Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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4 - THK littii OMAHA. SUNDAY, SEl'TEMBEK U. 1WJ. i
1 1 , 1 11 1 - ir
Police Recover
Body of Second
Auto Salesman
Corpse, DoulK'J Uj and
Mound Ly Curd, Found Be
nrath Garage in Rear of
Supftta Home.
Chicago, Srpt. 10. The hotly of a
nun, found buried under I tie garage
of the home of Harvey V. Church,
was poaitively idrnlified tliii after
noon as that of Carl Aimtui, auto
mobile salesman, ho lis been
miiiiiig fur two day. Church ! be
Ing returned to Chicago today from
Adam. Wis., where he was arrested
in connection with the finding of the
body of Bernard J. Daughcrty, As
mu' fellow salesman, yesterday.
The inquest into Daughcrty'j
death was indefinitely continued this
morning after brief testimony.
Folks Identify Body.
Before Asmus body was found,
buried under two feet of earth,
River Forest and May wood police j
had conducted a thorough search of 1
the river where Daughcrty's body. '
manacled and mutilated, was found.
The bodv lay on its left side, the
wrist bound to the ankles, with the
knees against the chest.
The identification was made by
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Asmus,
parents of the dead man, who came
here from Bloomington, 111., last
Harvey V. Church, 20 years old,
who bought an automobile from
Daughcrty for $5,400, was in custody
and enroutc back to Chicago from
Adams, Wis., today to be questioned
by the police. In the basement of
his home the police found two hits
bearing the initials of the two auto
mobile salesmen and a base ball bat
and a hatchet alt stained red.
- Suspect Denies Crime.
With Church when he was arrest
ed was his white-haired mother. He
declared he had no knowledge of
how Daugherty met his death and
said he knew nothing of Ausmus.
He insisted he had paid Daugherty
$5,400 for the automobile.
Daugherty, a graduate of Harvard
university and a former resident of
St. Paul, came to Chicago a, short
time ago from Philadelphia. Aus
mus's home was in Bloomington,
111. Both were former service men
and Daugherty was said to have hld
a captain's commission in the tank
Much Evidence Found.
Church, formerly a railroad brake-
man, appeared at tnc sales agency
Thursday morning and said he want
ed to purchase a car for his father,
who resides at Eagle River, Wis. ,
He arranged for delivery that aflcw,
noon and said he would have a Cer
tified check for $5,400 ready it thai
time at a west side bank. '
The salesmen departed'" with the
machine as arranged, for and it was
not until Friday , that any trace of,
them was obtained. That was when
"the-body of Daugherty was found in
the river j
Detectives- then learned oi the au-.
tomobile purchase by Chureh and
went to, his home. The discovery of
the stained hats, bat and hatchet in
the basement followed. From neigh
bors it was learned that Church had;
taken his mother for a triy into Wis-
! consin and authorities in that state
were asked to arrest him.
F. H. Drake Must Pay I
. Wife $100 Month,
District Judge Fitzgerald yester-1
day ordered Frank H.. Drake, real
estate man, to pay his wife, Lola,!
$100 a month pending final decision
on her suit for separation, filed last
Wednesday. " 1 !
rwoi-a Vinc nffii-M are at 711 '
Brandcis theater building,, declared
in court that he had had "a very bad
rear." But Mrs. Drake, who is an
expert accountant, had obtained ac
cess to his books and proved to the
court that his net earnings during the
first half of this year were at least
$2,000. ' .
The Drakes have been marned zO
years. Mrs. Drake named Mrs. Net
lice Harris in her suit for separa
tion and also sued Mrs." Harris for
$10,000 for alleged alienation of
Drake's affections. ' '.- -v.
Embargo on Brazilian
Live Stock Still Holds
The Argentine embargo on live
. stock from Brazil, due to the preva
lence , of rinderpest in the latter
country, is still in effect and is being
rigidly enforced, reports the Ameri-
can agricultural commissioner at
Buenos Aires. Uruguay also main
tains an embargo against Brazilian
live stock. American shippers of live
stock should keep ttiese embargoes in
mind and forward any shipments to
South America on boats which will
not touch at any Brazilian port
Man Convicted on Charge
Sending Dynamite to Omaha
' Deadwood, S. D., Sept 9.
