18 TUB liLfc.: U.W All A. rlUDAY. anfc.MBfc.K D. 1921. Classified Mertttint Sites i u p tvt m t. hmi , 14 M NN day, MHNilll! , ' I1 , f MWMUlKt ll fa It sxt , f wVmu data N 4 I) lot lba tatal It. 1kM niN aly iie U ia Daitf Suad, . Ail 4vrUMt ai K la both awaiag 4 at Mint sail aaata " iHm CONTRACT MAIM ON APPLICATION M Wast Ja td U faTawlaf af. llMI MAIN OrriCE.....ITb sad raraaa. It. ...! aouia i. snil irrt i $tt si. WANT AO RCEIVEO PUON ATLANTIC IMS THI BTI will M a rMaaatikl far laaa aa laeorraM lierta 4 drtt ar)) ff aier ibaa aa ta CLOHINO HOUM r0 WAN1 ADS. Evening Muiu).,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,l A. M Morale tditloa ...IvOPM Sunday tduioa,.....,t:S I. M,Siiwda deXthfWeTaiT NOTICES.' Bl'XAJ.V tor T. U .are, wife of I- irin, li.pt ni lr T. IK1, rMiit.nc 1J111 N,i. )!( hi, r un.ral, SUiuriLy S p. in. from Ferre "! anma, Tnii.ruurin una ixu. 1 Ml. Intermetil West !.& femei.ry, FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. An Weal Median ut north cf rlty II nil end weal of Floinc with miles of macadam pavement. M acre. P-r-pMual far. Not otara(l fur profit, orrir 4:4 anil No. City Limit. City i.ffira, 7j Brand) Theater, HULSE & RIEPEN, UNDERTAKERS (rrn.ti!y t 701 South Sixteenth St.) Ilivi msvtd la J!! Cl'UMINO STREET. STACOniXONER OMAHA'S BEST SAM BULANCE?, Thirty-third and Fa rnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY" t'tidfrtikara and Rmbalmcri. Phnna If A. Ui. Offica 1411 Firntm. 1 '1 in luniii ivnL' ..11 ... 1 aja Korlako Kunral Home, 3d and O ata. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON IT Douglas. Pouf. :ti li'H.N HATH.' 1104 Parnam. Jackaon 1004. I- lleiideraon, IS07 I'arnam. Jackaon BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Illrtha. 5. M. and Dolly Ullllaple, 1105 Pacific Tit, boy. Harry and I.ewla Tounf, 100 South Tlilny-aM-ond avenue, boy. . Jak and Sophia Orlco, . 2411 South Seventeenth atreet. boy. Maurice and Delia Murphy. Iioapltal, girl. Tbomaa and Mary Atklnaon! hospital, Slrl. Henry and Ellubeth Oregersoa, hoa pltal, boy, Howard and May Oettlnger, hospital, sin. Charlea and Mary Orabowakl, hospital, Blrl. William and Joss Kennedy, hospital, sin. Joe and Antonla Tomaalewltx, 4431 South Twenty-aeventh atreet. girl. Loula and Caroline Krajicak, SI04 M atreet, girl. Frederick and Grace Kleber, 1014 S atreet, girl. Carl and Oladyi Anderson, 2101 U atreat, oy. J. . and Mary O'Hara, 2731 I atreet, 03 Fred and Ethel Hansen, Benson, Neb., sin. Everett and Mabel Baumwart, 4721 INortb Fourteenth avenue, boy. Death. Henry Schafer. 11, hospital. Henry F. Rann. 40. 1711 Wirt atreet. Llllls F. Aarons. 65. 4810 Podge atreet. I.Ida Jan Walker, II, 1721 Soutit Tenth atreet. Cecelia Samuelozyk, I, 4421 South Thirty-fourth atreet. George T. Brereton, 67, 1I1J Ilc atreet. Johanna M. Dwyer, 77, 101 South Flfty flrat atreet. Charle Nlfantanl, 46, 1220 South Twenty-fourth atreet. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons wer issued per mits to wed: John Avr. II, Lincoln, Veb., and Anna McWllllama, 22, Panama, Neb. Harry I. McOulre, 87,- Council Bluffs. Ta.. and JJmma Hanaon, -, S, Council Bluff, la Tony H. Hlnchlk, 22, Omaha, and Agnes Macharek, 30, Weston. Neb. Charle W. Porter, 21, Albion, Neb., and Dora Beynoldaon, 27, Albion, Neb. Karl J. Kentner, 23, Bellevu. Neb., and Etta K. Bennett, 18, Bellevue, Neb. Herman J. Schneider, 31, Gretna, Neb., and Josephine Fisher, 22, Omaha. Fred W. Tolbert; 2S, Kearney, Neb., and Morzella Williams. 24, Kansaa City, Mo. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet car tele- pr.one Tyler 800. w ar ajixwiu 10 re- tor lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COM PANT ' REWARD for return of black portfolio, containing Income tax paper. Call HA. 3105. ' KEYS with nam plate attached. C. E. Reynolds. Reese Printing Co. PERSONAL TUG 8ALVATI0N Army Industrial home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magailne. W collect. W distribute. Then Douglaa 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our Dew home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. IIATTIE Putman, Nubone Corset 8hop. 602 Karbach Block. AT. 201 SCALP treatment and masaage. 1213ft South 16th street, second floor. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS SWOBODA, 1415 FARNAM STREET. iiENT HOOVER vacuum. II up Har. 1071. ELECTRIC bath and massage. WE 2911. , OSTEOLOGY MASSAGES. Atlantlo 6365. SWEDISH Massage, Chiropody. 