THK BKK: OMAHA, SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1921. Big Increase In -Railway Earnings Reported for July Report to Commerce ComrniV tiou on 202 Roads Shows ' Lirgett Receipts Since Let October. Wellington. Sept. 10. Railrcai! cf lisp country had an operating lu cerne in July cf $i,48.mx1. the est lince last October and $17,000.00) more ilitu in June, Hie Association of Kailwsy l,xrcutic announced on the basis of reports Med with the I ntrrtuie commerce commission. The rarninu. a statement by tin; McuttVn 4itl, were at tle annua! tu'.e of 4 1-2 per cent on the tenta tive valuation fised by the comniis Mrt for rate-making purposes. The t'Ctrpilaitona were based on rcportj iioin 201 Class 1 railroads having a tolil milfiK of 2J5.64 1 . Fifty-seven roads failed to earn tl.eir operating expenses and taxes (turing.thejnonth, as compared with 72 in -June. Operating expenses of vcMern roads decreased 118 per cent and 'their expenses 207 per unt in Julv. Their net operating income was SJ3.781.00O. as compared with $V!04.000 in July, 1920. "The total operating revenues for Julv." the statement said, "amounted to J462,95J.KX. a decrease of ?06 (H0.1WU or-J-' 1-2 per cent compared v.ith Joly.ll-0. although the rate are now on a liiglif r basis. Operat ing expenses were $.)62,776,0AO, a re duction of $151,000,000, or 29.4 per cent. The ret operating income com pares with a deficit of $11,878,000 for July. 1920." J If You Want to Be Full of Pep, Eat Spinach, Tomatoes This Is Advice of Aksel G. Olsen, Former Omahan, Who Has Just Completed Research Work Into Vitamine, Without Which Pigeons Die and Pigs Lose Weight. It vou want to be full of pep. eat tomatoes and spinach. This is the advice of Akscl C. OIcn. formerly of Omaha, but now assiotasit in chemistry ut Nebraska Wcslcyan college, I'uivcrsity i'lace, Neb., who lias completed a summer's research work into the elusive vita mine at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis If is studies were under the super vision of Dr. Ross A. Gortner, prob acy the greatest authority on the vitamine in the country. Important for Babies. "I found out that the old idea that every man has to eat his peck of dirt a pretty good one, after all," he said. Hi animals arc fed chemically pure foods they become ill and die. This is important in the feeding of babies, and in animal husbandry. ' ''For instance, ordinary pasteur ized milk is lacking in, and babies get scurvy from drinking it. If milk is boiled slowly the vita mine content is destroyed, but if it is boiled rapidly the vitamine con tent is not seriously affected. Pur Feed Kills Pigjjns. "In one of the experiment pi geons were led with polished rice, a chemically pure food. They became I nervous and finally died, following a nervous attack which lasted or dinarily about a minute. If they were permitted to eat a small ; amount of green food vitamine, however, or a little mi l;. they became normal v.. thin half an hour. "To batches of hogj from the same litter were ucd in another ex periment. One was fed only o.i corn, the other on corn and pow dered milk. The hogs on the pow dered milk diet were nearly ready for market when I left. The others had failed to gain in weight for sev eral weeks. They were sU viti for want of vitamine.." To Cure Bow Legs. Tomatoes and spinach, Mr. Ol.sen repeated, are the best vitamine foods in the average diet. "If your children are bow legged, feed 'em cod liver oil," he added with a twinkle in his eye. "Cod liver oil." he explained, "con tains an anti-rickets vitamine, which is very beneficial to the condition. One of the professors at the univer sity declared he could cure tvery case of rickets in St. Paul and Min neapolis for $5,000 spent for cod liver oil." Two Years in Army. Mr. Olsen came to America from Denmark about 10 years ago. He picked up the English language rap idly. He attended night school at the Omaha Y. M. C. A. He served for two years in the army, one and otie-lulf of which were in France. lie is 25 years old. His mother and sitter live in Vliinjt"ii, Neb. He plans to return ta Nebraska Weslryan a woik for Ins degree and pursue his studies in bio-diem-itry. State Officers Open' Probe of Mine Trouble; Men Return to Homes i:iiabcihtown. Ill,, Sept. 10. Adjt. Gen. Frank S. Dickson, George Arnold, state director of lahw, and Kobcrt Mcdill, director of niiuei and minerals, arrived to invef.igate re ports of disorders in the fluorspar mining district as personal repre sentatives of Governor Small. Arriving overland from liarrii burg, Equality, Kedronand Karben Ridge in the coal fields to thi north the investigating committee fount no trace of armed strike sympathiz ers who Wednesday were marching on this town and Kosiclare. Deputy sheriffs who penetrated the wooded districts north ol here at dawn scoured the backwoods without finding a trace of the army vestcrday estimated at from 500 to 800 men. General Dickson and his associates conferred with Sheriff Cox and State's Attorney Clarence Howard and tomorrow will begin hearing other witnesses representing both sides. A call has been sent through the hills for the hiding strikers to come into Klizahcthtown. where they have been promised protection. "We arc going to stav here until everyone is satisfied and has been given a fair, full