THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1021. The Girl Who Listens to Mother By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Hes is a mighty pretty girl." confided young JJonatd. "And 1 turd to like hrr pretty well. Hut 1 can't be bothrrrd with hrr my more. She' too big a baby. Hon estly, the hain't a tnind o( hrr own. She can't do a thing without Hop ping to think how hrr tiiuthtr i u' !ii to fril about it first. It H)il Ckrrythiiig. "What dors it tooil?" I aked with an elaborate air of innocence. 'Oh, evrrythintf'Vreplied young Donald waving hit hand larKfly out la pacr. "She won't go canoeing Lecaue hrr mother has a lit on ac count of hrr not kn.ming how to wim. She hann't learned to smoke like the rckt of the girl in her act lrraue hrr mother doesn't approve. She always brrakt up the party hours before anyone eUe wants to go home because her mother hates to have her out after 1 o'clock at the latest. Honetly, site's a fool about the old lady." "Are you sure she isn't just a con siderate, thotiRhtful girl with a deep respect for the opinions and feel ings of an older woman who hap )icn to he hrr mother and to have lier love?" I asked. "Nonsensel" said young Donald with the engaging smile that rob bin words of all rudeness. "Iless ought to have a few opinions of her own. She has a riht to her own life. ; Why should she let herself be held back from everything she wants to do by an old lady who'se lived hrr life? Answer me that." And I did. Like this: "If Jicss had soniething vital in her nature demanding expression and her mother were trying to in terfere with that, I d be inclined to tight for the right of each individual to find itself and express itself. If the girl longed to write and her mother insisted that a woman's place Is in the home, I'd want Bess to stand up for the gift she had in her to use and needed to use in order to be true to herself. : ,"f Bess .were deeply in love with some fine young fellow, and her mother wanted to marry her girl off to an unwelcome suitor' with money. I'd hate to have the girl sacrifice herself. ... In other words, if anything big and vital were at stake, I'd feel strongly that the new genaration must have its chance, that youth must be served and that the individual has. a right to her turn. , "All love must learn to bear and forbear. Without consideration and ' courtesy, love cannot live. Each of us must sacrifice something of our owrf personality in order to live side by side happily with other person alities. In demanding 'elbow room' r i: i iui uur uwu lives auu living, vc hive also to recognize that other folks also need 'elbow room.' "No one can insist on expressing his personality to the exclusion of everybody's else rights of self-expression. That's true for all friend ship as well as for all love- ."Now. in the case of a girl and her mother, all this becomes doubly I and triply and 1,000 timesTtrtie: EVenT allowing for the modern conscious ness that parents owe more to chil dren than children: to parents--cven recognising that the world' leans for ward toward the new generation, not back to the eld, there must still be a generosity on the part of youth, v.ith life ahead tt it to age with so much behind -Youth has the priv- ilege of profiting by the experience cl age. -' Age: has an obligation to give youth the benefit of its knowl edge. , ' 1 t ' ' " - 4 '" "And so. when, a . girl's mother wants her to keep out of danger she isn't equipped to meet, and avoid habits she can gain nothing by forming, the girl can well afford to listen. She needn't stop td'figureJt all out for herself. She can pretty much feel that mother's advice is safe to follow. . ''Common sense and efficiency sug gest that Bess does well to listen to mother. And love and chivalry and fine feelings say that the girl who respects her mother's wishes, and cares more about pleasing mother than about catering to some heed less, pleasure-mad youth, is a pretty good sort. It would be a fine thing if .there were more of her. It might be! well if the Donalds of this world kdew her better studied her and thie mother who commands so much of love and respect." J. Currant Conserve. ' . fThis is a mixture of currants, fraisins and oranges. Peel and slice the oranges. Place them in a pre acrving kettle and cover with a layer of granulated sugar, about a cupful to' each thick layer of sliced oranges. Add one thick layer of seeded raisinl artd cover all with currants carefully picked from the stems, but not washed. Add sugar' to the currants In: the proportion of a cup of sugar to a pint of the berries. Put on the back of the stove until the conserve has been slowly heated conserve has has been slowly heated through and the juice of the fruits liberated. Then let it simmer gently until it is cooked dawn to a thick jam-like consistency - This conserve is very good to eat as'- a jam, to serve with meat and to make a filling for a layer cake or ate addition to plain puddings. 