THE liF.E: OMAHA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1921. SLEEPY.rTIME TALES should be ouned by the individual nwn ownership fosters peting cf moron-tit. a. More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAGUE Parents' Problems it felt, uili at dolts and animals, child, and each should have a pUc all his own in which to keep things dear to him. Uudding material and thing tit that sort are best owned by the children together, for com community uuere.t and responsi f' THE TALE OF bility which is most wholesome, I while at the same time encouraging jlOLD DOG , Should children own toj a f;. irately, or together Toys for which personal affection co-;euuvc woru atu play. More Vn 3tM,ouo alien women reside in New York City. i CHAPTER VI. Buried Treaiurt. Henrie tta Urn, who was one of the buiieit bunyhodiet on (he farm, citne along nd stood and watched old dog fcpot while he dug and icratchrd and howled about the woodpile. ' -"What on earth Is the matter with to- TO A MOSQUITO Our murderous attitude toward you It not on account of your greed; We'd only be too glad to afford you The drop from our veins that you need. Xo anger we'd (eel when you bite u. And draw from our persons jour fill, 1 1 only you didn't requite us So ill. P.ut you. when your meal i completed. And vour turn vou coinnlacfntly hug. Don't know when you're handsomely treated, Or feel you re a fortunate bug. It was a choice bona. vou?" bhe asked him. "I don't make I halt that fuss when I've just laid tgg and really have something to cackle about." 1 ve no time to talk with you now. Spot told Henrietta Hen Can't you see that Johnnie Green and I are now moving the wood pile?" ''Why are you-' doing that?" Hen rietta inquired. '.-.' "There's something beneath it that I want," he said hurriedly. Henrietta Hen gave a sudden start. "I wonder-If itV a-weasel?" sin: exclaimed. ' And since Sic didn't reply, and she had learned to bo mortally afraid of weasels, 'she' ran off squawking, to hide up in the hay mow in the barn. ' ' Johnnie Green hadn't carried away much more of the woodpile when old dog Spot began to dig furiously in the dirt. And in a few seconds' time he unearthed a big bone. It was a choice bone. ' lie had buried it several days before. And when he came back from the wood." and found a woodpile on top of the place where .he had hidden it, it was in) wonder that he made such a hpwdy-do. Johnnie Green looked much upset as he stood stock still and saw Spot trot away with the bone m ms mouth. :. "So that was What he was after all the time." he cried at last. "I hoped it was a muskrat." His father and the hired man laughed and laughed. "I don't see any joke," Johnnie grumbled. "Here I've piled up wood enough in the shed to last a month. And I might have been fishing all the time." "Well," said his father,' "whose fault was it?" "Old Spot's, I should think." Johnnie replied. Not you; to the marshes that bred you Your nocturnal journey you wing, And leave the hides that have fed you, Your sting I " No ense of ingratitude moves you To vow you will alter your course, No uneasy conscience reproves you. You know not the pangs of remorse. Xext morning, light hearted and joyous, You fly from the poisonous fen, And virus you bring to annoy ut Again! And so, as you well might conjecture, Had you any reason possessed. As we come to end of our lecture, You will pass to your eternal rest. You die of the rage you engendered As ungrateful wrong-doers should, Who nothing but evil have rendered For good. TAME SPORT. ' Pancho Villa now spends his time hunting wolves, which must seem to him like pretty .mal.ogmL iNiDiTidN. ; , ; , ' It is a crime to give away liquor, but our experience, is that those who have; it arc usually .