THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, JSKlTLMliKU U. IWI. ft-A i v .. Ni cot mvsh .in, j a -v m 1 WIS ale of Needed. HI NO hder Smith & Sons' gs! letion Ku nate Purchase Enables Us to Offer These Quality vEjrdifially 50 Less Than Last Year's Prices tGLmt liberally and wisely, at savings which enable us to offer the same quali arj athletically 50c on the dollar. ps' Alpine Axminster a 693Q, 8aie price, " 32.50 . 4500, sale price, 22.50 ras' An e 75.DD, dsley Axminster p r . jce 69.50, gale price, 34.50 jce 49.50, tale price, 24.50 jce 98.50, gale price, 49.50 ns' Carleton Axminster le price, 44.50 price, 39.50 Jons'iYonkers Axminster U 98 Vale rrice. ' 47.50 r Alex Smith & Sons' Palisade Velvet Site 11.3x12, 1920 price 79.50, sale price, 39.50 Size 9 x!2, 1920 price 59.00, gale price, 29.75 Size 8.3x10.0, 1920 price 57.50, gale price, 28.50 Size 7.6x 9, 1920 price 49.50, gale price, 24.50 Alex Smith & Sons' Colonial Velvet Size 9 x!2, 1920 price 89.50, gale price, 45.00 Size 7.6x 9, 1920 price 59.50, gale price, 29.50 Sr 3 x 9, 1920 price 55.00, gale price, 27.50 Alex Smith & Sons' Nepperhan Brussels Size 9 x!2, 1920 price 59.50, sale price, 29.50 Alex Smith & Sons' Manor Tapestry Brussels Size 9 x!2, 1920 price 45.00, sale price, 21.50 Size 8.3x10.6, 1920 price 39.50, sale price, Sixth FloorWest. 19.50 Glassware! eces terrk provide one rea- s gvdopportunity. 19-8S82-piece Set u t po-Piece Set en re 5.98 12.50 50-Piece j Sets 6 Cups and Sauceri ' -Jwe Dinner Plntet ' I Salad Plates - 6 Bread and Butter Dates v Fruit Dishes Iter and 1 Cotered Disk 1 Footstand Graty l)isn 1 Tegetable Pish . 1 SKr and Creamer ': 1 7.50 1 22-Picce Set 15.98 I 50-Piece Set 7.50 15.9S PS thalj p plain ssware Cocktails Tumblers Glasses Essentials in Housefurnishings At Bargain Prices! Japanese Folding Bird Cages All hand made; com plete with, feed cups, swing and tray that pulls out like drawer . easfly cleaned ; spe " cial, each 1.98 Pearl White or Borax Soap Extra special, per bar, Limit 10 bars to a customer. - Jv Klertrle lrn pound size: full nickeled; guaran teed Cor one year: special. A act eerl.. Folding style, with hardwor.rt frame; spe- 1 Off cial. each. 'i'0 Water Pallai Mads of galvanized iron in lt quart size; specla,. y 1 1 l nr : 77i Floar Bmli wiii outlast a corn broom: 14 inch ize; ape- 1 K :ial. each. ''' ' Fleetrle Urill nnil Taaster Will toast bread and make coffee; guaranteed for l year. . AA1 sper'-J. Biir Wader Nagt Set With dry mop and 60c bot tle 'of polish; complete, Qff per set. Oil Hta-- Smokeless and odorless; will heat the. hour on chilly - ,479 mornings. ; lee lki Will . hold E pounds of tee: made of ash . and lined with galvanized Iron: 15.00 fifth Floor West. Gaa Ste Cab inet type; 16x1 inch oven; very 45.00 Monday Wall t Paper House cleaning has begun buy your wall paper now. 30-Inch Harmonellas Ron 27c Beautiful Blended Oatmeal in six most wanted colors with new snappy borders and bands. Plain Satin Stripes for Bedrooms Per Roll 19c Papers on heavy stock, with lustrous satin stripe; also an assortment of chintz stripes. New floral and novelty borders. Very Special Per Roll Papers for Kitchens, Hails, Bed Booms and Dining Rooms Gran ites, all-overs, stripes, fruits, cloth effects, Sold Only With Matched Borden Two Tones and Tapestries Per Roll 29 c Soft Shades in Popular Col ors Two-toned, figured and shadow stripes, pastel and verdure taps. - Bands and borders to match. Specially Reduced Reduced prices on fine 30 inch tapestries, weaves and Hawaiian grass cloths. Estimates Furnished for Labor Fifth Floor West Beautify the Home With These Bargains in Arts tinsel Tapestr Library Scarfs A variety of color ings; all are lined; special, each, 7.50 Velours and Gobelin Tapes try Pillow Covers Square only; old rose, gray, old blue, brown and green col orings; special, each, 2.00 Bine Candlesticks The squatty kind with tall blue candles; 2.00 value, each, 1.00 Imported Straw Waste Bas kets Attractive colorings; specially priced at 1.00 Third Floor West 3 S3 Direct Fronf Paris Within the Last Month 150 Imported Robes Selected Personally by Mr. George Brandeis They are in the latent Trench style and there are no two alike. They are made on fine silk net founda tions, beaded