Camilio Cacci was convicted here
Friday of shipping dynamite in vio
lation of law. He was arrested last
October, charged with transporting
dynamite to an accomplice in Omaha.
Evidence presented showed the ex
plosive had been stolen from a
mining company. It was shipped
in unmarked boxes by express, it
was testified.
Commission Finds Grain
Rates at Long Pine Too High
Washington." Sept 10. (Special
Telegram.) On the complaint of
the Walrath & Sherwood Lumber
company of Omaha against the Chi
cago & "Northwestern railroad of, the,
rates on com in carloads from Long j
Pine and Eli to Fort Collins, Colo,i
the Interstate Commerce commission ;
found it to He nnreasonaoie ana or
ders reparation of $1.524 -
Real Estate in Wahoo .
Is Having Brisk Sale
Wahoo. Neb, Sept 10. (Special.)
There has been an nnusual activity
tn city real estate in Wahoo, espe
naltr amon? oroierties of the bet
ter class. Real estate men are daily
E3 -
Extraordinary Sale of
New Fall Dress Goods
At Attractive Prices
All Wool French Serges
Beautiful soft finish, all wool French serge; 40 and 42 inches wide; this
fabric comes iu all tho season's desired shades including black; "i yc
Monday, per yard,
Chiffon Broadcloth Our cltiffon broad
cloth leaves nothing to be desired iu
quality, quantity or variety; these fabrics
are shown in all the newest bhades includ
ing the popular black. Sponged 2Q
and shrunk. Monday, per yard.OaO s
Epingle A good weight fabric that
makes natty suits and dresses; all the l ull
shades including navy and black, QEJ
42 inches wide; Monday, per yd., Xe O
All Wool Serge Strictly all pure wool
serge from the famous Pacific Mills; navy,
black and all wanted shades; -4 AA
50 finches wide; Monday, yard, XaVIU
All Wool Tricotine A splendid grade of
handsome fine twilled tricotine; the sea
son's most popular fabric; much in de
mand for tailored suits and dresses;
black, navy, brown and taupe ;f OQ
48 inches wide; per yard,
All Wool Jersey 54 inches wide; plain
and heather mixtures; much in
demand for jumper dresses, ycL,rf0
All Wool French Serge SO inches wide.
A very fine quality of all wool serge;
soft finish, will tailor well; adapted for
the new style dresses; iu the most favored
shades, including black tnd-4 Sf
navy. Monday, per yard, ( XOx
All Wool Duvetyne A beautiful soft fin
ish fabric ; much in demand now for sutts,
skirts and dresses; 54 inches wide; in
navy, black, brown and beaver; H Q
priced for Monday, per yard, J(l
Satin Stripe Skirtings 54-inch all wool
satin stripe skirtings in a wonderful array
of new attractive color combinations;
these skirtings are individual ,4 QET
and smart; Monday, per yard, TT
Main Floor Center
Domestics and Wash Goods
Five Extra Value Items at
3C-inch Bluebird Lingerie 'Crepe. ....
1 fN'H 1 .TS I t ' -mm-. -
jo-incn ouk ana uotaoii JYiixcd Voile . . . .
36-inch Novelty . White Voile, assorted styles
Genuine York Zephyr Dress Gingham
Extra Heavy Fancy Outing Flannel
-White Jiawn Sheer, crisp quality,
for waists, - aprons and linings;
6b inches wide; special,
per yard,
White Mercerized Batiste A beau
tiful fabric,Uustrous and silky; 36 wide; worth' 69c; AQ(
special, per yard,- ; Ov
White Embroidered Swiss In as
sorted dots; make dainty curtains,
waists and boudoir -sets;
36 inches wide, yard,
White India Lino n Made of
combed yarns; a very ex- j -ceptional
offering, yd., 2C
Seasonable Fall Fabrics Values Up to 69c
32-Inch Kindergarten Suiting, as
sorted patterns
32-inch Imported and Domestic
, Zephyr Gingham
32-inch Doucetine in assorted colors
60-inch Bleached Sterling Sheeting
48-inch Fepperell Pillow Tobing
42-inch Bleached Androscoggin Tubing
36-inch Mercerized Sateen, black and
colors '
30-inch Imperial Ckambrajy plain
and fancy
36-inch Foundation Silk in plain
" shades
30-inch Serpentine Kimono Crepe ', ,
45-inch Frnlt of the Loom Pillow -"
Cane Muslin
Basement North.