&$faTlOy. . ' , " k It is difficult to make men better by laws, and impossible to .make lusiness better by legislation. : m "I don't see how you can blame him," said Farmer . Green. "Sup pose you had buried a piece 01 strawberry shortcake here, expecting to cat it for your dinner. And sup pose there wasn't another piece as good or as big to be had any where. And suppose you had come back from a tramp in the woods, hungry as well, hungry as you were this noon: Wouldn't you want that piece of shortcake? If you could get old Spot to move the wood off it, wouldn't you be glad to have him do it?" ' "Maybe," Johnnie admitted. "May be! But Spot wasn't after a piece of strawberry shortcake. He was after an old bone. And he fooled me." "I should say that you fooled yourself," his, father retorted. "Any how, we're going to have strawberry' shortcake for supper , tonight. I heard your mother say so. And she made a special cake for you." - That, news made Johnnie Green look a good deal less gtoomy. '"'In. fact he almost smiled. "I was going to give you that old went on. "And you could 'take it now and go fishing, if you thought you could be home in time for .sup per. , "Hurrah 1" Johnnie Green suddenly jumped up and down. "Hurrahl" j he cried. And thank you very much!" (Copyright, Mii. by Metropolitan News paper Servioe.) s Aimmwirsaiiry ak Growing More Interesting us the Money-Saving Opportunities Are Be- : ing Heralded Around l , su its AMn. wnnT PMe fc fifiTPn-Ji 'J"Jr miw vv wuunw I I I I u u u By Demand of Thousands Telephone Calls, Letters, Personal Messages STORMED US For Information Regarding the Opening Date of Mala Flaav Bepriced Lower for Anniversary Week $3.00 40-incli Silk and Wool Canton Crepe; white, Monro, taupe ito pa navy and midnight, at iPaV0 $2.50 40-inch Satin Charmcuse, in brown, navy and black; di . yr on sale Friday, at $2.25 .36-inch Printed . CQ Satin for linings, at ...... v " Underwear For Friday Mala riMP Oalae 50c Muslin corset covers, trimmed wlU embroidery. Regular prlea 75c; on sale at 504 75c Child's black sateen bloom era, size 3 to 10 years. Regular , price 98c on sale at ..75 Anniversary Sale Toilet Goods 44-inch All-Wool Epinglc, M 7Q all colors, at JiolSJ 56-inch Prciatly Tailored d0 AO all-wool Serges, at .4tO 52-iucli Australian Wool .Broadcloth, sponge shrunk; goes on ' Q OC , . . Hosiery For Friday LP sale IMday, at LAST IHASCE We have a large number of these ex cellent Prophylactic tooth brushes; special, while they , rtf last at &VC Coty L'Origan face powder 794 Mavis talcum powder 1 Woodbury Soap ....lsc Mulalied cocoanut shampoo ...... 39 Gillette or Autostrop Blades, 6 for 393 Bocabelll Castile soap, per cake . .10 50c Neet for 39 50c Lavoris at 393 mm llala rinr-Ctiln Women's full fashioned pure thread silk boss in all colors and sizes. Values up to $2.25. 0 imt Special p X f O Women's cotton lisle boss in black, white, cordovan ;t.....$i.oo Children's school hose, heavy and medi SO in answer to this Mat. Dally, 2:15; Ev.ry Nlht. St IB CHARLES IRWIN, "ON FIFTH AVE NUE"! FRANK DE VOE a HARRY HOSFORDi GEORGE YEOMAN A UZZIEi Ei Blrdl Conraai Exaacla It Kenn.dy; Sultan; Ovrnda Dual Taplca f tha Day i Araop'i FaUaa; Path Nawa. Matinea. 13c ta SOci mm TSc and 1.00. Sat. and Sun. Nlafctf, 15e ta tXMi mm. S1.2S Sat and Sua. 2E Apnivenary Specials in the Front Room 100 Doien Men'i Havnclkerchiefi, 5e Each A special .Anniversary Number. ' Eegular lOo value, sale price 5 Leather Goods We are continuing our great Anniversary Sale of fine leather HAND BAGS at prices never before quoted. Buy them for Xmaa gifts. Regular prlcea $2.60 to $8.00. ' Sale prices 98. $1.98 and 82.98 Pearl Buttons bis: Durchaae of Ocean Pearl buttons "Made in France" permits us to sell 15c to 20c pearl buttons per card 1UC i S A bij V Fram P at, p( weight. 