flin BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. WiPTEMUEK 12. liKil. Classified Mwtis.it Rates 1 P9 iM i ord. llMt I 14 !' P , I Ull it at lint per r, 1 aiti iter lit I f line . If .uil daft N takes far lw Utal f It. nm apply " lb DUf r Sua- Rm. A! 4krtia.eU M ar w both Mnwi a4 titts elaiiy V' l IB lMrt CONTRACT HATES OH AfPLICATloN Wt tit pi) at lit fel'owtst of. Iimi MAIN Or-PICE....".ITlk l r'ra Its. heath Bids .... (tomb tia Kb Cuanril Bluff ..It ftwxt St. want ads nrreivco' by mom ATLAM1IU 1 TUB BCB rlll Ml k raat.l far mar ths ana inaurrsrt n..rtua af sa dvrtltral ardor! far bm Ik a a lias CUMINO IIOUU FOR WANT ADS. 1 1 Mi A. M. slanting iditio. ....... , inr ound.y tonic . M. aWlurda ilKi'ilANt7'.7leri W. Looker, dld It Franc. CKi'.hrr 13. 1H: h I ur innl hy hi patent. Mr. ar.4 Me, John l. Luoker, 41:1 H.rt- St.; Hire protii.r anU on al.t.r, funeral Nunday afternoon at S p. m, from John A. Gentleman mortuary. Ir,l-rm.nl Wt I.wn cemeteir, MUD llet, Florence L.. gtd 64 )!. riunduy, Hptwinlir II. Fmiurul rvo at rldnr. 421 Ho'Hlj Fortyfirat. Monday sIKrouun 2:30. ltil.rm.nl Forret l-n. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. An blent location Just north ef city ilmlia ami west of Plornc with mile of iiiilam nvemnt l:o i:ro. Per- petui cure. Nut operated for prom, office :1 mil No. City Limn. City "Iflii!, 7 7 Hrndl Theater. llULSE&'RIEPEN PIONKKIl FUNERAL DIRECTORS. :2t Cmnliis HI. Jackaon 1231 "STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BHST rAMBULANCEfffr.Sa Thirty. third and Farnam. "HE AFE YT HEXFEY" Undertakers and Kin balm era I'conjall.SCS. offlo tail Farnam. Fo7t AM tirLANCh! rail MArkoi ". Kortsko Kunitinl llomr, led anil O Ufa, CARD OF THANKS. kVki ih In rxprran nur thanka to the mnny frtrnd.. Mnplo I.raf chapter O. K. ' H. Mo, lit. lnly Camp No. IMI it. N. A., HDil other fraternal organ- l .tion. ror in Deuuitrui noral tr h. uii'a, an-1 avmpathy rhown, durlnic th rnt lllncni and dpnth of our dearly h(.Uivl wife, tlaiinhter and niter. J. i;. (lugimii. jir. auu Mr, li. s. Crltch- ' filil find family. FLORISTS. LEE LARM0N till iJuuBl.a. Ph. Doug. 1U JOHN BATH, 1804 Farnam. Jackaon 1004. L. Hendeiaon, 1C0T Kamani. Jackaon l 6 stTIf blJ N DAN DR wards" t'OK ARTICLES LOST on atrwt car t.l phon Tyler too. Wo are anxlnu to re dor lint article to rightful owner. OMA1JA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY RliWARIl for rtluni of black portfolio, containing Income tax papor. Call HA. Str.8. . PERSONAL niB SALVATION Army luduatrlal home aj.llclta your old clolblng, furniture, magajlne. - W collect. We attribute. Phone Douglaa 4135 and our wagon win call. Call and lnepect eur oeir 0-1113-1114 Dodgs St. home, 111 GALLSTONES hyalolan explain. lm- pie. eiroenve irntment lor Innamed gnllblailder and bile ducts, associated with Kallstons. Booklet fre.i. Dr. Paddock. Box F-S01. Kansas City, Mo, H ATT 1 13 Putman, Nubone Corset Shop, 602 Karbach Block. AT. Mfl sCALV treatment and massage. South 1 tit li street, second floor. 1213 Vi SAV IT WrrfT FLOWKRS FROM HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 FARNAM STREET. KBiyr HOOVER vacuum. II up Har. 1071. OSTEOLOflY MASSAGES. Atlantlo iMS. KLKCTRIC bathe and 'massage. WB 2911. Nil BONE corsets. M. Schscfer. d6Tt2S5T AIASSAOE treatment. 318 Neville Block. SWEDISH Massage, Chiropody, 20 S. 20. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all fiiis snd styles; bemsf Itching, picot edging, eye lot cut work, button ho:es, pennants. Ideal Button and- Pleating Co, 301 Brown Blk. Jackaon 1938. N't; a Pleating V Button Co., 1800 Farnam ; St.. id floor. Douglas 6070. Contractors-Painting. BRICK plasterer and cement, new' and repair wora. j. ftau. walnut 4H07. PAINTING and paperhanglng. WA. 456?! Dancing Academies. . LEARN TO DANCE KK1HT Mildred Maxlne teaches ell branches uancing. gtoaio Leflang Bldg. DO. 8476. Keep 'a 1818 Farnam. sure methods, " rcasonanie rates. do. 84411. aLPina School for Dancing. 2424 . Farnam. Dougla 7850. Dressmaking. 1'IiAIN and fancy "coat rellned, vIU sow in your home. Harney 6876. .LAMES' and children's sewing. HA. 6017, DRESSMAKING, 408 SOUTH 24TH ST. Detective. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Kx. Bldg.. 3A. 2056. Night, KEN. 8812. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Bik. Atl. 6501; night, Wal. 4056; K. 0465. JAMES ALIMN, SIX Neville Bik. Evidence secured tn all cases Atlantlo 1136. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Writ for prices. Ths Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. ENLARGEMENT:), oil coloring, developing, printing. Kase Studio. 218 Neville Blk. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W MARTIN; patent atty.. 1710 Dodge. Milcellaneoua Announcements. DIAMONDS pri'c. wfth'prtrnE? , to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO, 403 ti. ICtb. St. Doug Jaa 6049. V; ' OMAHA PILLW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks af half the price of . new beds. 197 Cuming. Jackson 2467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single. 85c; double edge, 45c doa. Mall orders so . Ilclted. Oniahs Stsrp Co., 103 N. 16th. WH1TBLY. tire and radiator man; reas. prices; work guar. 2 a Uth, DO. 6403. FULL dress snd tuxedos for rent. John Feldmsn. 10 N. 16th St. Jackson 2128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus, LeBron Electric 218 S. 13th St. Omaha. KOUKRS . Confectionary Store. 84th and Farnam Su. Jackson 0127. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. JA. 53 CALL Herman the glaxler. KE. 2701. BRITT Printing Co.. T Elks Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. 