Just Unpacked from the Cases
Fall Silks and Velvets
40-inch All Silk Crepe de Chine In
a good firm weight and texture; in
all the most wanted autumn shades,
both light and dark; one of the fa
vored weaves for fall. Monday, per
yard, ' $1.95
40-inch Silk and Wool Iona Crepe
One of the new weaves; suitable for
the straight line ' dress ; in brown,
navy and black; a soft semi-rough
heavy weight material that bids fair
to be one of the most popular silks
for fall wear. Per yard, $4.95
Our Velvet Stock is most 'complete,
a special showing of velvets suitable
for dresses, trimmings, millinery
and coatings awaits your .approval.
18-inch Panne Velvet now used so
extensively for millinery purposes
in the new Fall Shades, over 30
shades to choose from. Per yard, 2.50
40-inch Canton' Crepe All pure
silk; smooth even weave; now popu
lar for early fall wear, comes in all
the fashionable fall colors, includ
ing brown, navy and black; extra
fine quality. Monday, per yard, $3.50
40-inch Black Pebble Back Crepe
Soft suede finish; dependable wear
ing quality ; , worth $4.50 ; special,
Monday, per yard, . " 3.49
40-inchvDress Velvets--In all ' the
newest and wanted Fall shades now
being shown in the aisle of silk. Per
yard, $4.95 to $9.50
tMain Floor Center,
Good Values in Wanted Notions
Faacy Garter Elastic Best
grade, good colors; regularly
50c; Monday, per yard. 354
Fancy Elastic for Children's
Garters Good strong rubber;
regularly 25c; in this sale, 15
Klelneifi Dress Shields In 3
sizes; regularly 35c, 40c and
45c; in this sale, pair, 19c
Inside Skirt Belts Made up
with- hooks and eyes; black and
rhiU; special, 15
DeLeag Hook and Eye Tape AU
ready to sew on dress linings
and brassieres; regularly 25c;
Monday, per yard, 19?
DeLong Hek( and Eyes In all
sties; black and white, . 7C
Headed Fins In cubes; black,
white and colors; regularly
15c; Monday, 3 for 25C
Kick-Back Braid In all tha
wanted colors, 3 yards for 5
Safety Fins In three sizes,
regularly 10c; Monday, 5
Singer Sewing Machine Oil 104
Wash Edgings and Bandings A
variety of good colors; bolt 44
Good Quality Bnbber Jiffy
Pants In three sizes; these
sell regularly at 49c; at 294
Ready-made rants Bands 2
for 254
Ocean Pearl Buttons 54
Corset Strings Very strong
quality, each,. ,14
Main FloorSouth
Household Jprons Can be put
in the tub and washed; made in
blue, pink. and larender check;
like gingham; regularly 1.00;
Monday. 894
Boys' and Girls' Adjustable Gar
ters Black and white, 194
Belong Hair Pins Black and
brown; 6 rolls for 254
Corset Garters Good , strong
elastic, per pair. 254
Bias Binding Fire widths; 4
yard bolts, bolt 44
Darning Cotton AU wanted
colors, 2 balls 54
Heedle Books Assorted needles
and bodkins, eech. 104
adjustable Coat Hangers 154
Great Reductions
-in- j
Mad of good quality marqui
sette, with a two-inch hem
stitched hern; positively worth
2.00; priced for this " "I C
sale, per pair, J.10
Window Shades
Made of good quality opaque, in
popular colors; mounted on
strong spring rollers; sizes
36x72; limited quantity; 75c
value; special, 39c
Marquisette Curtains
1 fffpSSfS 0 j Monday' I ffWSSSgiSS&SSd
Curtains .