1 Disinfect all vaults and cesspools with copperas. Morning Visit to the Ice Box On the morning visit to the icebox rriuov the cake of fat on the chick en soup, take out the hone and vege table, chop the latter nd return to the soup, with seasoning of salt and paprika t suit the individual taste. Clarify the chicken fat on the soup, and you may use it for alt fry ing purposes and many culinary ones a well. This grtiing every particle of edible material out of our food sup plies will help cut down your food budget as nothing else will. The remnants of the tongue may be used to advantage in the making of a tongue omelet for breakfast, and cook the root end of the tongue with dried beans, peas or fresh spin ach, a the basis of another oun for the following day. When this is done, be careful of tin. amount of salt added to the soup, as there is a good deal of this condiment in the tongue. Breakfast. Cooked cereal with dates. Tongue omelet Watercress. Crumb muffins. Coffee. Luncheon. Chicken soup with vegetables and rice Bread rolls. Fruit salad, honey cream dressing. Dinner. Halved grapefruit. Stuffed breast of lamb, mint sauce. Browned potatoes, carrots and peas. Tomato jelly salad. Coffee. Junket. Crumb Muffins. These are excellent as a means for using up left over bread. Mix to gether one cup of dried ground bread crumbs, half a cupful of bread flour, two cupfuls of bran and one tea spoonful of salt. Beat one egg lightly and add to the dry ingredients with two cupfuls of buttermilk in which have been blended seven eighths of a- teaspoonful of baking soda and two tablespoonfuls of dark molasses. Beat well, pour into well oiled gem pans and bake about 25 minutes in a moderate oven. Honey Cream Dressing. Beat the yolks of four eggs until lemon colored and pour on them half a cupful of boiling honey. Place over hot water, stir constantly for a couple of minutes and remove from the fire. Cool and add the juice of one lemon, one-third of a teaspoon ful of salt, a quarter of a teaspoonful of paprika and one cupful of heavy errant whipped .solid. I'se im mediately. Suggestions for Budget.. In making the tongue omelet pro reed a for plain omelet, ai.d when it is well risen in the pan srrmklc with minced tongue and chopped parstry. Fold over, rook for moment on the under side and serve inverted on i hot platter. Owing to the salt flavor of the tongue use less of this condiment in preparing tiie omelet. For the fruit salad, use any pre ferred combination of fresh, canned or stewed dried fruit. Most of them combine admirably and the excellent dressing goes well with all varieties. Purchase three pounds of breast of lamb, and after the bon.-s have been removed till with a brrad and onion dressing. When rolled com pactly this gives a very good lamb roast at small expense, a the breast sell for about .5 crut a pound. To make the mint sauce that ac companies it, cook down'thc hours and trimmings of the mrat, remove the fat and use this as the basis of the sauce instead of merely adding wutrr to the mint. The cost of the breakfast for four will be KJ cents and the l.inchron for three V2 cents. Allow (or the dinner budget which sum includes two grapefruit and a quart gf milk for the Junket dessert. An Ironing Hint. When the old-fashicned flatiron is used it saves fuel if th iron are covered with a pan or skillet. Invert the skillet over the croup of iron. The irons are heated thiough more thoroughly and do not need to he changed as frequently. In East Iilia a woman ef high caste leads the life of a recHise. Milk Desserts. Have more milk dessert for the ..Minly and thus ercomnluh a sue rrs.dil and inconspicuous way of in. luting linns y children to take their share vt milk, Perhaps the rasir.i dessert to male front milk is the old'fashiimed Lnghsh junket, simply milk curd separated by rennet as in chrese making