200 S. to, SWEDISH massage. 118 Neville Block. -NUBONE corsets. M. Schaefer. DO. 7235. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, unburet. box pleating, covered button, all li and style; hemstitching, picot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Cow 201 Brown Blk. Jackaon 1036. NKB. Pleating V Button Co.. 1201 Fa mam St., 2d floor. Douglaa 6670. Contractors-Painting. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nan, Walnut 4667. PAINTING and paperhangtng. WA. 4567. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred Maxin teaches all branches dancing. Studio Leflang Bldg. DO. 1476. Keep o 1811 Farnam. aura methods. "reasonable rates. Do. 1440. IVol Pina School tor Dancing. 2424 Jtt.Cl"i7 IX1B Farnam. Douala 1160. Dressmaking. LADIES' and children's sewing. HA. 6017. DRESSMAKING. 401 SOUTH 24TH ST. DRBSSMAKINO, reasonable. Doug. 7273. Letectivcs. RELIABLE Datectlv Bureau, Railway - Ex. Bldg.. JA. 2056. Night. KEN. 2112. Independent Detective Bureau. 104 NevlII Blk. AtL 1501; night. WaL 4056; K. 0466. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Narlll Blk. Evidence secured In all eaaea Atlantle lit. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed : printing and enlarging. Writ for pdcaa. The Knalga Co 2607 Howard 8. ENLARGEMENTS, Oil coloring, developing. ' printing. Kaae Studio. 211 Neville Blk. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W MARTIN, patent atty 1T14 Dodgm Miscellaneous Announcements. WHIT ELY, tire a ad radiator man; reaa. Bricea; work guar. i;t 8. 13tL DOi 1(02. BRINGING UP UIViN AT THE NORTH POLE WHERC "THE" NIHT5, ARE I tIX NOfSTHSs LONfi- cv ANNOUNCEMENTS. Milcellaneoui Announcements. DIAMONDS S: lay lb ba( prir with nrlvlloca to buy bark at amatl truflt. URIM JBWCt.Rr CO. 401 N. Itb bL Dou( laa 4040. L'H. PAUL J. UU1.ANU wlahaa to an- nounra tha ftnoval of off leva from 3 104 Klrt Nat'l Hk. UMv. to aulta :!l-:4 of an ma l.ull'llni. AT. UUAIIA PILLOW CO. lUtlrraaaa mada ovar In naw tlcka at nair tha prlca of nw bada. 1007 Cumlnf. Jackaon 1447. II A .ull bl.AUfcX aharpanad. 6lnla, l:.ci doubi adua. 4ia doa. Mall ordara no lioliad. Omaha Sharp Co.. ini N. IStb. H'l.l. draaa and tuirdoa for rant. John Falitman. In N. I4tb St. Jarkaon il'.l. NEW and rabullt alratrUal apparatua. MRron Elaetrlc. Ill B. 13th St.. Omaha. HOOtCHS Confactlonary Htora. Z4tb and Karnam St, Jarkaon 0117. BR ITT Prlntlnc Co. 7 Rika Bid. Omaha Towel Supply. 107 & 11th. JA. OO.I FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. $171 AUHOLL'TKI.Y naw electric wash. Ina nmchlna for aula at leaa than half now In aioraae. Omaha Van and Storage Co., Ibtb and Leavenworth. Phona loug 4141. A. P. Heaablait. HA. I4C4. CO.MPLKTB furnishings for i-room jpt Inrluillng rugs, gaa atove, etc. Call morninga. roppieton Ave.. Apt. 3 FOR BALK One complete dining act, quarter pan, (.an narney 7ia. FOR SALK Large elze base burner In good condition. Douglas 7701. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, Drake Court. Atlantic 5358. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GKOROK A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylnpho re. ate. Instruction, repairing. Add re 2711 Davenport St. fnr catalog. Phon Barney l07. Tr Smith' pedal. VIOLINS, bow, (trlng and repairing at lowest price. Matthews Studio. 60 Dougla Blk Opp. Hayden. AT. 2006. Clothing and Furs. FURS! FURS! FURS! Direct from manufacturer to wearer, aavlng you large retail profit. Offering for this week only a wonder ful selection of bargalna in COATS, WRAPS, CAPES. STOLES. COATEES and CHOKERS. Com In and let us show you. All merchandise guaranteed. Deposit ac cepted. CHAS. J. COLDSTEIX FUR CO., Hth and Douglas. Over Fry'a Shoe Co. JACKSON 1133. Mall orders given prompt attention. BEAUTIFUL aeal coat with -large beaver collar and cuffa, 1150. Other Heal coats, plain and trimmed, big aacrlflco, mink capea and coatees chokers, aeal tarns. Mra. McNamara, 301 Wellington Inn. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dun dee" suit, cheap, alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor., 15th and Harney Sts. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 S. 15th St. Douglas 7281. SUITS preaaed, remodeled, lined. HA. 6804. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWKITERS AND ADDING -MACHINES. All MAKES bought, aold, rented and repaired. Sol agents for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machln guaranteed. ; Central Typewriter Exc. Jackaon 4120. " 101S Farnam. WE buy. sell safe, make desks, show oases, etc Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., a W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. J A. 2724. Miscellaneous Articles. HEATING 'BOILER FOR SALE. A used sectional boiler, capacity about 5,000 cubic feet radiation. Thla boiler Is In good slinpe. win 110 laxen down this week. Will b glad to how the boiler before.- removing. Just right for good-aixed house,, garage or store room, see , JOHN C. WOODWARD- & CO., , "Th Candy Men." v " Council Bluff. la. EMPTY SACKS FOR SALE. -W have a stock of empty 100-pound and 220-pound sugar sacks; also extra 1. .... T..a. .l-h, fnl uenvy qui .i.. ,uo. .v. hipping potatoes, grain and other farm produce. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO., "Th Candy Men," Council Bluffs, la. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needle and part. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1972. NEW YORK Concord grape for Jelly, arena tnlca. wine and table use. Houston Frnlt - farm, 1703 N. 36th St. Phone Kenwood 4404 after 7 p. m. LUMBER at low prices; kindling delivered. MICKLIN LUMBER & WRECKING CO., 24th and Burdette. Webster 6555. BUY your kindling wood now; shortage tnis fall. Acme Box (jo., tiarney isai. 26 gross !4-ox.- new quart size beer bottles. Charle Jarl, 1703 Leavenworth. WANTED TO BUT. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work wanted. Webster 5084. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. HAVE vacancy on faat selling and adv. crew for young man between 21 and 26 years of age. This offer the right man a splendid opportunity for advance ment. Must have A-l references. For Interview apply. Room - 2. Henshaw hotel, between 9 and 11 . m, today. WILL pay boy way through business col leg for doing light Janitor work. Re- - quires about an hour. . No Sunday work, -"all Doug. 7774. YOUNG man, study law! Evening down town aeatlon. University of Omaha. 'Professions and Trades. WANTED Printer operator. Stata ex perience and wages expected. Herald, Carroll. la. idOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN. covering part of Iowa and Nebraaka SSL-"10 c,rrr r llns nf MEN'S TROUSERS and SOTS' KNICKER BOCKER PANTS as a aide line oa a commission basis. Writ atatlng terri tory now covered and how often, line SM!"??- axperlenc and references. Box T-1005. Omaha Bet. LEADING manufacturer of high-grade food prod acta ha opening for eales maa of experience in calling on wbole al aad retail grocery trade. Good (alary to start. Splendid oppiHunlty for advancement for capable maa. Stat age aad experience. Box XJi, Omaha Be. - . HJ FATHER CO HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED. SALESMAN. ' rllinf blxb-claaa ratal! clolhlus ilnraa In Iowa and Nabraaka. to carry aa a aid lin on a rommlaalon baala. our llnaa of work and drraa trnuarra and boya knlckarbockara. Wrlta (Ivlna; ai. aparlnre, praaent territory covered, llnaa now clllnar. and reference. Com munlcatlona atrlctly confidential. Ad drea Box T-1664, camaba Ilea. SALKMMKN Hit tho ball. hard tlmea inuney-aetter, aell on al(bt to (very auto owner. Kxclualv territory, act quirk. 1710 Y'. Broadway, Council flluffe. Bed 4S Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced csndy maker and lc cream makr for retail candy atore. Steady employment and chance lor ad vancement for right ma.i. K?frTen- required. Grand Ialatid Candy Kitchen, Grand laland. Neb. WANTED Experienced drug clerk. St. Joseph Drug Co., Ht. .Toacph, Mo. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. UIItLS to takeup ahorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping .etc. Personal ifiatructiuu. You can qualify quickly. Doug. 7774. YOUNO lady for dental office, experienc ed preferred. Call 1100 First National Hank building. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girl to work In icing depart. ment. Apply Supt., 1202 Davenport St Household and Domestic. Watch th Domestic Column of The w nam aub. - vjuou cn-oiu auu pumenae piacea aiwaya aqveruacq. WANTED Competent cook. Call before noon. Harney osv4. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED A-l combination cook at once. lady preferred, or could use man and wife, to. take charge of kitchen and dining room for country hotel. Write or phone Katherlne Scblel, Monona hotel. onawa. la. WANTED Men, ladle and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wage wnlia learning; atrlctly modern. Call or write 1U3 Dodge st Trl-Clty Barber college. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma. chin bookkeeping, comptonietry, ahort hand and typewriting, - railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 for larg Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLE9 COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bids Douglas 6890. FRANK Henry saxophone Instruction. 206 Leflang. BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTNER or backer wanted Man en gaged In sheen business 11 years, west. em South Dakota, wants partner or backer with 6 or 10 tnousana aouars to loin him in exnandlne the business. "Will secure party with mortgage on real estate for money Invested. Sheep now at low nrica and the rlaht time to get In for large returns. Can give best of references to stock yards, sou'.n umana, or at home bank. Address. A. H. R., Boom 8, Baldrldg block, omana. Neb. BEFORE buying, send for our. free sales bulletin; hundreds of paying businesses are listed. Any Hind. Any price. Any where. Western Business Exchange, Terminal Building, Omaha, Neb. POTATOES for sale in ear lots. Nrw dig ging Early Ohios. If Interested wire or write E. G. Herman, Hemlngtoru. iveo. WANT to hear, from owner having usi ness for sale. J. C. McConney, Termi nal Building, Omaha, Nob. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnisned Rooms. FREE ROOM DIRECTORY. Just off ths press, the September ' Issue of The Bee's furnished room and board directory. Contains desirable va cancies,, and is supplied iree to room eeekers. ' Room advertisers can rent rooms quickly by using this plan. Phone Atlantic '1000, ask for Miss Hunter, let , her tell you how others are keeping their rooms rilled tnrougn me ee. DESIRABLE room In private family for for gentleman, walking distance, 111a South 14th street PRIVATE home, mahogany-fu r nlshed room, gentlemen, 16 tea week. 220 N. 22d St l' NICELY furnished sleeping room in quiet home. Gentlemen preferred. 2902 Dodge. - NICELY furnlahed modern rooma in pri vate home, walking distance. Web. 3576. ROOM in private family of two strictly modern; no other roomers. Web 0142, PLEASANT sleeping room for gentlemen. Walking distance; $20 mo. Harney $57. PLEASANT south room for gentleman; strictly modern home. Harney 4404. ROOM In private family for 1 or 2. 608 South 25th Avo. Doug. 7611. PLEASANT room, strictly modern home -on car line. Douglaa 6693. PLEASANT south room, modern home, on carline. Harney 1378. NICE room, connects with bath, modern, private home. -Webster 1109. LOVELY furnished room 1620 8. 23d. Market 0355. TWO nice sleeping rms.. 2124 Dougals. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEE'S September directory of house keeping rooms Is now ready. Supplied free of charge to Bee readers. Call at office. Those with vacancies should learn about this Improved method of renting moms. Phone Atlantic 1000, ask for Mlsa Hunter. SUITE of clean neatly furnished rooms, first floor. No children. 2901 Dodge. SUITE of rooms for employed couple. Modern convenience. Harney 4406. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. Webster 002. TWO light housekeeping rooms, cbmpletc modern. 2613 Mason. u. z( TWO nic light bouaekeeping rooms. 18; running water. Douglas 7082. MODERN bouaekeeping, 14 and 16. 121 South Slot Ave. Harney 3718. Board and Rooms. SOUTH room with board. Including laun dry, home privilege. Kenwood 1900. NICE ROOM with board, employed ladiea. prlv.. mod. bom, walnut aim. LARGE room with board- Walaut 1151 Unfurnished Rooms. J UNFUR ROOMS, beat ga and light rurnisneo. ei row, newer -- TWO anfurniahed room: gas and water rurntsneq. yia mo. weener ...v. THREE pleasant rooma t couple. 2209 lMeBnfna t BASEMENT room. 2631 Davenport Bee WanUAds brine results U. PiUat OKica Registered OlO VO J POT OUT THE CM1 TO FOR RENT-HOUSES. Unfurnished. J-ROOM nimlein hou.e. furnlehed, with aaraie, uiar silllir park. j;7. FOR RENT-APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. TWO. IIOO MH and batb apartment, to party buylna furniture, Farnara car Una. Call evenltma. Harney 1100. TIlRKB-ItOOM apt., everything; furnlahed, moil, couvenlencea; reaaonabla. Wl.. &r.4. LOVELY 2-rin. apartment to party buying rurniture; occupancy tct. 1, at. J7L'3. TWO-ROOM, modern apartment, 2420 Wirt Ht. Call Walnut 2630. Unfurnished, FOR RENT. In the Elwood, 49th Ave. and Dodge, 8 -rm. with 6-rm. accommodation. 