-and- TT" -A,. (
WW n
i I ill ! I
1 ml
Made of fine quality mercerized
marquisette, trimmed with wide
lace edca; worth 2.50; - g(
special, per pair, JLOv
Drawnwork Dutch
Made of fine quality scrim Wth
drawnwork corners and 'val
ance; several patterns to select
from; three-piece sets; ready to
hang; worth 2.50; special, per
Dotted and figured patterns, in
white, cream and beige; a very
popular curtain material; 75c
value; special, CArt
per yard, - OUC
Ruffled Voile
Fine quality, with full narrow
ruffle on edge; wide flounce on
bottom of curtain; ruffled tie
backs to match; per pair
Curtain Materials
Plain and figureo voiles, mar
quisettes and Quaker nets; val
ues up to 75c; special, 'JQ
per yard, . ZivQ,
Fall Cretonnes
A very fine selection of pat
terns in floral, bird and striped
effects; light and dark color
combinations; at, -.."IE? i
per yard, ODC
Irish Point
Curtains I-
Our own importations; made of
fine Swiss net, with borders and
beautiful corner medallions; per
air, tt.OU
More elaborate Imported cur
tains, priced -f Q AA
up to. lO.UU
Curtain Bods Made ot heavy
quality tubing, with curbed
ends; extension 24 to 48 inches;
worth 35c; spe- - j"
cial, each, i J.OC
W reserve the right to limit
SixfA Floor East.
Special Sale of Alexaii
Here is a reproduction of a notice announecing the
sfile of
62,000 Bales of Rugs
3,000 Rolls of Carpet
Approximately $6,000,000 worth of floor coverings
bought at prices named hy the purchasers.
io iot nrrM vihoi
mm mm
August 27th, 1921
On Tuesday, September 6th
at 1 0.00 A. M. and following days we will offer at
our entire stock, consisting of about
of various
Terms: 496 December 1st, 1021
Anticipation permitted at rate of 10" per annum.
Payment required in New York Funds.
All Goods sold F. O. B. Mills.
Bill of Lading constitutes delivery.'
- Samples ready for inspection September 1st. " .
This Fortunste
Rugs at4?
Our representative boAt
ties we sold last yeamfl
Alex Smith & Sons' All
Size 9 x!2, 1920 price 65
Size 6 x 9, 1920 price, 45,"
Alex Smith & Sons' lA
Size 9 x!2, 1920 price 75.m
Size 8.3x10.6, 1920 price 69.59,
Size 7.6x 9, 1920 price 49.50,
Size 11.3x12, 1920 price 98.50,
Alex Smith & Sons'
Size 9 x!2, 1920 price 3'
Size 8.3x10.6, 1920 Price 8:
Alex Smith & Sons
Size 9 x!2, 1920 price 98
Special Sale on Dinner and Gl?
Dinner Sets of 32 and 50 Pi
Our wonderful variety of distinctive openstock patterrS
son why you should not fail. to take advantage of this fe
7.25 . 32-Piece Set A 10.98 32-Piece Set 10.98 U
16.00 50-Piece Set . 21.75 50-Piece Set 21.7 )
31-Pieee Set
50-Piece Set
6 Cups
ft Saucers
6 Breakfast Dates
6 Bread and Butter IMales
C Fruit Dishes
1 Platter
1 Vegetable Dish
Our prices in this sale, you will find, are lower
than they have been for some time. We have
taken special care to display these sets to your 7
best advantage and you will find 32 and 50
piece sets in each pattern; also a full open
stock from which you can add desirable
pieces at your will, j . -,.-.
We hav6 received some 15 new patterns in domestic porcelain
all beautiful and practical, selected with great care. Thrfl
new patterns will be shown for the first time at the opening
ot this sale; the following list wilt show you the practical com
position of these sets.
32-Piece Set 11.98 32-Picce Set 11.98 32-Piece Sct 7.50 1
50-Piece Set 26.00 50-Piece Set . 24.00 50-Piece Set 15.98
Sensational Selling of Staple Glh
lli. These are tot seconds but close-outs of various openstock lines fiftU j
VJUUIClO a well known manufacturer. The Driees are from 200 to 40(K,, losa ti- ri 1
reeular. In this assortment am rirh cuttines and etching. Un nioin "
Sherhets 41114 plaln optic- e have pr'ced tnis iot in three sroups
10c, 15c, 25c Each
1 I i ritin. i loot fcasf. f