31?i ABSOLUTELY new electric) wish ing machine for aala at leaa than bait; now In storage. Omaha. Van and Storage Co., 14th and Leavenworth, Phone Doug 4163. A. P. Heggblade. HA. 44. HIOH-GRADB furniture. Inclidlng blge low Hartford rug, genuine leather chairs, child bed, refrigerator, etc No dealer. till Myrtle avenue. - PRIVATE aalo of household furniture, aln typewriter desk, Monday and Tues day at 1241 South 28th Street l-PIECE parlor set. Telephone Harney 4376; 1714 Burt St Pianos and Musical lnstnnnents. BEORGB SMITH Dealer la drama, sylopho . etc, inotnictlea, repairing Address 3741' Davenport St for catalog. Phone Harney 3941. Try 8mlth's pedaL VIOLINS, bowsv strings sad r pairing at lowest nrhrea, Matthews' Studio, tt Douglas Blku Op p. HayOens. AT. 2094. Clothinc and Fur SUITS prosasd, rtmodered. Use HA. 42 94, BRINGING UP FOR SALE. Clothing and Fun. Furs! Furs! Furs! tlrct from mar.ufa'-turer la arer, autlhtf ion lara retail iirtiflia. oflorlna a tnvat womlrful (rlarlloa of VI R OATH A.M wnAI'H nit a won lrfnl aaanrtmrnt of CAI'KH. CUATKK.d, HTOtKS AN'O t'HuKKHH. Ural font a. iiituriiiualy Irlmmail with Marmn. tloavar or HJ.uirrol IIS. 00 ftui. JIart.ii. I-.kln thukm.. . .1 :.oo irnuln Mli.k cliok.ra, nn.t iju.i Ity llO.oo Tbr I. nothlnff titUriranlr4 ami you ran luy your fur. h.r. with alo iut ciinflili-ni- f (Uln( th brat vulu for your money. A call win cin-lnc fot. Chas. J. Goldstein Fur Co., Ilith and Iouloa. Ovr Fry' Kho Hliou. . jKik.nn 111. Mall order ivn prompt attention. BKAl'Tlb't'L ! coat with largn t.oav.r cnnar and rurra. llto. utnr mil coal, plum and trimmed, hi aacr fir, mm rnpt and r oaten choker, en tarn. Mr. Hli-Nmr. -01 Wellington Inn. rUK .ale. a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dun u ul. cheap, altrratlona free. I'LNDKK YVOOl.LN MILli, Northwest (nr.. Sth and Harney ft". FVHH remodeled, rellnei and cleaned. KNF.liTtlt ALASKA KUR CO.. 301 R. lMh Pt. loul TSUI, PKttFBCTLT new Martin fur atole. Inche long and 13 Inrhea wide; ISV. ro dealer. wcbHter 4071. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES. All MAKK8 bought, aold, rented and repaired. 8ol agant for the CORONA. Oat our price before you buy. Every macnine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. jecaaon ti.v. lfij Farnam WE buy, aell afe, mak deeks, ahow cae. eta. Omehik Fixture A fiunnlv Cn W. Cor. 11th and Dougl, JA. 8724. Miscellaneous Articles. HEATING BOILER FOR 8 A LB. A u"d sectional boiler, capacity about 6.000 cubic feet radiation, Thi boiler I in norxl hnu. will In tnlten down thl week. Win be glad to how the hollar before removing. Just right for good-sized houe, garage or lure mom. ee v JOHN O. WOODWARD & CO., The Candy Men." Council Bluffs, la. EMPTY SACKS FOR SALE. W hav a stock- of emntv lOCnonnil and 220-pound sugar sacks; alas extra? neavy nut sacks. Just right for hipping potatoes, grain and other farm prouuee. John a. toodward & cor, '. "The Candy Men," Council Bluffs, la. SEWING MACHINES Vfs rent,' repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S , 15th and Harney. Douglas 197S. Ll'MBBR st low prices; kindling delivered. MICKL1N LUMBER & WRECKING CO., 24th and Burdette. Webster C5i&. BIT your kindling wood now; shortage inis ran. Acme Box Co., Harney 18i!7. 2 gross 24-oz. new quart slse beer bottles. Charles Jarl, 1703 Leavenworth. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks. Used desks bought, sold snd traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 614 WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work wanted. Webster ' 6084. D A Y work wanted. Atlantic 3194. DAY work and bundle washing. WE. '936. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores anu Office ci.kkks IS upward, for poital mail service; 2130, month; examinations in September; experience unnecessary. For iree particulars or instruction write ueunara tiormer civil sen'lce ex- eminer;, sos JSquitable Bldg., . W aah ington, D. C.- ivan re,!) An experienced clerk for country general store; state age, reli gious belief, habits, married or single, salary wanted and references. Address Bog Y-1667, Omrfha Bee. WILL pay boys way through business col lege for doing light janitor work. Re quires about an hour. No Sunday work. ."U Doug. 7774. YOUNG man, atudy law! Evening down town sessions University .of Omaha. Professions and Trades. FIREMEN, brnkeinen, beginners, 1150; later $250 monthly. Write Railway, Box Y-1661, Omaha Bee.. . .itOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 6. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED. SALESMAN. selling high-class retail clothing Btores In Iowa nd Nebraska, to carry as a side line on a commission basis, our lines of work and dress trousers snd boys knickerbockers, Write giving age, experience, present territory covered, lines now selling, and references. Com munications strictly confidential. Ad dress Box r-1664, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN. covering parts of Iowa snd Nebraska by auto to carry our line of MEN'S TROUSERS and BOYS' KNICKER BOCKER PANTS as a side line on a commission basis: Write stating terri tory now covered snd how often, lines carried, experience and referent es. Box Y-1665, Omaha Bee, , . - , SALESMEN wanted to conduct a busi ness of their own. Home every night. No capital needed. No high rent No hired help. Address Sales ' Manager, 209 North Eleventh St.. Omaha. Neb., giving full details of your experience. All Inquiries confidential. Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced candy maker an.l Ice cream maker for retail candy store. Steady employment and cbinr.e ibr ad vancement for right mo, K-:f..ren-e required. Grant ls'.arid Candy Kitchen, Grand Island. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. CLERK Typists, for government depart- ... . . , . luvHia. ri.Ti.ui experience nanscessary. For free particular f ex aminations, write J. C. Leonard, hVm er etvU service examiner. $09 Equitable Bldg, 'Washington, D. C GIRLS to takeuy shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping .etc. Pereonal instruction. Ten can qualify quickly. Doug. 7774. Professions and Trades. "WANTED A few girls to work in factory. GORDON-RAIN ALTER CO, ' , CANDY FACTOR HI DOUGLAS FATHER I f ClONT txPtCT 1 1 t0LD A eoNG J I ( Jl IT G0 UKC A 1 1 I I I I TO FIND Voo in) U MUSIC PUBUSHEP (fl TMI. Ttkl Yiad AT y )' HELP WANTED FEMALE. Houtehold and Domestic. OIHLH. t'trh b Denieti Column of Tb He ivdi Ads. Uoo4 well-paid an J hiiin.iia pia- aiwayi dvrtlse4. WANTCt AN KM'KHIRNCKO OIKL run uK.Ntn.ii. iiuibkwohk. ai HIV J. K KAVIimu.V, BT, UOI girl for gnrl hnuMWurk: ffrr. Mi-e rxtuired. Tel. WaJ. T4J. ilr. J, II, rrailenbiirg. V ANTM' Kaprlniil maid for n- r buuework. I'hn Harney Jr.it, WAXTKU A girl for general bouaewnrk; goou wage. ;4 , walnut :i..s. WA.N'TKK Vumpeieot Cuok. Call bofor noon. Harney 0(74. MiscelUneouft. WANTKIe Experienced women tu help 1 'curat sutos at Ak-Har-Ben I'" lonoy morning. Call In pcr.uii. No Phone. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTKD Men. ladles and bov to team barber trade; bl demand; wage while P'ftming, strictly modem, call or writ MiI Iiotlg St Trt-Clty Barber College, EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete course In sceountsncy, ma. clitns bookkeeping, romptometry. short hand snd typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all large illustrated cs la loir. Addreia HOVt.KS COLLEGE. Royles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Kr.gllaa and commercial branch.. Write, cull or phon Jackaon 1566 for Van Sanl School of Bualnea. Day and Evening llchool. ::o Oinaba National Rank Bldg. Dnugraa 690. FRANK Hauiy saxophone Instruction. i0i i.rtang. BUSINESS CHANCES. LKKORI-; buying, send for our free rales bulletin; hundreds nf paying businesses ars listed. Any kind. Any price. Any where. Western Business Exchange, Terminal Building, Omaha, Neb. WANT to hear from owner bavins busi ness tor sale, J. C. McConuey, Termi nal Building. Omaha. Neb. FOR KENT ROOMS. Furni8ncd Rooms. FREE ROOM DIRECTORY. Just off the pre, the September lusue of The Bee's furnished room snd board directory Contain desirable va cancies, and Is supplied free to room seekers.- Room advertisers can rent rooms quickly by using this plan. Phone Atlantic 1000, ask for Miss Hunter, let her tell you how others sro keeping their rooms filled through The Bee. CLEAN light room, strictly modern, priv ate nome, nice location, ror employed kidy; 2o month. Harney 6856. 2S32 DEWEY AVE., very desirable room, moiiern, private noino, walking distance. J)ougla 1X67. PRIVATE " home. mahogany-furnished room, gentlemen, $6 pea week. 220 N. 22d St, . NICELY furnished sleeping room in quiet nome. liontiemen . prelerred, 2902 Lruuse, 120 N. 26TH Clean., newly , furnished' rooms for Ak-Sar-BOn visitors; walking distance to town.. ' COMFORTABLE south foom for lady. modern private home. Harney 3340. DOUGLAS. 2658, clean, nicely furnished rooms op bath floor. . Reasonable. ROOM In private family for 1 or 2. Boutn z&tn Ave, jjoug. 7681. NEAT rooms adjoining bath; home privi leges; en car line. Webster 1109. ROOM and garage. Phone Walnut 1953. MODERN room; $3 week. WE. 2415. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEE'S September directory of nouae- Keeping rooms is now ready. Supplied ftee of charge to Bee readers. Call at office. Those with, vacancies should learn about this Improved method of renting rooms. Phone Atlantic 1000, b1c for Miss Hunter. 2648 DODGE. 2-rm. suite; $6.50 wk.; also 3-rm. suite; $10 week. Clean and airy. Everything furnished: walking dlst. SUITE of clean neatly, furnished rooms. first floor. No children. 2902 Dodge. TWO large front rooms, private home. 6546. , - - : , 1305 S. 2th. Harney 532 S. 30th. 2 housekeeping , rooms in private family..- Harney 6691. Board and Rooms. ONE or two-room suite, private bath, for a couple. Jterrlam Hotel, do. ZU76. S77 CALIFORNIA Nice room with board for, 2 gentlemen or oouple. HA, 6734. WANTED Couple to room arid board. Serve breakfast and dinner, ha, 123 S. 36th Ave,, Morcroft, large room. excellent table and service. AT. 2608. LARGE room with board. Walnut 8183 Unfurnished Rooms. TWO or 3 unfurnished rooms with bath on car line, reasonaoiei weosier cut. UNFUR ROOMS, heat, gas and light furnished. $40 mo. Harney 2243. 2603 Dodge, three unfurnished and one sleeping room. ha. tpsuo. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. - COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house; 2 blocks to Dundee school; garage lor 1 car. Phone Walnut 0041. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished.' ATTRACTIVE apartment goes to one buy- mg lurnuuiTi ib. JiVlll iwhi, niu- enette anil bath; ell new furnishings; can bo seen Sundsy from 10 a. tn. until 6 1 p. m. Call Atlantic 5584. for appointment. ' FOR RENT. "On West Side; carllne; private home; E-room furnished apartment; light, hent, gas furnished: reference. Harney 1075. TWENTY-FIRST St, 608 N. Completely furnished 2 and three-room apartments. Steam heat walking distance. Block to street car. Brown Apis, Dougla 6644. THREE-ROOM npt. everything furnished, mod. conveniences; reasonable. WE. 6554. TWO-ROOM, modern apartment Wirt St. Call Walnut 2529. 2420 LARGE clean, first-rlsvs rooms, bath room floor, rea. 2573 St. Marys. S-ROOM apartmnt, well furnished, piano, walking distance, 604 So. 28th St. Unfurnished. FOR OCTOBER 1. We can offer an apartment having large living room with wall bed, din ing room alcove good bedroom, sun room and convenient kitchen In one of Omaha'a best buildings. Rent $100, No. 10 Montlrello, 520 South 3tst Street PETERS TRUST COMPANY, . "Wber Omaha Rents" AT. P544. 17th snd Farnam. Peters Trust Company, Spertnllst tn apartment mangment. Hi REE room and bath, 1. WA. 6237 FOR RENT Business Propert MERCANTll.S HOUSE CO,' STORAGE AND WARE 11th and Jones St. 3se"f.-t. WEAD. $10 SO. iTH ST j U.tVrtit Offu Kfiir4 MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY CO. rVrnRAflFJ MOVING, PACKING JlOUlKUnl.l) HiMirirt Al PIANOS, ItEAHOS'Ani.ic NArrH REDUCED HIKHtHT flATKS TO ALL riHM'IFAI. CHI KM. 1W-1! Howard St. Jackaon e!l. FlltKPItlHIr WAREHOUSE. Separate tanked rooms for lifiuhold goods and pianos, Moving, packing and enippin. KKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAOn. booth lath. Dougla 413. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by II R. Rowcn Co, Atlantle S40O. L.iTlMATKH furul.tled on lorg A inov. Inc. Contracts taken by ob or hr. Giob Vn ) Utorag ITo.. JA. 43il. AT 03.1 Jai keon O.Mil. us Farnam St POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WI.Vi'KOt'U poultry feed, i per led !. drlivrrd. contain wheat. Parley, Kaffir corn, tracked corn, sunflower teed; In 6 Hi). 1 1. lots. f.3 delivered. If cnllod for It. 71; pure first cl wheat 13.60 per 100 Iba. delKortd. 1 Wlmrouk A Sun. H20 So. Hull St. Jlirk.on 001. KiiR H LK Fox terrier. i"hi.'S2J7. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Used, Not Abused, Cars. bought, sold '1 exchanged. Sale-a-Day Car Co. Fnrnnm at 40th St. FOKD touring ear, road.tera. trucks: 1910. 