3 pair 91.UU Manufacturer's Sale Men's Wool Shirts A Complete Sample Line REGULAR PRICES 1,000 Shirts in ' all - colors, part wool, all sizes, each $1.45 1,500 Shirts, all colors, all wool; values to $5.00, each $2.45 800 Shirts, all colors, fine cashmere finish; values to $7.50, each $3.45 We Have Secured Special Permission . ' - (From the Goldwyn Distributing Corporation) $ To Open "THE OLD NEST" AMCSEHKNTS. 1 TONIGHTS, LI LAST TIME Tha Emlnant Actor JOSEPH KELERfi!3ry- In "How a Man Loves" Ticfcats TSc I-00 and IJt PHOTOPLAVS. PHOTOPLAYS. PHOTOPLAYS,;' FHOTOPLAYB AT THE BRANDEIS TO-MORROW NSHT PIIOTn'I.AY8. PHOTOPL.YS. A MILLION DOLLAR MASTER PRODUCTION From the Greatest Novel of the Century , NOW IN ITS 200th EDITION W ITH OVER 20,000,000 READERS j w CI) ir Written by the Most Outstanding Literary Qenius Since Victor Hugo VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ A REX INGRAM PRODUCTION :- Adapted by JUNE MATHIS Today and Saturday Last Times Today and Tomorrow MARlJfPlCKFORD "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ' Another Chance to So "America's Sweetheart' in HER GREATEST SUCCESS Starting The Greatest Starting Sundaij Of All Double Bills Sundaq Charles Rai m "Tie Midnight Bell" Harold Lloyd "1 Do" (One day in advance of any other theart in America outside of New York City. SHOWS TOMORROW: 11, 12:45, 2:30, 4:15, 6, 7:30, 9:15 Shows Sunday: 11-12:30-2-3:30-5-6:30-8-9:30 Please Attend Early Shows at Both Theaters HERE ARE THE PRICES CHARGED IN NEW YORK Dili m iy p. u Every Evening at M t. M. at? 5 0 h.W S7ANSON V II andMilionSill9in : j GREAT MOMENT ) ft" $t) t . . .written by . ' 1 fm4J 1 ELINOR GLYN N J IN. screen and wriitcK jtf ' J Xf Met soc, rst, li.ool j! OAOWAVATT.E, - t,Ml I 14 ' - 'j ft -. . Note tlie Pite i And here are the prices that will be in force in Omaha: DAILY ONLY Inc. War Tax SUNDAY MAT. Inc. War Tax For the Showing of "THE OLD NEST" Strating Tomorrow Produced at a cost of A MILLION DOLLARS it is the greatest feat ever performed by makers of motion pictures. Translated to the screen from the internation ally famous novel that has been read by ten million persons in the United States alone. Interpreted by a cast of 50 principals and an ensemble of 12,500. AT THE BRANDEIS EIGHT DAYS SMARTING TOMORROW NIGHT ; And Twice;. Daily Thereafter. Matinee, 2:15; Evenings, 8:15. Evenings, $2.00 to 50c; Matinees (Except Saturday), $1.00 to 50c METRO PICTURES COREORAHQH SUNDAY AND ALL WEEK at the STRAND It took the talent of a famous director and four popular stars To Achieve rChiidTiicu Ig iGavest MS We-Hnsbtixl Friend BUT DIFFERENT LEWIS STONE As the RBSbaad BARBARA CASTLETON 5.'. ! tte Wle UTTLE DICK HEADRICK ' At the Wonder Child ' WILLIAM DESMOND Just a Friead! LAST TIMES TONIGHT MOON it Parentage LAST TIMES TONIGHT SUN Lon Cbaney TWO SHOWS IN ONE EMPRESS tuay HAYWARB ft CO.. tntratlai -Tlra rmnjf nifty tbio. gi.'" 7aiMii; Sf3K?5t.""J '": i.e '""JTA. Hawallaa MitMlm; ZCMATES 4 aXITM... Syaaatta Saanm. PkMaalar At traatlaa, "THE ROWDY." faatarla, (Jlrtrt WaJlaa. "OMAHA'S LAST TIMES TODAY NtW FUN CENTER" MAT. 4 NITC TODAY REOUCED PRICES I:IS S:30 (Satara-ar) Mattaca aai l . Whirl of Gayety" ..fiA p MX EfarytMai "aBa.Jaa IvaIi That Miaaa MIMCM IIWHV AartlilM MA Tonight, 7 and 9 o'clock Matinee Tomorrow "Straight Is The Way" UlM' THktU, IK-3c Inrj WMk Da, Bre Want Ads Produce Results. 'V ! -r.--- -"j "