in iridencent, spangled crystals, poarU, jot and sequins; some are in combinations of differ ent colored crystal beads. All Colors Black White Electric Blue Orange Jade American Beauty Brown Henna end Combinations of Colors All are ready-to-wear built up shoulder styles, square neck and V ncck styles; some have small sleeves and some are sleeveless. They need only a bit of a silk slip to complete a gorgeous evening gown for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball or the big dinner party at the opening of the Brandeis restaurant. Imported Directly to Us They were imported by us directly and the benefit in price of this direct importation to our customers. No greater values were ever offered. They are priced at 12, 19, 25, 35, 45, 69, 85 Mam Floor Center. few For the Approaching Festivities of Autumn The Ak-Sar-Ben Ball- Evening Dresses : Dinner Frocks Bail Gowns Individual Creations Elaborate Designs The lavish nse of beads, jet, sequins, dis tinguishes the majority of these dresses, : though the wide range of ideas in choice of colors and treatment makes each dress a creation entirely individual. One of the most elaborate of the gowns is in black jet, unrelieved by color, yet designs1 in solid beading are worked out in beads of different cuttings, which hold the shadow and reflect the light, describing the out lines of -an intricate design. Departure from beaded ideas is shown in a group of brocaded velvets ; their elaborate ef fect is due entirely to the richness of their material. There is not a dress in the se lection but would . attract favorable at tention at the Ak-Sar-Berj Ball or at other fall festivities. Priced at 85.00 to 295.00 Second Floor1 West. Can You Rise Above Your Clothes? 7 : If not, you are - probably incorrectly corseted. There is a stylish, comfort able, well-fitting Nemo Corset for every type of figure. Secure your . Nemo model. It will give you - the nece essary support, con trol and reduction. This will bring out the good lines of your figure and give you v the proper foundation for your suits and gowns. The Average Stout Woman will rejoice in the added style Nemo No. 620 will give her. It has a low bust and long skirt. The marvelous Self -Reducing Straps gradually drive away un wanted abdominal flesh. Pink, or white, contil; sizes 24 to 365.00. We Also Carry the Circlet the new aid to beautiy above the waist. It is the perfect complement to a Nemo Corset and completes correct corseting. Our Corsetieres are famous for their ; thorough understanding of every in dividual need. To give satisfaction through perfect fit is to give enduring service. Many Styles and Sizes, 1.50 to 5.00 Third Floor North. Flower Trimmed Model Hats 15i A beautiful line in all the new attractive shades of silk velvet most artistically trim med in garlands of velvet flowers, blended to suit the velvet foundation. Deep rich tones of purple trimmed in the shaded tones of red and rose. Dark rich browns in combinations "with the autumn colors and shades the leaves take on at sunset green and gold and russet. The colors of ripe fruits arc also imitated. Blues in alL shades, trimmed jn the shades of mauve and corn flowers com bined 'with sand and gcay. . ; . These attractive models are modestly priced at, 15.00 Second Floor East. . Hats for the LittleMiss We Are Showing New Felt Hats so prac tical for school wear; in all the new col ors and neatly trimmed with -4 Qj ribbon sashes; Monday, - J.VD There Are Durable Velours, well finished felts and soft velvet hats. All in dainty styles for the little girl; Monday, Second Floor East. 3.95 MiliiMTO Omaha in Need of Larger Landing Fields, Says Flyer Major Lniilii(r of l'url Silt V. S. Airmen Doilarrs Omaha Logical Stopping Omaha mut Iuk to it Ijnju.c 1.1 It .'a w ..itl.l l.aiitj fill S-tf lilt leading air port of the future. Mjj. Tlioma Lanphicr, in chutge of tne army airplane muaJrou from Fort Sill, Okla., told ntembm ff the Chamber of Commerce fil!ouii: it luncheon for the vijititiy; flyeri there yesterday noon. lVeaetit landing field, including , the air mail field, are too tinall. he said. The tree about Ak-Sar-Ueii -field ire t"o high, acconlir-c; to the major, and too close to the field. AIo, there arc too many building in the