20 snd '21 models; with or with out starters. We srs not in the ued car business and do not aell for a proft'., but ars replacing our old equipment with new. Drlve-It-Yourelf Co, 1314 Howard St Ph-ons Douglas 8622. SOMK bargslns In used Ford car. Mc- carrrey Motor Co. Tb Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jsckson, Douglss 3600, , BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Ha.fa Investment. ICth snd Farnam St. Phone T. 1970. RepairL-.g and Painting HOLI.Y. expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. FARM LANDS. Canadian Lands. FOR SALE OR TRADE Three choice farms, 100-a. each. Write owner. J. A. Skidmore, Ruddelt, Sask.rvCanada. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul, Minn FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. Ws have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. . K. H. LOUGER INC. . 638 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST N1CB. FARMS. O'KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO., 101$ Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jsckson 2716. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. P. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 a 18th St. Miscellaneous. PRIVATE party wants $5,000 for long time, reasonable Interest rate. Loan se cured by good section of Improved Wold county land. Address Box Y-166S, Oma ha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED real estate, will cash your equity If priced right In 7 or 8-room -frame house, good repair, not necessarily now, Dundee dist $4,000 to $7,000 houas. Box R-77, Bee. T To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. 'Jackson 1426, WANTED To buy a six-room house, two stories. Field club or southwest district D. V. 8HOLES CO, Jackson 0046. 915 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. CONSULT tw If you contemplate building, or wjsh to buy or sell Omaha real estate.' C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat. Bank Bldg. DO. 8787. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT. CO., 1506 Dodge St. " N.Dotiglas 1345. PROMPT sale ot your real estate; w have many buyers and solicit your buel ncas. Shopen & Co, Realtors. JA, 422H. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell rour property 7 " List it with C A. Ortii.msl, Omul-a Nat'l Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT iil-AL' ESTATE. Sells. Rents. Insure. 360 Peters -Trust Bldg. Jackson 0638. fiPTTPlNTn Rity Co. List with us VIA UJ IX All for aulck reaulta. 1418 1st. TJatl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. WK have more buyers than we can sup ply with 5-room bungalows. JA, 2419. FIKE & PRICE.- TO BUY OR SELL real estate see Glover A Spain. 910-20 City National Bank Jackson 2850. - -. MarkMlrtin Insurance, real estate, loans. 1045 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. LIST with us. We guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO, 715 Bee. DO. 6545. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. A BEAUTIFUL LOT. East front, 36th avenue and Daven port, 60x129. - Just what you want. For sale by owner. E. E. STICKLER. RESIDENCE PHONE HA. 6252. DO. 3861. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS CORNER. 60x140. present Improvement pay 16 per cent gross, taxes. Insurance - and repair ocly expense, which makes this a choice small Investment. - ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO, JA. 00C4. FULL lot 16th and Locust; $600; great bargain. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. For Exchange. Brand new home in Dundee, brick and iftucco. 9 rooms beautifully finished in oak and enamel; two bath roonia; dou ble garage and driveway. Will take (rood mortgages or contracts In part payment. The Byron Reed Co., 1(12 Farnam St ' Douglaa 0297. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Nice Home. For someone with"' $1,000. 6-room modern, osk finish, large floored attic. Near school and car. 50 foot lot with fruit. For quick sale, $4,750. Walnut $704. ' FIVE rooms, fine lot. $J.76n. O. . V. STEHB1NS. 1610 Chicago. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. orni tin eowred. KK. 14o9 J Uc Lee want ads for speedy rs.- i stills. Sll JlCCa AND MAUilk IN rULt rAct o coio in rm .u-.ruv nee Omaha Grain Omaha. Sept. 10. Caf.!i wheat prices were generally lc to ,1c lower today following the break in the Chicago future market. The demand at the going figures was good, hut some eller refused Ip part with their offerings on this fiasis and dome was carried over. Lorn was unchanged to a cent low er. While and mixed were 'jc tt? 44c. lower and yellow 'Ac to lc off for the hulk. Oats were unchanged to ijc lower. Rye declined a cent and barley wag easy. Wheat re ceipts today were moderate and other grains light. WHEAT. No. t hard; 1 cor. 11.80: ( cii. 11.19, .o. z nsru: 2-3 car, 11.22; 1 or. l.:u 1 car, 11.20 (71 per cent dark): 6 cars, 11.19: 1 cur, 11.19 (smutty): rnr. 11.18 t run, I,17 (yellow); 3 car. Il.lt (emuttyi. No. 3 hard: 3 car. 11.19; 3 :rs 11.17 2 car, 11,17 (nmutty): 1 cur, 81.15 fsmut ty); i rsrs, II. 1 (yellow); 1 'ars, 11.13 mmuuyi: l rr. 11.11 (suiultv): 1-s car. $1.12 (very smutty). No. 4 hsrd: 1 csr, $1.1J (heavy); 1 car, $1.15 (smutty); 1 car, tf.14; 1 car, $1.13 (emutiyi. No. 5 hard: 1 car. $1.16 fheavv. yellow): I car. 31. J j (yellow); 1 car, II. If (yel low). Nnmrle hard: 1 car. $!.. No. 3 mixed: 1 rar, $1.16 (smutty). No. 4 mixed: 1 rnr, $1.13 (smtittj), ; CORN. No. 1 white: 1 car, 45c (speciil l.llllnf); I car, 4Hc. No. 1 yellow: 4 cars, 43e. No. I yellow! 2 cars, 4'c. No. 1 mixed: 3 cars; 44tjc. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 44".ic , OATS. No. 3 white: 1 car. 84ic; 2 can, 3SiC ao. 4 wuite: i car, suci RYE. No.-8: 1 car. 90c (heavy); 2 tars, 94c, No. 4: 1 car, 93c BARLEY. No.. 2: 1 car. 65c. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Wheat ... Corn . . . . : Today ..S.646.000 ..1,014,000 .. 765.000 Yr. Ago-j 1.606.000 610.000 Oat 632,000 Shipment! Whent .... Corn 1,800.000 933,000 234,000 717,000 ..; 383.(M)0 EXPORT CLEARANCES. . Today 434,000 , 2,000 Oats 838.000 Yr. Ago 600,000 Wheat Com Oats . 4,001 CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat H ,116 68 Corn .'... 