on their official bonds for acts while in the performance of their duties. Folire Commissioner II. W. Dunn, who offered a resolution to this ef fect in the city council yesterday explained that he is merely restoring an old custom which was suspended j during the former city administration. Today's Attractions. Moor-"! he Old Nest." Strand-"Hie Chil4 Thou GavcM Me." RUltcwCharlct Ray In "The Mid nieht Bell." Sun "The Old Nest Brand! "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." EmDrtis "The Tier's Cut Mute "Sacred and 1'rcfaue Love." Grand Cleo Madison in "The Girl from Nowhere.1' English firmi equal to the American-made movies need not be ex. pected for tome years, tays Taul t'owell. noted director, who hat in I returned from a year's film-making at the Paramount studio sit Lon don. European scenery it wonderful in historical significance and natural beauty, but will not photograph well because of the light, lie tays, and the greatest handicap to the lintisn producer, the fogs, will be partly overcome by the ue of air-washing machines. ' flt,l rAMl1u hart? frAill a vifcit ti Iter native Sweden. Anna (J. .Mil. son may return there to be starred in a series of Isben plays. While she was abroad the film beauty had - r- 1IUIIICTUUS .UIUlll vuvia. Elinor Glvn was so pleased with the reception of her first motion picture story, Ihe Oieat foment,' that she is writing another for Gloria Swanson. It will be called "Beyond the Rocks." That Fannie Ward has decided never to reioin the ranks of Amer ican film stars is evidenced by the fact that she has ordered for sale the variout art objects, curios and souvenirs left by her in her former AK-SAR-BEN Piano Buyers Do not fail to take advantage of the great reduction offered by Schmoller & Mueller's $50,000 Remodeling Piano Sale. Oar Fall Shipments are arriving daily. These instru ments were ordered 4 to 6 months ago. We didn't know we would be cramped for room at that time, bat rather than rent additional warehouse space, we are handing down the bene fits of our crowded conditions fat the form of great reductions. The workmen must have room. These instruments must be sold. Every instrument of highest quality and of standard make. -. ;. h - . , ,-. Save $150 to $200 ' s f -""' .' r New Schmoller & Mueller $700 Player Piano A new model, latest expression (fr AP devices easiest operated Player jntO on the market. . . Special Term, 125.00 Down, $3.00 Per Week. ' New Werner Upright Guaranteed for 10 years; former price $450, now $295 Terms fit Dawn, ft Far Weak New Behr Bros. Baby Grand Brown Mahogany, former price $895, now- $695 Exceptional Bargains- Used Pianos $250 Erbe upright ..... $125 400 J. & 0. Fischer upr. 140 ' 450 Vose & Son upr.. . 165 400 Lagonda upr. ..... 175 425 Klein upr......... 180 If you live out of $tl&A MTnA.lA imt f asauvuv 400 Whitney upr. 600 Steger upr. . . 825 Hardman upr. 950 Steinway opr. $198 210 285 375 585 town Fill in and Mail this Coupon. We ship anywhere. SekaMller Maeller Piano Ca. ISU-lt-lS DedW St, Omaha, b. Gemtlaaset Please send ma rent plet iafarmatiaa retarding Flay er Upright Grassa AAimt ................. Tewa State We are exclusive representatives for the Sttinway Piano, the standard ef the world; also the Hardman, Emerson, Steger V Sens, McPhail, Linderman A Sons, Behr Bros, Wernsr and Schmoller a Mueller Pianos. Schmoller & Mueller i5i4.is.ia PIANO fn Phon Dodge St. r,n,,V WWa 0ug 1623 Home of Steinway Pianos Tho Instrument of the Immortals. Los Anselrs resiijiw. tut an indrprndftil fartmif u4 it now in July iili Iter hubinj. M.t. t.ilr t'ltl I J;," MAftVON VAOIfc s OIA CVWl'i Mr-D ILAHat tOi Hit A OOOIOi AsfcV O Nr. Ill ra ai Vaa Htm laasi rlM fcelwUi Asa Fsslasi leans al the Perl fell Meo. Mete, It la Kl hmt TS sea IAO. Sal. aaa SWa. Ktfhle. It le II OOJ tease I US ftel. e aaa. "OMAHA'S rU.N llMTtr hrtildm i Mel. aaa Nile Teaay XSfjiJ ReaiMad ft Use Aaetfcer tlreee' New Skew That's PIHereal cfef. M0ieft Froliei" runt, Pa. A Pesit lUsullae. ' Mil er"tit th.t et!tet e aMl wuli. ituus M Ui'i.M. 14. IM.W. S " . UeaW Tickets, ISc-SO Every Week Dsy sUt. SHk Al k. ILlI A a,M1U ttufcne' moron u. Twico Daily 2il8 ana! SilS The World's Greatest Picture The proof of the appeal of the picture lies in its power to hold one's interest the second time. PDirrQ Evening S2.00 ta 0e till" Matinees SI. OO ta 80c Except Selurdsy "The Child Thou Gavest Me" With Lewis Stone As the Husband of Spite Barbara Castleton As the Secret Mother Yet Faithful Wife William Desmond Just the Friend Little Richard lleadrick Who Brought Joy Into Their Heart ' Now and AUV Week 2 DIG STARS Charlie Ray "A Midnight Bell" Harold Lloyd 'in '0 ID)" Rialto Symphony Players Julius K. Johnson at the Organ Every Person in Nebraska will be , intensely interested in and have chance to see Watch for it at your favorite motion . picture theater.. 72 (AFTER THIS EVENING) A RECORD In Perlorntsces til Atteaditss 1 Rupert Hughes9 Tribute to Every Per son's Sweetheart TWO THEATERS AT THE SAME TIME No Advance in Prices Tonight 7 and 9 O'clock ELSIE FERGUSON in 'Sacred and Profane Love' DANCING ' EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN CARL LAMP'S ORCHESTRA. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Mr. Marcus Still Hesitates Ihe maneiement of the MARCUS SHOW OF 1921 fcea not yet replied ta my offer of yesterday to alve the attraction the eatlre (rasa receipts ef next Sunday's matinee at the Brendeie if Mr. Marcus would acree to my SPECIAL REDUCED SALE OF PRICES. As yet ne reply has been received as to whether the show will cancel its ea se rement or meet these LOW PRICES. A positive announcement will appear in all newspapers tomorrow. Ia event that Mr. Marcuo acre, the sal. af .eats at the boa office WILL START AT 12 o'clock BOOB. . C. J. Sutphen Maaafer Brandeis Theater Mary F. Cooper School, of Dancing BLACKSONE HOTEL For Information Call HA rney 0943 Hi ,