1126. Only a few vacancies for October 1. J. L. HI ATT COMPANY. '1914 l0UKlna St. Atlantic 0061. Peters Trust Company, Speclallat In partment management. FOR RENT Business Propert Office Space. Desirable offlc room on second floor Kennedy Bldg.., 19th and Douglas. World Realty Co. Sun. Theater Bldg. Doug. 4342. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. Uth and Jones Sts. E. H. BENNER CO.. TRACKAOU SEE F. D. WEAD. 210 80. 18TH ST MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY gViSi CO. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St , Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. JBKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 806 South 16th. Douglaa 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantle 8400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage & mov ing. Contracts taken by job or br. Globe van & storage 1:0.. J A. 4338. AT. 0230. Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Incubator About 1-2 price; expresa psid; zzu-egg; guaranteed; popular make. C - a. House. 2545 Montgall, Kan. City, Mo. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1920 HUPMOBILE TOURING. Here Is nearly new Hupmoblle with complete equipment, including extra tire, etc. Has had careful use here In Omaha only, and Is In excellent condi tion in every respect We have the rignt price on tills car and It is a real bargain ir you are looking for a high. grade small car. Economical, com fortable and lots of power. Call Doug las 1VIU. Used, Not Abused. bought, sold and exchanged. Sale-a-Day Car Co. Farnam at 40th St. FORD touring cars, roadsters, trucks 1919, '20 and '21 models; with or with out starters. We are not la ths used car business and do not aell for a Droflt. but ar replacing our old equipment witn new. urivs-it-Yourseir do 1314 Howard St Phone Douglas 3622. SALESMEN Just patented ready for the market, new gasoline saver. uoubl mileage and power of all motors. In stalled in 20 minutes, sells on sight. Territory onen. Act quick. 3710 West BroadWRy. Council Bluffs. Ia., Red. 2245. 5-PA9SENQER JORDAN DEMONSTRATOR AT A BARGAIN. . Call Harney 6459. TO CLOSE OUT. New Huffman truck, solid tire body and cab $1,000; former price $2,200;, also used Republic $500; Seldon, $450; Maxwell, $350, good condition. Call Mr. Turner.' Douglaa 8183. 2060 Farnam St. SOME bargain Id used Ford cars. Mc- carrrey Motor (JO. ths Hanuy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackaon, Douglaa 3500. . BUY A GUT X. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment 26th and Farnam St Phon D. 1970. USED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. TRAW VER AUTO CO...2210 Farnam St MASON truck for sale, reasonable. Call Harney 3978. Auto Livery and Garages. LOOK! LOOK! Autos stored for $7.50 and $8.50 per month. I want 10 autos for dead or live storage. Best care given car. William H. Jones ft Co., 2415 Cuming. Repairing and Painting LOOK! LOOK! - If your old car needs a good paint Job or varnishing, call on me and get my prices before going to others; I years' experience. Best of work guar anteed. 2415 Cuming St., William H. Jones A Co. ' HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 & 24th. Accessories. Used Tires Cheap Standard makes. 20x3, $3; 30x2, 13.50; 32x3H. $4.60; four-inch. 15. ADAMS TIRE ft RUBBER CO.. ti Military Ave. Walnut 6089. INTERLOCK Inner tires and reliners do prevent punctures and blowouts., vui canixera Supply Co., 2912 Farnam St FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Ind Exchange. St Paul. Minn. Miscellaneous. $300 Secures "Good Home" Farm, Furni ture, rouury, loots Included; 60 acre on improved road In splendid farming section; steady Job and bright future for him who acts quickly; 35 acres loamy tillage, good pasture, wood, fruit; 7 -room bouse. 40 ft barn, etc. Owner to settle affairs quickly sacrifices all $950, only $300 cash, easy terms. Details page I our big new catalog Javt out Strout Farm Agency, 831 B. F., New York Lit Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. FINANCIAL T" Miscellaneous. PRIVATE party wants $6,000 for long time, reasonable Interest rate. Loan se cured by good section of improved Weld county land. Address Box Y-1663. Oma ha Bee. Real Estate Loans. W har cash a hand la loan oa Omaha residence. E. H. LOUOES. INC. " 129 Keelin Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NKB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO Till On. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackaop 2711. j 2nVi til JtbUk AMD MAUil rAG OF COLOM Hi 'HI CERTMNLY I DON'T CCLIEVE I DiO- YOU" 121 IXT t PdATUHC IIAVICC, FINANCIAL, Real Estate Loans. 11(10 to 1 1 0.dOO mada nroniDtly. J'hone KIC'P. D. WEAII. Waad blJ. JlO 8. Itth St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Vfm hsv auveral clients with th cash who want to buy a brick Duplex. Geo. T. Porter & Co., 10S South llth Ht. Atlanllo To buy or aell Omaha Real K'.lat FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Rldg. Jackaon 1421. WANTED To buy a all-room house, two lories. Field cfub or south waat district. D. V. SIIOLE8 CO., Jackaon 0046. 16 City Nat Bk. Bldg. WE hnve buyers for Dundee borne. 0. E. Engler & Co., 1517 Homey St. Douglaa I79T. CONSULT ua If you contemplat building, or wish to buy or ell Omaha real estate. C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat Bank Bldg. DO. 07T. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO, 1606 Dodge St Douglaa 1146. PROMPT aalea of your real estate: w have many buyer and aollclt your busi ness. Shopen A- Co.. Realtor JA. 4221. HAVE inquirle for horn do you want 10 aen your properly 7 Llat It with C. A Orlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. RTR KPVTT REAL ESTATE. UlliX.lj I X s,H. Rent. Insure. 360 Peters Trust Rldg. Jackaon 0632. GRUENIGfPo""Vv."V,awl,h " 1418 1st. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. WE have more buyers than we can aup- ply with 5-rooin bungalows. J A. 2419, KIKE ft PRICE. TO BUY OR SELL real estate aee Glover ft Spain. 110-20 City National Bank. jacKaon zsdu. Mo vlr Mo vfi'ri Inauranc. real jiuainiuaiuii eatate, loan. 1045 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg, LIST with ua. W guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO.. 715 Bee, DO. 1546. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. $650 AND UP for lota near 55th and Leavenworth. Owner. Walnut 6839. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. A BIG CHEAP CORNER. Southwest corner 32d and Burt St., 110 feet on Burt atreet, 120 feot on 3 2d St. Paving tax I paid. Across ths atreet from the new high school or commerce, only $2,275: $500 cash. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, ld!4 Harney St. Atlantic 0050. CORNER, 60x140, present improvements pay 16 per cent gross, taxes, insurance and repaira only expenae, wmch makes this a choice small lnveatment ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO.. JA. 0064. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE., For Exchange. Brand new home in Dundee, brick and stucco, 9 rooms beautifully finished in oak and enamel; two bath rooms; dou ble garage and driveway. Will take good mortgage or contracts In part payment The Byron Reed Co., 1612 Farnam St Douglaa 0297. House for Trade. Will take good auto as first payment on a fine S-room house in a good lo cation; good condition; price, $6,500. - W. T. Graham, Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 1533. WE can, no doubt, exchange your farm or ranch for Income property. v rite us how or phone BROWNE TRACY, 642 Securities Bldg. AT. 2350. FOR TRADE A good farm in Jackson county, Kansas (no incumbrance), xor stock of goods, general merchandise. In northeast Kansas or eastern Nebraska, D. B. Sumpter, Delia, Kan. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Two Sold Before Excavating. Thats the value in the five-room bungalows that we are building in Ben son. Only $500 down required on an all modern complete home. Northwall & Johnson, 602 Electric Bldg. Douglas 7417. FOUR rooms, fine lot. 12,750. G. P. STEBBINS. 1610 CttlCSgo. Dundee. EXCEPTIONAL CHANCE. Just offered for sale a most attrac tive home In one of the choicest blocks In Dundee. Located south front on Cass near 5 Id St. Comfortable and well-built. Large living room, dining room, eun room and kitchen on 1st floor. 4 corner bedrooma and tiled bath on 2d floor. Maid's room and storage rooma finished In attic. Beautiful 76-ft. lot, with mass of shrubbery and flowers. For pric and terms call MATTSON ft SMAILS. 1214 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. DO. 2102. 6-ROOM, mod., well located, 1-car gar age. Oak finish first floor, wnite enamel on second. 