406 " : 27 17 Oat:i ...150 155 149 KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 400 369 173 Corn ' 10 ' v .. 21 Oats 1 ' 26 21 ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS.: Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 120 143 137 Corn 28 '2l . ?,7 Oats ..... 47 . 33 1 - 63 NORTHWESTERN CAR -LOT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT, ; ' " Tcday Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Minneapolis ,iltW . (04 i '.' 340 Duluth ..431 . 464 '- 233 Winnipeg ;...910.. 604 v 28. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS." Week ; Year ' Receipts Wheat Today ...lis ... 26 , ... 4,3 ... 8 ... 1 .us"! i.. 24 ... 9 ... 1 . . '. 1 Ago 110 33 15 . 9 Ago 108 Corn Oats Rye Parley unipmente Wheat ....... Corn ......... 1.415 41 26 ' 11 4 88 27 27 Oats Ryo , Barlev V. . -J Kansas City (.rain. Kansas City. . Sent ..JO. Wheat Sep. tember, $1,21,; -.December, (1.23'A; May, Corn September, 410; December, i tac; iuay, nzjjc.. Unseed OIL Duluth, Sept. 10. Linseed $2.10; to arrive, $2.10 ; on track. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Omaha Real Estat and Investments. . JUHN T. BOH AN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantic 4oo. J B ROBINSON, real eat te and Invest tnent. 642 Peters Trust. DO. 8097. P. E. BUCK CO. buy and sell home. North. BUY FROM OWNER. Five-room; bath; full cemented base ment; no furnace; large lot; different Kinus ot rruit: near Kountze narlrr $3,500: $1,800 cash; will consider light car; balance like rent. - S707 J. 19th St. rnone Webster 2465. A REAL BARGAIN. Strictly modern 8-room house on 19th and Ohio Sts,; one extra lot; west front; $4,200; terms. Call Jackson 4117. FOR COLORED I have 60 house for sale, small payment down. E. M. Davis. 2530 Grant St. Webster 2420. FOR sale or rent flvo-room modern house. Call after 5 p. m. 5602 North 28th Ave. NEW bungalow, 42d and Larlmore: $4,500, on easy terms. J A. 3566 or AT. 1810. Central. HOME CLOSE TO CREIGHTON 2893 CAPITOL AVE. CORNER LOT. Ha reception hall, living room, din ing room and kitchen on first floor; 3 good bedrooms and bath upstairs; full cemented basement. The best value we have had for some time. $1,500 cash will handle. - HASTINGS & IIEYDEN. 1614 Harney. Atlantic 0050. South. FOR quick sale, & rooms, bath -snd gas. brick cottage. $2,700. Terms. 2211 Sooth 19th. Call AT. 0032. 810 Forest Ave, dandy 6-room modern bungalow on very reasonable terms, Creigh. 68 Bee.- JA. 0200. 5-ROOM house and lot, $1,200. G. P. STEBBINS. 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous. EIGHT rooms, fine lot. $4,600. G. P. STEBBINS. 1610 Chicago. Ws Make Omaha RESIDENCE LOANS . ,. Monthly" Installment Plan, Prepayment any time. , Also -Lhs on Business Properties . .Liberal Optional Privilege. Reasonable Comnxiasioas. o in. X907 Omaha Produce By Ollln.ky Fruit company: Frulta Osnansa: per tb., 7. Orange, 2I. 160. (7.00; lTI-lon, $7.00; 250, il.o; 2l, 16.60; 114, $Vo: (en. (4.60. Lemons: I0tf lunklet, (7.00; so choice, $6.60. IV. he. Levels or W.lray. $1.3$; 26. but lota, II 30: 100-bos lota, (1.26; Colo- rauo, du... 13.15. Pr: Box Co forms brtet!, $1.75; bog Whlngton Hart lett. '(anry, $1.23; bog Washington Hart. inn, choice, $3.in. Prune; (irrgon Italian pruu, box, $1.10; 25 Oregon Italian prune, box, $1.05; l'lO iirtxon Italian prune, box, (1.00. Apploa: llot Gravfnaleln. $1.25: baaket Michigan. $3.60 ba.krt Jonathan, cholcs, $3.60. Grape: Crete Toksys, 1125; crut jJalng.i. 13.60; basket Concord. 46c. Csntaloupfa, Standard Rooky Ford. 13.01; flat Rocky roras, $1.25, w atsrmolons: Crated. pr lb.. 3c. Vegetables Lettuce: Ilrsd, per rrotf. $i..v; tesf, per as., 4"o. I'otutoi. oniu per lb, 2iu; sweet potatoes, baii.p'rn outhrrn, 12.26. Cabbage: Crate lota. 3!,io; auiatl lots, 4n. Onions: lied home grown. Iu; yfllow Washington, 4c: yillow. liu. LHkt, 13.60. Tomatoes: Ua.kc', 50c; timto climax, tikt 75c. Cucumber. (Colorado), bskt, 11.60. Paisnlp: Market Ink:., 75o. Carrots: Markt bakt, 50c. Heels: Market bkt, 60c. Turnip: Mar ket bakt, 75c. Red peppers: Market bskt, 60c; green pepper, market bakt. 50c. Kgg plant: Market bskt. mkt Cauliflower. Per lb., 16c. Celery: Michi gan, per doi.. 76c. Mlscelaneoun Peanuts: 10-lb, can salt ed. 11.60; li-lh. cartons, per t 12c; 80-11'. pall, per lb, 12c:50-lb. carton, per lb. 114c: 175-10. bbla, per in, llu; no. l raw, per lb, 10c; No. 1 roast, per lb, l.v; Jumbo haw, per lb, 15c; Jumbo ronat, per lb., l"c Repack baskets! For crate (260). $3.5. Checkers, chums, cracKer lack: 100 to case, iirlie. $7.00: o0 to case, prlxe, $8.60; 100 to case, no prise, $6.76; 50 to case, no prize, $3.40. All price subject to Chans without notice. Wholesale prices of beef cuts nre as follows: No. 1 ribs. 26H! No. 2, 19Hc; No. , 14H,e;- No. 1, lolna. 32tc; No. 2, 23ic; No. , 16 He; No. 1 round. 17 He; No. 2. 14f-jf: No. 3. 13c: No. 1 chucks. He; No. 2, 9c; No. 2, 7c; No. 1 plate. 6fec; No, 2, 6c; No. 3, 3 4 c. Progress of the Crops. Weekly Crop Bulletin of the Agricultural Bureau, Omaha Chamber of commerce. The week ha been a good one for crops. If only maturity of such crops as are al- ready made Is co.uildered. Thnt part of he corn belt-west of the Missouri river has had all die sunshine and heat any one could deelro for maturing the corn crop. It I out of all danger from frost and In some districts materially damaged from premature ripening. East of the river the Very heavy rains of Sep tember 4 and 5 extended clear across the Mississippi and Ohio valley and have been ample lor all purposes, tnougn in. some districts of Iowa they wern llwufflclent. Probably In no OUier year ha ch lower Missouri and the MisslssiDDl and Ohio valleys enjoyed better crop condition than nave come to mem since tne aevew Bum mer drouth was broken the first week In August. All crop have responded io such condition ahd while much early corn was damaged. In July and early potatoee were nearly a failure, much of thl damage has been repaired. The same conditions have Improved pastures, and In the dairy districts fall forage promises to be excep tionally abundant The tobacco crop of the Ohio and Tennessee valley has also Improved under the condition and will make a good crop. - r an mowing has been at a stanasiiu in most of Nebraska and Kansas