and eaten brfure the bacteria that give cheese its flavor develop, , , , There are a number of rrepsra. tions of rennet in liquid and uhtri form on the market. The milk it flavored, SMrettned and heated hike. warm, when the amount of rennet indicated is added. Vanilla it oiieti uf l. but chocolate, caramel and oth er flavors are sometimes better liked, This dessert can be made in a few muiutes. Lady Gregory, the famous Irish dramatist, wrote her first play when site was .".' years ot age. Come Once and You Will Come Always 1608-10-12 Harney St. Dougl 1796 Steer Rib Boil, Fancy Veal 1 7I Roast, lb... x ' 2 Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring 07X Chickens, per lb. aW 2 C Corn Fed Steer Pot Roast, Ol perlb '. 1&2C Pig Pork Roast, f Q 1 per lb 102C Fancy Veal 1ft,. Breast, lb.... 1UC Young Mutton Shoul- ib:":.pc.r... 12ic 48-lb. sack Gold Medal Flour at S2.35 48-lb. sack Omar Flour. .$2.05 4S-lb. sack Blue Bell Flour at 81.93 10 lbs. Cane Sugar 63c 100 lbs. Fine Granulated Sugar at 96.65 40c grade Central Special Coffee, per lb., 300; 3 lbs for. .88 Fancy Santos Coffee, li;i 25c EAT Macaroni Foods IT IS MADE GOOD FOR YOU TO EAT It contains genuine Semolina, from which the best Macaroni is made. For sale at all grocers. Tall cans Red Alaska Salmon, per can 25d -lb. can Red Salmon. .. .152 No. 2 cans Baked Beans. . .102 3 cans for.... ...25d No. 3 cans Sauerkraut. .. .10 3 cans for 252 4 cans Advo Extra Sifted Peas . at 08f No. 3 cans Kamo Pineapple, per can, 30; doz... $3.50 No. 3 cans Del Monte Peaches, per can, 30; doz. . -83.50 Bulk Cocoanut, lb. ..... . .25 Bulk Cocoa, lb 12 '-it 10 bars P. & G. Soap GS6 10 bars Fels Kaptha 68 10 bars Crystal White. .. .58 JO bars Electric Spark.... 55 No. 3 cans Crescent Malt . .65 10-lb. can Kamo Syrup... 401 McCombs' Home-Made Chocolates, regular 70c Iten's Iced Atlas' Jumbles,' doz 10J quality, Saturday? per lb .59J Iten's Ceylon Cake, a rich cocoanut cake, lb.281 , Butter-Nut Creamery Pack- Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb 275 Central X-tra Quality Cream age Butter, lb 39 Best Fresh Checked Eggs, doz 25 ery Butter, lb. . . . . .416 Extra Fancy Colo. Elberta Peaches, bu. . .$3.50 Orange Sponge Cake, each. : 30 Extra Fancy Italian Prunes, per crate. . . .81.15 Pink and White Cake, each 25 Extra Fancy Canadian Crab Apples, Cinnamon Rolls, doz ,: ....20 per mkt bskt. ................... .81.25 Bread Rolls, doz 15 L r Things You'll Love: To Make. Hand- Embroidered SocU Hand embroidered socks are very sweet with little party frocks. Yon can make these yourself. Take any plain silk socks. At intervals over the socks embroider small rosebuds in pink, blue or yellow silk. It would be loveiy to have a pair of hand embroidered socks to match each wee frock. - FLORA. Ct-orricht. lta. Public Ltdjer Compuy. T; Sugar , ..Cured Picnic. 1 Hams 16c 0 OMAHA'S LEADING CASH MARKETS For Quality Meats, Quick Service and Lowest Prices v - PLEASE SHOP EARLY 212 No. 16th St. 4903 So. 24th St. 2408 Cuming St.. ... .? ' Sugar Cured Regular Hams 25c Fresh Killed Young Hens 26c Choice Fresh Pork Shoulder' 12ic Choicest Beef Chuck Roast 124c Choice Fresh Spareribs 9c PORK CUTS Choice Pork Loin Roast 20c Fresh Boston Butts ... . . 18c Fresh Leaf Lard. . . . . 12c Fresh Spareribs '. . . v . 9c Fresh Pig Feet, 3 lbs . . . 25c Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. for . . . ... . . . . .25c Fresh Pig Tails, per lb. 10c Fresh Pig Liver, 3 lbs . . 15c Little Pig Hearts, 4 lbs . 25c Pickled Pig Feet, 4 lbs ,25e PURE LARD AND SHORTENING Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 100 Pure Leaf 10-lb. pails ..$1.90 5-lb. pails ; . . . mi . . . ,.95c Pure Lard, per lb i . . . . . 16c Compound Lard, lb . . 12c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Shoulder Roast for . . . :. ;. . 16c Choice Veal Chops . . .25c Choice Veal Stew . . .r12c Choice Veal-Legs, i or whole .... i ... 20c Choice Veal Loins . . . . 20c SPECIALS Best Creamery Butter . . 39c Fancy Large Dill Pickles, per doz. -. . . ...... . .30c Special Prices on All Brands of , ' , Swift & Co.'s Butterines SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Picnic Hams' for ........16c Sugar Cured Regular Hams - for . i . . . ... . .25c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams for .....28c Sugar Cured Strip Bacon i 9 -m , e " Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon forv..; . ...17c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon ....... . . . . . 