99,760. Terms. Chas. E. Belman. JA 335 702 Peters Trust Bldg. Florence. Nethawsy. Flor. prop, no colored. KB. 1409 Miscellaneous. WELL- BUILT HOMES. We will build your horn nd help you finance it Our prices and terms are reasonable, our material land work manship ar th best Explain to ua what you want and we will gladly give you an estimate of cost. Call Mr. Grant for appointment Walnut 6S73 evenings. TEMPLE M'FATDEN' CO.. Jackson 2428. 1505 Farnam St REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Cathedral District. A new home, juat completed, rooma. consisting of rooms first floor 1 rooms second floor, and with tile bath room. Oak floora throughout. Mag naeite atucco. Lot (0x128 feet. All pav ing: paid; for price and terme phone builder, Hamer SltS or Harney 6127. Montclair Addition. New 7- -oom, strictly modern, oak and whit enamel finish. Ilia bathroom: Cragaton atucco; textile roof: close t Bemi park and new Commercial High achoot: for price and terma phone build er. Harney 2191 or Harney 0927. Omaha Real Eerat and lnveatment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 121 Paxtoa Blk Atlantlo 4a. I? rVLt IUMOAY ICC Drawn Caorrtf WELL 'THEN r YOO DON'T &EUEVE, MF. POT HER OURtELF- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weit Beautiful Bemis Park, 8 Rooms, Exceptional Lawn. Wa are abla ta iff.p two atil.mll.1 home In thla (ttractlv Ulaltlil at price vary a ttractlv. Geo. T. Porter & Co., 101 South llth Et Atlanllo 2911. 44th and Leavenworth. A abort way from 44th and T.eaven. worth w have two l-room cottage which - r offering each for ll.siiff, on term of $400 or lea down and th rear ilk rent, l'hone Mr. Spick. DO. $212, or offlc (open to I p. 111.) Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 13(0. 330-2-I-I-I Brand. Tb. Bldg CLAIRMONT DISTRICT. FIVE ROOMS. $1,600 DOWN. I.arg living room eroa front of nous, with built-in bookcaaes, corner dining room, built-in kitchen cabinets, two larg bedroom up. Oak flt.or and finlah; nicely decorated; wail plugs, good furnace. East front lot, '4, block to car. A good home, built by owner. Call Mr. Gleaaon. Harney 4996. R. D. CLARK COMPANY. Realtors. AT. 8531. 403-3 Securities Bldg. $1,650. Leavenworth Heights. Five rooma and run room, oak with Bum finish, French doors, a beauty. Act quick, must sell. Stier Realty Company, 715 Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 6545 Evenings. HA. 6701. 7 Rooms, Garage, $6,500. No Inflated value on thia house; larg lot, 4 bedrooms, paved street, near car line. What more can you ask for. Make u an offer. Evening HA. 6701. Stier Realty Co., 71a Peter Trust Bldg. DO. 6515. A Real Bargain AT $7,500. Six beautiful rooms finished In oak and white enamel, with fireplace, built in buffet; living room 14x26; colonaded entrance to dining room, three dandy bedrooms, house beautifully decorated: corner lot, love!y lawn, paving on both aides; garage. BROWN REALTY COMPANY. 205 South 19th St. Jackaon 1505, D. E BUCK & CO. buy and sell bumes. NEAR lie A few slightly higher. $5. 00 down, $5, 00 monthly On lots priced over $350.00, the terms are $10.00 down and $10.00 monthly. . Perfect titte, warranty deed, free abstract, liberal discounts OMAHA HEIGHTS This beautiful subdivision is all its name implies, a high sightly ad dition, ideally located near two schools, two parks (Fontenelle and Miller Parks). Fontenelle Blvd. runs diagonally through the addition, and everyone knows that the very best residential development follows the Blvds. Large lots, nearly all 50x130 each. Sale Saturday and Sunday Starting 10 P. M?Daily and continued until all lots are sold. If you can't come Sunday we sell until dark. , . . ' STOP PAYING RENT. The man who sings "Home, Sweet Home" in a rented place is kidding himself and serenading the land? lord." (Billy Sunday). . - , YOU CAN BUILD AT ONCE. As soon as your contract is signed you can commence building. No need to wait until the lot is paid for. LUMBER AND MATERIAL FURNISHED. We can help a limited number of purchasers to get their own homes by furnishing the lumber and material for the house on very easy terms. HOW TO REACH OMAHA HEIGHTS Take Florence car to 30th and Kansas Avenue and our automo biles will meet you at car line. If you want to motor out in your own car, drive North on 30th Street past Fort Omaha to Kansas Avenue and then West on Fontenelle Blvd. to our big sign. THE BYRON REED GO. Phone Douglas 0297. 