hearing." Adjutant General Dickson announced. l - Yellow I Mixing i ' Bowl I vSett I 5 Pieces i 8 to 1 P, M. I -89c WMSKL WHEB3 S.R COB. 16th A. JACKSON STS. J.Jill;.! I III l l l l l l l lll I I J. Ill I I I I III IM"I.JJ;JiJJi:i!iliir:li:.:li'ln!i: I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l i M i l i l I I I I I I Ji Ji:.J:ili.r:j!iiJ: Erery-Dy s Values Good Brooms 31e Electric Irons $3.95 Berry Dishes 19c Food Choppers $1.98 Aluminum Percolators $1.25 ' rxwhssw KB E33B COMPARISON of the Values , throughout this big, homefurnishing institu tion will prove that the "Union" is the place to se lect furniture and home furnishings. $10.00 cash delivers any Room Outfit shown here. Dignified, easy-to-pay credit terms can be arranged on , the balance. DELIVERS ANY ill I J xs "V "V X I f S sT . M r J . W 1 U J LC n i i i i i i y i i i V XI T"lHIS advertisement will verify our claim that the "Union" leads in value giving and low terms. Be low are just a FEW of the many amazing bargains in Suites for Monday and Tuesday that should appeal to thrifty people who seek to beautify their home with attractive furniture at eco nomical prices. SUITE IN THIS ADV. Two Days Only! Amazing Bargains im Room Outfits on Terms of Only $10 Cash 4-Piece Period Bed Room Suite $10 CASH delivers this wonderful walnut - finished Bedroom Suite, very similar to illustration, com prising a full-size Bed Chiffo nier, a Uressing laDie ana Dresser with French plate mirrors ..... ... . . ....... $122.50 William and Mary Dining Suite $ 10 'CASH delivers this handsome Dining Suite in rich walnut veneer, comprising a 66-inch Buf fet, 54-inch Table that cx tepds to 6 feet and six chair3 upholstered in genuine leather, J QQ V ' gi!ri!!l'llfS ' '-(3?5r"5ran "t- f T , , (IT Jill IIIIILIIULs ''' 111 V.. f! 8-Piece Queen Anne Dining Suite - M . walnut veneer that will beautify the home, it t I I I comprises a 54-inch Buffet, gen uine walnut, 43-mcii taoie ana t chairs upholstered in leather, at 50 1J 3-Piece Velour Living Room Suite $ 10 CASH delivers this massive suite built with ma hogany finished frames and luxuriously over stuffed in a beautiful two-toned velour each , piece has loose cushions and padded arms. On f f CA .... V s.vs sale at only. ......... :6-Piece Ivory Bed Room Suite CASH delivers this rich, looking, two-toned ivory Suite, comprising larjre Bed, Bench, Rocker, Semi-Vanity Dresser. Chiffonier and Dresser with solid mahogany, dustproof drawers; at $179 50 8-Piece Hepplewhite Dining Suite CASH delivers this mahogany Dining Suite, com prising a long Buffet, and oblong Table that ex tends to 6 feet, an Arm Chair and five Dining Chairs. Suite vithout the China Closet is J J (JQ $10 tt t-JtWft t I II J-rtt 1 I UH MTStT I I I lllll III Mllll 1:1 Hill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ri I lllll I I I M I I I I I I I I I I I I I ii.ri u frMria far Ik Oaaalaa tki Star Will Close al $ Maaaay Afteraaaa mm GESS-ta Qmssi BVERYDODYi STORS Our Farsnal RaciatUa 48 la I0i30 MaMay Cvsalag News of the Store : and the Many Beautiful New Things for Fall THIS will be an eventful week indeed: The formal opening of our new store, when each department will look its prettiest and when each day will bring forth many things new. We are in a complete state of readiness in all departments to show you things new and delightful, both from Europe and America. Evening Gowns Wraps Afternoon Dresses Costumes for the Races Correct Styles in Millinery TeaGoivns Lingerie Evening Slippers 1 Many Delightful New Wool Dresses In Tricotine and Serge Plain Tailored and Trimmed Models It is useless to attempt to describe the charm of .these new tailored gowns many of them immediate adaptations of the latest Parisian models. The coat frock is a particular favorite and is here in many delightful forms. You will find the prices surprisingly reasonable. $39.50 : $49.50 : $59.50 : $75.00 . Th. New Gown Shop Third Floor New Tailored and Fur Trimmed Suits Rich in Fabric and in Color Are J ust Received From the East Their greatest charm lies in the individuality and variety shown in the different models. They are fashioned in such glorious fabrics as Moussyne, Wondora, Veldyne, Tricotine, Duvet de Laine, Velour; in colors such as Volnay, Sorrenta, brown, navy, black; while many are de lightfully trimmed in furs: Wolf, Mole, Australian Opossum, and Squirrel. The prices, in com parison with just one year ago, are surprising: $39.50 : $59.50 : $69.50 : $79.50 Th. New Suit Shop Third Flo." The Autumn Hats for Tailored and Semi-Dress Wear Are in Finest Velvets and Duvetyn , At. , , . . , I . L J U Their smartness lies in their simplicity. Many .. are trimmed with embroideries of worsted or silk; with a quill or feather; the richness of the fabric, the individuality of their style and workmanship, lnarkinj? them as "the something; new" for the Au tumn of 1921. Delightful choice awaits all tastes at $12.50 and $15.00 Man) other hals for all occasions range in price from $70 to $45 Th. Millinery Shop Third Floor Equally delightful assortments at equally reasonable prices atoait your inspec tion, and selection in all departments. In preparation for our formal reception and opening Monday evening, the x store will close at S Monday afternoon. r I S V - yaw, w.. .v. . m-jr J--., .y