during tho week. But In many districts tms work was so far advanced early in the season that doubtless more than the average acreage is ready for seed ng at this Hate, Western Nebraska and Kansas have been sowing for next- season's wheat crop Blnce the last days or August, and a lew rietus nave aireaay oeon sown in me Missouri valley. The very heavy rains of the last lhs week Insure Ideal conditions for seeding the winter wheat crop except in the districts of Nebraska and Kansas where onlv light, showers have fallen. The" south, has had no Improvement In cron condition. Arksnsas. eastern OKla noma' and northern Texas have had plenty of 'rain for corn ahd minor crops, but cotton will not make much of a "top" crop and early fruiting of the cotton plant ha been greatly damaged by insects as well a drouth. Drouth conditions In tbA eastern cotton belt have recently ne- ceme so severe as to 'damage . corn - and nenniit croon materially. Along the Atlantic coast and In- tlie eastern, states the high temperatures ot the week have been somewhat unfavorable, thnnfiii moid nroaresa was possible with all farm operations. In tho Chesapeake bay district all crops have surrered iroin drouth except perhaps, sweet potatoes, this crop being generally reported above average. ." , - ' The mountain Rtates have had a large variety of weathcrt Bome snow having fallen In high altitudes In Montana, and frost In other districts.-. ; Showers did, some, damage to haying operations and fruit harvesting. . But tnese are oniy local- effect. The mountain states seldom have had better crop conditions. Ranges have been, above average aU season, and live stock Is In belter condition than n.iioi a., i neen bv the much umaller pro. portion of culls and feeders among the stock sent to mantel." narvesiiiis aim threshlg Is practically completed tnrougli out tho northern belt of- Spates though there 1 still a mall amount of grain standing In Washington,". That Htnte re ports a good yield of oata a very unusual thing this year. ' ' ' '. , ", ' The apple crop of the northweat is ma turing into a very' good one and the peach crop of the lnter-mountaln states Is better IhAnVearly expectations though there has bees -some Joss from local storms in "Utah. - CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Art I Open. I High. I Low t Close. I Yes. Wht I I I Sep. 1.23 1.34 1.30 Dec 1.86 l.ZTA 1.32 1.36 ...... May 1.12 1.42 1.37 1.41;..... Rye l Sep. I 1.09H 1.10 1.0S Dec. 1.11 1.14 1.11 1.13 K j May 118 1.19 J 1.16 Corn I ) 1 Sep. .65 .65 .54 U Dec. ' '.'56 " ' '.'sVi' ' ".tilt (. .sen .'. May . .601 .60S .59?, ,60jl... ,... Oats J ' . Sep. .38 f .58. .27 .3'...... Dec .41 Hi .43 .40 .41! i... Mar .46 .46 '4 .4 Pork I . ,' Sep. ll 118.00 117.70 : Lard I I I Sep. 11.10 111.10 11.10 ' Oct 1107 111.17 11.7 Jan. 7.85 jlO.OO 9.90 Rib I Sep. 8.10 8.10 . 8.10 Oct. S.26 $.27 8.20 1.S0 1.32 i 1.32 1.37 1.38 1.08 1.11 . 1.S3 1.36 1.35 1.4114 1.41 1.09 1.13 .54i .64 .58 I .54 'i .59! .63 .65 .55V4 .66 .50 .60 .40 .40 .45 .41 U M .45 i .45 1.00 117.(0 1111S !U.i0 I 9.75 I I 8.20 I 8.39 11.17 9.75 8 10 $.20 Omaha Hsy Market u.w nefnt light rood Se- mand for better grades: Price higher. Alfalfa Receipts nominal. iir "" prices higher. . , strsw l.ixnt receipt. """'?y , No. 1 upland prairie hsy. $!!?'!? UA 4 nrelrl hT. I9.50OIS: No. S opland pralrl. hay $7 80 1? 8 60 . N. 1 midland pralrt ha-r. $11 012.00: Na midland prnln hny.- $S.SO10.0; No. midland prairie hay. I7.9f .; no lowland pralrl hay. $s.o9.00; No. 2 lowland pralrh? hay, $7.00i .0O; chiHc alfalfa hey, $18.l!919.tH): No. I alfalfa ha. $16.c,01T.on: atandard alfalfa hay. t ir,OHfllie.: co. 3 iraua nav. . voxr i 11.00; N" 3 ltlfa bay. $7.0nurl.00; oai I straw. (S.fOffSOO: wheat straw, 1 7.00 (.90. . . Dec Want Ads Produce Results. Drawn for The Bee by McManui OprtM IVfl lairnwlNiaai aee-vir Live Stock C'lnali. Sept, 10, Receipt wrt Cattl Hug Sh.op Official Monday. .11.029 $.:$ 991 7,u3 4,B 3.125 2. 0d 1.4.'4 (.4l 29.6117 11.264 .624 llftlclil Turdy ;.9!o official Wednedy. (.(14 Official Tlmreday... 3.653 Official Friday 1,433 KMImut Saturday,. $0') Sis day thl wk... .30,(20 Hum day lt k...2l 14 Mam day 3 wk sgo.33.Sl Ham iliy 3 wk ago.34,76 bam day year ago.. 32,51$ 2I.140 113.417 26.414 117.294 11,97 106,1411 11.201 I0.H7I 26.32 106,419 Receipts snd dlapcslllou nf llvs trw-k at the Union Stork yard, ninaha. Neb. for 21 hours ending st ( p. in, iitplembtir iv, jr.i: I'.nCEIPTS CARS. Cat. Hg. Wnbah It. II 2 Mo. Ity 3 ... Union Pacific Railroad C. N. W. I(allwy. rat ... C. A .V. W. Hallway, west . i.', HI. P.. M. O. Ry C, H. & g. Hy.. et C, II. s) J. Itnl'way. weal , C, H. & O. Ry, east .... C, It. 1', weat C, U. W. ItallwayV Total receipts 13 43 Hog. .... 150 Armour & Company Cudahy Packing Coinpuny , Hold Packing Company .., Morris Packing Company ,,, Hvvlft A Company 6ii4 .... 402 .... 22 ... 833 ... 626 ... 41 ...2,431 J. W. Murphy Higglns Packing Company ., Total Caltle Today's cattle market wis nomi nal, lion of Ihe 300 head, received being on sale. Tutul receipts for the week nro 30.600. Corn feds have been very plenti ful for thl lime of the year and most classes aro anywhere from 60c ll.t'O loaer for the week. Heavies were off moat, whllo a few of the good to prime light steers are nearly steady. W'eetern are steady to 25o higher for the week, good kinds abowtng the gain. Feeders are fully steady and light stockers are mostly 25o higher. Heifer have a (I veil red 5tic. nut cow closed dull, losing the strength noted earlier In the week. Quotation oh Cattle Choice to prime beeves, $n. 7549.50; good to choice beevea, $8,256 S.76; fair to good beeves, $7.75o 8.25: common to fair beeves. $7.0007.26; choice to prim yearling, 19.75910 25: I f u l ''n' "'"1?"' ?i"u" "' " r 1 1?. -f rT.2Sr2 ffiTa sS 9?