25c Armour's Star Hams .,..34c Armour's Star Bacon . .s40c Swift's Premium Hams 34c Swift's Premium Bacon for . . . . . .,40c SPECIAL ON CANNED GOODS Fancy Early June Peas, 2 cans . . : . v : . . ". . ... . 25cr Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans for . ... . . . ; . ! . . . . .33c Fancy Pork and Beans, x 3 cans . , ... . . . . . .... 30c. Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans 30c Fancy Sardines, 5 cans 25c Evaporated Milk, 3 tall cans . ... . ... ...35c Tee Pee Laundry Soap, lObars .......... .35c BUEHLER SPECIAL 1-lb. bar White Naptha Laundry Soap, 3 bars 24c Genuine Spring Lamb Hindquarters 20c Fancy Fresh Spring Chicken 28c BEEF CUTS Choice Rib Boiling Beef . 7c Choice Beef Pot Roast. 10c Choice Beef Chuck Roast for...;. 12c Choice Round Steak. . .20c Fresh Cut Hamburger 1 2 c Choice Corned Beef. . 12c Fresh Beef Hearts . 8c Fresh Beef Liver . . . . ,., . 10c SAUSAGE AND COOKED MEATS Choice Wienies . . . . . .18c Choice Frankfurts . . . . 18c Choice Polish Sausage. 18c Choice Garlic Sausage. 18c Choice Liver Sausage . . 16c Choice Bologna Sausage for . . .... : . . . ..... 16c Choice Minced Ham . ..22c Choice Pressed Ham . .22c Fancy Summer Sausage 22c Smoked Liver Sausage . 25c CHEESE Fancy Cream Cheese . . 28c Fancy Brick Cheese . . . 28c GENUINE SPRING LAMB Fancy Forequarters r. . 14c Fancy Hindquarters .: . . 20c Fancy Lamb Chops . . . . 25c Express and Mail Orders Filled From This List r Promptly Stores Open Until 8 P. M. Saturdays ; Cooking; Dictionary. nailing Cuoking in boiling water, Ilr.iiliiiu Coukiiitf oven a clow. iiiK tire, Sii-anting Cookiup over boiling water. Stewiim Cooking for s long time in Hairr below the point. h'oa.tuig Cooking before a glow ing tire. IlakiiigCoukiiig In an oven, Hying -Cooking in it,t, dq fat, deep cnunyh to cover t Sauteing Conked in a smitl fluan. tiiy of fat. A roiiilmuiii'n of icw ing and baking Fririt4iitg A runihinatiou Tj frying and slewing. - . , I e. m sr. wmm I aUIVCNTEINTM ATS. X oooou errwtrr 7! We Deliver to Any Part of City 10 Lbs. Sugar 63c BlueBellFlour,f,$1.85 Campbell's JZf 10c Rupert Preserves, Peach ' and Apricoper jar. 25 En-Zo Milk, 7 cans for ....25 Wizard Furniture Polish 10c size 81 25c size ..20 50c size ...40 Electric Spark Soap, large bars, 10 bars for 53 FRESH DRESSED Best Creamery Butter, per lb 40? Wisconsin Cream Cbcese, per lb 23 New Comb Honey. .. .29 Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, per can 11 Oil Sardines, 7 cans 25 Santos Coffee, per lb. .22 Ankola Coffee, per lb.40 S. D. Jap Tea, per lb.48 SPRING CHICKENS, PER LB.. . :.2?ci 14 lb. can Lipton Cocoa '..22 3 Pkgs. Advo Jell....25tf Tall cans Salmon. ... .10 Just received our first shipment of Oysters from New York. New York Counts, quart $1.10 New York Select, quart ........ ....$1.00 Legs Spring Lamb, lb. 20c lolled Rib Roast, lb. 22c Pork Loin Roast, lb. M9c Roast of Veal, per lb. .15 Shoulder Boast Beef, . per lb. ............ 13J Pot Roast Beef, , per lb. Lamb Stew,, per lb. ... .5 BEACH BOY DOLLS GIVEN AWAY FREE Sat urday only, advertising Miller Maid "Pancake and Cremo Breakfast Foods. Ask for Our Cook Book. Lemons, per dozen. ...25? Oranges, per dozen. . . .150 Peaches, Freestone, per crate ... .$1.33 4 lbs. Sweet Potatoes for ..4-..25 CIGAES-Jnst Inside the Door CIGARS Mozart Sublime. 15c valne. HcS 60 for. . Mozart Americanos, 12c value, 10c; 60 for UM Mozart Partners, 12&c Taiue, 10c; 60 for.. $4.00 Mozart Classic, 10c value, 3 for 26c; 60 for $3.75 Whale Smoking Tobacco, full lb 48c Horseshoe Tobacco, full plug.. 75c Camels, Spurs, Chesterfields, carton...... $1.69 Al Jones' Potato Salad, pint ....30c Box Lunches, '" each ........ ...Soc Sandwiches ....10c Ortman's Bakery Orange Cake, each.... 30c Fink and White Cake, each 26c Cinnamon Bolls, doz..20e Bread Bolls, doz 15c men about Puritan Put Puritan to the critical test Serve this deli' cious bacon and see how the men folks remark its rich flavor; how they' relish tender, sweet, young meat that has been made ready the Puritan way. You will all come to a fuller realization that there's a difference in bacon and that the sure way to keener enjoyment is to buy by name to say Puritan when you order. THE CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY A Cudahy Proifjtft r tiritan s- Bacon . "ThetasfeTell Si.-. . M