neighborhood. Logical Stopping Point. "In case of an emergency." he said, "a crali would lie inevitable." The field at Fort Crook he ch.irac. teried as more ideally situated. Within a short time, the major predicted, virtually all ocean travel will be done in dirigibles and virtual ly all trans-continental travel will be accomplished by means of airplanes. "Omaha is a logical slopping place on the transcontinental route." ho pointed out. "At least, it would be, if adequate landing fields were, sup- , plied." Outlines Plans. F. II. Fetters, Omaha engineer. . poke on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and the Omaha Aero club. N He outlined the plans for the com ing International Aero congress here in November, and extended an invi tation to all the visiting flyers to at. tend. Maj. R. A. Kader, in charge of flying at Fort Crook, was present at the luncheon, as were flarlcy Co nant, chairman of the aerial commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. D. V. Quiglcy. Pine Manufacturers Oppose Duties Under Fordney Tariff Bill Washington, Sept. 10. The duties on polesposts and ties in the Ford ney tariff bill is possed by the West ern Pine Manufacturers' association. "Importation free of duty of commodities which we are admitted ly short of and which constitute ' raw materials to our industry, such as lumber, shingles, posts, poles and , ties, will permit Canada to repay the United States with commodities which do not restrict the progress . of American industry and which will aid in the rehabilitation of our exchange with Canada and the in crease of trade, as well as will make r . , . : . C 1 lor me conservation in.tjui imiii".! ' resources," says the association'. Jack Broomfield Is : ; Sued for Divorce i --- v : John H. ("Jack") Broomficld, re- ' gro, formerly operator of the Mid way resort on Capitol avenue, was sued for divorce in district court yes- v ' terday by his wife, Charlean. Sha charges him with extreme cruelty. . ' ; They were married in 1909. Broomfield is the father of Le Roy Broomfield, who operated ihe Mon arch Gardens, black and white caba ret, 107 South Fourteenth street, until it was closed up by city au- thorities last November, . The elder . Broomfield . now operates a drug store at 111 South Fourteenth street, ' ,000 Buffaloes Are for Sale By Government of Canada . Edmonton, Alta., 'Sept, 9. One, thousand buffaloes are for sale by the . Dominion government' They are for the most part bulls and repre- . sent the surplus of the herd of near ly 5,000 in the national park at Wainright, Alta. The park is the largest wild-game preserve under fence in the world. It contains more than 100,000 acres and could support 25,000 - buffaloes readily. But there is little winter -pasturage because of . the' deep , snows, and a vast quantity of hay has to be cut every year to carry the herd through the cold season. This difficulty will make it neces- sary to limit the maximum size of the herd to 10,000 head. ..-. Omaha Firm Files Suit On Assessment Increase The Omaha Fixture Sc Supply company filed suit against the city of Omaha and Treasurer M. L. En dres and Assessor H. G. Counsman in district court yesterday, alleging that the assessment en its property was unlawfully raised from $40,000 to $60,000. The company asks the court to fix the assessment at the former figure. Kermit Casaway's Young Sister Missing From Home ; Hazel Gasaway. 9, sister of Ker- ' . mit Gasaway, 8, 2509 South Twenti eth street, noted for his love of horses and former habit of "borrow ing" them, is reported to be missing-, according to a report made to police. The girl left her home Friday and has not beeen heard of since. i :k.o, n ,i tj .7. Display of Omahana' Art Display for the Deriod of a month f of the work of any Omahan with..' ' artistic pr educational value, was recommended by the Library board Thursday, at the suggestion of the museum committee, of which Mrs. . F. A. Shotwell is chairman. Pershing to Go to France, to Present U. S. Medal to Dead Washington. Sept. 10. General fershing, chief of staff of tf-c United j States army, was ordered by Prc.-;-fcent Harding today to proceed to I France to present the concessional I medal of honor to the uukttova ol dier of that rcoublic . " I h