612 Farnam Street. Successful Real Estate Merchants Since 1857. ' for The Bee by McManus kl, i:t, laurnatiaaal Hm Snta OOT ' REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED West l LAI It MONT Hl'NUAI.OW. FIVE ROOMS AND OARAGE. IV challenge you to find a better value. A high corner lot Larg liv ing room and dining room In oak. lialanc whit enamel. Full bamnt. Stairway to attic. Shrubbery, screens, a'orm windows and awnlnga f ir part. Easy term. Call Walnut 1711 thla vu- ning. II. 8. MANVIIXB. lleltor. Atlanllo 2403 611 Peters Truvt Illdg. KOUNTZK I'AHK BARGAIN. Very fine home nf I large rooma, and bath (large living room), oak fin. lh. all In fineat of condition, fine south front lot, paving all paid. Immediate posaesalnn RASP HKOR. 213 Kdlne Rldg., AT. 0721 4376 WIRT ST. See till beautiful l-rooin. atrlctly modern stucco, brand new bungalow. South front oak finish and floora. Small down payment, balanc Ilk rent. Mr. Carae. DO. 7412, daya. MINNK LUSA LOTS. I have aom bargalna In lot In thla addition cur h or term. Call Tollver, Atlantic 0721. HASP BROS.. 212 Krelln Bldg. DO you know value? It' a beauty, a fine large Field club bungalow, facing boulevard. 17.250. Call Jackaon 311. 1. 'A Home Run," 6-room bunga.ow, east frontage, fine yard, near Clalrmont. 14.600. Call Mr. Mead, J A. SS0I J B ROBINSON, real eat t and Invest ment. 142 Peter Trust DO. 1097. North, Minne Lusa. A fine home of 7 rooma. 3 bedrooms; large living room; fireplace; built-in features. Sunroom with French doors. Garage. Must he sold; owners loss your gain. 17,500. Would consider trad tor Minna Lusa lot and soma cash. Sherman Avenue. Near Plnkney St. A dandy home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch. All oak finish and floors. Tile bath. Large liv ing room with beamed celling. Solid brick foundation. Full cemented cellar. Large attic Fine garage. $6,500. $1,000 cash. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 0117. $750. Six-room bungalow on one floor; ga rage; corner lot, beautiful hedga; paved; $5,600; if sold by Thursday will discount Stier Realty Company, 716 Peter Trust Bldg.. Douglaa 6545, Evening Harney 6701. FOR COLORED I have 60 houses for sale, amall payment down. K. M. Davla, 2S30 Grant St Webster 2420. FOR sale or rent five-room modern house. Call after 6 p. m. 5502 North zsin Ave. , As r w Crabs MILLER PARK 0 to $ 3 7 REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED, North. Snappy Buy, $5,500. Pretty Miller Park Bungalow. Juat Ilk nw, fiv roiajna, naW fleer Ihrvue-hmit living loom aad diiilug loom fiM.Ufd In ; beilriMMiia 4 bath '( whll aaml; dandy kltch-n; built. IK rablnet: linoleum oil floori full ewment haaenient. This bum I Jii A-l run.lt iiiid and rdy to rmi right In: ra lie bandied with II. aa ra.h; balanca Ilk rent; totaled at 111 4iu I'olnt Ave. Payne & Carnaby Co., Ill Omaha Nat I Bldf. J A, 1011. California Owner Wires For Immediate Sale. S BLOCKS WEST KOUNTZE PAitK. 1-ruoin atrlcily modern reaideni, con sisting of 4 moms nn th first floor, (nn.li.Mt in oak I I bedroom and btlh on th second fliHjr: full cement baa inenl and furnac heal; ilamlv l"l an paved atrei.1, all paid: arraeiied porch, imnir living In (alifnrnla Juit wired us to drup prlre from $7. on tu IH.OwO on term, of II. 0i' in all down, $6 per month. If nu really waul a borne don t lines this (ham. Von am lint fiWn tu purchase a home nf llila kind In this neighhiirlinod for II. too nt.ir than w are salting. Payne Investment Co. $17 Omaha Nat. Hank. Illdg. Doug. 1710. rlunday Call KminiMid 1327. SIX ROOMS TWO LOTH. 370 FOWLER AVENUE. A dandy home, having n lldnsr room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and aurt porch or aleeplng porch downatalra; two bedrooms and bath second floor; corner location; poultry liouae; ahade; fruit, and only two block from car and four from school; very terms. To night call Walnut 6711, II. 8. MAN V1LLE, Realtor. Atlantlo 240J 111 P-tera Truat Bldif. A HOME FOR 12.000. Three room and bafh, modern except heal; 20th and Burdelta t.; trma. Funderburk ft Brotherton, 101 Omaha N al'l Bank Bid g. Phon DO 6680. NEW bungalow, 42d and Larlmore; $4,500, on easy terme. J A. 1561 or AT. 1910, Looking For a HOUSE We have them for sale. All sizes, prices, terms. See us before you buy. Creigh, Sons & Co. Eatabliabad 1868 608 Bee Bldg. Ja. 0200. For Rent One suite of three offices on second floor containing 1,100 sq. ft Ground floor space suitable for offices or stores. Basement with outside light and entrance. BANKERS MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 318 South 18th St. Jackaon 1014 Lots T