- J?t?ii?,K!n2S 2 J?" .'iVA .'J10'. pJl! good to choice yearlings, $9.00ii9.76: fair beeveJ, $7.0ii(8 8.00; good to choice graa beeves, I6.00irti.60: fair to good graas beeves, I." 25ftG.no; -common to fair grass beeves, $4.25015.25; Mexicans, I1.00&4.76; choice grars heifers, $6.006.50; fair to good gran heifer. $4.505.76; choice to prime grass cows. $5.266j5.75; good to choice grass cow. $4.7Sii$6.25; fair to good grass cow. $4.00r4.60; common to rair grass cow. I2.nos4.00; choice to prime feeder, $6.7507.50; good to choice reeaer. se.zow6.76; fair to good feeders, .5.50f6.10; common, to fair feeder. $4.76 '.iv; goon to choice stacker. $6.25j 6.75; fair to rood stockers. $5.50016.25 common to fair stockers, $4.506.60:Tstock cow, .i.vu.2i; stocic neirer. ri.oow e.iie; stock calve. It.t0i7..5; val calves, $5.0oe10.00; bulls, stags, etc. $1.6003.25 Hogs The week 1 closing tb usual small Saturday run of hog, about 2.800 head. Trade was fairly active snd most of the hogs sold at small advances. Aver age prices were quoted about 1015c higher with ome of the better huss show ing tne run iulvance early. Late and clou Ing trade in heavies was rather quiet at prices about Ilka tho n.iirl vinterdflv. Bst light hogs made a top ef IS.S5 and riuiK or ino receipts eoirt irom 4.bij'a-i.l'n. No very great change has occurred In the marget, as compared With a week ago. but the tendency to values has been a little easier snd current prcies show a less of about 1525o for the weeit No. Ar, Sh. Tr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 6 40 6 55 6 65 6 75 7 25 7 75 8 55 8 50 S 85 52. .346 210 6 35 27. .312 27. .308 63. .306 54. .331 66. .277 71. .269 49. .163 78. .215 57.. .218 6 60 6 60 6 70 7 00 7 40 8 00 8 35 8 75 46.. 334 59. .327 44. .821 66. .270 70. .236 74. .250 46. .187 68. .223 170 140 70 40 120 49 110 Sheep No sheep or lambs were rs- celved today' and values were nominally steady. Receipts during -the past week have been about normal and packers have been buying fat lambs freely with trend to prices higher. Killing lambs show an advance of about $1.00 over a week og.i, fat sheep are about 60c higher and. feed ing lambs also show a. 50a rain. Best fat lambs are closing at $8.76 9 00, good fat ewes are selling up to $2.50, aged wether up to $4.25. fat handy yearlings up to 15.00 5. 2 5. and good feeding lambs are bringing $6.5007.00. Feeder trade was more active during the early part of the weeit man on, late days.. " Quotations on sheen: Fat lambs, west ems, $7.7509.00: feeder lamba, $6.00 7.00: cull lambs. $4.605.60: fat year lings, $4.60 jj)5.25; feeder yearlings. $4.00ig 4.75; fat ewes, $2.253.S0; feeder ewe?, I2.00S2.8S: vbreeding ewes. 53.00 ft 3.00 cull ewes, 75ct&$i.25. . Chicago Live 8tk. Chicago. Sept. 10. (U. 8. Burtau jf tr-l.n, T 1 ... .. K enil I.ABrl Market compared with a week ago: Heavy beef steers, 604176c lower; spots off more; others steady to 2"5c lower; fat she stock, mostly steady; low priced, closing weak; canners -and cutters, weak to 25c lower; bulls, 2550c higher: bolognas up most; veal calves, 75c$1.00 lower; heavy calves, $1. 60612.00 lower; stockers and feeders. steady to 26c lower. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head; market, steady to lOo lower than yesterday's average; better' grade showing most r.f decline; top, $9.25; bulk lights nnd light butchers, .$8.769.10; bulk packing rows, I6.764ji7.35; pigs, steady; bulk desirable, 18.258.50. Sheep Receipts, 3,000 head. Market compared with a week ago: Fat lambs, around $1.00 higher; fat sheep and year ling, 60?5c higher; -feeder lambs, 259 50c higher. St. Louis Live Stock. East St. Louis. III., Sept. 10. Cattle- Receipts 350 head; market compared to week ago. steers, steady to 60c lower; light yearling and cows, steady to 2c ower: canners, easier; light veal calves. steady; heavy calves, $1.00$?2.00 lower. Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head; market ac tive; practically steady; some sales. 10 to 23o higher: lop, $9.50; bulk light weight. I9.26(t 9.4: heavies, load here, about 230 pounds, brought $9.25; packer sows. strong, mostly at $6.75; light light and pigs, steady to 36c lower; quality medium; clearance good. Sheep and Lamb Receipt, none: no trading: market compared to week ago 60 to $1.00 higher. - , Slonx City live Stork. ' 1 Sioux City, la.. Sept 10. Cattle Re ceipts, 275 head: market, steady; fed steers and yearlings, $6.50(5 1 0.0"; grass cows and helfero, $3.00$6.50; beef steer, 16. 50479.60; gram cows and yearling. 6.00 07.00; fat row and heifers, $4.00 s.0; canners, $2.50(12.76: veal. ll.ove9.0"; feeder. $4.6066.50: calves. $3.6j.50; feeding cow and heifers, $3.004 6.00. Hog Receipt. 3,000 head; market, steady. 25c lower: light $8.OS8.75: mixed $7.0008.00; heavy, $6.2507.50: bulk of sales. I6.757.76. Sheep Receipts, none. Kansas CHy lira Stock. Kansas City, Sept 10. (U. P. Bureau of Market.) Cattle Receipt. 1.400 for week; beef steers, generally teady to 2ec lower; stocker. etrong to 2o higher: other rlasae. mostly steady. ' Hogs Receipt. 169 head; market gen erally tedy with yesterday' average; ale conlt of two luad of 19. pound to 105 pound hog t $. and a few throwout sow at $6.25; amall bunch of stuck pigs. $8.25. , . Sheep and I-amb No receipts For week: Sheen mostly Sac higher; lambs. I ac lo $1 higher. - American Finns . Make Strong Bid For German Trade National ;h ltrp'.tfr Co. Opm lluropfan Factory Importation of Oil Vrotl ucU Rfsumctl. By HOLLAND. N'ot unite a year ago a ttraimf which carried a large amount of ma chinery and riiuiimu-nt er.t from the United States to aid in the re-. lahlishinent in liermany of the Na- tiunal l'ah Krgittrr facto-n.- was held ui) at Hamburg. TIim' uurliin- try and equipment rrpreciitd ahout $JiK),(Ki0. Germany at first put an viiihargG tiioii tlie discharge t thw tiitiiiiiitut und machinery. .N't't until some weeks had Pei did the su- thoiiutive Uiard of Gerninny raise the cintiargo and permit the en trance of this machinery. .ov tin American iiidiMrrv is eomiilctiiig a lurgr new f?clcry in Cicriuany which i to MiiiptiMiient tin; manufacturing plant liutiulit a little over a year afto. It i the first American industry to he rer ublih. ed in Germany since the Lutein an war bt Ran. 1 hn entertirie it now lollowcd hy the arrival at Hamburg of an ocean tank Meamcr, the Atlan tic Sun, whose cargo consisted in art of J.000 tons of refined oil con signed to a Gcrmau-Amci'ican pe troleum company. ( Th Ch Iteglaler people r-rmbliht their plant In lh lalv fall of lrt yar. Th O-nniin-Anorlian I'l-trolcum rum pany received nnAugut I, lx yaara In day fruin Ibe beginning of tn world war, thi first ren.lgnineiit nf American refined uil. In addition to th refined oil lh steamer carried t.OOi ton at I'upthn. Tin, however, was iurchsed by Hie German government winch still maintain exclusive control uf th naptba. trade. IXabll.hr Oil Delivery Hj.tr m, 11 mu.t have bn very gratifying to Walter Clarke Teagle tu be able to report tu the company uf which he la piealdent that the cxpurt lu Hamburg of I.U00 tons 01 rifinod oil point lo tho rcslcirntlou uf normal conditions In the i.tl Indus try in (lermany. Mr. Teagle In Ger many at tho time of tho outbronk, of the vorld war. 11 w there for the purpoie o( perfecting the ileliry syeteri whlcn had been so sucueasfully adopted through out th United MUit.. lie oetablinlu-'t receiving and diatrbutluc station lu th clllw of Germany. He peraonully uP' e'rlntended thi work, often riding through the treets upon tho deliver), cats. Tho- wer of tho nam type the delivery car whloh are now een in everv Amerlcon city and which carry oil and it various product direct!. from t manufacturers to the wholes1 or to the retailer. , -, ' Trouble in Dresden. Dresden was the only city In frermnaJ' lo plac obstacle in Mr. Teagle' way. The city authorities would not st first tolerate the driving of these tank car through the public streets. Mr. Teagle, making use of much skillful but jvholly honorable diplomacy, at last penruaded lh eity authorities that Instead of being an annoyance delivery In this manner would be to the benefit of the community. The war came before Mr. Teagle flnlabed h work In Europe. It of course put a to all trado relations with the Unite--States. Mr. Teagle returned to this country, became president of the Imper ial company of Canada, which is a ub aid'ary of the Standard Oil of New Jer sey, nnd later was chosen president Of the Standard Oil company of New Jer- Beforo Mr. Teagle went to Mexico with four other oil men who hoperl through friendly conferences to reach agreement with shs Mexican government whereby the frlotlon and unsatisfactory oil situation can be ended, h learned of the arrival at Hamburg of the tank streamer with 3,000 tons of refined oil. Mr. Teagie's friends say that lie I con fident that in duo time s, very large business will , be established In Germany. Germany poseead only two oil fields. One of them Is In Alsace and that on sr. has lost, the other I In Hanover, bnc ihe total production of the oil field wos comparatively small. Ir. oil Germany win. produce probably not more than 40.000 tons of oil a year. She v.i iherefoie bo dependent upon im--oirts .of oil and win have need of lard; amounib tain year if her Industries nre Hpeedel UI) t-J tlto cr.pi.city whisti lb German jfoverimieii expects. -Turning to America. Probably 75 per cent of the petroleiin mid Us products of which Germany l tn need will bo imported from the Lnlted States The very profitable field for tho oil Industry which Germany offers was recognized 20 years ago. Then a company , was organized known as the Dutch-Aiwer- Ican to give tne r,ngil.in rraoaiauon io ino name whoso business was . to ne in handling of the American oil products.- Hamburg was cnosen s we, Taain oi- fice for tlila corporation. - That Vfiolco was made because there Is no part in the world that lias better taeiiuio ror han dling imports of oil than llamburs' possesses.- Large areas along tho shores of the Elbe river are soon to be occupied exclusively with tho handling of oil and because It is to be so occupied it has re ceived tho local name of the "petroleum nori." Probably n many a 150.000 tons of refined oil will be exported from the United States to Germany In, the preeent year. But as soon as Germany recovers herself the import will probably be eight times a 150,000 tons. ii the re-establlsbment of tho National ( Cash" Register plant in Berlin in No vember of last year Identified the re newal of American larlustry In Germany so now the arrival of a tank ateamer with 3,000 tons of refined oil at Ham burg is the second nf the largo Ameri can Industrie to re-establish Itself In Germany. New York General. New York, Sept; 10. Corn ileal Mar ket dull: fine white. and yellow granu lated. $1.75 1.90. . Wheat Spot, niariet steady; No. S red, $1.45: No. 2 hard, $1.42; No. 1 Man ttoha. $1.60. and No. 2 mixed durum,, $1.S9, c. i. f. track New York to arrive. Corn Spot, market steady; No 2 yel low t 77c; No. 2 white, 78c, and No. 2 mixed, 77!ic, c. I. f. New York, 10 day shipment. Onta-Spot, market steady; No. 2 white, 51 e. Lard Market barely steady; middle west. (ll.SOtt 11.60. Other articles unchanged.. ' Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Sept. - 10. Flour Un changed to 20o higher. In car load lots family patents, quoted at $8.768.95 a barrel in 98-pound cotton sacks. Bran $14.00015.00. Wheat Recelpta.616 cars compared with 348 cars a year ago. Cash Nu. 1 north ern, $1.60; September, 11.41!.; Decem ber, (1.40T4; May. 1.43i. Corn No. 9 yellow, ttiijwiiic, Oats No. 3 white, 33551.c. Barley 43J 60. Rye No. 2, $1.02ff 1.03. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Sept 10. Cattle Kecelpts. 100 head; market, nominal; sie -rs u 0 9.60: row and heifers. .i..v. calves, $5.0 9.00; stockers and feeders, Hogs Receipt. 2.100 head: tenilv to lfc higher; top, $8.0 market, bulk nf sales. $6.&S.50. - , Sheep Receipts. l." !": nulrk nominal; lambs, $7.758.. 5; ewes, $3.00 4 3.75. , - New York Sugar. New York. S-pt. 10. The local mar ket for raw sugar was unchanged at 4 37c for r entrlfugal for Porto Klco's .i 4 86c for'uba's. No sale were reported, although' there were offerings of Tone Hico st 4.37c. ' Kaw sugar luiurue lin.l price Wfr. unchnged to 1 point net higher. Sep tember closed at 2.80c; December et S.iSc; March at 3.41c, and May at 2.9t)c ' Turpentine and Koala. Savannah, Sept 10. Turpentine Mar ket firm; 64c; sate. 131 bbla.; receipts, 43 bbls; shipments. 13 bbla.; stock. 19. IK bble. Rosin Market firm; sale. 616 ca.k.; receipts, UK rk: shipments, 1,614 cask: tock. 74.915 cask. Ouote: D. $4.0; E, $4.05: F, $1.1$; O. M;i; II, $4.25: I. 4. M, $1.50; N. $4.60; WG. $5.00: WW. 15.60. ' St. LJ Orala. St. loir's. Sept. IS. Wheal. September, $1,211; ixscember, $1.31 bid. I Corn September. 52 Sc; December, !$2c. I Oata September. 3Tc; December. tl'iK the..' "- . '. i i t., 'i - it . - 4r-i